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The 16th March, 1995

No. 14/1/13-IH(3)-94/5448.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article

309 of the Constitution of India, read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh
hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group B posts in the
Government Polytechnic for Women, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Government
Polytechnic for Women, Chandigarh (Group-B posts) Recruitment Rules, 1995.

(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in Column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number of posts, classification and scales of pay.The number of said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in Columns 2, to 4 of said

4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The methods of recruitment to

the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be aspecified
in Columns 5 to 14 of the said Schedule.

5. Disqualification. No person

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse
living; or

(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any
person, shall be eligible for the appointment to the said post ;

Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, may if satisfied that such marriage
is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party to the marriage and
there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Power to relax. Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expendient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
and in consultation with the Unon Public Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of these
rules in respect any class or category of persons.

7. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age limit and
other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribe, Ex-
servicemen and other Special Categories of persons in accordance witht the orders issued by the
Central Government from time to time in this regard.

Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.


Name of the Post Number of Posts Classification Scale of pay Whether Age limit Whether
(Rs.) Selection for direct benefit of
or Non- Recruits added yrs.
Selection of service
Post admissible

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LECTURER ETC. 24 (1994) GCS 220070 N.A. Note exceeding Yes
Lecturer/ (subject to Group-B 255075 30 yrs.
Workshop Supdt. variation Gazetted 3000100 (Relaxable for
dependent on Non- 4000 Govt. servants up
workload) Ministerial to 5 yrs. in
1. Electronics accordance with
& Comm. the instructions or
Engg. 4 orders issued by
2. Interior the Central Govt.)
Decoration 2
Note : The crucial
3. Architecture 2 date for
determining the
4. Civil Engg. 1 age limit shall be
5. Fine Art 2 the closing date for
receipt of
6. Commercial applications from
Art 1 candidates in India
(and not the
7. Pharmacy 2
closing date
8. Botany/ prescribed for
Zollogy 1 those in Assam,
9. Lib. Science 2
10. Commerce 1 Pradesh, Mizoram,
Manipur, Nagaland,
11. Sect. Tripura, Sikkam,
Practice 1 Ladakh Division of
12. Maths 1 J&K State, Lahul &
Spiti Distt. & Pangi
13. Physics 1 Sub-Division of
Chamba Distt. of
14. Chemistry 1
Himachal Pradesh,
15. English 1 Andaman &
Nicobar Island or
16. W/Shop (Lakshdweep).
Supdt. 1


Educational and Whether Period of Method of Recruitment In case of If a Departmental Circumsta-
other age and EQ probation, Whether by direct recruitment Promotion nces in
Qualifications prescribed if any recruitment or by by Committee what which
required for direct for direct promotion or by promotion/ is its composition U.P.S.C.
recruits recruits will deputation/transfer and deputation/ is to be
apply in the percentage of the transfer, consulted
case of vacancies to be filled by grades in making
promotees various methods from which recruitment
transfer to
be made
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Essential : N.A. One Direct recruitment N.A. GROUP-B-DPC Consultation
year (For considering with
Degree in the Note : confirmation) U.P.S.C.
Concerned necessary
subject of Engi- The regular incumbents of 1. Home Secy.
neering/Technol- the posts of Lecturers in Chandigarh
ogy from a the scale of pay of Admn.Chairman
recognised Rs. 21303700 with two 2. Jt. Secy.
University of yrs. regular service in the Finanace
equivalent. grade and Jr. Lecturer/ Chandigarh
Demonstrator/Drg. Admn.Member
OR Instructor/Studio Asstt.
inthe scale of pay of 3. Director Tech.
Masters degree in Rs. 16502925 with 7 Edu. U.T.,
the concerned yrs. regular service in the Chandigarh
subject from a grade possessing a Member
recognised degree in Engg./ 4. Principal, Govt.
University or Technology in the Poly. for Women,
equivalent (for concerned subject of Chandigarh
Science/Humani- Engg./Masters degree in Member
ties/Commerce the concerned subject of
Management Note : The pro-
Science/Humanities/ ceedings of the
Note : The Commerce/Management D.P.C. relating to
concerned will be asserssed by the confirmation of a
subjects will be Commission for direct recruit shall
indicated at the appointment to the post be sent to the
time of recruitment of Lecturer in the scale of Commission for
Rs. 22004000 (Group- approval. If how-
Note : 1. Qualifica- B Gazetted). If assessed ever, these are not
tions are relaxable suitable, they shall be approved by the
at the discretion of deemed to have been Commission a
the U.P.S.C. in appointed to the post at fresh meeting of
case of candi- the initial constitution. If D.P.C. to be
dates other-wise assessed not suitable presided over by
well qualified. His/Her case will be the Chairman or a
reviewed every year. member of trhe
U.P.S.C. shall be
Under Secretary (Establishment),
for Home Secretary, Chandigarh Administration.

The 23rd February, 1996
No. DPI-UT-SI-11(14) 89.The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to, adopt
the rules called The Punjab Education, Service (School and Inspection) (Class II) Rules, 1976 as
applicable in the state of Punjab to the Union Territory, Chandigarh subject to the following modifica-
tions, namely :
1. In sub-rule (1) of Rule 1 for the ward Punjab the word Chandigarh shall be substituted.
2. Sub-rule (2) of Rule 1, shall be comitted.
3. In rule 2
(i) For clause (a) the following shall be substituted namely :
(a) Commission means the Union Public Service Commission.
(ii) For clause (c) the folloiwng shall be substituted namely :
(c) Government means the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, appointed un-
der Article 239 of the Constitution.
(iii) In clause (e), for the word Punjab the word Chandigarh shall be substitued.
4. Sub-rule (2) of Rule 9 shall be deleted.
5. In sub-rule (1) of rule 10
(i) For the word Punjab wherever occurring the word Chandigarh shall be substituted ;
(ii) For all the posts mentioned therein, the following shall be substituted :
District Education Officer, Deputy District Education Officer, Assistant Director, Princi-
pals of Government Senior Secondary Schools, Government Model Senior Second-
ary Schools, Senior Lecturer and Co-ordinator ;
(iii) The clause (ii) shall be substituted with the following :
(ii) 25 per cent ofthe posts shall be filled by direct recruitment/deputation.
(iv) Sub-rule (2) of rule 10 shall be deleted.
6. For rule 13, the following shall b substituted, nalmely :
13. Leave, pension and other matters.In respect of pay, leave, pension and all other
matters, not expressly provided in these rules, the members of the service shall be
governed by such rules and regulations as may have been or may hereafter be adopted
or made by the competent authority.
7. For rule 18, the following shall be substituted, namely :
18. A member of the service shall be liable to serve at any place within the Union Territory,
8. After Rule 19, the following new Rule shall be added namely :
Rule 20-Interpretation.If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the
Government shall decide the same.
9. Rule 20 shall be renumbered as rule 21.


Chandigarh, Education Secretary,

dated the 23rd February, 1996. Chandigarh Administration.




The 21st May, 1976

No. G.S.R. 59/Const./Art/309/76.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to

Article 309 of the Constitution of India, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf and in
consultation with Government of India, where such a consultation is necessary in terms of section 115
of States Re-organisation Act, 1956, and section 82 of the Punjab Re-organisation Act, 1966, the
Governor of Punjab is pleased to make the following rules regulating the recruitment and conditions
of service of persons appointed to the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) (Class-
II), namely :


1. Short title commencement and application.(1) These rules may be called the
Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) (Class-II) Rules, 1976.

(2) These rules shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the first day of
April, 1975.

(3) They shall apply to all persons holding posts specified in Appendix A to these rules.

2. Definitions.In These rules, unless the context otherwise requires :

(a) Commission means the Punjab Public Services Commission ;

(b) direct recruitment means an appointment made otherwise that by promotion ;

(c) Government mans the Punjab Government in the Education Department ;

(d) recognised University means

(i) any University incorporated by Law in India ;

(ii) the Punjab, Sind or Dacca University the case of degree, diploma or certificate ob-
tained as a results of examination held by these Universities before the 15th August,
1947 ; or

(iii) any other University which is declared by the Government to be recognised Univer-
sity for the purposes of these rules.

(e) Service means the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) (Class-II).

Part-IIConditions of Recruitment

3. Number and character of posts.The Service shall comprise the posts shown in
Appendix A to these rules ; and charactor of posts :

Provided that nothing in these rules shall effect the inherent right of the Government to
make addition to or Section in any of the cadres of the service or create new posts with different
designations and scales of pay, whether permanently or temporarily.

4. Pay.Members of the service shall be entitled to such scales of pay including special pay,
if any, as may be authorised by Government from time to time. The scales of pay at present in force
in respect of specified posts are given in Appendix A to these rules.

5. Appointing authority. All appointments to the Service shall be made by the Government.

6. Nationality, domicile and character of candidates appointed to Service. (1) No

person shall be appointed to the service, he is

(a) a citizen of India, or

(b) a subject of Nepal, or

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or

(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962, with the
intention of permanently settling in India ; or

(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East
African countries of Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly
Tanzania and Zanzibar) with the intention of permanently settling in India :

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in
whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India and if he belongs
to category (e) the certificate of eligibility shall be valid only for a peirod of one year after which such
a candidate will be retained in service subject to his having acquired Indian citizenship.

(2) A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to an

examination or interview conducted by the Commission or any other recruiting authority on his
furnishing proof that he has applied for the certificate and he may also provisionally be appointed
subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the Government of India.

(3) No person shall be appointed by direct recruitment to a post in Service unless he

produces a certificate of character from the Principal academic officer of the university, college, shall
or institution last attended, if any, and similar certificates from two responsible persons, not being his
relatives who are self acquainted with him in his private life and are unconnected with his university,
college, school or Institution :

Provided that such a certificate will not be required in respect of a person already in the
service of the Government of India or the Government of any State or Union Territory.

7. Disqualification.No person

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living ;

(b) who, having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person;

shall be eligible for appointment to the Service :

Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other
grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

8. Age.No person, who is more than forty-five years of age, shall be appointed to the
service by direct recruitment :

Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes and other backward
classes, the upper age limit shall be such as may be fixed by Government from time to time.

9. Qualifications.(1) No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service by direct

recruitment unless he possesses the educational qualifications, professional training and other
qualifications specified in Appendix B for such post.

(2) A person appointed to a post in the Service by direct recruitment shall posses knowledge
of Punjabi of Matriculation or its equivalent standard failing which he shall have to acquire the
requisite knowledge within a period of six months of his appointment after which he shall be required
to pass a test of the aforesaid standard as may be specified by the Government, otherwise his
services shall be liable to termination.

10. Method of recruitment.(1) In the case of Evaluation Officer, Senior Assistant

Counsellor, Deputy Circle Education Officers (Home Science) and (Teachers Training), Deputy District
Education Officer, Principals of Government High Schools, Model Schools, Circle Social Education
Officers, District Science Supervisors, Assistant Survey Officers, District Education Survey Officers,
Senior Lecturers and Co-ordinators in Government Service Training Centres in the time scale of
Rs. 40030640/40800 of the Service ;

(i) 75 per cent of the posts shall be filled by promotion amongst the persons already in
service the Punjab Education Service (Class-III) (School and Inspection State Cadre)
at Punjab Educational Service (Provincialised Cadre) (Class-III) in such ratio as may
be determined by Government from time to time ;

(ii) 2 per cent of the posts shall be filled by direct recruitment.

(2) The posts of Deputy Circle Education Officers, District Education Officers, Assistant
Directors, Principals of Government Higher Secondary Schools or Model Schools, State Survey
Officers Subject Matter Specialists and Agrcultural Consultant shall be filled in the selection grade of
Rs. 70040980/401,100 from amongst the members of the Service.

(3) All appointments to the posts by promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-
Merit and no member of the Service shall have any right for promotion merely on the basis of


Conditions of Service

11. Probation of members of Service.(1) Persons appointed to a post in the Service

shall remain on probation for a period of two years, if appointed by direct recruitment and one year
if appointed by promotion :

Provided that

(i) the period of probation of a person appointed to the Service shall start from the date
of his joining the appointment ;

(ii) any period, after appointment to the Service, spent on deputation on a corresponding
or a higher post shall count towards the period of probation fixed under this rule ;

(iii) any period of officiating appointment to a post in the service shall be reckoned as a
period spent on probation, but no person who has so officiated shall, on completion
of the prescribed period of probation, be entitled to be confirmed, unless he is appointed
against a permanent vacancy.

(2) If, in the opinion of appointing authority, the work or conduct of a person during the
period of probation is not satisfactory, it may

(a) If such perosn is appointed by direct recruitment, dispose with his services, and if such
person is recruited otherwise

(i) revert him to his former post, or

(ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous ap-
pointment permit.

(3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person, the appointing authority may

(a) if the work and conduct of a person have, in its opinion been satisfactory

(i) confirm such person from the date of his appointment, if appointed against perma-
nent vacancy ;

(ii) confirm such person from the date from which a permanent vacancy occur, if ap-
pointed against a temporary vacancy ; or

(iii) declare that he has completed his probation satisfactorily, if there is no permanent
vacancy ; or

(b) if his work or conduct has not been, in its opinion, satisfactory

(i) dispense with his services, if appointed by direct recruitment, or if appointed other-
wise revert him to his former post, or deal with him in such other manner as the terms
and conditions of his previous appointment permit ; or

(ii) extend his period of probation and thereafter pass such orders as it could have
passed on the expiry of the first period of probation :

Provided that the period of extension shall not exceed one year in any case.

12. Seniority of members of Service.(1) The inter se seniority of the members of the
Service in each Seniority of cadre shall be determined by the continuous length of service on a post
in that cadre which shall be counted from the date of appointment as specified in the appointment
or promotion order, as the case may be, or if no such date is specified in the said order, from the
date of the order :

Provided that in the case of members appointed by direct recruitment, the order of merit
determined by the Commission or the recruiting authority shall not be disturbed in fixing the seniority,
and persons appointed as a result of an earlier selection shall be senior to those appointed as a
result of subsequent selection :

Provided further that in the case of two or more members having the same date of appointment,
the senioroity shall be determined as follows :

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment shall be senior to a member appointed by

promotion ;

(b) in the case of members appointed by promotion, seniority shall be determined according
to the seniority of such members in the cadre from which they were promoted;

(c) In the case of members appointed by promotion from different cadres referred to in
rule 10(1)(a)(i) their seniority shall be determined according to pay, preference being
given to a member who was drawing a higher rate of pay in his previous appointment,
and if the rates of pay drawn are also the same, then by their length of service in
these appointments.

(2) On amalgamation of the men and women branches, the seniority of the members of the
service holding the same class of posts and in the same or identical grades of pay shall be determined
by the length of their continuous appointment in the post :

Provided that their inter se seniority in their respective branches shall not be changed :

Provided further that in case two or more members have the same actual or notional date
of confirmation, as the case may be, the older member shall be senior to a younger member and if
their age is also the same, the member drawing higher rate of pay shall be senior to others.

13. Leave, Pension or other matters.In respect of pay, leave, pension and other cognate
matters, not expressly provided for in these rules, the members of the Service shall be governed by
the Punjab Civil Services Rules or such other rules and regulation as may have been or may
hereafter be adopted or framed by the competent authority under Article 309 of the Constitution of
India or under any law for the time being in force made by the State Legislature or the rules made

14. Discipline, penalties and appeals.In matters relating to discipline, penalties and
appeals, members of the Service shall be governed by the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and
Appeal), Rules, 1970, as ammended from time to time :

Provided that the authority competent to impose penalties shall be the Government.

15. Liability for vaccination or revaccination.Every member of the Service shall get
himself vaccinated or re-vaccinated when Government so directs by a special or general order.

16. Oath of allegiance.Every member of the Service, unless he has already done so,
shall take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established.

17. Liability to transfer.Every member of the Service shall be liable to transfer under the
orders of Government of any post whether included in any other Service or not on the same terms,
and condiitons as are specified in rule 3.17 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part-I.

18. Liability to serve.A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at any place
whether within or cutside the State of Punjab on being ordered as to do by the Government.

19. Power to relax.Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or

expendient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions
of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.

20. Repeal and Saving.The Punjab Educational Service (Class-II) Rules, 1934, in so far
as they relate to the posts included in the service are hereby repealed :

Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed, shall be deemed
to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.


Rule 1(3)


Name of the post Pay Scale No. of posts

1. District Education Officer .. Rs. 2,4004,000 01

2. Assistant Director, Deputy District Education

Officer, Principals of Government Senior
Secondary Schools, Principals of Government
Model High Schools, Senior Lecturers,
Co-ordinator in Government Inservice
Training Centres .. Rs. 2,4004,000 33


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.


Rule 9



1. AcademicM.A./M.Sc./M. Com. IInd Division.

2. ProfessionalB.T./B.Ed. or Equivalent qualifications.

3. ExperienceSeven years teaching or Inspection experience out of which atleast 3 years

adminmistrative experience should be in the capacity of head of a High/HIgher Secondary School
or any other equivalent post or ten years Experience as Lecturer in a Senior Secondary School
or in an equivalent Institution.


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 1st August, 1980
No. G.S.R. 66/Const./Art. 309/Amd./80.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso
to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the
Governor is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Punjab Educational Service
(School and Inspection) (Class-II) Rules, 1976, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection)
(Class II) (First Amendment) Rules, 1980.
2. In the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspeciton) (Class II) Rules, 1976, in rule
10 :
(i) in sub-rule, in clause (i), for the words, brackets and figures amongst the persons
already serving in the Punjab Educational Service (Class III) (School and Inspection
State Cadre) and the Punjab Educational Service (Provincialised Cadre) (Class III) the
words, brackets and figures from amongst the persons already serving in the Punjab
State Education Class III (School Cadre) Service and the Punjab Educational Service
(Provincialised Cadre) (Class III), having at least ten years experience as Headmaster,
Headmistress or Lecturer in their respective cadres, shall be substituted ; and
(ii) in sub-rule (2), the following words shall be added at the end, namely :
having at least five years experience as such.

The 14th November, 1980
No. G.S.R. 98/Const./Art. 309/Amd.(2)/80.In exercise of the powers conferred by the
proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf,
the Governor Punjab is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Punjab Educational
Service (School and Inspection) (Class-II) Rules, 1976, namely :
1. Deleted.
2. Deleted.
3. In the said rules, in rule 11, in sub-rule (2), for clause (a), the following clauses shall be
substituted, namely :
(a) if such person is appointed by direct recrutment, dispense with his services and ;
(b) if such person is recruited otherwise
(i) revert him to his former post ; or
(ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous
appointment permit.
4. Deleted.


The 9th July, 1981
No. 1/200/795 Edu. IV/7793.In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 19 of the
Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection Cadre) (Class II) Rules, 1976, the Governor of
Punjab is pleased to make the following relaxation in the case of those persons who are already in
the service of the Punjab Education Department :
(i) The upper age limit of 45 years prescribed under rule 8 of the Rule ibid, be relaxed
to the exstent of 52 years of age ;
(ii) Experience as prescribed in Appendix B appended to the rules ibid, be relaxed to the
extent that ;
Seven years teaching or inspection experience out of which atleast 3 years
administrative experience shoud be in the capacity of head of a High/Higher Secondary
School or any other equivalent post.
2. These relaxations are being made with a view to provide more chances to the departmental
persons and to get best out of their experience in the Department.

The 10th January, 1983
No. G.S.R. 18/Const./Art. 309/Amd.(3)/83.In exercise of the powers conferred by the
proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf,
the Governor Punjab is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Punjab Educational
Service (School and Inspection Cadre) (Class-II) Rules, 1976, namely :
1. Deleted.
2. Deleted.
3. In the said rules, in rule 11, in sub-rule (2), for clause (a), in clauses (b), for the words
on the expiry of the first period of probation, the words, brackets and figure, on the expiry of the
period of probation specified in sub-rule (1), shall be substituted.

The 17th August, 1989
No. G.S.R. 68/Const./Art. 309/Amd.(4)/89.In exercise of the powers conferred by the
proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf,
the President of India is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Punjab Educational

Service (School and Inspection) (Class-II) Rules, 1976, namely :

1. These rules may be called the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) (Class
II) First Amendment Rules, 1989.
2. In the Punjab Educationial Service (School and Inspection) (Class II) Rules, 1976 in
Appendix B, the following words shall be added at the end of item 3, after the Equivalent Post
Namely :
or ten years experience as Lecturer in Secondary or Senior Secondary School or in
an equivalent Educajtional Institution.




The 22nd December, 1997

No. DPI-UT-G1-12 (110)76.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309
of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
CSR No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 and Union Public Service Commission letter No. F. 3/
31(1)91-RR, dated 11th September, 1997, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby
makes the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Government Arts and Science Colleges Rules, 1990 namely :

1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Government Arts and Science College (First Amendment) Rules, 1997.

(ii) They shall come into force at once.

2. in the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Government Arts and

Science college Rules, 1990 in the Schedule appended thereto.

(a) For column 8 titled as Educational and other qualifications required for direct
recruits. the following shall be substituted, namely :

(i) Masters degree in the concerned subject with the grade/percentage of marks as
prescribed in the U.G.C. guidelines from a recognised University or equivalent.

(ii) Should have cleared the eligibility test for Lecturership/Junior Research Fellowship
conducted by the U.G.C./G.S.I.R. or similar test accredited by the U.G.C.

Note : The following are exempted from the requirement of EQ(ii) :

(a) The candidates who have passed N.E.T. examination conducted by the U.G.C./
C.S.I.R. for Junior Research Fellowship Award.

(b) The candidates who have been awarded Ph.D/who have submitted Ph. D. thesis
or passed the M.Phil examination by the date as specified in the latest Notification
of the U.G.C. in this regard.

(b) in column 10 captioned Period of probation if any. for the words Two years the words
One Year shall be substituted.


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 24th December, 1997
No. 3131-DPI-UT-S4-11(4)-97.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article
309 of the Constitution read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification G.S.R.
No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased
to make ammendment in the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre) (Group-C) Recruitment
Rules, 1991, namely :
(1) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (School Cadre)
(Group-C) Recruitment (1st Amendment) Rules, 1997.
(2) These shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the
Chandigarh Administration Gazette.
(3) In the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre) (Group-C) Recruitment Rules,
1991, in the schedule in column Nos. 6-A and 7 against the posts of J.B.T. and
Nursery Teacher, appearing at Sr. Nos. 7 and 8 thereof, for the existing entries,
the following shall be substituted, namely :
(i) Column No. 6-A
18-27 years (relaxable for Govenment Servant up to 5 years in accordance with
the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government).
(ii) Column No. 7
J.B.T. Certificate Course recognised by the Chandigarh Administration for the
post of J.B.T. teachers/ETT teacher ;
Nursery Teachers Training Course recognised by the Chandigarh Administration
for the post of Nursery Teacher ; respectively.

The 3rd November, 1997. ANURADHA GUPTA,

Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.




The 19h May, 1998

No. DPI-UT-S1-11(88)-90-II.In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 309 of the

Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification G.S.R.
No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to further
amend the Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection) (Class II) Rules, 1976 as
adopted,vide Chandigarh Adminstration, Education Departments Notification bearing No. DPI-UT-
S1-11-(149)89, dated 23rd February, 1996, namely :

(1) These rules may be called the Punjab Education Service (School and Inspection)
(Class-III) (Chandigarh Amendment) Rules, 1998.

(2) These rules shall come into force from the date of their publication in the
extraordinary official gazette.

(3) In Rule 8 relating to Age, for the existing provisions the following shall be substituted
namely :

No person, who is more than forty five years of age (Relaxable for Government
servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the
Central Government), shall be appointed to the service by direct recruitment ;

Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and other
Backward Classes, the upper age limit shall be such as may be fixed by Government
from time to time.


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

No. IH(7)-98/24633
Chandigarh Administration
Department of Personnel

The 7th December, 1998


All Administrative Secretaries,

and Heads of Departments/Offices
in Chandigarh Administration.

Subject : Model Recruitment Rules.


I am directed to address you on the above subject and to forward herewith a copy of the
Model Recruitment Rules for the following post(s) in the subordinate offices of Chandigarh
Administraiton, in place of the Model Recuirtments Rules for the same post(s) forwarded,vide this
Departments No. IH(7)-98/6554, dated 7th April, 1998 :

1. Senior Scale Stenographer

2. Senior Assistant

3. Junior Scale Stenographer

4. Steno-typist

and a copy of the Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Junior Assistant which has been
created an independent cadre in the revised pay scales with effect from 1st January, 1996.

2. You are, therefore, requested to adopt these model recruitment rules for framing own
recruitment rules for the said category of post(s), on priority basis.

Yours faithfully,

Superintendent Personnel.


Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

1. Name of post. Senior Scale Stenographer

2. No. of posts Subject to variation dependent on the work load
3. Classification of post General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Ministerial
4. Scale of pay 5800200700022081002759200
5. Whether selection post or Selection
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of the C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 30 years (Relaxable for the departmental
candidates up to 35 years for appointment by direct recruitment
and up to 5 years for other Goverernment servants in
accordance with the instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other (i) Bachelors Degree from a recognised University or its
qualifications required for equivalent.
direct recruitment (ii) 5 years experience in Stenography line in a reputed
concern or Public sector/Private sector or in the
Government department.
(iii) Speed of 120 words per minutes in Stenography (English)
and speed of 30 words per minute in transcripting the
9. Whether age and educa- Not applicable
tional qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promoties
10. Period of probation, if any Two years for direct recruits and one year for promotee
11. Method of recuirtment By promotion failing which by transfer and failing which by
whether by direct recruit- direct recruitment
ment or by promotion or
by deputation/transfer
and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion
promotion/deputation/ From amongst the Junior Scale Stenographers in the pay
transfer, grades from scale of Rs. 44007000/50008100, with 5 years regular
which promotion/deputa- service as such in the cadre
tion/transfer is to be made

Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

and possessing speed of 120 words per minute in Stenography

(English) and 30 words per minute in transcripting the same. If
no post of Junior scale Stenographer exists in the department,
from amongst the Steno-typists having ten eyars regular service
as such

a cadre and possessing speed of 120 words in per minute in

Stenography (English) and 30 words per minute in transcripting
the same.

By transfer

from amongst the Junior Scale Stenographers and Steno-typists

working in other departments of the Chandigarh Administration
possessing the qualifications and experience perscribed for direct
recruits under Col. 8.

13. If a Departmental Promo- Group C DPC for promotion (Specific composition to be

tion Committee exists indicated)
what is its composition

14. Circumstances in which Not applicable

UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment


Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

1. Name of post. Senior Assistant

2. No. of posts Subject to variation dependent upon the work load
3. Classification of post General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Ministerial
4. Scale of pay 5800200700022081002759200
5. Whether selection post or Non-Selection
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of the C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Not applicable
8. Educational and other Not applicable
qualification required for
direct recruitment
9. Whether age and educa- Not applicable
tional qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any Two years
11. Method of recuirtment By promotion failing which by transfer deputation/transfer
whether by direct recruit-
ment or by promotion or
by deputation/transfer
and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion
promotion/deputation/ From amongst the Junior Assistants and Junior scale
transfer, grades from Stenographers having five years regular service as such in
which promotion/deputa- the cadre
tion/transfer is to be made
By transfer
From the officials of the Central Government State Government/
Union Territories Administrations holding analogous posts on
regular basis and carrying the same or identical pay scale.
(The period of deputation including the period of deputation in
another ex-cadre post held immediately preceeding this
department in the same or some other organisation/department
shall not ordinarily exceed three years)
13. If a Departmental Promo- Group C DPC for promotion (Specific composition to be
tion Committee exists indicated)
what is its composition
14. Circumstances in which Not applicable
UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment


Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

1. Name of post. Junior Scale Stenographer

2. No. of posts Subject to variation dependent on the work load
3. Classification of post General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Ministerial
4. Scale of pay 44001505000160580020062002007000
5. Whether selection post or Selection
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of the C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the departmental
candidates up to 35 years for appointment by direct recruitment
and for other Government servants up to 5 years in accordance
with the instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other Matriculation II Division or 10+2 or its equivalent with speed
qualification required for of 100 words per minute in Stenography (English) and
direct recruitment speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same
9. Whether age and educa- Not applicable
tional qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any Two years for direct recruits and one year for promotee
11. Method of recuirtment By promotion failing which by direct recruitment
whether by direct recruit-
ment or by promotion or
by deputation/transfer
and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion
promotion/deputation/ From amongst the Steno-typists in the pay scale of
transfer, grades from Rs. 33306200/40206200, with 5 years regular
which promotion/deputa- service as such in the cadre
tion/transfer is to be made
and possessing speed of 100 words per minute in Stenography
(English) and 20 words per minute in transcripting the same.
13. If a Departmental Promo- Group C DPC for promotion and confirmation, in accordance
tion Committee exists with the guidelines on the DPC. (Specific composition to be
what is its composition indicated)

14. Circumstances in which Not applicable

UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment


Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

1. Name of post. Steno-typist

2. No. of posts Subject to variation dependent on the work load
3. Classification of post General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Ministerial

4. Scale of pay Rs. 3330110366012042601404400150

5. Whether selection post or Selection
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of the C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the departmental
candidates up to 35 years for appointment up to 5 years for
other Government servants in accordance with the instructions
of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other Matriculation II Division or 10+2 or its equivalent with speed
qualification required for of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and spped
direct recruitment of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same

9. Whether age and educa- Not applicable

tional qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promoties
10. Period of probation, if any Two years
11. Method of recuirtment Direct recruitment
whether by direct recruit-
ment or by promotion or
by deputation/transfer
and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by Not applicable
transfer, grades from
which promotion/deputa-
tion/transfer is to be made
13. If a Departmental Promo- Group C DPC for confirmation as per guidelines of the DPC
tion Committee exists (Specific composition to be indicated)
what is its composition
14. Circumstances in which Not applicable
UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment


Recruitment Rules for In Ministry/Deptt. of

1. Name of post. Junior Assistant

2. No. of posts (1998) Subject to variation dependent on the work load

3. Classification of post General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Ministerial

4. Scale of pay Rs. 44001505000160580020062002007000

5. Whether selection post or N.A.

non-selection post

6. Whether benefit of added N.A.

years of service admissible
under rule 30 of the C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972

7. Age for direct recruitment N.A.

8. Educational and other N.A.

qualification required for
direct recruitment

9. Whether age and educa- N.A.

tional qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promoties

10. Period of probation, if any One year

11. Method of recuirtment by promotion

whether by direct recruit-
ment or by promotion or
by deputation/transfer
and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods

12. In case of recruitment by By promotion

promotion/deputation/ from amongst the Clerks in the pay scale of Rs. 31205160
transfer, grades from who are having five years regular service as such in the
which promotion/deputa- cadre
tion/transfer is to be made

13. If a Departmental Promo- DPC for promotion

tion Committee exists (Specific composition is to be indicated)
what is its composition

14. Circumstances in which Not applicable

UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment

[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz., dated the 1st September, 1999]




The 24th August, 1999

No. DPI-UT-C3-12(82)84-11.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of
the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs notification bearing
No. S. O. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules further to amend the Punjab Subordinate Educational Service Rules, 1937,
namely :

(1) These rules may be called the Punjab Subordinate Educational Service (Amendment)
Rules, 1999.

(2) These shall come in to force with immediate effect.

(3) In the Punjab Subordinate Educational Service Rules, 1937 (hereinafter called the said
rules), in Appendix C for the words Library Assistant entries relating thereto appearing in
column Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 the following shall be substituted, namely :

Col. No.2 Col. No. 3 Col. No. 4 Col. No. 5

------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------

Library Restorer 39 9501,800 3,3306,200

(4) In the said rules, in Appendix D between the words Librarian and Senior Lecture
Assistant, the following shall be inserted, namely :

Library Restorer Matric with Certificate course and one years



Matric with Diploma in Library Science.


Matric with 2 years Apprentice Training in Library



Chandigarh : Education Secretary,

The 19th August, 1999. Chandigarh Administration.

[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz., dated the 1st September, 1999]

The 7th September, 1999
No. 3350-IH(3)-99/17240.In the supersession of the Industrial Training Institute, Chandigarh
(Class-III Posts) Recruitment Rules 1977 notified by the Chandigarh Administration. Home
Department,vide No. 4833-IH(3)-77/15144, dated 3rd August, 1977 and in exercise of the powers
conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution read with Government of India/Ministry of
Home Affairs Notification bearing No. SO 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 the Administrator, Chandigarh
is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts in the
Industrial Training Institute, Chandigarh namely :
1. Short title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Industrial Training
Institute, Chandigarh (Group C posts) Recruitment Rules, 1999.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of post, classification and scales of pay.The number of the said posts,
their classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2 to 4 of
the said Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to
the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified
in columns 5 to 14 of the said Schedule except that in the case of persons otherwise specially
qualified or belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, the age limit may be relaxed in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualifications. (i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a
spouse living, marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during
the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(ii) No women whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the
time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings. Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required
to be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Special Categories of Persons
in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Powers to Relax. Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of the
opinion that it is necessary or expendient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax
any of provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

Sr. Name of No. of Classifi- Scale of Whether Whether Age limit Educational Whether Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC exists Circum-
No. post posts cation pay Selection benefits for direct and other age and probation, recruitment recruitment by what its composi- stances
post or of added recruits qualification educational if any whether by promotion/ tion in which
Non- years of required for qualifica- direct deputation/ UPSC is
Selection service direct recruits tions recruitment transfer to be to be
post admissible prescribed OR by made con-
under for direct Promotion or sulted in
rules 30 of recruits will by Deputa- making
the CCS apply in the tion/trans- recruit-
(Pension case of fer and per ments
Rules promotees centage of
1972) the vacancies
to be filled
by various

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Group 04 *(1999) General Rs. 6,400- Non Not Between 1. Matricula- 1. Age : No 2 years in 1. By 1. By promotion : DPC for promo- Not
Instruc- Central 2007,000- Selection applicable 18 and 35 tion or its Educational the case of promotion From amongst tion and confir- applicable
tors Services 220-8.100- years equivalent qualification direct (75%); the Instructors mation :
(Group C) 275-10,300- (relaxable from to the extent recruits and with six years

Non- 340-10,640 for recognised indicated one year in 2. By direct service in the 1. Director Technical
Gazetted Govern- board/ in column the case of recruitment grade rendered Education, Union
Non- ment institute; No. 12. promotee failing which after appoint- Territory,Chandigarh
Ministerial servants by transfer ment thereto on (Chairman);
2. Diploma in
upto 5 on deputa- regular basis;
Mechanical 2. Principal Industrial
years in tion (25%) 2. By transfer
Engineering Training Institute,,
accor- on deputation :
from Chandigarh
dance (i) Persons
recognised (Member);
with holding similiar
instruc- institute; or equivalent 3. Under Secretary
tions of posts in Central/
3.Five years (Home),
Govern- State Govern-
practical Chandigarh
ment of ments/Union
experience in Administration
(India) Territories;
a reputed (Member)
industrial (ii) Possessing
concern or in the qualifications
a training and experience
institute prescribed for
direct recruits
under column 8.
(The period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Instruc- 14 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between 18 (a) Acdemic: Not 2 years By direct By transfer on DPC for promotion Not
tors 51 Central 1605,800- applicable and 35 Passed 10th applicable recruitment deputation : and confirmation : appli-
Services years standard exami-
200-7,000- failing which cable
(a) Theory (relaxable nation under (i) Persons 1. Director Technical
(Group 220-8,100- 10+2 system or by transfer
(Engg.) C) Non- 275-8,925 for Govern- equivalent from on deputa- holding equivalent Education, Union
Gazetted ment a recongnised tion posts in Central/ Territory, Chandigarh
Non- servants Board/ Institute; State Govern- (Chairman);
Ministrial upto 5 ments/Union
(b) Technical : 2. Principal Industrial
years in Passed 3 years Territories;
accordance diploma in ap- Training Institute,
with propriate branch (ii) Possessing Chandigarh
instructions of Engineering the qualification (Member)
of from a reco- and experience
Government gnised Institute; prescribed for 3. Under Secretary
of (India) (c) Possesses direct recruits (Home), Chandigarh
certificates under column 8. Administration
under Craft In (The period of (Member)
structor deputation shall
training ordinarily not
Scheme (One exceed 3 years)
Year Course)
or should

minimum two
Modules viz.
Module (Three
duration) and
Trade techno-
logy module.
(Six months
duration under
Craft Instructor
Training Pro-
gramme on
pettern or
should have
passed One
Year Course
from a
Institute (TTI)
under M/O-
(b). Practical 29 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between (a) Academic: Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Not
(Engg.) Central 1605,800- applicable 18 and Passed 10th applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
Services 200-7,000- 35 years standard ex- failing which (i) Persons hold- mation : cable
(Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable amination un- by transfer ing equivalent
Non- 275-8,925 for der 10+2 sys- on deputation posts in Central/ 1. Director Technical
Gazetted Govern- tem or equiva- State Govern- Education, Union
Non- ment ments/ Union Territory,Chandigarh
lent from reco-
Ministerial) servants gnised Board/ Territories (Chairman);
up to 5 Institute. (ii) Possessing
years in 2. Principal Industrial
the qualifications
accor- (b) Technical : Training Institute,,
and experience
dance Possesses NTC/ Chandigarh
prescribed for
with (Member);
NAC for the direct recruits
instruc- trade from reco- under column 8. 3. Under Secretary
tions of gnised Institute. (The period of (Home),
govern- deputation shall
(c) (i) A certifi- Chandigarh
ment of ordinarilly not
cate under regu- Administration
India) exceed three (Member)
lar Crafts In- years)
structor Train-
ing Scheme of
one year dura-


(II) Passed POT

Module in
trades not hav-
ing facilities for
training, neces-
sary practical
training be pro-
vided after the
within three

(d) A minimum
of two years
experience in
an Industry or a
ing Institute ei-
ther before or
after obtain-
ing instructors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(c). Non- 02 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between (a) Academic: Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Not
(Engg.) Central 1005,800- applicable 18 and Passed 10th applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
Services 200-7,000- 35 years standard ex- failing which (i) Persons hold- mation : cable
(Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable amination un- by transfer ing equivalent
Non- 275-8,925 for der 10+2 sys- on deputation posts in Central/ 1. Director Technical
Gazetted Govern- tem or equiva- State Govern- Education, Union
Non- ment lent from reco- Territory,Chandigarh
ments/ Union
gnised Board/ (Chairman);
Ministerial) servants Territories
up to 5 (ii) Possessing
years in (b) Technical : 2. Principal Industrial
NTC/NAC/CTI the qualifications
accor- Training Institute,,
for the trade/ and experience
dance Chandigarh
from a recog- prescribed for
with (Member);
nised Institute. direct recruits
instruc- under column 8.
OR 3. Under Secretary
tions of (The period of
Diploma in the (Home),
govern- deputation shall
appropriate Chandigarh
ment of ordinarilly not
branch in the Administration
India) exceed three
trade concern (Member)
from recogni- years)
sed Board/Insti-
(c) Practical

Experience :
Not less than
five years in-
cluding the
training period
as shown in (b)

(d). Social 01 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between Trained gradu- Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Not
Study Central 1605,800- applicable 18 and ate preferably applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
Services 200-7,000- 35 years with a Masters failing which (i) Persons hold- mation : cable
(Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable degree or an by transfer ing equivalent
for Honours de- posts in Central/ 1. Director Technical
Non- 275-8,925 on deputation Education, Union
Gazetted Govern- gree in the sub- State Govern-
ment ject from a ments/ Union Territory,Chandigarh
Non- recognised Uni- (Chairman);
servants Territories
Ministerial) versity/Board/
up to 5 Institute (ii) Possessing 2. Principal Industrial
years in the qualifications Training Institute,,
accor- and experience Chandigarh
dance prescribed for (Member);
with direct recruits
instruc- 3. Under Secretary
under column 8.
tions of (The period of (Home),
govern- deputation shall Chandigarh
ment of ordinarilly not Administration
India) exceed three (Member)
(e). Steno- 03 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection N.A. Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Not
graphy Central 1605,800- 18 and (1) Matricula- applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
(English/ Services 200-7,000- 35 years tion or its failing which (i) Persons hold- mation : cable
Hindi/ (Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable by transfer ing equivalent
equivalent from 1. Director Technical
Punjab) Non- 275-8,925 for on deputation posts in Central/
a recognised Education, Union
Gazetted Govern- State Govern-
Non- ment Board/Institute. ments/ Union Territory,Chandigarh
Ministerial) servants 2. Five year ex- Territories (Chairman);
up to 5 perience in the (ii) Possessing
years in relevant trade 2. Principal Industrial
the qualifications
accor- Training Institute,,
(including train- and experience
dance Chandigarh
ing period dur- prescribed for
with (Member);
ing NTC/NAC/ direct recruits
instruc- Diploma from under column 8. 3. Under Secretary
tions of the recognised (The period of (Home),
govern- deputation shall
Institute/Board) Chandigarh
ment of ordinarilly not
as stenogra- Administration
India) exceed three
pher with a (Member)
speed of 120
words per
minute in short-
hand and 40
words per
minute in typing.

