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ees, yf al Telecom Model objective ree p ap Piperprenared by Apex Educational Acaderay 351044979 ofits 0 0 If & Sethe Times $3Maa Evaluate: tim ——3 = 7 Pay eoeeerl meeseait 8. undefined bo cc. Infinity 4.47 2 What isthe equation ofthe normal to the curvex?+y=25 at(4,3)? a Sx+3y=9 b.3x-4y=0 C.Ixtdy= 5 Find the aptae transform of | 2/(8+ 1) ]—[4/(8 #3) 8.2e'— 40 eee cetae 4. (Qe) (1-26) 4. The following isin unstubie equilibrium &. A uniform solid cone resting on a generator on a smooth horizontal plane b. A uniform solid cone resting on its base on a horizontal plane ©. A solid cube resting on one edge 4. A satellite encircling the earth 5. The vertical reaction At the support of the structure shown in figure below, is eae, ait by2t 6. Rate of change of angular momentum is equal to & ®) Force Xo Linear momentum b) Torque d) Impulse 7. The compression ratio of petrol engine is 2)3106 b)5t08 & ¢) 15 t020 4) 201030 &, An adiabatic process is one in which a) no heat enters or leaves the gas oh ») the temperature ofthe gas chee fy ¢) the change in internal energy is equal to thé mechanical work done 4d) all of the above 9. According to Kelvin-Planck's statement of setond law of thermodynamics, a) its impossibte to cons:ruct an eiigste working ona eyclie process, whose sole purpose is to convert heat energy into work b) itis possible to construct an engine working ona eylic process, whose sole purpose isto convert heat energy into work €)it is impossible to construct a device which operates in a cycle process and produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cold body toa hot body 3st 4) None of the above 16, What isan ideal uid? a. A fluid which has no viscosity ¢. A fluid which has no surface tension b, A fluid which is incompressible d. All of the above 1. The efficiency of the transformer will be maximum when a. Iron losses is equal tothe twice of the copper losses b. Copper losses is equal tothe tice ofthe iron losses ¢ Tron losses is equal to tne copper losses d. All of these 12, In delta connected system, the potential difference between line outers is 1, Equal to the phase voltage ¢. Less than the phase voltage , Greater than the phase voltage d, None of these 13. For improving the sil condition and efficiency of earthing system, the pit area round the GL. pipe isfilled with 2, Mixture of copper and nickel 6. Misture of aluminium and sulphate b. Mixture of chloride and sodium 4. Mixture of salt and coal 14. For induction motors, 4. it should be essentially a constant speed motor ‘Its speed reduces to some extent with increase in load ot does not need to be synclircnized 4, All of these . 15, What is the voltage at 2ud terminal in the given circuit? a) 132.57 6) 1B.28V 6) 137.25V )123.57V 16. The leakage current in @ crystal diode is due to. a) minority carriers: b) majorit i ¢) junction capacitance 4) none of the above 11. The base of a transistor is a) heavily ) lightly b) moderately 4) —_aone of the above 18. Microprocessor 8685 can address locations upto a.32K b. 128K ©. 64K dM 19. C variable cannot start with a. Anumber ¢. Both of the above '. A special symbol other than underscore 4, Anelphabet 20, VSB modulation is preferred in TV because ait reduces the bandwidth requirement to half ¢.ipresultinpetter reception b. itavoids phase distortion at low frequencies “fone of the above 21. Which of the following isthe process by which managerg,llocafaa chunk of their work to subordinates along with sufficient authority to accomplish the work? 4° a. Delegation . Motivation CG Npeedback 4, Departmentation 22. From the viewpoint of staff personnel, the mejor eon line-staff conflict is/are that line personne! 