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318 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 11, No.

5 / May 1986

Effect of frequency chirping on the performance of optical

communication systems
Govind P. Agrawal
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey

M. J. Potasek
AT&T Engineering Research Center, Princeton, New Jersey 08540

Received December 18, 1985; accepted February 10, 1986

The effect of frequency chirping on the performance of optical communication systems is analyzed theoretically
using a simple but realistic model for the chirped pulses emitted by a directly modulated semiconductor laser. The
effect of pulse-edge sharpness is investigated by considering the propagation of super-Gaussian chirped pulses in a
dispersive single-mode fiber. The results are presented using the parameter values appropriate for a 1.55-/im
optical communication system employing conventional silica fibers and are in qualitative agreement with the

reported experimental observations.

Current interest in high-bit-rate optical communica- If the power-dependent nonlinear effects are ig-
tion systems requires the propagation of short optical nored, the propagation of optical pulses in single-
pulses in optical fibers. As pulses get shorter with an mode fibers is governed by8
increase in the bit rate, chromatic dispersion in single-
mode fibers becomes increasingly more important and ( *A) - 1 0(2) a2A = 0, (1)
plays a detrimental role in limiting the performance of
light-wave transmission systems.1'2 For conventional where A is the complex amplitude of the pulse enve-
silica fibers, considerable dispersion (-15-20 psec lope, -y is the amplitude-absorption coefficient, and
nm- 1 km-') occurs in the vicinity of the 1.55-,Mmwave- = d2 ,3/dc2 accounts for the group-velocity disper-
length where the fiber loss is minimum. For such sion. For conventional silica fibers, p3(2) is negative
1.55-Mmcommunication systems, the modulation-in- near the loss-minimum wavelength of 1.55 um (anom-
duced frequency chirping becomes important since it alous dispersion). Owing to its linearity, Eq. (1) has
increases the pulse spectral width over its Fourier- the general solution
transform-limited value. Attempts have been made
to estimate theoretically the importance of the chirp
effects by considering pulse propagation in single-
mode dispersive fibers.3 - 6 However, the results are
A(z, ,) = e-z J A(0, w)exp[i( r + 2 (3(2)W2z)] dw,
often obtained using Gaussian pulses with a linear
frequency chirp. In practice, the optical pulses are far where
from being Gaussian and have much sharper leading
and trailing edges. Further, the time-resolved mea-
surements7 of the pulse spectrum have shown that the
A(0, co)= 2- J A(0, r) exp(-iwr)dr (3)

frequency chirping in directly modulated semiconduc- and A(0, r) is the initial pulse amplitude at the launch
tor lasers occurs mainly near the leading and trailing plane z = 0.
edges. As a consequence, the linear chirp model used The integrals appearing in Eqs. (2) and (3) can be
in previous work3 -6 may not be suitable to account for evaluated analytically for a Gaussian pulse with linear
the chirp effects. chirp. However, as mentioned earlier, such a form
In this Letter we consider the pulse propagation in does not model the experimental situation well. We
dispersive fibers using a more realistic model for the have found that most of the deficiencies of the Gauss-
temporal shape and the frequency chirp associated ian model can be overcome by adopting the super-
with the incident pulse. A generalization of the Gaussian model wherein the initial pulse amplitude is
Gaussian model (the super-Gaussian model) provides given by
pulses whose rise time is controllable. At the same
time, it leads to a description of frequency chirping
that is consistent with the experimental observations.7 A(0, r) = AOexp[- 1 (1 - ia) (r/)i2m]. (4)
Our results show that the dispersive effects depend
critically on the sharpness of leading and trailing Here AOis the peak amplitude, a is the half-width (at
edges. We discuss how the pulse shape is affected lie intensity point), and a is a chirp parameter. In the
during propagation and compare the results obtained case of directly modulated semiconductor lasers, a is
using Gaussian and super-Gaussian models. often referred to as the linewidth enhancement fac-

0146-9592/86/050318-03$2.00/0 1986, Optical Society of America

May 1986 / Vol. 11, No. 5 / OPTICS LETTERS 319

tor,9 and its estimated numerical value for 1.5 5-Am 1.25

InGaAsP lasers is about 5.

