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3-5 minutes oral presentation


1. THESIS: Although Ivanhoe by Walter Scott was not my favorite historical fiction, I did learn three
important things as I read this novel. This story taught me about the Medieval Ages, Cedric the Saxon, and

2. THESIS: As I read A Child Called It, an autobiography, by David Pelzer, I realized that David, the main
character, and I have a lot in common. We both have been abused, and we both been hurt by words and

3. THESIS: After I read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, I recommended the book to
my friends. This book is great because Huckleberry and his friend Tom get into a lot of trouble without trying
and they go on fun adventures.

I. Introduction
A. Attention getter
B. Thesis statement
C. Plan

II. Body
A. The friends get into trouble.
B. Plot: Adventures
C. Theme

III. Conclusion

4. THESIS: Until I read past page 105, I thought that A Time to Kill, a mystery novel, by John Grisham was
very boring. However, the book turned out to be wonderful because of the intriguing plot, the hostility, and
the characters.

5. THESIS: If you are looking for a great novel to read for class, I recommend No Time to Say Goodbye by
Carla Fine. Im sure youll love this story because of its theme, plot, and main characters.

6. When Cedric the Saxon saw his son drop down senseless in the lists at Ashby, his first impulse
was to order him into the custody and care of his own attendants, but the words choked in his
throat. (193) I dont usually like historical fiction books, but Ivanhoe by Walter Scott was an
exception. This book kept my interest because of my interest in the Medieval Ages, the main
character, and the history of the time.

I. Introduction
A. Hook-quotation from page 193
B. Thesis/plan

II. Body
A. Medieval Ages
B. Main characters
C. History of the period
III. Conclusion
A. Summarize
B. Recap
C. Call for action

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