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Tools Name: Photomicrographs and SEM

ISSN : 2089-3361

Volume 38, No. 3, December 2015

SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL & GAS is a journal for the dissemination of information on
research activities, technology engineering development and laboratory
testing in the oil and gas field.

Insured Editor
: Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS)

Chief Editor : Prof. Dr. Maizar Rahman (Chemical Engineering, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)

Managing Editor : Ir. Daru Siswanto (Chemical Engineering, LEMIGAS)

Ass. Managing Editor : Drs. Heribertus Joko Kristadi, M.Si. (Geophysicists, LEMIGAS)

Language Editor : 1. David Lloyd Hickman, M.M. Ec. (Economic Management - Australia)
2. Ferry Imanuddin Sadikin, S.T., M.E. (Electrical Engineering, LIPI)
3. Wiwin Winarsih, S.H., M.Hum. (Economic and Technology Law/Bussiness Law -

Copy Editor : Bagus Aribowo, S.Kom.

: Rasikin, Nurhadi Setiawan, A.Md.

Secretariat : Budi Mulia, Dulhamidin

Publisher : LEMIGAS Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Afilliation and Publication Division

Printed by : Grafika LEMIGAS

LEMIGAS Research and Development Division for Afilliation and Information, Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir,
Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA, STT: No. 348/SK/DITJEN PPG/
STT/1987/May 12, 1977, Phone: 7394422 - Ext. 1222, 1223, Fax : 62 - 21 - 7246150,
LEMIGAS Scientific Contributions (LSC) published since 1977 which has been renamed Scientific Contributions
Oil & Gas (SCOG) is published 3 times a year in April, August, and December. The editor accepts scientific
papers, which are closely related to oil and gas research.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas is published by LEMIGAS Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas
Technology. Insured editor: Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. Managing Editor: Ir. Daru Siswanto.

ISSN : 2089-3361

Volume 38, No. 3, December 2015

SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL & GAS is a journal for the dissemination of information on
research activities, technology engineering development and laboratory
testing in the oil and gas field.

Editorial Boards : 1. Dr. Mudjito (Petroleum Geologist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)

2. Prof. M. Udiharto (Biologist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
3. Prof. Dr. E. Suhardono (Industrial Chemist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
4. Dr. Adiwar (Separation Process Engineer, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
5. Dr. Oberlin Sidjabat (Chemical Engineering and Catalyst, LEMIGAS)

Scientific Editors : 1. Dr. Ir. Usman, M.Eng. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS)

2. Ir. Sugeng Riyono, M.Phil. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS)
3. Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Lelono (Palynologist, LEMIGAS)
4. Ir. Bambang Wicaksono T.M., M.Sc. (Petroleum Geologist, LEMIGAS)
5. Drs. Chairil Anwar, M.Si. (Industrial Chemist, LEMIGAS)
6. Abdul Haris, S.Si., M.Si. (Chemistry and Environmental Chemist, LEMIGAS)
7. Ratu Ulfiati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Chemical Engineering, LEMIGAS)

Peer Reviewer : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Septoratno Siregar (Petroleum Engineering, ITB - Indonesia)
2. Prof. Dr. R.P. Koesoemadinata (Geologist Engineering, ITB - Indonesia)
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Kholil, M.Kom. (Management of Environment, USAHID/
IPB - Indonesia)
4. Ir. Bagas Pujilaksono, M.Sc., Lic.Eng., PhD. (Physical-Chemical Engineers,
UGM - Indonesia)
5. Prof. Dr. Renanto, M.Sc., PhD. (Chemical Engineering, ITS - Indonesia)
6. John G. Kaldi, M.Sc., PhD. (Geologist/Petrophysicist - Australia)
7. Dr. Robert John Morley (Palinologist and Stratigrapher - Inggris)
8. Dr Ulrike Schacht (Geo Marine Chemist - Germany)

ISSN : 2089-3361

Volume 38, Number 3, December 2015







Septi Anggraeni 153 - 179


Irawan Y. Tribuana, Ade Yogi, Prabowo, Andy S. Wibowo,
Puteri Sudija, and Yudhi Durahman 181 - 191


Junita Trivianty Musu, Bambang Widarsono, Andi Ruswandi,
Himawan Sutanto, and Humbang Purba 193 - 212


Julikah, Sriwidjaya, Jonathan S., and Panuju 213 - 223


Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan 225 - 232


Dear Readers,

Research and development for oil and gas technology is a series of sustainable activities linked with
various branches of science. In this last issue of the periodical scientific journal Scientific Contributions
Oil and Gas (SCOG) in 2015, the Editorial Board presents the results of the best research compiled
in a standard format. SCOG contains relevant research into oil and gas technology which contributes
to national policy-making in this field. This journal also provides useful practical research for the oil
and gas industry and for educational purposes.
In this edition, we are providing the results of upstream research, consisting of: A Case Study
of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra. This involved conducting research in the
laboratory to investigate the influence of the effect of water injection into the formation. The laboratory
test results will be used as input for the planning of water treatment. The research found that all of the
formations were sensitive to fresh water and produced water. The results of the study also recommends
the use of filters to improve water quality. The research noted that potential damage is mostly caused
by the migration of fine clay particles.
Another upstream research paper is Optimization of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma
Ray and Clay Mineral Identification. This laboratory experiment used Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR)
equipment at LEMIGAS to obtain a reading on the content of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium and
to capture radioactive level rock or formation measured in API units. This logging tool generally has
the capability to differentiate between permeable and impermeable layers.
There is also a research paper on Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talang Akar and Lahat Formations
in South and Central Palembang Sub Basin, a discovery with shale hydrocarbon potential which is
estimated to be fairly large (up to 4200 MMBOE of shale HC).
One area of downstream research was the paper The Influence of Media Composition to The
Growth of Scenedesmus SP. Microalgae in Varied Media. This experiment was using Scenedesmus SP.
Microalgae. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of medium composition variation
to Scenedesmus SP. growth in laboratory scale and to obtain the optimized composition of media for
microalgae Scenedesmus SP. In terms of renewable energy the biomass of microalgae chlorophyceae
aquatic species has potential to be developed as its cells contain algae oil.
The Editorial Board and the Publisher Council would like to thank the reviewers, editors and the
authors who have contributed the results of their research to this 3rd edition of SCOG (December
2015). It is expected that this publication will be advantageous not only for the readers but also make
a positive contribution to science and technology, both in Indonesia and internationally, especially in
the oil and gas field.

Jakarta, December 2015

Best regards,

Editorial Board

The descriptions given are free terms. This abstract sheet may be reproduced without permission or charge

UDC: 550.4+628.1 minyak lapangan X, demikian juga dengan air tak

bersalinitas. Kerusakan formasi dapat dicegah
Septi Anggraeni , LEMIGAS R & D Centre for dengan melakukan penyaringan dan menaikan
Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. salinitas air injeksi. Potensi kerusakan formasi
109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/ pada umumnya disebabkan oleh lempung yang
JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA.Tromol partikelnya mudah lepas dan termigrasi (Kaolinite),
Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62- walaupun ada sebagian kecil disebabkan oleh
21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: lempung yang mudah mengembang (Smectite). Kata Kunci: Kerusakan formasi, air injeksi,
pembuangan air produksi, pengolahan air,
kompatibilitas air-batuan, lempung yang
berpartikel migrasi, lempung yang mengembang
X SUMATRA Formation damage might cause low oil well
productivity, therefore it is very important to handle
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, December formation damage. In fact, every operation in the
2015, Volume 38, Number 3, p. 153 - 179 field-drilling, completion, workover, production
ABSTRAK and stimulation, is a potential source of formation
Kerusakan formasi dapat menyebabkan damage. In this case study, the oil company A
turunnya produksi minyak, oleh sebab itu upaya plan to dispose produced water into Formation
mitigasi/pencegahan kerusakan formasi menjadi B, J, K, D,M. Laboratory tests were performed to
sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Kenyataannya, investigate the effect of the injection of water to the
semua operasi di lapangan seperti: pemboran, reservoir formation. The experiment was conducted
penyelesaian sumur, kerja ulang perbaikan by measuring water permeability as a function of
sumur, produksi dan stimulasi berpotensi untuk fluid volume injection. In addition, XRD analysis
menimbulkan kerusakan formasi. Pada kasus ini was also performed on effluent filtrate to support the
operator minyak A mempunyai rencana untuk results. Prior to investigating the sensitivity of res-
membuang produksi air dari sumur minyak ervoir rock to the fluid injection, the samples were
kedalam formasi B, J, K, D, M. Sebelum dilakukan injected with fresh water, saline water, produced
operasi di lapangan, studi laboratorium harus water collected from Central Injection Facility, and
dilaksanakan untuk meneliti pengaruh dari also Filtered CIF Water. The results indicated that
injeksi air tersebut kedalam formasi.Hasil test all formations were sensitive to fresh water and
laboratorium akan digunakan sebagai masukan produced water. Moreover, the use of a filter will
untuk perencanaan pengolahan air, sehingga air improve the water quality. Therefore, the produced
tidak menyebabkan kerusakan formasi. Eksperimen water should be treated by using filter and increas-
di laboratorium dilaksanakan dengan melakukan ing water salinity. The XRD analysis showed that
pengukuran permeabilitas air sebagai fungsi the potential damage is mostly caused by fine mi-
volume air yang diinjeksikan. Analisa XRD juga gration clay, however, swelling clay is also present
dilakukan untuk menunjang hasil penelitian. Di in the small part of formation. The test results will
dalam studi laboratorium ini sampel batuan dari be used for water treatment design, so the water
formasi B, J, K, D, M diinjeksi atau diuji dengan injection will not cause formation damage.
terhadap: air tanpa salinitas, air bersalinitas, (Author)
air produksi dari sumur minyak yang tidak
Keywords: Formation damage, water injection,
maupun yang difilter (disaring). Hasil dari studi
disposed produced water, water treatment, water-
di laboratorium menunjukan semua formasi
sangat sensitive (mudah mengalami kerusakan rock compatibility, fine migration clay, swelling
formasi) jika diinjeksikan dengan air dari sumur clay

