2005.01.14 - The Word of God at The Feast of The Saint Hierarch Basil, The Great

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The Word of God1 at the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil, the Great2

We come down into the book of My word in My days with you, children from the gates.
Amen. When you open for Me to speak, the whole invisible heaven is full of awe, for there is no
waiting and awakening on earth as that among those from heaven, because those on earth have
eyes and do not see with them, they have heart and do not feel with it like those in heaven, even if
the word comes out of My mouth and sets into its book on earth.

The eyes of the man should see with the spirit from the man, at least, but the man needs
faith to wait with awe for those that are and are not seen. However, they are seen by those in heaven
and they are confessed on earth by My Spirit and by the spirit of My saints. Amen.

It is written into the Scriptures that the Spirit of God judges everything, He searches
everything, up to My deepest things, if the man is made divine and waits with awe for the wind
of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Who has been waiting for seven thousand years for the man to be like
God, for the man to be able to speak with God, if he has faith, and if the man has love.

Oh, how beautiful was the work of My Spirit over Cornelius house, the one in the time of
My apostles, a righteous man and one who feared God and who always prayed to Me within his
spirit to bring salvation over his house and comfort at his expectation! I sent My angel in the time
of his evening prayer and I told him that I would fulfill his prayer, for it was heard in heaven and
it would come back to him with what he had requested. I sent Peter, the apostle, to him, who
confessed Me as Messiah, the true One in word and deed, the reason for which the priests put Me
to death, and then My Father resurrected Me with His power in Me after three days, according to
the Scriptures, which spoke about Me.

Oh, how beautiful is the man to God, the one who has fear for God and prayer through it
and a gentle and humble spirit, which reaches to heaven! Oh, how beautiful is the man who does
not doubt of Me, for that one does My will diligently in him, for the Spirit of God in man has hopes
for everything and then he believes them with patience, and he puts Me with love in his being full
of holy pleasure, for this is how God in man is. Amen. Oh, My people, it is a feast of loving holy
people of God into your midst. Since My holy people have been on earth I have been taking from
them the things that I have been well pleased with in them, for they have been doing My will and
have had My Spirit, Who has been seeking for the Father after their life has become My dwelling

Oh, how much I helped the man in the time of My body and then by My Saints, who took
after Me in love and mercifulness, and through these to draw the man to the Father! I could not do
greater things for the man than help him in his needs and weaknesses, to make him know Me and
to long after Me and the people to confess Me to one another. Oh, all the people have got used to
My goodness, with the help from Me, and I have not been able to rely on man for Me too, because
the man thinks only at himself when he thinks at Me. Oh, few, very few people were and are on
earth to deny themselves and to follow Me in order to be able to work My will in them and
to do it for Me, because I am the most helpless one, children from the gates. Oh, I have been
looking at you how helpless you are, even if I have always spoken to the people of My word not

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.


to have another prior worry than My coming to it as word for it and for the whole earth and for the
whole heaven, children sons.

Oh, the gates between heaven and earth, by which I work upon the man, are a great mystery,
but when the man does no longer have time to fear God, because he thinks at himself and not at
Me, then, I can hardly come in through the gates. All My prophets have suffered by My absence
in man. They, those who were and are the gates between heaven and earth, and where I have
come in to speak the mystery of My word, so that I may fulfill it with them afterwards, they are
the least taken care by the spirit in man, by the man who believes in God, but has too little time to
fear Me and to do My will in him. The evil spirit has many different secret faces on the way
between Me and you, sons of My people, but I come in to you through the gates and I exhort you
to watch more fervently your steps for your way with Me and not to walk alone, sons. There is no
one that does not go wrong if he walks alone. I have got no one to tell him about the hidden evil,
which entices the man if he has no one with him so that I may get in for his protection, for the evil
spirit is mysterious when it tries to blame the man before God and then God from man.

Oh, My people, blessed is the one, who does not stumble against Me. He who does not
believe what I speak, that one stumbles against Me, and because of that he does not do My will in

Oh, My people, there is a great mourning on earth. There is only man without God on
earth. I need man all over the earth, who does not stumble against Me and by whom to be able to
help the man, and to help him from near him, for I am God over the man from near him and not
from far away. It is not from among the dead that I work upon the man, but from among the living
ones, and My saints do the same, sons.

