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1. WAHYU LESTARI (1588203050)

2. TIARA SUCI (1588203048)
3. RATIH PURNAMA SARI (1588203036)



First of all. Lets praise our God Allah SWT. Who has given his indication
to writer, until the writer can finish this paper with ability has by writer.

And than the purpose from writer make a paper to complete the task about
Curriculum and Material Development at 3 semester which make a paper about
types and models of curriculum development.

The writer also says thanks to :

1. Mr. Dr. Sumarno, M.Pd. as leader of STKIP-Muhammadiyah Kotabumi,

Who has given allow to writer for using campus facilities likes WIFI net-
work and books from library.
2. Mrs. Nur Isnainiyah, S.Pd.,M.ed. as guide lecturer who has taught and
guided the writer for finishing this paper.

The writer knows that, a paper still far from completeness, therefore writer
hopeful the suggestion, critic and proposal from reader.

So, this paper made of writer with as well as for using at necessaries lesson to
pupils, thanks.

Kotabumi, October 27, 2016



Preface .............................................................................................. i

Table of Contents ................................................................................... ii


1.1 Background ................................................................... 1

1.2 Formula of Content ....................................................... 2

1.2.1 What types of curriculum design that is

Consistent With the concept of education ........... 2

1.2.2 How to model curriculum development ............... 2


2.1 Types of Curriculum Design ......................................... 3

2.1.1 Subject Centered Curriculum ................................ 3

2.1.2 Correlated Curriculum ........................................... 3

2.1.3 Broad Curriculum Fields ....................................... 4

2.1.4 Integrated Curriculum ........................................... 4

2.2 Models of Curriculum Development ............................ 6

2.2.1 Model Ralph Tyler ................................................ 6

2.2.2 Model Taba ........................................................... 8

2.2.3 D.K. Wheeler ......................................................... 10

2.2.4 Audery and Howard Nicholls ................................ 11

2.2.5 Deckler Walker ..................................................... 13

2.2.6 Malcolm Skilbeck ................................................. 14


3.1 Conclusion ..................................................................... 17

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................. 18




Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding fiber content of the

lesson material means used as a guideline for the use of teaching and learning
activities. The curriculum is one of the decisive components in a system of education
as a tool to achieve educational goals. If the dynamic society, the needs of the
students will be dynamic, the dynamic development of the curriculum, so that
students are not alienated in society.

In general, the process of learning and learning-oriented strived head, heart

and hand, which is related to the knowledge, attitudes or values and skills. But still
require health factors (health) so it will have four H, namely the Head, Heart, Hand,
and Health. The framework can be implemented when the ideas for developing the
curriculum into a single organization in an educational institution that is done by
teachers, so that a society can pay attention to education in order to advance their
state and nation. Thus the curriculum design model that will come must consider
several aspects, including the suitability of the curriculum to the needs of society and
the natural conditions; curriculum development must be adapted to the progress of
science technology; curriculum contains the values embraced by the public and
adapted to the national culture and the culture of each region; curriculum must be
able to anticipate changes in society; and most important is that the curriculum
should contain religious values to realize a generation that has science and IMTAQ

In curriculum development, many models used in curriculum development.

Selection of a model of curriculum development is not only based on the advantages
and kindness as well as the possibility of achieving the optimal results, but also need
to be adjusted to the educational system and education management system adopted
and educational concept model which is used.
From some of the above explanation, curriculum development is very important for
the world of education, so that the objectives of the education can be realized well.


2.2.2 What types of curriculum design that is consistent with the concept of
2.2.2 How to model curriculum development ?



2.1 Types of Curriculum Design

Curriculum design can be formulated into four types, namely design oriented
curriculum disciplines, curriculum design-oriented society, and design curriculum
oriented students. Here's the explanation.

2.1.1 Separated Subject Curriculum

Separated subject Curriculum meaningful curriculum subjects in the

form of separate, less is linked to other subjects. Consequently, students must
increasingly take subjects. The curriculum consists of subjects-subjects,
lesson objectives which have been determined logically, systematically, and
depth (Soetopo & Soemanto, 1993: 78). Curriculum subjects or subject
curriculum consists of subjects separately, and subjects it is an assemblage of
experience and knowledge that is organized logically and systematically by
experts curriculum.