UDC: 537.61.8:550.3+622.1 dan potassium (K) dibandingkan dan dilakukan
crossplot pada grafik Quirein, dimana grafik
Irawan Y. Tribuana, Ade Yogi, Prabowo, Andy tersebut dimodifikasi kembali oleh Schlumberger
S. Wibowo, Puteri Sudija, and Yudhi Durahman, pada tahun 1985. Dengan menggunakan crossplot
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas ini mampu mengidentifikasi kehadiran mineral
Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Chlorite, Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite, Mixed
Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta layer clay, Feldspar, Mica, Glauconite, dll. Pada
studi kasus yang dilakukan pada beberapa sumur
Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/
(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 dan A7) menunjukkan
KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, bahwa hasil crossplot ini memiliki kesesuaian
Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: adey@lemigas. terhadap hasil pengukuran menggunakan XRD., E-mail:; Kata Kunci: log gamma ray, spectral gamma ray, kecepatan, identifikasi mineral.
SPEED FOR SPECTRAL GAMMA RAY Gamma ray log is a logging tool to capture the
AND CLAY MINERAL IDENTIFICATION radioactive level of a rock or formation measured
in API units. This logging tool generally has a
OPTIMASI KECEPATAN PENGUKURAN ALAT capability to differentiate between permeable and
SPECTRAL GAMMA RAY DAN IDENTIFIKASI impermeable layers. Usually the impermeable
MINERAL LEMPUNG layer tends to have higher radioactivity compared
to the permeable one except for the feldspar
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, December bearing formation. In addition, another capability
2015, Volume 38, Number 3, p. 181 - 191 of this logging tool is to determine the kind of
clay mineral by using ratio data between Thorium
ABSTRAK and Potassium. This laboratory experiment uses
Log gamma ray adalah alat logging yang Spectral Gamma Ray equipment at LEMIGAS
merekam tingkat radioaktif dari suatu batuan Routine Core Laboratory. The quality of gamma
atau formasi yang diukur dalam satuan API ray log measurement is significantly affected
unit (American Petroleum Institute). Alat log ini by the speed of the conveyor belt. During the
umumnya berfungsi untuk menentukan lapisan experiment, the measurement speed of 30 m/hour is
permeabel dan non-permeabel. Hal ini didasarkan the optimum speed to achieve good quality data and
atas fakta bahwa umumnya lapisan non-permeabel time efficiency with the data amount of 169 points/
cenderung memiliki tingkat radioaktifitas yang meter. The result of SGR measurement gives the
tinggi dibandingkan dengan lapisan permeabel reading on the content of Uranium, Thorium and
kecuali pada kasus batupasir felspatik. Selain itu, Potassium. The Thorium and Potassium content are
fungsi lain dari alat logging ini adalah menentukan compared and plotted in a Quirein graphic which
jenis mineral menggunakan data perbandingan was modified by Schlumberger in 1985. Using this
antara Thorium dan Potassium. Percobaan ini crossplot, we can identify the presence of Chlorite,
menggunakan alat Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR) Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite, mixed layer
yang ada di Laboratorium routine core Lemigas. Feldspar, Mica, Glauconite minerals and so on. In
Kualitas data hasil pengukuran log gamma ray a case study conducted on Wells A1, A2, A3 and
sangat dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan dari conveyor A4, indicated that the result of this crossplot has
belt. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan, kecepatan similarity compared with the measurement using
pengukuran sebesar 30 m/jam adalah kecepatan XRD.
yang optimum untuk mendapatkan kualitas data (Author)
yang baik dan efisiensi waktu dengan jumlah
data 169 titik/meter. Hasil pengukuran SGR Keywords: Gamma ray log, spectral gamma ray,
menghasilkan pembacaan kandungan Uranium, speed, mineral identification.
Thorium, dan Potassium. Kandungan Thorium (Th)

hingga sangat rapuh. Lokasi-lokasi sweet spot
pada formasi ini di sekitar sumur kedua sumur
UDC: 553.9:552.5
menempati sekitar 29% dari volume batuan. Untuk
Junita Trivianty Musu, Bambang Widarsono, Formasi Baong, indikator-indikator yang sama
Andi Ruswandi, Himawan Sutanto, and Humbang menunjukkan kualitas potensi gas serpih yang
Purba. LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas sedang hingga baik, kandungan material organik
Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, rendah hingga sedang, tingkat kematangan belum
Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta matang hingga matang, dan tingkat kerapuhan
Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/ cukup rapuh hingga rapuh. Serpih di formasi ini
KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, dapat dikategorikan sebagai reaktif hingga sangat
ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046; Fax: +6221-7230046 reaktif terhadap air dengan tingkat swelling kecil
Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150, Email: junita@lemigas. hingga sedang. Sweet spot pada formasi di sekitar E-mail:, kedua sumur menempati sekitar 11% dari volume
E-mail:; andysw@ batuan. Pemodelan cekungan memperlihatkan pembentukan gas berada pada kedalaman 2300m
pada Formasi Baong Bawah, Belumai dan Bampo.
D E T E R M I N AT I O N O F S H A L E G A S Estimasi sumberdaya sweet spot gas serpih di
P O T E N T I A L O F N O RT H S U M AT R A cekungan Sumatera Utara pada Formasi Bampo,
BASIN: AN INTEGRATION OF GEOLOGY, Belumai, dan Baong adalah masing-masing
GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROPHYSICS AND sebesar 6.379 TCF, 16.994 TCF, dan 25.024
GEOPHYSICS ANALYSIS TCF dengan jumlah total 48.397 TCF. Volume
PENENTUKAN DAERAH POTENSI SHALE sumberdaya gas yang dihasilkan dari estimasi
GAS INTEGRASI ANALISIS GEOLOGI, adalah bersifat spekulatif dan belum memasukkan
GEOFISIKA, DAN GEOKIMIA CEKUNGAN faktor kepastian dan efisiensi apapun.
SUMATRA UTARA Kata Kunci: Gas serpih, Cekungan Sumatra Utara,
kandungan total karbon organik, indeks kerapuhan,
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, December 2015, Formasi Baong, Formasi Bampo, Formasi Belumai,
Volume 38, Number 3, p. 193 - 212 smektit, impedansi akustik, CWT, sweet spots,
sumberdaya gas spekulatif.
Kajian geologi dan geofisika terkombinasi ABSTRACT
secara rinci di cekungan Sumatera Utara A detailed combined geological and
menunjukkan bahwa formasi-formasi yang memiliki geophysical study in North Sumatra basin has
prospek sebagai play serpih yang mengandung shown that prospective formations for shale play
sweet spot gas adalah serpih dari Formasi-formasi containing gas sweet spots are found to be shales
Bampo, Belumai, dan Baong. Formasi Bampo from Bampo, Belumai, and Baong Formations.
menunjukkan kualitas potensi gas serpih yang Bampo Formation exhibits low shale gas potential
kurang baik, dengan kandungan material organik with very low to medium in organic material
umumnya sangat rendah hingga sedang, tingkat contents, maturity index of immature to mature,
kematangan kurang matang hingga matang, dan and moderate brittleness. Rocks within the
tingkat kerapuhan tidak rapuh hingga cukup rapuh. formation tend to be reactive to highly reactive
Batuan dikategorikan sebagai reaktif hingga sangat to water, with a moderate degree of swelling
reaktif terhadap air dengan tingkat swelling sedang. capacity. Porosity varies within 5.8 - 7.4% with
Porositas bervariasi pada 5.8 - 7.4% dengan permeability ranging from 0.37 to 3.2 mD. Sweet
permeabilitas pada 0.37 - 3.2 mD. Area-area sweet spots in the formation found around Basilam-1
spot pada formasi ini di sekitar sumur Basilam-1 and Securai-1wells occupy about 21% of the
dan Securai-1 menempati sekitar 21% dari formation. On the other hand, Belumai Formation
keseluruhan formasi. Di sisi lain, Formasi Belumai shows moderate to good shale gas potential, with
memiliki kualitas potensi gas serpih sedang hingga low to high organic material contents, immature
baik, dengan kandungan material organik rendah to mature levels of maturity, and moderately
hingga tinggi, tingkat kematangan belum matang brittle to brittle. Sweet spot areas in the formation
hingga matang, dan tingkat kerapuhan cukup rapuh found around the two wells are about 29% of the

