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And he danced


Vittorio Giorgio Ghiozzi

2017 version / 06/11/2017 / original manuscript

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Chapter 1 page 3
Chapter 2 page 5


And One, Two, Three, Four One, Two, Three, Four

One Two Three Four. The rhythm of my heart.

Ray Charles, Georgia On My Mind, 1960. Growing up it was a song that gave me chills
every time it played. It was like a white canvas in my mind and every single note was a
delicate and strong trait on the fabric. Sketch after sketch, color after color everything
started to make sense.
Times havent really changed. Birdy, People Help The People, 2011. The song is
resounding in my ears as I am standing on my train traveling towards my white

September 8th, 2012.

One, Two, Three, Four... One, Two, Three, Four Today is the day. Dance tights, dance
belt, ballet shoes My bag is filled with all of my dreams. Im almost there and i
already feel like Im being judged. Do the people surrounding me know? Do they know
Im heading towards the most important audition of my life?
I have always been a very sensitive person and have always suffered of the judgment
of the people.

This feeling is unique. Its a mixture of pressure, bravery, fear and pride.

Leyton Square. Its my stop. One, Two, Three, Four Im walking on the clouds. Three
minutes walk away from my future. I keep thinking about my past. Teachers, mates,
challenges and opportunities.

There it is. Three minutes have gone by so fast. Its big. So big that its scary.

One, Two

I wonder if those lads are here for the audition too. They are staring at me. I have
always been the outcast but here its different. People will get me here. They will
understand me. The air smells different here. Its an essence of dreams and passions.
I am smiling on my own and they are looking at me. They already think Im weird. Why
do I always have to act dumb?
Keep walking and dont look at them. One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One
The pressure rises, I can feel their eyes staring right into my deepest self.

One, two, three four.

I did it. I made it past them.


What time is it? The exam starts in 10 minutes. I better hurry.

My heart starts beating faster. I will remember this moment for a very long time. The
door is open. What am I doing? One step after another its time to make my entrance.
This place is packed. Filled with young boys full of hope. They all look so similar to me
and at the same time so different. I still feel like Im the outcast.
As soon i stop staring at my competitors I realize how sumptuous this hall looks. It
looks like a room straight out of a castle. A wonderful staircase with some gargoyles
at the base, huge windows that make me feel so small
Good Morning Sir, may i help you? these word interrupt the trance inducted by the
view of such beauty. A woman in her serious gown is looking at me waiting for an
answer, Im quite impressed by her red glasses. Sir?, Yes madame i answered.
May i help you? Even though I am in a sort of shock I manage to tell her I am here
for the audition for the full time dance program. Follow Me.
She escorts me through the huge halls and corridors of the building till we reach a
dance studio. Other fourteen boys are already in there. Counting your competitors is
fundamental. Im not sure why but its the first thing i did. Fourteen is not bad. Ive got
some chances.
I get handed a contact sheet. Time to concentrate. Name. Bill. Surname. Windsor. Date
of Birth When was I born? And why are all the other guys looking at me? Is there
something wrong? Stop worrying, where was I?




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