2.1.2 Correlated Curriculum

The curriculum of this type implies that the number of subjects to be

connected to one another, so that the scope of material covered is expanded.
Another way to connect the lessons in the curriculum activities. Such
correlations having regard to the type of correlation, namely:

a. Correlation okkasional / incidental, based correlation means sudden or

incidental. for example: on the lessons of history can be said about the
geography and vegetation.

b. Ethical correlation, which aims to educate the manners so that

concentrations have religious education lessons. For example: the religious
education was discussed ways of honoring: guests, parents, neighbors,
friends, and others.

c. Systematic correlation, which this correlation is usually planned by the
teacher. For example: rice cultivation are discussed in geography and botany.

2.1.3 Broad Curriculum Fields

Broad curriculum fiels sometimes called fusion curriculum. Taylor

and Alexander mentions as The Broad Field of Subject Matter. Broad Fields
eliminate boundaries and unite subjects closely related. Hilda Taba said that
"The curriculum is broad fields essentialy an effort to automatization of
curriculum by combining Several large areas specific fields". For example:
History, Geography, Economics and Political Science are aggregated into
Social Science (IPS).

William B.Ragan revealed six kinds of broad fields that are generally
found in the primary school curriculum. It is the sixth broad fields: Language,
Social studies, Maths, Science, Health & Sports, and Arts.
Soetopo & Soemanto (1993: 78) argues that the advantage of a broad
curriculum fields is their combination of subjects so that its benefits will be
felt, and allows for subjects that are rich in understanding and the importance
of basic principles and generalizations. The weakness is just giving
knowledge sketch, abstract and less logical than a subject.

2.1.4 Integrated Curriulum

Integrated curriculum is a product of the effort of integrating teaching

materials from a variety of subjects. Integration was created to centralize
lessons on specific issues which require a solution with the material or
materials from various disciplines or subjects. Integrated curriculum has the
characteristics that are very flexible and do not require the same learning
outcomes of all students. Teachers, parents and students are the components
responsible for the development process. On the other hand, the curriculum is
also experiencing difficulties for students, especially when viewed from the

exam or final test or admission test uniform. As a preparation for college
study that requires a logical and systematic knowledge, this kind of
curriculum will experience stiffness.

Integrated curriculum is also important psychological aspects that

affect an individual's personal integration and the environment. Integrated
curriculum, according Soetopo & Soemanto (1993: 80-81), can be divided
into three forms, namely: The Child Centered Curriculum, The Social
Function Curriculum, and The Experience Curriculum.

a. The Child Centered Curriculum

The meaning is in curriculum planning, kid factor is a major concern.

John Dewey, the school at the University of Chicago in 1986, created a
program to organize the learning experiences of children who ranged in four
human influences, namely: the social impulse, the constructive impulse, the
impulse to Investigate and experiment, and the expressive or artistic impulse.
It is the same case with cannon wear school activities of children as the basis
for organizing the learning experiences of their students. Observation, play,
talk and work is a normal child activities.

b. The Social Function Curriculum

The meaning is to try to eliminate the curriculum of school subjects

than of separation with the main functions of social life on which to base the
organization of the learning experience. All subjects related to the
environment students are prepared in such a way that brings the consequence
of protection, production, consumption, communication, transportation,
recreation, aesthetic expression, and expression religious impulse.

c. The Experience Curriculum

The point is that in planning the curriculum, the needs of children is a

major concern. The curriculum experience would occur if only considering
the presence of the students using social-function approach.

2.2 Models of Curriculum Development

2.2.1 Model Ralph Tyler (Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction)

Curriculum development model proposed by Tyler (1949) filed by
the some of the statements that led to the measures in curriculum
development. Therefore, according to Tyler there are four stages that must be
done in curriculum development, as shown below:


Selecting Learning experience

Organizing Learning Experience


1. Determining the purpose of education

The purpose of education is the direction or the final target to be

achieved in education and learning programs. The aim of education should
illustrate the behavior of the final after the students attending the educational
process, so that these objectives should be clearly dirimuskan to the
formulation of specific objectives in order to facilitate the achievement of
these objectives. There are three aspects that should be considered as a source
in determining educational goals by Tyler, namely:

a) the nature of pesarta learners

b) the life of contemporary society and

c) the views of experts fields of study.

Determination of educational goals with input from the three aspects.