3. Good knowl-
edge of the ap-
propriate lan-
Desirable :
Degree of a
recognised Uni-
versity or

(f). Lan- 02 *(1999) -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- N.A. -Ditto- Trained gradu- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto-
guage ate preferably
Masters de-
gree or an
Honours de-
gree in the lan-
guage con-
cerned from a
recognised Uni-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3. Hostel 01 *(1999) -Ditto- Rs. 5,000- -Ditto- N.A. -Ditto- 1. Matriculation -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto-
Supdt.- 1605,800- or its equivalent
cum-PTI) 200-7,000- from a recog-
nised Board.
2. Diploma/cer-
tificate in physi-
cal training from
a recognised

4. Librarian 01 *(1999) -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- N.A. -Ditto- 1. Academic : -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto-
Matriculation or
its equivalent
from a recog-
nised Board/Insti-
2. Professional
:Diploma in Library
Science from

recognised Uni-

5. Pharma- 01 *(1999) General Rs. 4,550- Selection Not Between Matriculation or Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Not
cist Central 1505,000- applicable 18 and its equivalent applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
Services 160-5,800- failing which mation cable
35 years from a recog- (i) Persons hold-
(Group C) 200-7,000- by transfer
(relaxable nised Board/In- ing equivalent
Non- 220-7,220 on deputation 1. Director Technical
Gazetted for stitute. posts in Central/
State Govern- Education, Union
Non- Govern- 2. Diploma/cer-
Ministerial ment ments/Union Terri- Territory,Chandigarh
tificate of Phar-
servants macy from a tories (Chairman);
up to 5 recognised Insti- (ii) Possessing 2. Principal Industrial
years in tution. the qualifications Training Institute,,
accor- 3. Registered as and experience Chandigarh
dance Pharmacist with prescribed for di- (Member);
with the Pharmacy rect recruits under
instruc- Council. column 8. (The 3. Under Secretary
tions of period of deputa- (Home),
govern- tion shall ordinarilly Chandigarh
ment of not exceed three Administration
India) years) (Member)

The 1st September, 1999
No. 4976-IH(3)-99/17030.In the supersession of the Government Central Crafts Institute
for Women, Chandigarh, Service Group C Rules, 1974 notified by the Chandigarh Administration,
Home Department,vide No. 10181-IH(3)-74/18260, dated 12th September, 1974 and in exercise
of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution read with Government of
India/Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification bearing No. S.O. 3267. dated 1st November, 1966, the
Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh, is pleased to make the following Rules regulating the method
of recruitment to Group C posts in Government Central Crafts Institute for women, Chandigarh,
namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Government
Central Crafts Institute for Women, Chandigarh (Group C posts) Recruitment Rules,1999.
(ii) They shall come into force with on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and scales of pay.The number of the said posts,
their classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2 to 4
of the said Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to
the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as
specified in columns 5 to 14 of the said Schedule except that in the case of persons otherwise
specially qualified or belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, the age limit may be relaxed
in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualifications. (i) No persons, who has more than one wife living or who having
a spouse living, marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place
during the life-time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(ii) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of the husband having a wife living at
the time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such
marriage shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings. Nothing in these Rules shall affect reservations and other concessions
required to be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other special Categories
of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in
this regard.
7. Powers to relax. Where the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh, is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of
provisions of these Rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

Sr. Name of No. of Classifi- Scale of Whether Whether Age limit Educational Whether Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC exists Circum-
No. post posts cation pay Selection benefits for direct and other age and probation, recruitment recruitment by what its composi- stances
post or of added recruits qualifications educational if any whether by promotion/ tion in which
Non- years of required for qualifica- direct deputation/ UPSC is
Selection service direct recruits tions recruitment transfer to be to be
post admissible prescribed OR by made con-
under for direct Promotion or sulted in
rules 30 of recruits will by Deputa- making
the CCS apply in the tion/trans- recruit-
(Pension case of fer and per- ments
Rules promotees centage of
1972) the vacancies
to be filled
by various

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Group 04 *(1999) General Rs. 6,400- Non Not Between 1. Matricula- 1. Age : No 2 years in 1. By 1. By promotion : DPC for promo- Not
Instruc- Central 2007,000- Selection applicable 18 and 35 tion or its Educational the case of promotion From amongst tion and confir- applicable
tors Services 220-8,100- years equivalent qualification direct (75%); the Instructors mation
(Group C) 275-10,300- (relaxable from to the extent recruits and with 10 years

Non- 340-10,640 for recognised indicated one year in 2. By direct service in the 1. Director,Technical
Gazetted Govern- board/ in column the case of recruitment grade rendered Education, Union
Non- ment institute; No. 12. promotee failing which after appoint- Territory,
Ministerial servants by transfer ment thereto on Chandigarh
2. Diploma in (Chairman);
up to 5 on deputa- regular basis;
years in tion (25%) 2. By transfer
Engineering 2. Principal,
accor- on deputation :
from Government
dance (i) Persons
recognised Central Crafts
with holding similiar
board/ Institute for
instruc- institute; or equivalent
tions of Women,
posts in Central/
Govern- 3.Five years Chandigarh
State Govern-
ment of practical (Member);
India) experience in
Territories; 3. Under Secretary
a reputed
industrial (ii) Possessing (Home),
concern or in the qualifications Chandigarh
a training and experience Administration
institute prescribed for (Member)
direct recruits
under column 8.
(The period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years)
2. Instruc- 25 *(1999)
tors 51
(a) Theory 17 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between 18 (a) Acdemic: Not 2 years By direct By transfer on DPC for promo- Not
(Engg.) 1605,800- applicable and 35 applicable tion and confir- appli-
Central Passed 10th recruitment deputation :
200-7,000- years mation cable
Services standard exami- failing which
220-8,100- (relaxable
(Group for Govern- nation under by transfer (i) Persons 1. Director, Technical
C) Non- ment 10+2 system on deputa- Education, Union
holding equi-
Gazetted servants tion Territory,
or equivalent valent posts
Non- up to 5 Chandigarh
years in from a in Central/ (Chairman);
accor- recongnised State Govern-
dance with 2. Principal,
B o a r d /
instructions ments/Union Government
Institute; Central Crafts
of Govern- Territories;
ment of (b) Technical : Institute for
India) Women,
NTC/NAC/CTI (ii) Possessing
for the trade/ the qualification (Member);
from a reco- and experience
3. Under Secretary
gnised Institute; prescribed for (Home),
OR direct recruits Chandigarh
under column 8 Administration
Diploma in (Member)

the (The period of

appropriate deputation shall
branch in the ordinarily not
trade exceed 3 years)
(c) Practical
Not less than
five years
including the
period as
shown in (b)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(b) Steno- 06 *(1999) General Rs. 5,480- Selection N.A. Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct By transfer on DPC for promo- Not
graphy Central 1605,800- 18 and 35 (1) Matricula- applicable recruitment deputation : tion and confir- appli-
(English/ Services 200-7,000- years tion or its mation cable
failing which
Hindi/ (Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable equivalent from (i) Persons
by transfer 1. Director, Technical
Punjab) Non- 275-8,925 for a recognised holding
Gazetted Govern- on deputation Education, Union
Board/Institute. equivalent posts
Non- ment Territory,
2. Five years in Central/State
Ministerial) servants Chandigarh
experience in
up to 5 Governments/ (Chairman);
the relevant
years in Union Territories;
trade (including 2. Principal,
training period Government
dance (ii) Possessing
during NTC/ Central Crafts
with the qualification
NAC/Diploma Institute for
instruc- and experience
from the Women,
tions of prescribed for
recognised In- Chandigarh
stitute/Board) direct recruits (Member);
ment of
as stenogra- under column 8.
pher with a 3. Under Secretary
(The period of
speed of 120 (Home),
deputation shall
words per Chandigarh
minute in short- ordinarily not Administration
hand and 40 exceed 3 years) (Member)

words per
minute in typing.
3. Good knowl-
edge of the ap-
propriate lan-
Desirable :
Degree of a
recognised Uni-
versity or

(C). Lan- 02 *(1999) Ditto Ditto Ditto N.A. Ditto Trained gradu- Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
guage ate preferably
Masters de-
gree or an
Honours de-
gree in the lan-
guage con-
cerned from a
recognised Uni-
3. Hostel 01 *(1999) Ditto Rs. 5,000- Selection Not Between 1. Matriculation Not 2 years By direct 1. By transfer DPC for promo- Ditto
Supdt.- 1605,800- applicable 18 and or its equivalent applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir-
cum-PTI 200-7,000- failing mation
35 years from a recog- (i) Persons hold-
220-8,100 which by
(relaxable nised Board. ing equivalent
transfer on 1. Director, Technical
for 2. Diploma/cer- deputation posts in Central/
Govern- tificate in physi- State Govern- Education, Union
ment ments/Union Territory,
cal training from
servants a recognised Territories Chandigarh
up to 5 (Chairman);
Board/institute. (ii) Possessing
years in the qualifications 2. Principal,
accor- and experience Government
dance prescribed for Central Crafts
with direct recruits Institute for
instruc- under column 8. Women,
tions of Chandigarh
(The period of
Govern- (Member);
deputation shall
ment of ordinarilly not ex- 3. Under Secretary
India) ceed three years) (Home),

5. Pharma- 01 *(1999) Ditto Rs. 4,550- Ditto Ditto Ditto 1. Matriculation Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
cist 1505,000- or its equivalent
from a recog-
nised Board/In-
2. Diploma/cer-
tificate of Phar-
macy from a
recognised Insti-
3. Registered as
Pharmacist with
the Pharmacy



No. 4976-IH(3)-99/17031, The 1st September, 1999

A Copy of the above notification and a copy of its enclosure is forwarded to the Controller of
Printing and Stationery, Union Territory, Chandigarh.

2. He is requested to publish the notification in the Chandigarh Administration Gazette and fifty
copies of the same may please be supplied to this Administration at an early date.

(Sd.) . . .,

Superintendent Home-I,
for Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

No. 4976-IH(3)-99/17032, The 1st September, 1999

A Copy of the above notification, is forwarded to the :

1. Deputy Secretary (P) in Home-I Branch, Chandigarh Administration Secretariat.

2. Director, Technical Education, Union Territory, Chandigarh.

3. Principal, Central Craft Institute, Chandigarh,

for information and necessary action.

(Sd.) . . .,

Superintendent Home-I,
for Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

Sr. Name of No. of Post Classifi- Scale of Whether Whether Age limit Educational Whether Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC exists Circum-
No. Post cation Pay Selection benefits for direct and other age and probation, recruitment recruitment by what is its stances
post or of added recruits qualifications educational if any whether by promotion/ composition in which
Non- years of required for qualifica- direct deputation/ UPSC is
Selection service direct recruits tions recruitment transfer to be to be
post admissible prescribed or by made con-
under rule for direct promotion or sulted in
30 of the recruits will by deputa- making
CCS apply in the tion/trans- recruit-
(Pension case of fer and per- ments
Rules), promotees centage of
1972 the vacancies
to be filled
by various

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Group 04 *(1999) General Rs. 6,400- Non Not Between 1. Matricula- 1. Age : No 2 years in 1. By 1. By promotion : DPC for promo- Not appli-
Instruc- Central 2007,000- Selection applicable 18 and 35 tion or its Educational the case of promotion From amongst tion and confir- cable
tors Services 220-8,100- years equivalent qualification direct (75%); the Instructors mation :
(Group- 275-10,300- (relaxable from recog- to the extent recruits and with 10 years

C) Non- 340-10,640 for nised board/ indicated one year in 2. By direct service in the 1. Director, Technical
Gazetted Govern- institute; in column the case of recruitment grade rendered Education, Union
Non- ment promotee failing which after appoint- Territory, Chandigarh
2. Diploma in No. 12.
Ministerial servants by transfer ment thereto on (Chairman);
up to 5 on deputa- regular basis;
Engineering 2. Principal,
years in tion (25%) 2. By transfer
from recog- Government
accor- on deputation :
nised board/ Central Crafts
dance (i) Persons
institute; Institute for
with holding similiar
instruc- 3.Five years Women,
or equivalent
tions of practical Chandigarh
posts in Central/
Govern- experience in (Member);
State Govern-
ment of a reputed
ments/Union 3. Under Secretary,
India) industrial
Territories; (Home),
concern or in
a training (ii) Possessing Chandigarh
institute the qualifications Administration
and experience (Member).
prescribed for
direct recruits
under column 8.
(The period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2. Instruc- 25 General Rs. 5,480- Selection Not Between (a) Academic: Not 2 years By direct By transfer DPC for promo- Not
tions *(1999) Central 1605,800- applicable 18 and Passed 10th applicable recruitment on deputation : tion and confir- appli-
Services 200-7,000- 35 years standard ex- failing which (i) Persons hold- mation : cable
A . Non- 17 amination un-
Engg. *(1999) (Group C) 220-8,100- (relaxable by transfer ing equivalent
der 10+2 sys- 1. Director, Technical
Non- 275-8,925 for tem or equiva- on deputation posts in Central/
Gazetted Govern- lent from a reco- State Govern- Education, Union
Non- ment gnised Board/ ments/ Union Territory, Chandigarh
Ministerial) servants Institute. Territories; (Chairman);
up to 5 (b) Technical : (ii) Possessing
years in NTC/ NAC/CTI 2. Principal,
the qualifications
accor- for the trade Government
and experience
dance from a recog- Central Crafts
nised Institute. prescribed for
with Institute for
direct recruits
instruc- OR Women,
under column 8.
tions of Diploma in the Chandigarh
(The period of
Govern- a p p r o p r i a t e (Member);
branch in the deputation shall
ment of ordinarilly not
trade concern 3. Under Secretary,
India) from recogni- exceed three (Home),
sed Board/In- years) Chandigarh
stitute. Administration
(c) Practical (Member).
Experience :
Not less than

five years in-

cluding the
training period
as shown in (b)
B Steno- 06 [See previous page] Essential : [See previous page]
graphy *(1999) (1) Matricula-
(English/ tion or its
Hindi/ equivalent from
Punjabi) a recognised
2. Five years
experience in
the relevant
trade (including
training period
during NTC/
from the
recognised In-
as Stenogra-
pher with a
speed of 120
words per
minute in short-
hand and 40
words per
minute in typing.
3. Good knowl-
edge of the ap-
propriate lan-
Desirable :
Degree of a
recognised Uni-
versity or equi-

C. Language 02 [See previous page] Trained gradu- [See previous page]

(English/ *(1999) ate preferably
Hindi) Masters degree
or an Honours
degree in the
language con-
cerned from a
recognised Uni-
3. Hostel 01 -Ditto- Rs. 5,000- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- 1. Matriculation -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto-
Superin- *(1999) 1605,800- or its equivalent
tendent- 200-7,000- from a recog-

cum-PTI 220-8,100 nised Board.

2. Diploma/Cer-
tificate in physi-
cal training from
a recognised

4. Pharma- 01 -Ditto- Rs. 4,500- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- 1. Matriculation -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto- -Ditto-
cist *(1999) 1505,000- or its equivalent
160-5,800- from a recog-
200-7,000- nised Board/
2. Diploma/Cer-
tificate of Phar-
macy from a
recognised Insti-
3. Registered as
Pharmacist with
the Pharmacy




The 29th November, 1999

No. 848-UTFII(14)-99/12858.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article 309
of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
G.S.R. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules regulating, the method of recruitment to the various Group (C) Ministerial
Cadre posts in the Sports Department, Union Territory, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short Title and Commencement.These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration,
Sports Department (Group-C) Ministerial Cadre Posts Recruitment Rules, 1999.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in column I of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.

3. Number, Classification and Scales of Pay.The number of posts, their classification and
the scale of pay thereof shall be as specified in column 2, 3 and 4 of said Schedule.

4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit and other Qualifications.The method of the

recruitment to the said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as
specified in column 5 to 13 of the said schedule :

Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of
the department candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other
special categories of persons in accordance with the general orders and instructions issued by the
Government of India.

5. Disqualifications.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.

(ii) No women, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage, or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall
be eligible for appointment to the said posts :

Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of the rule.

6. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of opinion that it is

necessary or expedient so to do, he may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.


Secretary, Finance and Sports,

Chandigarh Administration.

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Age for Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of recruitment If a DPC exists, what Circum-
Post posts fication Pay selection direct other qualifications educational probation, ment whether by by promotion/ is its composition stances in
of post post or recruit- required for direct qualifications if any promotion or by deputation/ transfer which
non- ment recruitment prescribed deputation/transfer grades from which U.P.S.C.
selection for direct and percentage of promotion/deputation is to be
post recruitment the vacancies to transfer to be made consulted
will apply in be filled up by in making
the case of various methods recruit-
promotees ment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Superin- 02 General 6,400--200- Non- Not Not applicable Not applicable Two By Promotion By Promotion : Director, Sports Not
tendent (1999) Central 7,000-220- Selection applicable years failing which by (Chairman) applicable
Gr.-II Civil 8,100-175- transfer on From amongst the Senior D.P.I. (C) (Member)
Services 10,300- deputation Assistant and Senior Scale Deputy Secretary,
(Group C) 340- Home (Member)
Non- Stenographers in the pay
Gazetted scale of Rs. 5,8009,200
with eight years regular
services in the cadre. The
Senior Scale Stenogra-

phers should have atleast

worked for a period of two
years as Senior Assistant
Transfer on deputation :
From the officials of the
Central Government/State
Territory Administration
holding analogous posts on
regular basis and carrying
the same or identical scale
of pay. (The period of
deputation including post
held immediately
preceding this appointment
in the same or some other
shall not ordinarily exceed
three years).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Senior 10 General 5,800--200- Non- Not Not applicable Not applicable Two By Promotion By Promotion : Director, Sports Not
Assistant/ (1999) Central 7,000-220- Selection applicable years failing which by From amongst the Junior (Chairman) applicable
Accountant/ Civil 8,100-275- transfer on Assistant/Junior Scale D.P.I. (C)
Store Services 9,200 deputation/ Stenographers having five (Member)
keeper/ (Group C) transfer years regular service in Deputy
Care-taker Non- the cadre.
Gazetted By transfer on Home
Ministerial Deputation/transfer :
From the officials of the
Central Government/State
Territory Administration
holding analogous posts
on regular basis and
carrying the same or
identical scale of pay.
(The period of deputation
including the period of
deputation in another ex-
cadre post held immedi-
ately preceding this
department in the same
or other organisation/
department shall not
ordinarily exceed three

Junior 5 General 4,400--150- Not Not Not Not One By Promotion By Promotion Director, Sports Not
Assistant (*1999) Central 5,000-160- applicable applicable applicable applicable year From amongst the (Chairman) applicable
Civil 5,800-200- Clerks in the pay D.P.I. (C)
Service 6,200-200- scale of Rs. 3,120- (Member)
(Group C) 7,000 5,160, who are Deputy
Non- having five years
Gazetted regular service as
Ministerial such in the cadre.

Senior 01 General 5,800--200- Selection Between 18 (i) Beechlors Not Two years for By promotion Not applicable Director, Sports Not
Scale (*1999) Central 7,000-220- to 30 years Degree from applicable direct recruits failing which (Chairman) applicable
Steno- Civil 8,100-275- (Relaxable by transfer D.P.I. (C)
arecognised and one year
grapher Service 9,200 for the failing which
University or for promotees (Member)
(Group C) depart- by direct
mental its equivalent. Deputy
Non- recruitment
candidates (ii) 5 years Secretary,
Gazetted Home
to 35 years experience in
Ministerial for appoint-
Stenography (Member)
ment by
direct line in a
recruitment reputed
and up to 5 concern or
years for Public Sector/
other Private
Sector on in
Servants in the Govern-
accordance ment Depart-
with the ment.
instructions (iii) Speed of 120
of the words per minutes
Government in Stenography
of India. (English) and
speed of 30 words
per minutes
transcripting the

Junior 01 General 4,020--120- Selection Between 18 Matriculation IInd Not Two years for By promotion By Promotion : Director, Sports Not
Scale (1999) Central 4,260-140- to 27 years Division or 10+2 or applicable direct recruits failing which From amongst the Steno- (Chairman) applicable
Steno- Civil 4,400-150- (Relaxable its equivalent with by direct typists in the pay scale of D.P.I. (C)
and one year
grapher Service 5,000-160- for the speed of 100 words recruitment Rs. 3,330- 6,200 with five (Member)
for promtees.
(Group C) 5,800-200- departmental per minute in years regular service in Deputy
Non- 6,200 candidates up Stenography the cadre and possessing Secretary,
Gazetted to 35 years for (English) and speed a speed of 100 words per Home
Ministerial appointment of 20 words per minute in stenography
for direct minute in transcript- (English) and 20 words per
minute in transcripting the
recruitment ing the same
and for other
servants up
to 5 years in
with the

of the Govern-
ment of India

Steno- 01 General 3,300--110- Selection Between 18 Matriculation 2nd Not Two years Direct Not applicable Director, Sports Not
typist (1999) Central 3,660-120- years and Division or 10+2 or applicable Recruitment (Chairman) applicable
Civil 4,260-140- 27 years its equivalent with D.P.I. (C)
Service 4,400-150- (Relaxable speed of 80 words (Member)
(Group C) 5,000-160- per minute in Deputy
for depart-
Non- 5,800-200- stenography Secretary,
mental candi-
Gazetted 6,200 (English) and
dates up to Home
Ministerial speed of 20
35 years for (Member)
words per minute
in transcripting the
by direct
and for other
servants up
to 5 years in
with the
of the
of India
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Clerk 6 General 3,120--100- Selection Between 18 Matriculation 2nd Not Two years (i) Direct By Promotion Director, Sports Not
(1999) Central 3,220-110- years and Division or 10+2 applicable recruitment 90% from Grpup D : (Chairman) applicable
Civil 3,660-120- 27 years or above or its From amongst the D.P.I. (C)
Service 4,260-140- (Relaxable for equivalent with (ii) By promotion Group D against 10% (Member)
(Group C) 4,400-150- departmental a speed of 30 10% from Group D vacancies in a year Deputy
Non- 5,000-160- employees having five years regular
candidates up words per minute in Secretary,
Gazetted 5160 to 35 years English typewriting service in the cadre and Home
Ministerial for appoint- possessing matriculation
ment by qualification and a speed
of 30 words per minutes in
direct recruit-
English typewriting and
ment and for
has not crossed the age
other Govern- of 45 years at the time of
ment servants appointment as Clerk. In
up to 5 years case of non-filling of this
in accordance percentage of vacancies
with instructions in a year, the same will
of the Govern- not be carry forwarded to
ment of India the next year

*Subject to variation/depending on the work-load.





The 17th January, 2000

No. 1-DPI-UT-CI-12(110)76-Part-II.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article

309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs notification
No. C. S. R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966 and Union Public Service Commission letter
No. F. 3/31(1)/91-RR, dated 9th September, 1999, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby
makes the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational service (Group-B) Gazetted
Government Arts and Science College Rules, 1990 namely :

1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Government Arts and Science College (Second Amendment) Rules, 2000.

(ii) They shall come into force at once.

2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Government Arts and Science
College Rules, 1990 in the Schedule appended thereto :

(A) for column 8 titled as Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits,
the following shall be substituted, namely :

(i) Masters degree in the concerned subject with the grade/percentage of marks as
prescribed in the U.G.C. guidelines from a recognised University or equivalent with
Good Academic Record.

Explanation : The term Good Academic Record means at least second class with fifty per cent
marks in graduation degree.

(ii) Should have cleared the eligibility test for Lecturership/Junior Research Fellowship
conducted by the U.G.C./C.S.I.R. or similar test accredited by the U.G.C.

Note : The following are exempted from the requirement of EQ (ii) :

(a) The candidates who have passed N.E.T. examination conducted by the U.G.C./C.S.I.R
for Junior Research Fellowship Award.

(b) The candidates who have been awarded Ph.D/who have submitted Ph. D Thesis or
passed the M. Phil examination by the date as prescribed in the latest notification of the
U.G.C. in this regard.

Note : Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the U.P.S.C. in case of candidates otherwise
well qualified.


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.




The 11th February, 2000

No. SW/RULES/2000/407.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article 309 of
the Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification G.S.R.
No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966 and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Administrator,
Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to
Group C posts in the Social Welfare Department (including its institutions), Chandigarh Administration
namely :

1. Short title and commencement.(1) These rules may be called the Social Welfare
Department (Class III) Recruitment Rules, 2000.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in column I of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number classification and Scale of Pay.The number of posts, their classification and
the scales of pay attached thereto shall be specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said scheduled.

4. Method of Recruitment, age limit, Qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to

the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be
as specified in columns 5 to 14 of the said schedule.

5. Disqualifications.No person :

(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse
living; or

(b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any
person, shall be eligible for the appointment to the said post :

Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, may if satisfied that such
marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party
to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the
operation of this rule.

6. Powers to relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion

that it is necessary or expedient to do so he may by order, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, and in consultation with the Department of Personnel, relax any of the provisions of
these rules in respect to any class or category of persons.

7. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations relaxation of age limit and other
concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Ex-
servicemen and other Special Categories of persons in accordance with the order issued
by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.


Finance Secretary and Secretary,

Social Welfare,

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit for Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a D.P.C. Circum-
the post posts fication pay selection of added years direct other qualifi- and educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by exists what stances in
of post or of service recruitment cation required qualifications if any direct recruitment promotion/ is its which the
posts(s) non- admissible for direct prescribed for or by promotion deputation/ composition U.P.S.C.
selection under rule 30 recruits direct recruits or by deputation/ transfer grades is to be
post of the C.C.S. will apply in transfer and from which consulted
(Pension the case of percentage of promotion/ in making
Rules,) 1972 promotees vacancies to be deputation/ recruit-
filled by various transfer to be ment
methods made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Research *1 General 6,400-200- Not Not Between 18 Second Class Age : No Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
Officer (1999) Central 7,000-220- Applicable Applicable years and Masters Degree E.Q. : To the in case of failing which (i) From amongst the Promotion applicable
Service 8,100-275- 27 years with Economics extent as direct by transfer/ Superintendent and Confirmation :
Group C 10,030-340 (Relaxable for or Agriculture or provided in recruitment direct recruit- Grade-II working
Non- 10,640 Statistics or Col. 12 and one ment in the department 1. Joint Secretary
Gazetted Commerce or year in the who are Graduate (Finance),
candidates up
Non- Mathematics case of with Economics/ Chandigarh
to 35 years Math/Commerce/
Ministerial subjects or promotees Administration :
for appoint- Agriculture/
equivalent from (Chairman)
ment by Statistics as one

a recognised
direct recruit- of the subject and 2. Director Social
ment and for the rendered 2 Welfare
other Govern- years regular Chandigarh
ment servants service as such Administration :
after appointment
up to 5 years (Member)
in accordance 3. Child Develop-
with instructions OR
ment Project
of the Govern- (ii) From amongst
Senior Assistants/ Officer, TCDS
ment of India) Project-I,
Research Assistants
working in the Chandigarh
Department who (Member)
are Graduate with
Statistics as one
of the subject and
has rendered eight
years regular
service as such
after appointment
By Transfer :
(a)(i) from the
officials holding
analogous posts
on regular basis;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(ii) with 8 years
regular service in
the posts in the
scale of Rs. 5,800-
9,200 or equiva-
lent; and
(b)Possessing the
qualifications and
experience for
direct recruits
under Col. 8

Superin- *1 General 6,400-200- Non Not Not Not Not Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
tendent (1999) Central 7,000-220- Selection Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable failing which From amongst the Promotion applicable
Grade-II Service 8,100-275- by transfer and Confir-
Senior Assistants
Group C 10,030-340 or deputation mation :
with eight years
Non- 10,640
regular service in 1. Joint Secretary
the cadre rendered (Finance),
after appointment Chandigarh
thereto Administration :

Transfer on (Chairman)
Deputation :
2. Director Social
(i) from the officials Welfare
holding analogous Chandigarh
posts on regular Administration :
OR 3. Child Develop-
(ii) with 8 years ment Project
regular service as Officer, TCDS
Senior Assistant in Project-I,
the scale of Chandigarh
Rs. 5,800-9,200 or (Member )
(The period of
deputation including
the period of
deputation in another
ex-cadre post held
preceding this
appointment in same
or some other
department shall
ordinarily not exceed
three years)
Lady *1 General 6,400-200- Not Not Between 18 Masters Age : No Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
Superin- (1999) Central 7,000-220- Applicable Applicable years and Degree or E.Q. : Yes in case failing which From amongst the Promotion and applicable
tendent Service 8,100-275- 27 years of direct by transfer/ Lady Senior Assis- Confirmation :
equivalent from
(Nari Group C 10,030-340 recruits and direct recruit- tants Research
(Relaxable for recognised Assistant with five
Niketan) Non- 10,640 one year in ment 1. Joint Secretary
departmental University in years regular service
Gazetted Social Work or the case of (Finance),
candidates up in the cadre rendered
Non- Sociology or promotees after appointment Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial Psychology or thereto Administration :
for appoint-
Anthropology By Transfer : (Chairman)
ment by
subject(s) (a)(i) from the
direct recruit- 2. Director Social
officials holding
ment and for analogous posts Welfare
other Govern- on regular basis ; Chandigarh
ment servants OR Administration:
up to 5 years (ii) with 8 years regular (Member)
in accordance service in the posts
in the scale of 3. Child Develop-
with instructions ment Project
Rs. 5,800-9,200 or
of the Govern- equivalent; and Officer, TCDS
ment of India) (b)Possessing the Project-I,
qualifications and Chandigarh
experience for
direct recruits (Member )
under col. 8

Superin- *1 General 6,400-200- Not Not Between 18 Masters Age : No Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
tendent (1999) Central 7,000-220- Applicable Applicable years and Degree or E.Q. : Yes in case of failing which Promotion and applicable
From amongst the
(Home for Service 8,100-275- 27 years equivalent from direct recruits by transfer/ Confirmation :
Old and Group C 10,030-340 and one direct recruit- Senior Assistants
(Relaxable for recognised
1. Joint Secretary

Destitute Non- 10,640 University in year in the ment Research Assistant

People) Gazetted Social Work or case of with five years regular (Finance),
candidates up
Non- Sociology or promotees service in the cadre Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial Psycology or Administration :
for appoint- rendered after
Anthropology (Chairman)
ment by appointment thereto
direct recruit- 2. Director Social
By Transfer :
ment and for Welfare
Desirable : (a)(i) from the
other Govern- Teaching Degree Chandigarh
ment servants officials holding Administration :
wth two years
up to 5 years experience analogous posts (Member)
in accordance on regular basis ; 3. Child Develop-
with instructions ment Project
of the Govern- Officer, TCDS
ment of India) (ii) with 8 years
regular service in
the posts in the (Member )
scale of Rs. 5,800-
9,200 or equiva-
lent; and
(a)Possessing the
and experience
prescribed for
direct recruits
under Col. 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Senior *4 General 5,800-200- Non Not Not Not Not Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
Assistant (1999) Central 7,000-220- Selection Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable failing which Promotion and applicable
Service 8,100-275- by transfer Confirmation :
Group C 9,200 From amongst the
or deputation
Non- Junior Assistants 1. Joint Secretary
Gazetted (Finance),
with five years
Non- Chandigarh
Ministerial regular service in Administration :
the cadre rendered (Chairman)

after appointment 2. Director Social

thereto Welfare
Administration :
Transfer on
Deputation : 3. Child Develop-
ment Project
(i) from the officials Officer, TCDS
holding analogous Project-I,
posts on regular


(ii) with 5 years

regular service
as Junior Assistant
in the scale of
Rs. 4,400-7,000 or
equivalent; and

(The period of depu-

tation including the
period of deputation
in another excadre
posts held immedi-
ately preceding this
appointment in the
same or some other
ment shall ordinarily
not exceed three
Research *1 General 5,800-200- Not Not Between 18 Graduation with Age : No Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
Assistant (1999) Central 7,000-220- Selection Applicable years and second Division E.Q. : Yes failing which From amongst the Promotion and applicable
Service 8,100-275- 27 years in Economics/ by transfer/ Confirmation :
Junior Assistants
Group C 9,200 (Relaxable for direct recruit-
Commerce/ with 5 years regular 1. Joint Secretary
Non- departmental ment
Gazetted math/Agriculture/ service in the cadre (Finance),
candidates up
Non- Statistics as one after appointment Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial of the subject or thereto Administration :
for appoint-
equivalent from By Transfer : (Chairman)
ment by
direct recruit- a recognised (a)(i) from the 2. Director Social
ment and for university with officials holding Welfare
other Govern- two years analogous posts Chandigarh
ment servants experience of on regular basis ; Administration :
up to 5 years data collection (Member)
in accordance OR
and processing 3. Child Develop-
with instructions (ii) with 5 years
ment Project
of the Govern- regular service in the Officer, TCDS
ment of India) posts in the scale Project-I,
of Rs. 4,400-7,000 Chandigarh
or equivalent; and (Member)
(b)possessing the
and experience
prescribed for
direct recruits
under Col. 8

Junior *2 General 4,400-150- Not Not Not Not Not Two years By promotion By Promotion : D.P.C. for Not
Assistant (1999) Central 5,000-160- Selection Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable From amongst the applicable
Confirmation :
Service 5,800-200-
Clerks with 5 years
Group C 6,200-200- 1. Joint Secretary
Non- 7,000 regular service
Gazetted rendered in the (Finance),
Non- cadre after appoint- Chandigarh
Ministerial ment thereto Administration :

2. Director Social
3. Child Develop-
ment Project
Officer, TCDS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Lady Craft *1 General 4,020-120- Selection Not Between 18 Matriculation Not Two years By direct Not Applicable D.P.C. for Not
Teacher (1999) Central 4,260-140- Applicable years and or equivalent Applicable recruitment applicable
Confirmation :
Service 4,400-150- 27 years with Diploma in
Group C 5,000-160- (Relaxable for 1. Joint Secretary
Non- 5,800-200- departmental
Gazetted 6,200 Embroidery from (Finance),
candidates up
Non- a recognised Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial Board/Institute Administration :
for appoint-
ment by (Chairman)
direct recruit-
ment and for 2. Director Social
other Govern- Welfare
ment servants Chandigarh
up to 5 years
in accordance
with instructions (Member)
of the Govern- 3. Child Develop-
ment of India)
ment Project
Officer, TCDS

Steno- *1 General 3,330-110- Selection Not Between 18 Matriculation Not Two years By direct Not Applicable D.P.C. for Not
typist (1999) Central 3,660-120- Applicable years and IInd Division or Applicable recruitment applicable
Confirmation :
Service 4,260-140- 27 years 10+2 or equiva-
Group C 4,400-150- (Relaxable for lent from a 1. Joint Secretary
Non- 5,000-160- departmental
Gazetted 5,800-200- recognised Board/ (Finance),
candidates up
Non- 6,200 Institute with a
to 35 years Chandigarh
Ministerial speed of 80
for appoint- Administration :
ment by W.P.M. in Steno-
direct recruit- graphy (English)
ment and for and a speed of
2. Director Social
other Govern- 20 W.P.M. in
ment servants Welfare
transcripting the
up to 5 years same Chandigarh
in accordance Administration:
with instructions
of the Govern-
ment of India)
3. Child Develop-
ment Project
Officer, TCDS
Clerk *3 General 3,120-100- Selection Not Between 18 Matriculation with Not Two years By direct By Promotion from D.P.C. for Not
(1999) Central 3,220-110- Applicable years and IInd Division or Applicable recruitment Group D applicable
Service 3,360-120- (90%) Promotion and
27 years 10+2 or above
Group C 4,260-140- By promotion From amongst the Confirmation :
(Relaxable for or equivalent
Non- 4,400-150- departmental from Group Group D against 10%
Gazetted 5,000-160- from a recog- D employees vacancies in a year
candidates up 1. Joint Secretary
Ministerial 5,160 nised Board/ (10%) having five years
to 35 years (Finance),
Institute with regular service in the
for appoint-
a speed of Chandigarh
ment by cadre and possessing
direct recruit- 30 W.P.M. in Administration :
matriculation quali-
ment and for English Type- fication and a speed (Chairman)
other Govern- writing of 30 words per
ment servants 2. Director Social
minute in English
up to 5 years Welfare
in accordance typewriting and has
with instructions not crossed the age Chandigarh
of the Govern- of 45 years at the Administration:
ment of India) time of appointment (Member)
as Clerk. In case of
non-filling of this 3. Child Develop-
percentage of vacan- ment Project
cies in a year, the Officer, TCDS
same will not be carry Project-I,
forward to the next

Multi- *1 General 3,120-100- Selection Not Between 18 Matriculation Not Two years By direct Not D.P.C. for Not
purpose (1999) Central 3,220-110- Applicable years and with 1-1 year Applicable recruitment Applicable applicable
Confirmation :
Supervisor Service 3,660-120- 27 years diploma in Multi
Group C 4,260-140- (Relaxable for 1. Joint Secretary
purpose Health
Non- 4,400-150- departmental
Gazetted 5,000-160- Workers Scheme (Finance),
candidates up
Non- 5,160 from a recognised Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial Board/Institute Administration :
for appoint-
ment by (Chairman)
direct recruit-
ment and for 2. Director Social
other Govern- Welfare
ment servants Chandigarh
up to 5 years
in accordance
with instructions (Member)
of the Govern- 3. Child Develop-
ment of India)
ment Project
Officer, TCDS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Driver *1 General 3,330-110- Selection Not Between 18 Middle Class Pass Not Two years By direct By Transfer : D.P.C. for Not
(1999) Central 3,660-120- Applicable years and or its equivalent Applicable recruitment/ (i) From amongst the Confirmation : applicable
Service 4,260-140- 27 years and possessing transfer
officials holding
Group C 4,400-150- (Relaxable for two years ex- analogous posts on 1. Joint Secretary
Non- 5,000-160- departmental
Gazetted 5,800-200- perience of regular basis; and (Finance),
candidates up
Non- 6,200 Driving light (ii) Possessing the Chandigarh
to 35 years
Ministerial vehicle viz. Car/ qualification and Administration :
for appoint-
ment by Jeep/Station experience as (Chairman)
direct recruit- Vehicle and also prescribed for
ment and for should possess direct recruits, 2. Director Social
other Govern- valid Driving under Col. 8 Welfare
ment servants Licence of the Chandigarh
up to 5 years Competent Administration:
in accordance
Authority (Member)
with instructions
of the Govern- 3. Child Develop-
ment of India)
ment Project
Officer, TCDS

*Subject to variation/dependent on work load.


The 10th March, 2000

No. 9673-IH(7)-2000/4585.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso of Article

309 read with Article 234 and 318 of the Constitution of India and all other powers enabling him in
this behalf, the Administration, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to repeal the Punjab Government
National Emergency (Concession) Rules, 1965, as applicable to the Union Territory, Chandigarh with
immediate effect.

2. The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is further pleased to adopt the Punjab
Recruitment of Ex-Servicemen Rules, 1982, as notified by the Punjab Government,vide notification
No. G.S.R.11/Const./Arts. 309, 234 and 318/82, dated 2nd February, 1982 as amended by notification
bearing No. G.S.R. 66/Const./Art. 309, 234 and 318/Amd.(4)/92, dated the 22nd September, 1992
(First Amendment) Rules, 1992, subject to the following modifications :


1. In the rules called the Punjab Recruitment of Ex-servicemen Rules, 1982 (hereinafter
called the said rules), for the words Government of Punjab, State Government, Government and
for the words State of Punjab wherever occuring in these rules, the words Administrator, Union
Territory, Chandigarh and Union Territory, Chandigarh, shall respectively be substituted.

2. In Rule 1 of the said rules, for clause (d), the following shall be substituted, namely :

Government, means, the Administration, Union Territory, Chandigarh, appointed under

Article 239 of the Constitution.

Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 11th July, 2000

No. 1113-DPI-UT-C1-12(110)76-Part-II.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso

to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Notification CSR No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 and Union Public Service Commission letter No.
F.3/31/(3)/95-RR, dated 17th May, 2000, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby makes
the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Government Home Science College Rules, 1990 namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Government Home Science College (First Amendment) Rules, 2000.
(ii) They shall come into force at once.

2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Government Home Science

College Rules, 1990 in the Schedule appended thereto :
(A) For column No. 4 captioned scale of pay the following shall be substituted
Rs. 8,00027513,500.
(B) For column No. 8 titled as Educational and other qualification required for direct
recruits, the following shall be substituted, namely :
(i) Good Academic Record with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade at
Master degree level in the relevant subect **from a recognized university or
**To be specified at the time of recruitment.
Explanation.The term Good Academic Record means at least second class with fifty per
cent marks in graduation degree.
(ii) Should have cleared the eligibility test for lecturer conducted by the University
Grants Commission, council for scientific and industrial research or similar
test accredited by the University Grants Commission.
Note.The following are exempted from the requirement of educational
qualification (ii) :
(a) The candidates who have passed national eligibility test (N.E.T.)
Examination conducted by the University Grants Commission/Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research for Junior research followship award.
(b) The candidates who have submitted their Ph.D Thesis or passed M.Phil
Examination by 31st December, 1993.
(c) Candidates who have been awarded Ph.D. Degree.

(C) In column No. 10 captioned Period of Probation if any for the words Three years
the words One year shall be substituted.

Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 11th July, 2000
No. 1113-A-DPI-UT-C1-12(110)76-Part-II.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso
to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Notification CSR No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1996 and Union Public Service Commission letter
No. F.3/31/(3)/95-RR, dated 17th May, 2000, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby

makes the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English Rules, 1990 namely :

1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English (First Amendment) Rules, 2000.

(ii) They shall come into force at once.

2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Regional Institute of English

Rules, 1990 in the Schedule appended thereto :

(A) For column No. 4 captioned scale of pay the following shall be substituted
Rs. 8,00027513,500.

(B) For column No. 8 titled as Educational and other qualification required for direct
recruits, the following shall be substituted, namely :

(i) Good Academic Record with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade at
Master degree level in English from a recognized university or equivalent.

Explanation.The term Good Academic Record means at least second class with fifty per
cent marks in graduation degree.

(ii) Post graduate diploma in teaching of English/English studies awarded by

C.I.E.F.L. Hyderabad.

(iii) Should have cleared the eligibility test for lecturers conducted by the University
Grants Commission, council for scientific and industrial research or similar
test accredited by the University Grants Commission.

Note.The following are exempted from the requirement of educational

qualification (iii).

(a) The candidates who have passed national eligibility test (N.E.T.)
Examination conducted by the University Grants Commission/Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research for Junior research followship award.


(b) The candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. Thesis or passed M.Phil
Examination by 31st December, 1993.


(c) The candidates who have awarded Ph.D Degree.

(C) In Column No. 10 captioned Period of Probation if any for the words Two years
the words One Year shall be substituted.

Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 17th August, 2001
No. 233-DPI-UT-S1-11(12)95.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article
309 of the Constitution, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased
to make the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre)
(Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 1991, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (School Cadre)
(Group-C) Recruitment (first amendment) Rules, 2001.
(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Schedule appended to the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre)
(Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 1991, (hereinafter referred to as the rules) at Serial No. 1, under
column No. 7, for the existing entries under the heading Essential and other qualifications required
for direct recruitment the following shall be substituted, namely :
Lecturers (PGTs)
(i) Academic Stream [A] (i) Post Graduate Degree in the relevant subject
with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a
recognized University ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent with relevant teaching subject.
[B] Two years integrated M.Sc. Ed. Course or an
equivalent course for Lecturers in Science Subjects
with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
(ii) Physical Education [A] (i) M.A. in Physical Education with at least 50%
marks in aggregate from a recognized University ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
[B] Master in Physical Education (M.P. Ed.) from a
recognized University with at least 50% marks in
(iii) Fine Arts [A] Master in Fine Arts (M.F.A.) on its equivalent
with at least 50% marks from a recognized University.
[B] (i) Fine Arts or its equivalent with at least
50% marks in aggregate from a recognized

(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by

NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent with Fine Arts as a teaching subject.
3. In the said schedule against Serial No. 3, under Column No. 7 for the existing entries
under the heading Esential and other qualifications required for direct recruits the following shall be
substituted, namely :
Masters/Mistresses (TGTs)
(i) General Science (Non-Medical) [A] (i) Graduate of a recognized University with
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with at least
45% marks in aggregate ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent
recognized by NCTE with Science/Mathematics as
a teaching subject and at least 45% marks in
[B] 4 years integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. or an equivalent
course with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
with at least 45% marks in aggregate.
(ii) General Science (Medical) [A] (i) Graduate with at least 45% marks from a
recognized University with Zoology, Botany,
Chemistry ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent
recognized by NCTE with Science as a teaching
subject and at least 45% marks in aggregate.
[B] 4 years integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. or an equivalent
course with Zoology, Botany and Chemistry with at
least 45% marks in aggregate.
(iii) Social Science [A] (i) Graduate with at least 45% marks with any
two of the following seven elective subjects from a
recognised University :
History, Political Science, Economics, Geography,
Sociology, Public Administration and Psychology;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent
recognized by NCTE with two relevant teaching
subjects with at least 45% marks in aggregate.
[B] 4 years integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. or an equivalent
course with Social Science with at least 45% marks
in aggregate.
[B] 4 years integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. or an equivalent
course with Social Science with at least 45% marks
in aggregate.

(iv) Physical Education (D.P.E.) [A] (i) Graduate of a recognized University with at
least 45% marks in aggregate;
(ii) D.P.Ed./B.P.Ed. or its equivalent with at least
45% marks in aggregate.
[B] Integrated degree in Physical Education (B.P.Ed.)
or its equivalent with at least 45% marks from a
recognized University.
(v) Home Science (i) B.Sc. degree in Home Science or its equivalent
from a recognized University with at least 45% marks
in aggregate ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education recognized by NCTE with
Home Science/Domestic Science as a teachig
subject with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
(vi) Music [A] (i) Graduate or its equivalent with Music as one
of the elective subjects with at least 45% marks in
aggregate ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate with
music as a teaching subject or its equivalent.
[B] (i) Graduate in any subject from a recognised
University with atleast 45% marks in aggregate ;
(ii) Degree in Music from recognized institute with at
least 45% marks in aggregate.
(vii) Fine Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree or its
equivalent from a recognized University with at least
45% marks.
(viii) Hindi (i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognized
University with Hindi as an elective subject with at
least 45% marks in aggregate ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent with Hindi as a teaching subject.
(ix) Punjabi (i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognized
University with Punjabi as an elective subject with at
least 45% marks ;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent with Punjabi as a teaching subject.
(x) Sanskrit (i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognized
University with Sanskrit as an elective subject with
at least 45% makrs.

