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Ventanilla, Carmela R.

Patangui, Rose Ann

Liwan, Alvin

Santiago, Patrick


Mr. John Micko Tenorio Nozaleda

The Impact of Discrimination on Youth Being In and Out of the Closet


Discrimination has been around for centuries and even though there have been many
improvements in the way society deals with discrimination, we still have a very long way to

Those who hide their sexual identities are referred to as either closeted or said to be in
the closet in terms of contemporary homosexual culture. Coming out is referred if someones
revealed their homosexuality.

In this proposed topic, the proponents will discuss the different types of
discrimination that LGBT youths and the impact of discrimination on these youths. The
proposed topic will further discuss the impacts on LGBT youths not only caused by
discrimination but also due to lack of support and guidance. The proposed topic will also
discuss the role of the parents and schools in helping minimize discrimination against LGBT
youth. The proposed topic will promote schools and teachers to accept and support LGBT
students somewhat add to the discrimination that they already faced. By doing this, it will
decrease the school drop out rate and most important the youth suicidal rate. The essence of
this proposed topic is to recognize the different impact on LGBT youths due to discrimination
and to explore various actions with the help of schools and parents to facilitate all these
youths live in a normal and happy life. The objective of this proposed topic is to evaluate
school system as well as the parents of LGBT youths.
LGBT Communities and Domestic Violence


Since the advent of the contemporary battered womens movement in the early
1970s, intimate partner violence (IPV) has been constructed as a social justice issue
threatening the equality, self-determination, and inherent dignity and worth of survivors of
violence in the home. As such, social workers have played a central role in the development
of policies and programs to prevent its occurrence, rehabilitate perpetrators, and empower
survivors as part of the professions social justice mandate. Although an extensive collection
of empirical literature has evolved over the last 40 years to support evidence based practice
with perpetrators and survivors of IPV, this body of work has primarily centered on violence
in heterosexual couplings between cissexual identified female victims and male perpetrators.
In recent decades, a surge of scholarship has attempted to address this limitation of the
literature by documenting the prevalence of IPV in rainbow communities, its common and
differential correlates when compared to IPV experienced by heterosexual and cissexual
identified individuals, and the barriers lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT)
survivors of IPV face in accessing support in the aftermath of violence. Collectively, this
work has highlighted the importance of understanding the experiences of gender and sexually
diverse populations with IPV within the broader context of social structures and ideologies,
which create unique vulnerabilities for violence (both within the home as well as society at
large) for members of these populations.
Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Know your rights: LGBT high school students what to do if you face harassment at

As posted in lesbian, gays, bisexual, transgender faced discrimination and

harassment at school habitually. Unfortunately, school administrators very know little when it
comes to law requirement that protect LGBT students. To the point that they are breaching
the law, to think that student will not question their actions. Thats why it is important for
LGBT youths to know their rights and what you can do if the school doesnt treat you fairly.

In line with the article above, the literature is related to the proposed study for the
reason that in has the similar agenda when it comes to impact of discrimination that a youth
facing inside the school. The proposed topic will further discuss the impact of discrimination
on youth if they reveal their true identity to the public.

Source :

Bullying and LGBT Youth

As posted in, lesbian, gays, bisexual, and transgender had a

difficulty dealing being a teenager. They deal with harassment, threats and violence on their
daily basis of life. Like in their names, they are being called different names if a person
knows that he/she is a part of LGBT community.

In line with the article above, the literature is directly related to the proposed topic
which is discrimination. If a person reveals his true identity, people will start bullying, and
discriminating. Some will understand their revelation and some will not.

Source :

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

According to, what the bible says about homosexuality. What does the bible
says about marriage? The bible claims that homosexuality is forbidden by God, it is said
that it is poor biblical scholarship and cultural bias in the bible. It stated that bible says
nothing concerning homosexuality. Sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times.
The bible has a reference about same-gender sexual behavior, and they are definitely
negative. In this article, what is being condemned is the violence against homosexuality.