Then filtered by the philosophical values of society and silosofis education
and educational psychology. In addition there are five factors that are
determinants towards educational goals, namely the development of the

ability to think, to help obtain information, the development of social
attitudes, the development interests of learners and the development of social
attitudes. Thus, in determining the purpose of education should not only take
into account the opinion of the experts of disciplines but also the needs and
interests of children and society in accordance with the philosophy of

2. Determining the learning process

After setting goals, then the learning process is to determine what is
most suitable to achieve that goal. One aspect that must be considered in
determining the learning process is the perception and background student
ability learners. This is so they can hold a mental and emotional reactions and
in different manners.
3. Determining organizational learning experience

After the learning process is determined, then determine the

organization of learning experiences. The learning experience in it covers
the stages of learning and learning content or material. Materials to be
learned learners and the learning experience of what to do, organized in
such a way so as to facilitate the achievement of the objectives. Clarity of
purpose, learning materials and the learning process and the sequence will
make it easier to obtain an overview of the evaluation of learning what it
should be used.

4. Determining the evaluation of learning

Determining what type of evaluation is suitable, is the final activity in

the model Tyler. The type of assessment to be used, must be adapted to the
type and nature of the purposes of education or learning, learning materials,
and learning that has been designated. In order for the determination of the
type of evaluation could be right, then the developers should pay attention to
the curriculum besides other curriculum components, also should pay
attention to the principles of the existing evaluation.
So in doing the evaluation should not only shaped the written test but also in
the form of observations, the results of students' work, activities and

participation as well as using other methods in order to obtain a more
comprehensive picture of the level of achievement of educational goals.

2.2.2 Model Taba (inverted Model)

Model Taba is a modification of the model Tyler. The modification of

the emphasis is mainly on the concentration of the teacher's attention. Taba
believe that the teacher is a factor especially in curriculum development
efforts. Development of curriculum that teachers and teachers' position as an
innovator in the development of the curriculum is a characteristic in Taba
development model.

The steps in the process of curriculum development according to


1)Diagnosis Needs

Curriculum in order to be useful to the students' learning experience,

Taba found important very diagnosing various needs of educators. This is an
important first step of Taba on what students want and need to learn. Due to
the background of diverse learners, hence the need for the diagnosis of the
gaps, shortcomings and differences in backgrounds of learners.

2)Formulation of subjectives (Formulating educational purposes)

Formulation clear and objectives comprehension to form the basis for
development of subsequent elements. Clearly, taba argues that the essence
of the destination will determine the type of lesson that needs to be
In formulating educational goals, there are four areas that need to be
considered, first, the concept or idea will be studied. Second, the attitude,
sensitivity and feelings that will be developed. Third, the mindset will be
emphasized, strengthened or initiated / formulated. Fourth, the habits and
the ability to be controlled.

3)Selection of content

According to Taba, the content (materials) that will be taught to
students is 1). Should Valid and significant, 2). Should the contents relevant
to social reality, 3). Contents should contain a balance between breadth and
depth. 4). Contents should include a number of purposes, 5). The contents
should be tailored to the ability of learners to learn, and can be linked with
their experience.

4)Organization of content

In drawing up the curriculum, especially in relation to the form of

presentation of learning materials / content or organization of curriculum /
content, there are two organizations curriculum that could be an option,
which is curriculum based subjects and integrated curriculum.

5)Selection of learning experiences

There are several principles that should be considered in the

selection of the learning experience of students. 1. Experience of learners
should be consistent with the objectives to be achieved. Therefore, every
goal will determine the learning experience. 2. Each learning experience to
be satisfying learners 3. Each design learning experiences should engage
learners, 4. In the learning experience is likely to achieve different

6)Organizational learning experience

Tyler cites his opinion, there are three principles in organizing

learning experiences, namely the continuity, sequence of content and
integration. Continuity shall mean that, given the learning experience must
have continuity necessary for the development of further study and to gain
learning experience in other fields. The sequence of content, meaning that
every learning experience provided to students should pay attention to their
development level.

7)Determination of what should be evaluate and mean of doing it.

In conducting the evaluation, Taba recommends several ways, 1.

Establish criteria for assessment, 2. menyususn koperhensif evaluation

program, 3. Applying the techniques of data collection, data interpretation 4.
evaluation, 5. Translating evaluation into the curriculum.