(xi) Mathematics [A] (i) Graduate from a recognized University with

Mathematics as one of the elective subjects with at
least 45% marks;
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent with Mathematics as a teaching subject.
[B] 4 years Integrated B.Sc., B.Ed with Mathematics
or an equivalent course with at least 45% marks in
4. In the said schedule against Serial No. 4 :
(a) under column No. 1, for the existing words, the following shall be substituted
namely :
Classical and Vernacular Teacher.
(b) under column No. 7, against Sr. No. (i) and (v), the word TGTs shall be omitted.
(c) under column No. 7, the existing entries at Sr. No. (ii), (iii) and (iv) under the
heading Essential shall be omitted.
5. In the said Schedule against Serial No. 7, under Column No. 7 for the existing entries
under the heading Educational and other qualifications required for the direct recruits, the following
shall be substituted namely :
Junior Basic Teacher (JBT) [A] (i) Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2)
or Intermediate or its equivalent with at least 45%
marks in aggregate;
(ii) Diploma or certificate in Basic Teachers Training
of not less than 2 years duration recognized by
NCTE with at least 45% marks in aggregate.
[B] (i) Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2)
or Intermediate or its equivalent with at least 45%
marks in aggregate;
(ii) JBT Certificate/Diploma of not less than two years
duration with at least 45% marks recognized by the
Chandigarh Administration.
6. In the said Schedule against Serial No. 8, under column No. 7 for the existing entries
under the heading Educational and other qualifications required for the direct recruits, the following
shall be substituted, namely :
Nursery Teacher (NTT) [A] (i) Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2)
or Intermediate or its equivalent with at least 45%
marks in aggregate.
(ii) Diploma or certificate in NTT or its equivalent
recognized by NCTE of not less than 2 years
duration with at least 45% marks.

equivalent recognized by NCTE of not less than 2

years duration with at least 45% marks.
[B] (i) Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2)
or Intermediate or its equivalent with at least 45%
marks in aggregate;
(ii) NTT Certificate/Diploma of not less than 2 years
duration with at least 45% marks recognized by the
Chandigarh Administration.

Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 17th May, 2002
No. 6209-IH(10)-2002/9733.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article
309 of the Constitution read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification
bearing No. G.S.R. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh,
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Government College of Art, Chandigarh
(Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Government College of Art, Chandigarh (Group-C)
(1st Amendment) Recruitment Rules, 2002.
(ii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. In the Government of Art, Chandigarh (Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001, in the Schedule
appended thereto :
In Column 13 against posts of Superintendent Grade-II, Senior Assistants, Senior
Scale Stenographer, Studio Assistant, Steno Typist, Clerk and Library Restorer, for
the existing words (i) Joint Secretary Home, Chandigarh Administration (Chairman)
(ii) Shri Swaran Singh, R.E. (s), O/o Director Public Instructions, Union Territory,
Chandigarh (Member) (iii) The Principal, Government College of Art, Chandigarh
(Member) the words (i) Head of Department, Government College of Art, Chandigarh
(Chairman), and (ii) Principal, Government College of Art, Chandigarh (Member)
and (iii) Superintendent Personnel, Chandigarh Administration, (Member) shall be

Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 1st October, 2001
No. Estt. R-10-Arch.-2001/8997.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to
Article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs,
New Delhi, Notification bearing No. S.O. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union
Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment
to Group C posts (Non-Ministerial) in the Department of Urban Planning :
1. Short title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning, Group C (Non-Ministerial) Recruitment Rules, 2001.
(ii) They shall come into force with on the date of their publication in the official
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of post, classification and scale of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2, 3 and 4 of
said Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification etc.The method of recruitment to
the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters concerned therewith shall be as specified
in columns 5 to 13 of the said Schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct
recruitment may be relaxed in the case of departmental candidates and candidates belonging to
Schedule Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Special Categories of Persons in accordance with the
instructions issued by the Government, from time to time.
5. Disqualifications. (a) No persons who has more than one wife living or who having
a spouse living, marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place
during the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts; and
(b) No women whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the
time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage
shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts:
Provided that the Administrator may, if satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings. Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations and other concessions required
to be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Special Categories of Person
in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to Relax. Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expendient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any
of the provisions of this rule in respect of any class or category of persons.
8. The Chandigarh Administration, Department of Architecture (Now Urban Planning)
(Class-III) Recruitment Rules, 1969, and amendments made from time to time, are hereby
repealed :
Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed
to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.


Chief Architect and Secretary,
Department of Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.



Name of Post Number of Classification Scale of Whether Selection Whether Age for Direct
Posts pay Post or Non- benefit of Recruits
Selection Post added years
of service
under Rule
30 of the
Rule, 1972

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Arch. Asstt. 7 (Seven) General Rs. 7,220- i) Selection-cum- Not Between 18 years
Subject to Central Civil 11,660 Seniority in applicable and 30 years
variation Service Group case of (Relaxable for
dependent C Non- Promotee. Departmental
upon work Gazetted Candidates up to
load (Non- ii) Selection by 35 years for
Ministerial) Merit in case appointment by
of Direct direct recruitment
Recruitee and up to 5 years
for other Govt.
Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Govt. of India)

Head 7 (Seven) General Rs. 7,000- Selection-cum- Not Not

Draftsman Subject to Central Civil 10,980 Seniority applicable applicable
variation Service Group
dependent C Non-
upon work Gazetted
load (Non-



Educational Whether Period of Method of In case of If a D.P.C. exists, what is Circumsta-

and other age and probation, Recruitment recruitment by its composition nces in
Qualifications educational if any Whether by promotion/ which
required for qualifi- direct deputation/ U.P.S.C.
direct recruits cations recruitment or transfer, is to be
prescribed by promotion or grades from consulted
for direct by deputation/ which in making
recruits transfer and promotion/ recruitment
will apply percentage of deputation/
in the the vacancies transfer to be
case of to be filled by made
Promotees various

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Should Not One year i) 50% by Promotion : From Proposed : Not

possess a applicable for Promotion amongst the Head applicable
Degree in Promotee failing which Yes Group C DPC for
Draftsmen in the Promotion and
Architecture and Two by deputation
cadre having three Confirmation
or a years for
Diploma in Direct ii) 50% by years experience in
Direct the grade after the 1. Chief .. Chairman
Architecture, Recruitee Architect
recognised Recruitment appointment thereto
us equivalent on regular basis. 2. Under .. Member
to Degree in Secretary
Architecture By Deputation : Deptt. of
by the From the Engineering
Council of employees of State
Architecture 3. Under .. Member
Governments/ U.T.
constituted Secretary
under Deptt. of
holding analogous Urban
Section 3 of
post in the same or Planning
Act, 1972 identical pay scale
4. Asstt. .. Member
Architect (S.C.)
Deptt. of
Urban Planning
Not Not One Year 100% by By Promotion : From Proposed : Not
applicable applicable Promotion amongst the Senior Yes Group C DPC applicable
failing which by Draftsman in the 1. Chief .. Chairman
Deputation cadre having three Architect
years experience in 2. Under .. Member
the grade after the Secretary
appointment thereto Deptt. of
on regular basis.
3. Under .. Member
By Deputation : From Secretary
the employees of Deptt. of
State Governments/ Urban
U.T. Administration
4. Asstt. .. Member
holding analogous
Architect (S.C.)
post in the same or Deptt. of
identical pay scale Urban Planning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Head 1 (One) General Rs. 7,000- Selection by Not Between 18
Modeller Subject to Central Civil 10,980 Merit applicable years and 25
variation Service Group years
dependent C Non-
upon work Gazetted
load (Non-

Senior 14 General Rs. 6,400- Selection-cum- Not Not

Draftsman (Fourteen) Central Civil 10,640 Seniority applicable applicable
Subject to Service Group
variation C Non-
dependent Gazetted
upon work (Non-
load Ministerial)

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Should Not Two 100% by Not applicable Proposed : Not
possess applicable years Direct Recruit- applicable
three years ment Yes in the nature of
Degree in Selection Committee-
Wood-Work cum-DPC Group C for
from a Selection and
recognized Confirmation
University or 1. Chief .. Chairman
Institution Architect

2. Under ..Member
Deptt. of

3. Supdt ..Member
Deptt. of

4. Asstt. .. Member
Architect (S.C.)
Deptt. of

5. Zila Sainik .. Member

Officer, Zila
Sainik Board,

Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : From Proposed : Not

applicable applicable Promotion amongst the applicable
Yes Group C DPC for
Draftsman in the Promotion
cadre having two
years experience in 1. Chief .. Chairman
the grade after the Architect
appointment thereto 2. Under .. Member
on regular basis. Secretary
Deptt. of
3. Under .. Member
Deptt. of
4. Asstt. .. Member
Architect (S.C.)
Deptt. of
Urban Planning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Draftsman 7 (Seven) General Rs. 5,800- i) Selection-cum- Not Between 18 years
Subject to Central Civil 9,200 Seniority in case applicable and 25 years
variation Service Group of Promotee. (Relaxable for
dependent C Non- Departmental
upon work Gazetted ii) Selection by Candidates up to
load (Non- Merit in case of 35 years for
Ministerial) Direct Recruitee appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govt.
Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Govt. of India).

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Three years Not One year 100% by By Promotion : Proposed : Not
Diploma in applicable for direct Promotion, From amongst the applicable
recruitee failing which Yes Group C DPC for
Architectural Junior Draftsman in
and two by Deputation/ Promotion and
Assistantship the cadre having
years for failing which Confirmation
or its twelve years
promotees by Direct
equivalent experience in the 1. Chief .. Chairman
Recruitment Architect
from any grade after the
institution appointment thereto 2. Under ..Member
recognized by Secretary,
on regular basis.
Central Deptt. of
Government/ By Deputation : Engineering
State From the
Governments 3. Under .. Member
employees of the
having three Secretary,
State Governments/ Deptt. of
years U.T. Administration Urban
experience holding analogous Planning
under qualified post in the same or
identical pay scale. 4. Asstt.
Architect after .. Member
attaining the Architect, (S.C.)
said Deptt. of
qualification Urban

ITI Certificate/
Diploma in
Civil Drafts-
manship or its
from any
recognized by
the Central
State Govern-
ments with
four years
under a
Architect after
attaining the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Junior 3 (Three) General Rs. 4,020- Selection by Merit Not Between 18 years
Draftsman Subject to Central Civil 6,200 applicable and 25 years
variation Service Group (Relaxable for
dependent C Non- Departmental
upon work Gazetted Candidates up to
load (Non- 35 years for
Ministerial) appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Gover-
ment Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Govt. of India).

Ferro-Printer 2 (Two) General Rs. 3,120- Selection-cum- Not Not

Subject to Central Civil 5,160 Seniority applicable applicable
variation Service Group
dependent C Non-
upon work Gazetted
load (Non-

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Should possess Not Two years 100 per cent Not applicable Proposed : Not
three years applicable by Direct applicable
Recruitment Yes in the nature of
Diploma in
Selection Committee
Architectural Group C for Selection
Assistantship, and Confirmation
awarded by the
State Board of 1. Chief .. Chairman
Technical Edu- Architect
cation or from 2. Under .. Member
a recognized Secretary,
University or Deptt. of
Institution. Urban
OR Planning
ITI Certificate/ 3. Supdt .. Member
Diploma in Civil (Personnel)
Draftsmanship Deptt. of
or its equivalent Personnel
from any Chandigarh
institution Admn.
recognized by
4. Asstt. .. Member
the Central
Architect, (S.C.)
Government/ Deptt. of
State Govern- Urban
ments with one Planning
year ex-
perience under 5. Zila Sainik .. Member
a qualified Welfare
Officer, Zila
Architect after
Sainik Board,

Not Not One year 100 per cent By Promotion : (i) Proposed : Not
applicable applicable by Promotion From amongst the applicable
Yes Group C DPC for
failing which by Ferro-Khalasies
Deputation Promotion
working under the
control of the Chief 1. Chief .. Chairman
Architect who have Architect
an experience of 2. Under .. Member
working as such for Secretary,
a minimum period Deptt. of
of 5 years. Engineering
(ii) By Deputation : 3. Under .. Member
From the Secretary,
employees of State Deptt. of
Governments/U.T. Urban
Administration Planning
holding analogous 4. Asstt. .. Member
post in the same or Architect, (S.C.)
identical pay scale. Deptt. of
Urban Planning




The 19th November, 2001

No. 6209-HIII(7)-2001/21613.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso of Article 309
of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the
Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of
recruitment to the various Group C posts in the Government College of Art, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Government College
of Art, Chandigarh (Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001.

(ii) These rules shall come into force on the date of publication of this notification in the
Official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number, Classification and scale of pay.The number of posts, their classification

and the scales of apy attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2, to 4 of said Schedule.

4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification etc.The method of recruitment, age,

limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be specified in Columns 5 to 14 of
the said Schedule.

5. Disqualifications. No person :

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse
living; or

(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any
person, shall be eligible for the appointment to the said post ;

Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, may if satisfied that such marriage
is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party to the marriage and
there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Power to Relax. Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expendient so to do, he may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
and in consultation with the Department of Personnel, relax any of the provisions of these rules in
respect to any class or category of persons.

7. Repeal and Savings.The earlier notified Rules, titled as Government College of Arts
and Crafts Service (Class III) Recruitment Rules, 1975 in force immediately before the commencement
of these rules hereby repealed.

Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-limit and other concessions
required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Ex-servicemen and other
Special Categories of persons in accordance with the order issued by the Central Government from
time to time.


Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.


Name of Number of Classification Scale of Whether Selection Whether Age for Direct
the Post Posts of post(s) pay Post or Non- benefit of Recruitment
Selection Post added years
of service
under Rule
30 of the
Rule, 1972

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Superin- 02 (subject General Rs. 6,400 Selection-cum- Not Not applicable

tendent to variation Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority applicable
Grade-II dependent Service Group 2208,100
on the work- C Non- 27510,300-
load) Gazetted 34010,640

Senior 03 (subject General Rs. 5,800 Selection-cum- Not Not

Assistant(s) to variation Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority applicable applicable
dependent Service Group 2208,100
on the work- C Non- 2759,200
load) Gazetted


Educational Whether Period of Method of In case of If a Departmental Circumsta-

and other age and probation, Recruitment recruitment by Promotion Committee nces in
Qualifications educational if any Whether by promotion/ exists, what is its which
required for qualifications direct deputation/ composition U.P.S.C.
direct recruit- prescribed recruitment or transfer, is to be
ment for direct by promotion or grades from consulted
recruits will by deputation/ which in making
apply in transfer and promotion/ recruitment
the case of percentage of deputation/
promotees the vacancies transfer to be
to be filled by made

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Not Not One year By Promotion By Promotion : Proposed : Not

applicable applicable From amongst the applicable
Yes Group C DPC for
Senior Assistant(s)
Promotion and Constitution
and Senior Scale
Confirmation of DPC
Stenographer(s) in
the cadre in the pay 1. Joint Secretary
vide Chd.
scale of Rs. 5,800 (Home), Chandigarh
9,200 with 8 years Administration
regular service. The (CHAIRMAN)
Senior Scale Steno-
2. Shri Swaran Singh, Notification
grapher should have
R.E.(s), O/o DPI, No. 6209-
at least worked for a
U.T., Chandigarh IH(10)-9733
period of 2 years as
(MEMBER) dated 17-
Senior Assistant.
3. Principal, Govt. (see page
College of Art, 69-70)

Not Not One Year By Promotion (i) By Promotion : Yes, Group C DPC for Not
applicable applicable From amongst the Promotion/Confirmation . applicable
Junior Assistants/ 1. Joint Secretary
Clerks having 5 (Home), Chandigarh
years regular Administration ditto
service in the cadre (CHAIRMAN)
taken together as
Junior Assistant 2. Shri Swaran Singh,
and Clerk. R.E.(s), O/o DPI,
U.T., Chandigarh

3. Principal, Govt.
College of Art,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Senior Scale 01 (subject General Rs. 6,400 (i) Selection-cum- Not Between 18 years
Stenographer to variation Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority in case applicable and 30 years
dependent Service Group 2208,100 of promotion. (Relaxable for the
on work- C Non- 2759,200 Departmental
load) Gazetted (ii) Selection by Candidates up to
(Ministerial) merit in case 35 years for
of direct appointment by
recruitment direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government
of India).

Studio 03 (subject General Rs. 5,800 Selection by merit Not Between 18 years
Assistant to variation Central Civil 2007,000 applicable and 25 years
dependent Service Group 2208,100 (Relaxable for the
on the work- C Non- 2759,200
load) Gazetted
Candidates up to
35 years for
appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for the other
Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government of

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(i) Bechelors AgeNo 2 years By Promotion, By Promotion : Yes, Group C D.P.C. for Not
Degree Qualifi- for direct failing which Promotion/Confirmation: applicable
from a cation :Yes recruits by deputation From amongst the
recognised and one failing which Stenotypists, with 5 1. Joint Secretary
University year for by direct years regular (Home), Chandigarh
or its promotee recruitment. service as such in Administration
equivalent. the cadre and (CHAIRMAN)
(ii) 5 years ex- possessing speed
2. Shri Swaran Singh,
perience in of 120 words per
minute in R.E.(s), O/o DPI,
Stenography U.T., Chandigarh
line in a
requrited (English) and 30 (MEMBER)
concern words per minute in 3. Principal, Govt.
or public transcripting the
College of Art,
sector/ same.
private Chandigarh
sector or in By Deputation : (MEMBER)
the Govern- From the officials of
ment Depart- the Central Govern-
ment. ment/State
(iii) Speed of Governments/U.T.
120 words Administrations
per minute holding analogous
in Steno- posts in the same
graphy or identical scale of
(English) pay.
and speed
of 30 words
per minute
in transcrip-
ting the

Becholor/s Not 2 Years By direct Not applicable Yes, Group C DPC for Not
Degree of applicable recruitment Promotion/Confirmation : applicable
Fine Arts, 1. Joint Secretary
such as (Home), Chandigarh
Painting/ Administration
Sculpture/ (CHAIRMAN)
Graphic or
Printmaking/ 2. Shri Swaran Singh,
Applied or R.E.(s), O/o DPI,
Commercial U.T., Chandigarh
Arct from a (MEMBER)
recognized 3. Principal, Govt.
University/ College of Art,
Institution or Chandigarh
equivelent (MEMBER)
upon the
of the post.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Steno-typist 03 (subject General Rs. 3,330 Selection by merit Not Between 18 years
to variation Central Civil 1103,660 applicable and 25 years
dependent Services Group 1204,260 (Relaxable for the
on the work- C Non- 1404,400
load) Gazetted 1505,000
Candidates up to
(Ministerial) 1605,800
2006,200 35 years for
appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government
of India).

Clerk 07 + 01 = 08 General Rs. 3,120 (i) Selection by Not Between 18 years

(subject to Central Civil 1003,220 merit in case applicable and 25 years
variation Service Group 1103,660 of direct (Relaxable for the
dependent C Non- 1204,260 recruitment.
on the work- Gazetted 1404,400
Candidates up to
load) (Ministerial) 1505,000 (ii) Selection-cum-
1605,160 seniority in case 35 years for
(with an of promotion. appointment by
initial start of direct recruitment
Rs. 3,220) and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment Servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government of

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Matriculation Not Two years By Direct Not applicable Yes, Group C D.P.C. for Not
IInd Division of applicable recruitment Promotion/Confirmation: applicable
10+2 or its 1. Joint Secretary
equivalent (Home), Chandigarh
with a speed Administration
of 80 words (CHAIRMAN)
per minute in
Stenography 2. Shri Swaran Singh,
(English) and R.E.(s), O/o DPI,
speed of 20 U.T., Chandigarh
words per (MEMBER)
minute in
3. Principal, Govt.
College of Art,
the same.
Desirable : (MEMBER)

Knowledge in
of computer.

Matriculation Not 2 Years (i) By Direct By Promotion Yes, Group C DPC for Not
IInd Division applicable for direct Recruitment from Group D Promotion/Confirmation : applicable
of 10+2 or recruits 90%.
1. Joint Secretary
above or its and one Employee :
(ii) By appoint- (Home), Chandigarh
equivalent year for
with a speed promotees ment from From amongst the Administration
of 30 words Group-D Group D (CHAIRMAN)
per minute in employees employees against
English 10% 2. Shri Swaran Singh,
10% posts having
typewriting. R.E.(s), O/o DPI,
five years regular
U.T., Chandigarh
Desirable : service in the cadre
and possessing
Knowledge in matriculation 3. Principal, Govt.
qualification and a College of Art,
of computer.
speed of 30 words Chandigarh
per minute in (MEMBER)
English typewriting
and has not
crossed the age of
45 years at the time
of promotion as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Library 03 (subject General Rs. 3,330 Selection by merit Not Between 18 years
Restorer to variation Central Civil 1103,660 applicable and 25 years
dependent Services Group 1204,260 (Relaxable for the
on the work- C Non- 1404,400
load) Gazetted 1505,000
Candidates up to
(Ministerial) 1605,800
2006,200 35 years for
appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government
of India).

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Matric with Not Two years By Direct Not applicable Yes, Group C D.P.C. for Not
Certificate applicable recruitment Promotion/Confirmation: applicable
course and
1. Joint Secretary
the years
(Home), Chandigarh

Matric with 2. Shri Swaran Singh,

Diploma in R.E.(s), O/o D.P.I.,
Library U.T., Chandigarh
Science; (MEMBER)

OR 3. Principal, Govt.
College of Art,
Matric with 2 Chandigarh
years (MEMBER)
Training in




The 5th December, 2001

No. A-1/2001/18.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with the Sub-Section (i) of Section 3 of the Chandigarh (Delegation of
Powers) Act, 1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-
IH(7)1766, dated 24th January, 1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to
make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts in respect of the
office of Chief Engineer, Union Territory, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the MINISTERIAL

(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in ColumnI of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number of Posts, classification and scales of pay.The number of the said posts,
their classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of
the said Schedule or as ammended by the competent authority from time to time.

4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification, etc.The method of recruitment to

the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected herewith shall be as specified
in Columns 5 to 13 of the said Schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates or the
persons belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribe, the age limit may be relaxed in accordance
with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.

5. Disqualifications.No person :

(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse living,
marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place
during the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said

(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reasons of the husband having a wife living
at the time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living
at the time of such marriage, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.

(iii) The Administrator may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds for so
ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations, other concessions required to

be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

7. Power to relax. Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expendient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any
of provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

(By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh)

Chandigarh : KARAN A. SINGH,

The 5th December, 2001. Secretary, Engineering,

Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh.


Name of Post Number of Classification Scale of Whether Selection Whether Age for Direct
Posts of Post pay Post or Non- benefit of Recruitment
Selection Post added years
of service is
under Rule
30 of the
Rules, 1972)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Supdt. 3 (2001) General Rs. 6,400- Selection-cum- Not Not applicable

Grade-II subject to Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority applicable
variation Services 2208,100
dependent (Group C) 27510,300
on the Non-Gazetted 34010,640
work load Ministerial


Educational Whether Period of Method of In case of If a D.P.C. exists, what is Circumsta-

and other age & probation, Recruitment recruitment by its composition nces in
Qualifications educational if any Whether by promotion/ which
required for qualifications direct deputation/transfer U.P.S.C.
direct prescribed recruitment or grades from which is to be
recruitment for direct by deputation/ promotion/ consulted
recruitment transfer and deputation/transfer in making
will apply percentage to be made recruitment
in the of the
case of vacancies to
Promotees be filled by

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Not Not One year 100% by (i) By Promotion : D.P.C. EXISTS Not
applicable applicable promotion From amongst the applicable
failing which Senior Assistants 1. C.E.U.T. (CHAIRMAN)
by deputation. and the Sr. Scale 2. O.S.D. (Design)
Stenographers in the
pay scale of
Rs.5,8009,200 with 3. Representative of
8 years regular
service in the cadre
categories of Engg.
after the appointment
thereto on regular Department
basis.The Sr. Scale (MEMBER)
Steno-grapher should
have atleast worked 4. Under Secretary
for a period of 2 years Architect (MEMBER)
as Sr. Asstt.
5. Supdt. Personnel
(ii) By Deputation :
From the officials of
Central Govt./State
holding analogous
posts on regular
basis and carrying
the same OR
Identical scale of pay.
(The period of
deputation including
the period of
deputation in another
ex-cadre post held
immediately pre-
ceding this appoint-
ment in the same or
some other Orga-
shall ordinarily not
exceed three years).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Personal 1 (2001) General Rs. 6,400- Selection-cum- Not Not

Asstt. subject to Central Civil 2007,000 seniority applicable applicable
variation Services 2208,100
dependent (Group C) 27510,300
on the Non-Gazetted 34010,640
work load Ministerial

3. Sr. Scale 1 (2001) General Rs. 5,800- 1. Selection-cum- Not Between 18 years
Steno- subject to Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority in case applicable and 30 years
grapher variation Services 2208,100 of promotees. (relaxable for the
dependent (Group C) 2759,200
2. Selection by Departmental
on the Non-Gazetted
work load Ministerial merit in case candidates up to
of Direct 35 years for
Recruitment appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government of

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Not Not One Year 100% by (i) By Promotion : D.P.C. EXISTS Not
applicable applicable Promotion, From amongst the applicable
failing which 1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
Sr. Scale Steno-
by Deputation graphers in the pay 2. O.S.D. (Design)
scle of Rs.5,800
9,200 with 5 years
service on regular 3. Representative of
basis in the cadre. S.C./O.B.C.
(ii) By Deputation : categories of Engg.
By taking officials on
Department (Member)
deputation holding
analogous posts on 4. Under Secretary
regular basis, as Architect (Member)
such from Central
Govt./State Govern- 5. Supdt. Personnel
ment/U.T. Adminis- (Member)
tration (The period of
deputation includ-ing
the period of
deputation in another
ex-cadre post held
immediately pre-
ceding this appoint-
ment in the same or
some other Orga-
shall ordinarily not
exceed three years).

(i) Bachelors Not Two years 100% by (i) By Promotion : D.P.C. EXISTS Not
Degree from a applicable for direct Promotion, From amongst the applicable
recognised recruitment failing which Junior Scale Steno- 1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
Univ. or its and one by deputation graphers in the cadre
with 5 years service 2. O.S.D. (Design)
equivalent; year for or absorption
promotee. and failing in grade after appoint- (Member)
(ii) 5 years
which by direct ment thereto on
experience in regular basis who 3. Representative of
Stenography recruitment.
possess speed of S.C./O.B.C.
line in a 120 words per minute categories of Engg.
reputed con- in stenography
cern or public (English) and 30 Department (Member)
sector/private words per minute in
transcripting the 4. Under Secretary
sector or in the
same. If no post of Jr. Architect (Member)
department. Scale Stenographer
exists in the depart- 5. Supdt. Personnel
(iii) Speed of ment then from (Member)
120 words per amongst the Steno-
minute in typists having ten
Stenography years regular service
as such in a cadre
(English) and
who possess speed
speed of 30 of 120 words per
words per minute in Steno-
minute in graphy (English) and
transcripting 30 words per minute
the same. in transcripting the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. Sr. Scale

4. Senior 26 (2001) General Rs. 5,800- Selection-cum- Not Not

Assistant subject to Central Civil 2007,000 Seniority applicable applicable
variation Services 2208,100
dependent (Group C) 2759,200
on the Non-Gazetted
work load Ministerial

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

By Absorption :

From amongst the

Junior Scale
Stenographer and
Steno-typist working
in other departments
of the Chandigarh
Admn. possessing
the qualifications and
experience pres-
cribed for direct
recruits under Col. 8.

Not Not One year 100% by (i) By Promotion : D.P.C. EXISTS : Not
applicable applicable Promotion, From amongst the applicable
failing which 1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
by deputation
Assistants/Steno- 2. O.S.D. (Design)
typists/Jr. Scale (Member)
3. Representative of
having 5 years
regular service in the
categories of Engg
cadre taken together
Department (Member)
as Clerk, Jr. Assis-
tant, Steno-typist 4. Under Secretary,
and Jr. Scale Steno- Architect (Member)
5. Supdt. Personnel
By Deputation :
From the officials of
Central Govt./State
Territory Adminis-
tration holding
analogous posts on
regular basis and
carrying the same or
identical scale of
pay. (The period of
deputation including
the period of
deputation in another
ex-cadre post held
immediately pre-
ceding this appoint-
ment in the same or
some other organisa-
tion/department shall
ordinarily not exceed
three years).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. Steno- 3 (2001) General Rs. 3,330 Selection by merit Not Between 18 years
Typist subject to Central Civil 1103,660 applicable and 25 years
variation Service 1204,260 (Relaxable for
dependent (Group C) 1404,400 Departmental
on the Non-Gazetted 1505,000 Candidate up to
work-load Ministerial 1605,800
35 years for
appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government
of India).

6. Clerk/ 35 (32+3) General Rs. 3,120 (1) Selection-cum- Not Between 18 years
Computer subject to Central Civil 1003,220 Seniority in case applicable and 25 years
variation Services 1103,660 of appointment (Relaxable for
dependent (Group C) 1204,260 from Group D
on the Non-Gazetted 1404,400 employees
Candidate up to
work-load Ministerial 1505,000
1605,160 (2) Selection by 35 years for
(with initial merit in case appointment by
start of of direct direct recruitment
Rs. 3,220/-) recruitment. and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government
of India).

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Matriculation Not Two Years Direct Not applicable D.P.C. EXISTS : Not
IInd Division or applicable Recruitment applicable
1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
10+2 or its
equivalent with 2. O.S.D. (Design)
a speed of 80 (Member)
words per
minute in 3. Representative of
Stenography S.C./O.B.C.
(English) and categories of Engg.
a speed of 20 Department (Member)
words per 4. Under Secretary
minute in Architect (Member)
the same. 5. Supdt. Personnel
Desirable :

Knowledge in
of computer.

Matriculation Not Two years By Direct By appointment D.P.C. EXISTS : Not

IInd Division applicable Recruitment : from Group D applicable
90% 1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
or 10+2 or employees :
above or its By appointment From amongst the 2. O.S.D. (Design)
equivalent with from Group D Group D (Member)
a speed 30 employees:10% employees against
words per 3. Representative of
10% vacancies in a
minute in S.C./O.B.C.
year having 5 years
English type- categories of Engg.
regular service in
writing. Department (Member)
the cadre after
appointment in the 4. Under Secretary
Desirable :
grade on regular Architect (Member)
Knowledge in basis provided they
operation/use are matriculation or 5. Supdt. Personnel
of Computer. equivalent from the (Member)
recognised Board/
Institution and
possess a speed of
30 w.p.m. in
English typewriting
and has not
crossed the age of
45 years at the time
of appointment as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. Photostat 1 (2001) General Rs. 4,400 Selection-cum- Not Not applicable

Assistant subject to Central Civil 1505,000 Seniority applicable
variation Services 1605,800
dependent (Group C) 2007,000
on the Non-Gazetted
work-load (Non-

8. Ferro 1 (2001) General Rs. 3,120 Selection-cum- Not Not applicable

Printer subject to Central Civil 1003,220 Seniority applicable
variation Service 1103,660
dependent (Group C) 1204,260
on the Non-Gazetted 1404,400
work-load Ministerial 1505,000

9. Staff Car 1 (2001) General Rs. 3,330 Selection by merit Not Between 18 years
Driver subject to Central Civil 1103,660 applicable and 25 years
variation Services 1204,260 (Relaxable for
dependent (Group C) 1404,400
on the Non-Gazetted 1505,000
Candidate up to
work-load Ministerial 1605,800
2006,200 35 years for
appointment by
direct recruitment
and up to 5 years
for other Govern-
ment servants in
accordance with
the instructions of
the Government of

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Not Not One Year By Promotion By Promotion from D.P.C. EXISTS : Not
applicable applicable 100% Ferro Printers, 1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman) applicable
having 2 years
experience as such 2. O.S.D. (Design)
on regular basis in (Member)
the cadre. 3. Representative of
categories of Engg.
Department (Member)
4. Under Secretary
Architect (Member)
5. Supdt. Personnel

Not Not One year By Promotion 100% by Promo- D.P.C. EXISTS : Not
applicable applicable tion amongst applicable
1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
Class-IV as per
2. O.S.D. (Design)
Seniority (Member)
3. Representative of
categories of Engg.
Department (Member)
4. Under Secretary
Architect (Member)
5. Supdt. Personnel

1. Middle Not Two years By Direct Not applicable D.P.C. EXISTS FOR Not
pass from a applicable Recruitment CONFIRMATION : applicable
1. C.E.U.T. (Chairman)
Institution 2. O.S.D. (Design)
2. Driving
Licence of 3. Representative of
Light Transport S.C./O.B.C.
categories of Engg.
Vehicles (LTV)
Department (Member)
3. 5 Years
4. Under Secretary
experience for
Architect (Member)
driving a Light
Transport 5. Supdt. Personnel
Vehicle (LTV) (Member)

(By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh)

Chandigarh : KARAN A, SINGH,

The 5th December, 2001. Secretary, Engineering,

Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh.



The 3rd December, 2001

No. DM/MA/2K1/37176.WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that certain groups

and organizations have planned to organize rallies, dharnas and various other agitational methods
and whereas there is every apprehension that such groups and organizations may cause obstruction,
annoyance or injury to the persons lawfully employed and endanger human life and property, disturb
public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays ;

2. AND WHEREAS I, M. Ramsekhar, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh am of the opinion

that taking out processions, making speaches or raising slogans, assembly of five or more persons
and carrying of Lathis in the Sectors falling on the north of Madhya Marg, Chandigarh would cause
obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed, disturb public peace and tranquility
and cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the provention of the
same ;

3. NOW THEREFORE, I, M. Ramsekhar, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh, do hereby

order that as a measure of emergency, the public in general or any member thereof is prohibited from
forming an assembly of five or more persons, taking out processions, making speeches, raising
slogans, sitting in dharnas and carrying Lathis within the sectors falling north of the Madhya Marg
namely Sectors 1 to 12 and 26 in the Union Territory, Chandigarh for a period of 60 days :

Provided that the above order shall not apply to :

(i) The police or Para-military persons or any other Government Servant on official
duty ;

(ii) The processions or meetings for which prior permission in writing of the District
Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Chandigarh, is obtained ;

(iii) The customary and ritualistic procession in connection with weddings and funerals.

4. This order shall come into force with effect from the zero hour on 4th December, 2001
and shall be effective for a period of 60 days upto and including 1st February, 2002.

5. In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex parte and is addressed
to the public in general.

6. This order shall be promulgated by announcement through publicity vans and by affixing
copies thereof at the Notice Boards of the Office of the District Magistrate as well as the District
Courts, Chandigarh, and publication in the newspapers having circulation in the area.

Given under my hand and seal of the Court this 3rd day of December, 2001.


District Magistrate,




The 14th December, 2001

No. DPI-UT-Ad.III-13(14)99.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article

309 of the Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
GSR No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, Administrator,U.T., Chandigarh is pleased to make the
following rules for appointment to the Chandigarh Education Department (Sub-Office Cadre) Ministerial
service and the condition of service thereof :

1. Short title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Education Department (Sub-Offices Cadre), (Group C) Non-Gazetted, Ministerial Rules, 2001.

(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in Column1 of the

Annexure-I annexed to these rules.

3. Number of post, classification and scale of pay.The number of the said posts,
their classification and the scale of pay thereof shall be specified in Columns 2 to 4 of the said

4. Method of recruitment, age limit and qualification etc.The method of recruitment

to the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as
specified in Columns 5 to 14 of the said Annexure.

5. Disqualifications. No person(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with

a person having a spouse living ;


(b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage, with any
persons, shall be eligible for the appointment to the said posts :

Provided that the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh may, if satisfied, that such marriage is
permissible under the Personal Law applicable to such persons and other party to the marriage and
there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Power to Relax. Where the Administrator is of the opinion that it is necessary or

expedient so to do, he may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of provisions
of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

(Sd.) . . .,

Home-cum-Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

1. Name of Post Superintendent Grade-II
2. No. of Posts 14 posts
Subject to variation dependent on the work load.
3. Classification of post General Central Civil Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted
4. Scales of pay Rs. 6,4002007,0002208,10027510,30034010,640
5. Whether selection post or Selection-cum-Seniority
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Not applicable
8. Educational and other Not applicable
qualification required for
direct recruitment
9. Whether age and educational Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any One year
11. Method of recruitment whether By promotion, failing which by deputation.
by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by various
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion :
promotion/deputation/transfer, From amongst the Senior Assistants/Assistant. (Accounts)
grades from which promotion/ and Senior Scale Stenographers in the pay scales of
deputation/transfer is to be made Rs. 5,8009,200 with eight years regular service in the
cadre.The Senior Scale Steno-graphers should have at least
worked for a period of two years as Senior Assistant.
By deputation :
From the officials of Central Government/State Government/
Union Territory Administrations holding analogous posts on
regular basis and carrying the same or identical scale of apy
. (The period of deputation including the period of deputation
in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other organisation/
department shall ordinarily not exceed three years).
13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C., for promotion :
Committee exists what is its 1. Director Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember
14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable
is to be consulted in making




1. Name of Post Senior Assistant/Accountant

2. No. of Posts 47 posts

Subject to variation dependent upon the work load.

3. Classification of post General Central Civil Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted


4. Scales of pay Rs. 5,8002007,0002208,1002759,200

5. Whether selection post or Selection-cum-Seniority

non-selection post

6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable

years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972

7. Age for direct recruitment Not applicable

8. Educational and other Not applicable

qualification required for
direct recruitment

9. Whether age and educational Not applicable

qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees

10. Period of probation, if any One year

11. Method of recruitment whether By promotion, failing which by deputation.

by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by various

12. In case of recruitment by From amongst the Clerks/Junior Assistants/Junior Scale

promotion/deputation/transfer, Stenographers/Steno-typists having five years regular
grades from which promotion/ service in the cadre taken together as Clerk, Junior
deputation/transfer is to Assistant, Junior Scale Stenographer and Stenotypist.
be made

By deputation :

From the officials of the Central Government/State

Government/ Union Territories Administrations holding
analogous posts on regular basis and carrying the same or
identical pay scale.

. (The period of deputation including the period of deputation

in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other organisation/
department shall not ordinarily not exceed three years).

13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C., for promotion :

Committee exists what is its 1. Director Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember

14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable

is to be consulted in making



1. Name of Post Senior Scale Stenographer

2. No. of Posts One

Subject to variation dependent on the work load.

3. Classification of post General Central Civil Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted


4. Scales of pay Rs. 5,8002007,0002208,1002759,200

5. Whether selection post or (i) Selection-cum-Seniority in case of promotees.

non-selection post (ii) Selection by merit in case of direct recruitment.

6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable

years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972

7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 30 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates upto 35 years for appointment by
direct recruitment and upto 5 years for other Government
servants in accordance with the instructions of the
Government of India).

8. Educational and other (i) Bachelors Degree from a recognised University or its
qualification required for equivalent.
direct recruitment (ii) 5 years experience in Stenography line in a reputed
concern or public sector/private sector or in the
Government Department.

(iii) Speed of 120 words per minute in Stenography (English)

and speed of 30 words per minute in transcripting
the same.

9. Whether age and educational Not applicable

qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees

10. Period of probation, if any Two years for direct recruit and one year for promotee.

11. Method of recruitment whether By promotion, failing which by deputation and failing which
by direct recruitment or by by direct recruitment.
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of
the vacancies to be filled by
various methods

12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion :

promotion/deputation/transfer, From amongst the Junior Scale Stenographers in the pay
grades from which promotion/ scales of Rs. 4,4007,000/5.0008,100, with 5 years
deputation/transfer is to regular service as such in the cadre, and possessing speed
be made of 120 words, per minute in Stenography (English) and 30
words per minute in transcripting the same. If no post of
Junior Scale Stenographer exists in the department, from
amongst the Steno-Typists having ten years regular service
as such in a cadre and possessing speed of 120 words per
minute in Stenography (English) and 30 words per minute in
transcripting the same.

By deputation :

From the officials of the Central Government/State

Government/Union Territories Administrations holding
analogous posts on regular basis and carrying the same or
identical pay scale

(The period of deputation including the period of deputation

in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other organisation/
department shall not ordinarily exceed three years).

13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C., for promotion Selection :

Committee exists what is its 1. Director Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember

14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable

is to be consulted in making

1. Name of Post Steno-typist
2. No. of Posts 10
Subject to variation dependent on the work load.
3. Classification of post General Central Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted
4. Scales of pay Rs. 3,3301103,6601204,2601404,4001505,000
5. Whether selection post or Selection by merit.
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates upto 35 years for appointment and
upto 5 years for other Government servants in accordance
with the instructions of the Government of India).
8. Educational and other Matriculation 2nd division or 10+2 or its equivalent with a
qualification required for speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (Englsih) and
direct recruitment a speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same.
Desirable : Knowledge in operation/use of Computer..
9. Whether age and educational Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any Two years.
11. Method of recruitment whether Direct recruitment.
by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of
the vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by Not applicable.
grades from which promotion/
deputation/transfer is to
be made
13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C., for confirmation ::
Committee exists what is its 1. Director, Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director, Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember
14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable.
is to be consulted in making

1. Name of Post Administrative Officer
2. No. of Posts 1 post
Subject to variation dependent upon the work load.
3. Classification of post General Central Civil Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted
4. Scales of pay Rs. 7,0002208,10027510,33034010,980
5. Whether selection post or Selection-cum-Seniority
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Not applicable
8. Educational and other Not applicable
qualifications required for
direct recruitment
9. Whether age and educational Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any One year
11. Method of recruitment whether By promotion, failing which by deputation
by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of
the vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion :
promotion/deputation/transfer, From amongst the Supdt. Grade-II having 5 years regular
grades from which promotion/ service as such in the cadre.
deputation/transfer is to
be made
By deputation :
From the officials of the Central Government/State
Government/Union Territory Administrations holding analogous
posts on regular basis and carrying the same or identical
scale of pay.
(The period of deputation including the period of deputation
in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other organisation/
department shall ordinarily not exceed three years).
13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C. for promotion :
Committee exists what is its 1. Director, Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director, Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember
14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable
is to be consulted in making



1. Name of Post Circle Auditor (Non-SAS)
2. No. of Posts 1 post
Subject to variation dependent upon the work load.
3. Classification of post General Central Service (Group C) Non-Gazetted
4. Scales of pay Rs. 6,4002007,0002208,10027510,30034010,640
5. Whether selection post or Selection-cum-Seniority
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable
years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972
7. Age for direct recruitment Not applicable
8. Educational and other Not applicable
qualification required for
direct recruitment
9. Whether age and educational Not applicable
qualification prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any One year
11. Method of recruitment whether By promotion, failing which by deputation
by direct recruitment or by
promotion or by deputation/
transfer and percentage of
the vacancies to be filled by
various methods
12. In case of recruitment by By Promotion :
promotion/deputation/transfer, From amongst the Senior Assistant/Accountants having 8
grades from which promotion/ years regular service as such in the cadre.
deputation/transfer is to
be made
By deputation :
From the officials of the Central Government/State
Government/Union Territory Administrations holding analogous
posts on regular basis and carrying the same or identical
scale of pay
(The period of deputation including the period of deputation
in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
department in the same or some other organisation/
department shall ordinarily not exceed three years).
13. If a Departmental Promotion Yes, Group C D.P.C. for promotion :
Committee exists what is its 1. Director, Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director, Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember
14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable
is to be consulted in making


1. Name of Post Clerk

2. No. of Posts 76 posts

Subject to variation dependent on the work load.

