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Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018 www.renewableenergyfocus.


Current updates on waste to energy (WtE)
technologies: a review
Hayelom Dargo Beyene1,*, Adhena Ayaliew Werkneh2 and
Tekilt Gebregergs Ambaye3,4
Department of Chemistry, Adigrat University, Ethiopia
Department of Environmental Health, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Department of Chemistry, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education, 2601DA Delft, The Netherlands

Economic development and related increase in global energy demand has created pressure on the
supply of energy resources. To promote sustainable development a safe and renewable energy is
required. For this, municipal solid waste (MSW) contributes significantly in creating a safe environment
and renewable energy. Currently in developing countries, the scarcities of energy and ordinary ways of
MSW disposal have generated a number of environmental and socioeconomic problems. This situation
invites researchers to develop different waste to energy (WtE) conversion alternatives under several
scenarios. A related review show that energy conversion technologies such as incineration, pyrolysis,
gasification, anaerobic digestion, ethanol fermentation, landfill and future trends like microbial fuel
cell (MFC) and microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) are the main ways. Among those WtE technologies are
ecologically green that convert MSW into electricity, hydrogen gas and other chemical feedstocks. The
review suggests that MFC and MEC technologies forecast future WtE for fabrication of biohydrogen
from MSW.

Introduction unreliable energy request are related with numerous environmen-

Economic growth of any country is extremely energy dependent tal problems, such as greenhouse gas emission, air pollution, and
[1]. Nowadays, safe and renewable energy supplies are one of the water pollution [9,10].
governments extreme alarms [2]. The energy requirement for the In 2011, two billion tons of MSW were produced globally and
industrialized world increases exponentially and non-renewable this is expected to reach 9.5 billion per year by 2050 [1113].
source of energy have decreased due to steep increment in the World Bank 2012 report also has similar findings due to the
utilization of fossil fuel. This has resulted in an increase in pollu- urban and economic development [12,13]. MSW generation is
tion levels across the globe [3,4]. predicted to take above the urbanization degree in 2025 reaching
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation is highly linked with 2.2 billion tons/year [7,14]. In the coming decades, the total
factors like economic growth and industrial development [5,6]. MSW generation rate in developing countries will also increase
This indicates that industrialized nations with the better economic rapidly [7,15].
standards will generate a higher amount of MSW [5,7]. In devel- MSW is commonly defined as waste composed of municipalities
oping countries, other factors such as urban expansion, popula- or other local authorities. It includes mainly domestic waste, com-
tion growth, and technological development are contribute to mercial, and institutional wastes [1517]. It can be classified as
increasing MSW generation [8]. Growing waste generation and biodegradable waste, recyclable materials, inert waste, composite
waste and waste plastics, domestic hazardous waste, and toxic waste
*Corresponding author: P.O. Box: 50 Adigrat, Ethiopia. Beyene, H.D. ( [13,18,19]. In the same line, according to Inter-governmental Panel

1755-0084/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

RESEARCH REVIEW Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018

on Climate Change (IPCC), MSW is composed of food waste (25 waste like size, density and moisture are crucial; lesser size organic
70%), plastic, metal, glass, textiles, wood, rubber, leather, paper and waste decomposes at a fast rate and vice versa. The high density
others [13,20,21]. indicates eco-friendly waste and will undertake faster decomposi-
An ecological practice is a factor assists resource exhaustion and tion compared to less density waste that signifies more combustible
waste generation to an acceptable level, a positive help to the material (paper, cardboard, plastics). The high moisture content
fulfillment of human needs, and deliver continuing economic makes the waste more suitable for anaerobic digestion, landfill gas
value to the business creativity [22,23]. Renewable energy is clean and bio-digester gas [32]. For example, a large content of food waste,
and carbon zero discharge energy, the share of which in world kitchen waste and leftovers from residences, restaurants, cafeterias,
electricity production increases from year to year [24,25]. In recent factory lunch-rooms, and markets are categorized as an organic
years, biomass conversion into energy has been growing rapidly fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) due to their high