formation. For Baong Formation, analysis reveals yang cukup menjanjikan pada Formasi Talang
moderate to good shale gas potential, with low to Akar (TAF) dan Formasi Lemat/Lahat (LAF/LAF).
medium contents of organic material, immature Hasil interpretasi seismik memperlihatkan adanya
to mature in maturity index, moderately brittle to potensi shale HC yang tersebar di beberapa area
brittle in brittleness, and tendency of being reactive sekitar sumur Rukam-1, Kemang-1, Singa-1 dan
to highly reactive to water but with low degree of Tepus-1. Secara umum, hasil pemodelan termal
swelling capacity. Sweet spots in the formation menunjukkan awal kematangan minyak pada
found around the two wells occupies are roughly nilai Ro= 0.6% di kedalaman (h) sekitar 2000 m,
11% of the total formation volume in the area. Basin pembentukan minyak pada nilai Ro = (0.7-0.9)
modeling leading to gas resources estimation for % di kedalaman antara (2200 < h <3100) m dan
Baong, Belumai and Bampo Formations has led to pembentukan gas pada nilai Ro antara (0.9-1.2)
estimated volumes of 6,379 TCF, 16,994 TCF, and % di ke dalaman antara (3100-3500) m. Formasi
25,024 TCF, respectively, with a total amount of Talang Akar dan Lahat/Lemat berturut-turut
48,397 TCF. The resources figures are speculative mempunyai lingkungan pengendapan laut dangkal
in nature and do not incorporate any certainty and dengan Tipe Kerogen II/III dan lakustrin dengan
efficiency factors. Tipe Kerogen III. Berdasarkan pengolahan lanjut
(Author) data seismik (metode atribut seismik dan spectral
decomposition) diperkirakan di area-area tersebut
Keywords: Shale gas, North Sumatra Basin, total memiliki nilai TOC yang memenuhi syarat sebagai
organic carbon, brittleness index, Baong Formation, shale HC, yaitu nilai TOC > 2%. Perhitungan (P-
Bampo Formation, Belumai Formation, smectite, 50) potensi sumberdaya migas non-konvensional
acoustic impedance, continuous wavelet transform ini diperkirakan cukup besar (mencapai 4200
(CWT), sweet spots, gas speculative resouces. MMBOE) pada Formasi Talang Akar dan Lahat/
UDC: 553.9:550-8 Kata Kunci: shale hydrocarbon, formasi Talang
Akar, formasi lemat/Lahat, TOC, migas non-
Julikah, Sriwidjaya, Jonathan S., and Panuju. konvensional
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas
Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, ABSTRACT
Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta
Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/ South and Central Palembang Sub - basin over
KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Talang Akar (TAF) and the Lemat / Lahat Formations
ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046; Fax: +6221-7230046 (LEF/LAF) potentially has shale hydrocarbons (HC
Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150, E-mail: julikah@ shale) which are considerably promising. Seismic, E-mail: sriwijaya@lemigas. interpretation results shows potential HC shale;, scattered in several areas around the Rukam-1,
E-mail:, Kemang-1, Lion-1 and Tepus-1 wells. Generally,
thermal modeling results indicates early maturity
HYDROCARBON SHALE POTENTIAL IN of oil on the value of Ro = 0.6% at about 2000 m
TALANG AKAR AND LAHAT FORMATIONS depth (h), the formation of oil on the value Ro =
ON SOUTH AND CENTRAL PALEMBANG (0.7-0.9)% at between (2200 h <3100) m depth
SUB BASIN. and formation of gas at Ro values between (0.9-
1.2)% at a depth between (3100-3500) m. Talang
Akar and Lahat/Lemat Formations have a shallow
marine depositional environment with Type II/III
kerogen and lacustrine with Type III kerogen. Based
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, December 2015, on advanced seismic data processing (a method of
Volume 38, Number 3, p. 213 - 223 seismic attributes and spectral decomposition) these
areas are expected to have a TOC> 2% value that
qualifies as shale HC. The assessment (P-50) of
Sub-cekungan Palembang Selatan dan Tengah potential non conventional oil and gas resources
mempunyai potensi shale hydrocarbon (shale HC)

at Talang Akar and Lahat / Lemat Formations is density (OD), kepadatan sel dan temperatur.
estimated to be fairly large (up to 4200 MMBOE). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 6
(Author) variasi media pertumbuhan yang digunakan pada
penelitian ini ternyata media M4N adalah media
Keywords: Shale hydrocarbon, Talang Akar For- yang paling baik untuk pertumbuhan mikroalga.
mation, Lemat/Lahat Formation, TOC, Unconven- Nilai kepadatan sel pada media M4N di akhir
tional oil and gas operasi mencapai 306,83 x 106 sel/mL dengan
warna kultur hijau pekat yang masih bertahan
hingga akhir operasi. Nilai koefisien pertumbuhan
UDC: 549.8:66.07+662.7 Scenedesmus sp. yang ditumbuhkan pada media
Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan. M4N adalah 0,36. Hal tersebut kemungkinan
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas diakibatkan komposisi nutrisi pada media M4N
Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, lebih lengkap dibandingkan media lainnya.
Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Kata Kunci: mikroalga, media pertumbuhan,
Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/ scenedesmus sp.
KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422,
ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046; Fax: +6221-7230046 ABSTRACT
Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150, E-mail: fierdaus@
Media culture is one of the important factors; E-mail: oniek@lemigas.esdm.
in the growth of microalgae. Culture medium
contains macro and micro nutrition required
THE INFLUENCE OF MEDIA COMPOSITION for the growth of microalgae. Composition of
TO THE GROWTH OF SCENEDESMUS SP. nutrition and nutrition concentrations determine
MICROALGAE IN VARIED MEDIA the production of microalgae biomass and nutrient
content. The aim of this study is to evaluate
PENGARUH KOMPOSISI MEDIA TER- the effect of medium composition variation to
HADAP PERTUMBUHAN MIKROALGA Scenedesmus sp growth in laboratory-scale in
SCENEDESMUS SP. PADA BERBAGAI VA- order to get the optimized composition of media
RIASI MEDIA for microalgae Scenedesmus sp. This study was
conducted in a laboratory scale. The growth
medium that were used in this study were: BBL
Media kultur merupakan salah satu faktor sm, SS, MN, M4N, Sederhana 2, and Sederhana
yang penting dalam pertumbuhan mikroalga. 3 medium. The microalgae that were used in
Media kultur mengandung nutrisi makro dan this study were mixed culture Chlorophyceae
nutrisi mikro yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan microalgae which is dominated by Scenedesmus
mikroalga. Komposisi nutrisi yang lengkap dan sp. The parameters observed were pH, optical
konsentrasi nutrisi yang tepat menentukan produksi density (OD), cell density and temperature. The
biomassa dan kandungan gizi mikroalga. Tujuan results show that of the 6 variations of the growth
kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh medium used in this study M4N medium is the best
variasi media terhadap pertumbuhan mikroalga medium for the growth of microalgae. At the end
Scenedesmus sp pada skala laboratorium. Pada of the operation, cell density of Scenedesmus sp.
skala laboratorium dilakukan uji variasi media from M4N medium was 306.83 x 106 cell/mL with
pertumbuhan mikroalga. Media uji ini digunakan a dark green color for the culture. The coefficient
untuk melihat pertumbuhan mikroalga. Media- growth of Scenedesmus sp. which is grown in
media pertumbuhan yang digunakan yaitu : M4N medium was 0,36. This is likely to be due to
media BBL sm, SS, MN, M4N, dan Sederhana the composition of nutrients in the medium M4N
2. Mikroalga yang digunakan adalah mikroalga which were more complete than other media.
Chlorophyceae mixed culture yang didominasi
oleh Scenedesmus sp. Percobaan dilakukan secara
batch dengan tiga kali pengulangan (triplo). Keywords: Microalgae, Growth Medium,
Parameter yang diamati adalah pH, optical Scenedesmus sp.

Vol. 38, Number 3, December 2015: 1 of 5
Journal Homepage:

Septi Anggraeni
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA
Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150
First Registered on November 23rd 2015; Received after Correction on December 28th 2015
Publication Approval on: December 31st 2015

Kerusakan formasi dapat menyebabkan turunnya produksi minyak, oleh sebab itu upaya mitigasi/
pencegahan kerusahan formasi menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Kenyataannya, semua operasi di
lapangan seperti: pemboran, penyelesaian sumur, kerja ulang perbaikan sumur, produksi dan stimulasi
berpotensi untuk menimbulkan kerusakan formasi. Pada kasus ini operator minyak A mempunyai rencana
untuk membuang produksi air dari sumur minyak kedalam formasi B, J, K, D, M. Sebelum dilakukan operasi
di lapangan, studi laboratorium harus dilaksanakan untuk meneliti pengaruh dari injeksi air tersebut
kedalam formasi.Hasil test laboratorium akan digunakan sebagai masukan untuk perencanaan pengolahan
air, sehingga air tidak menyebabkan kerusakan formasi. Eksperimen di laboratorium dilaksanakan dengan
melakukan pengukuran permeabilitas air sebagai fungsi volume air yang diinjeksikan. Analisa XRD juga
dilakukan untuk menunjang hasil penelitian. Di dalam studi laboratorium ini sampel batuan dari formasi
B, J, K, D, M diinjeksi atau diuji dengan terhadap: air tanpa salinitas, air bersalinitas, air produksi dari
sumur minyak yang tidak maupun yang difilter (disaring). Hasil dari studi di laboratorium menunjukan
semua formasi sangat sensitive (mudah mengalami kerusakan formasi) jika diinjeksikan dengan air dari
sumur minyak lapangan X, demikian juga dengan air tak bersalinitas. Kerusakan formasi dapat dicegah
dengan melakukan penyaringan dan menaikan salinitas air injeksi. Potensi kerusakan formasi pada
umumnya disebabkan oleh lempung yang partikelnya mudah lepas dan termigrasi (Kaolinite), walaupun
ada sebagaian kecil disebabkan oleh lempung yang mudah mengembang (Smectite).
Kata Kunci: Kerusakan formasi, air injeksi, pembuangan air produksi, pengolahan air, kompatibilitas
air-batuan, lempung yang berpartikel migrasi, lempung yang mengembang
Formation damage might cause low oil well productivity, therefore it is very important to effectively
handle this issue. In fact, every operation in the field-drilling, completion, workover, production and
stimulation, is a potential source of formation damage. In this case study, the oil company A plan to
dispose produced water into Formation B, J, K, D,M. Laboratory tests were performed to investigate the
effect of the injection of water into the reservoir formation. The experiment was conducted by measuring
water permeability as a function of fluid volume injection. In addition, XRD analysis was also performed
on effluent filtrate to support the results. Prior to investigating the sensitivity of reservoir rock to the fluid
injection, the samples were injected with fresh water, saline water, produced water collected from Central
Injection Facility, and also Filtered CIF Water. The results indicated that all formations were sensitive to
fresh water and produced water. Moreover, the use of a filter will improve the water quality. Therefore,
the produced water should be treated by using a filter and increasing water salinity. The XRD analysis