1, onot make proper use of staff personnel. TD Resist new ideas. IML, Do not give staff personnel enough auth IV. Lack a first-hand experience of ope nd a Only) ©, Both (lil) and (IV) b. Only) (and at) 23. Which of the following is NOT a basic function of a project manager? a) controlling ») programming ©) scheduling 4) planning 24. Accounting is the process of matching 2) Benefits and Costs ) Cash inflows and outflows b) Revenues and Costs 4) Potential and real performance 25. Companies profit divided among shareholder is a) interest b) reserve ©) dividend 8). surplus 36. Mr. Adhikar’ borrowed money from the bank. He received from the Bank Rs, 1,842 and promised to repay Rs. 4,000 at the end of 10 months. Determine the rate of simple interest a) 12.19% b) 12.03% ¢) 11.54% d) 16.29% 27, Which of the following isnot available inthe Financial Statements of @ Company ? 2) Total Sales ©) Loss fiom Fire 6) Total Profit and Loss 4) None of above 2g, ae ta a, FHA TSA fara ea | P 3 ©) wea feet ad) arene feet . SAL HET HAH ATHY TATAH HALT THT | a) tt b) R 2) 8 d) TTT 30. geen a Te HM TE AT TY A et BE HA TS 7 ql wa by 90 fer o) wo fer 6) cof fepal Telecom Model objective questi uestions(General paper}pre :ducati ( pared by Apes Edi 014108143 985108979 aaa eee 1, The inverse Laplace transform 2) sinwt es (si wi ol 5) eee ei ee of: eh 8) cosmt r= yl Were. on 2 Fe sop of ine vibes aoa SRRRRSNRTT SR CC oyna 4, Free body diagram is an Oe Oy as (@) Isolated joint with only body forces actin (ated ji wih inal sg mai joint wi * = an (None i all the forces, internal as well as external, acting on it 5. Which of the following is not an internal Combustion (IC) engine? a, Gas engine b. Wankel engine ¢. Jet engine 6. Newton's law of viscosity states that a. the shear stress applied to the fluid is directly proportional to the velocity gradient (du/dy) b. the shear stress applied to the fluid is inversely proportional tothe velocity gradient (du/dy) «. the shear stress applied tothe fluid is directly proportional to the specific weight of te fluid G. the shear stress applied to the fluid is inversely proportional to the specitic weight of the fluid 7. One ton of refrigeration is equal to .. a, 210KJ/min b, 35 KI/mi ce. 150KS/min 4, 250 K/min 8. The heat flows from a cold body to hot body with the aid of an extemal source. This statement is gi a. Kelvin b, Joule oc, Ciausiuk +? 4d. Gay-Lussac 9, Moment of inertia of a squares of side b about an axis through il'cente of gravity, is sh 4. tiling engine abd boiz Aeb dbs 10. The universal gate is, 5 a) NAND gate b) OR gate 0) AND gate 4) None of the above 11. The Op-amp car. amplify nals only ‘W c) hot and d.s. signals b) de. signals only 4 & avitherd.c. nora. signals 12, The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a transistor connected in comanon collector serrangement i a) 180° ye <) 90" 270° 13, An Inductor works as a circuit for LC supply. 2) Open ©) Polar b) Short 4) Non-polar 14, Calculate the maximum power delivered across Ry of the circuit given. 4 . 2) 900W 2025 by 1025W 6) 1500V vette 15: Find the voltage across 2402 cesistor by using Thevenin's theorem. a) 8V oj 1V HSV av 16: If charge q= 32? + 2 ther: current is given by a) 642 ©) bt byt 3042 17, Non-cohetent detection is not possible for Ps by ASK » FSK d) botl (a) and (c) q print("%d H+), } ad b6 eS 424 19. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an a. interpreter ’, sintulator ¢, compiler commander 20, The ascending order or a data Hierarchy is a, bit «bytes - fields - record - file - database «, bytes - bitfield - record «file - database b. bit- bytes - record - field - file - database 4. bytes -bit - record «field - file - darabase 21. Which of the following managers deal with the actual operations ofanag ization’s units? (@) Top level (b) Middle level (€) Administrative (@) Customer support. € 22, Information that originates outside the organization js KnoWn, a8 extemal information. Which of the following is/are example(s) of external information in an organization amy a. Daily receipts and expenditures ‘© Quantity of an itein in hand or in inventory b. Descriptions of customer satisfaction with produéts ind, 4, Cost and selling price of the company’s item. services 23, Financial ratios are particularly importagtTéyhagggetial control in an organization. One. such financial ratio viz, return on investment, isa ratio that attempts té measire a firm's a. Leverage b. Profitabylity, " ¢. Liquidity d. Reliability 24. Which of the following is a simple horizontal bar chart that depicts project tasks againct a calendar? a) PERT chart ) Bar chart ¢) Line chart d) Gantt chart 25. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory argues that needs form a five-level hierarchy. Which of the following needs, as classified by Maslow, is at the bo:tom of the hierarchy? (a) Security needs (b) Social needs (©) Physiological needs (a) Esteem needs : 26. Financial Statement of business at any targeted time in terms of assets and liabilities is 2) Book Keeping : ¢) Balance Sheet b) Profitability Statement __ €) Audit 27. A series of uniform payment over an infinite period of time 1) Depletion b) Capitalized cost ©) Perpetuity 4) Inflation 28. According to accounting equation assets are equal to? : ) equities 4) none of these »b) liabilities and equities 29, SI A TI WAAAY a ReU HTT, WH 200 TAT safeara aarctreng BIC MAT TAGS | a) c) b) v9 a) ‘mafia pe it Big | 0, TT CH AT AH TAY GH ETE CT TEM EASE? b) 20 feat c) tc Rar a) Rat a) feat soe = Vix'+ ¥")) dx x dy = fivix’+y+y=0 b. the probability that A wil rot cece 4 ¢. the prebability A will, ‘occur is one if dat ofthe above statements ar comet |. An isothermal process i Boyle's Law ee 1 Telecom Model odjective questions(General b. Clarle’s Law Paper)prepared by Apex Educational Academy OLanst43 isssiusig7y Time :15 Min. eWctyey= AMG yyt yn aye det hy—3/"Oanaety?s 2x b-6y T= U7 807 - 4787 is the probability of the comoiement of A ‘event A is certain ‘ b 6 Gay-Lussec Law 4. Avogadro's Law owe Property of a body which offers reluctance to change is state of rest or uniform ‘motion, is i“ i aa : : 6 Coctacen of ftction dependson” Ones oe (@) Nature of surfaces only (©) Both (A) and ®) @) Area of contact only (€)None of the a PThe ger ‘Gas cnergy equation is (where Q, .. = Heat supplied. dU = Change in internal energy, und H.°" Work done in ‘wnins) AD2= ds, bQ.2=cU- By ©.01.a™ dUM, 9 4 Orage dx M2 8 The reaction at the support B of the beara shown below — Rta i am an am 7 Im 2 2m a 16t 9, What does a refrigerant do? b, 96t ) evaporates in the evaporator A oe Bt 2) absorbs the heat leakage into body from sarong, y a 05t ~ )absorts latent heat of vaporization from the body which is cooled «)all ofthe mentioned ow 10, Relation between puwer, voltage and conduciance? a)V=P'G )P=VG b)V=PIG d)P=V'G 1 Find ris + ~L * ; T a)175Q o174n b)1720 1780 12, Norton’s current is equal to 4) Short circuit voltage ) Open circuit current 13, Find the gain forthe following cir we " mM a2 OT b)2 dt ©) Open circuit voltage 4) Shor circuit current 14, When a pentavalent impurity is added to @ pure semiconductor, it becomes . a) An insulator ©) p-type semiconductor b) An inrnsic semiconductor 4}, tntype semiconductor 15, Ima transistor, [c= 100 mA and lg = 100.5 mA, The value of Bis. a) 100 b) 50 €) about | ea 16, When windings of 3 - phase induction motor is rotated ina magnetic field, then the ‘emf induced in ezch phase are of a Same magnitude but different Fequency e, Same magsiude and same fequency , Different magnitude but same Frequency Different magnitude and different frequency 17. When a subroutines ale, the adress oft nstetion flowing the CALL inetuetions stored infon the a. stack pointer b.aceanator ¢. program euunter cok IBA collection of lines thet connects several devices is calle a) bus ) peripheral connection wires 4) internal wires 19. Interrupts which are initiated by an instruction are a intemal external hardware