The parameter m in Eq. (4) is an adjustable parame-
ter of the super-Gaussian model. For m = 1 we recov- 0.75
er the case of linearly chirped Gaussian pulses.3 -6 For
higher values of m, the pulse-intensity profile becomes 0.5
increasingly square shaped with sharp leading and
trailing edges. If we define the rise time -r, as the 0.25

duration during which the intensity increases from 10

to 90%of its peak value, from Eq. (4) we obtain
TIME (psec)
Tr = (ln 9)a/2m i- u/m. (5) (a)
The parameter m can thus be chosen to correspond to
a predetermined value of the rise time. We choose m z(km)
= 3 for numerical illustrations, a choice consistent I
-100 - = 125 psec

with typical rise-time values. -0

50 a \
m 3

The phase profile in Eq. (4) can be used to deter- 0.75

mine the transient frequency chirp
rz 0.5

Av(,r) = -
1Av = =_
1 __ _=- _ ma_ /2m-1 =_ a d(nP),
2rar 27ra~~r ,7r dt 0.25

(6) 0
-400 -200 0 200 400

where P = IAl2
is the modulated optical power. The TIME (psec)

last equality shows that our model is consistent with (b)

the rate equations.5 For positive values of a, the chirp Fig. 1. Variation of pulse shape with the fiber length for
is positive (blue shift) near the leading edge and be- unchirped (a = 0) and chirped (a = 5) super-Gaussian
comes negative (red shift) near the trailing edge, as pulses. Note the formation of long tails in the case of
observed experimentally7 in directly modulated semi- chirped pulses.
conductor lasers. More importantly, for a super-
Gaussian pulse the chirping occurs mainly in the vicin-
ity of the leading and trailing edges (Ir I 1 a), a fea- maximum is not a useful measure of pulse broadening
ture consistent with the experimental observations.7 for such distorted pulses. We have therefore used the
Another important characteristic of the super-Gauss- root-mean-square (rms) width as a measure of pulse
ian model is that the frequency chirp Av increases with broadening.
a decrease in the pulse rise time. If we consider the Figure 2 shows the broadening factor (the final-to-
frequency shift Avm near lr-I = a, Eqs. (5)' and (6) give initial rms-width ratio) for super-Gaussian pulses (m
the remarkably simple expression = 3) as a function of the fiber length for'three values of
Avm = ma/(27ra) !a/(27r Tr). (7) the chirp parameter a. The dashed lines show for
comparison the results for a linearly chirped Gaussian
Based on these considerations, it appears that Eq. (4) pulse (m = 1). A super-Gaussian pulse broadens fast-
models the chirped pulses emitted by a directly modu- er than a Gaussian pulse with an increase in the fiber
lated semiconductor laser quite realistically with the length, and the situation becomes worse for chirped
exception of relaxation oscillations. Since the relax- pulses. The increase in broadening is due to sharper
ation oscillations are often heavily damped for buried- leading and trailing edges, which broaden the spec-
heterostructure-type semiconductor lasers, the use of trum of super-Gaussian pulses. For finite values of a,
Eq. (4) is reasonable for the analysis of the chirp ef- frequency chirping leads to an additional spectral
fects and is expected to provide the results more accu- broadening that further increases the pulse rms-width
rately than the previously used Gaussian model.3 -6 ratio with propagation.
We have used Eqs. (2)-(4) to study the propagation An important question from the system viewpoint is
of super-Gaussian chirped pulses in single-mode fibers how the details of pulse shape and frequency chirping
at 1.55 Am by using a typical value p(2) = -20.4 psec2 affect system performance. An important measure of
km-l that corresponds to a group-velocity dispersion the performance of a light-wave-transmission system
D = 16 psec nm-1 km-'. We chose the full width (at is the bit rate-distance (BD) product or the maximum
lie point) 2a-= 250 psec after assuming a bit rate of 4 fiber length that can be used at a given bit rate B.
Gbit sec-1. In contrast to a linearly chirped Gaussian Clearly this length depends on the system criterion
pulse,3 this pulse shape changes during propagation. pertinent to tolerable pulse broadening. As an illus-
Figure 1' compares the initial shape with those ob- tration, Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the maximum
tained after 50 and 100 km of propagation inside the fiber length (and the corresponding BD product) on
fiber for both unchirped (a = 0) and chirped (a = 5) the chirp parameter a after assuming that a pulse
pulses. In general, the pulse broadens with propaga- broadening of at most 20%can be tolerated. For com-
tion and develops tails. The broadening is worse for pleteness, negative values of a are also allowed for.
chirped pulses, as is evident from the long tails appear- Physically, they correspond to the case wherein Av
ing in Fig. 1(b). Note that the full'width at half- increases with r.
320 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 11, No. 5 / May 1986

