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Chapter 1 Part: First

Q. 1: MCQS
1. XVGA resolution is:
(a) 640 x 480 (b) 640 x 400 (c) 800 x 600 (d) 1024 x 768
2. A Kilo Byte is exactly:
(a) 1 Bytes (b) 100 Bytes (c) 256 Bytes (d) 1024
3. Which of the following is not a system software?
(a) Operating System (b) MS Word (c) Device Driver (d) Utility
4. ____ is not an output Device.
(a) Scanner (b) Printer (c) Monitor (d)
5. A bit can represent how many different values?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
6. A small image that represents a program, instruction or file etc is called:
(a) Menu (b) GUI (c) Command Language (d) Icon
7. One Kilo Byte is exactly:
(a) 1 Bytes (b) 100 Bytes (c) 256 Bytes (d) 1024
8. Ink-jet printer is an example of
(a) Laser Printer (b) Impact Printer (c) Com Printer (d) Non-Impact Printer
9. ______________ is a storage device.
(a) CPU (b) Clock (c) Floppy Disc (d) Bus
10. A device used for optical character recognition is a:
(a) Wan Treader (b) Curser (c) Pen (d) MICR Reader

Q. 2: Short question
1. What is application software?
2. What is bar code reader?
3. Define OCR.
4. Differentiate between hardware and software.
5. What is E-commerce.
Q. 3: What is non-impact printer. Discuss different types of non-impact printer.

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