ca 20, The rate et which information canbe caried throdgh a ¢ommunication channel depends on a. carrer Frequency b, bandwidth «. transmission loss d. transmitted power 21. Accounting is the process of matching te 2) Benefits and Costs FE... ©) Cashintiows and outflows b) Revenues and Costs 83 ee. a) Potetial and cal performance 22. Which ofthe flloninginvahes a graphic forse ef aemativeexussof ation andthe rstibeoucomes and risks associated with each action? i: a Decision Tree b. Risk analysis ¢,Ineremental analysis 4, Rational analysis 23, Which ofthe fellowing cont resolution ‘echnigues implies emphasizing the areas of aecment and common goes and de- emphasing disagreements? (@) Forcing (&) Smoothing (¢) Compromise (@ Avoidance. 24, Which of the following information processing systems gives the oe the form of summary and exception reports that are ‘useful to the managers? (2) Decision support system (b) Management information system’ (©) Office automation system (@) Transaction processing . 25. The fact that 70-80 percent of a managers time is taken up ip leas with others, highlights the need for effective Communication for successful management. Which ftihe following strategies is not likely 10 improve communication effectiveness? a. Avoiding non-verbal cues . Using active listening techniques b. Using simple, unambiguous language 4. Using appropriate and consistent nonverbal cues 26, Which financial statement is used to show what tne firm owns? a) income stalement ©) staiement of retained earings 'b) balance sheet ) cash flow statement 27. Operating profit is 4) profit after deducting financial costs b) profit afler deducting taxes ©) fit after deducting normal operating expenses including depreciation 4d) equal tonet profit 8, How long will tke money to double itself if nvested at 5% compounded annually? a) 13.7 years b) 14,7 years ©) 142 years 4d) 153 years 29, TON TH BT STAY TTT rare age a Wee gS ae ae wee PRT Fe TM? a) 6 he os d) te 30, 2a ert ae Fer aaa ETE TOF | a) aaa ae A ey TTA pal Telecom Me jeeti i fr ladel objective questions(General paper)prepared by Apex Educational Acadesay : 01-416 SSA See LPBIA)=l se P(Aend BY . i “4 . “1 J. P(A and B)= 2 seat ofa sphere with eter (3,24) and of rae Gans it ’ embed) =< by Mi ote bas o) y+ 2 46x— dy +82>6 Fi oa pete? . 4) V4 y 42 +6x—4y +82= 36 0 a soe a family of lines passing through the origin, ; ‘ dy-ydx=0 dxty dy= = ath xdy-y ©) xde+y dy=0 @) ydetxdy=0 @ eee property ofa body which offers reluctance to change its state of rest or uniform motion, is (b) Mass () Inertia (dj Momentur, 5. Ata given i ‘i 4 velociyis instant ship is travelling at 6 knw due east and ship is travelling at 8 kmv/h due north, The relative (@) 7 krw/ars {by 2-kaviirs (¢) L kn/hrs (4) 10 kavnrs 6. In the structure shown in below figure, the member which sake zero force, is ° aj 28 8 a5 2t F > ¢ (@) AB W) BC (BE (Se (d) All the above 7, The absolute zero temperature is taken as VR a) -273°C 6) 273°C oF 4)-230F When ovo bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third bodygthey are also in thermal eqaiibrium with each other. ‘This statement is called ge a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics PR Second law of thermodynamics ) First law of thermodynamics wk 4) Kelvin Plank’s Lew 9, The transfer of heat between two bodies in direct contact is called a) radiation ¥ c)conduction ) convection Q 4) none of the mentioned 10, Efficiency of a transformer is maximum at ¢. Unity power factor a. Leading power factor d.None of these b. Lagging power factor 11. Filters are used to convert 4. Pulsating de signal into a pure de signal b, Pure de signal into a pulsating de signal 12, The net power in a series R-C circuit is a. Zero b, Positive . Negative 4. None of these 1}, According to Kirchhoff's voltage law, a, The algebraic sun of al the exm.f's inthe circuit i 7er0 b Algebraic sum all the voltage drops in the circuits ro ¢ Algebraic sum of ems plus algebraic sum of voltage drops is equal to zero ¢. Pulsating dc signa! into a pure ac signal 4d. Pulsating ac signal into a pure de signal 4. All of these 14, The Wheatstone bridge is mainly used to measure a) Currents ¢) Node potertials »b) Voltages 4d) Resistances __ temperature coefficient of resistance, 15. A semiconductor has .... b) Zero c) Negative d) None af the above a) Positive 16, . Ina pnp transistor, the current carriers are - a) acceptor ions b) donor ions ¢) free electrons d) holes connected. 