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Support for Recovery and Reconstruction after the

Great East Japan Earthquake

The role of the Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications
Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

1. Damage caused by the earthquake reconstruction of the affected areas, including the provision of
At 2:46 pm on March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake of healthcare, regional computerization and disaster prevention
magnitude 9.0 struck off the coast of Sanriku. Reaching level 7 measures, and we are supporting the efforts of local authorities in
on the Japanese scale of seismic intensity, this earthquake caused a resolving these issues effectively and efficiently through the use of
huge 10-meter tsunami along the Tohoku coastline. information and communication technology (ICT).
The destruction caused by this tsunami was particularly Figure 1: Supporting the reconstruction efforts of local
severe. With regard to communication facilities, about 1.9 million authorities
fixed lines were affected and as many as 29,000 mobile phone
base stations were put out of
action. This disrupted systems
including the local government's
Administrative Radio System
for Disaster Use, and in many
regions this resulted in residents
and government organizations
finding themselves completely
Scene of destruction Onagawa-cho, unable to share or gather
Miyagi Prefecture (3/25/2011) information.
4. Building a reconstruction support system
2. Support for emergency restoration in the The local authorities in regions hit by the disaster are trying to
immediate aftermath promote the relocation of resident groups to areas where tsunamis
A f ter t he d isaster, pose no danger, and the creation of new towns for the future. To
the Tohoku Bureau of achieve this, it is essential that improvements are made to the
Telecommunications sent communication and broadcasting infrastructure.
staff to the affected area For these improvements to be made speedily, the Tohoku
to check on the state of Bureau of Telecommunications established the Tohoku
damage, and distributed Earthquake Disaster ICT Restoration Promotion Liaison Council,
approximately 3,000 two- which is calling on related institutions to participate in discussions
way radios and 13,000 radio and exchanges of information aimed at reconstruction. This
receivers. council is working to support the improvement of broadband
Also, at public facilities FWA antenna VSAT antenna communications (using optical fibers and the like), mobile
such as city halls, town halls and refuge shelters where all means telephony, and terrestrial digital broadcasting.
of communication had been cut off, we installed FWA (Fixed Moreover, using Onagawa as a model of a town subjected
Wireless Access) and VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) to widespread damage (even though it is a relatively small
systems to allow people to share information and use the Internet. municipality), we set up an investigative commission of experienced
We also contributed to the granting of licenses to temporary scientists and other experts to support the computerized planning
FM radio stations set up by local authorities to provide affected decisions geared towards reconstruction. It is expected that the
people with community notices and other information, and to results of this investigation will contribute to the computerization
making it easier and quicker to obtain licenses for radio stations of other similarly affected local authorities.
used as a means of contact in disaster situations. Figure 2: Tohoku Earthquake Disaster ICT Restoration
In addition, the Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications sent Promotion Liaison Council
long-term delegates to local governments in the affected areas,
and actively supported their emergency measures such as the
introduction and installation of communication equipment and
the establishment and operation of temporary disaster-related
broadcasting stations.

3. Supporting recovery and reconstruction by

delivering ICT to affected local governments
Using auxiliary systems set up to restore telecommunication
facilities affected by the disaster, we are supporting the restoration
of facilities such as the Administrative Radio System for Disaster
Use, regional public networks, and CATV.
We are also tackling many issues aimed at restoration and

New Breeze Spring 2013 1

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