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019: 2013 CEB SPECIFICATION ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS (AAC) CEYLON RECTRICITY BOARD “he . SRI LANK, Telephone: +94 11 232 0953 Fax: +9411 232 3035 CONTENTS. 1" (CEB SPECIFICATION O18 2013 Scope System Parameters Service Conditions Applicable Standards Basic Features ‘Additional Requirements, Information to be supplied with the offer ‘Sample Study Inspection & Testing ‘Annex AnnexA SCHEDULE OF PARTICULARS. AnnexB GUARANTEED SCHEDULE OF PARTICULARS ‘AnnexC PRICE VARIATION anna, Page " (CEB SPECIFICATION a9: 2019 SPECIFICATION FOR ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS (AAC) 4.0 SCOPE ‘This specification covers the general requirements of the manufacture and testing of All ‘Aluminium Conductors (AAC) from Aluminium Re-draw Rods, to be used in overhead power distribution systems. 2.0 SYSTEM PARAMETERS (@)_| Nominal votiage '400/230 V3 phase and neutral (o)_| System highest voltage ‘440/250 V— 3 phase and neutral (o)_| System frequency | 50 Hz | (@)_| Method of earthing Solid eaithed neutral at sub slaions rom 254A rms 3.0 SERVICE CONDITIONS (@)_| Annual average ambient temperature | 90°C _ aaa (©) | "Maximum ambient temperature 40°C [(6)_| Maximum reiative humility 20% (d) | Enviconmental conditions Humid tropical dimate with highly poluted _ atmosphere _ (© | Operational aiude From MSL. to 1900 mabove MSL 40 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ‘The conductors fabricated shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the standards specified below and the amendments thereof [ay | 88275-Pai 11970) _[ Ad Aluminium Conductor ] ("te [3s 2627 (1970 Wrought Aluminium for Elecical piiposes, Wire | (| ASTM 8233--07 ‘Standard speciation for Aluminium 1360 Drawing Stock Tor _ efectical puposes / J ‘The requirements stated inthis CEB specicaton supersedé the requirements in the above standards a 5.0 BASIC FEATURES 5.4 Design of Wire ‘The Aluminium wires used in the manufacture of AC shall conform to BS 2627. ‘The wire shail be of uniform qual, circular cross section, clean, smooth and free from harmful detects, splinter irregularities and brite places. ane 52 524 522 53 54 CEB SPECIFICATION oY8 2019 Joints in the wires of conductors Conductors containing seven wires ‘There shall be no joints in any wire of a stranded conductor containing seven wires, except those made in the base rod or wire before final drawing. Conductors con! 1g more than seven In stranded conductors containing more than seven wires, joins in individual wires are Permitted in addition to those made in the base rod or wie before final drawing, provided the following requirements are met; {2) The joints shall not be less than 16m apartin the complete stranded conductor, {(b) The joints shall be made by resistance or cold-pressure butt-welding, (0) The joints made by resistance butt-welding shall, subsequent to welding, be annealed over a distance of at least 200mm on each side ofthe joint Construction (Stranding) ‘The fabrication and physical data of the complete conductor shall be in accordance with the ‘Annex A and BS 215 (Part 1) ‘The outermost ayer of the Conductor shall be stranded with a right-hand lay and it shall be ‘smooth and free from imperfections. Material - Aluminium Re-draw Rods Aluminium Re-draw Rods used for the manufacture of All Aluminium Conductor (AAC) shall conform to BS 2627 and ASTM 8 233-07, The qually of Aluminium Re-draw Rods used for the manufacture of AAC Conductor shal be as stipulated below 1 The purty ofthe aluminium re-iaw rods shal np be less than 99.5% and the percentage composiion of other elements sf nt be more than the values stipulated below. / Element Composition % Max. {@) Sticon ~o10 (b) tron "0.40 (0 Copper 0.05 (@) Manganese oor (@) Chromium oot © Zine 0.05 (@) Boron 0.05 + () Galfum 0.03 (Vanadium plus Ttenium ttl 0.02 0). Other Elements each 0.03 Other Elements total 0.10 ane 55 60 64 i, The maximum electrical resistivity of the Aluminium Re-draw Rods shall be 0.028080 02.mme/m IL. The tensile strength of Aluminium Re-draw rods shall be 108 MPa to 138 MP2 ‘Quality assurance certificates conforming to ISO 9001:2008 shall be followed in the manufacture of Aluminium Re-draw Rods. The bidders shall fumish documentary evidence that the Aluminium Re-draw Rod manufacturers rave obtained ISO 9001:2008 certifications, Offers of bidders who fail to furnish the proof of ISO 90012008 certifications for the manufacturer of Aluminium Re-draw Rods will be rejected, Workmanship ‘The conductors shal be cleaned and free of imperfections, such as pipes, taps, cracks, kinks, bends, twists, seems, excessive grease and other injurious defects. Higher quality of work shall be maintained in drawing the wire and fabrication of the conductors. Due precautions shall be taken by the manufacturer to prevent the Aluminium Re-draw Rods ‘or Aluminium conductors making contact with Copper conductors, Copper parts or Copper residues during the process of redrawing, stranding and storage, ‘All machines and equipment used for this purpose of re-drawing/stranding shall be propely ‘leaned and free from any Copper residues. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Packing |The All Aluminium Conductor shall be supplied in non-retumable wooden /steel drums, The AAC shall be supplied in continuous length per drum as given in the Annex A. I Drums shal be stout constucted of good qualty timber or steel and dearly marked with the feng and type of conductor n a manner not easy removable Drums shall be securely baltened around the perneter and shall be Hed with approved impervious material to prevent contact bétween the contents and both the drum isl and any chemicals wth wnic te ram has been treated. Drums shall be sufable fr roling on the fanges without causing damage 10 the Conductor and the drecton of rting sal be leary shown, IIL Ad tier crams and batters shal be procted from deterioration by termite or fungus stack by an approved impregnation treatment al the works before despatch. Such substance shal not be harm othe conductr. IV. All drums shal have suitable spindle holes and the holes shall be stoutly reinforced with steel piates, V." The exposed end of the conductor in each drum shall be crimp-sealed and clamped to the drum. 5i2 CEA SPECIFICATION OTe: 2019 62 Labelling (Marking) Each drum shail be labelled with clear stencil on both sides of the drum withthe following. (@) CEYLON ELECTRICITY BOARD, TENDER NO (b) Manufacturer's name. (0) Direction of roting, {@) Lifting Instructions and limitations. ‘The letters shall not be less than 75 mm of height and the ink used shall be water-proof, ‘An alurinium name plate shall be fixed to each drum clearly showing the folowing, (2) Serial No. (The serial numbers shall be from 001 onwards), (©) Conductor type, material and stranding (©) Length of the conductor (Net Weight () Gross Weight, (Manufacturer's batch number. (@) Winding date (0) Approximate Measurements of the drum 7.0 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED WITH THE OFFER ‘The following information shall be fumished for each size of Aluminium Conductor. (2) The following particulars for the aluminium wire used for the fabrication of AAC. conductor. |. Breaking toad |, Modulus of elasticity I. Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, (b) Electrical characteristics including dc. resistance value at 20°C, co-efficient of variation of resistance. (©) Drum details, (€) 180 :9001:2008 certification as per clauses 5.4 above. (©) Certificates of type tests, for the following, cglried out in accordance with the specified standard, by @ recognised independent testing authority acceptable to the purchaser. é 1. Aluminium RE:draw Rods a. Tensile test. ‘ b,Determination of chemical composition and purty . Temper test 4 Electrical resistivity test 2, Aluminium wires: ‘a.Dimension Tests. b.Tensile test. Wrapping test d.Resistivty test. ene 80 9.0 4 92 10.9 (ED SPECIFICATION 018: 2013, SAMPLE STUDY The sample fength of five (6) metres of All Aluminium Conductor offered shall be furnished with the offer by the bidder to facltate analysis and evaluation of bid If the size of the conductor specified in this bid is not available with the manufacturer at the time of submitting samples, the manufacturer may submit a sample closest to the size of the ‘conductor specified ‘The grade of the Aluminium of the sample shall be same as specified. The manufacturer shall indicate cleaily on the sample, the code name and the physical characteristics of the ‘conductor sample INSPECTION & TESTING Inspection ‘The selected bidder shall make arrangements for Inspection by an Engineer appointed by the purchaser during manufacture and before despatch and also to carry out in his presence necessary sample and routine tests of the materials offered. Routine Tests The following tests conforming to BS 2627 and BS 215 (Part 1) shall be witnessed by the authorised representative of the CEB, (2) Tensile Test (@) Wrapping Test (©) Resistivity Test ANNEX ‘Annex A- Guaranteed Schedule of Paricuars- Al Aluminium Conductors. ‘Annex B - Schedule of Particulars - To be filed by the Bidders, ‘Annex C - Price Variation. - The Bidders shal forward their offers on the basis of the Price Variation stipulated in Annex C. / me ze 082 OF Sor 3or0 eel rie weve 082 ToEoDOS o1s-08% ese cao. Leer eo seers) ost 048-062 es zo ez | zel ee'vie oo o4€- 082 sob zsr0 est | | zo oven 08 18-062, cL zs0 Lb re eu ue : 5y wna Mt wxnuyo wy/64 wu tu sad sojonpuog | Bupjeag |9.02 38 eoueysiseu| sojonpuod Jo| oyoNpUOD Jo joranpUoD siojdulog} —_spoo 30 1uB10%q__|paveinajea| “o"a pareinajen _|sseur xouddypereureig