2.2.3 D.K. Wheeler (Curriculum Process)

Wheeler has its own arguments in order to be able to use

circumference curriculum development process, which each element are
interconnected and interdependent. Wheeler approaches used in curriculum
development has basically rational form. Each step is a logical development
of the previous model, and a step can not be done before the previous steps
have been completed. Wheeler develop his ideas as has been done by Tyler
and Taba. Wheeler offers five steps that interconnectedness in the curriculum
Five steps if developed in a logical and temporary will generate an
effective curriculum. Wheeler develop next more what do Tyler and Taba,
although only were presented some what differently. The steps are as follows.
a. Selection goals, objectives, and targets.

b. Selection of learning experiences to help achieve its goals, objectives and

c. Browse through the selection of certain types of experiences that may be

d. Organization and integration of learning experiences and content with

regard to the learning process

e. Evaluation of each phase and the problem objectives.

Here is a model of curriculum development Wheeler version in the
form of a circle:

1.Aims, goals, and 2. Selection of learning

objective experience

5. Evaluation 3. Selection of content

4. Organization and
Integration of learning
experience and content

Wheeler contribution to the development of the curriculum is the

circular nature of the elements of the curriculum. The curriculum process
here seems much simpler and the picture above gives an indication that the
measures that are sustainable in the circle has the meaning responsive to
changes in the existing education.

2.2.4 Audery and Howard Nicholls

Audery and Howard Nicholls develop an approach that expressly

includes elements of the curriculum clearly and concisely. He focuses on a
rational approach to curriculum development, in particular the need for a new
curriculum that arise from changes in the situation.
Audery and Howard Nicholls redefine methods Tyler, Taba and
Wheeler with emphasis on curriculum process cyclical or circular, and this is
done for the first step, namely the analysis of the situation. Both authors have
revealed that prior to the elements is taken or made more clear, the context
and circumstances in which the decision was made curriculum should be
considered in detail and serious. Thus, the analysis of the situation which is
making the first step curriculum developers understand the factors which they
will develop.

There are five steps required in the process of floating a continuous
basis. These steps are:

a.situational analysis (analysis of the situation)

b.selection of objectives (selection purposes)

c.selection and organization of content (selection and organization of content)

d. selection and organization of methods (selection and organization mode)

e. evaliation (evaluation).

The entry of a situation analysis phase is a deliberate to force the

developers of the curriculum more responsive to the environment and
specifically with the needs of the students. Both emphasized the need for
taking a more comprehensive approach to diagnosis all factors concerning all
situations followed by the use of knowledge and understanding that comes
from the analysis in curriculum planning. To better understand the curriculum
model created Nicholls, can observe the following in accordance image.

Selection of objectives Evaluation analysis


Selection and organization of content

Selection and organization of method

By applying a situational analysis as a starting point, this model

provides the basic data so that goals may be developed more effectively.
Unlike the case with Wheeler he did not refer to a specific analysis of the
situation, he actually tested in the presence of the existing destination

2.2.5 Deckler Walker

Walker argues that the curriculum developers do not follow a

predetermined approach of the rational order of the elements of the
curriculum as they develop curriculum. Better to process through three phases
in the preparation of natural rather than in the curriculum. The following
comes from the analysis of the reports Walker curriculum projects, such as
CHEM Study, BSCS, SMSG and personal participation in the arts curriculum
projects. Analysis Walker describes what has been seen as a natural model of
the curriculum process. It is a naturalistic models in the sense that it was
constructed to represent phenomena observed in actual and realtions
curriculum projects faithfully as possible with a few terns and principles
(Walker, 1971 : 51).

For more details about Walker's version of the curriculum

model, we can see the following picture:
Belief Theories Conceptions Point of view aims,



(applying them to practical situations arguing about, accepting, refusing,

changing, adapting)

Curriculum Design

(Making decision about the various process componen)

Walker has the argument that the statement in the platform by
organizing the curriculum developers and the statement some contains ideas,
preferences will and choice, opinions, beliefs, and values that are owned by
the curriculum. These aspects may not be defined or logically, but they
shapes base platform so that the curriculum can be made by curriculum
developers. Walker argues that curriculum developers do not start a task in an
empty state (a blank state), values, conception, and other things that use to
oroses curriculum development curriculum development indicate their
preferences and treatment as a basis to develop the curriculum. Walker
advocate that: The Platform includes an idea of what is ought to be and
Reviews These curriculum guides the developer in the determining what
should be do to Realize his vision. When the interaction between the
individual begins, they then entered a phase of deep consideration. Walker
argues that during this phase, individuals maintain their own platform
question and emphasizes the idde-existing ideas. These events provide a
(developers) also Effort explain their ideas reach a consensus. From a rather
chaotic period, a phase which has been considered to produce a ilmuniti full