worldwide due to climate change, low price energy, increase in moisture and high biodegradability [33,34] (Table 1).
safety supply and reduced environmental impact [24,26]. Devel-
oping countries focus on conversion of waste to energy (WtE) due Waste to energy (WtE) conversion technologies
to the growing of price with non-renewable energy generation The promising WtE conversion technologies are thermal conver-
[16,27]. The sustainability of energy production from waste has sion methods (incineration, pyrolysis, and gasification), biochem-
been reviewed by many authors using various approaches such as ical conversion, and landfill [8,43,44]. Electricity, heat, fuel gases,
Energy cost analysis [7,28], Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) [29], and liquids, and solids are the primary recovery products of those
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) [30,31]. technologies. In practice, combinations of two or more of these
This review focuses on the recent and emerging WtE technolo- methods may be used, but there are various difficulties with these
gies which advance toward using MSW to produce renewable current technologies [45].
energy. It explains current and future WtE conversion technolo-
gies. In addition, the authors suggested future WtE trends, direc- Thermal conversion
tions for efficient ways of converting MSW for renewable energy Incineration
generation from the waste recovery point of view. This review Incineration is a technique essentially applied by waste devasta-
highlights recent and emerging WtE technologies which are less tion in a furnace by monitoring burning at high temperatures
published. Specifically, production of hydrogen energy from MSW which takes place between 750 and 1100  C [8,46]. The aim of this
is the new insight in the field of WtE conversion technology. technique is the degradation and destruction of organic elements
When MSW disposed to the environment GHG emission, soil and in MSW, with the presence of oxygen to decrease the weight and
water pollution are the critical problems. These impacts on the the volume of MSW to convert into heat and energy as shown in
environment can be reduced by conversion of MSW to Energy by Fig. 1 [47,48]. It is capable of reducing the almost 70% of the total
different technologies. WtE conversion technology can help to waste mass and 90% of total volume [8,47] or solid wastes up to 80
recover renewable energy and minimize GHG from MSW. 85% [13,48] depending on composition and degree of recovery of
certain materials like metals from the ash for recycling [48].
Characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) Incineration is a practice which generates gaseous pollutants
The composition MSW differs with the topographical site, life such as Sulfur Oxides (SOx), Carbon Oxides (COx), and Nitrogen
smartness, the standard of living, the population of city, etc. Oxides (NOx), Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy
[32]. Poor and medium-income nations mostly generate MSW metals which are dangerous and need to be additional treatment
containing higher organic/biodegradable which is used for gasifica- in the state of the art flue-gas cleaning system before the final
tion, composting and landfilling. The physical composition of the emission in the atmosphere (Fig. 1) [8,13,37,49]. The major

Characteristics MSW samples from various scenarios.
S. No Waste type Density Moisture content Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash content Ultimate analysis % Calorific value Ref.
(kg m3) (MC %) (VM %) (FC %) (AC %) (kcal kg1)
1 Mixed MSW 197 8.6 52.21 24.48 24.42 22.78 5.92 46.73 0.07 0.28 4456 2744 [16]
2 Wet MSW 3040 4060 0.62 2666.7 3333.3 [35]
3 Wet MSW 232.5 85.67 12.49 17 46.68 5.75 43.32 0.74 1.66 4081.8 [36]
4 OFMSW 913.7 79.41 [37]
5 RDF 5.8 71.6 13.8 13.7 49.4 6.7 28.1 1 0.3 4848.5 4036.5 [38]
6 MSW-Paper 200 3.2 85.7 11.7 47.75 7.40 33.62 0.00 0.13 [39]
7 MSW-meat 450 27.7 60.3 10.8 51.12 7.77 17.42 0.88 12.0 [39]
8 MSW 2.3 87 5.3 7.7 40.3 5.6 53 0.2 3702.1 [40]
9 MSW 4.63 77.93 5.32 16.73 [12]
10 MSW 4.67 75.93 10.86 8.54 42.43 5.58 32.28 1.5 3869.3 [41]
11 MSW-cereals 5.5 73.5 1.9 43 5.89 41.4 0.12 2.16 4743.5 4160.7 [42]
12 MSW-peanuts 4.6 79.1 2.2 49 6.66 34.7 0.10 1.93 5911.4 5285.7 [42]
Note: MSW, municipal solid waste; OFMSW, organic fraction of municipal solid waste.

Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018 RESEARCH REVIEW

practice are suitable for carbonaceous waste to produce liquid oil as

a primary product with a high calorific value of about 38 MJ/kg
[53,55,56], reduce the volume of residual to be landfilled and
recovery of the condensate [39,42].
Kuan et al. [41] reported that pyrolysis generated high quality of
crude oil which has the potential to be used as a chemical feedstock
that replaced fuel and refined oil to obtain valuable industrial
FIGURE 1 chemicals including aromatics and phenols. It is also possible and
The schematic of incineration process. potential to pyrolysis MSW for producing valuable pyrolytic oils.
The liquid yields from MSW pyrolysis are chemically very com-

plex, containing a remarkable fraction of water [41,54].
importance of incineration is for the production of heat, and The MSW pyrolysis method is growing in the application as a
steam from MSW. The amount and thermal potential of the newly distributed MSW treatment practice and as an effective
collected material, the effectiveness of the processing system, waste-to-energy converter. The common pyrolysis reactors are
and nature of energy manufactured are major factors determine fixed-bed, rotary kiln, fluidized-bed and tubular reactors, but
WtE recovery. The energy efficiency for generation of heat, cogen- rotary kilns and tubular reactors are conveniences at large scale.
eration (steam and electricity), and pure electricity is ranges from Uniform products (Eq. (1)) other than heat or power must be
80%, 2030% and 20% respectively [50,51]. established, to formulate the expansion and use of single stage
pyrolysis technology [54].
CxHyOz Heat ! Char Liquid Gas H2 O (1)
Pyrolysis is destructive distillation process [52] in which thermal
decomposition is taken place in the absence of oxygen at the range
of temperature 3001300  C [53]. The three common types of Gasification
pyrolysis methods are conventional pyrolysis (550900 K), fast Gasification is a third method thermo-chemical transformation of
pyrolysis (8501250 K), and flash pyrolysis (10501300 K) [8,45]. combustible MSW into hydrocarbon gases (hydrogen (H2), carbon
There are two sets of thermal degradation specifically major monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and low
decomposition of MSW and conversion volatile organic product molecular weight hydrocarbons), hydrocarbon liquids (oils); char
into low molecular weight gases and char. The reaction products (carbon black and ash) [57] reacting at high temperatures (800
are a gaseous product, a pyrolytic liquid, and char, with ash as an 1200  C), without combustion, with a controlled amount of oxy-
undesirable residue (Fig. 2) [5]. gen and/or steam [58]. Reactor design and operating parameters of
The pyrolysis products yield and composition of MSW are gasification process also generate other higher hydrocarbons (HC)
affected by the feedstock, temperature range, heating rate and besides CH4. The production of green gaseous fuels from MSW is
type of reactor used [54]. For example, as the pyrolysis temperature one sparingly and universally capable choice for dealing with these
varies, the product spreading pattern is changed. Lower and higher difficulties [8].
pyrolysis temperatures usually produce more liquid products and Nowadays, it can also expect that gasification can represent an
gaseous yields respectively. Product distribution is also influenced attractive alternative to the well-established thermal treatment
by the speed of the process and the rate of heat transfer [44]. systems for the recovery of renewable energy from municipal solid
When changing MSW into energy by pyrolysis process, there are wastes [38]. A syngas that produced by Gasification is characterized
numerous drawbacks for example air pollution due to HCl, H2S, as heat improved, is cleaned and used depends on its favorite.
NH3, SOx, NOx, odor impacts and emission of exhaust gases [54]. Comparable to incineration, gasification similarly generates bot-
To minimize the problems, emission control strategies are always tom ash (Fig. 3) that needs to be detached and accurately preserved
furnished with pyrolysis services, and measures for improving the [35].
quality of the gas, liquid and char products should be developed to Coal, petroleum-based materials, and organic based materials
make MSW pyrolysis a more environmentally beneficial process are usually raw materials used in gasification. The raw materials are
[45]. Pyrolysis is one of the justifiable solutions for cost profitable ready and enter as dry form into the reactor. It is exposed to the
and reduces environmental pollution specifically in terms of waste reactor or gasifier in either absence or presence of oxygen at high
reduction and carbon recovery. The major advantages pyrolysis heat and pressure that need an energy basis to produce heat [57].
The syngas produced in gasification method contain mainly of
hydrogen and carbon monoxide which combusted in an isolated
container to harvest electricity and chemicals as indicated (Fig. 3)
[59]. The gasification process varies from other practice by various
features such as reactor atmosphere, reactor design, internal and
external heating and operating temperature [57].