It is a great mourning on earth and in heaven. There is only man with his will on earth, with
his mind, with his spirit, and the fear of God, which would greatly help the man, is no longer in
man, an where still is, it works for the mans life, not for Me, and I said that the one who wants
to save his life, that one will lose it, and no man understands those that I said by this Scriptures,
which proves out the mans self before Me, and he who does not deny himself, is not able to know
My will and to do it by My Spirit, and not by his spirit. People and nations perish on earth because
of the lack of God in man, for I am with the man through the gates of the heavens, and they
are not believed and they are not protected by the people so that I may come through them
to the man.

It is a day of instruction for obedience and submission, for these are not with the man. The
man does not look into the Scriptures to see what it happened to the people of Israel, when it would
not listen to God, Who would work from near it through His gates. I spoke through the prophet
Samuel, and I speak again now, that My Spirit said through him that disobedience is worse than
witchcraft, because it is the devil, and it makes room and life for the devil in the man against
God by the mans self spirit, and disobedience means man without God, and this is called idol
worshipping, and it is called more than this.

The hostile spirit to God is happy and reigns everywhere; moreover, it tries to stretch out
its hand over My gain earned with hard labor and protected with tears. However, I command it to
listen to Me and to go away with his entire hidden face, which lies in wait to attack My work.


Go away, satan! Depart with all your evil doers and with your hidden face under it, because
I command My saints to rebuke you and to scatter you from My way and from the way of those
who are protected by My power and work! Amen.

Those who have sanctified themselves within their heart and life and its work and with My
Spirit in them, they were My help in the fight against satan for the mans faith in God. However,
now, the work, which has resounded from My mouth within the four sides of the earth, needs help
for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of the kingdom of the heavens in man and on earth, (See
the selection topic: About the kingdom of God3, r.n.) and the man is required no longer to ask
for himself, but to ask for Me from the Father, to ask for My will on earth as in heaven, and
that it may be accomplished, and for the mans will to decrease when the man asks from God.

It is My time, for the man has spoiled My will for his will in him and upon him, and in
order that he may learn what My will is, he needs self-denial, and the man needs fear of God and
obedience in submission to get away from himself. Amen.

Let the man no longer ask for himself from Me, but let him ask for My will upon him
and over the earth instead, for My time has come on earth, and the man is not used to cut his
will, and it will be hard for him to believe in God with love, and he will believe with terror when
he sees, that I do no longer do his will to make him believe in Me, but I will do My will on earth.
Amen, amen, amen.

May Your will be done, Lord, as in heaven so on earth! The man is not used to Your will
upon him, and we, Your saints, have suffered on earth and in heaven because we have asked You
to do mans will on earth, to do good to the man, to do justice to the man, and the man has not got
used to his self denial yet, with poverty, with cleanliness and with Your will in him, Lord.

I, Your bishop, the one, who by Your power and grace, rebuked the devil, who wins the
people with their will over to devilish desires, I mourn for You, Lord, and I comfort You, for Your
such a long pain from the man of self love. The man has hardly got used to his self-denial and to
everything he has got to be Your disciple. Your mercy has been great within the mans hardships,
but now You have mercy on his salvation, on his spirit, which does not know to perceive Your
mysteries, which are hidden for the greatness of those who discover them for Your glory, Lord.

With the grace of the bishop in which You clothed me by Your choice, I rebuke the devil,
which does a great deal of harm to the mans mind and then to his steps and his love. Oh, the man
does not know what Gods love is and what it does in man! The man does not know its mystery

You can also see on: http://www.slideshare.net/billydeanen/the-word-of-god-about-the-kingdom-of-god


and its work, Lord! And neither we, Your saints, as long as we lived on earth, did not perceive it
sufficiently, for the man does no longer live for himself, when he has got Your love in him, and
also we did not completely teach the people to deny themselves and give up their richness and
their desires and to dedicate themselves to Your love, which makes its house in man, Lord.
However, now, from near You, from the heaven not seen by the mans mind and eye, I rebuke the
evil spirit to come out of the man and to go away into places unknown by people, and no longer
come back, to remain without work, for it is the time of Your mysterious work between earth and
heaven, and it is the time of the Scriptures of new Jerusalem on earth. Amen. Clean the evil spirit
on earth and in man, Lord! Make the man believe You, listen to You, and obey You, in order that
he may be saved from the work of the evil spirit in him. Amen.