Same with the article above, the proposed topic also condemned the discrimination of
belonging to lgbt community. Even the bible does not clearly state the sin of being
homosexuality. The proposed topic will further explain what the effects of this discrimination
to the youth that I relatively to the article mentioned.

Source :

The real cost of LGBT discrimination

As posted in, discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender

not just only hurt people, it hurts families, companies and entire countries.

According to the study conducted by United States, United Kingdom and Thailand, LGBT
between half and two thirds of lgbt students are regularly bullied at school and up to a third
skip school to escape harassment. A U.S. study found that gay and lesbian young people are
four times more likely to contemplate or attempt suicide, compared with the general
population while transgender youth are ten times more likely to do so.

Same with the proposed topic, the proponents stated the impact of discrimination on
youth when they reveal their real identity. They more likely commit suicide because they
cannot handle the stress given by the person who bullied them oftentimes.

Source :
Local Literature

Call for increased respect for human rights of LGBT in Asia

As posted in U.S. Embassy Manilas USAID Mission Director

Gloria D. Steele. Stated that The human rights of LGBT people must be respected
everywhere,. LGBT activists emphasized the importance of enacting anti-discrimination
laws, particularly in education, health, employment, family affairs, media, community and
politics in a public discussion convened by the United Nations Development Programme,
United States Agency for International Development and its Regional Development Mission
for Asia, and UP.

In line with article above, the literature is directly related to the proposed topic
pertaining to discrimination against LGBT Youth. The abovementioned has a big help in
terms of gaining ideas about the rights of LGBT Community. It can merely affect the
psychological behavior of a child if they are hiding their identity because of the
discrimination that they will encounter.

Source :

Just Let Us Be Discrimination against LGBT Students in the Philippines

As posted in, students who are lesbian, gays, bisexual, transgender doesnt
feel safer in school because of bullying and discrimination. In recent years, lawmakers and
school administrators in the Philippines have recognized that bullying of LGBT youth is a
serious problem. But these policies, while strong on paper, have not been adequately
enforced. In the absence of effective implementation and monitoring, many LGBT youth
continue to experience bullying and harassment in school.

With the abovementioned article, the proponents find this as a reference for getting
ideas on what are the impacts of discrimination on people if you belong to LGBT. The
proponents will focus on giving understanding the types of discrimination that a youth

Source :
LGBT students face bullying, discriminatory policies in schools

According to De Santos (2017), student facing bullying and discrimination inside the
school over their sexual orientation and gender identity. LGBT students in the Philippines are
often the targets of ridicule and even violence.
The bullying and harassment can have long-term effects.

Same with the proposed topic, the proponents stated the impact of discrimination on
youth. With the abovementioned article, many students who are belong to lgbt, experienced
bullying and discrimination that can affect their behavior. The focus of this proposed topic is
to implement that will make the people to understand that there is nothing wrong being a
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

Source :

LGBT rights are human rights

According to Rodriguez (2014), LGBT people experience discrimination in terms

with government benefits like SSS, if you are living with your same sex partner and she is
your beneficiary, they will not honor this case because both of you are not legally married.
This kind of discrimination can hardly affect the psychological behavior of a person, because
this is bias with them.

In line with the article above, the literature is related to the proposed topic which is
the impact of discrimination. It can merely affect the behavior of a person if they feel that
they are not belong to the society.

Source :

After 17 years, LGBT anti-discrimination bill up for Senate Debate

According to Elemia (2016). It is the first time an anti-discrimination bill reaches

the Senate plenary. This bill will protect the right of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. It
was sponsored by Risa Hontiveros containing Senate Bill 1271 or the Anti-Discrimination
With the abovementioned article, it is closely related to the proposed topic pertaining
to discrimination. It is right and justice of a LGBT people to be treated fair, same with men
and women.

Source :

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