Biochemical conversion
Biochemical conversion processes apply bacteria, other microor-
FIGURE 2 ganisms, and enzymes to break down biomass. Biochemical con-
The schematic diagram of pyrolysis. version is unique method that offers an environmental lovely

RESEARCH REVIEW Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018

The schematic of gasification [57].

course for finding energy from MSW. The widely used biochemical protein constituents can demonstrate poisonous to the precise
methods which apply microorganisms for conversion process are action of methanogenic bacteria, producing thoughtful effects to
anaerobic digestion and fermentation [60]. the AD method. Food wastes contain typically of organic consti-
tuents constructing the AD as a better choice for alternative energy
Anaerobic digestion (AD) generation. But, high salt applications in food waste hinder AD
Anaerobic digestion is a biological method with the absence of due to the occurrence of cations such as sodium, potassium,
oxygen that decomposes organic matter to generate biogas mostly calcium, and magnesium [13,63].
composed of methane and carbon dioxide [61]. Nowadays, bio- AD has many environmental benefits including the manufacture
solids, livestock manure, and wet organic materials and MSW at of renewable energy, the option of nutrient recovering, and the
large can be used as a feedstock [13,57]. Usually, the anaerobic decrease of waste capacities. Several studies have publicized that
digestion process has three common steps. The AD first step is AD advances the biogas harvest depending on the waste raw material
broken down of MSW by bacteria, and the complex organic species and the method scheme, biogas is characteristically 4050% [13], 55
is changed into simple soluble units (i.e., amino acids, monosac- 75% [57] unadulterated CH4. The main benefits of AD involve co-
charides and fatty acids). At the second phase translation of digestion of food waste on bio-reactor with diverse substrates to
disintegrated material to organic acids (Acidogenesis) change into empower waste administration and the manufacture of anticipated
simpler products, such as volatile fatty acids (VFA), H2 and CO2. yields, suitable for high moisture content waste and safe future energy
Methanogens are the third phase of AD that converts organic acid request by generating cheap biogas [56]. However, a numberof factors
to CH4 gas (Fig. 4) [13,60,62]. The CH4 gas can substitute energy are donated to the productivity of AD process, and essential to be
resulting from fossil fuel. Other nutrient-rich digestants are optimized to attain supreme profits. Some of the factors are type
formed as a by-product used for fertilizer. The general procedures reactors, the formation and quality of co-substrates, process variables
and denoted by chemical Eq. (2) [63,64]. (temperature, pH, etc.), and microbial dynamics, etc. [13,63].
Organicmatter ! CH4 CO2 H2 NH3 H2 S (2) Currently, several categories of bioreactors are used for AD.
However, batch, continuous one-stage, and continuous two-stage
When energy generation via anaerobic digestion (AD) from reactors are the three main schemes usually applied with a vari-
organic wastes gases like CH4, CO2, and traces gases such as ability of methanogens. Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR),
NOx, SOx, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) leak into the atmosphere a tubular reactor, anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR), up-
and pollute the environment [65]. High concentration of free flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and fixed film reactor are
ammonia (NH3) resulting from degradation of nitrogen-rich examples of these reactors [13].

Schematic reactions anaerobic digestion (AD) of complex organic matter [64].

Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018 RESEARCH REVIEW

Ethanol fermentation manufacturing facility which involves detailed planning and spe-
It is a biochemical reaction which encompasses hydrolysis sucrose cifications, careful construction and efficient task. The schematic
and fermentation of sugars. First, sucrose transforms into fructose symbol of a characteristic landfilling process with its stages is
and glucose via hydrolysis of the enzyme. Then, fructose and shown in Fig. 6 [7,72].
glucose are converted into ethanol through the enzymatic reac- The landfill is usually applied in developing nations as an
tion. At last, enzymatic hydrolysis is formerly continued by fer- effective frame that is required to entertain waste for reprocesses
mentation, distillation, and dehydration to yield anhydrous and recover. Landfilling creates thoughtful fears such as the envi-
bioethanol (Fig. 5) [63]. ronmental pollution of soil, water, and air. The reformed WtE
Bio-ethanol has been manufactured from several food wastes, method will displays a special role MSW administrations since it
such as banana peel [66], grape pomace [67] potato peel waste [68], can decrease the waste by 90% and 70% in volume and weight