May the Lord rebuke you, devil, the One Who made the heaven and the earth and
everything on them, between them, under them and above them! May you perish with all your
dominion, for it is not you who are the master but the Lord is, and you should submit to Him and
to those who love Him with obedience and submission! Amen. May the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit rebuke you, and you should know that your place is in the fire and the gnashing of
teeth, the place which is prepared for you and for your servants! But now, release those people to
come to God and to do His will, and you should be ashamed and silent forever and ever! Amen,
amen, amen.

Lord, protect Your people and bless Your inheritance and take care of it by the gates and
let them no longer be smitten, for Your church will never be able to be overcome by any kind of
satanic strikes, only that the people of Your word to be one spirit with You and to eat much, much
word, and may the food of Your word on its table be called a holy feast into its midst. Release, by
Your gates, everything that we, Your saints, like any people, did wrong on earth, for You are the
Lord of those who hope in Your power and in the life of the age that will be on earth for those who
love Your will with longing and awe. I, Your bishop, Basil, the one who rebuked the devil, bless
You in heaven and on earth, and I announce You as eternal life over those who, with Your life in
them, love You and listen to You submitting themselves to You, for Your will has to be Your people
on earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, may the will of My Father be done in you, My people, as in Me, but be careful to
Me, to know to do this. I spoke and speak on earth and in heaven, and I worked and work
only My Fathers will. Be careful to yourself and to the will, which works in you, at your
speaking, at your deed, at your sight, and do not be a judge, but be obedient and in submission to
God, worshipping Him for better and for worse, for an unexpected kingdom is coming down on
earth, the kingdom of Gods will after seven thousand years of the mans will, and great work is
needed and it has to be worked within great love, and prayer is needed from the Father so that I,
the great and powerful Lord, may give life to the people from the midst of the Romanian nation,
placing in them the will of the Father, the Spirit of the Father, Who makes His sons from people,
setting them free from the bondage of their wills. Amen. I, the Lord, speak and fulfill, but I cannot
fulfill until I let it be known first, My people.

Oh, come, Romanian people, to My will, for you are the one who the Father has been
well pleased with Me for My coming back among the people to rule them with an iron rod,
and with My word to rule over the world and to bring it into My Fathers submission,
because God made the world. Amen.


Oh, come, people of My word, and fulfill Me in you to have you as a dear crown for the
Christian people, who will be on earth from heaven and from the earth. Amen.

And as for you, children from the gates, stay as a landmark between darkness and light,
between mans will and My will, and work My word and its fulfillment and its visible power into
the midst of My people that is faithful to My coming. Keep away from beatings. Crush the devils
ambush, because I have given you power, children sons. Set the people within a spirit of prayer
and obedience and submission so that the prayer may have effect, so that I may have power from
your midst over the earth. Ask for the illumination of the spirit of the Romanian people, and that
My entire word may be fulfilled over it, which is spoken for it and for Me with it. Amen.

Do not forget to be faithful with power of faith, My people. Wake up and watch, and do
not live as on earth so that I may protect the Romanian land and My grace upon it and those who
carry it from Me, for great is the one who has from Me and not from himself and not from the
man, for everything will perish and there will remain on earth only those that are from Me and
those who keep them by faith and work them and multiply them for a heavenly kingdom on earth,
on the Romanian and holy land. Amen. (See the selection topic: Romania The New Jerusalem
The New Canaan4, r.n.)

May the remembrance of the day of two thousand years ago be blessed, when I, the Lord,
by submission to My Father and to man, conformed Myself to the law of My people for the
circumcision of My body coming from heaven into the midst of Israel.

You should submit oneself by obedience to God, Romanian Israel, and to receive My
exhortation upon you in obedience, and you will be alive and you will be counted as faithful as the
Lord, your God, the One Who obeyed His Father, and like Abraham, from whom I ask you to learn
the faith, obedience, submission and their work full of heaven on earth, My people of Romanians,
My new Romanian people, given to growth for you to bring forth the people of the Kingdom of
God on earth, the people of obedience, for your obedience proves out your adoption and your
Father Sabaoth, My Father and yours, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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