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

showed that the potential damage is mostly caused by fine migration clay, however, swelling clay is also
present in the small part of formation. The test results will be used for water treatment design, so as to
minimize formation damage.
Keywords: Formation damage, water injection, disposed produced water, water treatment, water-rock
compatibility, fine migration clay, swelling clay

I. INTRODUCTION - To study the effectiveness of filtering the CIF

produced water.
Laboratory and field studies indicate that almost
every operation in the field- drilling, completion, The formation damage experiment was conducted
workover, production and stimulation, is a potential by measuring water permeability as a function of
source of damage to well productivity. Formation fluid volume fluid injection (fresh water, saline
damage has long been recognized as a source of water, water collected from CIF (Central Injection
serious productivity reductions in many oil and gas Facility), and also Filtered CIF Water). The results
reservoirs. of laboratory tests are used as data support for water
treatment design before the water is injected into the
Formation damage may result from a variety reservoir formation.
of conditions. A systematic approach is therefore
necessary in the design and execution of engineering During injection into reservoir rock, formation
laboratory core flow tests in order to generate damage might occur caused by several sources such as:
realistic data which might be scaled to appropriate the accompanying invasion and migration of solids,
field conditions to optimize solutions for formation clay swelling, and geochemical transformations. In
damage. fine solids migration, the damaging solids may come
Oil Company A operates X Field that is directly from the fluid system or from the formation
located in Central Sumatra has planned to dispose itself. The intrusion and deposition of the mobile
of produced water from Central Injection Facility particles may block the reservoir rocks pore-throats
(CIF) into reservoir formations. The X Field has five which reduces the permeability.
formations which are K formation, B formation, II. METHODOLOGY
J formation, D formation, and M formation.
The lithology of the reservoir is Argillaceous sand In this study, a formation damage experiment
stone with average porosity and permeability value was conducted by measu225
of 31.14% and 3741 mD, respectively. The issue of ring water permeability as a function of fluid
the potential formation damage problem is of concern volume injection. In addition, XRD analysis was also
when water is not compatible with the reservoir performed on effluent filtrate to support the results.
formation. Prior to this study on the implications of Prior to investigating the sensitivity of reservoir
the water disposal on reservoir rocks, Oil Company rock to the character of fluid injection, the samples
A initiated a project study designed to assess the were injected with fresh water, saline water, water
reduction of permeability caused by water that is not collected from CIF (Central Injection Facility), and
compatible with reservoir rocks. also Filtered CIF Water.
The objectives of the study are focused on five
main points, as follows: A. Laboratory Test Preparation
- To determine the compatibility of reservoir rock Before conducting the required formation
and the fresh water. damage tests, some preparations should be done such
- To observe whether or not the KCL level currently as : to prepare the sample and also the fluid that will
being used should be changed. be used in the laboratory test.
- To study the magnitude of the formation damage 1. Sample Preparation
that could be expected from produced water that Prior to performing the required laboratory
is collected from CIF (Central Injection Facility) tests, a set of plug-size samples representing various
Station. depths, taken from 5X well conventional cores (depth
- To analyze the potential of scaling tendency that intervals from 822.65 feet to 1270.50 feet ) of K,
might be occur caused by the incompatibility B, J, D, M formation, were prepared. In general,
between produced and reservoir rock. the samples are characterized by unconsolidated

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

sandstone. 2. Fluid Preparation

Under such conditions the cores were drill-
plugged using a one and half inch diameter bit, In accordance with information provided by
about 2 and 2.5 inches [5 to 6 cm] in length, while A Company, the formation water data collected
lead tubes of the same diameter were prepared for from 6F well and 4H represented K, B, J, D, and
the plugs sleeve. After drilling, the plugs were M Formations was used for the test. The simulated
inserted carefully into the lead sleeves, where the two formation brine was used as saturating and displacing
ends of the plugs were closed using a double metal fluid throughout the sample preparation and
screen of 120 mesh (inside) and 60 mesh (outside). measurements. Table 1 shows the constituents of
The samples were finally squeezed with nitrogen simulated brines.
under a pressure of 400 psig for about 5 minutes to
prevent potential damage during fluid saturating in B. The Experiment
the coming various tests. The squeezing pressure of In the laboratory experiment, there were five (5)
400 psi was given under an assumption that the rock kinds of sensitive tests performed, as follows:
sample could be seated in the lead sleeve and the
- Sensitivity test on fresh water
characteristic of the rocks is not influenced.
After plug retrieval, all samples were thoroughly - Sensitivity test on filtered water
extracted, leached of all salts, and dried in a - Scaling tendency analysis
controlled humidity oven at 60 deg. C, 45% RH. - Sensitivity test on water salinity
Porosity and air permeability were then measured in
- Sensitivity test on produced water salinity
the Routine Core Analysis Laboratory. In detail, the
values of porosity and air permeability are presented The results of these tests are used as data support
in Figure 1. A total number of 83 samples represented in water treatment design, so the injected water
B, J, D, K, M formation were selected for formation would not cause formation damage.
damage test.
1. Sensitivity Test on Fresh Water
20 samples taken from 5G well represented by
K, B, J, D, and M Formation were selected

Table 1
Table 2 Simulated Brine Data
Simulated brine data

Well Name Formation 6F 6F 4H 6F 6F

Na+ (mg/l)* 367 352 457 352 367
K+ (mg/l) 44.2 41.8 676 41.8 44.2
Mg (mg/l) 21.56 21.01 24.1 21.01 21.56
Ca2+ (mg/l) 42.4 48.1 77.9 48.1 42.4
Sr * (mg/l) 0.19 1.23 1.41 1.23 0.19
Ba (mg/l) 0.9 0.5 0.54 0.5 0.9
Fe (mg/l) 0.09 1.05 0.01 1.05 0.09
Zn (mg/l)
Cl (mg/l) 219 162 683.82 162 219
SO42 (mg/l) 0.7 6.4 42.1 6.4 0.7
F (mg/l)
Bicarbonate as HCO3 (mg/l) 924.03 1009.94 924.03 993.81
Carboxylic acids** (mg/l)
TDS (Measured) (mg/l) 1711 1582 2110 1582 1711
Salinity 1100 1300

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

for the Fresh Water Sensitivity Test. In the process, After that, distillate water was injected into
the samples were initially vacuumed and pressure the sample until 100 Pore Volume, then water per-
saturated using the simulated formation brine as de- meability was measured as a function of volume
scribed previously, and then flushed using the same throughput (distillate water volume injected). At
brine until 100 Pore Volume. In this condition, water terminal condition, the water permeability at flow
permeability was measured as a function of volume reversed direction was also measured. The test was
throughput (brine volume injected). performed on ambient condition.

Figure 1
Porosity and permeability data of core sample from X1 well, X field.

Figure 2.1 Porosity and Permeability Data of Core Sample from X1 Well, X Field
1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

2. Sensitivity Test on Filtered Water performed on ambient condition.

3. Scaling Tendency Analysis
The test was performed on 17 samples taken from
5G well of K, B, J, D, and M Formations. The Scaling Tendency Test was performed
The injected water was produced water collected on 17 samples taken from 5G well of K, B,
from CIF (Central Injected Facility) station of A J, D, and M Formations. Following the
Field. At first, all of the samples were saturated with procedure, the samples were initially vacuumed and
100% simulated formation brine, then flushed using pressure saturated using the simulated formation
the same brine until 100 Pore Volume. brine as described previously, and then flushed
Under these conditions, water permeability was using the same brine until 100 Pore Volume. In
measured as a function of volume throughput (brine this condition, water permeability was measured
volume injected). After that, filtered CIF water was as a function of volume throughput (brine volume
injected into the samples until 100 Pore Volume CIF injected). Subsequently, the CIF water was injected
water, water permeability was also measured as a into the samples until 100 Pore Volume, and water
function of volume throughput. Then, the samples permeability was measured as a function of volume
were flushed using the unfiltered CIF water until 100 throughput. The effluent water was collected with
Pore Volume, and at this condition water permeability filter paper. At terminal condition , the water
was measured as a function of volume throughput. permeability at flow reversed direction was also
At terminal condition, the water permeability at flow measured. The test was performed on ambient
reversed direction was also measured. The test was condition. XRD analysis was conducted on effluent