cafeteria food waste [69] and household food waste [70]. Various respectively [73].
pretreatment methods have been applied such as acid, alkali, A landfill has two life stages; (i) operating stage where MSW is
thermal and enzymatic methods in order to increase cellulose being put and biogas fabrication starts and (ii) closed stage when
solubility, due to the complex nature of the lignocellulosic con- the loading volume delivered its extreme biogas production.
stituent of food wastes [71]. Enzymatic hydrolysis is possibly the When MSW is landfilled, biochemical degradation of the organic
top common pretreatment technique in ethanol making from content takes place, which is actually anaerobic digestion that
food waste. Ethanol fermentation is a practice that is achievable, occurs in three stages in turn resulting CH4 generation in the form
and attractive technology; which reduces food waste and lowers of biogas (Fig. 7) (i) Liquefaction, bacteria convert carbohydrates,
the carbon footprint to synthesize ethanol from foodstuff waste. fats, proteins and other insoluble, fibrous materials into soluble
However, the sustainability and total cost of the manner it is substances, (ii) Acid forming, acid-forming bacteria convert solu-
carried out should still be researched to lower the price of ethanol ble organic matter into volatile acids in the second step, and (iii)
invention from food waste [13]. biogas production, methane-forming bacteria convert these VFA
into biogas. The biogas formed typically consists of CH4 (5075%),
Landfill processes NH3 (0.11%), N2 (3.94.1%), O2 (0.91.1%), non-methane vola-
Landfilling is a choice for WtE technology that uses manufacturing tile organic compounds 0.010.60%, CO2 (2550%), and water
values to keep solid waste to minimum space and decrease it to the vapor 66.5% [74].
lowermost permissible size. In hygienic practice, the sanitary Every year, around 3070 million tons of CH4 is released from
landfill can be clear as a scientific dumping of MSW using landfills. Water, CH4, CO2, and heat are the major products

Schematic of the ethanol fermentation organic matter.

Schematic of landfill process with its process.

RESEARCH REVIEW Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018

The three stages of MSW anaerobic digestion.

resulting from aerobic and anaerobic processes occurring in damp industrial production of H2 molecule via steam reforming of
sites [75]. Bacterial decay, volatilization, and chemical reactions natural gas, water-splitting electrolysis process, and as a by-prod-
are major processes that result in the development of Landfill gases uct from some industrial processes [81,82]. Currently, the total
(LFG) [37]. The major factors which affect LFG generation are hydrogen production is above one billion m3/day from different
waste composition, availability of biodegradable organic materi- sources such as natural gas (48%), oil (30%), coal (18%), and water
als, the age of waste, moisture content, pH, and temperature [7]. electrolysis (4%). Nowadays, researchers forecast H2 will be fuel of
The over-dependence on landfilling has caused in the emission of the future, and non-renewable fuels replaced by renewable bio-
CH4 gas, a more potent GHG than CO2, through anaerobic hydrogen energy globally [81,83].
decomposition of solid waste [76]. Production of H2 from waste via biological method has emerging
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) investigates that demand due to its renewability and sustainable nature. Microor-
on a universal scale, landfilling still exemplifies the chief removal ganisms have flexible and various metabolic mechanism to change
technique for MSW [77]. The LFG produced via biological decom- MSW to biohydrogen energy [80]. Biologically synthesized H2 is
position has a composition of CH4 (4560%), CO2 (4055%) and beneficial, due to low energy requirement [84,85] and low invest-
trace components which are used as energy in an interior burning ment cost, high energy yield of 142 kJ g1 (2.75 times superior
machines, gas turbines and steam boilers for electricity or heat than any hydrocarbon fuel) [82,83], free of GHG [86,87], and high
production [78]. calorific value fuel [88,89]. And eventually H2 is an important
feedstock to the chemical industry [90,91].
Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) The two primary H2 production methods are named as physical
MBT is pretreatment system for further processing waste treatment chemical and biological methods. Physicalchemical methods are
process which incorporated two phases: (i) mechanical treatment very energy exhaustive and generate greenhouse gases [82] which
(MT) and (ii) biological treatment (BT). In the first Phase, the larger influence global warming while biological methods are environ-
size MSW is identified through the mechanical treatment as mentally sustainable [89], reduce energy depletion [90] and have a
burnable matter managed to refuse derived fuel (RDF) for energy low-cost substrate [87]. Biological H2 manufacturing is principally
production, while the identified MSW after MT (MT residue) is donated by anaerobic fermentation, which is generally categorized
used for producing organic fertilizer and biogas by engaging the BT into two core groups: light independent and light dependent.
phase. Currently, biohydrogen has attracted scientist as new research
The MBT method allows us to recycle resources and to decrease area [80,81,90].
the greenhouse gas discharges while receiving the yield by creating
sustainable fuels from MSW to decrease the extent of waste Photobiological process
directed to landfill and to upgrade the possible recovery of It shows the dependence of light to harvest Biohydrogen as it is
resources. The MBT practices operate and translate feed waste into arbitrated by some phototrophic bacteria (like Rhodobacter sphaer-
diverse streams, which are directed to material reprocessing, waste oides, Rhodopseudomonas capsulate, Rhodopseudomonas palustris,
disposal and energy reuse [40,79]. The mechanical separation is and Rhodospirillum rubrum) by applying the organic carbon as
done using numerous mechanisms, such as near-infrared (NIR) substrates. The bacteria have not enzymes similar to nitrogenase
separators, ballistic separators and magnets, and hand gathering and hydrogenase to ferment the substrate into biohydrogen, CO2,
for the elimination of heavy and large objects. In order to ease and organic acids. Moreover, these bacteria lose photosystem II
separation, waste like glass and plastic materials are shredded to which assists in eradicating O2 existing in the system and sus-
the average size of a few hundred millimeters [80]. tained anaerobic situations through the practice [19,85].

