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Nowdays Game online is a popular game in the world and In this mini magazine we

explain some popular game in the world.

1. Elsword Online

Last year, there were more tahn 1 milion people play elsword online in Indonesia.

There are many important things you should know to play elsword online. First, Elsword

online is multi massive online role playing games (MMORPG) or it can be defined kind of

game that can be played by some players. Elsowrd online Indonesia is game online

produced by Netmarble Cooperation. Elsword online Indonesia has five characters;

elsword, rena, raven, aisha, and eve. The last in Elsword online Indonesia you can play 2

types game these are play dungeon or play pvp (player vs player). From these reasons

Elsword Online Indonesia surely can make people happy and challenged.

2. Chess

Nowdays, a chess game is a very profitable and also we can get more connection from

another country with different language . There are 5 ways to win the competition of chess

game .

First , prepare your stamina ( jogging for 90 minutes, sit up 45 times, and push up 45

times). Do it everyday.

Second, playing with computer in professional level everyday, every 3 hour per day.

Third, consule with the mentor about the best strategy we can use in the tournament.

Last, learn how to anticipate the opening Sicilian defense, because this opening is the most

effective strategy to defeat others.

So, those are the steps that you must do to win of the tournament.
3. Lets Get Rich

Do you know how to win Lets Get Rich? There are some steps to win Lets Get Rich.

You should have a strong pendant, character, and dice to add your winning percentage.

You can win by take overing your opponent assets. Build a landmark can prevent your

assets to not to be take over. If you get triple monopoly, tourism monopoly or line

monopoly, we can win simply. These four steps surely can make you win Lets Get Rich.

4. Clash of Clans

Clash Of Clans is a game with the highest rating on the android strategy games. It

consists of 3 mode of playable war. First, if you want to go against the offline user, you

could do the goblin village. Second, it connected to user arround the world, which you

can go against with, to add more thropies to your collection and increase your rank. Third,

you can go war with other user with your team, which is called clan war. If you want an

epic strategy game, then Clash Of Clans is your answer.

5. Line Puzzle Tan Tan

Does anyone in this class know a game online, such as Line Puzzle Tan Tan? There

are many steps to play Line Puzzle Tan Tan in your smartphone. Line Puzzle Tan Tan was

developed by Line Corporation in Japan. Line Puzzle Tan Tan are fun, but it need requires

to internet connection. Before you want to play this game, you must have a line account.

To get line account, you should install line application and sign up there. After that, to

play this game you should match two blocks of the same food in the line and eliminating

them. Perhaps one day, Line Puzzle Tan Tan will become game number one in Line

Created by :

1. Andrean David Chrismadandi 1101140088 / TT-38-08

2. Faber Tommy J.N. 1101140068 / TT-38-08

3. Fanny Oksa Salindri 1101144378 / TT-38-08

4. Sulthan Raihan R. 1101140008 / TT-38-08

5. Milan Adila Amalia 1101144398 / TT-38-08

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