Table 2Test
Table 3 Results of the Fresh Water Sensitivity
Results of the fresh water sensitivity test

Formation Brine Fresh Water

Formation No. Sampel Depth (ft) Ka, mD K1, mD K2, mD K3, mD K4, mD K Reversed
45 822.65 11705 8085.29 4576.05 4681.73 1338.08 1311.76
119 898.12 2812 288.71 207.29 96.83 59.66 99.52
142 907.7 2008 127.02 83.16 75.32 21.89 65.26
K 146 908.3 2188 196.75 142.20 101.69 75.86 80.61
147 908.45 3863 139.92 104.74 121.61 86.45 137.23
170 914.55 6951 1070.17 707.44 702.89 392.74 424.73
209 933.5 1871 37.18 17.02 17.16 8.15 12.95
23 1018.3 566 14.16 8.60 7.27 3.57 4.44
B 304 1010.3 175 130.31 79.04 65.43 37.77 67.80
316 1019.7 1090 162.73 79.35 84.32 40.00 62.48
324 1028.25 607 3.76 1.75 1.59 0.74 2.51
24 1112.05 9008 6473.74 4279.56 4030.89 2315.93 2631.42
J 607 1116.9 3794 1190.36 456.38 382.49 154.39 194.34
416 1102.25 638 3.86 2.71 2.57 1.43 2..80
422 1108.15 1017 48.72 37.41 31.85 19.13 44.55
507 1187.6 1808 124.49 86.84 85.49 54.92 66.19
D 522 1201.4 2110 19.79 14.92 17.52 12.13 13.28
523 1202.5 1817 132.08 90.06 86.11 56.51 67.52
525 1203.25 651 23.30 17.89 14.96 10.77 12.33
M 37 1265.45 2064 286.95 217.81 195.82 114.25 125.29
K1 : water permeability at initial brine injection K3 : water permeability at initial distillate water injection
K2 : water permeability at 100 PV brine K4 : water permeability at 100 PV distillate water injection

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

Table 3
Table 4 Results of Sensitivity Test on Filtered Water
Results of sensitivity test on filtered water

Formation Brine CIF (un filtered) CIF (un filtered)

No. K Reserved,
Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD Kl,mD K2,mD K3,mD K4,mD K5,mD K6,mD
Sampel mD

46 822.9 10701 4708.98 1269.91 3768.86 1744.00 3938.90 1819.58 791.48

K 120 898.9 2656 65.48 37.98 39.94 15.44 24.29 8.97 16.32
123 901.15 3790 1605.62 812.60 870.37 325.60 661.54 231.03 240.48
309 1014.7 1629.26 501.81 662.39 260.46 169.90 172.83
2768 441.35
321 1026.9 3.41 1.35 1.81 1.04 0.36 0.72
B 334 836 1.02
337 1035.95 3.21 2.12 1.52 0.41 0.25 0.27
811 0.97 0.70
338 1036.25 2.01 0.84 1.03 0.29 0.18 0.19
25 1112.2 7790 4766.68 1655.28 2917.59 1908.75 2557.57 729.26 744.03
28 1117.05 4626 3355.72 923.57 2943.33 1726.99 3020.23 1732.03 1862.11
30 1117.95 4962 3272.35 1016.83 1700.87 898.18 1701.00 328.92 369.49
466 1150.2 242 70.15 25.52 51.61 22.71 36.71 9.61 12.45

508 1188.25 1754 494.63 160.03 163.42 47.28 103.83 25.41

524 1202.85 2372 1111.73 364.61 770.08 229.96 286.47 102.36
D 85.07 7.43
526 1203.8 404 163.70 53.69 83.61 24.97 33.81 7.67
527 1204.3 2372 386.15 133.55 84.91 25.36 62.03 16.17

36 1263.7 11619 9781.95 3972.69 6125.53 1696.15 6774.13 1325.30 1526.62

584 1269.5 2688 974.03 176.45 772.85 214.00 339.33 96.81 123.13

K1 : water permeability at initial brine injection K4 : water permeability at 100 PV filtered GIF water injection
K2 : water permeability at 100 PV brine injection as
K5 :awater
function of volume
permeability throughput
at initial GIF water injection(brine volume
injected). Subsequently,
at 100 PVCIF water was injected into
4.K3Sensitivity Test on Water Salinity
: water permeability at initial filtered GIF water injection K6 : water permeability GIF water injection
the samples until 100 pore volume, at this condition
A total of 21 samples taken from 5G well water permeability was measured as a function of
of K, B, J, D, and M Formations were volume throughput (CIF water volume injected).
assigned for Sensitivity on Brine Salinity. In the The water permeability at reversed direction flow
process, under room temperature conditions, the was also recorded.
samples were initially vacuumed and pressure
saturated using the simulated formation brine as III. RESULTS
described previously, and then flushed using the same
A. Results of the Fresh Water Sensitivity Test
brine until 100 pore volume. In this condition, water
permeability was measured as a function of volume Results of the Fresh Water Sensitivity Tests are
throughput (brine volume injected). Afterwards, summarized in Table 2 as follows.
the samples were injected with 3% KCl water until The experiment was performed at ambient
100 pore volume, then water permeability was condition. At first, the sample was injected with
measured as a function of volume throughput (3% formation brine, the recorded water permeability at
KCl water injected). Next, the samples were flushed initial injection (K1) was ranged between values of
with 5% KCL water until 100 pore volume, then 37.18 mD to 8085.29 mD, 3.76 mD to 162.73 mD,
water permeability was also measured as a function 3.86 mD to 6473.74 mD, 19.79 mD to 132.08 mD,
of volume throughput. The water permeability at for K, B, J, D formations, respectively
reversed direction flow was also recorded. and value of 286.95 mD for M Formation. The
5. Sensitivity Test on Produced Water Salinity injection was stopped at 100 Pore Volume, the
recorded permeability (K2) under these conditions
Sensitivity on produced salinity test was carried ranged between value of 17.02 mD to 4576.05 mD,
out on 22 samples taken from 5G well of K, B, 1.75 mD to 4279.56 mD, 14.92 mD to 90.06 mD,
J, D, and M Formation. At first, the samples for K, B, J, D formations, respectively and
were saturated using the simulated formation brine, 217.81 mD for M formation.
then flushed using the same brine until 100 pore
Next, the fresh water was injected into the
volume, and the water permeability was measured

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

sample, the recorded water permeability at initial At first, the samples were injected with formation,
injection (K3) was ranged between 17.16 mD to at initial condition the recorded water permeability
4681.73 mD, 1.59 mD to 84.32 mD, 2.57 mD to (K1) values ranged between 65.48 mD to 4708.98
4080.89 mD, 14.96 mD to 86.11 mD, for K, B, mD, 2.01 mD to 1629.26 mD, 70.15 mD to 4766.68
J, D formations, respectively and 195.82 mD for mD, 163.70 mD to 1111.73 mD, 974.03 mD to
M formation. The injection was finished until 100 9781.95 mD for for K, B, J, D, M
Pore Volume fresh, and at this condition the recorded formation, respectively. The process was finished
water permeability (K4) ranged between values of after injection with 100 Pore Volume formation brine,
8.15 mD to 1338.08 mD, 0.74 mD to 40 mD, 1.43 mD the recorded water permeability at this condition
to 2315.93 mD, 12.13 mD to 56.51 mD, for K, B, (K2) ranged between 37.98 mD to 1269.91 mD, 0.84
J, D formations, respectively and 114.25 mD mD to 501.81 mD, 25.52 mD to 1655.28 mD, 53.69
for M formation. At terminal condition, the water mD to 160.03 mD, 176.45 mD to 3972.69 mD for for
permeability at flow reversed direction was also K, B, J, D , M formation, respectively.
measured. The recorded water permeability ranged Later, the filtered CIF produced water was
between 12.95 mD to 1311.76 mD, 2.51 mD to 67.80 injected into the samples, at initial injection the
mD, 2.8 mD to 2631.42 mD, 12.33 mD to 67.52 mD recorded water permeability (K3) ranged between
for K, B, J, D formations, respectively and 39.94 mD to 3768.86 mD, 1.02 mD to 662.39 mD,
114.25 mD for M formation. 51.61 mD to 2943.33 mD, 83.61 mD to 770.08 mD,
B. Results of Sensitivity Test on Filtered Water 772.85 mD to 6125.53 mD for for K, B, J,
D, M formation, respectively. The injection
Results of Sensivity Test on Filtered Water are ended when 100 Pore Volume was produced , and at
displayed in Table 3. this condition the water permeability was measured.
The measured water permeability (K4) value ranged
The test was conducted at ambient condition.
within 15.44 mD to 1744 mD, 0.29 mD to 260.46

Table 4
Table 5a Results of Scaling Tendency Analysis
Results of scaling tendency analysis