New trends (WtE) technologies Dark fermentation

Biological hydrogen production It is characterized by decomposition of an organic substrate by
Hydrogen is the extremely available element on earth and does not anaerobic bacteria in an environment with the absence of light
exist in elemental form. Fossils are the major sources for the and oxygen to produce biohydrogen by conversion of complex

Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018 RESEARCH REVIEW

organic compounds such as carbohydrate-rich materials. These dark fermentative hydrogen production from various types of
organic polymers were initially hydrolyzed into sugar molecule, organic wastes. According to nutrient composition, and the feed-
which undergoes a series of chemical reactions to produce biohy- stock belonging to a carbohydrate-rich group show higher H2
drogen [17]. The fate of the dark fermentation process for the yields than the other group feedstock [93].
quantity of H2 produced depends on the bacteria involved in the Carbohydrates are the prime substrate for dark fermentative H2
process and formation of acids. According to Eq. (3), the dark production than proteins, lipids, and lignocelluloses when it
fermentation process of 1-mole glucose yields 4 mole H2 by acetate compares H2 production potential among seven diversity of
pathway and 2 mole H2 through butyrate pathways, respectively organic fractions of MSW [94]. Luca et al. [34] indicated that
[18,85]. the unevenness of waste variability of OFMSW produced a marked
3 effect on H2 potential manufacture. Carbohydrate-rich OFMSW is

C6 H12 O6 2H2 O ! CH3 COOH CO2 4H2 Acetic acid
C6 H12 O6 ! CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH CO2 2H2 Butyric acid 7 7
characterized by high H2 potentials while protein and lipid-rich
C6 H12 O6 2H2 ! CH3 CH2 COOH H2 OPropionic acid 7 fractions, characterized by low hydrogen potentials. Variations in
C6 H12 O6 2H2 ! COOHCH2 CH2 OCOOH CO2 Malic acid 5 the waste composition may result in important changes on H2
C6 H12 O6 ! CH3 CH2 OH CO2 Ethanol yields, but less influenced for methane productions [34]. The
3 major problems dark fermentation for Biohydrogen from waste
Fermentative conversion of an organic substrate to its products are low generation and yield [95].
involves a flow interconnected biochemical reactions, viz., hydro-
lysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. The com- Bioelectrochemical process
plex organic compounds are decomposed to smaller units during Microbial fuel cells (MFC)
hydrolysis by hydrolytic microorganisms. Then, acidogenic bacte- Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are bio-electrochemical devices accus-
ria ferment the monomers into a mixture of low molecular weight tomed generate organic phenomenon from a wide range of sub-
VFA along with H2 (Eq. (3)). The reversible conversion of acetate strates by using bio electrogenic microorganisms, to produce
production from H2 and CO2 by acetogenins and homoacetogens energy. The MFC device uses electrochemically active microorgan-
can also be considered for H2 production. Finally, the acetoclastic isms (EAM) to come up with electricity. MFC involves aerobic and
methanogens convert these organic acids to CH4 and CO2 during anaerobic treatments using bacteria as a catalyst is an encouraging
methanogenesis. Acetogens grow in syntrophic association with approach for the generation of biohydrogen fabrication. A range of
the hydrogenotrophic methanogens and keep the H2 partial pres- organic substrates such as domestic waste, animal waste, and
sure low enough to allow acidogenesis to become thermodynami- wasted sludge will be utilized as a feedstock [85].
cally favorable for interspecies H2 transfer. Henceforth, the metha- The MFC is promising an ecological technology to satisfy grow-
nogenic activity needs to be suppressed to make H2 a major ing energy requests by renovating MSW into electricity and H2 gas.
metabolic by-product (Eq. (4)) [4,92]. MFC can generate electricity by microbes relocation options due
3 electron passage cable onto an electrode surface whereas ATP
C6 H12 O6 2H2 O ! 2CH3 COOH 2CO2 4H2
7 generation thanks to fabricating a nucleon driver [96] (Figs 8
C6 H12 O6 2H2 O ! 2CH3 CH2 COOH 2CO2 2H2 7
Pyruvate CoA 2Fdox ! Acetayl  CoA Fdred CO2 5 and 9). Washington et al. [97] confirms that fruits waste which
contains monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides are
2H Fdred ! H2 Feox
4 often utilized in the metabolic means of high microbic popula-
tions for the organic phenomenon production whereas vegetable
Dark fermentative bio-hydrogen production from MSW is a waste contains polysaccharides are requested a better consump-
potentially promising method for continuously improving H2. tion of energy for their decomposition and involvement within
Biohydrogen yield depends on reactor conditions, components the metabolic courses [97].
of the MSW and types of substrates. Besides that, the degradation MFC is an outstanding way to demonstrate electron allocation
of monosaccharides and glycerol is the most common pathway for principles which work by redox reactions within bacterium will