BD product decreases with an increase in a and with a
2 125 psec decrease in the pulse rise time. For unchirped pulses
1.8 - SUPERGAUSSIAN (a = 0), Fig. 3 shows that the 4-Gbit sec-1 transmission
can be accomplished for fiber lengths as long as 200
1.6 km. This is in agreement with the recent 117-km
transmission experiments that made use of external
modulation to avoid frequency chirping. For directly
0~ ~~~~~~~~- modulated semiconductor lasers Fig, 3 predicts a fiber
length of only 18 km if we accept the value a = 5. This
conclusion is in apparent contradiction with a trans-
mission experiment' 3 in which a fiber length of 103 km
was used. To resolve the discrepancy, we note from
Eq. (7) that for parameter values used in Fig. 3, the
0 20 40 60 80
frequency chirp APvm 20 GHz. In Ref. 13, the semi-
conductor laser was biased considerably above thresh-
Fig. 2. Broadening of a 125-psechalf-width pulse with the old to reduce APm below 10 GHz. Since the pulse
fiber length for three values of the chirp parameter aeusing D intensity in the off state was about 1/3 of the peak
= 16 psec nm-1 km-'. Solid and dashed curves correspond value, the results presented here are not applicable.
to super-Gaussian (m = 3) and Gaussian (m = 1) pulse To conclude, we have used a simple but realistic
shapes. model for the chirped pulses emitted by a directly
modulated semiconductor laser. The model is used to
1000 investigate the performance of 1.55-Mimoptical com-
I munication systems by considering the pulse propaga-
tion in a linear dispersive medium. Particular atten-
103 Z
tion is paid to the effects of frequency chirping and of
0 edge sharpness (rise and fall times). For characteris-
3 100 0 tic chirp profiles commonly encountered in semicon-

rr i5 ductor lasers, the chirp plays a detrimental role when

the light-wave system is operated in the anomalous
dispersion regime. A rough estimate based on the
50 t
choice a = 5 is that the BD product would be limited to
-6 -4
l l
l Ll l
0 2 4 6
100 Gbit km sec'1 (see Fig. 3) if deeply modulated
CHIRP PARAMETER, a pulses (with negligible off-state intensity) are used.
The elimination of chirp using external modulation
Fig. 3. Variation of maximum fiber length (corresponding can improve this value by an order of magnitude.
to a 20% pulse-broadening level) with chirp parameter a.
The other parameter values are identical to those used in
Fig. 2. Solid and dashed curves compare the super-Gauss-
ian and Gaussian pulse shapes. The BD product is shown References
on the right-hand ordinate scale assuming a bit rate of 4 Gbit
sec'1 (a = 125 psec). 1. Y. Suematsu, Proc. IEEE 71, 692 (1983).
2. T. Li, IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. SAC-1, 356
We note from Fig. 3 that the system performance 3. D. Marcuse, Appl. Opt. 20, 3573 (1981).
depends critically on the numerical value and the sign 4. D. Anderson, M. Lisak, and P. Anderson, Opt. Lett. 10,
of the chirp parameter a. In particular, the BD prod- 134 (1985).
uct is larger for negative values of a since such a 5. F. Koyama and Y. Suematsu, IEEE J. Quantum Elec-
tron. QE-21, 292 (1985).
chirped pulse undergoes an initial contraction in the 6. K. Tajima and K. Washio, Opt. Lett. 10, 460 (1985).
anomalous dispersion regime. This qualitative fea- 7. R. A. Linke, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-21, 593
ture is well known from the theory of linearly chirped (1985); Electron. Lett. 20, 472 (1984).
Gaussian pulses3 - 6; under appropriate conditions, the 8. A. Hasegawa and Y. Kodama, Proc. IEEE 69, 1145
pulse contraction has been experimentally ob- (1981).
0 lasers, how-
served.' "1' For 1.55-Mm semiconductor 9. C. H. Henry, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-18, 259
ever, the chirp profile is generally such that the posi- (1982).
tive values of a are relevant.7 As is evident from Fig. 10. K. Iwashita, K. Nakagawa, Y. Nakano, and Y. Suzuki,
3, the frequency chirp then plays a detrimental role in Electron. Lett. 18, 873 (1982).
limiting the performance of such optical communica- 11. C. Lin and A. Tomita, Electron. Lett. 19, 837 (1983).
12. S. K. Korotky, G. Eisenstein, A. H. Gnauck, B. L.
tion systems. Note, however, that the situation would Kasper, J. J. Veselka, R. C. Alferness, L. L. Buhl, C. A.
reverse if the fiber-dispersion parameter 1(2) > 0 (nor- Burrus, T. C. D. Huo, L. W. Stultz, K. C. Nelson, L. G.
mal dispersion). Cohen, R. W. Dawson, and J. C. Campbell, J. Lightwave
It should be stressed that the results shown in Fig. 3 Techiol. LT-3, 1027 (1985).
were obtained using an ad hoc criterion on the rms 13. A. H. Gnauck, B. L. Kasper, R. A. Linke, R. W. Dawson,
pulse width and should be used with care when apply- T. L. Koch, T. J. Bridges, E. G. Burkhardt, R. T. Yen, D.
ing to actual transmission experiments. They are P. Wilt, J. C. Campbell, K. C. Nelson, and L. G. Cohen, J.
nonetheless indicative of the qualitative trend: the Lightwave Technol. LT-3, 1032 (1985).

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