3. Classification of post General Central Services (Group C) Non-Gazetted,


4. Scales of pay Rs. 3,1201003,2201103,6601204,2601404,400


5. Whether selection post or Selection by merit.

non-selection post

6. Whether benefit of added Not applicable.

years of service admissible
under rule 30 of C.C.S.
(Pension Rules), 1972

7. Age for direct recruitment Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment by
direct recruitment and up to 5 years for other Government
servants in accordance with the instructions of the
Government of India).

8. Educational and other Matriculation 2nd division or 10+2 or its equivalent with a
qualifications direct recruitment speed of 30 words per minute in Englsih typewriting.
required for

Desirable : Knowledge in operation/use of Computer.

9. Whether age and educational Not applicable

qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees

10. Period of probation, if any Two years.

11. Method of recruitment whether By Direct Recruitment 90%

by direct recruitment or by By appointment from 10%
promotion or by deputation/ Group D employees
transfer and percentage of
the vacancies to be filled by
various methods

12. In case of recruitment by By appointment from Group D (Employees) :

grades from which promotion/ From amongst the Group D employees against 10%
deputation/transfer is to vacancies in a year having five years regular service in the
be made cadre and possessing matriculation qualification and a
speed of 30 words per minutes in English typewriting and
has not crossed the age of 45 years at the time of appointment
as Clerk. In case of non-filling of this percentage of vacancies
in a year the same will not be carry forwarded to the next

13. If a Departmental Promotion Group C D.P.C. for confirmation :

Committee exists what is its 1. Director, Public Instruction (Colleges) Chairman
composition. 2. Director, Public Instruction (Schools)Member
3. Assistant Legal RemembrancerMember

14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. Not Applicable.

is to be consulted in making




The 11th January, 2002

No. 672-1H(3)-2001/4927.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309
of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
GSR No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts in the Government
Polytechnic for Women, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short title and Commencement : (i) These rules may be called the Government
Polytechnic for Women, service (Group C) Recruitment Rules, 2001.

(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their notification in the official gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in Column1 of the

Schedule annexed to these rules.

3. Number of posts, classification and scale of pay.The number of posts, their

classification and the scale of pay thereof shall be as specified in Column 2, 3 and 4 of the said

4. Method of recruitment, age limit, other qualifications etc.The method of recruitment

to the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as
specified in Columns 5 to 14 of the said schedule :

Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case
of departmental candidates and candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and
other Backward Classes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the general
orders issued from time to time by the Central Government :

Provided further that the qualifications regarding experience prescribed for direct recruitment
may be relaxed by the competent authority in case of candidates belonging to the Schedules Caste/
Scheduled Tribes/other Backward Classes and other special categories of persons, if at any stage
of selection, the competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these
communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies
reserved for them.

5. Disqualifications.

(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse living,
marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place
during the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said
posts ;

(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reasons of the husband having a wife living
at the time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living
at the time of such marriage, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts;

(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, may, if he is satisfied that there are
special grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

Sr. Name of No. of post Classifi- Scale of Whether Whether Age limit Education Whether Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC exists Circum-
No. the posts cation pay Selection benefits of for direct and other age and probation recruitment recruitment by what its composi- stances
or Non- added recruit- qualifications education whether promotion by tion in which
Selection years of ment required for qualifica- by direct deputation/ UPSC is
service direct tions recruitment transfer to be to be
admissible recruitment prescribed OR by made con-
under for direct Promotion/ sulted in
rules 30 of recruitment Depuration making
the GCS will apply in & %age of recruit-
(Pen the case of vacancies ments
Rules 72) promotees to be filled
by direct
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Hostel 01 (Subject Gen. Rs. 5,800- 1. Selection- N.A. 30 years 1. Academic- Age : No 2 years for By promo- By promotion : Group (C)-DPC for N.A.
warden to variation Central 2007,000- cum- or below Post Qualification direct tion failing From the Hostel promotion/confirma-
dependent Service 220-8.100- Seniority in (Relexable graduate No recruitment which by Supdt.-cum-PTI tion
on the work Group 275-9,200 case of for Govt. degree from and one deputation with 5 years
load) (C) Non- promotees. Servant recognised year for failing which experience on 1. D.T.E.,
Gazetted upto 5 university. promotees. by direct regular basis. U.T.,Chandigarh
Non- 2. Selection years) recruitment. (Chairman)

Ministrial by Merit in 2. Exp :-One By Deputation :

case of year 2. Principal G.P.W.
Direct experience in From the officials Chd. (Member)
recruitment. the field of of Central Govt./
running the State Govts/U.T. 3. Under Secretary
Administration (H) (Member)
hostel in the
Education holding analogous
Institution OR posts on regular
College level basis in the same
or identical scale
of pay.

2 Hostel 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 5,000- Selection by N.A. -do- 1. Acadmic : N.A. 2 years By Direct N.A. -do- N.A.
Supdt.- to variation 1605,800- merit graduate Recruitment
cum-PTI dependent 200-7.000- degree from
on the work 220-8,100 Recognised
load. University.
2. Profes-
sional :
Diploma in
from reco-
Institution or

3. Experi-
ence :
Should have
worked as
Instructor in
training in an
Institute of
standard not
less then Sr.
Sec. School
at least 2

3 Nurse 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 5,000- -do- N.A. -do- Diploma in N.A. 2 years -do- N.A. -do- N.A.
to variation 1605,800- General
dependent 200-7,000- Nursing Grade
on the work 220-8,100 A/B.Sc.
load. Nursing from

4 Librarian 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 5,000- 1. Selection- N.A. -do- 1. B.Lib. from Age : No 2 years for By promo- By promotion : -do- N.A.
to variation 1605,800- cum- recognized/ Qualifica- direct tion failing From the Jr.
dependent 200-7,000- Seniority in Institute/ tion: No recruitment which by Librarian with 5
on the work 220-8,100 case of University. and one deputation years experience
load. promotees. year for failing which on regular basis.
2. Experi- promotees. by direct
2. Selection recruitment. By Deputation :
ence: 3 years
by Merit in From the officials
case of of Librarian of Central Govt./
Direct OR Diploma State Govts./U.T.
recruitment. with Lib. Administration
Science from holding analo-
re-cognized gous posts on
Institute with regular basis in
5 years ex- the same or
perience and identical scale of
one year pay.
training in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5. Instru- 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 4,400- Selection by N.A. -do- 1. Academic: N.A. 2 years Direct N.A. -do- N.A.
ment to variation 1505,000- merit Passed 10th Recruitment
Repairer. dependent 160-5,800-
Std. Exam. un-
on the work 200-7,000
load. der 10+2 sys-
tem or its

2. Professional
NTC/NAC in In-
strument Me-
chanic trade/
General Elec-
tronics Mech./
Tech. & Elec-
tronic system

3. Experience :
3 years in trade.

6. Drafts- 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 4,020- -do- N.A. -do- 1. Academic: N.A. 2 years Direct N.A. -do- N.A.
man to variation 1204,260- Passed 10th Std. Recruitment
dependent 140-4,400-
Exam. under
on the work 150-5,000-
load) 160-5,800- 10+2 system or
200-6,200 its equivalent.

2. Professional
Draftsman Civil

3. Experience :
3 years experi-
ence after ac-
quiring the mini-
mum qualifica-
tion and knowl-
edge of com-
puter graphics
is desirable.
7 Junior 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 4,020- 1. Selection- N.A. -do- 1. Academic: Age : No 2 years for By promo- By promotion : -do- N.A.
Librarian to variation 1204,260- cum- Passed 10th Qualifica- direct tion failing From the Library
dependent 140-4,400- Seniority in Std. Exam. under tion: No recruitment which by Restorer with 5
on the work 150-5,000- case of 10+2 system or and one deputation years experience
load) 160-5,800- promotees. its equivalent. year for failing which on regular basis.
200-6,200. 2.Professional: promotees. by direct
2. Selection Diploma in Li- recruitment. By Deputation :
by Merit in brary Science From the officials
case of from recognized of Central Govt./
Direct Institute/Univer- State Govts./U.T.
recruitment. sity. Administration
3. Experience : holding analogous
3 years in Li- posts on regular
brary or B.Lib. basis in the same
with one year or identical scale
experience. of pay.

8 Library 01 (Subject -do- Rs. 3,330- Selection by N.A. -do- 1. Academic: N.A. 2 years By Direct N.A. -do- N.A.
Restorer to variation 110-3,660- merit. Passed 10th recruitment
dependent 120-4,260- Std. Exam. under
on the work 140-4,400- 10+2 system or
load) 150-5,000- its equivalent.
160-5,800- 2.Professional:
200-6,200 Diploma in Li-
brary Science

from recognized
3. Experience :
one year in

9 Labora- 04 (Subject -do- Rs. 3,120- -do- N.A. -do- 1. Academic: N.A. 2 years By Direct N.A. -do- N.A.
tory to variation 100-3,220- Passed 10th recruitment
Assistant dependent 110-3,660- Std. Exam. under
on the work 120-4,260- 10+2 system or
load) 140-4,400- its equivalent.
150-5,000- 2.Professional:
160-5,160 Diploma in rele-
vant trade.

Govt. Polytechnic For Women,




The 15th January, 2002

No. 2554-DPI-UT-CI-12(110)76-Part-III.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to

article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
notification No. C. S. R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966 and Union Public Service Commission
letter No. F. 3/31(3)/95-RR, dated 15th October, 2001, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English Rules, 1990 namely :

(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English (Second Amendment) Rules, 2002.

(ii) They shall come into force at once.

2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Regional Institute of English

Rules, 1990 in the Schedule appended there to :

For column No 8 titled as Educational and other qualification required for direct recruits,
the following shall be substituted, namely :

(i) Good Academic Record with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade at Master
degree level in English from a recognised University or equivalent.

Explanation : The term Good Academic Record means at least second class with fifty per cent
marks in graduation degree.

(ii) Post graduate diploma in teaching of English/English studies awarded by C.I.E.F.L.

Hyderabad or equivalent.

(iii) Should have cleared the eligibility test for Lecturers conducted by the University
Grants Commission, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research or similar test
accredited by the University Grants Commission.

Note : The following are exempted from the requirement of educational qualification (iii) :

(a) The candidates who have been passed national eligibility test (N.E.T.) Examination
conducted by the University Grants Commission/Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research for Junior Research Fellowship award.


(b) The candidates who have submitted their Ph. D Thesis or passed M. Phil Examination by
31st December, 1993.


(c) Candidates who have been awarded Ph. D Degree.


Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.




February, 2002

No. Esstt. R-10-Arch-2002/1711.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article
309 of the Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Notification bearing S.O. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory,
Chandigarh, is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C
posts (Ministerial) in the Department of Urban Planning :

1. Short Title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning Group C (Ministerial) Recruitment Rules, 2002

(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the post specified in column I of the Scheduled
annexed to these rules.

3. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2, 3 and 4 of
said Scheduled.

4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit Qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to the

said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters concerned therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment
may be relaxed in the case of departmental candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the instructions issued by
the Government, from time to time.

5. Disqualifications.(a) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts; and

(b) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said posts :

Provided that the Administrator may, if satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required to
be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

8. The Chandigarh Administration, Department of Architecture (Now Urban Planning) (Class-III)

Recruitment Rules, 1970 and amendments made from time to time, are hereby repealed :

Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to
have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.


Chief Architect and Secretary,

Department of Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.


1. Name of the Post : Superintendent (Grade-I)

2. Number of Posts : I (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 7,22011,660
5. Whether selection post of : Selection-cum-Seniority
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Not applicable
8. Educational and other qualifications : Not applicable
required for direct recruits
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of of Promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : One year
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : 100% by promotion failing which by deputation
direct recruitment or by promotion
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filed by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : By Promotion :
deputation/transfer, grades from From amongst the Senior Assistants and Senior Scale
which promotion/deputation Stenographers in the pay scale of Rs. 5,8009,200
transfer to be made having 10 years regular service in the cadre. The
Senior Scale Stenographer should atleast worked for a
period of two years as Senior Assistant
By Deputation :
From amongst the officials of the Central Governemnt/
State Government/UT Administrations holding analogous
post in the same or identical pay scale
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Promotion :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Engineering
(3) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment


1. Name of the Post : Senior Assistant

2. Number of Posts : 5 (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 5,8009,200
5. Whether selection post of : Selection-cum-Seniority
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Not applicable
8. Educational and other qualifications : Not applicable
required for direct recruits
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of of Promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : One year
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : 100% by promotion failing which by deputation
direct recruitment or by promotion
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filed by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : By Promotion :
deputation/transfer, grades from From amongst the Senior Assistants/Clerks having 5
which promotion/deputation years regular service as such in the cadre taken
transfer to be made together as Junior Assistant/Clerk.
By Deputation :
From amongst the officials of the Central Governemnt/
State Government/UT Administrations holding analogous
post in the same or identical pay scale. (The period of
deputation including the period of deputation in another
ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this department
in the same/some other organization/department shall not
ordinarily exceed three years).
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Promotion :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Engineering
(3) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment

1. Name of the Post : Senior Scale Stenographer
2. Number of Posts : 1 (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 5,8009,200
5. Whether selection post or : 1. Selection-cum-Seniority in case of Promotees
non-selection post 2. Selection by merit in case of Direct Recruitees
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Between 18 years and 30 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment
by Direct Recruitment and up to 5 years for other
Government Servants in accordance with the
instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other qualifications : (1) Bachelors Degree from a recognized University or
required for direct recruits its equivalent
(2) 5 years experience in Stenography line in a reputed
concern or public sector/private sector or in the
Government Department
(3) Speed of 120 w.p.m. in Stenography English and
Speed of 30 w.p.m. in transcripting the same
9. Whether age and educational : No
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : Two years for Direct Recruitment and one year for
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : 100% by promotion failing which by deputation failing
direct recruitment or by promotion which by Direct Recruitment
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : By Promotion :
deputation/transfer, grades from From amongst Junior Scale Stenographers in the
which promotion/deputation cadre with 5 years service in grade after appointment
transfer to be made thereto on regular basis who possess speed of 120 w.p.m.
in Stenography (English) and 30 w.p.m. in Transcripting
the same or From amongst Stenotypists with 10 years
regular service as such in the cadre, who possess speed
of 120 w.p.m. in Stenography (English) and 30 w.p.m. in
transcripting the same
By Deputation :
From amongst the officials of the Central Government/
State Government/UT Administrations holding analogous
post in the same or identical scale of pay.
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Promotion/Confirmation :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Engineering
(3) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment


1. Name of the Post : Junior Scale Stenographer

2. Number of Posts : 2 (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 4,4007,000
5. Whether selection post or : 1. Selection-cum-Seniority in case of Promotees
non-selection post 2. Selection by merit in case of Direct Recruitees
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment
by Direct Recruitment and up to 5 years for other
Government Servants in accordance with the
instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other qualifications : Matriculation IInd Division or 10+2 or its equivalent with
required for direct recruits speed of 100 w.p.m. in Stenography English and Speed
of 20 w.p.m. in Transcripting the same
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period or probation, if any : Two years for Direct Recruitment and one year for
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : By promotion failing which by Direct Recruitment
direct recruitment or by promotion
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : By Promotion :
deputation/transfer, grades from From amongst the Stenotypists in the cadre with 5
which promotion/deputation years service in grade after appointment thereto on
transfer to be made regular basis who possess speed of 100 w.p.m. in
Stenography (English) and 20 w.p.m. in transcripting the
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Promotion/Confirmation :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Engineering
(3) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment


1. Name of the Post : Stenotypist

2. Number of Posts : 4 (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 3,3306,200
5. Whether selection post or : Selection by merit
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment
by Direct Recruitment and up to 5 years for other
Government Servants in accordance with the
instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other qualifications : Matriculation 2nd Division or 10+2 or its equivalent with
required for direct recruits a speed of 80 w.p.m. in Stenography (English) and a
speed of 20 w.p.m. in Transcripting the same.
Desirable : knowledge in operation/use of Computer
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : Two years
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : By Direct Recruitment
direct recruitment or by promotion
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : Not applicable
deputation/transfer, grades from
which promotion/deputation
transfer to be made
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Confirmation :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(3) Superintendent (Personnel) .. Member
Personnel, Chandigarh
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
(5) Zila Sainik Welfare Officer .. Member
Zila Sainik Board, Chandigarh
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment

1. Name of the Post : Clerk
2. Number of Posts : 6 (Subject to variation dependent on the work load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 3,1205,160 (with an initial start of Rs. 3, 220)
5. Whether selection post or : (1) Selection-cum-Seniority in case of Promotion from
non-selection post Grpup D employees
(2) Selection by Merit in case of Direct Recruitment
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment
by Direct Recruitment and up to 5 years for other
Government Servants in accordance with the
instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other qualifications : Matriculation 2nd Division or 10+2 or above or its
required for direct recruits equivalent with a speed of 30 w.p.m. in English
Desirable : Knowledge in operation/use of Computer
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : Two years
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : By Direct Recruitment 90%
direct recruitment or by promotion BY promotion from Group D employees 10%
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : By Promotion from Group D Employees :
deputation/transfer, grades from From amongst the Group D employees against 10%
which promotion/deputation/ of posts having 5 years regular service in the cadre
transfer to be made after appointment in the grade on regular basis provided
they are Matriculation or equivalent from the recognised
Board/Institution and possess a speed 30 w.p.m. in English
Typewriting and has not crossed the age of 45 years at
the time of promotion as Clerk
13. If a DPC exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C DPC for Promotion/Confirmation :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(3) Superintendent (Personnel), .. Member
Department of Personnel,
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
(5) Zila Sainik Welfare Officer, .. Member
Zila Sainik Board, Chandigarh
14. Circumstances in which UPSC is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment


1. Name of the Post : Staff Car Driver

2. Number of Posts : 3 (Subject to variation dependent on the work-load)
3. Classification : General Central Services Group C Non-Gazetted
4. Scale of Pay : Rs. 3,3306,200
5. Whether selection post of : Selection by merit
non-selection post
6. Whether benefit of added years of : Not applicable
service admissible under Rule 30
of the C.C.S. (Pension) Rules, 1972
7. Age for Direct Recruitment : Between 18 years and 25 years (Relaxable for the
Departmental candidates up to 35 years for appointment
by direct recruitment and up to 5 years for other
Government Servants in accordance with the
instructions of the Government of India)
8. Educational and other qualifications : (1) Matric pass from a recognized Board/Institution
required for direct recruits (2) Driving licence of Light Transport Vehicle (LTV)
(3) 5 years experience for driving a Light Transport
Vehicle (LTV)
9. Whether age and educational : Not applicable
qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees
10. Period of probation, if any : Two years
11. Method of Recruitment whether by : By Direct Recruitment
direct recruitment or by promotion
or by deputation/transfer and
percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
12. In case of recruitment by promotion/ : Not applicable
deputation/transfer, grades from
which promotion/deputation
transfer to be made
13. If a D.P.C. exists, what is its compostition : Yes Group C D.P.C. for Confirmation :
(1) Chief Architect .. Chairman
(2) Under Secretary, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning
(3) Superintendent (Personnel), .. Member
Department of Personnel,
(4) Assistant Architect, .. Member
Department of Urban Planning (S.C.)
(5) Zila Sainik Welfare Officer, .. Member
Zila Sainik Board, Chandigarh
14. Circumstances in which U.P.S.C. is to : N.A.
be consulted in making recruitment


The 5th March, 2002

No. A4/2002/03.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with sub-section (i) of section 3 of Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act,
1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-IH(7)/1766,
dated 24th January, 1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following
rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts (Drawing Establishment) in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration, namely :

1. Short Title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called Group C (Drawing
Establishment) posts Engineering Department, Chandigarh Recruitment Rules, 2002

(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of
the said Scheduled or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.

4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit, Qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to

the said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates or the persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in accordance
with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.

5. Disqualifications.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time
of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.

(ii) No women, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said posts.

(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, other concessions required to be

provided for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of opinion that it

is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

(By Order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh).

Secretary, Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration,

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age for direct Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If the committee Circum-
Post posts fication Pay (Rs.) selection of added years recruitment other qualifi- and educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by exist, what is its stances in
post of of service is cation required qualifications if any direct recruitment promotion/ composition which the
non- admissible for direct prescribed for or deputation/ deputation/ U.P.S.C.
selection under Rule 30 recruitment direct recruit- transfer and transfer grade is to be
post of CCS ment will apply percentage of from which consulted
(Pension) in case of vacancies to be promotion/ making
Rules, 1972 promotion filled by various deputation/ recruit-
methods transfer to be ment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Chief
Group C D.P.C.
*1 General Rs. 7,200- Selection- N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. One year 100% by Promotion : N.A.
1. Chief
(2001) Central 220-8,100- cum- promotion Circle Head
C.E. Engineer,
*Subject Service 275-10,300- Seniority failing which Draftsman with
Office-1 to Group C 340-11,660 by deputation Chandigarh
3 years regular
variation Non- Administration :
service in the
dependent Gazetted grade. Chairman
on work- Non- Deputation : 2. S.E. (B&R)
load Ministerial Chandigarh
Employees of the
Central Govt./ Administration :
State Govts. of Member

Punjab and
3. Under Secretry,
Haryana and
U.T. of Department of
Chandigarh Admn. Urban Planning,
holding analogous U.T., Chandigarh
or similar posts Administration :
on regular basis Member
(Period of
4. Representative
deputation shall
ordinarily not of reserved
categories as
exceed 3 years)
notified by
Administration :
5. Representative
from Department
of Personnel,
Administration :

2. Circle Group C D.P.C.

General Rs. 7,000- Selection- N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. One year 100% by Promotion : Not
Draftsman *6 1. Chief
(2001) Central 220-8,100- cum- promotions Head Draftsman applicable
C.E. Engineer,
*Subject Service 275-10,300- Seniority failing which with 5 years
Office-(2) Chandigarh
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S.E.C.-1 to Group C 340-10,980 by deputation regular service Chairman

(3) variation Non- in the grade in 2. Concerned
Public dependent Gazetted the respective
Health-(1) S.E.:
on work- Non- wing
E Member
load Ministerial Deputation :
Electrical 3. Under Secretry,
Employees of the Department of
Central Govt./
Urban Planning,
State Govts. of
Punjab and U.T., Chandigarh
Haryana and Administration :
U.T. of Member
Chandigarh Admn. 4. Representative
holding analogous of reserved
or similar posts categories as
on regular basis notified by
(Period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not Administration :
exceed 3 years)
5. Representative
from Department
of Personnel,
Administration :

1. Head
Group C D.P.C.
C.E. *31 General Rs. 6,400- Selection- N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. One year 100% by Promotion : N.A.
1. Chief Engineer,
Office-(7)/ (2001) Central 200-7,000 cum- promotions Draftsman with Chandigarh
*Subject Service 220-8,100- Seniority failing which 5 years regular Administration :
S.E.C.-1 to Group C 275-10,300 by deputation service in the Chairman
(15) variation Non- 340-10,640 grade in the 2. Concerned S.E.
dependent Gazetted respective wing Member
S.E.C.-II on work- Non- Deputation : 3. Under Secretry,
(2)/ load Ministerial
Employees of the Department of
Central Govt./ Urban Planning
State Govts. of U.T., Chandigarh
Punjab and Administration :
Haryana and Member
U.T. of 4. Representative
Chandigarh Admn. of reserved
holding analogous categories as
or similar posts notified by
on regular basis Chandigarh
(Period of Administration :
deputation shall Member
ordinarily not 5. Representative
exceed 3 years) from Department
of Personnel,
Administration :
4. Draftsman
Group C D.P.C.
C.E. *54 General Rs. 5,800- (i) Selection- N.A. 1825 years Essential Age : No. (i) One year (i) 50% by Promotion : N.A.
1. Chief Engineer,
Office-(8)/ (2001) Central 200-7,000 cum- (Relaxable for for promotion
(i) Matric Pass of E.Q. : To the (i) Junior Chandigarh
*Subject Service 220-8,100- seniority promotee Administration :
S.E.C.-1 OBC/S.C. as a recognized extent indi- (ii) 50% by Draftsman
to Group C 275-9,200 in case of Chairman
(24)/ per rules from Board/University cated in (ii) Two years direct with 12 years
variation Non- direct
Column 12 2. Concerned
dependent Gazetted promotees time to time or equivalent. for direct recruitment regular service S.E.
S.E.C.-II on work- Non- and up to recruit. failing which in the grade in
(ii) I.T.I. Member
(8)/ load Ministerial (ii) Selection by deputation
35 years in Draftsmanship the respective 3. Under Secretry,
by merit
in case the case of diploma of at wing for I.T.I. Department of
of direct department least two years qualified. Urban Planning,
recruitment duration in the U.T., Chandigarh
employees (ii) 15 years regular Administration :
Electrical relevant trade
service in the Member
(5) (to be indicated
respective wing 4. Representative
at the time of of reserved
for Non-I.T.I.
recruitment) categories as
(iii) 5 years notified by
Note : Junior
experience in Chandigarh
Draftsman who Administration :
the trade do not possess Member
(iv) Knowledge of educational 5. Representative
operating qualifications laid from Department
computer is down for direct of Personnel,
must recruits shall Chandigarh
Administration :
have to qualify
the departmental

conducted by
the Competent
Deputation :
Employees of
the Central
Govts. of
Punjab and
Haryana and
U.T. of
Admn. holding
analogous or
similar posts
on regular basis
(Period of
shall ordinarily
not exceed 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4. Junior
Draftsman Group C D.P.C.
C.E. *41 General Rs. 4,020- (i) Selection N.A. 1825 years Essential Age : No. (i) One year 90% by Promotion : N.A.
1. Chief Engineer,
Office-(5)/ (2001) Central 120-4,260 merit in for
(Relaxable for (i) Matric Pass of E.Q. : To the direct Group D Chandigarh
Subject Service 140-4,400- by case promotee employees Administration :
S.E.C.-1 OPC/S.C. as a recognized extent indi- recruitment
to Group C 150-5,000- of direct working under Chairman
(20)/ per rules from Board/University cated in (ii) Two years 10% by
variation Non- 160-5,800- recruitment the control of
Column 2. Concerned
dependent Gazetted 200-6,200 time to time or equivalent for direct promotion Engineering Deptt.
No. 12 S.E.
Public on work- Non- (ii) Selection- and up to recruit- failing in respective
(ii) I.T.I. Member
Health load Ministerial cum- ment wings who are
35 years in Draftsmanship which by 3. Under Secretry,
(8)/ seniority in Matriculate with
case of the case of diploma of at deputation Department of
Drawing. Physics, Urban Planning,
Electrical promotees department least two years Chemistry as one
duration in the U.T., Chandigarh
(8) employees of the subjects
Administration :
relevant trade and have worked
(to be indicated for a period of
4. Representative
at the time of 5 years
of reserved
recruitment) Deputation : categories as
(iii) 2 years Employees of the notified by
Central Govt./ Chandigarh
experience in
State Govts. of Administration :
the trade Punjab and Member
(iv) Knowledge of Haryana and 5. Representative
operating U.T. of Chandigarh from Department
Admn. holding of Personnel,
computer is
analogous or

must Chandigarh
similar posts on
Administration :
regular basis
(Period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years).

By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh.

Secretary Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh.




New Delhi, the 20th March, 2002

No. G.S.R. 218(E).In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article 309 of the
Constitution, and in supersession of the Chandigarh Administration Architectural Staff (Class-I) Recruitment
Rules, 1967 relating to the posts Chief Architect, Senior Architect and Architect/Associate Professor
except as respect things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the President hereby
makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to the posts of Chief Architect, Senior
Architect and Architect in the Department of Urban Planning (Architecture Wing), Chandigarh
Administration :

1. Short Title and Commencements.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning (Architecture Wing) (Group-A posts) Recruitment
Rules, 2002.

(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.The number of posts, their classification
and the scale of pay attached thereto, shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the Scheduled
annexed to these rules.

3. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit, Qualifications.The method of recruitment to the

said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns
(5) to (14) of the said Schedule.

4. Disqualifications.(a) No person,

(a) who, has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or

(b) who, having a spouce living, has entered into, or contracted a marriage with any person;

shall be eligible for appointment to any of the said posts :

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under
the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other
grounds for doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

5. Power to Relax.Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or

expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the
Union Public Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or
category of persons.

6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other
concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
Classes, Ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued
by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Age limit Whether Educational Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If the Departmental Circum-
Post posts fication Pay (Rs.) selection by for direct benefit of and other and educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by Promotion Committee stances in
merit or recruits added years qualifications qualifications if any direct recruitment promotion/ exists what is its which
selection- of service required for prescribed for or by promotion deputation/ composition Union
cum- admissible direct recruits direct recruits or by deputation/ absorption grades Public
seniority or under Rule 30 will apply in absorption and from which Service
non- of Central the case of percentage of the promotion/ Commis-
selection Civil Services promotees posts to be filled deputation/ sion to be
post (Pension) by various absorptionr to consulted
Rules,1972 methods be made in making

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Chief 1* General Rs. 18,600- Selection Not Not Not Not Nill Promotion Promotion : Group A Departmental Consultation
Architect (2002) Central 500- by failing which Senior Architect Promotion Committee with Union
applicable applicable applicable applicable
Subject Service 22,100 merit by deputation with three years for promotion : Public
to Group A regular service Service
variation Gazetted in the grade. 1. Chairman/Member, Commission
dependent Non- Note : Where Union Public necessary
on work- Ministerial juniors who have Service while
load completed their
Commission : appointing

service are being Chairman an officer

considered for 2. Home Secretary, on
promotion, their Union Territory of deputation
seniors would also Chandigarh :
be considered Member
provided they are
not short of the 3. Finance Secretary,
requisite qualifying/ Union Territory of
eligibility service Chandigarh :
by more than half Member
of such qualifying/
eligibility service,
or two years,
whichever is less,
and have success-
fully completed
their probation
period for promotion
to the next higher
grade along with
their juniors who
have already
completed such
qualifying service.
Deputation :
Officers of the
Union Territories
(a) (i) Holding
analogous posts on
regular basis in the
parent cadre/
Department; or
(ii) with 3 years
service in the grade
rendered after
appointment thereto
on a regular basis in
the Central
Government pay
scale of Rs. 14,300-
18,300 or equivalent
in the parent cadre/
Department; and
(b) possessing the
following edu-
cational qualifications
and experience:
(i) Degree in
Architecture from a
University or
(ii) Should be
registered with the
Council of
(iii) 15 years
experience in the
profession, (The
departmental officers

in the feeder
category who are in
the direct line of
promotion shall not
be eligible for
consideration for
appointment on
deputation. Similarly,
deputationists shall
not be eligible for
consideration for
appointment by
promotion. Period of
deputation including
period of deputation
in another ex-cadre
post held immediately
preceding this
appointment in the
same or some other
ment of the Central
Goverment shall
ordinarily not exceed
five years. The
maximum age limit
for appointment by
deputation shall be
not exceeding 56
years as on the
closing date of
receipt of applications).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Senior 2* General Rs.14,300- Selection Not Not Not Nill Promotion Promotion : Group A Departmental Consultation
Architect (2002) Central 400- by failing which Architect with Promotion Committee with Union
applicable applicable applicable applicable
Subject Service 15,900 merit by deputation ten years (for promotion) Public
to Group A 400- regular service
18,600 in the grade.
variation Gazetted 1. Chairman/Member, Commission
Note : Where
dependent Non- juniors who have Union Public necessary
on work- Ministerial completed their Service while
load qualifying/eligibility Commission appointing
service are being Chairman an officer
considered for
promotion, their 2. Home Secretary, on
seniors would also Union Territory, deputation
be considered Chandigarh
provided they are Administration
not short of the Member
requisite qualifying/
eligibility service 3. Chief Architect,
by more than half Union Territory,
of such qualifying/ Chandigarh
eligibility service, Member
or two years,
whichever is less,
and have success-
fully completed
their probation
period for promotion

to the next higher

grade along with
their juniors who
have already
completed such
qualifying service.
Deputation :
Officer of the
Union Territories-
(a) (i) Holding
analogous posts on
regular basis in the
parent cadre/
Department; or
(ii) with 5 years
service in the
grade rendered
after appointment
thereto on a regular
basis in the Central
Government pay
scale of Rs. 12,000-
16,500 or equivalent
in the parent cadre/
Department; or
(iii) with ten years
service in the
grade rendered
after appointment
thereto on a regular
basis in the Central
Government pay
scale of Rs. 10,000-
15,200 or equivalent
in the parent cadre/
Department; and
(b) possessing the
following edu-
cational qualifica-
tions and experience:
(i) Degree in
Architecture from
a recognised
University or
(ii) Should be
registered with the
Council or
(iii) ten years
experience in the
profession, (The
departmental officers
in the feeder
category who are
in the direct line of
promotion shall not
be eligible for
consideration for
appointment on

deputationists shall
not be eligible for
consideration for
appointment by
promotion. Period
of deputation
including period of
deputation in
another ex-cadre
post held
preceeding this
appointment in the
same or some
other Organisation/
Department of
the Central
Goverment shall
ordinarily not
exceed five years.
The maximum age
limit for appoint-
ment by deputation
shall be not
exceeding 56
years as on the
closing date of
receipt of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3. Architect 7* General Rs. 12,000- Selection- Not exceeding No Essential Age : No One 60 per cent by Promotion : Group A Departmental Consultation
(2002) Central 375- cum- 40 years. years promotion Assistant Architect Promotion Committee with Union
Subject Service 13,500- Seniority (Relaxable for (i) Degree in Architecture failing which by with seven years (for promotion) Public
to of a recognised Qualifications regular service
Group A 400- Government deputation. Service
variation Gazetted 15,500 servants up to 5 University of Yes 40 per cent by in the grade. 1. Chairman/Member, Commission
dependent Non- years in accor- equivalent. deputation Note : Where Union Public is necessary
on work- Ministerial dance wih the (ii) should be failing which juniors who have Service
completed their on each
load instructions or registered as Architect by direct Commission
orders issued by qualifying/eligibility occasion
with Council of recruitment Chairman
the Central Architecture, India. service are being
Government. considered for 2. Home Secretary,
(iii) five years promotion, their Union Territory,
Note : The crucial
experience in the seniors would also
date for determin- Chandigarh
profession. be considered
ing the age limit Administration :
shall be the closing Note 1 : Qualifications provided they are Member
date for receipt of are relaxable at the not short of the
discretion of the Union 3. Chief Architect,
applications from requisite qualifying
Public Service eligibility service Union Territory,
candidate in India,
Commission in case by more than half Chandigarh
(and not the closing
date prescribed for of candidates other- of such qualifying/ Administration :
those in Assam, wise well qualified. eligibility service, Member
Meghalaya, Arunachal Note 2 : The quali- or two years, Group A Departmental
Pradesh, Mizoram, fication(s) regarding whichever is less, Promotion Committee
Manipur, Nagaland, experience is/are and have success- (for confermations)
Tripura, Sikkim, relaxable at the fully completed

Ladakh Division of discretion of the Union their probation

Public Service period for promotion 1. Home Secretary,
Jammu & Kashmir
State, Lahaul and Commission in case to the next higher Chandigarh
Spiti District and of candidates belonging grade along with Administration :
Pangi Sub Division to Scheduled Castes their juniors who Chairman
of Chamba District or Scheduled Tribes. have already 2. Chief Architect,
of Himachal Pradesh, If at any stage of completed such Chandigarh
Andaman and selection the Union qualifying service. Administration :
Nicobar Islands or Public Service Deputation : Member
Lakshdweep). Commission is of the Officer of the
option that sufficient Central/State
number of candidates Governments/
from these communi- Union Territories-
ties possessing the
requisite experience (a) (i) Holding
analogous posts on
are not likely to be regular basis in the
available to fill up the parent cadre/
posts reserved for Department; or
them. (ii) with 7 years
service in the
grade rendered
after appointment
thereto on a regular
basis in the Central
Government pay
scale of Rs. 8,000-
13,500 or equivalent
in the parent cadre/
Department; and
(b) possessing the
educational and
other qualifications
prescribed for
direct recruits
under column-8.
(The departmental
officers in the
feeder category
who are in the
direct line of
promotion shall not
be eligible for
consideration for
appointment on
deputationists shall
not be eligible for
consideration for
appointment by
promotion. Period
of deputation
including period of
deputation in
another ex-cadre
post held
preceeding this
appointment in the
same or some
other Organisation/
Depart- ment of
the Central

Goverment shall
ordinarily not
exceed four years.
The maximum age
limit for appoint-
ment by deputation
shall be not
exceeding 56
years as on the
closing date of
receipt of

[F. No. 25013/2001-EW-1]

MEHAR SINGH, Under Secretary.

The 7th June, 2002
No. A3/2002/04.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with sub-section (i) of Section 3 of Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act,
1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-IH(7)/1766,
dated 24th January, 1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following
rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts of Ministerial Establishment (Circle Cadre)
in the Engineering Department, Chandigarh Administration, namely :
1. Short Title and Commencement.(i) These rules may be called Ministerial Establishment
(Group C) Circle Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2002.
(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said
Schedule or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit, Qualification, etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in column
5 to 13 of the said Schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates or the persons belonging
to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in accordance with the
instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualifications.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time
of such spouse shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.
(ii) No women, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, other concessions required to be
provided for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of opinion that it
is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of provisions
of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
(By Order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh).

(Sd.) . . .,
Chandigarh : KARAN A. SINGH,
Dated 5th June, 2002. Secretary Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration,

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefits Age of direct Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a D.P.C Circum-
Post Posts fication Pay (Rs.) selection of added years recruits other qualifi- and educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by exist, what is its stances in
on the of service is cations required qualifications if any direct recruitment promotion/ composition which the
basis of admissible for direct prescribed for or by promotion deputation/ U.P.S.C.
seniority- under Rule 30 recruits direct recruits or deputation/ absorption is to be
cum-merit of CCS will apply in absorption and grades from consulted
or mert- (Pension case of percentage of which promotion/ making
cum- Rules, 1972) promotees posts to be filled deputation/ recruit-
seniority by various absorption to ment
methods be made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C D.P.C.
1. Superin- *20 General Rs. 6,400- Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by By Promotion : Not
1. Chief
tendent (2001) Central 200-7,000- cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
From amongst Engineer, U.T.,
Grade-II Subject Civil 220-8,100 Seniority failing which
the Senior Chandigarh
to Service 275-10,300- by deputation
Assistants and Administration :
variation Group C 340-10,640
Senior Scale Chairman
dependent Ministerial
on work- Stenographers 2. Superintending
load with 8 years Engineer
regular service in Public
the respective Health)-
grade. Senior Member

scale stenogra- 3. Representative

pher should have of reserved
for a period of 2 categories as
years as Senior notified by
Assistant. Chandigarh
Administration :
By deputation :
From amongst
4. Representative
the employees
from Department
of the Central
of Personnel,
State Govts. of Chandigarh
Punjab and Administration :
Haryana and Member
Union Territory
5. Under Secretary,
of Chandigarh
Department of
Admn. holding Urban Planning,
analogous posts U.T., Chandigarh
on regular basis Administration :
and carrying the Member
same or identical
pay scale (The
period of
deputation shall
not ordinarily
exceed 3 years).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C D.P.C.
2. Senior *62 General Rs. 5,800- Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Not
By Promotion :
Assistant (2001) Central 200-7,000- cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotions 1. Chief applicable
Subject Service 220-8,100 Seniority failing which From amongst Engineer, U.T.,
to Group C 275-9,200 by deputation Chandigarh
variation Ministerial the Clerks/
Administration :
dependent Junior
on work- Chairman
2. Superintending
having with 5
years regular Health) :
service in the Member
cadre taken 3. Representative
together as of reserved
Clerks and categories as
Junior Assistant. notified by
Deputation : Administration :
From amongst

the employees 4. Representative

from Department
of the Central
of Personnel,
State Govts. of
Punjab and Administration :
Haryana and Member
Union Territory 5. Under Secretary,
of Chandigarh Department of
Admn. holding Urban Planning
analogous posts U.T., Chandigarh
on regular basis
and carrying the
same or
identical pay
scale (The
period of
deputation shall
not ordinarily
exceed 3
3. Senior *4 General Rs. 5,800- (i) Selection- Not (i) Bachelors Not (i) One year for By promotion Group C D.P.C. Not
Between By Promotion :
Scale (2001) Central 200-7,000- cum- applicable degree from applicable promotee. failing which applicable
1830 years
Steno- Subject Civil 220-8,100 Seniority in a recognized by deputation
(Relaxable University or From amongst 1. Chief
grapher to Service 275-9,200 case of (ii) Two years and failing
for the its equivalent. the Stenotypist Engineer, U.T.,
variation Group C promottee for direct which by
Ministerial and departmental recruit. direct Chandigarh
dependent with 10 years
on work- candidates (ii) 5 years recruitment Administration :
(ii) Selection up to 35 years experience in regular service Chairman
load by merit in
for appointment Stenography
case of as such in the 2. Superintending
by direct line in a reputed
direct concern or cadre and Engineer
recruit. recruitment
public sector/ possessing Public
and up to 5 private sector Health)-
years for or in the Govt. speed of 120
other Govt. Deptt. words per
servants in 3. Representative
(ii) Speed of minute
accordance of reserved
with the 120 words per in Stenography categories as
instructions of minute in
(English) and 30 notified by
Govt. of India). Chandigarh
(English) and words per
speed of 30 Administration :
words per Member
minute in in transcripting
transporting the 4. Representative
the same
same. from Department
of Personnel,
By deputation Chandigarh
: Administration :

From amongst
5. Under Secretry,
the employees Department of
of the Central Urban Planning
State Govts. of U.T., Chandigarh
Punjab and
Haryana and
Union Territory
of Chandigarh
Admn. holding
analogous posts
on regular basis
and carrying the
same or
identical pay
scale (The
period of
deputation shall
not ordinarily
exceed 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4. Steno- *14 General Rs. 3,300-- Selection Not Essential : Not Two years By direct Group C D.P.C. Not
Between Not applicable
typist (2001) Central 110-3,360- by merit applicable applicable recruitment 1. Chief applicable
25 years (i) 2nd Division
Subject Civil 120-4,260- Matric pass or
(Relaxable Engineer,
to Services 140-4,400- has passed
for the U.T.,
variation Group C 150-5,000- 10+2
Ministerial 160-5,800- departmental Chandigarh
dependent Examination
on work- 200-6,200 candidates Administration
from a
load up to 35 years recognized : Chairman
for appointment Board/
by direct University or 2. Superintending
recruitment equivalent. Engineer
and up to 5 Public Health)-
(ii) To pass a
years for test with a Member
other Govt. minimum
servants in speed of 80 3. Representa-
accordance words per tive of
with the minute in
English Short- reserved
of Govt. of hand and 20 categories as
words per notified by
minute in Chandigarh
the same in Administra-
English Typing tion:

Desirable : Member
Knowledge in : 4. Representa-
of Computer. tive from
of Personnel,

5. Under
Department of
5. Clerk *232 General Rs. 3,120- (i) Selection- Not Essential : Age No. (i) One year for (i) 10% by By appointment Group C D.P.C. Not
(2001) Central 100-3,220- cum- applicable promotee. appointment from Group applicable
1825 years (i) 2nd Division
*Subject Civil 110-3,660- Seniority in Matric pass or E.Q. : To rom Group D Ministerial
(Relaxable 1. Chief
to Services 120-4,260- case of has passed the extent (ii) Two years employees
for the Establishment :
variation Group C 140-4,400- promottee 10+2 indicated in for direct Engineer, U.T.,
departmental Column From amongst
dependent Ministerial 150-5,000- (ii) Selection Examination recruit. (ii) 90% by Chandigarh
candidates No. 12 Group D
on work- 160-5,160 by merit in from a direct Administration :
(with initial up to 35 years recruitment employees
load case of recognized
starr of for appointment Board/ aganist 10% Chairman
direct posts with 5
Rs. 3,220) by direct University or
recruit. 2. Superintending
recruitment equivalent. years regular
and up to 5 service as such
(ii) To pass (Public
years for in the cadre and
English Type- Health) :
other Govt. possessing
writing test Member
servants in Matriculation
with 30 words
accordance qualification and 3. Representative
per minure
with the a speed of 30 of reserved
speed prescri-
instructions bed by the words per minute categories as
of Govt. of appointing in English notified by
India). authority typewriting and Chandigarh
Desirable : has not crossed Administration :
the age of 45 Member
Knowledge in :
years at the
operation/use 4. Representative
of Computer. time of appoint-
ment as Clerk. from Department
of Personnel,
Administration :

5. Under Secretary,
Department of
Urban Planning,
U.T., Chandigarh
Administration :

Secretary, Engineering,
Engineering Department.
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh.