17. A zener diode is always . a) reverse b) forward ¢) either reverse or forward 4d) none of the above 18, Frequency Shift Keying (FSX) is used mostly m a. telegraphy ¢, satellite communication b. telephony ¢. radio Wansisission 19, VSB modulation is preferred in TV because 2. it reduces the bandwidth requirement to half ¢. ieresuls in better reception b. it avoids phase distortion at low frequencies d.ncre of ihe atove 20. A complete micracomputer system consist of . a) micronrocessor ¢) peripheral equipment b) memory 4) all of the above 21. The cost of Air-Conditioning of the Managcr’s office will be.. 4) a capital expenditure ¢) adeferred revenue expenditure b) a revenue expenditure 4) none of these. / « ° 22. Which of the following is NOT a basic function of a project manager? hh ye: a) controlling b) programming ©) scheduling 4" uM 4) plonning 23. The definition of feasibility is: cj Wad yy 4) An ongoing activity by which an analyst plans an acceptable system ©” “wc b) Measure of how beneficial the development of an information system would fe tOia otpanization c) An activity of measuring and analyzing developer productivity 4) An activity of approximating the time, effort, costs, and benefits of developing systems, 24, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory argues that needs form a five-level hierarchy, Which of the following needs, 1s classified by Maslow, is at the bottom of the hierarchy? (a) Security needs (b) Social needs (c) Physiological needs @ Fsteem needs 25, Which of the following is the process by which managers allocate a chunk of their work ta subordinates along with sufficient authority to accomplish the work? \ a) Delegation b) Motivation °) Feedba 4) Depanmentation 26. A loan of Rs. 5,000 is made for a period of 15 months, ata sfitple interest rate of 15%, what future amount is due at the end of the loan period? <, a) Rs. 5,937.50 b) Rs. 5,873.20 a) f3-5;112.40 d) Rs, 5,690.12 27, What is the basic accounting equation? a) Assets ™ liability + owner's equity :) Owner's equity = asscts + liability b) Liability = assets + owners’ equity 4 ed) Owner's equity = liaility - assets 3 28, Behe het ee 3 OD yew... a) to far b) oN 29, Ra AY eee eA MS SEAN TTA AA A TTT GA a) aft, aed rear \ ¢) uate Sa wey Ta AH b) wafer, feraet aren FAR Arar AU) afte, ena eer 30, wafers teat arpa cord ae ae GE a) erated Tare eta pO c) Serer Race Hee ar he b) yaa, wader ae OS a) mera a4 1-416874 Jae solve xy’ Qy~1) = y (1 ~x) fs) Ia (xy) =2 (Ky) *C i Telecom Model objective questions{Geneial paper prepared by Apex Edueati 57 9951044979 fe “RAL oy) 29-14 C al jonal Acadewy Time :15 Mins 5) Inay)=x-2y+C G = 2.x divided by s+ k* is the inverse Laplace transform of" pinggnancie® a) cas Kt bp sin kt ge Ow 3, Which ofthe following is nota chuararteriti ofthe nonmal distribution? a itis a syrumetrical distribution ¢. the mean, median and mode are equal bh the mean is always zero 4. Heatis transferred toa heat engine from a furnace arate of 80 MW. Ifthe ste of waste heat rejection (0 8 4. the arca under the curve equals one nearby river is 50 MW, determine the thermal efficiency for this heat engine. EUR acl 347.5% 027.5% 5. Why is ammonia used in food refrigeration? a) high COP ©) lower energy cost b) low cost d)all of the 6. How should be the viscosity of the flowing fl fioneds & 37.5% none of the mentioned iO for laminar flow? 2. viscosity of the fluid should be as low as possible, for laminar flow b. viscosity of the fluid should be as high as possible, for laminar flow ¢. change in viscosity of the flowing fluid does not affect its flow 4. inpredictable 7. The bank of tubes at a. Condenser tubes _b, Evaporator tudes the back of domestic Feftigerator is, 8. For a perfect gas, according to Boyle's law (where p= Absolute a) p v= constant, if 7 is kept constant b) w= constant, ifp is kept constant 9. The reaction at the central support B of the beam 2e at ¢. Refrigerant cooling tubes 4, Capillary tubes pressure, v= Volume, and T'= Absolute temperature) ¢) pT = constant, if v is kept constant &) Tip = constant, ifv is kept constant ‘ABC hinged at D shown in below figure is 3t ince A Se. 8 < 2 je 2 gy b, 5.8 2my—4 a 2 10, In the breakdown region, a zener didoe behaves like a ...» a) constant voltage b) constant current 11. Copper losses occurs due to ohmic resistance in a. Primary winding bb. Secondary winding 12. In voltaic ceil, anode and cathode of the ccll is a.copper electrode, 2ine b.zine, copper 13, A circuit contains two un-equal resistances in parallel (@) current is same in both (b) lange current flows in larger resistor d. 3.50 ) constant resistance 4) none of the above +. Both primary and secondary winding 4. None of these ¢. aluminium, zine d. nickel, cobalt (© potential difference across each is same (@) smaller resistance bias smaller conductance. 14, Fins the voltage across 2401 resistor by using Thevesin’s theoren:- “t ‘ ag a! #)8V giv b)oVv d)6V 15, The collector-base junction in a transistor has = a) forward bias at all times ©) lowresistance 1) reverse bias et ail times 4) none of the above 16, The Op-amp can amplify a) ac. signals only ©) both ac. and de. signals b) dc. signals only 4) neither d.c, nor a. signals 117, In immediate eddressing the operand is placed ain the CPU register ¢. in meniory ». after OP code in the instruction din stack 18. I integer needs two bytes of storage, then maximum value of an unsigned integer is a 2-1 b.2P=1 2 a2 19. For attenuation of high frequencies we should use a a. shunt eapacitance 'p. series capacitance «inductance 4. resistance ‘20. A 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated with m = 0.75. ‘The total powerin AM is 0400 b.s12W “6,588 W 4,650 W 31. Which ofthe following is not available inthe Financial Statements of # Comay 1 a) Total Sales No) Loss from Fire ) Total Profit and Loss Cond) None of above P). Amange the following elements of the Project Cycle inthe right order A. Project Appraisal B. Feasi ‘Analysis C. Neggffatidn D. Project Selection a} A-B-C-D b) B-A-C-D CNT 6) BAD-C d) A-B-D-C 3), Which of the following isa simple horizontal bar chast that depots pro tasks against a calendar? a) PERT chart $b) Bar chart WJ Ld ‘c) Line chaxt 4) Gantt chart 3 the conflict-resolution approach that SRrespoyls wis a high level ‘of assertiveness and a low level of cooperativeness, is referred tos a. Compromising b. Collaborating ¢. Forcing 4. Avoiding 3. Management Information System (MIS) helps the managet to discharge hishher managerial functions in a more efficient aesaner. The frst necessary step to efTetively operate an MIS is a Summarizing data . Gathering apprepriate information b, Determining information needs 4. Generating reports from gathered dara, 36, What i the change in cost per unt variable change called? a) Variable cost ) Incremental cost €) Fixed cost 4) Supplemental cost 3) A series of uniform payment over an infiite period of sme a) Depletion ‘b) Capitalized cost c) Perpetulty d) Inflation 28, Companies profit divided among shareholder is ~ a) interest b) reserve ©) dividend 4) surplus Se, ee a eT TM FACT TST ES? a) cea by 6a ¢ ser a) Ase 0 ive ec gta teem et Pe IaH a TASTE

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