WesenO) Jo vary jeumwon | soranpuog vXaNNY e102 roNoWWOWIOadS 830 sioyonpuog winununyy iy SuvINoLavd 40 TINGIHOS (CEB SPECIFICATION O¥8 2013 ANNEX B- GUARANTEED SCHEDULE OF PARTICULARS (To be filed by the bidder) (© [Manufacturer's name and country of origin (0} ALUMINIUM WIRE (9) Diameter mm (0) Resistivity at 20°C yen (6) Coofcient oftinear expansion PC (@) Tensile strength (min.) Nim? (@__| ALL aLuminium conDUCTOR (@) Aluminium wires Nos (0) Overall diameter wn (©) _Lay ratio for Aluminium layers Max. Min (d)_ Breaking load (min.) KN (6) D.C. Resistance at 20°C ken (Q)_ Coefficient of Linear expansion PC (Q) Modulus of Elasticity Ninn? () | ALUMINIUM RE_DRAW RODS (used for the manufacture Al. wire for AAC) (2) Purity of Aluminium % (2) Composition of other elements L.__ Silicon Max MW tron % Max Mi, Copper, ua IV. ___ Manganese 6 Max V.__Chromium Max Vi__Zine Mex Vil Boron, hedsind Mill. Galtiue Ma 1X,__Vanadium plus Titanium total % Max X.__Other Elements each jf % Mex XI. Other Elements total i hedusesd Xi. Total % of impurities shall not be more than Wu (6) Maximum electrical resistivity ome {¢)_ Minimum tensile strength Li w Whether quality assurance certification 1S0:9001:2008 Furnished ‘YesiNo ()__| TYPE TEST CERTIFICATES (a) Whether the type test certificates for AAC furnished YesiNo (©) Whether te type tost coticates of Aluminium re craw rods | (for tensile_strength, electical resitviy and_chemical rt, CEB SPECIFICATION Is: 2019 Composition) from a recognized independent testing authority is furnished (© Whether the type test certificates are from a recognized Independent testing authority L YesiNo Seal and Signature of the bidder date 10/12 cep SPECiFIcAONY8: 2019 ANNEX, RICE VARIATION ‘The bidders shall forward their offers on the basis of the Price Variation stipulated below. BASIS OF THE OFFER @ ‘Suppliers of All Aluminium Conductors are required to make their offers on the basis of a Base Price plus a Fixed Price Margin. (©) The Base Price shall be the Cash Seller's Midday Official Average Price of High Grade Aluminium 99.79 at London Metal Exchange (LME) in US Dollars on the day of the closing Of bids or the previous working day ifthe day of closing of bid fs a non working day al the ME, ‘The Fixed Price Margin (FP) shall be quoted in the currency of choice of the bidder in the case of foreign bidders ard in Sti Lanka Rupees in the case of local bidders. Accordingly FOB price for bidders offering finished conductor from outside the country for the evaluation and the ex-factory pce of fnished conductor offered by the local bidder for | © | | | the evaluation shall be computed as; | (Bo + FP) xMT Where 8) = __Base Price which is the LME price per Metric Tonne in US Dollars fn the fixed date [Clause (6), FP = Fixed Price Margin per Metric Tonne. MT = Quantity of All Aluminium Conductors in Metric Tonnes. 2. AWARD PRICE ‘The FOB Award price for bidders offering finished conductor fom outside the country and. the Excfactory Award price of local bidders offering finished conductor shall be computed as, ie (6, + FP) xMT Where / Bt = Cash sellers midday officiel average price of Aluminium High | Grade 99.7% in US Dolars per Metric tonne at the LME on the first working day i immediately after the day of award. | FP = Fixed Price Margin per Metric Tone. 4 MT = Quantity of All Aluminium Conductors in Mettic Tonnes Intimation ofthe award will be faxedtelexed to the suocess‘ul bidder and or his agent in Sti Lanka. * sta CEB SPECIFICATION OB 2018 3. CONVERSION OF CURRENCY (2) For the purpose of the evaluation the Price Bo in US Dollars and the Fixed Price Margin (FP) in the currency of choice of the bidder will be converted to ‘Sri Lanka Rupees atthe official Seling Exchange Rate of the Central Bank of ‘Sri Lanka prevailing on the day of opening of bids. (©) The payment for the supply of fnished conductor outside the country will be ‘made to the supplier atthe contract price in the currency quoted for the Fixed Price Margin (FP). The base price B1 in US Dollars wil be converted to the currency of the FP a the exchange rates indicated in the bulletin of the LME applicable on the first working day immediately after the date of the award of the offer; where such exchange rate is not avaliable for the currency of the FP in the bulletin the official Seling exchange rate at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka shall be applicable © ‘The payment for supply of finished conductor from within the country by local suppliers will be made in Sri Lanka Rupees, The Base Price 81 in US Dollars will be converted to Sti Lanka Rupees at the official Selling Exchange rate at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka prevailing on the first working day immectately after the date of the letter of award. sata

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