Conceptual MFC schematic of direct electricity generation.

RESEARCH REVIEW Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018

FIGURE 9 Single chamber microbial electrolysis cell.
Schematic of the microbial fuel cell transfer of electrons from bacteria to
the anode, then transfer to cathode connected via electric wire [95].
the system value can differ meaningfully when using various
substrates or are applied in diverse environments. Electrons are
feed off a substrate or food (MSW). The bacterium is reserved in transferred to the cathode to reduce the protons for H2 production.
situation missing oxygen which would usually decrease their Because the microbial electrolysis is endothermic (positive Gibbs
growth. This is often as a result of oxygen typically performances free energy) so it would not occur spontaneously unless hydrogen
as an electron acceptor. What happens within the metabolism of partial pressure is extremely low [102104].
the substrates from the waste stream is that electrons in sugars, This approach brings a way for encompassing H2 production to
fats, proteins, or alternative bioavailable molecules are taken by pass through the endothermic barrier forced by the microbial
the bacterium and transferred through a microorganism metabolic creation of fermentation products, and the potential required is
pathway the simplest way that the electrons will be employed by moderately low related to the theoretically applied voltage of
the cells for energy (Fig. 9) [97]. 1.23 V for water electrolysis. Application of external voltage results
In the second section, pyruvate distraction takes place inside in the selective growth of electrochemically active bacteria, which
mitochondrial cells that converts into CO2 and acetyl-CoA. Con- can efficiently sink electrons [104]. Research on MEC accepts
sequently, acetyl-CoA is changed to oxaloacetate, after which it above 90% of H2 retrieval against 33% with the dark fermentation
participates in the Krebs cycle. NADH is an end product which process. MEC showed an ability to change a variability of soluble
stored CO2 and high-energy electrons. The Krebs cycle keeps to organic matter to H2 or CH4 with immediate wastewater treatment
continuously regenerate NAD+ by using molecular oxygen. In the [80].
membrane-bound electron transport chain, NADH permits its According [104], the MEC stage holds excessive potentials for
high energy electrons to O2, which would later produce water. future waste biorefineries. MECs translate biodegradable waste
Finally, within the third section, membrane-bound organic pro- into value-added energy carriers and bioproducts, making the
cess happens once aldohexose is catabolized to get energy [98]. system probably energy-positive and carbon-neutral. The yield
The electron transport chain takes place within mitochondrial and rate of MEC are promoted when integrated with the fermen-
and cellular membranes in eukaryotic and prokaryote cells respec- tation process. Exploitation of new materials, reactor configura-
tively. As protons move back across the membrane, ADP is phos- tions, and prices are often reduced, and system efficiency is
phorylated to form ATP. Electron carriers include NADH, FADH2, improved. Experiments show higher understanding of the syn-
and QH2, which are coenzymes that reduce O2. Electrons are trophic and competition among completely different microorgan-
moved to the anode by electron mediators, by direct mem- ism groups. Therefore, ways for promoting syntrophic interactions
brane-associated electron transfer or by so-called nanowires [98]. or minimizing energy and merchandize losses are often developed
for system proportion and application [105] (Table 2).
Microbial electrolysis cells (MEC)
Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is a hypothetically smart green Future perspectives
technology to challenge the global warming and energy demand, This review has indicated that every country has to adopt a
which works electrochemically energetic bacteria to change MSW sustainable development strategy that will support to improve
into H2 and chemicals, such as CH4, acetate, hydrogen peroxide, the quality of life of current and future generations with the
ethanol, and formic acid [99]. This method parallels to MFCs, but application of effective waste management and resource effi-
the cathode of MECs is not open to air [100]. Presently, MEC has ciency. MFC and MEC are the most appropriate eco-friendly
gained growing attention in the recent years as a capable avenue WtE option to convert MSW to energy. However, application of
for obtaining clean and justifiable energy from wastes [97]. More- this technology to realize high-energy yields in the form of hydro-
over, MEC has higher H2 recovery and wider substrate diversity gen requires a lot of modification with the feedstock, bioreactor
compared to dark, photo fermentation and MFC [101]. design and optimization of operational parameters. Although a
Figure 10 demonstrated that MECs could change any biodegrad- number of MSW pre-treatment methods have been greatly stud-
able waste into H2, biofuels, and other value-added products, but ied, there are still challenges that need further investigation and

Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018 RESEARCH REVIEW

Comparison summery of WtE technologies [56,58,63,81,85,89,93,94,101111].
S. No. WtE technologies Benefits Limitation Primary product Application
1 Incineration Suitable for high calorific The high capital, Heat Generation, electricity and
value maintenance, and operation steam/heat
Reduce volume and mass up costs
to 80% and 70% respectively Produces harmful pollutants
generation of solid residues
2 Pyrolysis Produce high-quality fuel High viscosity of pyrolysis Char, bio-oil and syngas Electricity, production
Reduces flue gas treatment High operating, maintenance chemicals and solvents

suitable for carbonous waste and capital cost
Decrease MSW volume up to
3 Gasification Production of fuel gas/oil, Immature, inflexible, less Syngas producer gas Generation electricity and
which can be used for various competitive technologies chemicals
purpose High risk of failure
4 Landfill Low cost, natural resources Soil and groundwater Landfill gas Electricity
are recycled to soil pollution
Large land area required
5 Anaerobic digestion (AD) Preferred for biomass with Unsuitable for wastes Biogas and dig estate Electricity, nitrogen rich
high water content containing less organic fertilizer Agricultural, and
Higher composition of matter food biorefinery
methane (CH4) and lower Lignin can persist for very
composition of carbon extended periods of time to
dioxide (CO2) than landfill degrade
6 Ethanol fermentation Does not contribute to the It is limited only on starch/ Bioethanol Fuel, agricultural biorefinery
increase in CO2 emissions cellulose/rich MSW
7 Photobiological process A wide spectral energy can be Nitrogenize enzymes get H2 gas CO2, organic acids Bioelectricity
used by photosynthetic inhibited in the presence of
bacteria O2. Light conversion
efficiency is low
8 Dark fermentation Utilizing wide range of H2 gas Bioelectricity
biodegradable substrates
More feasible for mass
production of H2, light-
independent process
9 Microbial fuel cell (MFC) An effective method of It does not function at very H2 gas Bioelectricity, biohydrogen
electricity generation and low temperatures because production, wastewater
odor removal from waste microbial reactions are slow treatment
Zero contribution to GHG at low temperatures
10 Microbial electrolysis High product (H2) recovery, The yield effects by substrate H2 gas, CH4, acetate, Used for generation of
cell (MEC) and substrate degradation composition hydrogen peroxide, electricity and immediate
than the photo, dark High internal resistance and formic acid wastewater treatment
fermentation, and MFC Dense architecture
High hydrogen translation High capital cost
Low energy requirement
Applicability to numerous
organic substrates

improvement. Chemical pre-treatment leads to residual chemical energy crops and MSW. Since MSW waste has high moisture
disposal problems and extra cost for neutralization of chemical- content, it could be digested without additional water require-
treated feedstock before MFC and MEC. Hence, further research is ment. The design and engineering of a future solid-state digester
needed to focus on microbial pre-treatment especially focusing on tailored for, MFC and MEC of organic biomass should ensure
the development of a viable microbial consortium with efficient that it:
MSW activity, since MSW degradation requires sequential inter- Operates in a semi-continuous mode to allow sustainable gas
play of different individual microbial strains. Furthermore, the production all throughout without interruption like that
problems associated with organic biomass clogging of conven- caused by batch reactors.
tional high-rate bioreactors and process failure due to feedstock Has mixing devices to circulate incoming MSW with the
floatation need more research into the development of solid- inoculums.
state, MFC and MEC digesters that are more tailored for biohy- Re-circulates effluent slurry to re-inoculate the incoming MSW
drogen of high solid feedstocks such as organic biomass including and minimize water usage.

RESEARCH REVIEW Renewable Energy Focus  Volume 24, Number 00  March 2018

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