No. Depth,
Formation Ka, mD Formation Brine CIF
Sampel Feet
K Reversed,
Kl,mD K2,mD K3,mD K4,mD
310 1015.25 3227.00 1593.25 808.01 541.16 330.77 236.01
341 1038.5 287.00 4.07 2.02 2.32 1.32 1.14
343 1039.4 831.00 16.61 6.47 6.46 2.21 -
350 1043.7 441.00 4.43 1.75 2.66 0.54 -
513 1192.5 2072.00 799.55 362.06 333.92 115.08 112.79
D 528 1204.7 1376.00 186.74 85.12 121.10 38.18 51.09
529 1205.75 775.00 155.22 79.19 61.55 18.05 12.20
571 1253.55 3643.00 1417.38 787.43 764.61 400.81 317.73
29 1117.6 5967.00 4724.94 3028.81 3030.18 810.41 875.49
J 33 1157.75 5261.00 4927.44 1813.20 2885.95 632.16 516.25
430 1115.25 5826.00 4079.50 2848.78 3892.80 1041.12 1848.01
51 824.25 12088.00 7013.21 2933.45 3110.20 2168.05 -
127 903.8 2514.00 771.11 308.40 293.38 152.67 -
187 918.5 497.00 1.28 0.46 0.34 0.06 -
188 918.65 206.00 0.63 0.22 0.20 0.09 -
135 905.65 3874.00 2534.30 1364.62 1943.37 701.90 -
M 39 1267.65 5261.00 3603.46 1403.27 1522.61 581.38 642.25

K1 : water permeability at initial brine injection K2:waterpermeabilityat100PVbrine
K3 : water permeability at initial GIF water injection K4:waterpermeabilityat100PVGIFwaterinjection

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

mD, 22.71 mD to 1908.75 mD, 24.97 mD to 229.96 was performed until 100 pore volume fluid injection,
mD, 214 mD to 1696.15 mD mD for K, B, then the water permeability (K2) was measured. The
J, D, M formations, respectively. results indicated value ranged within 1.75 mD to
Next, the samples were flushed with the unfiltered 808.01 mD, 79.19 mD to 787.43 mD, 1813.20 mD
CIF produced water, at an initial injection the to 3028.81 mD, 0.22 mD to 2933.45 mD for K,
recorded water permeability (K5) ranged between B, J, D formations, respectively and 1403.27
24.29 mD to 3938.90 mD, 0.7 mD to 441.35 mD, mD for M formation.
36.71 mD to 3020.23 mD, 33.81 mD to 286.47 mD, Afterwards, CIF produced water was injected into
96.81 mD to 1325.30 mD, for for K, B, J, D, the samples, initially, recorded water permeability
M formation, respectively. The injection finished at value (K3) ranged between 2.32 mD to 541.16 mD,
100 Pore Volume fluid, the water permeability (K6) 61.55 mD to 764.61 mD,2885.95 mD to 3892.30
values ranged between 8.97 mD to 1819.58 mD, 0.18 mD, 0.2 mD to 3110.20 mD for K, B, J,
mD to 169.90 mD, 9.61 mD to 1732.03 mD, 7.43 D formations, respectively and 1521.61 mD for
mD to 85.07 mD, 96.81 mD to 1325.30 mD for K, M formation. The injection was stopped at 100
B, J, D, M formations, respectively. Finally, Pore Volume fluid injection. At this condition, the
the water permeability at flow reversed direction recorded water permeability (K4) was within 0.54
was also measured. The recorded water permeability mD to 330.71 mD, 18.05 mD to 400.81 mD, 632.16
ranged within 16.32 mD to 791.48 Md, 0.19 mD to mD to 1041.12 mD, 0.06 mD to 2168.05 mD for K,
172.83 mD, 12.45 mD to 1862.11 mD, 7.67 mD to B, J, D formations, respectively and 581.38
102.36 mD, 123.13 mD to 1526.62 mD, for K, B, mD for M formation. At terminal condition, the
J, D, M formations, respectively. water permeability at flow reversed direction was
C. Results of Scaling Tendency Analysis also measured. The reversed water permeability
indicated values ranged within 1.14 mD to 236.01
Results of Sensivity Test on Filtered Water are mD, 12.20 mD to 317.73 mD, 516.25 mD to 1848.01
shown in Table 4. The recorded water permeability mD, for K, B, J, D formations, respectively
value (K1) ranged within 4.07 mD to 1588.25 mD, and 542.25 mD for M formation. The results of
155.22 mD to 1417.38 mD. 4079.50 mD to 4927.44 XRD analysis on effluent filtrate is displayed on table
mD, 0.63 mD to 7013.21 mD for K, B, J, 5b. The results show that generally, the formations
D formations, respectively and 3603.46 mD for are dominated by Illite and Kaolinite.
M formation, when the samples were flushed with In the scaling tendency test, some of samples
formation at initial condition. The brine injection produced only a small quantity of effluent filtrate

Table 5
Table 5b Summary of XRDof XRD analysis
Analysis on effluent
on Effluent filtrate result
Filtrate Result

No Formasi Clay Mineral (%) Carb. Mineral (%) Other Mineral (%) Total (%)

Smec. Illite Kaol. Chlor. Calc. Dolo. Sider Quartz K-Feld Plag. Pyrite Clay Carb. Other

1 51 K 100
2 251 K 15 15 1 1 64 3 1 30 2 68
3 310 B 4 8 2 86 12 2 86
4 343 B 7 15 78 22 78
5 350 B 20 30 8 42 50 8 42
6 39 J 16 8 60 16 16 8 76
7 513 D 8 14 73 5 22 78
8 528 D 100 100
9 529 D 5 7 88 12 88

Smec. : Smectite Dolo : Dolomite
Kaol. : Kaolinite Sider.: Siderite
Chlor. : Chlorite KFeld: KFeldspar
Calc. : Calcite Plag.: Plagioclase
Carb. : Carbonate

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

Table 6 Results of Sensitivity Test on Water Salinity

Table 6
Results of sensitivity test on water salinity
Formation Brine KCL3% KCL5%
No. K Reversed,
Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD Kl,mD K2,mD K3,mD K4,mD K5,mD K6,mD
Sampel mD

116 895.95 4529 229.26 134.5 185.88 102.24 148.96 86.27 161.3
136 905.8 2430 881.89 613.12 372.42 204.83 262.62 185 90.24
139 906.4 3080 931.62 647.7 670.35 413.38 416.15 293.15 294.08
K 148 908.6 1303 146.92 39.18 48.92 28.16 45.34 31.94 32.28
171 914.7 9587 5176.2 1932.45 1403.35 1005.12 1252.9 765.41 607.93
185 918.25 2975 94.3 35.2 54.43 38.99 12.37 7.72 10.86
203 930.65 837 753.64 281.36 217.74 113.74 130.02 73.4 89.46
240 950.75 1010 741.31 593.88 580.07 457.68 598.22 378.06 89.46

315 1019.15 1605 329.96 179.77 144.02 107.78 110.48 75.38 -

362 1050.05 657 157.85 91.42 40.05 18.08 13.69 6.95 21.83
364 1051.25 234 14.14 4.94 14.11 4.93 2.16 1.78 1.42
367 1052 869 1.27 0.41 0.41 0.23 0.36 0.3 0.53
26 1116.6 2271 1631.71 1078.67 1195.38 799.82 1075.84 719.84 2631.42
31 1157.5 5622 4847.83 3204.73 3586.15 2399.46 2227.76 1575.57 1642.11
34 1157.9 7002 6248.96 4482.68 2848.62 1718.63 2890.52 2044.31 1642.11
435 1119.7 2219 359.99 258.24 147.69 89.11 157.96 125.81 113.28

520 1199.45 2072 1066.36 746.45 707.06 436.25 813.09 535.76 66.19
530 1206 966 206.03 148.28 189.82 146.72 169.38 122.5 128.02
532 1208.2 483 10.29 3.5 5.4 1.84 2.38 1.45 2.74
572 1254.35 5452 4027.67 2807.96 1225.19 417.72 3121.33 1880.73 1817.7

M 38 1265.6 4795 2389.69 1813.91 983.42 695.79 1036.24 731.46 915.52

K1 : water permeability at initial brine injection K4 : water permeability at 100 PV 3% KCI water injection
K2 : water permeability at 100 PV brine injection K5 : water permeability at initial 5% KCI water injection
K3 : water permeability at initial 3% KCI water injection K6 : water permeability at 100 PV 5% KCI water injection

material, therefore it cant be analyzed by the XRD. water permeability (K3) was within 48.92 mD to
D. Results of Sensitivity Test on Water Salinity 1403.35 mD, 0.41 mD to 144.02 mD, 147.69 mD
to 3586.15 mD, 5.40 mD to 1225.19 mD for K,
The results of Sensitivity Test on Water Salinity
B, J, D formations, respectively and 983.42
can be seen in Table 6. At first, the samples were
mD for M formation. The process was continued
injected with formation brine. The recorded water
until it reached 100 Pore Volume fluid injection,
permeability (K1) was within 94.30 mD to 5176.20
at this condition the water permeability (K4) was
mD, 1.27 mD to 329.96 mD, 359.99 mD to 6248.96
measured, recorded value ranged between 28.16
mD, 10.29 mD to 4027.67 mD for K, B, J,
mD to 1005.12 mD, 0.23 mD to 107.78 mD, 89.11
D formations, respectively and 2389.69 mD for
mD to 2399.46 mD, 1.84 mD to 436.25 mD for K,
M formation.
B, J, D formations, respectively and 695.79
The brine injection was ended at 100 pore mD for M formation.
volume injection, whereas the recorded water
Later, brine with 5% KCl concentration was
permeability value (K2) ranged between 35.20 mD
injected into the samples. At initial injection the
to 1932.45 mD, 0.41 mD to 144.02 mD, 258.24 mD
recorded water permeability (K5) ranged between
to 4482.68 mD, 3.5 mD to 2807.96 mD, for K,
12.37 mD to 1252.90 mD, 0.36 mD to 110.48 mD,
B, J, D formations, respectively and 1813.91
157.96 mD to 2890.52 mD, 2.38 mD to 3121.33 mD
mD for M formation.
for K, B, J, D formations, respectively and
Next, the brine with 3% KCl concentration was 1036.40 mD for M formation. The fluid injection
injected into samples, at initial injection, the recorded was stopped at 100 pore volume fluid injection,