The 31st August, 2004

No. A3/2004/11.In partial modification of the Chandigarh Administration, Engineering

Department, Notification bearing No. A3/2002/04, dated 7th June, 2002 pertaining to the MINISTERIAL
Territory, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution
of India, read with sub-section (i) of Section 3 of the Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 and
the Chandigarh Administration, Department of Personnel Notification No. IH(7)-98/6554, dated 7th April,
1998 read with letter No. 28/48/92-IH(7)-2003/6317, dated 8th April, 2004, is pleased to amend the
column 8 of the category of the post of Steno-typist and Clerk listed at Serial No. 4-5, page 5 and 6 of the
Notification, which shall now be read as follows :

Name of Post : Steno-typist (Serial No. 4)

Col. No. 8 : Bachelors degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (word processing
and spread sheets); a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English)
and a speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same.

Name of Post : Clerk (Serial No. 5)

Col. No. 8 : Bachelors degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (word processing
and spread sheets); and a speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting.

Secretary, Engineer,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration.

The 26th June, 2002
No. A3/2002/05.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso t0 article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with sub-section (i) of Section 3 of Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act,
1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-IH(7) 1766,
dated 24th January, 1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following
rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts (Ministerial Establishment) of Assistant
Controller (F&A) Rents Office in the Engineering Department, Chandigarh Administration, namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called Ministerial Establishment
(Group C) A.C. (F&A) Office Rules, 2002.
(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application.These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column-1 of the schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and scales of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the pay scales attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2 to 4 of the said
Schedule or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
4. Method or recruitment, age limit, qualification, etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
column 5 to 13 of the said Schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates of the persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in accordance
with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualification.(i) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time
of such spouse shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.
(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said post.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations, other concessions required to
be provided for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to the recorded in writing relax any of
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
(By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh)


Secretary Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration,

Sr. Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Age for direct Educational and Whether benefit Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a DPC exist, Circum-
No. of post Posts fication Pay selection recruits other qualifi- of added years educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by what is its stances in
post or cation required of service is qualifications if any direct recruitment promotions/ composition which
non- for direct admissible prescribed for or by promotion transfer, U.P.S.C.
selection recruits under Rule 30 direct recruits or by deputation/ grade from is to be
post of CCS will apply in transfer and which promo- consulted
(Pension the case of percentage of tions/ in making
Rules, 1972) promotion vacancies to be deputation/ recruit-
filled by various transfer to be ment
methods made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1. Superin- 1 OR General Rs. 6,400- Selection- Not Not Not Not One By promotion By promotion : 1. Chief N.A.
tendent, As Central 10,640 OR cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year failing which 100% by promotion Engineer
Grade-II sactioned Civil (as seniority by deputation (Chairman)
from time Service admissible
to time (Group C) under the amongst the 2. S.E.P.H.
Non- rules from Sr. Asstts. in the Circle
Gazetted time to cadre in the pay (Member)
Ministerial time) scale of Rs. 3. Under Secy.
5,800-9,200 with Deptt. of

8 years service Urban

rendered in the Planning, U.T.,
grade after Chandigarh :
appointment thereto
on regular basis. 4. Member reserved
By Deputation : category as
notified by
From the officials of
Central Govt./State Administration
Govt. holding (Member)
analogous posts on
regular basis and 5. Representative
from Department
carrying the same or
of Personnel
identical scale of pay
U.T., Chandigarh
(The period of
deputation including
the period of
deputation in another OR COMMITTEE
ex-cadre post held APPROVED TIME
immediately TO TIME
precediing this
appointment in the
same or some other
Org./Deptt. shall not
exceed 3 years).
2. Senior 7 OR General Rs. 5,800- Selection- Not Not Not Not One By promotion By promotion : 1. Chief N.A.
Asstt. As Central 9,200 OR cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year failing which 100% amongst Engineer
sactioned Civil (as Seniority by deputation the Junior Assis- (Chairman)
from time Service admissible from the tants/Stenotypists
to time (Group C) under the Central/other 2. S.E.P.H.
having 5 years
Non- rules from State Govt. Circle
regular service
Gazetted time to
rendered in the (Member)
Ministerial time)
cadre/grade taken
3. Under Secy.
together as Junior
Deptt. of
Assistant, Clerk and
Steno-typist. Urban
Planning, U.T.,
By Deputation :
Chandigarh :
From the officials of
Central Govt./State
Govt. holding 4. Member reserved
analogous posts on category as
regular basis and notified by
carrying the same or
identical scale of pay
(The period of
deputation including (Member)
the period of 5. Representative
deputation in another from Department
ex-cadre post held
of Personnel
U.T., Chandigarh
precediing this

appointment in the
same or some other (Member)
Org./Deptt. shall not OR COMMITTEE
exceed 3 years).

3. Steno- 2 OR General Rs. 3,320- Selection Between Not (A) Essential : Not Two Direct Not Applicable 1. Chief N.A.
typist As Central 6,200 OR by merit 1825 applicable Matriculate 2nd applicable year Recruitment Engineer
sactioned Civil (as years (Chairman)
Division or 10+2
from time Service admissible (Relaxable
to time (Group C) under the for OBC/SC or its equivalent
Non- rules from as per rules with a speed of 2. S.E.P.H.
Gazetted time to from time to 80 W.P.M. Circle
Ministerial time) time and up (English) Steno- (Member)
Estt. to 45 years
graphy and
in the case
of Deptt. speed of 20 3. Under Secy.
Employees W.P.M. in Deptt. of
transcripting the Urban
same. Planning U.T.,
Chandigarh :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(B) Desirable 4. Member reserved

Knowlege in category as
the use/ notified by
operation of
5. Representative
from Department
of Personnel
U.T., Chandigarh

4. Clerk 46 OR General Rs. 3,120- (i) Selection Between Not Essential : No 2 years for 90% by direct By promotion 1. Chief N.A.
As Central 5,160 by merit in 1825 applicable Matriculate 2nd direct recruitment and from Group D Engineer
sactioned Civil (with initial case of years recruitment 10% by employees: (Chairman)
Division or 10+2
from time Service start of Direct (Relaxable and one promotion from From amongst 2. S.E.P.H.
to time (Group C) 3,220) recruitment; for OBC/SC or its equivalent year for amongst the the Group D Circle
Non- OR (ii) Selection- as per rules with a speed of promotion. group D (Member)
Gazetted (as cum- from time to 30 W.P.M. employees.
against 10% 3. Under Secy.

Ministerial admissible seniority in time and up English quota having Deptt. of

Estt. under the case of to 45 years Urban
typewriting. five years
rules from promotion in the case Planning U.T.,
time to of Deptt. regular service in
Desirable : Chandigarh :
time) Employees the cadre and
possessing 4. Member reserved
Knowledge in the matriculation category as
use/operation of qualification and notified by
Computer. a speed of 30 Chandigarh
words per minute Administration
in English (Member)
typewriting and 5. Representative
has not crossed from Department
the age of 45 of Personnel
years at the time U.T., Chandigarh
of promotion as

Secretary, Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration.





The 31st August, 2004

No. A3/2004/10.In partial modification of the Chandigarh Administration Engineering Department,

Notification bearing No. A3/2002/5, dated 26th June, 2002 pertaining to the MINISTERIAL
ESTABLISHMENT (GROUPC) Assistant Controller (F&A), Rents Office Rules, 2002, the Administrator,
Union Territory, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with sub-section (i) of Section 3 of the Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers)
Act, 1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Department of Personnel Notification No. IH(7)-98/6554,
dated 7th April, 1998 read with letter No. 28/48/92-IH(7)-2003/6317, dated 8th April, 2004, is pleased to
amend the column 9 of the category of the post of Steno-typist and Clerk listed at Serial No. 3 and 4,
page 1752 and 1753 of the Notification, which shall now be read as follows :

Name of Post : Steno-typist (Serial No. 4)

Col. No. 9 : Bachelors degree and proficiency is operation of Computer (word

processing and spread sheets); a speed of 80 words per minute in
Stenography (English) and a speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting
the same.

Name of Post : Clerk (Serial No. 5)

Col. No. 9 : Bachelors degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (word

processing and spread sheets); a speed of 30 words per minute in English


Secretary Engineer,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration.



The 3rd September, 2002

No. 16/1/21-IH(3)-2002/16843.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article

309 of the Constitution, read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification bearing
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group C posts in the Technical
Education Department of the Union Territory, Chandigarh, namely :

1. Short Title and Commencement(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Technical
Education Department, Group C (Ministerial Staff) Recruitment Rules, 2002.

(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the post specified in column I of the Schedule
annexed to these rules.

3. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of PayThe number of posts, their

classification and the scale of pay thereto shall be as specified in columns 2, to 4 of said Schedule.

4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit and Other Qualifications etc.The method of

recruitment to the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall
be as specified in Columns 5 to 14 of the said schedule :

Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case
of departmental candidates and candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/and Other Backward
Classes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the instructions issued from
time to time by the Central Government :

Provided further that the qualification regarding experience prescribed for direct recruitment
may be relaxed by the competent authority in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/
Other Backward Classes and other special categories of person, if at any stage of selection, the
competent authority, is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities
possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for

5. Disqualifications.(i) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a
spouse living marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during
the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts ;

(ii) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage shall
be eligible for appointment to the said posts ; and

(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, may if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion

that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may, for reasons, to be recorded in writting, relax any of the
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

7. Repeal.The Chandigarh Technical Education Department, Group C (Ministerial Staff)

Recruitment Rules, 2000 notified,vide Chandigarh Administration, Home Department, Notification
bearing No. IH(3)-2000/13109, dated the 5th July, 2000 are hereby repealed notwithstanding such
repeal anything done or any action taken under or purported to have been done or taken under or in
pursuance of the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been done or taken under or in pursuance
of these rules.


: Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age of direct Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a DPC exists what Circum-
Post Post fication Pay selection of added years recruits other qualifi- educational probation ment whether by recruitment by is its composition stances in
on the of service is cation required qualifications if any direct recruitment promotions/ which
basis of admissible for direct prescribed for or by promotion deputation/ U.P.S.C.
seniority- under Rules 30 recruits direct recruits or by deputation/ absorption, grade is to be
cum- of CCs will apply in absorption and from which consulted
merits or (Pension the case of percentage of promotions/ in making
merit- Rules, 1972) promotees posts to be filled deputation/ recruit-
cum- by various absorption to be ment
seniority methods made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

Superinten- 1 General Rs. 7,220- Selection- Not Not Not Not One By Promotion By Promotion : Yes, consisting of Not
dent Grade-I Central 11,660 cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year failing which From amongst the following : applicable
Civil by deputation the Superinten-
seniority 1. D.T.E.
Services dent Grade-II with
(Group C) one years (Chairman)
Non- experience as
Gazetted 2. Under
such or ten years Secretary,
experience as Sr.

By Deputation :
By taking 3. Principal,
officials on Central
deputation Polytechnic,
holding analogous Chandigarh
posts having five (Member)
years service on
regular basis as
such. (The period
of deputation
including the
period of
deputation in
another ex-cadre
post held
preceding this
appointment in
the same or
some other
department shall
not ordinarily
exceed three
Superinten- 1 General Selection- Not Not Not Not One By Promotion By Promotion : Yes, consisting of Not
Rs. 6,400-
dent Grade-II Central cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year failing which From amongst the following : applicable
Civil by deputation the Senior
Seniority 1. D.T.E.
Services Assistants in the
(Group C) (Chairman)
pay scale of
Non- Rs. 5,800-9,200 2. Under
Gazetted with 8 years
Ministerial Secretary,
service rendered Home
in the grade after
thereto on regular 3. Principal,
basis. Central
By Deputation : Polytechnic,
By taking Chandigarh
officials on (Member)
holding analogous
posts having 5
years service on
regular basis as
such. (The period
of deputation
including the
period of
deputation in
another ex-cadre

post held
preceding this
appointment in
the same or
some other
department shall
not ordinarily
exceed three

Sr. Assistant 9 Ditto Selection- Not Not Not Not One Ditto By Promotion : Yes, consisting of Not
Rs. 5,800-
cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year From amongst the following : applicable
Seniority the Junior
1. D.T.E.
Clerks with five 2. Under
years service in Secretary,
the cadre Home
rendered after
thereto on a
regular basis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

By Deputation : 3. Principal
By taking officials on
deputation holding
analogous posts
having 5 years
service on regular
basis as such. (The
period of deputation
including the period
of deputation in
another ex-cadre
post held immedi-
ately preceding this
appointment in the
same or some other
department shall not
exceed three years).

Steno- 2 General Rs. 3,330- Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years Direct Not Applicable Yes, consisting of Not
Typist Central 6,200 by merit applicable 1825 Matric 2nd applicable Recruitment the following : applicable
Civil years
Division or 10+2
Service (Relaxable 1. D.T.E.
(Group C) for or its equivalent
Non- departmen- with a speed of
Gazetted tal 80 W.P.M. in 2. Under
Ministerial candidates Stenography Secretary,
up to 35 Home
(English) and a
years for (Member)
appointment speed of 20
by direct W.P.M. in 3. Principal Central
recruitment transcripting Polytechnic,
and for the same. Chandigarh
other Govt.
servants up (Member)
Desirable :
to five
years in
Knowledge in
with operation/use
instructions of Computer
of the Govt.
of India)
Clerk 9 General Rs. 3,120- Selection- Not Between Essential : Not 2 years (i) Direct By Promotion Yes, consisting of N.A.
Central 5,600 (with cum- applicable 1825 Matric 2nd applicable Recruit- the following :
fromGroup D
Civil initial start of Merit years ment (90%)
Division or 10+2 employees :
Service Rs. 3,220) (Relaxable 1. DTE
(Group C) for or its equivalent (ii) By Appoint-
By Promotion (Chairman)
Non- departmen- with a speed of ment from
Gazetted tal 30 W.P.M. in Group D fromGroup D 2. Under
Ministerial candidates English employees employees Secretary,
up to 35 (10%) against 10% Home
years for (Member)
appointment posts having
by direct Desirable : five years 3. Principal Central
recruitment regular service in Polytechnic,
and for Knowledge in
the cadre and Chandigarh
other Govt. operation/use
servants up possessing (Member)
of Computer
to five Matric
years in
qualification and
with a speed of 30
instructions W.P.M. in English
of the Govt.
Typewriting and
of India)
has not crossed
the age of 45
years at the time
of appointment

as clerk. In case
of non-filling of
this percentage
of vacancies in a
year the same
will be carried
forward to the
next year.

Restorer 1 Ditto Rs. 3,120- Selection- Not Ditto (i) Matriculate Qualification : Ditto By Promotion By Promotion : Ditto Ditto
5,160 cum- applicable of a Yes failing which From amongst
seniority recognised by direct the Daftries of
Age : No recruitment
University/ the department
(failing which concerned
Board or its
by transfer) having 3 years
regular service
as such in the
(ii) Qualifies in
a competi-
tive test to
be held by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Superinten- 4 General Rs. 6,400- Selection- Not Not Not Not One By Promotion By Promotion : Yes, consisting of Not
dent Central 10,640 cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable year failing which From amongst the the following : applicable
Grade-II Civil Seniority by deputation Senior Assistants
Service in the pay scale of 1. DTE
(Group C) Rs. 5,800-9,200 (Chairman)
Non- with 8 years
Gazetted 2. Under
service rendered in
Ministerial Secretary,
the grade after
appointment Home
thereto on regular (Member)
basis. 3. Principal Central
By Deputation : Polytechnic,
By taking officials Chandigarh
on deputation
holding analogous
posts having 5
years of service
on regular basis as
such. The period of
depuation including
the period of
deputation in

another ex-cadre
post held
preceding this
appointment in the
same or some
department shall
not ordinarily
exceed three

Sr. 9 Ditto Rs. 5,800- Ditto Not Not Not Not One Ditto By Promotion : Ditto Not
Assistant 9,200 applicable applicable applicable applicable year From amongst applicable
the Junior
Scale Stenogra-
with 5 years
service in the
cadre rendered
after appoint-
ment thereto on
a regular basis.
By Deputation :
By taking
officials on
analogous posts
on regular basis
and carrying the
same or identical
pay scale.
(The period of
including the
period of
deputation in
another ex-cadre
post held
preceding this
appointment in
the same or
some other
department shall
not ordinarily
exceed three

Jr. Scale 2 General Rs. 4,400- (i) Selection- Not Between Matric 2nd Not One year By Promotion By Promotion : Yes, consisting of Not
Stenogra- Central 7,000 cum-seniority applicable 1825 Division or applicable for failing which the following : applicable
pher Civil in case of years 10+2 or its Promotee by direct From amongst
Service promotion (relaxable for equivalent or two recruitment the Steno-typists 1. DTE
(Group C) departmental with a speed years for with 5 years (Chairman)
Non- (ii) Selection by candidates up of 100 direct
Gazetted merit in case to 35 years W.P.M. in recruitee service in the 2. Under
Ministerial of direct for Stenography cadre rendered Secretary,
recruit- ment appointment (English) and after appoint- Home
by direct a speed of
ment thereto on (Member)
recruitment 20 W.P.M. in
and for other transcripting a regular basis 3. Principal Central
Govt. the same. possessing a Polytechnic,
servants up
speed of 100 Chandigarh
to five years
in accordance W.P.M. in (Member)
with Stenography
instructions of (English) and 20
the Govt. of
India) W.P.M. in
transcripting the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Steno- 2 General Rs. 3,320- Selection Not Between Essential : Not 1 year Direct N.A. Yes, consisting of Not
Typist Central 6,200 by merit applicable 1825 Matric 2nd applicable for Recruitment the following : applicable
Civil years Promotee
Division or 10+2 or 2
Service (Relaxable 1. DTE
(Group C) for or its equivalent years (Chairman)
Non- departmen- with a speed of for
Gazetted tal 80 W.P.M. in direct 2. Under
Ministerial candidates Stenography recruitee Secretary,
up to 35 Home
(English) and a
years for (Member)
appointment speed of 20
by direct W.P.M. in 3. Principal Central
recruitment transcripting Polytechnic,
and for the same. Chandigarh
other Govt.
servants up (Member)
Desirable :
to five
years in
Knowledge in
with operation/use
instructions of Computer
of the Govt.
of India)

Clerk 24 Ditto Rs. 3,120- Ditto Not Between Essential : Not 1 year for (i) Direct By Promotion Ditto Not

5,600 (with applicable 1825 Matric 2nd applicable Promotee Recruit- fromGroup D applicable
initial start of years or 2 ment (90%) employees :
Division or 10+2
Rs. 3,220) (relaxable years for
or its equivalent By Promotion from
for direct (ii) By Appoint-
departmen- with a speed of ment from Group D
tal 30 W.P.M. in Group D employees against
candidates employees 10% posts having
up to 35 (10%) five years regular
years for service in the
appointment cadre and
by direct Desirable :
possessing Matric
recruitment qualification and a
and for Knowledge in
speed of 30
other Govt. operation/use W.P.M. in English
servants of Computer Typewriting and
up to five has not crossed
years in
the age of 45
years at the time
instructions of appointment as
of the Govt. clerk. In case of
of India) non-filling of this
percentage of
vacancies in a
year the same will
be carried forward
to the next year.
The 3rd September, 2002
No. 13/1/6573-HII(2)-2002/16848.Whereas the Central Government is of the opinion that
an industrial dispute exists between Smt. Amita Rani, H. No. 533, D.M. Colony, Chandigarh and
(i) Chief Architect, Chandigarh, S.C.O. No. 44, 17-A, Chandigarh ; (2) The Chief Architect, Department
of Architecture, S.C.O. No. 44, Sector 17-A, Chandigarh regarding the matters hereinafter appearing.
And whereas the Central Government considers it desirable to refer the dispute for
adjudication ;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of sub-section (1) of
Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, read with Government of India, Ministry of Labours
Notification No. S-11025/9/96-IR(PL), dated the 24th February, 1997, the undersigned hereby
refers to the Labour Court, Union Territory, Chandigarh the matter specified below for
adjudication :
Whether the services of Smt. Amita Rani, H. No. 533, D.M. Colony, Chandigarh
were terminated illegally by his employer (i) Chief Architect, S.C.O. No. 44, 17-A,
Chandigarh ; (2) The Chief Architect, Department of Architecture, S.C.O. No. 44,
Sector 17-A, Chandigarh If so, to what effect and to what relief the Union/Workers
are entitled to, if any ?
(Sd.) . . .,
Secretary, Labour,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 22nd November, 2002
No. 1491-DPI-UT-C1-12(110)76-Part-III.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to
Article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Notification G.S.R. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 and The Union Public Service Commissions
letter No. F. 3/31(1)/91-RR, dated 20th August, 2002, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh,
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English, Chandigarh Rules, 1990 namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted)
Regional Institute of English, Chandigarh (Third Amendment) Rules, 2002.
(ii) They shall come into force at once.
2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B Gazetted) Regional Institute of English,
Chandigarh Rules (hereinafter called the rules) 1990 in the Schedule appended thereto
for column No. 8 captioned Educational and other qualifications required for direct
recruitment, the following shall be substituted, namely :
1. Good academic record with atleast 55% marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point
scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the masters degree level in the relevant
subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a Foreign University.
(i) The term GOOD ACADEMIC RECORD means atleast second class with fifty per cent
marks in graduation degree.
(ii) Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching of English/English Studies awarded by C.I.E.F.L.,
Hyderabad or equivalent.
(iii) Should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for lecturers conducted by the University
Grants Commission, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research or similar test accredited
by the University Grants Commission.
NOTE 1 :
N.E.T. shall remain mandatory for appointment as lecturers even for candidates having
Ph.D. Degree. However, candidates who have completed M. PHIL Degree or have
submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject up to 31st December, 1993 will be
exempted from appearing in the N.E.T. examination.
NOTE 2 :
Relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55 to 50% of the marks at the Masters level for
the SC/ST Category.
NOTE 3 :
Relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55 to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. Degree
holders who have passed the Masters Degree prior to 19th September, 1991.
NOTE 4 :
B in the 7 point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F shall be regarded as
equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed.
NOTE : 5 :
A relaxation of minimum marks at the PG level from 55 to 50% will be provided to candidates
who have cleared the Junior Research Fellowship Examination conducted by UGC/CSIR
only prior to 1989 when the minimum marks required to appear for JRF examination was
3. In the said rules, the column No. 11 captioned Method of Recruitment, the following shall be
substituted, namely :
(Method of Recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/
absorption and of the post to be filled by various methods)
60% Direct Recruitment failing which by deputation.
40% by Deputation failing which by direct recruitment.
4. In the said rules, the column No. 12 captioned In case of Recruitment by
Promotion/Deputation/Absorption grades from which Promotion/Depuation/Absorption to be made, the
following shall be substituted, namely :
Officers of the State of Punjab and Haryana on the ration of 60 : 40 respectively falling which
from the officers of the Central/State Government/Union Territories :
(a) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/Department ; and
(b) Possessing the Educational Qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruits
under column 8.
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in another Ex-Carde post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or other Organization/Department of
the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years. The maximum age limit for
appointment by depuation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the
receipt of applications).
5. In the said rules, the column No. 14 captioned Circumstances under which U.P.S.C. to be
consulted. in making recruitment, the following shall be substituted, namely :
Consultation with the U.P.S.C. necessary while making direct recruitment and appointing an
officer on depuation.
Chandigarh : Education Secretary,
The 1st November, 2002. Chandigarh Administration.
The 16th December, 2002
No. HIII(5)-2002/23611.The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to make the
following rules further to amend the Kutchery Compound Fund Rules, 1937 (Appendix-1 Chapter 10 of
the District Office Manual, Punjab) as applicable to the Union Territory, Chandigarh, namely :
(1) These rules may be called the Kutchery Compound Fund (First Amendment) Rules, 2002.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
(3) In Kutchery Compound Fund Rules, 1937 (Appendix-1, Chapter 10 of the District Office
Manual, Punjab), in Rule 2, for clause (ii), the following shall be substituted, namely :
(ii) the licenced fee of Rs. 100 per month for placing a wooden/mental platform and
Rs. 200 per month for a Cabin.
The Deputy Commissioner, Union Territory, Chandigarh will fix the Maximum size of the Platform/
Cabin and charge extra pro rata, for a larger Platform or Cabin.
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 30th December, 2002
No. 7251-IH(3)-2002/24446.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of
the Constitution, read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification G.S.R. No. 3267,
dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby makes the following
rules further to amend the Government Polytechnic for Women Service (Group C) Recruitment Rules,
2001, namely :
1.(i) These rules may be called the Government Polytechnic for Women Service (Group C)
Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 2002.
(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Government Polytechnic for Women Service (Group C) Recruitment Rules, 2001 in
the Scheduled appended thereto, in column 8 under the heading Education and other qualifications
required for direct recruitments against the post of Laboratory Assistant at Serial No. 9, for the existing
provisions, the following shall be substituted, namely :
1. Academic : Passed 10th Standard
Examination under 10+2
system or its equivalent.
Professional : Diploma in relevant
trade or Graduate in
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 25th March, 2003
No. Arch. 2003/3240.In supersession of the Chandigarh Administration, Department of
Architecture (now Urban Planning), Group B Ministerial Recruitment Rules, 1970 notified by the
Chandigarh Administration, Department of Architecture,vide No. 8691-Arch.-70/A1/6113, dated 5th
August, 1970 and in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of
India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi Notification bearing No. S. O.
No. 3257, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make
the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group B post (Ministerial) in the Department
of Urban Planning, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh :
1. Short Title and Commencement :
(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration, Department of Urban Planning
(Group B) Gazetted Recruitment Rules, 2003.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application :
These rules shall apply to recruitment to the post(s) specified in column 1 of the Scheduled
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of Post, Classification and Scale of Pay :
The number of the said post, its classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as
specified in columns 2, 3 and 4 of said Schedule.
4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit, Qualifications etc. :
The method of recruitment to the said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters
concerned therewith shall be as specified in columns 5 to 13 of the said Schedule.
5. Disqualifications :
(a) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse living, marriage in
any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time
of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post; and
(b) No women whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the
time of such marriage or who has married a person who have a wife at the time of such
marriage shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts :
Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Powers to Relax :
Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion that it is necessary or
expedient so to do, he may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the
Union Public Service Commission relax any of the provisions of these rules in respect of any class or
category of persons.
Secretary,Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.
FILE NO. 3/31(12)/2002-RR POST CODE : 3701120102
Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Age limit Whether benefit Educational and Whether age and Period of Methods of In case of If the Circum-
of posts fication pay selection for direct of added years other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment Departmental stances
post (in Rs.) or non- recruits of service required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ Promotions in which
selection admissible direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ Committee the UPSC
post direct recruits ment or by absorption grades exists, is to be
will apply in promotion or by from which what is its consulted
the case of deputation/ promotion/ composition making
promotiees obsorption and deputation/ recruitment
percentage of absorption
the posts to to be made
be filled by
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Administra 01@ GCS Rs. 7,880 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2 years Deputation/ Deputation/ N.A. Consulta-
promotion :
tive Group B 220-8,100- promotion tion with
Officer Gazetted 275-10,300- (i) Officers under the UPSC
Ministerial 340-11,660 Central/State Govern- Necessary
ment/Union Territories
(a) (i) Holding Analogous
posts on regular basis in
the parent cadre/
department ; or
(ii) With two years service

in the grade rendered after
appointment thereto, on
regular basis in the scale
of pay of Rs. 7,220
11,660 or equivalent in the
parent cadre/department ;
(iii) With three years
service in the grade
rendered after appoint-
ment thereto, on regular
basis in the scale of pay
of Rs. 6,50010,500 or
equivalent in the parent
cadre/department ; or
(b) Possessing the
following qualification and
(1) Degree from a
recognised University or
Equivalent ;
(2) Three years experience
in Administration/
Establishment work ;
(ii) The Department
Superintendent grade-I in
the scale of pay of Rs.
7,22011,660 with two
years regular service will
also be considered along
with the outsiders and in
case he/she is selected
for appointment to the
post, the same shall be
deemed to have been
filled by promotion (the
department officers in
the feeder category
who are in the direct
line of promotion will
not be eligible for
consideration for
appointment on
deputation. Similarly
depuationists shall not
be eligible for
consideration for
appointment by
promotion. Period of
deputation including
period of depuation in
another ex-cadre post
held immediately

preceedings this
appointment in the
same or some other
department of this
Central Government
shall ordinarily not
exceed three years.
The maximum age limit
for appointment by
deputation shall be not
exceeding 56 years as
on the closing date of
receipt of applications).

(Sd.) . . .,

Under Secretary,
Union Public Service Commission.
The 9th April, 2003
No. Estt.R-10-Arch.- 2003/3785.In exercise of the powers conferred by the provisio to Article
309 of the Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Notification bearing No. S.O. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory,
Chandigarh is pleased to make the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group B
posts (Non-Ministerial) Department of Urban Planning.
1. Short Title and Commencement(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning, Group B (Non-Ministerial) Recruitment Rules, 2003.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. ApplicationThese rules shall apply to the post specified in column I of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.
3. Number of Posts, Classification and Scale of PayThe number of the said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2, 3 and 4 of said
4. Method of Recruitment, Age Limit, Qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters concerned therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said schedule. Provided that the upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment
may be relaxed in the case of department candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the instructions issued by
the Government, from time to time.
5. Disqualifications.(a) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marriage in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts; and
(b) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage shall be
eligible for appointment to the said posts :
Provided that the Administrator may, if satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concession required to
be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writting relax any of the
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
8. The Chandigarh Administration, Department of Architecture (Now Urban Planning) (Class-II)
Recruitment Rules, 1969 and amendments made from time of time, are hereby repealed :
Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to
have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.
Finance Secretary-cum-Secretary,
Department of Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Age limit for Whether benefit Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a DPC exists what Circum-
of Posts fication Pay selection direct of added years of other qualifi- and probation ment whether by recruitment by is its composition stances in
Post or non- recruits service is cation required educational if any direct recruitment promotions/ which
selection admissible for direct qualifications or by promotion deputation/ U.P.S.C.
post recruits prescribed for or by deputation/ absorption, grade is to be
direct recruits absorption and from which consulted
will apply in percentage of promotions/ in making
the case of posts to be filled deputation/ recruit-
promotees by various absorption to be ment
methods made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Assistant 07 GCS Rs. 7,880 Selection Not exceeding No Essential : Age : No 2 years for 25.00% Promotion : Group B DPC Consulta-
Architect (2003) Group-B 220-8,100- 35 years Direct promotion Architectual (For Promotion/ tion with
Subject Gazetted 275-10,300- (i) Degree in EQs : To recruits and failing which U.P.S.C.
Note 1 : Assistant in the pay Confirmation)
to variation Non- 340-12,000 Architecture or the extent promotee. by deputation. necessary
depending ministerial 375-13,500 Relaxable for indicated in scale of Rs. 7,220 while
an equivainet
on work- Government Column 12. 75.00% 11,660 with two 1. Chief making
Diploma from
load servants up to Direct years regular service Architect, Direct
a recognised
5 years in University/ Recruitment. Chandigarh Recruit-
in the grade and
accordance Institution Administration : ment and

possessing Degree
with the or Equivalent ; appointing
instructions in Architecture or 2. Senior Archi- an Officer
or orders (ii) Should be Equivalent and tect, Chandigarh on
issued by the Registered with should have Administration : Deputation
Central Government. the Council of registered with the Member
Architecture ; Council of
Note 2 :
3. Executive
The crucial date for Architecuture
(iii) Two years Engineer
determining the age experience under Note :
limit shall be the closing Electrical
a Registered Where Juniors who
date for receipt of Architect. have completed their Division
applications from qualifying/eligibility Menber
candidates in India (and Note 1 : service are being (Scheduled
not the closing date Qualifications are considered for Castes
prescribed for those in relaxable at the promotion, their Represent-
Assam, Meghalaya, discretion of the Seniors would also ative)
Arunachal Pradesh, U.P.S.C. in case of be considered
Mizoram, Manipur, candidates provided they are 4. Under
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, otherwise well not short of the Secretary,
Ladakh Division of J&K qualified. requisite qualifying/ Department
State, Lahaul & Spiti Note 2 : eligibility service by of Urban
District and Pangi Sub- The qualification(s) more than half of Planning,
Division of Chamba regarding experience such qualifying/ Chandigarh
District of Himachal is/are relaxable at eligibility service of
Pradesh, Andaman & the discretion of the Administration:
two years, whichever
Nicobar Island or U.P.S.C. in case of Member
is less, and have
Lakshdweep) candidates
belonging to successfully
Scheduled Castes or completed their
Scheduled Tribes. probation period for
If at any stage of promotion to the next
selection the U.P.S.C.
higher grade alongwith
is of the opinion that
sufficient number of their juniors who have
candidates from these already completed
communities such qualifyng/
possessing the eligibility service.
requisite experience Deputation :
are not likely to be
available to fill up the Officers of the State
posts reserved for Government of
them. Punjab and Haryana
(The Departmental a(i) Holding analogous
Officers in the Feeder post on regular basis
category who are in in the Parent Cadre/
the Direct line of Department ; or
promotion will not be
eligible for consider- (ii) With two years
ation for appointment service in the grade
on Deputation. rendered after
Similarly Deputationist appointment thereto
shall not be eligible for on a regular basis in
consideration for the scale of pay of
appointment by
Rs. 7,500 12,000
promotion. Period of
Deputation including OR equivalent in the
the period of parent cadre/

Deputation in another Department ; OR
ex-cadre post held (iii) With five years
immediately preceding service in the grade
this appointment in the
rendered after
same of some other
appointment thereto
Department of The on a regular basis in
Central Government the scale of pay of
shall ordinarily not Rs. 6,50010,500
exceed three years. OR equivalent in the
The maximum are parent cadre/
limit for appointment Department ; AND
by Deputation shall
not exceeding 56 (b) Possessing the
years as on the Educational and other
closing date of receipt qualifications
of applications). prescribed for Direct

(Sd.) . . .,

Under Secretary,
Union Public Service Commission.
The 6th June, 2003
No. 7000/1-F&PO(7)-2003/3570.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article
309 of the Constitution of India, read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi,
Notification bearing. No. 14012/2/88-CHD, dated 13th January, 1992 , the Administrator, Union Territory,
Chandigarh is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Administration Civil
Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1991 namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration Civil Services (Revised
Pay) (First Amendment) Rules, 2003.
(ii) They shall be deemed to have come into force on and with effect from the 21st day of
the January 2003.
2. The Second proviso to Rule 8, in the Chandigarh Administration Civil Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 1991, shall be deleted.
Finance Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 20th June, 2003
No. 7053-HIII(5)-2003/11745.In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 74 of the Indian
Stamp Act, 1899 (Central Act No. 2 of 1899) read with clauses (a) and (d) of the Section 27, and sub-
section (1) of Section 34 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 (Central Act No. 7 of 1870), and all other powers
enabling him in this behalf, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to make the following
rules further to amend the Punjab Stamp Rules, 1934, as in force in the Union Territory, Chandigarh,
published,vide Punjab Government notification bearing No. 998-E&S, dated 14th February, 1934,
namely :
(1) These rules may be called the Punjab Stamp (Chandigarh Amendment) Rules, 2003.
(2) In the Punjab Stamp Rules, 1934 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 26, in
sub-rule (i), in clause (a), for the letters and figures Rs. 1,000 the letters and figures
Rs. 50,000 shall be substituted.
(3) In the said rules, in rule 28, for the letters and figures Rs. 1,000 wherever occurring, the
letters and figures Rs. 50,000 shall be substituted.
(4) In the said rules, in rule 33, for the letters and figures Rs. 1,000 wherever occurring, the
letters and figures Rs. 50,000 shall be substituted.
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 8th July, 2003
No. PO/2003/P2/05.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso the article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification bearing
No. S.O. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to Work charged (Regular) field staff
Group C posts under the Electrical Circle of the Engineering Department, Chandigarh Administration,
namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called Engineering Department,
Electrical Circle, Union Territory, Chandigarh Group C Recruitment Rules, 2003.
(ii) These shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application.These Rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column-1 of the schedule
annexed to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and scales of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the scales of pay attached thereto and all the proformas shall be as specified in
column 2 to 4 of the said schedule or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
4. Method or recruitment, age limit, qualification, etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, the age limit, qualification and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
column 5 to 13 of the said schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates of the persons
belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribe, the age limit may be relaxed in accordance with the
instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualification.(i) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living marries in case in which such marriage is void by reason of its takingplace during the life time of
such spouse shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.
(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said post.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, except any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations, other concessions required to
be provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons
in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion
that it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to the recorded in writing relax any of
provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
(Sd.) , . .,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh.