Phase Walker was the last model to use form design. In this phase,
developers make decisions about the various components of the process or
elements of the curriculum. The decision will be reached after an in-depth
discussion and compromised by individuals. The decisions were then in the
copy and become a database for documents or material more curriculum

2.2.6 Malcolm Skilbeck (Dynamic or interactive models)

Malkom Skilback, director of the Curriculum Development Centre of

Austalia (Australia's Curriculum Development Center), to develop an
interaction alternative or dynamic model for an alternative interaction or
dynamic model for the process model curriculum. In an article, Skilbeck
(1976) advocate an approach and develop curriculum at the school level.

Opinions about school is based on curriculum development (SCBD), so
Skilbeck provide a model that makes educators to develop curriculum
appropriately and realistic. In this case, the model takes into consideration
Skilbeck dynamic in nature.

Dynamic or interactive models sets the curriculum development must

precede a element with a curriculum and to begin of a predetermined
sequence and Promote the rational model. Skilbeck supports the guidelines,
added very important for developers to be aware of the sources of their goals.
To find these sources, Skilbeck found "a situational analysis" must be done.
To more easily understand the models offered Skilbeck, images may help:

Situation analysis

Goal Formulation

Program building

Interpretation and

Monitoring, fee-
back assesment

The above model, claiming that the order School-Based Curriculum

Development (SBCD) can work effectively, five steps (steps) required in a
process of curriculum. Skilbeck said that the model can be applied
simultaneously in the carrier curriculum, observation and accurate curriculum
system, and applications on the value of the model and the model value is
situated on the first option.
Given the composition of these models are logically categorized as rational
by nature, but Skilbeck reminded that in order not to slip the trap . Skilbeck
reminded that the curriculum development need to prioritize their plans by

starting from one step(stage) simultaneously. Understanding the above model
is very confusing, because it is actually a model of rational than to support
curriculum development. However, Skilbeck said: The models outlined does
not presuppose a means and analysis at all, it simply encourages teams and
or groups of curriculum developers to take account different elements and
aspects of the curriculum development process, to the see the process as an
organic whole and to wrok in a moderately systematic way.
One thing that needs to be underlined is that this tool does not imply an
appliance. The purpose is analyzed as a whole; but the symbol has
encouraged teams or groups of curriculum developers for more attention to
the differences elements and aspects of the curriculum development process,
in order to be able to see the process of working with a systematic way and



3.1 Conclusion

Preparation of curriculum design can be viewed in two dimensions, ie the

dimensions of the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The horizontal dimension
with respect to the preparation of the scope of the curriculum content. While the
vertical dimension concerns the preparation of the material sequence based on the
sequence level of difficulty.

Based on the statements and curriculum design concept expressed by

educational experts, the design of the curriculum can be formulated into four
design patterns, namely: separated subject curriculu; correlated curriculum; broad
fields curriculum; integrated curriculum.

while the model of curriculum development is a systematic step in

arranging the curriculum. Alternative procedures in order to design, implement
and evaluate a curriculum development kurikulum.model should be able to
describe a process of learning program planning system that can meet a variety of
needs and standards of success in education, based on the development of the
theory and practice kirikulum. There are many models of curriculum
development proposed by experts, including: 1) The model Ralph Tyler (Basic
Principles of Curriculum and Instruction). 2). Model Taba (inverted Model), 3).
D.K. Wheeler (Process Curriculum), 4). Audery and Howard Nicholls, 5).
Deckler Walker, 6). Malcolm Skilbeck (Dyanamic or interactive models), from
several models, basically all of the curriculum, have the objective component,
materials, teaching and learning, and the same evaluation.


Idi, Abdullah. (2014). Pengembangan Kurikulum: Teori & Praktik. Jakarta: Rajawali

Sanjaya, Wina. (2008). Pembelajaran dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis

Kompetensi. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.


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