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

Table 7
Table 7 Results of Sensitivity Test on Produced Water Salinity
Results of sensitivity test on produced water salinity

Formation Brine GIF water

Formation No. Sampel Depth, ft Ka,mD K Reversed
Kl,mD K2,mD K3,mD K4,mD

141 907.55 4291.00 3637.09 2554.29 1375.14 381.28 612.69

144 908 2038.00 68.96 45.22 9.95 1.05 612.69
169 914.4 5457.00 2396.78 1316.84 1297.00 408.35 577.88
K 176 916.75 11854.00 6101.26 4406.47 1341.23 403.53 283.92
202 930.5 4291.00 635.73 195.54 246.73 68.42 69.15
204 931.25 1244.00 860.90 394.95 370.88 179.11 172.56
206 931.5 2876.00 2561.68 1357.32 1027.11 470.47 339.90
266 974.3 357.00 2.74 0.75 1.83 0.52 1.15
B 375 1057.65 360.00 1.08 0.29 0.45 0.13 0.31
20 1107.45 649.00 380.93 244.18 474.16 200.79 180.69
21 1107.6 3567.00 1288.54 699.40 823.35 220.20 245.00
22 1107.75 1265.00 429.79 285.37 208.46 97.03 102.51
J 32 1157.65 6685.00 2955.35 1863.73 2926.14 770.58 750.85
35 1158.05 6449.00 4213.47 1811.24 3858.95 1091.53 516.25
491 1174.85 4066.00 1817.18 878.64 1184.25 316.72 126.38
494 1176.75 2371.00 1112.94 487.17 351.89 94.11 155.40
521 1200.25 2090.00 1900.34 825.47 937.67 280.01 332.90
D 533 1209.15 301.00 10.96 3.35 2.72 0.95 2.44
576 1258.5 1632.00 1342.84 321.92 451.59 73.23 145.25
577 1259.4 9893.00 4770.79 2650.44 1241.98 249.06 561.16
M 40 1268.65 1934.00 846.87 331.79 293.13 101.07 214.58
585 1270.5 2668.00 1067.42 300.34 365.64 102.93 116.34

K1 : water permeability at initial brine injection K2:waterpermeabilityat100PVbrine
K3 : water permeability at initial GIF water injection K4:waterpermeabilityat100PVGIFwaterinjection

at this condition the water permeability (K6) was Salinity

measured, resulted in interval value of 7.72 mD
Results of sensitivity test on produced water
to 765.41 mD, 0.30 mD to 75.38 mD, 125.81 mD
salinity is displayed in Table 7.
to 2044.31 mD, 1.45 mD to 1880.73 mD mD for
K, B, J, D formations, respectively and First, the formation brine was injected into
731.46 mD for M formation. Moreover, the the samples, at initial injection the record water
water permeability at flow reversed direction was permeability (K1) value was within 2.74 mD to
also measured. The reversed water permeability 6101.26 mD mD, 380.93 mD to 4213.47 mD, 10.96
indicated value ranged within 32.28 mD to 607.93 mD to 4770.79 mD, 846.87 mD to 1067.42 mD for
mD, 0.53 mD to 21.83 mD, 113.28 mD to 2631.42 K, J, D, M formations, respectively and
mD, for K, B, J, D formations, respectively 1.08 mD for B formation. The process was ended
and 915.52 mD for M formation. at 100 pore volume fluid injection, at this condition,
E. Results of Sensitivity Test on Produced Water the water permeability value (K2) ranged between
0.75 mD to 4406.47 mD, 244.18 mD to 1863.73 mD,
3.35 mD to 2650.44 mD, 300.34 mD to 331.79 mD
mD for K, J, D, M formations, respectively

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

and 0.45 mD for B formation. At 100 pore volume IV. DISCUSSION

fluid injection, the water permeability value (K4)
ranged between 0.52 mD to 470.47 mD, A. Analysis on Results of Fresh Water Sensitivity
Next, the produced water from CIF station Test
in Field X was injected into samples, at initial Analysis of the results of the fresh water
injection, water permeability value (K3) ranged sensitivity test can be seen in table 8. For K
within 1.83 mD to 1375.14 mD, 208.46 mD to Formation, when the samples were injected with
3858.95 mD, 2.72 mD to 1241.98 mD, 293.13 mD formation brine, there was a reduction in water
to 365.64 mD for K, J, D, M formations, permeability of approximately between 25.1% to
respectively and 0.45 mD for B formation. The 54.2% experienced by all samples (see Table 3 and
injection continued until 100 pore volume fluid Figure 2). The highest reduction was recorded by
injection, at this condition, the water permeability sample no. 209. A comparison of water permeability
(K4) value ranged within 0.52 mD to 470.47 mD, indicates low to moderate initial liquid-to-water
94.11 mD to 1091.53 mD, 101.07 mD to 102.93 permeability ratios for most samples tested (ratio
mD for K, J, D, M formations, respectively = 0.02 - 0.691) which means the samples have
and 0.13 mD for B formation. Furthermore, water character which is very sensitive with water.
permeability at reversed flow direction indicated As the samples was injected with fresh water,
value ranged within 1.15 mD to 612.69 mD, 102.51 the ratio of liquid to water permeability drops further
mD to 750.85 mD, 2.44 mD to 561.16 mD, 116.34 to a range of values of 0.009 to 0.4. Furthermore,
mD to 214.58 mD for K, J, D, M formations, most samples also experienced an increase in
respectively and 0.13 mD for B formation. water permeability reduction value of 25.40 % to
71.42% (see Table 3). This means the samples are
also sensitive with fresh water, with the exception
of sample no. 45, all of the samples show increases
in water permeability when the flow injection was
eventually reversed which indicates the presence of
fine migrations.

Figure 2
Performance of water permeability reduction of fresh water
Figure 4.1. Performance of Water
sensitivity testPermeability
on sample noReduction of Fresh Water Sensitivity Test on
170, K formation.
sample no 170, K Formation.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

Samples of B formation indicate almost the water, the reduction of water permeability increased
same performance as K samples. Reduction in to an average value of 46.59%. Furthermore, the
water permeability by approximately between ratio of water permeability decreased to an average
39.2% to 53.6% were experienced by the samples, value of 0.146 which showed Jaga formation is
when samples were flushed with formation brine. A sensitive to fresh water. Figure 4 shows the figure of
comparison with water permeability indicates very permeability reduction for J formation. Apparently,
low to moderate initial liquid-to-water permeability the formation damage was mainly caused by fine
ratios for most samples tested (ratio = 0.006 - 0.75) migration as the value of water permeability at the
which mean the samples are very sensitive with reversed flow injection was raised for all samples. All
water. of the samples show increases in water permeability
However, during fresh water injection, reduction when the flow injection was eventually reversed
in water permeability of the samples went up to which indicates the presence of fine migrations.
interval value of 42.28% to 53.84%. Moreover, the Samples of D formation recorded average value
ratio of water permeability decreased to a range of of 27.4% in water permeability reduction when
values of 0.003 to 0.375. This performance shows formation brine was injected into the samples. A
that B formation is sensitive to fresh water. Figure comparison with water permeability indicates very
3 displays performance of permeability reduction low initial liquid-to-water permeability ratios for
during fresh water sensitivity test on B formation. samples tested ( average ratio = 0.047) which means
The value of water permeability at the reversed flow the samples have character very sensitive to water. As
injection was raised, which indicated the presence the samples were injected with fresh water (distil-
of fine migration. late water), the water permeability reduction raised
For J Formation, the samples showed a slightly to average value of 32.22%. However, the
reduction in permeability by an average value of ratio of water permeability to initial water perme-
37.1%, when flushed with formation brine. The ratio ability decreased to an average value of 0.031. This
of water permeability shows a low average value of performance shows that the samples are sensitive
0.272, which mean the samples are sensitive with to fresh water. All of the samples show increases
water. When the4.1.
Figure samples were injected
Performance withPermeability
of Water fresh in Reduction of Freshwhen
water permeability WatertheSensitivity Test was
flow injection on
sample no 170, K Formation.

Figure 3
Performance of water permeability reduction of fresh water
Figure 4.2. Performance of Water
sensitivity Permeability
test on Reduction
sample no 304, of Fresh Water Sensitivity Test on
B formation.
sample no 304, B Formation.

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

Figure 4
Performance of water permeability reduction of fresh water
Figure 4.3. Performance of Water
sensitivity test Permeability Reduction
on sample no 24, of Fresh Water
J formation. Sensitivity Test on
sample no 24, J Formation.
Figure 4.3. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Fresh Water Sensitivity Test on
sample no 24, J Formation.