Name of No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age for direct Educational and Whether age, Period of Method of recruit- In case of If a DPC exist, what Circum-
Post Posts fication Pay selection of added years recruits other qualifi- educational probation, ment whether by recruitment by is its composition stances in
on the of service is cation required qualifications if any direct recruitment promotions/ which
basis of admissible for direct prescribed for or by promotion deputation/ U.P.S.C.
seniority- under Rule 30 recruits direct recruits or by deputation/ absorption, grade is to be
cum- of CCS will apply in absorption and from which consulted
merit or (Pension the case of percentage of promotions/ in making
merit- Rules, 1972) promotees posts to be filled deputation/ recruit-
cum- by various absorption to be ment
seniority methods made

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Techni- *4 (2001) General Foreman Selection- Not Not applicable Not applicable Not One year 100% by Foreman Group C DPC Not
cal Super- *Subject to Central Grade-II cum- applicable applicable promotions Grade-II : applicable
visor variation Service Seniority failing which 1. Chief
(Foreman depending Group C Rs. by deputation By promotion Engineer,
Grade-II) on the work Non- 5,000-160- from U.T.
(Electrical) load Gazetted 5,800-200- Chargeman
Chandigarh ;
[earlier Non- 7,000-220- Grade-I with 2 Chairman
designated ministerial 8,100 years regular
as Foreman service in the 2. Superintending

(Electrical) grade. Engineer
in the Deputation : (Electrical),
scale of Employees of U.T.
Rs. 1,365- State Govts. of Chandigarh
2,410] Punjab and Member :
Haryana and
U.T. of 3. Representative
Chandigarh of reserved
holding analogous categories as
or similar posts notified by
on regular basis U.T. ,
(Period of Chandigarh :
deputation shall Member
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years) 4. Representative
from Department
of Personnel
U.T., Chandigarh :
5. Under
of Urban
Chandigarh :
2. Techni- *13 General Charge- Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by For Group C DPC Not
cal Super- (2001) Central man cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotions Chargeman applicable
*Subject to Service Grade-II Seniority from
variation Group-C Technician Grade-II/ 1. Chief
Chargeman depending Non- Rs. 4,550- Grade-I
Assistant Engineer,
Grade II/ on work Gazetted 150-5,000-
Assistant load Non- 160-5,800- U.T.
ministerial 200-7,000- Foreman :
Foreman Chandigarh :
220-7,220 Technician
(Electrical) Chairman
(Electrical Wing)
with 3 years 2. Superintend ing
regular service Engineer
in the grade
(Electrical) (Electrical),
shall be eligible
in the U.T.
for promotion
scale of
as Chargeman Chandigarh :
Rs. 1,365-
Grade-II/ Member

Foreman. 3. Representative
of reserved
Deputation : categories as

Employees of notified by

State Govts. of U.T. ,
Punjab and Chandigarh :
Haryana and Member
U.T. of
holding analogous 4. Representative
or similar posts from Department
on regular basis of Personnel
(Period of U.T., Chandigarh
deputation shall
ordinarily not

exceeding 3 5. Under
years) Secretary,
of Urban
Chandigarh :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3. Junior *103 General Rs. 3,120- (i) Selection Not Between 1825 Essential : Age : No (i) One year (i) 50% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Technician (2001) Central 100-3,220- by merit in applicable years for promotion applicable
For Junior
(Electrical) *Subject Service 110-3,660- case of (Relaxable for (i) Matric pass EQ : To the promotee. failing which
(Electri- to variation Group-C 120-4,260- direct extent by deputation Technician :
Govt. servant/ from a 1. Chief
cian/ depending Non- 140-4,400- recruitment Scheduled recognized indicated in (ii) 2 Year Trace Mate
Wireman/ on work Gazetted 150-5,000- Board/ Column 12. (ii) 50% by Engineer,
Castes/ for direct (Electrical)
Work load Non- 160-5,160 (ii) Selection University direct recruit U.T.
Scheduled recruit. Balder
Munshi/ ministerial cum- or its failing which
Seniority Tribes/Other Chandigarh
Refrigera- equivalent. by deputation (Electrical)
tor in case of Backward :Chairman
Classes/ with 7 years
Mechanic) promottee. (ii) I.T.I. Trade
Categories in service and 2. Superinten-
Certificate in
accordance Electrician passing of ding
with the from any Trade Test to Engineer
instructions Govt. be conducted (Electrical),
issued by the institute
Union Territory, or its by the Depart-
Chandigarh, equivalent.
ment Chandigarh :
from time to
time) (iii) 2 Years Deputation : Member
in the trade. Employees of 3. Representa-
State Govts. of tive of

Punjab and reserved
Haryana and categories as
U.T. of notified by
Chandigarh U.T. ,
holding analogous Chandigarh :
or similar posts Member
on regular basis
4. Representa-
(Period of
tive from
deputation shall
ordinarily not
of Person-
exceed 3 years) nel U.T.,
Chandigarh :

5. Under
of Urban
Chandigarh :
4.Technical *2 General Rs. 5,480- Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by From amongst Group C DPC Not
Supervisor (2001) Central 160-5,800- cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion the Junior applicable
(Foreman *Subject to Service 200-7,000- Seniority
Grade-I) Group C Technician
variation 220-8,100- 1. Chief
(Lift) depending Non- 275-8,925 (Lift Operator)
[earlier on work- Gazetted Engineer,
with 10 years
designated load Non- U.T.
as ministerial
service in the Chandigarh :
(Lift) in the cadre. Chairman
scale of
Rs. 1,365- 2. Superinten-
2,410] ding
Chandigarh :

3. Representa
tive of
categories as
notified by

U.T. ,
Chandigarh :

4. Representa
tive from
of Personnel
Chandigarh :

5. Under
of Urban
Chandigarh :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5. Junior *58 (2001) General Rs. 3,120- (i) Selection- Not Between 18-25 Essential : Age No (i) One year (i) 50% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Technician *Subject to Central 100-3,220- cum-Seniorty applicable years (Relaxable (i) Metric pass EQ. To the for promo-tions applicable
(Lift variation Service 110-3,660- for Govt. servant/ extent indi- promotee failing which Lift Khalasi
in case of from a
Operator) depending Group-C 120-4,260- Scheduled Castes/ cated in by deputation (2,820-4,400) 1. Chief Engineer,
on work Non- 140-4,400- promotion. recognized (ii) Two
Schedule Tribes/ Column 12 and Trade Mate
load Gazetted 150-5,000- Board/ years for (ii) 50% by U.T.,
(ii) Selection other Backward (Lift)
Non- 160-5,160 University or direct direct Chandigarh :
ministerial by merit in equivalent ; recruitee recruitment (2,520-4,140)
gories in accor- failing which Chairman
case of direct with 7 years
dance with instruc- by deputation
recruit tions issued by the (ii) I.T.I. regular service
Union Territory of Certificate in and passing of 2. Superintending
Chandigarh from Electrican for
the trade test to Engineer
time to time) trade from any
be conducted (Electrical) U.T.,
Govt. institute
by the
or equivalent ; Chandigarh :
(iii) 2 years Deputation :
experience in
the operation Employees of 3. Representative
and mainte- the State
of reserved
nance of lifts Govts. of
categories as
Punjab and

Haryana and notified by
U.T., of U.T.,
Chandigarh Chandigarh :
analogous of
similar posts on
4. Representative
regular basis.
(Period of from
deputation shall Department of
ordinarily not Personnel, U.T.,
exceed 3 years)
Chandigarh :

5. Under
Department of
Urban Planning,
Chandigarh :
6. Junior *3 General Rs. 3,120- Selection Not Between 18-25 Essential : Not 2 years By direct Not Group C DPC Not
Technician (2001) Central 100-3,220- by merit. applicable applicable recruitment. applicable applicable
years (Relaxable
(Painter) *Subject to Service 110-3,660-
for Govt. servant/ (i) Metric pass 1. Chief
variation Group-C 120-4,260-
depending Non- 140-4,400- Scheduled Castes/ of a recognized Engineer,
on work Gazetted 150-5,000- Board/ U.T.,
Scheduled Tribes/
load Non- 160-5,160
Other Backward University or Chandigarh
Classes/cate- equivalent ;
gories in accor-
(ii) I.T.I.
dance with the 2. Superintend-
Certificate in
instructions issued ing Engineer
the respective
by the Union (Electrical)
trade from any
Territory, U.T.,
Govt. institute
Chandigarh from Chandigarh
or equivalent ;
time to time)
(iii) 2 years
experience in 3. Representa-
the trade tive of
as notified

by the U.T.,

4. Representa-
tive from
ment of

5. Under
of Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

7. Junior *4 General Rs. 3,120- Selection Not Between 18-25 Essential : Not 2 years By direct Not Group C Not
Technician (2001) Central 100-3,220- by merit. applicable years (Relaxable applicable recruitment. applicable DPC applicable
(Mason- *Subject to Service 110-3,660- for Govt. servant/ (i) Metric pass
cum- variation Group-C 120-4,260- 1. Chief
Scheduled Castes/ from a
Carpenter) depending Non- 140-4,400- Engineer,
Scheduled Tribes/ recognized
on work Gazetted 150-5,000- U.T.,
other Backward
load Non- 160-5,160 Board/ Chandigarh
ministerial University or Chairman
gories in accor-
dance with instruc- equivalent ;
tions issued by the
(ii) I.T.I. trade Superin-
Union Territory
Certificate in tending
Chandigarh from
time to time) painter from Engineer
any Govt. (Electrical)
institute or U.T.,
equivalent ; Chandigarh
(iii) 2 years 3.
experience in Represen-
the trade tative of

as notified
by U.T.,
ment of
5. Under
ment of
8. Junior *3 General Rs. 3,120- (I) Selection Not Between 18-25 Essential : Not 2 years By direct Not Group C Not
Technician (2001) Central 100-3,220- by merit applicable years applicable recruitment. applicable applicable
(Generat- *Subject to Service 110-3,660- (Relaxable for (i) Metric pass
ing Set variation Group-C 120-4,260- Govt. servant/ 1. Chief
of a recognized
Driver) depending Non- 140-4,400- Scheduled
on work Gazetted 150-5,000- Board/ Engineer,
Castes/ University or
load Non- 160-5,160 U.T.,
ministerial its equivalent ; Chandigarh
Backward Chairman
(ii) I.T.I. trade
Certificate in 2. Superin-
gories in accor-
dance with Diesel
instructions Mechanic trade
issued by the from any Govt.
Union Territory, institute or its (Electrical)
Chandigarh equivalent ; U.T.,
from time to Chandigarh
time) (iii) 2 years Member
experience in
the trade 3. Represen-
tative of
as notified

by the

4. Represen-
tative from
ment of

5. Under
of Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

9. Store *1 General Rs. 3,120- (i) Selection- Not Between 18-25 Essential : Not (i) One year Failing which Store Group C DPC Not
Keeper (2001) Central 100-3,220- cum- applicable years applicable by direct coolie with applicable
*Subject to Service 110-3,660- (Relaxable for (i) Metric pass recruitment. 5 years 1. Chief
Seniority promotee
variation Group-C 120-4,260- Govt. servant/ regular
2nd Division/ Engineer,
depending Non- 140-4,400- Scheduled service in
on work Gazetted 150-5,000- (ii) Selection 10+2 from a (ii) 2 years the cadre U.T.,
by merit in Castes/ recognized
load Non- 160-5,160 for direct having Chandigarh
ministerial case of Board/ recruit. Matrict
Tribes/other Chairman
direct University or pass.
recruitment Classes/cate- its equivalent ; 2. Superintend-
gories in accor- ing Engineer
dance with (ii) 3 years
experience in (Electrical)
issued by the handling, U.T.,
Union Territory, accouting and Chandigarh
Chandigarh storage of Member
from time to stores/
time) 3. Representa-
tive of

as notified
by the U.T.,

4. Representa-
tive from

5. Under
of Urban
10. Jeep *7 General Rs. 3,330- Selection Not Between 25-35 Essential : Not 2 years By direct Not Group C DPC Not
Driver (2001) Central 110-3,660- by merit. applicable years (Relaxable applicable recruitment. applicable applicable
1. Chief Engineer,
*Subject to Service 120-4,260- for Govt. servant/ (i) Metric pass
variation Group-C U.T.,
140-4,400- Scheduled Castes/ from a
depending Non- 150-5,000- Schedule Tribes/ Chandigarh
on work Gazetted recognized
160-5,800- other Back-ward Chairman
load Non- 200-6,200 Board/
Classes/cate- 2. Superintending
ministerial University or
gories in accor-
equivalent. Engineer
dance with instruc-
(Electrical) U.T.,
tions issued by the
Union Territory of (ii) Should Chandigarh
Chandigarh possesses Member
Administration licence for
3. Representative
from time to time) driving heavy
of reserved
motor vehicles.
categories as
notified by
(iii) 3 years
experience of
driving a heavy
vehicle both in
plains and hills 4. Representative
(according to from
requirement) Department of
Personnel, U.T.,
(iv) Knowledge Chandigarh

of Hindi and/or Member
5. Under
Department of
Urban Planning,
The 28th July, 2003
No. HIII(5)-2003/14264.In pursuance of the recommendations regarding Disaster
Management forwarded by the Home Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi,vide his D.O. letter
No. 1-18/2002-DM(I), dated 18th December, 2002, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is
pleased to set up a State Disaster Management Authority in respect of Union Territory, Chandigarh,
to ensure co-ordinated steps towards mitigation and preparedness as also co-ordinated response
whenever a disaster strikes, comprising of the following :
1. Adviser to the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh .. Chairman
2. Home Secretary, Chandigarh Administration .. Member
3. Finance Secretary, Chandigarh Administration .. Member
4. Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh .. Member
5. Secretary, Social Welfare, U.T., Chandigarh .. Member
6. Inspector General of Police, U.T., Chandigarh .. Member
7. Deputy Commissioner, U.T., Chandigarh .. Member
2. Further, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to entrust the office of
the Deputy Commissioner, U.T., Chandigarh with the responsibility of looking after all matters that fall
within the ambit of the Department of Disaster Management for Union Territory, Chandigarh.
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 16th September, 2003
No. Estt. R-10-Arch-2003/9017.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to
Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs,
New Delhi Notification bearing No. S.O. No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966 the Administrator, Union
Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following Rules further to amend the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning, Group-C posts (Non-Ministerial) Recruitment Rules,
2001 published in the Chandigarh Administration Gazette dated 1st November, 2001,vide this
deaprtment notification No. Estt. R-10-Arch-2001/8997, dated 1st October, 2001, namely :
(i) Short title and commencement : (I) (a) These rules may be called the Chandigarh
Administration, Department of Urban Planning (Architecture Wing) Group-C, Non-
Ministerial, Recruitment Rules, First Amendment Rules, 2003.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publications in the official Gazette.
(iii) In column 8 of the Schedule to the post of Head Modeller the existing entries
connected with Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits shall
be substituted namely :
1. One year National Trade Certificate (Carpenter) from I.T.I. with Two years National
Apprentice Certificate and three years experience in Model Making including reading of Architectural
2. Three Years Diploma in Architectural Assistantship from any recognized board with three
years experience in Model making for vairous Architectural jobs.
Secretary, Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 27th October, 2003
No. A-I/2003/4.In partial modification of the Chandigarh Administration, Engineering
Department, Notification bearing No. A-1/2001/18, dated 5th December, 2001 pertaining to the ministerial
Cadre of the Office of Chief Engineer, Union Territory, Chandigarh (Group C Post) Recruitment
Rules, 2001, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers conferred by the
proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, read with Sub-section (i) of Section 3 of the
Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 and the Chandigarh Administration, Department of
Personnel Notification No. 28/24/94-IH(7)-2002/16543, dated 28th August, 2002 read with letter No.
28/24/94-IH(7)-2002/10996, dated 10th June, 2003, is pleased to amend the columns 11 and 12 of
the category of the post of Clerk/Computer listed at Serial No. 6, pages 2136 and 2137 of the
Notification, which shall now be read as follows :
Name of Post : Clerk/Computer :
11. By Direct Recruitment .. 85%
By appointment from Group D Employees .. 15%
12. By appointment from Group D employees :
From amongst the Group D employees against 15% vacancies in a year having 5 years
regular service in the cadre after appointment in the grade on regular basis provided they are
Matriculation or equivalent from the recognized Board/Institution and possess a speed of 30 w.p.m.
in English typewriting and has not crossed the age of 45 years at the time of appointment of Clerk.
All other rules as provided in the said Notification will remain unchanged.
(By order and on behalf of Adviser to
the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh)
Secretary, engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 2nd April, 2004
No. 20/1/37-1H(10)-2004/5984.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article
309 of trhe constitution read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
bearing No. GSR-3267 dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Government College of Art, Chandigarh
(Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Government College of Arts, Chandigarh (Group-
C) (3rd Amendment) Recruitment Rules, 2004
(ii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. In the Schedule appended to the Government College of Arts, Chandigarh (Group-C)
Recruitment Rules, 2001, in column (3), against the post of Studio Assistant, the existing words shall
be substituted with the following :
General Central Civil Services Group-C Non-Gazetted (Non-ministerial)
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
No. 28/48/92-IH(1)-2007
The 8th April, 2004
All The Administrative Secretaries,
and Heads of Departments/Offices
in Chandigarh Administration.
Subject : Model Recruitment Rules-Amendment thereof.
I am directed to refer to this Administrations letter No. IH(7)- 18/6554, dated 7th April, 1998
on the subject noted above whereby a copy of the Model Recruitment Rules for the Common Posts
in the subordinate offices of the Chandigarh Administration was forwarded for framing Departmental
Recruitment Rules for the said common categories of posts. The matter has been reconsidered and
it has been decided that the provision contained in Annexure-I in respect of posts of Junior Scale
Stenographer. Steno-Typist and Clerk under Column No. 8 i.e. educational and other qualifications
for direct recruitment is amended as under :
1. Junior Scale Stenographer Bachelors Degree and proflciency in operation of
Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and
a speed of 100 words per minute in Stenography
(English) and speed of 20 words per minute
intranscripting the same.
2. Steno-typist Bachelors Degree and proflciency in operation of
Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and
a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English)
and speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the
3. Clerk Bachelors Degree and proflciency in operation of
Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets)
and a speed of 30 words per minute in English
2. You are, therefore, requested to kindly have the above amendment got noted from all
concerned for laking further necessary action and compliance, with immediate effect.
Yours faithfully,
Joint Secretary Personnel.
The Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The Director, Technical Education,
Union Territory, Chandigarh.
Memo No. 16/1/21-IH(3)-2004/11162
Dated, Chandigarh the 22-6-2004
Subject : Filling up of Class III posts by enhancing quota from 10% to 15% from amongst
Class IV employees.
Reference your Memo No. F398/E(2)-04/1678, dated 8th April, 2004 on the subject noted
The proposal for making amendment in the Chandigarh Technical Education Department
(Group C) Ministerial Staff Recruitment Rules, 2002 in respect to the post of Clerk has been considered
in consultation with the Department of Personnel and agreed to as under :
From amongst the Group D employees against 15% posts having five years regular
service in the cadre and possessing Matric Qualification and a speed of 30 W.P.M. in
English Typewriting and has not crossed the age of 45 years at the time of appointment
as Clerk.
Furtehr action in the matter may be taken accordingly.
Your attention is also invited to this Administration letter No. 28/48/92-IH(7)-03/6317, dated 8th
April, 2004 whereby the educational qualification in respect of Junior Scale Stenographer/Steno-
Typist/Clerk has been enhanced to Bachelors degree, the requisite amendment may also be carried
out in the aforementioned rules simultaneously.
Superintendent Home-I,
For Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 8th April, 2004
No. 402-DPI-UT-S1-11(14)91.In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309
of the constitution read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notifications G.S.R. No.
3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh hereby makes
the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Educatjion Service (School Cadre a (Group C)
Recruitment Rules, 1991, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre)
(Group C) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2004.
(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the ofifcial Gazette.
2. In the Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre) (Group C) Recruitment Rules, 1991,
in the Schedule appended thereto :
(A) at Sr. No. 3 against the posts of Masters/Mistresses (TGTs) in column 7 under
the heading Essential and other qualifications required for direct recruits, after
clause XI, the following shall be inserted namely :
Qualification for TGT English :
(i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognized University with English as an elective
subject with at least 45% marks.
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognised by NCTE with at least 45% marks in
aggregate or its equivalent with English as a teaching subject.
(B) at Serial No. 7 against the post of JBT in columns 6.A and 7 under the headings
Age for Direct Recruits and Educational other qualifications required for direct
recruits for the existing entries, the following shall, respectively, be substituted
namely :
(a) 2130 years
(b) (i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognised University, with at least 40%
(ii) Diploma or certificate in Basic Teachers Training of not less than 2 years
duration recognised by NCTE, with at least 45% marks in aggregate.
JBT Certificate/Diploma of not less than two years duration with atleast 45%
marks recognised by the Chandigarh Administration.
Education Secretary
Chandigarh Administration.
The 12th/13th May, 2004
No. A-I/2004/3.In partial modification of the Chandigarh Administration, Engineering
Department, Notification bearing No. A-1/2001/18, dated 5th December, 2001 pertaining to the
(GROUP C POST) RECRUITMENT RULES, 2001, the Adviser to the Administrator, Union Territory,
Chandigarh in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of
India, read with Sub-section (i) of Section 3 of the Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 and
the Chandigarh Administration, Department of Personnel Notification No. IH(7)-98/6554, dated 7th
April, 1998 read with letter No. 28/48/92-IH(7)-2003/6317, dated 8th April, 2004, is pleased to amend
the columns 8 of the category of the post of Steno-typist and Clerk/Computer listed at Serial No. 5
and 6, page 2136 and 2137 of the Notification, which shall now be read as follows :
Name of Post : Steno-typist (Serial No. 5)
8. Bachelors degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and
Spread Sheets) ; a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and a
speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same.
Name of Post : Clerk/Computer (Serial No. 6)
8. Bachelors degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and
Spread Sheets) ; and a speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting.
All other rules as provided in the said Notification will remain unchanged.
(By order and on behalf of Adviser to the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh)
Secretary, engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 17th May, 2004
No. NCC/Dte/1(14) 2001.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of
the Constitution read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification bearing
No. G.S.R. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby makes
the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to various Group-C posts in the
N.C.C. Organisation, Chandigarh Administration.
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration,
N.C.C. Organisation, U.T. (Group C posts) Recruitment Rules, 2001.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and the scales of pay.The number of posts, their classification
and the scales of pay shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the said Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The method of Recruitment of the
said posts, the age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in Columns
5 to 14 of the said Schedule :
Provided that upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment may be relaxed in case of candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the instructions issued from time to time by the Government of India :
Provided further that the Deputy Director General N.C.C. (HOD), may in special circumstances
to be recorded in writing appoint a person who is more than 25 years/40 years of age.
5. Disqualifications.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life-
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the
time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts:
Provided that the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are
special grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
No person shall be appointed unless he produces certificate of medical fitness from concerned
Principal Medical Officer.
The appointment should be subject to the conditions that the character and antecedents of candidates
are found to be good and verified by the Deputy Commissioner concerned.
6. The rules governing the posts in the schedule to these rules as in force in the N.C.C. Organisation,
Chandigarh Administration and the amendments made from time to time, are hereby repealed :
Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have
been made or taken under the corresponding provision of these rules.
7. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required to be
provided for a Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance
with the orders issued by the Central Government, from time to time in this regard.
8. Powers of relaxation.Where the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh is of the opinion that it is
necessary or expedient so to do, he may, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of
the provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
(Sd.) . . .,
Education Secretary,
NCC Organisation, U.T.,
Chandigarh Administration.
Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit Educational and Whether age and Period of Methods of In case of If the Circum-
of posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment Departmental stances
post (in Rs.) post or of service recruit- required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ Promotions in which
non- admissible under ment direct recruitment prescribed for direct recruit- transfer, grade Committee the UPSC
selection Rules of direct recruits ment or by from which exists, is to be
post the CCS will apply in promotion or by promotion/ what is its consulted
(Pension the case of deputation/ transfer is composition making
Rules, 1972) promotion transfer and to be made recruitment
percentage of
vacancies to
be filled by
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Superin- 02* General Rs. 6400 Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by By promotion Yes, Not
tendent (Subject Central 10640 cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion from amongst Group C applicable
Grade-II to Civil seniority failing which Senior D.P.C. for
varia- Services deputation Assistants promotion/
tion) (Group C) (58009200) confirmation
Non- with 8 years
Gazetted regular service
(Ministerial) as such in the
2. Senior 07* Do Rs. 5800 Do N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. One year By promotion By promotion Do Do
Assis- 9200 amongst Junior

tant Assistant/Clerks/
Jr. Scale Steno
Grapher having
5 years regular
service as such in
the cadre taken
togethers as Junior
Assistant, Clerk
and Junior Scale
3. Junior 01* Do Rs. 4400 Selection N.A. 1825 year Matric 2nd Not applicable Two years By direct N.A. 1. Dy. DG NCC, N.A.
Scale 7000 by Merit (Relaxable for Division or 10+2 recruitment (Chairman)
Steno- departmental or its equivalent 2. Rep. from
grapher candidates up with a speed of Social Welfare
to 35 years 100 wpm in Deptt. U.T.,
for appoint- stenography Chandigarh
ment by direct (English) (Member)
recruitment 20 wpm in 3. Rep. of ALR
and for other transcripting the as Legal Rep.,
same Chd. Admn.,
servant up to
4. Group
5 years in
accordance NCC Group
with the HQs, Chd.
instruction of (Member)
Government 5. Rep. of NCC
of India) Group HQs,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4. Clerk 22* General 31205160 Selection N.A. 1825 years Matric 2nd AgeNo Two years 70% by direct 20% by promotion Yes, Group C N.A.
Central with initial by merit in (Relaxable for Division or 10+2 QualificationYes for direct recruitment amongst Lascars DPC for
Civil start of case of departmental or its equivalent recruitment 20% by having 3 years promotion/
regular service in confirmation by
Services Rs. 3220 direct candidates up with typing and one promotion
the cadre having 1. Dy. DG NCC
(Group C) recruitment to 35 years speed of year of among
Matric or 10+2 (Chairman)
Non- and for appoint- 30 wpm in promotee Lascars, 10% qualification from 2. Rep. from
Gazetted selection- ment by direct English typing by promotion recognised Board/ Social Welfare
(Ministerial) cum- recruitment amongst University and a Deptt. U.T.,
seniority in and for other Desirable : Group D speed of 30 wpm in Chandigarh
case of Government Knowledge in employees English typing He (Member)
promotion servants up to operation/use should not exceed 3. Rep. of ALR
5 years in of computer the age of 45 years as Legal Rep.,
at the time of Chd. Admn.,
promotion as clerk (Member)
with the
by promotion. 4. Group
instructions of
Group D : Commander,
Government NCC Group
From amongst
of India) HQs, Chd.
Group D
employees against (Member)
10% of posts 5. Rep. of NCC
having 5 years Group HQs,

regular service in
cadre and (Member)
possessing Matric
Certificate and
speed of 30 wpm in
English Typewriting
and has not
crossed the age of
45 years at the
time of promotion
as Clerk.

5. Driver 12* General 33306200 Selection N.A. 2535 years Matric Pass Age Do 80% by direct By Promotion Do N.A.
Central by merit in (relaxable for from recognized No recruitment, 10% amongst
Civil case of departmental Board/ Qualification 10% by Lascars having 2
Services direct candidates up University Yes promotion years service who
recruitment, amongst are matriculate
(Group C) to 45 years having Driving
and possess
Non- Selection- for appoint- Licence of HTV, Lascars, 10%
Heavy Driving
Gazetted cum- ment by direct 5 years by promotion Licence 10% by
(Non- seniority in recruitment experience as amongst promotion
Ministerial) case of and up to HTV Driver Group D amongst Group D
promotion 5 years employees employees having
for other 5 years service
Government as such in the
Servants) cadre and
HTV licence
6. Lascar 28* General 31205160 Selection N.A. 1825 years Matric pass with Age 2 years for 90% by direct By promotion from Yes, Group C N.A.
Central by merit in (Relaxable up good physical No direct recruitment amongst Group D
recruitment DPC for
Civil case of to 35 years stamina 3rd Qualification 10% by employees 10%
Yes and 1 year promotion/
Services direct for Depart- class Army for promotee p;romotion against quota
(Group C) recruitment. mental Certificate in amongst having 5 years confirmation by
Non- Selection- candidate for case of Ex- Group D regular service in
Gazetted cum- appointment Servicemen employees the cadre and 1. Dy. DG NCC
Non- seniority in as direct possessing
Ministerial) case of recruitment matriculation
promotee and 5 years qualification with
for other good physical 2. Rep. from
Government stamina and has Social Wel
servants not crossed the age fare
of 45 years at the
Deptt. U.T.,
time of promotion
as lascar Chandigarh

3. Rep. of ALR
as Legal
Chd. Admn.


4. Group
NCC Group
HQs, Chd.

5. Rep. of NCC
Group HQs,

7. Ship- 01* General 31205160 Selection N.A. 18 to 25 years Matric pass with N.A. Two years By direct N.A. Do N.A.
modelling Central by merit good physical recruitment
Store Civil stamina 3rd class
Keeper Services Army Certificate in
(Group C) case of Ex-
Non- Servicemen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

8. Aero- 01* Do Do Do Do 18 to 25 years Graduate with 3 N.A. Two years Do N.A. Do N.A.
Modelling years diploma or C
certificate holder of
Air Wing NCC with
good command
over English

9. Ship 01* Do Do Do Do Do Graduate with N.A. Two years Do N.A. Do N.A.

Modelling 3 months Diploma
Course in Ship-
modelling or Diploma in
Draftsmanship with 3
months Shipmodelling
Course or Ex-Dockyard

Shipwright and
good command
over English language

* Subject to variation dependent on workload.

The 26th May, 2004
No. DS-UT-Estt.-2004/5259.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309
of the Constitution of Indian read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
bearing No. S.R. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby
makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to various Group C posts (Non-Ministerial)
in the Sports Department, Union Territory, Chandigarh namely :
1. Short title and commencement.These rules may be called the Sports Department, Union
Territory, Chandigarh (Group C Non-Ministerial Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2004.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column 1 of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and the scales of pay.The number of posts, their classification
and the scales of pay thereof shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age-limit, qualifications etc.The method of Recruitment to the
said posts, the age-limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in Columns
5 to 14 of the Schedule.
5. Disqualification.No person :
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall
be eligible for appointment to the said posts :
Provided that the Administrator, Unoin Territory, Chandigarh, may, if satisfied that such marriage
is permissible under the personal law applcable to such person and other party to the marriage
and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the opration of this rule.
6. Powers of relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any
of the provisions of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
7. Repeal.The Recruitment Rules already in force for Group C posts notified,vide notification
No. DS-UT-Estt-90/1063, dated 19th March, 1990 are hereby repealed immediately before the commencement
of these rules :
Provided that
(a) such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said rules or anything done or any
action taken thereunder :
(b) any proceedings under the said rules pending at the commencement of these rules, shall be
continued and disposed of, in accordance with the provisions of these rules as if such proceedings
were proceedings under these rules.
8. Savings.Nothing in these Rules shall affect reservations, relaxations of age-limit and other
concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes Ex-servicemen and other
special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government, from time
to time in this regard.
Secretary, Finance and Sports,
Chandigarh Administration.

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age and Period of Method of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualifications educational probation, recruitment recruitment (In case of, stances
Post of posts post or of services recruit- required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ confirmation) in which
non- admissible under ment direct recruitment prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ exists what is the UPSC
selection Rules 30 of direct recruits ment or by transfer, its composition is to be
post the C.C.S. will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
(Pension the case of deputation/ from which making
Rules, 1972) promotion transfer and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
the vacancies to transfer is to be
be filled by made
various methods

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Coaches Four General Rs. 5800 Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by By promotion : (i) Director Not
(04) Central 2007000 cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
From amongst Sports,
(Subject Civil 2208100 seniority failing which by
to Services 2759200 deputation the Junior Union
variation Group C Coaches working Territory,
depend (Non- under the control
on work- Ministerial) of Director
Sports, who have Chairman
experience of

working as such (ii) Joint
on regular basis Secretary,
for a minimum
period of 7 years
By Deputation : Admn.
From amongst
those holding
(iii) Director
analogous posts
in the State Social
Governemnts of Welfare,
Punjab or
Haryana or
Chandigarh Territory,
Administration on Chandigarh
regular basis in Member
the identical or
same scale of
(iv) Joint
Manager Four General Rs. 5800 Selection- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by By promotion : (i) Director, Not
(04) Central 2007000 cum- applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion Sports, applicable
(Subject Civil 2208100 seniority failing From Supervisor who Union
to Services 2759200 which by have completed 7 Territory,
variation Group C deputation years service as Chandigarh
depend (Non- Syupervisor in the
Ministerial) cadre
on work-
load) (ii) Joint
(ii) Appointment by Secretary,
transfer fvrom the Personnel,
otehr ministerial
Group-C, staff of the
Chandigarh Adminis-
tration not below than Member
the rnak of Senior (iii) Director,
Assistant/Sr. Scale
(iii) By Deputation: Union
From amongst those Chandigarh
holding analogous Member
posts in the State
Governemnts of (iv) Joint
Punjab or Haryana or Director,
Chandigarh Adminis- Sports,
tration on regular ba- Sports
sis in the identical or Department,

same scale of pay Union

Junior Twenty- General Rs. 5400 Selection Not Between 21 years (i) Should be a Not Two years (i) 75% by iii) By Deputation: (i) Director Not
Coaches two (22) Central 1605800 by Ment applicable and 33 years as graduate from a applicable direct Sports, applicable
(Subject Civil 2007000 recognized Uni- recruitment From amongst
on the 1st day of those holding Union
to Services 2208100 versity or institu-
varia- Group C 2758925 January of the analogous posts Territory,
tion ; (ii) 25% by
tion/ (Non- year immediately deputation in the State Chandigarh
depend Ministerial) preceding the last Governemnts of Chairman
(ii) Should pos-
on work- Punjab or Haryana
date fixed for sub- sess Diploma in or Chandigarh Ad- (ii) Joint
load) Coaching from
mission of appli- ministration on Secretary,
cations. That uper National Institute regular basis in the
age limit may be of Sports in the identical or same
required discipline scale of pay Chandigarh
relaxed up to 45 Admn.
provided that in
years in the case case of games in Member
of persons al- which regular
(iii) Director
ready employed courses are not
available at Na- Social
of the U.T., Ad-
tional Institute of Welfare,
Sports candidate Union
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

In case of candi- should possess (iv) Joint

date belonging to Master Degree in Director,
SC/ST/OBC, up- Physical Educa- Sports,
per age relaxable tion (two years
to the extent in integrated Course)
Union Territory,
accordance with from a recognized
the instructions University or Member
of the Govern- institution.
ment of India/
Chandigarh Ad- (iii) Should be po-

ministration is- sition holder of

sued from time to Open National or

time for the same. first position

holder of All India-
University Meet.

Supervisor Three General Rs. 5400 Selection Not Between 21 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 50% by By Transfer : (i) Director Not
(03) Central 1605800 by Merit in applicable and 33 years as passed 10+2 Ex- applicable direct Sports, applicable

(Subject Civil 2007000 case of on the 1st day of amination or Se- recruitment. From amongst the Union
to Services 2208100 direct January of the nior Secondary departmental offi-
variation (Group C) 2758925 recruitment year immediately (ii) 50% by cials of the
Part-II Examina- Chandigarh
depend (Non- proceeding the transfer from Chandigarh
tion from a rec- Chairman
on work- Ministerial) last date fixed for Administratjion who
ognized Board or the depart- (ii) Joint
load) submission of fulfill the essential
applications. That Institution in 2nd ments of qualification. Secretary,
uper age limit may Division. Chandigarh
be relaxed up to Administratjion, By Deputation :
45 years in the (ii) Having Knowl- failing which by
case of persons edge of organiz- deputation. From amongst
already employed those holding Member
ing sports tour-
of the U.T., Ad- analogous posts (iii) Director
naments or partici-
ministration. In pation in State in the State Social
case of candidate Governemnts of Welfare,
belonging to SC/ Punjab or Haryana Union
ST/OBC, upper or Chandigarh Ad- Territory,
(iii) Having expe-
age relaxable to ministration on
rience in mainte- Chandigarh
the extent in ac- regular basis in the
cordance with the nance of grounds/ identical or same Member
instructions of the sports fields with scale of pay (iv) Joint
Govt. of India/ particular refer- Director,
Chandigarh Ad- ence to the major Sports,
ministration is- recognized Sports
sued from time to games. Department,
time for the same.
Jr. Lib- One General Rs. 4020 Selection Not Between 18 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 100% by Not (i) Director, Not
rarian (01) Central 1204260 by Merit applicable and 25 years as passed 10+2 applicable direct applicable Sports, applicable
Civil 1404400 on the 1st day of Examination or recruitment Union
Services 1505000 January of the Senior Secondary Territory,
Group C 1605800 year immediately Chandigarh
Part-II Examina-
(Non- 2006200 proceeding the Chairman
last date fixed for tion from a
Ministerial) (ii) Joint
submission of recognized Board
applications. or Institution in Personnel,
(Relaxable for 2nd Divisionor or Chandigarh
departmental Graduate. Admn.
candidates up to Member
35 years for ap- (ii) Should have (iii) Director
pointment for di- passed Diploma Social
rect recruitment in Library Science Welfare,
and up to 5 years from the recog- Union
for other depart- Territory,
nized University/
ment servants in Chandigarh
accordance with Institution.
the instructions (iv) Joint
of the Govt. of (iii) Having one
years exprience Director,
India). In the case Sports,
of candidate be- in maintenance of
longing to SC/ST/ Library. Department,
OBC, upper age Union
relaxable to the Territory,
extent in accor-
dance with the
instructions of the

Govt. of India/
issued from time
to time for the

Carpenter One General Rs. 4400 Selection Not Between 18 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 100% by Not (i) Director, Not
(01) Central 1505000 by Merit applicable and 25 years as passed Matricula- applicable direct applicable Sports, applicable
Civil 1605800 on the 1st day of tion Examination Union
January of the or 10+2 or Senir Territory,
Services 2007000
year immediately Secondary Part-II Chandigarh
Group C proceeding the Examination from Chairman
(Non- last date fixed for a recognized (ii) Joint
Ministerial) submission of Board or institu- Secretary,
applications. tion. Personnel,
(Relaxable for Chandigarh
departmental (ii) Should have Admn.
candidates up to passed Certifi- Member
35 years for ap- cate Course in the (iii) Director
pointment for di- Trade from the Social
rect recruitment I.T.I. Welfare,
and up to 5 years Union
for other depart- (iii) Should have Territory,
ment servants in experience of Chandigarh
accordance with three years in the Member
the instructions trade.
of the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

tions of the Govt. (iv) Joint

of India). In case Director,
of candidates
belonging to SC/
ST/OBC, upper Union
age relaxable to Territory,
the extent in ac- Chandigarh
cordance with the Member
instructions of
Govt. of India/
issued from time
to time for the

Boatmen Six (06) General Rs. 3120 (i) Selection Not Between 18 years (i) Should have Not (i) Two (i) 85% by By Selection : (i) Director, Not

(subject Central 1003220 by Merit in applicable passed Matricula- applicable years in direct applicable
to Civil 1103660 case of and 25 years as tion Examination case of 15% by seleciton Sports,
variationn Services 1204260 direct on the 1st day of or equivalent ex- direct from Class-IV
depend- Group C 1404400 recruitment amination from a recruit- (ii) 15% by employees of the
(Non- 1505000 January of the ment department.
ing on recognized Board. selection from Territory,
work- Ministerial) 1605160 (ii) Selec- year immediately Class-IV Should fulfill
(ii) One Chandigarh
load tion-cum- (ii) Should passed employees of educational and
proceeding the
Seniority in skill and knowl- year in the depart- technicl Chairman
last date fixed for case of qualifications as
case of edge or swim- ment. (ii) Joint
submission of promotee prescribed for
promotion. ming, diving and
direct recruitment. Secretary,
applications. water rescue op-
erations. Personnel,
(Relaxable for
departmental (iii) Experience of Chandigarh
three years in the Admn.
candidates up to
35 years for ap- Member
pointment for di- (iii) Director
rect recruitment Social
and up to 5 years
for other depart-
ments servants
in accordance
with the instruc
tions of the Govt. (iv) Joint
of India). In case Director,
of candidate be- Sports,
longing to SC/ST/ Sports
OBC, upper age Department,
relaxable to the Union
extent in accor- Territory,
dance with the
instructions of
Govt. of India/
issued from time
to time for the

Mechanic- One General Rs. 3120 (i) Selection Not Between 18 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 100% by Not Applicable (i) Director, Not
cum- (01) Central 1003220 by Merit applicable and 25 years as passed Matricula- applicable direct Sports, applicable
Boatman Civil 1103660 on the 1st day of tion in 2nd Division recruitment Union
Services 1204260 January of the or equivalent Ex- Territory,
Group C 1404400 year immediately amination from a
(Non- 1505000 Chandigarh
proceeding the recognized Board
Ministerial) 1605160 Chairman
last date fixed for or Institution.
(ii) Joint
submission of
(ii) Diploma in Au- Secretary,
tomobile Engineer- Personnel,

(Relaxable for
departmental ing from I.T.I. or Chandigarh
candidates up to from otehr recog- Admn.
35 years for ap- nized Institution. Member
pointment for di- (iii) Director
(iii) Skill and know-
rect recruitment Social
ledge of swimming
and up to 5 years Welfare,
diving and water
for other depart- Union
rescue operations
ments servants in Territory,
accordance with Chandigarh
the instructions Member
the Govt. of In-
(iv) Joint
dia). In case of
candidates be-
longing to SC/ST/
OBC, upper age
relaxable to the Department,
extent in accor- Union
dance with the Territory,
instructions of Chandigarh
Govt. of India/ Member
issued from time
to time for the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Life Guard 04 General Rs. 3120 (i) Selection Not Between 18 (i) Should have Not (i) Two (i) 75% by By Selection : (i) Director, Not
(Four) Central 1003220 by Merit applicable passed Matricula- applicable years in direct applicable
years and 25 Sports,
(subject Civil 1103660 tion in 2nd Division case of recruitment. From Class-IV
to Services 1204260 (ii) years as on the or equivalent direct employees of the Union
variation Group C 1404400 Selection- 1st day of Examination from recruitment. (ii) 25% by department on Territory,
depend (Non- 1505000 cum- a recognized selection from fulfillment of
January of the Chandigarh
on work- Ministerial) 1605160 seniority in Board/Institution. (ii) One Class-IV technical and
load) year immedi- year in educational Chairman
case of employees of
ately proceed- (ii) Should be a case of the depart- qualifications as (ii) Joint
promotee. ment. prescribed for
ing the last swimming having Secretary,
direct recruit-
date fixed for participated at the Personnel,
level of National
submission of Chandigarh
School Games/
application. Championships or Admn.
(Relaxable for National Games. Member
departmental (iii) Director
(iii) Should have
candidates up knowledge of life Social
to 35 years for saving Welfare,
appointment Union
for direct re- Territory,
cruitment and Chandigarh

up to 5 years Member
for other de- (iv) Joint
partments ser- Director,
vants in accor- Sports,
dance with the Sports
instructions of Department,
the Govt. of Union
India). In case Territory,
of candidates Chandigarh
belonging to Member
upper age
relaxable to the
extent in accor-
dance with the
instructions of
Govt. of India/
issued from
time to time for
the same.
Electrician One General Rs. 4400 Selection Not Between 18 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 100% by Not (i) Director, Not
(01) Central 1505000 by Merit applicable and 25 years as passed Matricula- applicable direct applicable Sports, applicable
Civil 1605800 on the 1st day of tion in 2nd Divi- recruitment Union
Services 2007000 January of the sion or equivalent
year immediately Territory,
Group C Examination from
(Non- proceeding the Chandigarh
a recognized
Ministerial) last date fixed for Chairman
submission of Board/Institution.
(ii) Joint
(ii) Should pos- Secretary,
(Relaxable for
departmental sess two years Personnel,
candidates up to I.T.I. Certificate Chandigarh
35 years for ap- of Electrician Admn.
pointment for di- from the recog- Member
rect recruitment nized Institution.
and up to 5 years (iii) Director
for other depart- Social
(iii) Should have
ments servants in Welfare,
experience of two
accordance with Union
years in the trade.
the instructions Territory,
of the Govt. of
India). In case of
candidates be- Member
longing to SC/ST/ (iv) Joint
OBC, upper age Director,
relaxable to the Sports,
extent in accor-
dance with the Sports
instructions of Department,

Govt. of India/ Union
Chandigarh Territory,
Administration Chandigarh
issued from time
to time for the

Driver 03 General Rs. 3300 Selection Not Between 25 years (i) Should have Not Two years (i) 100% by Not (i) Director, Not
(Three) Central 1103660 by Merit applicable and 35 years as passed Matricula- applicable direct applicable Sports, applicable
(subject Civil 1204260 tion or equivalent recruitment Union
on the 1st day of
to Services 1404400 Examination from
January of the Territory,
variation Group C 1505000 a recognized
depend (Non- 1605800 year immediately Chandigarh
on work Ministerial) 2006200 proceeding the Chairman
load) last date fixed for (ii) Should pos- (ii) Joint
submission of sess Licence of Secretary,
application. Driving heavy Personnel,
motor vehicle is- Chandigarh
(Relaxable for
sued by the li- Admn.
censing authority Member
candidates up to of any State
35 years for ap- Govt.
pointment for di-
rect recruitment
and up to 5 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

for other depart- (iii) At least 5 (iii) Director

ments servants in years experience Social
accordance with of diving heavy Welfare,
the instructions motor vehicle. Union
with the instruc- Territory,
tions of the Govt. Chandigarh
of India). In the Member
case of candidate
(iv) Joint
belonging to SC/
ST/OBC, upper
age relaxable to
the extent in ac- Sports
cordance with the Department,
instructions of the Union
Govt. of India/ Territory,
Chandigarh Chandigarh
Administration Member
issued from time
to time for the

The 8th June, 2004
No. 20/1/37-IH(10)-2004/10405.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article
309 of the constitution read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification
bearing No. GSR-3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Government College of Art, Chandigarh
(Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001, namely :
1. (i) These rules may be called the Government College of Art, Chandigarh (Group-
C) (4th Amendment) Recruitment Rules, 2004
(ii) They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. In the Schedule appended to the Government College of Art, Chandigarh (Group-C)
Recruitment Rules, 2001, in column (8), against the post of Steno Typist and Clerk, the existing words
shall be substituted with the following :
In the category of Steno Typist :
Bachelors Degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread
Sheets) and a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and speed of 20 words per
minute in transcpriting the same.
In the category of Clerk :
Bachelors Degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread
Sheets) and a speed of 30 words per minute in English Typewriting.
Home Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
The 23rd/24th June, 2004
No. A-3/2004/4.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution
of India read with Sub-Section (i) of Section 3 of Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 and the
Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-IH(7)/1766, dated 24th January,
1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following rules regulating the
method of recruitment to Group C posts of Field Staff under Electricity Operation Circle in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration, namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called Engineering Department
(Group C) posts of Field Staff under Electricity Operation Circle, Chandigarh Cadre Recruitment
Rules, 2004.
(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and the scales of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the pay scales attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule
or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said Schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates or the persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in accordance with
the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualification.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(ii) No woman, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such
marriage, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds
for so ordering, exempt any person from the opearation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, other concession required to be
provided for a Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons in accordance
with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions
of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
By order and on behalf of the Administrator,
U.T., Chandigarh.
Chandigarh : (Sd.) . . .,
Dated : June, 2004 KARAN A. SINGH,
Secretary Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration,
Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Method of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of Post fication pay selection on of added years for direct other qualifications educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post of posts the basis of of service is recruits required for qualifications if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition the UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 of direct recruits ment or by absorption, is to be
or merit-cum- the C.C.S. will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
seniority (Pension the case of deputation/ from which in making
Rules, 1972) promotee absorption promotion/ recruitment
and percentage deputation/
of posts to transfer is to be
be filled by made
various methods

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Additional *21 General Rs. 7000 Selection Not Not Not Not One year By promotion Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Assistant (2004) Central 2508000 applicable applicable applicable applicable failing which by applicable
Engineer *subject Service 2759100 Deputation a) By promotion 1. Chief
(Electri- to Group C 30010000 from integrated Engineer,
cal) variation (Non- 35011750 seniority of Jun-
U.T., Chd.
ior Engineer
depen- Ministerial) Admn.
dent on CHAIRMAN
Junior Engineer
work- (Installation),
load Junior Engineer 2. Superintending

