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Jennifer Andreini

School: Adamsville Primary School

Grade: 2nd grade
Co-ops: Mrs. Kang & Mrs. Crosby
Subject: Math
Date: 10/11/16
Time: 11:45am
NJCC Standards: 2.NBT.6 Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place
value and properties of operations
Objectives: To expand their thinking on regrouping in the ones and tens into the thinking cap
Total time: 17 minutes

Index cards with letters A,C,D,E,F
Communicators- one worksheet says 432+4?6=888 and the other side is blank
Tens,ones,hundreds sheet inside the communicators
Sticky notes-on whiteboard A-F to create the word problem
Blank tens hundreds, ones on clipboard for creation problem of A-F
Communicator worksheet with 4?3+284= 7?7

Communicator ready for modeling
Whiteboard ready with the question 4?3+ 284=7?7 on it
Communicator worksheet with 4?3+284= 7?7
Whiteboard ready with sticky notes A-F on it
Blank tens hundreds, ones on clipboard for creation problem of A-F

Hook: 4 minute
Today we are going to take all of our knowledge that we have already learned and put
ourselves to the ultimate challenge.
What are some things we have learned in chapter two?
Turn and talk to your partner- have them share with everyone their thoughts with
the entire small group.
Now I am going to ask you all to think about why is this important?
Turn and talk to your partner- have them share with everyone their thoughts with
the entire small group.
Some responses that I could say if they are stuck:
If we want to buy an ipad and we need to know how much birthday
money and christmas money we need total the cost of the ipad
How many legos pieces we need to build the x-wing
Today we are going to become detectives I am going to give you guys a problem and
you are going to fill in the blanks.
Guided Practice: 2 minutes
Display the problem on the board using the communicator
Write down on your communicator what number must go there in order to make sense
solving the addition problem
Pull off the sticky note off of mine to reveal the answer they show me their communicator
and they are able to see if they got the correct answer or not
Model: 5 minutes
Display the next question- which is already on the whiteboard
4?3+284= 7?7
I start with the ones column that is already done
Then move onto the tens
There are two blank spaces- in order to figure this out I need to look at the
hundreds column.
If you notice there is only a 4 and a 2 so that must mean the tens column has
regrouped and there is a missing one at the top that is not shown.
When we go back and look at the tens column we know that is must be at least
10 because we need to regroup- but there is a blank space at the top and in the
So you can put whatever number you want that will make 10 or higher so
do that now.
Have them all show me on their communicator what number they choose to do and see if they
were able to put in the proper regrouping.

Guided Practice: 5 minutes

Give them the index cards- choices A,C,D,E,F the numbers will have a guideline of
restriction so that there will be regrouping in the tens place
A 0-4
B- I will do
C 0-4
D 0-4
E 0-9
F 0-4
Once I call them up to the board- they take off their sticky note and write their number on
the whiteboard
Call up A-C first- collect index cards
Call up D-F next- collect index cards
While they write down the problem on the clipboard, I will solve the problem so that there
is a specific number in the tens place. Also so that they need to regroup into the
hundreds place.
The students will solve the problem on their clipboards- I will write the number
underneath the sticky note
They will hold it close to their body and we will all reveal at the same time
Closing: 1 minute
What is one thing you need to think about while adding numbers together?
Give them 15 seconds to think and then share one at a time

Independent Practice/ Assessment Time:

Workbook pages pages 43 &44
Enrichment Page 9
Students will use kahoot to check their work

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