(Testing), Junior Engineer
Engineer (Sub- (Electy) OP
Station) and Circle, Chd.
Foreman (Elec- Admn.
trical) with 5
years regular
service in the CONVENOR
grade for Di-
p l o m a 3. Representa-
Holders and 10 tive of
years regular reserved
service in the categories as
grade for Non- notified by the
Diploma Holders Chd. Admn.
b) The employee
should have 4. Under
passed Depart-
mental Accounts
Examination for Deptt. of
Engg. Subordi- Arch., Chd.
nate conducted Admn.

c) The employ- 5. Representa-

ees should have tive of
passed Safety Personnel
Code Test to be
conducted by
SE Electy., U.T., Chd. Admn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

d) The em-
ployee who at-
tain the age of
50 years be
considered for
promotion if
exempted by
the CE, U.T.,
being promot-
ing authority,
from passing
the Depart-
mental Ac-
counts Exami-
nation of Engi-
neering Subor-

Deputation :

Employees of
the State
Govts. of
Punjab and
Haryana and
Union Territory
of Chandigarh
Admn. and
their Public
Sector Under-
nizations hold-
ing analogous
or similar
posts of regu-
lar basis. (Pe-
riod of deputa-
tion shall ordi-
narily not ex-
ceed 3 years)
2. Junior *99 General Rs. 6300 Selection Not Between a) Three/four years Not i) 2 years for i) 45% by Promotion :(55%) Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2004) Central 2006500 applicable 18 and 25 diploma in Electrical applicable direct recruit. direct applicable
(Electri- Service 2508000 years Engineering from a recruitment 1. Chief
cal) Group C 2759100 (Relaxable recognized ii) One year for a) By promotion as Engineer,
(Non- 3001000 for Govt. Institution with 55% promotee. ii) 55% by JE-II (Electrical from U.T., Chd.
Junior *02 Ministerial) 35010700 servants/ or more marks. promotion Admn.
(2004) amongst following
Engineer Schedule failing which CHAIRMAN
(Installa- Castes/ OR by direct Linemen (34.5%) (40
tion) Schedule recruitment 2. Superintending
Tribes/ Degree in Electrical Engineer
Junior *08 Other Engg. Note : (Electy) OP
Engineer (2004) Backward i) Linemen with Di- Circle, Chd.
(Testing) Classes/ b) Knowledge of There will be ploma in Electrical Admn.
categories Hindi/ Punjabi. no direct
Engineering with 3 MEMBER
Junior *07 in recruitment of
Engineer (2004) accor- JE (Installa- years experience in
(Sub- dance with tion), JE (Sub-
the post after ap- 3. Representa-
Station) instruc- Station) JE tive of
tions (Testing) and pointment thereto reserved
Total : *116 issued by the vacancies
(17%) (20 Posts). categories as
Union meant for
notified by the
Territory direct
recruitment ii) Linemen with a Chd. Admn.
*Subject of Chd.
Admn. would be filled MEMBER
to certificate from the
from time up from Junior
variation Industrial Training 4. Under
to time.) Engineer
depen- Secretary,
(Electrical). Institute having 4
dent on Deptt. of
work years experience in

Arch., Chd.
load Admn.
the post after
appointment thereto
(8.75%) (10 Posts). 5. Representa-
tive of
iii) Linemen who are
matriculates having Chd. Admn.
9 years experience MEMBER
as Assistant Line-
man/Lineman out of
which 4 years
should be as Line-
man (8.75%0 (10

b) By promotion as
JE-II (Electrical)
from amongst fol-
lowing Sub-Station
Attendant (12.5%)
(15 Posts).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

i) Sub-Station At-
tendant with Di-
ploma in Electri-
cal Engineering
having 3 years
experience in the
post (4.17%) (5

ii) Sub-Station
Attendent with
Certificate from
the Industrial
Training Institute
having 4 years
expenence in
the post (4.17%)
(5 Posts).

iii) Sub-Station
Attendant who

are matriculate
having 9 years
experience as
Oiler Cleaner out
of which 4 years
should be in the
post of Sub-Sta-
tion Attendant
(4.16%) (5

c) By promotion
as JE-II (Testing)
from amongst
following Test
Mechanics (3%)
(3 Posts).

i) Amongst Matric
Psa Test
Machanic having
7 years experi-
ence as Test
ii) Amongst Test
Machanic Matric
with ITI certificate
in the trade of
Craftsman or
Instument Me-
chanic with 4
years experience
on the post
d) By promotion as
JE-II (Installatino)
from amongst fol-
lowing Meter Read-
ers (1%) (1Post)

i) Amongst Meter
Reader Matric with
ITI certificate
having 4 years
service as Meter
Reader who were
appointed Meter
Reader before no-
tifying these re-

cruitment rules
e) By promotion as
JE-II (Sub-Station)
from amongst fol-
lowing SSAs (4%)
(5 Posts).
i) Matriculate hav-
ing 9 years expe-
rience out of which
4 years should be
as SSA

ii) SSA Matric with

certificate from
ITI in the trade of
Electrician Line-
man/Wireman with
4 years experience

iii) SSA having 3

or 4 years Diploma
in Electrical Engg.
with 3 years expe-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3. Foreman *11 General Rs. 6300 Selection No Between 18 Direct : Not i) 2 years for i) 33% by Promotion : Group C Not
(Electri- (2004) Central 2006500 and 25 applicable direct recruit direct DPC applicable
cal) *subject Service 2508000 years 3/4 years recruitment a) Amongst Line-
to Group C 2759100 (Relaxable Diploma in ii) One year for man (non-Matric)
1. Chief
variation Non- 30010000 for Govt. Electrical Engg. promotee ii) 67% by and SSA (non-
Matric) with 12 Engineer,
depen- Ministerial 35010700 servants/ From a Govt. promotion
dent on recognized years expereince U.T., Chd.
work- University, on the post Admn.
load Schedule Institute or CHAIR-
b) Amongst Elec-
Tribes/ equivalent MAN
trician, Black
Other Smith and Test
Backward OR 2. Superin-
Mechanic (Non-
Classes/ Matric) with 15 tending
categories in Degree in years experience
Electrical Engg. Engineer
accordance on the post
with (Electy)
instructions Knowledge of c) Amongst Cable OP Circle,
issued by Hindi/Punjabi. Jointer with 8 Chd.
Union years experience Admn.
Territory of MEMBER
Chd. Admn. The promotion of
the above men- CONVENOR
from time to
time.) tioned categories

under (a), (b) & (c) 3. Represen-
will be made on the tative of
basis of Joint se- reserved
niority list
as notified
by the

4. Under
Deptt. of

5. Represen-
tative of
ment, Chd.
4. Junior *1 General Rs. 6300 Selection No Between 18 Three years Not Two years by direct Deputation : Group C DPC Not
Engi- (2004) Central 2006500 and 25 diploma in Civil applicable recruitment 1. Chief applicable
neer-II *subject Service 2508000 years Engineering from failing which by Employees of the Engineer,
(Section to Group C 2759100 (Relaxable a recognized deputation State Govts. of
U.T., Chd.
Officer) variation Non- 30010000 for Govt. Institution with Punajb and
(Civil) depen- Ministerial 35010700 servants/ 65% or more Haryana and
dent on Schedule marks Union Territory of
Chandigarh Admn. 2. Superintending
work- Castes/ Engineer
OR and their Public
load Schedule (Electy) OP
Sector Undertak-
Tribes/ Circle, Chd.
Other Degree in Civil Admn.
holding analogous
Backward Engg. MEMBER
or similar posts on
Classes/ regular basis. (Pe- CONVENOR
categories in riod of deputation 3. Representa-
accordance shall ordinarily not tive of
with exceed 3 years) reserved
instructions categories as
issued by notified by the
Union Chd. Admn.
Territory of MEMBER
Chd. Admn.
4. Under
from time to Secretary,
time) Deptt. of
Arch., Chd.
5. Representa-

tive of
Chd. Admn.

5. Sub- *202 General Rs.4300 Selection No Between 18 and i) Matric pass Not i) 2 years for i) 50% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Station (2004) Central 1504600 25 from recognized applicable direct recruit direct applicable
1. From Matric pass 1. Chief
Attendant *subject Service 1755300 years Board/University recruitment Engineer,
ii) One year for Oiler Cleaner with 5
to Group C 2006500 (Relaxable for or equivalent, failing which U.T., Chd.
variation Non- 2507500 promotee by deputation years experience
Govt. servants/ with National Admn.
depen- Ministerial Schedule Appenticeship 2. From Matric pass CHAIRMAN
dent on Castes/ Certificate in the ii) 50% by Asstt. Linemen who 2. Superintending
work- Schedule trade of Lineman promotion opt for promotion as Engineer
load Tribes/ failing which SSA with minimum (Electy) OP
Other Backward OR by deputation 3 years service Circle, Chd.
Classes/ ii) ITI Trade Cer- Admn.
categories in Note : MEMBER
tificate in Line-
accordance with man/Wireman/ 1. The Superintend- CONVENOR
instructions Electrician from ing Engineer will en- 3. Representa-
issued by recognized Institu- sure that before tive of
Union Territory tion or equivalent giving promotion to reserved
of Chd. Admn. with 2 years Na- ALM as SSA, no categories as
from time to tional Apprentice- notified by the
Oiler Cleaner who is
time) ship Certificate in Chd. Admn.
the trade of Line-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

iii) 3 or 4 years eligible for promo- 4. Under

Diploma in tion and his ser- Secretary,
Electrical Engg. Deptt. of
from recognized vice record is sat-
Arch., Chd.
Govt. Institute/ isfactory should
Board. be left out. MEMBER
(iv) Written/
Practical test 5. Representa-
2. ALM who opt for
may be taken tive of
promotion to the
by the deptt. to Personnel
judge the post of SSA will be Department,
suitablility for imparted 6 months Chd. Admn.
the posts of traning from TTI MEMBER
Note : After
appointment the
Deputation :
candidate will be
imparted 4
months training Employees of the
from Technical State Govts. of
Traning Institute
Punajb and
of Punjab State
Electy. Board. Haryana and
Union Territory of

Admn. and their
Public Sector Un-
nizations holding
analogous or simi-
lar posts on regu-
lar basis. (Period
of deputation shall
ordinarily not ex-
ceed 3 years)

6. Meter *38 General Rs. 3610 Not Not Not Not Not Not 100% by Not Group C DPC Not
Reader (2004) Central 1304000 applicable applicable applicable applicable applicable applicable positing LDC applicable 1. Chief Engineer, applicable
*subject Services 1504600 (from LDC
U.T., Chd.
to Group C 1755300 cadre being
variation (Non- 2006500 interchange-
depen- Ministerial) 2507250/- able post now) CHAIRMAN
dent on (Initial Start 2. Superintending
work- 3740) Engineer
load (Electy.) OP
Circle, Chd.
3. Represen-
tative of
as notified
by the

4. Under
Deptt. of

5. Represen-
tative of


7. Test *8 General Rs. 3610 Selection Not Between Essential : No i) 2 years for i) 60% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Mechanic (2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 direct recruit direct applicable
*subject Services 1504600 years i) Matric pass from recruitment Laboratory
1. Chief
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable a recognized Board/ ii) One eyar for failing which Attendant having
variation (Non- 2006500 University or promotee by deputation Matric qualification Engineer,
for Govt.
depen- Ministerial) 2507250/- equivalent, with 2 with 5 years U.T., Chd.
dent on (Initial Start years ITI Trade ii) 40% by regular service in
Scheduled Admn.
work- 3740) promotion the grade
Castes/ Certificate in
load failing which CHAIRMAN
Scheduled Craftsman Course,
by deputation Deputation :
Tribes/ (Electrician) or
other Instrument 2. Superintending
Employees of the
Backward mechanic from any State Govts. of Engineer
Classes/ Govt. recognized Punjab and (Electy.) OP
categories institution or Haryana and Union
in accor- equivalent Territory of Circle, Chd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

dance with ii) Knowledge of Chandigarh Admn. 3. Represen-

instruc- Hindi/Punjabi and their Public
Sector Undertak- tative of
isseud by ings/ Organizations reserved
Union holding analogous categories
Territory or similar postgs in
as notified
regular basis.
of Chd. by the Chd.
(Period of
deputation shall Admn.
from time ordinarily not
to time MEMBER
exceed 3 years)
4. Under
Deptt. of
Arch., Chd.

5. Represen-
tative of

ment, Chd.

8. Cable *3 General Rs. 5900 Non- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Group C Not
Jointer (2004) Central 2006500 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion DPC applicable
*subject Services 2508000 failing which Lineman with 5
to Group C 2759100 by deputation years regular 1. Chief
variation (Non- 30010000 Engineer,
service in the
depen- Ministerial) U.T., Chd.
dent on grade who opt for
work- promotion for the
load post of Cable
2. Superin-
Deputation : tending
Employees of the (Electy.)
State Govts of OP Circle,
Punjab and 3. Representa-
Haryana and Union tive of
Territory of reserved
categories as
Chandigarh Admn.
notified by the
and their Public Chd. Admn.
Sector Undertak- MEMBER
4. Under
holding analogous
or similar posts on Deptt. of
regular basis. Arch., Chd.
(Period of Admn.
deputation shall MEMBER
ordinarily not 5. Representa-
exceed 3 years) tive of
Chd. Admn.

9. Electri- *5 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : No 2 years By direct Deputation: Group C DPC
cian (2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 recruitment 1. Chief
*subject Services 1504600 year i) Matric pass from failing which Employees of the
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable a recognized Board/ by deputation State Govts. of U.T., Chd.
variation (Non- 2006500 for Govt. University or Punjab and applicable
depen- Ministerial) Haryana and Union

servants/ equivalent, with 2 CHAIRMAN
dent on Territory of
Scheduled years ITI Trade
work- Chandigarh Admn. 2. Superintending
Castes/ Certificate in
load and their Public Engineer
Scheduled Wireman/Electrician (Electy.) OP
Sector Undertak-
Tribes/ from any Govt. ings/Organizations Circle, Chd.
other recognized holding analogous Admn.
Backward institution or or similar posts on MEMBER
Classes/ equivalent. regular basis. CONVENOR
categories (Period of 3. Representa-
in accor- Knowledge of Hindi/ deputation shall tive of
dance with Punjabi ordinarily not reserved
instruc- exceed 3 years) categories as
tions notified by the
isseud by Chd. Admn.
Territory 4. Under
of Chd. Secretary,
Admn. Deptt. of
from time Arch., Chd.
to time Admn.
5. Representa-
tive of
Chd. Admn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

10. Lineman *253 General Rs. 4300 Selection Not Between Essential : No i) 2 years for i) 50% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
(2004) Central 1504600 applicable 18 and 25 i) Matric pass from direct recruits direct applicable
*subject Services 1755300 years a recognized Board/ recruitment From amongst
University or Asst. Lineman 1. Chief
to Group C 2006500 (Relaxable ii) One year for failing which
variation (Non- 2507500 equivalent, with promotee by deputation subject to the Engineer,
for Govt.
depen- Ministerial) National Apprentice- completion of 5 U.T., Chd.
dent on ship Certificate in ii) 50% by years service as
Scheduled the trade of Admn.
work- promotion ALM in case of
Castes/ Lineman Matriculate CHAIRMAN
load failing which
Scheduled OR by deputation candidate &
Tribes/ ii) ITI Trade minimum 7 years 2. Superin-
other Certificate in service in case of
Lineman/Wireman/ tending
Backward non-matriculate
Class/ Electrician from candidate in the Engineer
categories recognized cadre (Electy.)
in accor- Institution or
Equivalent, with 2 OP Circle,
dance with Deputation :
years National Chd.
instruc- Apprenticeship
tions Employees of the Admn.
Certificate in the
isseud by trade of Lineman State Govts of MEMBER
Union Punjab and CONVENOR
Territory OR Haryana and Union
of Chd. iii) 3/4 eyar Diploma Territory of 3. Represen-

Admn. in Electical Engg.
from recognized Chandigarh Admn. tative of
from time
Gove. Institute/ and their Public reserved
to time
Board Sector Undertak- categories
(iv) Written/ ings/Organizations
Practical test may as notified
holding analogous
be taken by trhe by the Chd.
deptt. to judge the or similar posts on
suitability for the regular basis.
post of Lineman MEMBER
(Period of
Note : After deputation shall
appointment the 4. Under
candidate will be ordinarily not
imparted 4 months exceed 3 years)
training from Deptt. of
Technical Training Arch., Chd.
Institute of Punajb
State Electy. Board

5. Represen-
tative of
ment, Chd.
11. Assistant *625 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : No i) 2 years for i) 98% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Lineman (2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 Matric pass from a direct recruit direct applicable
1. Chief
*subject Services 1504600 years recognized Board/ recruitment From amongst
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable University or ii) One year for failing which matriculate Regular
U.T., Chd.
variation (Non- 2006500 equivalent, with ITI promotee by deputation Trademate or
for Govt. Admn.
depen- Ministerial) Trade Certificate in Work-charged
servants/ CHAIRMAN
dent on Lineman/Electrician/ ii) 02% by Trademate with 3
Scheduled Wireman from 2. Superintending
work- promotion years experience
Castes/ recognized and non-matric with Engineer
load failing which
Scheduled institution or by direct 7 years experience (Electy.) OP
Tribes/ equivalent. recuitment Circle, Chd.
other Knowledge of Hindi/ Admn.
Deputation :
Backward Punjabi MEMBER
Classes Employees of the
categories 3. Representa-
State Govts. of
in accor- tive of
Punjab and reserved
dance with
Haryana and Union categories as
Territory of notified by the
tions Chd. Admn.
isseud by Chandigarh Admn.
Union and their Public
4. Under
Territory Sector Undertak-
of Chd. ings/Organizations Deptt. of
Admn. holding analogous Arch., Chd.
from time or similar posts on Admn.
to time MEMBER
regular basis.

(Period of 5. Representa-
tive of
deputation shall
ordinarily not Department,
exceed 3 years) Chd. Admn.

12. Plumber *1 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct Deputation : Group C DPC Not
(2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 Matric pass from a applicable recruitment 1. Chief applicable
*subject Services 1504600 years recognized Board/ failing which Employees of the Engineer,
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable University or by deputation State Govts. of U.T., Chd.
variation (Non- 2006500 equivalent, with ITI Punjab and
for Govt. Admn.
depen- Ministerial) Trade Certificate in
servants/ Haryana and Union CHAIRMAN
dent on Plumber from
Scheduled recognized Territory of 2. Superintending
work- Chandigarh Admn.
Castes/ Institution or Engineer
Scheduled equivalent. and their Public (Electy.) OP
Tribes/ Knowledge of Hindi/ Sector Undertak- Circle, Chd.
other Punjabi ings/Organizations Admn.
Backward holding analogous MEMBER
Class/ or similar posts on CONVENOR
categories regular basis. 3. Representa-
in accor- (Period of tive of
dance with deputation shall reserved
instruc- ordinarily not categories as
tions exceed 3 years) notified by the
Chd. Admn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

isseud by 4. Under
Union Secretary,
Territory Deptt. of
of Chd. Arch., Chd.
Admn. Admn.
from time MEMBER
to time 5. Representa-
tive of
Chd. Admn.

13. Black- *4 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct Deputation : Group C DPC Not
smitth (2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 applicable recruitment applicable
*subject Services 1504600 years Matric pass from a failing which Employees of the 1. Chief
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable recognized Board/ by deputation State Govts. of Engineer,
variation (Non- 2006500 for Govt. University or Punjab and U.T., Chd.
depen- Ministerial) servants/ equivalent, with ITI Haryana and Union Admn.
dent on Trade Certificate in Territory of CHAIRMAN
work- Blacksmith from Chandigarh Admn.
load recognized 2. Superintending
Scheduled and their Public
Institution or
Tribes/ Sector Undertak- Engineer

other ings/Organizations (Electy.) OP
Backward holding analogous Circle, Chd.
Knowledge of Hindi/ Admn.
Class/ or similar posts on
categories regular basis. MEMBER
in accor- (Period of CONVENOR
dance with deputation shall
instruc- ordinarily not 3. Representa-
tions exceed 3 years) tive of
isseud by reserved
Union categories as
Territory notified by the
of Chd. Chd. Admn.
from time
to time 4. Under
Deptt. of
Arch., Chd.

5. Representa-
tive of
Chd. Admn.
14. Carpen- *2 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct Deputation : Group C DPC Not
ter (2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 applicable recruitment applicable
*subject Services 1504600 years Matric pass from a failing which Employees of the
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable recognized Board/ by deputation State Govts. of 1. Chief
variation (Non- 2006500 for Govt. University or Punjab and
depen- Ministerial) servants/ equivalent, with ITI Haryana and Union
dent on Trade Certificate in Territory of U.T., Chd.
work- Carpenter from Chandigarh Admn.
Castes/ Admn.
load recognized
Scheduled and their Public
Institution or CHAIRMAN
Tribes/ equivalent. Sector Undertak-
other ings/Organizations
Backward holding analogous 2. Superintending
Knowledge of Hindi/
Classes or similar posts on
Punjabi Engineer
categories regular basis.
in accor- (Period of (Electy.) OP
dance with deputation shall Circle, Chd.
instruc- ordinarily not
tions exceed 3 years)
isseud by MEMBER
of Chd.
Admn. 3. Representa-
from time tive of
to time reserved

categories as
notified by the
Chd. Admn.

4. Under
Deptt. of
Arch., Chd.

5. Representa-
tive of
Chd. Admn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15. Mason *1 General Rs. 3480 Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years By direct Deputation : Group C DPC Not
(2004) Central 1304000 applicable 18 and 25 applicable recruitment applicable
*subject Services 1504600 year Matric pass from a failing which Employees of the
1. Chief
to Group C 1755300 (Relaxable recognized Board/ by deputation State Govts. of
variation (Non- 2006500 Engineer,
for Govt. University or Punjab and
depen- Ministerial) U.T., Chd.
servants/ equivalent, with ITI Haryana and Union
dent on Trade Certificate in Admn.
Scheduled Territory of
work- the Mason from CHAIRMAN
Castes/ Chandigarh Admn.
load recognized
Scheduled and their Public
Institution or 2. Superintending
Tribes/ equivalent. Sector Undertak-
other ings/Organizations Engineer
Backward holding analogous (Electy.) OP
Knowledge of Hindi/ Circle, Chd.
Class/ or similar posts on
Punjabi Admn.
categories regular basis.
in accor- (Period of MEMBER
dance with deputation shall CONVENOR
instruc- ordinarily not
tions exceed 3 years) 3. Representa-
isseud by tive of
Union reserved
Territory categories as
of Chd. notified by the

Admn. Chd. Admn.
from time MEMBER
to time
4. Under
Deptt. of
Arch., Chd.

5. Representa-
tive of
Chd. Admn.
The 25th June, 2004
No. A-2/2004/05.In supersession of the Chandigarh Administration, Engineering Department
Notification No. A 2/88/110, dated 13th April, 1988 and Notification No. 21, dated 31st May, 1982 and
in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India and all other
powers enabling him in this behalf, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the
following rules further to amend the Punjab Public Works Department, Junior Engineers (State Services Class-
III) as applicable in the Construction, Public Health, Electrical, Mechanical and Horticulture Wing of the
Engineering Department of Chandigarh Administration namely :
1. These rules may be called Engineering Department (Group C) Junior Engineers (Construction,
Public Health, Electrical, Mechanical and Horticulture Wing), (Chandigarh Amendment) Rules, 2004.
2. These shall come into force on the date of their publication in Chandigarh Administration Gazette.
3. These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Column No. 1 of the Annexure to these
Recruitment Rules.
4. Number of posts, classification and the scales of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the pay scale of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the Annexure
to these rules or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
5. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said Annexure to these rules, except that in the case of departmental candidates
or the persons belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
6. Disqualifications.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(ii) No women, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the
time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any person from the opearation of this rules.
7. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, other concession required to be
provided for a Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., and other special categories of persons in accordance
with the orders issued by the Central Government, from time to time in this regard.
8. Power of Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions
of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh.
Chandigarh : KARAN A. SINGH
The 25th June, 2004. Secretary, Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh
Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of posts fication pay selection on of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post the basis of of service is recruits requied for direct qualifications if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
cum-merit Rule 30 of recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
or merit-cum- the C.C.S. direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
seniority (Pension) will apply in promotion or grades consuilted
Rules, 1972 the case of by deputation/ from which in making
promotees absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to be filled absorption
by various to be made
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Junior *6 General Rs. 5800 (i) Selection Not Between 18 Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 25% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2001) Central 2007000 cum- applicable and 25 year year for Prmotion applicable
(Civil) (Subject Service 2208100 seniority in EQ : To the promotee (i) 5% from 1. Chief
(Relaxable Diploma in Civil
to Group 2759200 case of extent (ii) 50% By Technicians Engineer,
for Govt. Engg. from a
variation Non- promotee indicated in (ii) 2 years direct (Road) with U.T., Chd.
servants/ recognised
depen- Gazetted University/ Column 12 for direct recruitment Diploma in Civil Admn.
dent on Non- (ii) Selection Institute or recruit failing which by Engineering of a (CHAIRMAN)
work Ministerial by merit in equivalent deputation recognised
the case of Schedule 2. Superintend-
load) Institution and 3
direct recuirt Tribes/other (iii) 25% by ing Engineer
years regular
Backward deputation (Civil)

service in Junior
Classes/ (MEMBER)
Technician (Road
categories in
Inspector/Road 3. Representa-
Munshi) and tive of
above (in the reserved
Roster of 100 categories as
isseud by
posts failling in notified by
the order of the Chd.
Territory of
Serial No. 7, 9, Admn.
Chd. Admn.
27, 47, 67 shall (MEMBER)
from time to
go to this
time 4. Representa-
tive from
(ii) 6% from Department
Technicians of Personnel,
(Civil) and U.T., Chd.
Technicians Admn.
(Surveyor) with (MEMBER)
Diploma in Civil
Engineering of a 5. Under
recognized Secretary,
institution and 3 Deptt. of
years regular Urban
service in Junior Planning
Technician (Civil) U.T.,
(Work Inspector/ Chandigarh
Work Mistry/ Admn.
Work Munshi/ (MEMBER)
Mortar Mate) and
above and Junior
(Surveyor) (in
the roster of
100, posts
failling in the
order of Serial
Nos. 3, 20, 36,
53, 70, 87 shall
go to the

(iii) 4% from
(Civil) (Drawing
Cadre) with
Diploma in Civil
Enginering of a
Institution and 3
years regular

service in Junior
(Civil) and above
(in the roster of
100, posts
failling in the
order of Serial
Nos. 14, 39, 64,
89 shall go to
this category)

(iv) 6% from
(Road) with 10
years regular
service as Junior
Technician (Road
Munshi) and
above, who are
Matriculate and
also possess
National Trade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Certificate (In the

roster of 100,
posts failling in the
order of Serial
Nos. 10, 27, 43,
61, 78, 94 shall go
to this category)
(v) 4% from Tech-
nicians (Civil) and
Technican (Sur-
veyor) with 10
years regular ser-
vice as Junior
Technician (Civil)
(Work Inspector/
Work Mistri/ Work
Munshi) and Jun-
ior Technician
(Surveyor) and
who are Matricu-
late and possess
National Trade
Certificate (In the
roster of 100,

posts failling in the
order of Serial
Nos. 22, 47, 73 98
shall to go to this
NOTE : The pro-
motion will be
made from the
highest category
in the first In-
stance failing
which person in
the lower cat-
egory in the de-
scending order will
be considered for
promotin as Jun-
ior Engineer.
Deputation :
Employees of the
State Govern-
ment of Punjab
and Haryana hold-
ing analogous or
similar posts on
regular basis
2. Junior *50 General Rs. 5800 (i) Selection Not Between 18 Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 25% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2001) Central 2007000 cum- applicable and 25 year year for Prmotion applicable
(Public (Subject Service 2208100 seniority in (Relaxable Diploma in EQ : To the promotee (i) 10% from 1. Chief
Health) to Group 2759200 case of for Govt. Public Health/ extent (Civil 85%
variation Non- promotee indicated in (ii) 2 years Mechanical/ Technical Engineer,
servant/ Sanitary/
depen- Gazetted Mechanical/ Column 12 for direct Electrical Supervisors U.T., Chd.
dent on Non- (ii) Selection Electrical/Civil recruit 15%)
Castes/ (all wings of Admn.
work Ministerial by merit in Engineering
the case of Schedule (ii) 50% By Public Health)
load) (exact (CHAIRMAN)
direct recuirt Tribes/Other requirement to direct
Backward with Diploma
be indicated at recruitment 2. Superintend-
Classes/ the time of failing which by in the relevant
categories in recruitment) deputation ing (Public
accordance from a Health),
with recognized (Civil 85% discipline of a
University/ U.T., Chd.
instructions Mechanical recognised
isseud by Institute or 10% or Admn.
equivalent Electrical 5%) Institution and
Union (MEMBER)
Territory of 3 years
(iii) 25% by
Chd. Admn. regular service 3. Representa-
from time to in Technical tive of
Supervior reserved
(Chargeman categories as
Grade-II/ notified by
Assistant the Chd.

Foreman) and Admn.
above (In the (MEMBER)
Roster of 100,
4. Representa-
posts failling
tive from
in the order of
Serial Nos. 4,
of Personnel,
16, 37, 44, 57,
U.T., Chd.
64, 77, 84, 97
shall go to this
5. Under
case eligible
Deptt. of
candidates are
not available
in category (i),
then these
will be filled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

amongst Technical
(Chargeman, Grade-II/
Assistant Foreman)
and above who are
Matriculate and have
10 years regular
service and also
possess National Trade
Certificate in the
relevant trade.

(ii) 5% from Draftsmen

(Public Health)
(Drawing Cadre) with
Diploma in the relevant
Engineering discipline
of a recognised
Institution and 3 eyars
regular service as
Junior Draftsmen
(Public Health) and

above (In the roster of
100, posts failling in
the order of Serial No.
12, 32, 52, 72, 92 shall
go to this category.

(iii) 10% from Technical

Superviors (all Wings
of Public Health) who
are Matriculate and
have 10 years regular
service as Technical
(Chargeman Grade-II/
Assistant Foreman and
above and have also
possess National Trade
Certificate (In the
roster of 100, posts
failling in the order of
Serial No. 8, 20, 28,
40, 48, 60, 68, 80, 88,
100 shall go to this
NOTE :The promotion
will be made from the high-
est category in the first
instance failing which per-
son in the lowest category
in the descanding order will
be considered for promo-
tion as Junior Engineer.

Deputation :

Employees of the State

Governments of Punjab
and Haryana holding
analogous or similiar
posts on regular basis.


Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of posts fication pay selection on of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post the basis of of service is recruits requied for direct qualifications if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
cum-merit Rule 30 of recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
or merit-cum- the C.C.S. direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
seniority (Pension) will apply in promotion or grades consuilted
Rules, 1972 the case of by deputation/ from which in making
promotees absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to be filled absorption
by various to be made
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3. Junior *02 General Rs. 5800 (i) Selection Not Between 18 Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 25% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2001) Central 2007000 cum- applicable and 25 year year for Prmotion applicable
(i) 10% from 1. Chief
(Me- (Subject Service 2208100 seniority in (Relaxable Diploma in EQ : To the promotee
extent (ii) 50% By Technicians Engineer,
chani- to Group 2759200 case of for Govt. Mechanical
cal) variation Non- promotee indicated in (ii) 2 years direct Supervisors U.T., Chd.
servant/ Engineering from (Mechanical) with
depen- Gazetted Column 12 for direct recruitment Admn.
Schedule a recognized
dent on Non- (ii) Selection recruit failing which Diploma in the (CHAIRMAN)
Castes/ University/
work Ministerial by merit in Institute or by deputation Mechanical
Schedule 2. Superintend-
load) the case of equivalent Engineering of a
Tribes/Other ing Engineer
direct recuirt (iii) 25% by recognised
Backward (Const. II)
deputation Institution and 3
Classes/ U.T., Chd.

years regular
categories in Admn.
service in
accordance Technical (MEMBER)
with Supervior 3. Representa-
instructions (Chargeman tive of
isseud by Grade-II/ reserved
Union Assistant categories as
Territory of Foreman notified by
Chd. Admn. Mechanical) and the Chd.
from time to above (In the Admn.
time Roster of 100, (MEMBER)
posts failling in
the order of 4. Representa-
Serial Nos. 4, tive from
16, 24, 37, 44, Department
57, 64, 77, 84, of Personnel,
97 shall go to U.T., Chd.
this category) Admn.
NOTE : In case
eligible 5. Under
candidates are Secretary,
not available in Deptt. of
category (i), then Urban
these Planning
vaacancies will U.T.,
be filled from Chandigarh
mongst Technical Admn.
(Mechanical) and
above with 10
years regular
service in the
grade who are
Matriculate and
also possess
National Tade
Certificate in the
trade of Motor
Mechanic or
Tractor Mechanic
of a recognized

(ii) 5% from

(Drawing Cadre)
with Diploma in
Engineering of a
Institution and 3
years regular
service as Junior
(Mechanical) and
above (in the
of 100, posts
failling in the
order of Serial
No. 12, 32, 52,
72 and 92 shall
go to this
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(iii) 10% from

Technical Superviors
(Mechanical) who are
Matriculate and with
10 years regular
service as Technical
(Changeman Grade-II/
Assistant Foreman)
and above and
possess National
Trade Certificate (In
the roster of 100,
posts failling in the
order of Serial No. 8,
20, 28, 40, 48, 60, 68,
80, 88, 100 shall go to

this category)

NOTE :The promotion

will be made from the
highest category in the
first instance failling
which person in the low-
est category in the de-
scending order will be
considered for promo-
tion as Junior Engineer

Deputation :

Employees of the
State Governments of
Punjab and Haryana
holding analogous or
similiar posts on regu-
lar basis

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of posts fication pay selection on of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post the basis of of service is recruits requied for direct qualifications if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
cum-merit Rule 30 of recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
or merit-cum- the C.C.S. direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
seniority (Pension) will apply in promotion or grades consuilted
Rules, 1972 the case of by deputation/ from which in making
promotees absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to be filled absorption
by various to be made
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4. Junior *41 General Rs. 5800 (i) Selection Not Between 18 Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 25% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2001) Central 2007000 cum- applicable and 25 year year for Prmotion applicable
(i) 10% from 1. Chief
2(Elec- *(Sub- Service 2208100 seniority in (Relaxable Diploma in EQ : To the promotee
extent (ii) 50% By Technicians Engineer,
trical) ject Group 2759200 case of for Govt. Mechanical
to Non- promotee indicated in (ii) 2 years direct (Electrical) with U.T., Chd.
servant/ Engineering from
variation Gazetted Column 12 for direct recruitment Diploma in Admn.
Schedule a recognized
depen- Non- (ii) Selection recruit failing which Electrical (CHAIRMAN)
Castes/ University/
dent on Ministerial by merit in Institute of by deputation Engineering of a
Schedule 2. Superintend-
work the case of equivalent recognised
Tribes/Other ing Engineer
load) direct recuirt (iii) 25% by Institution and 3
Backward (Electrical),
deputation years regular
U.T., Chd.

Classes/ service as Junior
categories in Technician Admn.
accordance (Electrical) (MEMBER)
with (Electrician)/ 3. Representa-
instructions Wireman/Work tive of
isseud by Munshi/ reserved
Union Refrigerator categories as
Territory of Mechanic) and notified by
Chd. Admn. above (In the the Chd.
from time to Roster of 100, Admn.
time posts failling in (MEMBER)
the order of
4. Representa-
Serial Nos. 4,
16, 24, 37, 44, tive from
57, 64, 77, 84 Department
and 97 shall go of Personnel,
to this category) U.T., Chd.
NOTE : In case (MEMBER)
5. Under
candidates are
not available in Secretary,
category (i), then Deptt. of
these Urban
vaacancies will Planning
be filled up by U.T.,
Junior Technician Chandigarh
(Electrical) Admn.
(Electrician/ (MEMBER)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

tor Mechanic) and
above with 10
years regular ser-
vice in the grade
and are Matricu-
late and possess
a National Trade
Certificate of
Electrician of a
recognized Institu-
tion and have ob-
tained a Certifi-
cate of Compe-
tency, issued un-
der Rule, 45 of
the Indian Electric-
ity Rules, 1956.
(ii) 5% from
Draftsmen (Elec-
trical) (Drawing
Cadre) with Di-
ploma in Electrical
Engineering of a

recognized Institu-
tion and 3 years
regular service as
Junior Draftsman
(Electrical) and
above (In the ros-
ter of 100, posts
failing in the order
of Serial Nos. 12,
32, 52, 72 and 92
shall go to this
(iii) 10% from
Technicians (Elec-
trical) who are
Matriculate and
have obtained a
Certificate of
Competency is-
sued under rule 45
of the Indian Elec-
tricity Rules, 1956
and with 10 years
regular service as
Technical Supervi-
sor Grade-II/As-
sistant Foreman)
and above and
National Trade
Certificate. (In
the roster of 100,
posts failing in the
order of Serial
Nos. 8, 20, 28, 40,
48, 60, 68, 80, 88,
100 shall go to
this category).

NOTE :The pro-

motion will be
made from the
highest category
in the first in-
stance failing
which person in
the lower cat-
egory in the de-
scending order will
be considered for
promotion as Jun-

ior Engineer.

Deputation :

Employees of the
State Govern-
ments of Punjab
and Haryana hold-
ing analogous or
similiar posts on
regular basis.
Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age limit Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If the DPC Circum-
of posts fication pay selection on of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post the basis of of service is recruits requied for direct qualifications if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
cum-merit Rule 30 of recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
or merit-cum- the C.C.S. direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
seniority (Pension) will apply in promotion or grades consuilted
Rules, 1972 the case of by deputation/ from which in making
promotees absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to be filled absorption
by various to be made
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5. Junior *14 General Rs. 5800 (i) Selection- Not Between 18 Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 25% By Promotion : Group C DPC Not
Engineer (2001) Central 2007000 cum- applicable and 25 years year for Prmotion 1. Chief applicable
(Horti- 2208100 seniority in EQ : To the promotee failing which ( Te c h n i c i a n s
*(Sub- Service (Relaxable B.Sc. degree in Engineer,
culture) ject Group 2759200 case of extent by deputation. (Horticulture
for Govt. Agriculture with Suprevisor) who U.T., Chd.
to Non- promotee servant/ Horticulture as a indicated in (ii) 2 years
Column 12 have passed Ma- Admn.
variation Gazetted special subject 3 for direct (ii) 50% By
Scheduled triculation or (CHAIRMAN)
depen- Non- (ii) Selection years course recruit direct
Castes/ HIgher Secondary
dent on Ministerial by merit in after Pre- recruitment. 2. Superintend-
the case of Scheduled Examination, pos-
work University of a ing Engineer
load direct recuirt Tribes/other recognized (iii) 25% by sess a Certificate (Public
Backward University of deputation. in Gardening Health),
Classes/ equivalent Training in Horti- U.T., Chd.

categories in culture or Agricul- Admn.
accordance ture from a recog-
with nized Institution
instructions and with 10 years 3. Representa-
isseud by the regular service in tive of
Union Technician Grade- reserved
Territory of II (Horticulture categories as
Chd. Admn. Supervisor) and notified by
from time to above. (In the ros- the Chd.
time. ter of 100, posts Admn.
failing in the order (MEMBER)
of Serial Nos. 4,
4. Representa-
5, 11, 12, 18, 23,
tive from
24, 29, 32, 35, 42,
44, 49, 52, 55, 62,
of Personnel,
64, 68, 72, 75, 81,
U.T., Chd.
84, 88, 92, 95
shall go to this
category) (MEMBER)
5. Under
Provided that :
If no suitable per- Deptt. of
son is available Urban
for appointment Planning
by promotion U.T.,
from amongst Chandigarh
the aforesaid Admn.
category (MEMBER)
of persons, then a
Head Mali working
under the control of
Chief Engineer, who
has passed the
Matriculatrion exami-
nation of Higher Sec-
ondary examination
and who possesses a
certificate in
Gradening Training of
Horticulture or in Agri-
culture from a recog-
nized institution and
who has an experience
of working as such for
a minimum period of
12 years shall be con-
sidered for promotion.

NOTE :The promo-

tion will be made from
the highest category
in the first instance
failing which person in
the lower category in

the descending order
will be considered for
promotion as Junior

Deputation :

Employees of the
State Governments
of Punjab and
Haryana holding
analogous or similiar
posts on regular
The 2nd July, 2004
No. 22.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution
of India, read with Sub-Section (i) of Section 3 of Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987 and the
Chandigarh Administration, Home Department Notification No. 28/1/29/92-IH(7)/1766, dated 24th January,
1992, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to make the following rules regulating the
method of recruitment to Group C posts of Field Staff of Civil, Road, Horticulture, Mechanical and Research
Laboratory under Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle-I/II and O.S.D., (P&D), in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration, namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called Engineering Department
(Group C) posts of Field Staff of Civil, Road, Horticulture, Mechanical and Research Laboratory under
Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle-I/II and O.S.D., (P&D), Chandigarh Cadre Recruitment
Rules, 2004.
(ii) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. Application.These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule annexed
to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification and the scale of pay.The number of the said posts, their
classification and the pay scales attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule
or as amended by the competent authority from time to time.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification etc.The method of recruitment to the
said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in
columns 5 to 13 of the said Schedule, except that in the case of departmental candidates or the persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C., the age limit may be relaxed in accordance with
the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
5. Disqualification.(i) No person, who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse
living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life
time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.
(ii) No women, whose marriage is void by reason of her husband having a wife living at the time
of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such
marriage, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.
(iii) The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds
for so ordering, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Savings.Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, other concession required to be
provided for a Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/O.B.C. and other special categories of persons in accordance
with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
7. Power to Relax.Where the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is of opinion that
it is necessary or expedient so to do, he may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of provisions
of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.
By order and on behalf of the Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh.
Chandigarh : (Sd.) . . .,
Dated : The 2nd July, 2004 KARAN A. SINGH,
Secretary Engineering,
Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration,
Note.The clubbing of the posts to be filled by placement may be made per Chandigarh Administration Finance Department Notification No. F&PO (98/12503, dated 18th September, 1998

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC/DSC Circum-
of Posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post on the basis of service is recruits required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
of seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
or merit- of CCS will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
cum- (Pension) the case of deputation/ from which in making
seniority Rules, 1972 promotion absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to absorption
be filled by to be made
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Techni- *7 General Rs. 5000 Selection Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
cal (2004) Central 1605800 applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
Chargeman 1. Chief
Supervi- *Subject Service 2007000 failing which by
Grade-I with 2 Engineer,
sor/ to Group C 2208100 deputation
Fore- variation Non- years regular U.T., Chd.
man depen- Gazetted service in Admn.
Grade II dent on Non- respective cadre CHAIRMAN
work- Ministerial 2. Superintend-
(i) Civil- Deputation :
load) ing Engineer
6 posts Employees of (Const.-I),

the State Govts. U.T., Chd.
of Punjab and Admn.
Haryana holding MEMBER
post analogous posts
3. Representa-
on regular basis.
tive of
Period of
deputation shall
categories as
ordinarily not
notified by
exceed 3 years
U.T., Chd.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Techni- *22 General Rs. 4550 Non Not Not Not Not 100% By Promotion : Group C Not
cal (2004) Central 1505000 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
Supervi- *Subject Service 1605800 One year failing which by (i) Civil
sor/ to Group C 2007000 deputation 1. Chief
Fore- variation Non- 2207220 From Technician
man depend- Gazetted Grade-I (Work
Grade II ing on Non- U.T., Chd.
work Ministerial Admn.
(i) Civil- load) Mistry/Work CHAIR-
20 posts Inspector/Mortar MAN
(ii) Mate/Carpenter/
2. Superin-
Sani- Glazier/
tary-2 tending
post Engineer
with 3 years
regular service in
U.T., Chd.
the respective
(ii) Sanitary :
3. Represen-
From Technician tative of
Grade-I, reserved

(Plumber) with 3 categories
years regular as notified
by U.T.,
service in the
respective cadre
Deputation : MEMBER

Employees of 4. Represen-
the State Govts. tative from
of Punjab and Depart-
Haryana holding ment of
analogous posts Personnel,
on regular basis. U.T., Chd.
Period of Admn.
deputation shall MEMBER

ordinarily not 5. Under

exceed 3 years Secretary,
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
3. Junior *343 General Rs. 3120 (i) Selection Not Between Essential : Not (i) Two (i)100% by Not Group C DPC/ Not
Techni- (2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 applicable years in direct applicable DSC applicable
(i) Matric Pass
cian *Subject Service 1103660 years from a recognized the case recruitment 1. Chief
to Group C 1204260 (Relaxable Board/ University of direct Engineer,
(i) Civil variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. or equivalent. recruit U.T., Chd.
Work depen- Gazetted 1505000 servant/ Admn.
Inspec- (ii) ITI Certificate CHAIRMAN
dent on Non- 1605160 Scheduled
tor-23/ in the Surveyor
work Ministerial Casstes/ 2. Superintend-
Work Trade from any
load Scheduled ing Engineer
Mistry- Govt. Institute or
Tribes/ (Const.-II),
27/Work equivalent.
Other U.T., Chd.
Munshi- Backward (iii) 2 years Admn.
55 Mortar experience in the MEMBER
Mate-27 trade.
categories 3. Representa-
in accor- (iv) Knowledge of tive of
dance with Hindi and/or reserved
(ii) Plumber-9 instructions Punjabi categories as
posts issued by the (v to viii) : notified by
(ii to iv) (ii to iv) : (ii) to iv) : (ii to iv) :
Union U.T., Chd.
(i) Matric Pass (a) Two 50 % by direct From amongst Admn.
(i) Selection Territory of
from a recognized years in recruitment. the Group D MEMBER
(iii) Painter- in case of Chd. Admn. employees i.e.
from time to Board/ University the case And 4. Representa-
49 posts direct from Beldar/
time or equivalent. of direct Helper working tive from
recruitee recruit 50% by with the respec- Department
(ii) ITI Certificate tive cadre under of Personnel,
(iv) Carpen- (ii) Non (b) One promotion
in the Trade from failing which by the Civil Wing of U.T., Chd.
ter-67 Selection in year in the Admn.
any Govt. direct the Engineering
Glazier-8/ case of case of MEMBER
Institute or Department,

Uphol- promotee promotion recruitment.
equivalent. U.T., Chd. with 7 5. Under
ster-1 years regular ser-
Total-76 Secretary,
(iii) 2 years vice in the re- Deptt. of
posts spective cadre
experience in the Urban
subject to pass- Planning
trade. ing of Depart- U.T., Chd.
mental Test con- Admn.
(iv) Knowledge of ducted by the MEMBER
Hindi and/or competent au-
Punjabi. thority.

*149 General Rs. 3120 (v to vii) Not Between Essential : Not (v to vii) : (ii to iv) : (ii to iv) : Group C DPC/ Not
(2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 (v to vii) applicable DSC applicable
(v) White (i) Selection years (a) Two 50 % by direct From amongst
*Subject Service 1103660 1. Chief
Washer- (Relaxable (i) Matric Pass the Group D
to Group C 1204260 in case of from a recognized years in recruitment. Engineer,
137 for Govt. employees i.e.
variation Non- 1404400 direct Board or the case U.T., Chd.
posts servant/ from Beldar/
depend- Gazetted 1505000 recruitee Scheduled equivalent. of direct And Admn.
recruit Helper working CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- 1605160 Casstes/ (ii) 3 years
50% by with the respec-
work- Ministerial (ii) Non Scheduled experience in the 2. Superintend-
(vi) Floor- tive cadre under
Selection in Tribes/ (b) One promotion
Polisher- load trade. the Civil Wing of ing Engineer
case of Other year in the failing which by the Engineering (Const.-I),
12 posts NOTE : The
promotee Backward case of direct U.T., Chd.
selection shall be Department,
Classes/ promotion recruitment. Admn.
categories made by practical U.T., Chd. with 7
(vii) Mason- test prescribed by years regular ser- MEMBER
in accor-
77 posts dance with the competent vice in the re- 3. Representa-
instruc- authority. spective cadre tive of
tions subject to pass-
ing of Depart-
mental Test con-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

issued by the ducted by the reserved

Union competent au- categories as
Territory of thority. notified by
Chd. Admn. U.T., Chd.
from time to MEMBER

4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

4. Tele *12 General Rs. 3120 Non Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Group C DPC/ Not
(2004) Central 1003220 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion DSC applicable
*Subject Service 1103660 From amongst 1. Chief
Atten- Group D (Field) Engineer,
to Group C 1204260

dant variation Non- 1404400 employees who U.T., Chd.
are matriculate Admn.
depend- Gazetted 1505000 CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- 1605160 with 5 years
work- Ministerial regular service in 2. Superintend-
the cadre and ing Engineer
load (Const.-I),
are working U.T., Chd.
under the Civil Admn.
Wing of the MEMBER
Engineering 3. Representa-
Department, tive of
U.T., Chd. reserved
Admn. categories as
notified by
U.T., Chd.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
5. Store *2 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : Not Two years 100% by direct Not applicable Group C DPC Not
Munshi (2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 applicable recruitment. applicable
(i) Bachelors 1. Chief
*Subject Service 1103660 years
degree from a Engineer,
to Group C 1204260 (Relaxable
recognized Board/ U.T., Chd.
variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. Admn.
depend- Gazetted 1505000 servants/ University or
ing on Non- 1605160 Scheduled equivalent
work- Ministerial Casstes/ 2. Superintend-
load Scheduled (ii) 3 years ing Engineer
Tribes/ experience in (Const.-I),
Other handling, U.T., Chd.
Backward accounting and Admn.
Classes/ storage of stores/ MEMBER
categories materials
3. Representa-
in accor- tive of
dance with (iii) Knowledge of reserved
instructions English, Hindi and/ categories as
issued by the or Punjabi notified by
Union U.T., Chd.
Territory of Desirable : Admn.
Chd. Admn. MEMBER
from time to Knowledge of
operating 4. Representa-
time tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.

5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
Note.The clubbing of the posts to be filled by placement may be made as per Chandigarh Administration, Finance Department Notification No. F&PO (98/12503, dated 18th September, 1998

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC/DSC Circum-
of Posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post on the basis of service is recruits required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
of seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
or merit- of CCS will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
cum- (Pension) the case of deputation/ from which in making
seniority Rules, 1972 promotion absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to absorption
be filled by to be made
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Group C DPC/
1. Junior *32 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : Age : No Two years (i) 100% by Not applicable Not
Techni- (2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 direct applicable
*Subject Service 1103660 years (i) Matric Pass of E.Q. : to the recruitment. 1. Chief
cian a recognized
to Group C 1204260 (Relaxable extent Engineer,
variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. board/University indicating in
(i) Road U.T., Chd.
depend- Gazetted 1505000 servants/ or equivalent Column 12. Admn.
inspec- ing on Non- 1605160 Scheduled CHAIRMAN
tor-5 work Ministerial Castes/ (ii) ITI Certificate
load Scheduled in the Surveyor 2. Superintend-
(ii) Work Tribes/ Trade from any ing Engineer
Other Govt. Institute or (Const.-I),

Backward equivalent U.T., Chd.
Classes/ Admn.
categories (iii) 2 years
in accor- experience in the
dance with relevant trade 3. Representa-
instructions tive of
issued by the (iv) Knowledge of reserved
Union Hindi and/or categories as
Territory of Punjabi notified by
Chd. Admn. U.T., Chd.
from time to Admn.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
Group C DPC/
2. Sur- *7 General Rs. 3120 (i) Non- Not Between Essential : Age : No (i) One (i) 50% By Promotion : DSC Not
vayor-7 (2004) Central 1003220 Selection in applicable 18 to 25 year for promotion applicable
(i) Matric Pass of Survey Mate 1. Chief
*Subject Service 1103660 case of years E.Q. : To the promotee failing which by
posts Engineer,
to Group C 1204260 promotee (Relaxable a recognized extnet direct with 3 years
U.T., Chd.
variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. board/University indicating in (ii) Two recruitment regular service in Admn.
depend- Gazetted 1505000 (ii) Selection servants/ or equivalent Column 12. years for the cadre and CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- 1605160 in case of Scheduled direct (ii) 50% by Matric Pass from
2. Superintend-
work Ministerial direct recuit Casstes/ (ii) ITI Trade recruit direct a recognized ing Engineer
load Scheduled Certificate in the recruitment Board/University (Const.-I),
Tribes/ Suyrveyor from or equivalent U.T., Chd.
Other any Govt. Admn.
Backward Institute or MEMBER
Classes/ equivalent 3. Representa-
categories tive of
in accor- (iii) 5 years reserved
dance with experience in the categories as
trade notified by
U.T., Chd.
issued by the Admn.
Union (iv) Knowledge of
Territory of Hindi and/or
Punjabi 4. Representa-
Chd. Admn. tive from
from time to Department
time of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under

Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Group C DPC
3. Store *1 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : No Two years 100% by direct Not Not
(2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 (i) Bachelors de- recruitment applicable 1. Chief applicable
Keeper Engineer,
*Subject Service 1103660 years gree from a recog-
nized Board/Univer- U.T., Chd.
to Group C 1204260 (Relaxable
variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. sity or equivalent
depend- Gazetted 1505000 servant/ (ii) 3 years
ing on Ministerial 1605160 Scheduled experience in 2. Superintend-
work Casstes/ handling, storage ing Engineer
load Scheduled of stores/ (Const.-I),
materials and U.T., Chd.
Other maintenance/
Backward upkeep of
Classes/ accounts 3. Representa-
categories (iii) Knowledge of tive of
in accor- Hindi or Punjabi reserved
Desirable : categories as
dance with notified by
instruc- Knowledge of
tions operating
issued by the Computer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

U.T., Chd.
Union Admn.
Territory of MEMBER
Chd. Admn.
from time to 4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Group C DPC
4. Ticket *2 General Rs. 3120 Non- Not Not Not Not Two years 100% by Promotion : Not
(2004) Central 1003220 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion 1. Chief applicable
Seller Engineer,
*Subject Service 1103660 Group D
to Group C 1204260 employees U.T., Chd.
working under Admn.
variation Non- 1404400
the Roads Wing CHAIRMAN
depend- Gazetted 1505000

ing on Ministerial 1605160 of the 2. Superintend-
work Engineering ing Engineer
load Department of (Const.-I),
U.T., Chandigarh U.T., Chd.
Administration Admn.
with 5 years MEMBER
regular service in 3. Representa-
the grade who tive of
are Matriculate reserved
and have categories as
aptitude for notified by
handling and U.T.,
accounting of Chd.Admn.
cash receipts MEMBER
4. Representa-
Desirable : tive from
Knowledge of of Personnel,
operating U.T., Chd.
Computer. Admn.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
Note.The clubbing of the posts to be filled by placement may be made as per Chandigarh Administration, Finance Department Notification No. F&PO (98/12503, dated 18th September, 1998

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC/DSC Circum-
of Posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post on the basis of service is recruits required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
of seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
or merit- of CCS will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
cum- (Pension) the case of deputation/ from which in making
seniority Rules, 1972 promotion absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to absorption
be filled by to be made
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C DPC/
1. Techni- *6 General Rs. 5000 Selection Not Not Not Not One years 100% by Promotion : Not
applicable DSC
cal (2004) Central 1605800 applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
*Subject Service 2007000 failing which by From amongst 1. Chief
Supervi- the Chargeman
to Group C 2208100 deputation Engineer,
sor variation Non- Grade-I U.T., Chd.
Fore- depend- Gazetted (Mechanical) with Admn.
man ing on Non- 2 years regular CHAIRMAN
Grade II work Ministerial service in the
cadre 2. Superintend-
(Me- ing Engineer
chani- Deputation : (Const.-I),

cal) U.T., Chd.
Employees of Admn.
the State Govts. MEMBER
of Punajb and
3. Representa-
Haryana holding
analogous posts tive of
on regular basis. reserved
Period of categories as
deputation shall notified by
ordinarily not U.T., Chd.
exceed 3 years Admn.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Techni- *4 General Rs. 4550 Not Selection Not Between Essential : E.Q. : Yes i) One i) 50% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
cal (2004) Central 1505000 applicable 18 to 25 Age : No year for promotion 1. Chief applicable
*Subject Service 1605800 years Diploma in promotee failing which by (i) Technician Engineer,
Supervi- Mechanical/Auto Grade-I
to Group C 2007000 (Relaxable deputation U.T., Chd.
sor variation Non- 2207220 for Govt. Engineering from a ii) Two (Mechanical
Charge- depend- Gazetted servants/ recognized years for ii) 50% by Fitter/Black
man ing on Non- Scheduled institution or direct direct Smith) with 3
work Ministerial Casstes/ equivalent recruit recruitment years regular 2. Superintend-
Grade II
load Scheduled failing which by service in the ing Engineer
(Me- Desirable : (Const.-I),
Tribes/ deputation respective cadre
chani- Other U.T., Chd.
cal) Backward Experience in (ii) Junior Admn.
Classes/ Mechanical/ Technician MEMBER
categories Automobile Trade (Machine Tool
3. Representa-
in accor- Operator) with 8
tive of
dance with years regular
instructions service in the
cadre categories as
issued by the
notified by
Deputation : U.T., Chd.
Territory of
Chd. Admn. Admn.
from time to Employees of MEMBER
time the State Govts. 4. Representa-
of Punajb and tive from
Haryana holding

analogous posts
of Personnel,
on regular basis.
U.T., Chd.
Period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not MEMBER
exceed 3 years 5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

3. Junior *5 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : Not Two years 100% by direct Not Group C DPC Not
Techni- (2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 (i) Matric Pass applicable recruitment applicable 1. Chief applicable
cian *Subject Service 1103660 years from a recognized Engineer,
to Group C 1204260 (Relaxable Board/University U.T., Chd.
(i) Mech- variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. or equivalent Admn.
anical depend- Gazetted 1505000 servants/
Fitter-2 (ii) I.T.I. Certificate CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- 1605160 Scheduled
posts work Ministerial Casstes/ in the respective 2. Superintend-
load Scheduled trade from any ing Engineer
(ii) Black Govt. Institute or
Tribes/ (Const.-I),
Smith-2 equivalent
Other U.T., Chd.
Backward (ii) 2 years Admn.
(iii) Machine Classes/ experience in the MEMBER
Tool categories trade
Opera- in accor- (iv) Knowledge of
ator-1 dance with Hindi and/or
post instructions Punjabi
issued by the 3. Representa-
Union tive of
Territory of reserved
Chd. Admn. categories as
from time to notified by
time U.T., Chd.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Note.The clubbing of the posts to be filled by placement may be made as per Chandigarh Administration, Finance Department Notification No. F&PO (98/12503, dated 18th September, 1998

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC/DSC Circum-
of Posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post on the basis of service is recruits required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
of seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
or merit- of CCS will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
cum- (Pension) the case of deputation/ from which in making
seniority Rules, 1972 promotion absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to absorption
be filled by to be made
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C DPC
1. Techni- *5 General Rs. 4550 Non Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Not
cal (2004) Central 1505000 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion 1. Chief applicable
*Subject Service 1605800 failing which by (i) From Engineer,
Supervi- Horticulture
to Group C 2007000 deputation U.T., Chd.
sor variation Non- 2207220 Supervisor with 3
Charge- depend- Gazetted years regular
man ing on Non- service in the
Grade-II work Ministerial cadre. 2. Superintend-
load ing Engineer
(ii) From Junior (Const.-II),
(i) Horticul-

Technician (Black U.T., Chd.
ture-4 Smith) with 8 Admn.
posts years regular
servcie in the
(ii) Black cadre. 3. Representa-
Smith-1 tive of
Deputation : reserved
categories as
Employees of
notified by
the State Govt.
U.T., Chd.
of Punjab and
Haryana holding Admn.
analogous posts MEMBER
on regular basis. 4. Representa-
Period of tive from
deputation shall
ordinarily not
of Personnel,
exceed 3 years
U.T., Chd.

5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
*15 General Rs. 4020 Non Not Not Not Not One year By promotion Group C DPC Not
2. Horticul- Promotion :
ture (2003) Central 1204260 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable failing which by applicable
*Subject Service 1404400 deputation 1. Chief
Supervi- (i) 50% on the
to Group C 1505000 Engineer,
sor variation Non- 1605800 basis of
U.T., Chd.
depend- Gazetted 2006200
selection from Admn.
ing on Non-
work Ministerial Head Mails CHAIRMAN
load having 8 years
regular service in 2. Superintend-
ing Engineer
the cadre
(ii) 50% from U.T., Chd.
Head Malis with Admn.
5 years regular
service in the 3. Representa-
cadre and having tive of
qualification of reserved
Matric with categories as
Gardening notified by
training course U.T., Chd.
of one year from Admn.

institue. 4. Representa-
tive from
Deputation :
of Personnel,
Employees of
U.T., Chd.
the Central
Govts. & State
Govt., of Punajb
and Haryana and 5. Under
U.T., Chandigarh Secretary,
Administration Deptt. of
holding Urban
analogous posts
U.T., Chd.
or similar posts
on regular basis.
Period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C DPC/
3. Budder/ *15 General Rs. 3120 Non- Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Not
Planta (2003) Central 1003220 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
From amongst 1. Chief
*Subject Service 1103660 failing which by
tion Mails having 5 Engineer,
to Group C 1204260 deputation
Jamadar- years regular U.T., Chd.
variation Non- 1404400 Admn.
15 posts depend- Gazetted 1505000 service in the
ing on Non- 1605160 cadre and
subject to 2. Superintend-
work Ministerial
passing of ing Engineer
deaprtmental (Const.-II),
U.T., Chd.
test conducted
by the
authority 3. Representa-
tive of
Deputation : reserved
categories as
notified by
Employees of
U.T., Chd.
the State Govts.
of Punjab and
Haryana holding
analogous posts 4. Representa-
tive from
on regular basis.
Period of
of Personnel,
deputation shall
U.T., Chd.

ordinarily not Admn.
exceed 3 years MEMBER
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Group C DPC/
4. Junior *2 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : Not 2 years 100% by direct Not DSC Not
(2003) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 applicable recruitment applicable applicable
Techni- years i) Matric Pass 1. Chief
*Subject Service 1103660 (Relaxable from a recognized Engineer,
cian U.T., Chd.
to Group C 1204260 for Govt. Board/University
Black- variation Non- 1404400 servant/ or equivalent. Admn.
Smith Scheduled CHAIRMAN
depend- Gazetted 1505000
ing on 1605160 Castes/ ii) ITI Certificate in 2. Superintend-
Non- ing Engineer
Scheduled the trade of Black-
work Ministerial Tribes/ (Const.-II),
Smith from any
load Other Institute or U.T., Chd.
Backward equivalent. Admn.
Classes/ MEMBER
categories iii) 2 years 3. Representa-
in accordance experience in tive of
with instructions Welding sheet reserved
issued by the matel and various categories as
Union Territory types of iron and notified by
of Chd. Admn. auto works. U.T., Chd.
from time to Admn.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.

5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

*7 General Rs. 3330 Non Not Not Not Not One year (i) 100% by Promotion : Group C DPC Not
5. Power
Lawn (2004) Central 1103660 Selection applicable applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
From amongst
*Subject Service 1204260 failing which by 1. Chief
Mower Group D
to Group C 1404400 deputation
Driver variation Non- 1505000 employees i.e. Engineer,
depend- Gazetted 1605800 Malis working in U.T., Chd.

ing on Non- 2006200 Admn.
the Horticulture
work Ministerial
load Division with 5 CHAIRMAN
years regular
service in the 2. Superintend-
cadre subject to ing Engineer
passing of the (Const.-II),
departmental U.T., Chd.
test prescribed Admn.
by the MEMBER
3. Representa-
Deputation : tive of
Employees of reserved
the State Govts. categories as
of Punjab and notified by
Haryana holding U.T., Chd.
analogous posts
on regular basis.
Period of
deputation shall
ordinarily not
exceed 3 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.

5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Group C DPC/
6. Junior *3 General Rs. 3120 Selection Not Between Essential : Not Two years 100% by direct Not DSC Not
Techni- (2004) Central 1003220 applicable 18 to 25 applicable recruitment applicable applicable
years i) Matric Pass 1. Chief
*Subject Service 1103660 Engineer,
cian (Relaxable from a recognized
to Group C 1204260 U.T., Chd.
Pump variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. Board/University Admn.

Operator depend- Gazetted 1505000 or equivalent. CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- 1605160 Scheduled
Castes/ 2. Superintend-
work Ministerial ii) ITI Certificate in ing Engineer
load Scheduled the trade of (Const.-II),
Tribes/ Electrician/Diesel U.T., Chd.
Other Mechanic from Admn.
Backward any Institute or MEMBER
Classes/ equivalent.
categories 3. Representa-
in accordance tive of
iii) 2 years reserved
with instructions
experience in the categories as
issued by the notified by
Union Territory trade.
U.T., Chd.
of Chd. Admn. Admn.
from time to (iv) Knowledge of
time) Hindi and/or
Punajbi 4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Name No. of Classi- Scale of Whether Whether benefit Age Educational and Whether age Period of Methods of In case of If a DPC/DSC Circum-
of Posts fication pay selection of added years for direct other qualification educational probation, recruitment recruitment exists, stances
Post on the basis of service is recruits required for qualification if any whether by by promotion/ what is its in which
of seniority- admissible under direct recruits prescribed for direct recruit- deputation/ composition UPSC
cum-merit Rule 30 direct recruits ment or by absorption is to be
or merit- of CCS will apply in promotion or by grades consulted
cum- (Pension) the case of deputation/ from which in making
seniority Rules, 1972 promotion absorption and promotion/ recruitment
percentage of deputation/
posts to absorption
be filled by to be made
various methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C DPC/
1. Senior *2 General Rs. 5480 Selection Not Not Not Not One year 100% by Promotion : Not
applicable DSC
Re- (2004) Central 1605800 applicable applicable applicable promotion applicable
*subject Service 2007000 failing which by From amongst 1. Chief
search the Research
to Group C 2208100 deputation Engineer,
Assis- variation Non- 2758925 Assistant with 3 U.T., Chd.
tant depend- Gazetted years regular Admn.
ing on Non- service in the CHAIRMAN
work Ministerial cadre
load 2. Superintend-
Deputation : ing Engineer

Employees of U.T., Chd.
the State Govts. Admn.
of Punjab and MEMBER
Haryana holding
analogous posts 3. Representa-
on regular basis. tive of
Period of reserved
deputation shall categories as
ordinarily not notified by
exceed 3 years. U.T., Chd.
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group C DPC/
2. Re- *7 General Rs. 5000 Selection Not Between Essential : EQ : Yes (i) One (i) 50% by Promotion : Not
search (2004) Central 1605800 applicable 18 to 25 year for promotion applicable
*subject Service 2007000 years B.Sc. (Non- Age : No promotion failing which by From amongst 1. Chief
Assis- (Relaxable Medical)/B.A. with the Laboratory Engineer,
to Group C 2208100 deputation
tant for Govt. Mathematics from (ii) Two Assistant with 8 U.T., Chd.
variation Non-
servant/ recognized years regular Admn.
depend- Gazetted years for (ii) 50% by
Scheduled University service in the CHAIRMAN
ing on Non- direct direct
work Ministerial Castes/ recruit recruitment cadre 2. Superintend-
load Scheduled ing Engineer
Tribes/ Deputation : (concerned,
Other U.T., Chd.
Backward Employees of Admn.
Classes/ the State Govts. MEMBER
categories of Punjab and 3. Representa-
in accordance
Haryana holding tive of
with instructions
analogous posts reserved
issued by the
on regular basis. categories as
Union Territory
Period of notified by
of Chd. Admn.
deputation shall U.T., Chd.
from time to
ordinarily not Admn.
exceed 3 years. MEMBER
4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,

U.T., Chd.
5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

Promotion : Group C DPC/

3. Labora- *5 General Rs. 3120 (i) Non Not Between Essential : EQ : Yes (i) One (i) 75% by Not
(2004) Central 1003220 Selection in applicable 18 to 25 year for promotion DSC applicable
*subject Service 1103660 the case of years 10+2 with Science Age : No promotion failing which by From amongst
Assis- from a recognized the Laboratory 1. Chief
to Group C 1204260 promotee (Relaxable direct
tant variation Non- 1404400 for Govt. Board/University (ii) Two recruitment Attendant with 5 Engineer,
depend- Gazetted 1505000 (ii) Selection servant/ years for years regular U.T., Chd.
ing on Non- 1605160 in the case Scheduled direct (ii) 25% by service in the
work Ministerial of direct Castes/ recruit direct cadre who have
passed Matric CHAIRMAN
load recruitee Scheduled recruitment
Tribes/ with Science
Other from a 2. Superintend-
Backward recognized
ing Engineer
Classes/ Board/University
U.T., Chd.
in accor-
dance with Admn.
instructions 3. Representa-
issued by the tive of
Union reserved
Territory of categories as
Chd. Admn. notified by
from time to U.T., Chd.
time Admn.

4. Representa-
tive from
of Personnel,
U.T., Chd.

5. Under
Deptt. of
U.T., Chd.

[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz., dated the 1st August, 2004]
The 27th July, 2004
No. Estt.R-10-Arch-2004/7755.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi, Notification
bearing No. SO No. 3267, dated 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to
make the following Rules further to amend the Chandigarh Administration Deptt. of Urban Planning Group C
posts (Non-Ministerial) Recruitment Rules, 2001 published in the Chandigarh Administration Gazette dated 1st
November, 2001,vide this department notification No. Estt.R-10-Arch-2001/8997, dated 1st October, 2001 and
No. Estt.R-10-Arch-2003/9017, dated 16th September, 2003, namely :
(i) Short title and commencement : I (a) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration,
Department Of Urban Planning (Architecture Wing) Group-C, Non-Ministerial (Head Modeller),
Recruitment Rules, 2003, 2nd Amendment Rules, 2004.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publications in the official Gazette.
(iii) In colmun 4 of the Schedule to the post of Head Modeller the existing entries connected with pay
scale required for direct recruits shall be substituted namely :
Rs. 6,4002007,0002208,10027510,300-34010,640.
Secretary, Urban Planning,
Chandigarh Administration.
[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz.,(Extra.), dated the 9th September, 2004]
The 8th/9th September, 2004
No. DS-UT-Estt-2004/8820.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification
No. G.S.R. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, hereby makes
the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Administration, Sports Department (Group-C) Ministerial
Cadre Posts Recruitment Rules, 1999, namely :
1. These rules may be called the Chandigarh Administration, Sports Department (Group-C) Ministerial
Cadres Posts (3rd Amendment) Recruitment Rules, 2004.
2. They shall come into force with effect from the date of issuance of this notification.
3. In the Chandigarh Administration (Group-C) Ministerial Cadre Posts Recruitment Rules, 1999
(hereinafter referred to the said rules), in rule 4, in the schedule in the following categories of
posts, column (7) shall be substituted as under :
(i) Junior Scale Stenographer :
Bachelors Degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets)
and a speed of 100 words per minute in Stenography (English) and speed of 20 words per minute
in transcripting the same.
(ii) Steno Typist :
Bachelors Degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets)
and a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and speed of 20 words per minute
in trasnscripting the same.
(iii) Clerk :
Bachelors Degree and proficiency in operation of Computer (Word Processing and Spread Sheets)
and a speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting.
Secretary, Finance & Sports,
Chandigarh Administration.
[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz.,(Extra.), dated the 22nd September, 2004]
The 22nd September, 2004
No. DPI-UT-Ad.-III-13(14)99.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of
the Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to make
the following rules further to amend the Chandigarh Education Department (Sub-Office Cadre) (Group-C) Non-
Gazetted, Ministerial Rules, 2001.
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Chandigarh Education Department
(Sub-Office Cadre) (Group-C) Non-Gazetted, Ministerial (1st Amendment) Rules, 2004.
(ii) They shall come into force at once.
2. In the Chandigarh Educational Service (Sub-Office Cadre) (Group-C) Non-Gazetted, Ministerial Rules,
2001 in the Annexure-I appended thereto pertaining to the Recruitment Rules for the post of Steno-Typist and
Clerks in Sub-Office Cadre of Education Department, Union Territory, Chandigarh in column No. 8 captioned
Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruitment, the following shall be substituted :
(i) Steno-Typist .. Bachelors Degree and Proficiency in Operation of Computer
(Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 80
words per minute in graphy (English) and a speed of 20
words per minute in transcripting the same.
(ii) Clerk .. Bachelors Degree and Proficiency in operation of Computer
(Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 30
words per minute in English typewriting.
Chandigarh : R. S. GUJRAL,
The 16th September, 2004. Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
[Extract from the Chd. Admn. Gaz.,(Extra.), dated the 19th October, 2004]
The 18th October, 2004
No. DPI-UT-Ad.-I-10(6)91.In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution of India, read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification
G.S.R. No. 3267, dated the 1st November, 1966, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, is pleased to
make the following rules further to amend the Punjab Education Department (Office of Director Public Instruction,
Punjab Clerical Service) Rules, 1941, namely :
1. Short title and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the Punjab Education Department
(Office of Director Public Instruction, Punjab) Clerical Service (Chandigarh Amendment) Rules, 2004.
(ii) They shall come into force at once.
2. In the Punjab Education Department (Office of Director Public Instruction, Punjab Clerical Service)
Rules, 1941 (hereinafter called the said rules), after clause (a) of the rule 5, the following shall be added :
(i) Jr. Scale Stenographer .. Bachelors Degree and Proficiency in Operation of Computer
(Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 100
words per minute in Stenography (English) and speed of 20
words per minute in transcripting the same.
In the said rules after clause (b) of rule 5, the following shall be added :
(ii) Steno-Typist .. Bachelors Degree and Proficiency in Operation of Computer
(Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and a speed of 80
words per minute in Stenography (English) and speed of 20
words per minute in transcripting the same.
(iii) Clerk .. Bachelors Degree and Proficiency in operation of Computer
(Word Processing and Spread Sheets) and speed of 30 words
per minute in English typewriting.
Chandigarh : R. S. GUJRAL,
The 7th October, 2004. Education Secretary,
Chandigarh Administration.
9041/HS(U.T.), Part-IGovt. Press, U.T., Chd.
Issued by :
Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms
Printed at :
The Government Press, U.T., Chandigarh
Sr. Number and date of Subject Page No.
No. Government Instructions
1 No. 14/1/13-IH(3)/94/5448, Notification regarding Rules regulating the 13
dated 16-3-1995 method of recruitment to Group B Posts in
the Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Chandigarh
2 No. DPI-UT.SI-11(149)89, Notification regarding adoption of rules called The 414
dated 23-2-1996 Punjab Educational Service (School and Inspection)
(Class-II) 1976 as applicable in State of Punjab to
the Union Territory Chandigarh
3 No. DPI-UT.CI-12(110)76, Notification regarding amendment in the Rules of 14
dated 22-12-1997 1990 of Chandigarh Educational Service (Group-B
Gazetted) Govt. Arts and Science College,
4 No. 3131-DPI-UT.S4-11(4)/97, Notification regarding Amendment in the 15
dated 24-12-1997 Chandigarh Education Service (School Cadre)
(Group C) Recruitment Rules, 1991
5 No. DPI-UT.SI-2(88)/90, Notification regarding Amendment of Punjab 15-16
dated 19-5-1998 Educational Service (School and Inspection)
(Class-II) Rules, 1976
6 No. IH(7)/98/24633, Model Recruitment Rules 1622
dated 7-12-1998
7 No. DPI-UT-C3(12)(82)84-11, Notification regarding Amendment of the Punjab 23
dated 24-8-1999 Subordinate Educational Service Rules, 1937
8 No. 3350-IH(3)-99/17240, Regulating the method of Recruitment to Group 2430
dated 7-9-1999 C posts in the Industrial Training Institute,
9. No. 4976-1H(3)-99/17030, Regulating the method of Recruitment to Group C 3139
Dated 1-9-1999 posts in Government Central Crafts Institute
for Women, Chandigarh.
10 No. 848-UTFII (14)-99/12858 Regulating the method of recruitment to the 4044
dated 29-11-1999 various Group Ministerial Cadre posts in
the Sports Department, U.T., Chandigarh
11 No. 1-DPI-UT-CI-12(110) Amendment the Chandigarh Education Service 45
76-Part-II (Group-B Gazetted), Government Arts and
dated 17-1-2000 Science College Rules, 1990
Sr. Number and date of Subject Page No.
No. Government Instructions
12 No. SW/RULES/2000/407 Notification regarding Regulating the method of 4654
dated 11-2-2000 recruitment to Group C posts in the Social
Welfare Department (including its institutions),
Chandigarh Administration
13. No. 9673-1H(7)-2000-4585, Repeal the Punjab Government National Emergency 55
Dated 10-3-2000 (Concession) Rules, 1965 as applicable to the
Union Territory, Chandigarh.
14 No. 1113-DPI-UT-C1-12(110) Amendment the Chandigarh Educational Service 55-56
76-Part-II, (Group-B Gazetted) Government Home Science
dated 11-7-2000 College Rules, 1990
15 No. 1113-DPI-UT-C1-12(110) Amendment the Chandigarh Educational Service 5657
76-Part-II, (Group B Gazetted) Regional Institute of English
dated 11-7-2000 Rules, 1990
16 No. 233-DPI-UT-S1-11(12)95, Amendment the Chandigarh Education Service 5862
dated 17-8-2001 (School Cadre) (Group-C) Recruitment Rules,1991
17 No. 6209-1H(10)-2002/9733, Amendment the Government College of Art, 62
dated 17-5-2002 Chandigarh (Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001
18 No. Estt.-10-Arch-2001/8997, Regulating the method of recruitment to Group 6371
dated 1-10-2001 posts (Non-Ministerial) in the Department
of Urban Planning
19 No. 6209-HIII(7)-2001/21613, Regulating the method of recruitment to the 7281
dated 19-11-2001 various Group-C posts in the Government
College of Art, Chandigarh
20 No. A-1/2001/18, Notification regarding Regulating the method of 8293
dated 5-12-2001 recruitment of Group C posts in respect of the
office of Chief Engineer, U.T., Chandigarh
21 No. DM/MA-2K1/37176, Various other Agititational methods and whereas 94
dated 3-12-2001 there is every apprehension that such Groups
and Organization may be cause obstruction,
annoyance or injury to the person lawfully
employed and indenger common life and property.
22 No.DPI-UT-Ad.III-13(14)99, Appointment to the Chandigarh Education 95104
dated 14-12-2001 Department (Sub-Office Cadre) Ministerial
Service and the conditions of service
23 No. 672-1H(3)-2001/4927 Regulating the method of recruitment to 105109
dated 11-1-2002 Group C posts in the Govt. Polytechnic
for Women, Chandigarh
24 No. 2554-DPI-UT-C1-12 Notification regarding Amendment in the rules 110
(110)76-Part III, of the Chandigarh Education Service (Group
dated 15-1-2002 B Gazetted) Regional Institute of English
Rules, 1990
Sr. Number and date of Subject Page No.
No. Government Instructions
25 No. Estt. R-10-Arch- Regulating the method of recruitment to 111119
2002/1711 Group C posts (Ministerial) in the Depart-
dated February, 2002 ment of Urban Planning
26 No. A4/2002/03, Notification regarding regulating the method 120124
dated 5-3-2002 of recruitment to Group C posts (Drawing
Establishment) in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration
27 No. G.S.R.218(E) Notification regarding regulating the method 125131
dated 20-3-2002 of recruitment of the posts of Chief Architect,
Senior Architect and Architect in the
Department of Urban Planning (Architecture
Wing), Chandigarh Administration
28 No. A3/2002/04, Notification regarding regulating the method 132137
dated 7-6-2002 of recruitment to Group C posts of Ministerial
Establishment (Circle Cadre) in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration
29 No. A3/2004/11, Notification regarding Ministerial Establishment 138
dated 31-8-2004 (Group-C) Circle Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2002
30 No. A3/2002/5, Regulating the method of recruitment to 139142
dated 26-6-2002 Group C posts (Ministerial Establishment)
of Assistant Controller (F&A) Rents Office
in the Engineering Department
31 No. A3/2004/10, Notification regarding Ministerial Establish- 143
dated 31-8-2004 ment (Group-C) Assistant Controller
(F&A) Rents Office Rules, 2002
32 No. 16/1/21-1H(3)- Regulating the method of recruitment to 144152
2002/16843, Group C posts in the Technical Education
dated 3-9-2002 Department of the Union Territory, Chandigarh
33 No. 13/16573-HII(2)/ Opinion that an Industrial dispute exists between 153
2002/16848, Smt. Amita Rani, H. No. 533, D.M. Colony,
dated 3-9-2002 Chandigarh and (1) Chief Architect, Chandigarh
S.C.O. No. 44, 17-A, Chandigarh; (2) The Chief
Architect, Department of Architecture,
S.C.O. No. 44, 17-A, Chandigarh; Regarding
the matters hereinafter appearing.
34 No. 1491-DPI-UT-C1-12 Amendment the Chandigarh Educational 153155
(110) 76-Part-III, Service (Group-B Gazetted) Regional
dated 22-11-2002 Institute of English, Chandigarh Rules, 1990
35 No. HIII(5)-2002/23611, Amendment the Kutchery Compound Fund 155-156
dated 16-12-2002 Rules, 1937 (Appendix-1 Chapter 10 of
the District Office Manual, Punjab) as
applicable to the U.T., Chandigarh
36 No. 7251-IH(3)-2002/24446, Notification regarding amendment in the 156
dated 3-12-2002 Government Polytechnic for Women
Service (Group-C) Recruitment Rules, 2001
Sr. Number and date of Subject Page No.
No. Government Instructions
37 No. Arch. 2003-3240, Regulating the method of recruitment to 156159
dated 25-3-2003 Group B post (Ministerial) in the
Department or Urban Planning, Chandigarh
38 No. Estt. R-10-Arch- Regulating the method of recruitment to 160163
2003/3785, Group B post (Non-Ministerial)
dated 9-4-2003 Department of Urban Planning
39 No. 7000/1-F&PO(7)- Notification regarding amendment in the 164
2003/3570-76 Chandigarh Administration Civil Services
dated 6-6-2003 (Revised Pay) Rules, 1991
40 No. 7053-HIII(5)- Amendment the Punjab Stamp 164
2003/11745, Rules, 2934
dated 20-6-2003
41 No. PO/2003/P2/05, Regulating the method of recruitment to 165175
dated 8-7-2003 Work charged (Regular) field staff
Group C posts under the Electrical
Circle of the Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration
42 No. HIII(5)-2003/14264, Set up a State Disaster Management 176
dated 28-7-2003 Authority in respect of U.T., Chandigarh
43 No. Estt.R-10-Arch- Amendment the Chandigarh Administration, 176-177
2003/9017, Department of Urban Planning, Group-C posts
dated 16-9-2003 (Non-Ministerial) Recruitment Rules, 2001
44 No. A-1/2003/4, Notification regarding Ministerial Cadre of the 177
dated 27-10-2003 Office of Chief Engineer, U.T., Chandigarh
(Group-C Post) Recruitment Rules, 2001-
Amendment the columns 11 and 12 of the
category of the post of Clerk/Computer
45 No. 20/1/37-IH(10)/ Amendment in the rules of Govt. College of 178
2004/5984, Art, Chandigarh (Group-C) Recruitment
dated 2-4-2004 Rules, 2001
46 No. 28/48/92-IH(7)-2004, Model Recruitment Rules Amendment thereof 178-179
dated 8-4-2004
47 No. 402-DPI-UT-SI-11 Amendment in the rules of Chandigarh 180
(14) 91, Education Service (School Cadre) (Group-C)
dated 8-4-2004 Recruitment Rules, 1991
48 No. A-1/2004/3, Notification pertaining to the Ministerial Cadre 181
dated 12/13-5-2004 of the Office of the Chief Engineer, U.T.,
Chandigarh (Group-C post) Recruitment Rules,
49 No. NCC/Dte/1(14)-2001, Notification regarding regulating the method of 181186
dated 17-5-2004 recruitment to various Group-C posts in the
NCC Organization, Chandigarh Administration
Sr. Number and date of Subject Page No.
No. Government Instructions
50 No. DS-UT-Estt.-2004/5259, Notification regarding regulating the method 187196
dated 26-5-2004 of recruitment to various Group-C posts
(Non-Ministerial) in the Sports Department,
U.T., Chandigarh
51 No. 20/1/37-IH(10)- Amendment in rules in the Govt. College of 197
2004/10405, Art, Chandigarh (Group-C) Recruitment
dated 8-05-2004 Rules, 2001
52 No. A3/2004/4, Regulating the method of Recruitment to 197214
dated 23/24-6-2004 Group-C post of fileds staff under Electricity
Operation Circle in the Engineering
Department, Chandigarh Administration
53 No. A-2/2004/05, Amendment in the rules of Punjab Public 215229
dated 25-6-2004 Works Department, Junior Engineers (State
Services Class-III) as applicable in the
Construction, Public Health, Electricity,
Mechanical and Horticulture being of the
Engineering Department, Chandigarh
54 No. 22, Rules regarding regulating the method of 230249
dated 2-7-2004 Recruitment to Group-C posts of fields staff
of Civil, Road, Horticulture, Mechanical and
Research Laboratory under Superintendent
Engineer, Construction Circle-I/II and
OSD (P&D) in the Engineering Department,
Chandigarh Administration
55 No. Estt.-R-10-Arch.- Amendment in the Urban Planning Group-C 250
2004/7755, post/Non-Ministerial Recruitment Rules,
dated 27-7-2004 2001, Chandigarh Administration
56 No. DS-UT-Estt. 2004/8820, Notification regarding Amendment in the 250-251
dated 8/9-9-2004 Rule of Sports Department (Group-C)
Ministerial Recruitment Rules, 1999,
Chandigarh Administration
57 No. DPI-UT-Ad.III-13 Notification regarding amendment in the 251
(14) 99, Chandigarh Education Department (Sub-
dated 22-9-2004 Office Cadre) (Group C) Non-Gazetted,
Ministerial Rules, 2001
58 No. DPI-UT-Ad.1-10(6)-91, Amendment in the Rule of Punjab Education 252
dated 18-10-2004 Department (Office of Director Public
Instructions, Punjab Clerical Service)
Rules, 1941
In this manual an attempt has been made in bringing together at one place important
orders and instructions issued from time to time by the Chandigarh Administration in the
Home and Finance Department for the convenience of officials of the Administration. This book
contains the important circulars issued on various subjects,but this is in no way a comprehensive
list of all the circulars. Nothing contained in it should be taken to have superseded any of the
existing instructions or as an authoritative interpretation of any rule or order on the subject.
Where necessary, original instructions should also be consulted and referred to.
While every care and precautions have been taken in compiling this Manual, if any error
or omission is noticed in this compilation, it may be brought to the notice of the Department
of Personnel of the Chandigarh Administration.
Chandigarh : Home Secretary,
The 23rd May, 2008 Chandigarh Administration.

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