Fresh Water Sensitivity Test

Figure 5 Reduction of Fresh Water Sensitivity Test on

Figure 4.4. Performance of Water Permeability
Figure 4.4. Performance
Performance of of water
Water permeabilityReduction
Permeability reduction of
of fresh
Water Sensitivity Test on
sample no 37, M Formation.
sensitivity test on sample no 37, M formation.
sample no 37, M Formation.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

eventually reversed which indicates the presence of and a decreasing ratio of initial water permeability
fine migrations. to water permeability. Permeability reduction during
Sample no. 37 represents M formation indicated fluid flow, as acknowledged, could be caused by
a value of 24.09% in water permeability reduction various factors but it is fairly acceptable that the
when formation brine was flushed into the samples. plugging occurrence was likely to be caused by fine
The ratio of initial water permeability to water migration and swelling clay in the rock samples.
permeability recorded a low value of 0.139 and is The occurrence of fine migration was indicated
characterized as sensitive to water. When the fresh by increases in water permeability when the flow
water (distillate water) was injected to samples, injection was eventually reversed. A small quantity
the water permeability reduction increased to a of swelling clay also existed in the upper part of
value of 41.65%. Figure 5 displays figure of water Kedua formation, as the reversed water permeability
permeability reduction. However, the ratio of air showed a decrease.
permeability to initial water permeability decreased
B. Analysis on Results of Filtered Water
to a value of 0.095 which means the samples are
Sensitivity Test
sensitive to fresh water.
It seems that all of the formations are sensitive Table 9 displays analysis of the results of return
permeability core test for samples no.46, no.120,
to the fresh water as mostly the samples have
no 123 of K formation. The results show that for
experienced increasing water permeability reduction
formation brine injection, the ratio of initial water

Table 8
Table 8Analysis
Fresh Water
water Sensitivity
sensitivity Test
test Result

Brine Fresh Water

Formation Depth (ft) Ka, mD Reduction Reduction K Reversed
Sampel Kl/Ka K3/Ka
K1-K2 (%) K3-K4(%) mD

45 822.65 11705.00 0.691 43.403 0.400 71.419 1311.76

119 898.12 2812.00 0.103 28.200 0.034 38.393 99.52
142 907.7 2008.00 0.063 34.531 0.038 70.934 65.26
K 146 908.3 2188.00 0.090 27.727 0.046 25.401 80.61
147 908.45 3863.00 0.036 25.143 0.031 28.909 137.23
170 914.55 6951.00 0.154 33.894 0.101 44.125 424.73
209 933.5 1870.76 0.020 54.211 0.009 52.526 12.95
23 1018.3 566.00 0.025 39.265 0.013 50.966 4.44
304 1010.3 174.70 0.746 39.346 0.375 42.279 67.80
B 316 1019.7 1090.00 0.149 51.238 0.077 52.564 62.48
324 1028.25 607.00 0.006 53.636 0.003 53.841 2.51

24 1112.05 9008.00 0.719 33.894 0.447 42.545 2631.42

J 27 1116.9 3794.00 0.314 61.660 0.101 59.635 194.34
416 1102.25 638.00 0.006 29.636 0.004 44.253 2.80
422 1108.15 1017.00 0.048 23.220 0.031 39.933 44.55

507 1187.6 1808.00 0.069 30.244 0.047 35.762 66.19

522 1201.4 2110.00 0.009 24.600 0.008 30.773 13.28
523 1202.5 1817.00 0.073 31.818 0.047 34.372 67.52
525 1203.25 651.00 0.036 23.235 0.023 27.976 12.33

M 37 1265.45 2064 0.139 24.094 0.095 41.653 125.29

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

Filtered CIF Water Sensitivity Test

Figure 6
Performance of water permeability reduction of filtered water
Figure 4.5. Performance of Water
sensitivity test Permeability
on sample no Reduction of Filtered Water Sensitivity Test on
123, K formation.
sample no 123, K Formation.

Table 9
Table 9 Analysis of filtered
of Filtered water sensitivity
Water Sensitivity test result
Test Result

Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD Brine GIF Filtered OF Un Filtered
K1-K2 K3-K4 K5-K6 K Reversed,
Kl/Ka K3/Ka K5/Ka
Reduction% RpHurtinn% Reduction% mD

46 822.9 10701.00 0.44 73.03 0.35 53.73 0.37 53.80 791.48

K 120 898.9 2656.00 0.02 42.00 0.02 61.33 0.01 63.07 16.32
123 901.15 3790.00 0.42 49.39 0.23 62.59 0.17 65.08 240.48
309 1014.7 2768.00 0.59 69.20 0.24 60.68 0.16 61.50 172.83
321 1026.9 334.00 0.01 60.42 0.01 42.79 0.00 64.74 0.72
337 1035.95 836.00 0.0 34.09 0.0 73.03 0.00 73.77 0.27
338 1036.25 811.00 0.0 58.07 0.0 72.07 0.00 74.41 0.19
25 1112.2 7790.00 0.61 65.27 0.37 34.58 0.33 71.49 744.03
28 1117.05 4626.00 0.73 72.48 0.64 41.33 0.65 42.65 1862.11
30 1117.95 4962.00 0.66 68.93 0.34 47.19 0.34 80.66 369.49
466 1150.2 242.00 0.29 63.62 0.21 55.99 0.15 73.81 12.45
508 1188.25 1754.00 0.28 67.65 0.09 71.07 0.06 77.82 25.41
524 1202.85 2372.00 0.47 67.20 0.32 70.14 0.12 70.30 102.36
D Figure 4.6. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Filtered Water Sensitivity Test on
526 1203.8 404.00 0.41 67.20 0.21 70.14 0.08 78.03 7.67
sample no 309, B Formation.
527 1204.3 2372.00 0.16 65.41 0.04 70.14 0.03 74.29 16.17
36 1263.7 11619.00 0.84 59.39 0.53 72.31 0.58 80.44 1526.62
584 1269.5 2688.00 0.36 81.88 0.29 72.31 0.13 71.47 123.13

Figure 4.5. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Filtered Water Sensitivity Test on
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179
sample no 123, K Formation.

Filtered CIF Water Sensitivity Test

Figure 7
Figure 4.6. Performance
PerformanceofofWater Permeability
Water permeability Reduction
reduction of Filtered
of filtered water Water Sensitivity Test on
sensitivity test on sample no 309, B formation.
sample no 309, B Formation.

Filtered CIF Water Sensitivity Test

Figure 8
Figure 4.7. Performance
Performanceofof Water Permeability
water permeability Reduction
reduction of Filtered
of filtered water Water Sensitivity Test on
sensitivity test on sample no 25, J formation.
sample no 25, J Formation.

1. A Cased Laboratorium Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
Figure 4.7. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Filtered Water
Anggraeni) Test on
sample no 25, J Formation.

Figure 9
Performance of Water permeability reduction of filtered water
Figure 4.8. Performance
Water Permeability
on sample Reduction
no 524, D formation.of Filtered Water Sensitivity Test on
sample no 524, D Formation.

permeability to water permeability indicates an brine, the ratio of initiial water permeability to water
average value of 0.3, whereas percentage water permeability recorded an average value of 0.15 and
reduction from initial water permeability to water the water permeability reduced by an average value
permeability at 100 PV brine injection records a of 55.45%. When the filtered CIF water is flushed
value of 54.81%. When the samples were flushed into the sample, the ratio of initial water permeability
with filtered CIF water, the ratio of initial water to water permeability fell to an average value of
permeability to water permeability has an average 0.06. The initial water permeability, however, fell
value of 0.2. Moreover, all samples experienced on average to 62.14 at the end of injection (100 PV
reduction in water permeability with average value filtered CIF). During CIF, the ratio of initial water
of 59.22%. As the samples were injected by unfiltered permeability to water permeability dropped to an
CIF water, the ratio of initial water permeability to average value of 0.04, whereas the water reduction
water permeability dropped slightly to an average recorded average value of 68.61%. All of samples
value of 0.18, whereas the reduction of initial show increasing in water permeability when the flow
water permeability to water permeability at 100 PV injection was eventually reversed which indicates the
CIF resulted in an average value of 60.65. Mostly,
presence of fine migrations. Figure 7 displays results
samples show increases in water permeability
of water permeability reduction.
when the flow injection was eventually reversed
which indicates the presence of fine migrations. An For J Formation which was represented by
exception was sample no.46, the water permeability samples no.25, no.28, no.30 and no. 466, when the
at reversed flow showed a decrease which indicates samples were injected by formation brine, the ratio
the presence of swelling clay. The figure of water of initial water permeability to water permeability
permeability reduction in this test for K formation indicated average value of 0.57 and the water
can be seen in Figure 6. reduction recorded value of 67.57%. However,
The test was also performed on samples no. when the samples were injected with filtered CIF,
309, no. 321, no.337 and no. 338 of B formation, the ratio of initial water permeability to water
and as the samples were injected with formation permeability decreased to an average value of 0.39,
whereas the water permeability reduced in average

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

value of 44.77%. As the CIF water was injected to 0.07, whereas the water permeability reduction in-
the samples, the ratio of intial water permeability to creased to an average value of 0.07. All of samples
water permeability dropped slightly to an average demonstrate increases in water permeability when
value of 0.37, but the water permeability reduction the flow injection was eventually reversed which
was raised significantly to an average value of indicates the presence of fine migrations. The figure
67.15%. All of the samples show increases in of water permeability reduction in this test for D
water permeability when the flow injection was formation can be seen in Figure 9.
eventually reversed which indicates the presence of M formation was represented by samples no.36
fine migrations. Figure 8 displays figures for water and no.584. When samples were initially flushed
permeability reduction. with formation brine, a comparison of water
The samples no. 508, no. 524, no.526 and no.527 permeability indicates moderate initial liquid-to-
of D formation show the following performance water permeability ratios valued of 0.6 on average.
during the test. As the formation brine was initially After that, the samples were injected by filtered CIF
injected into the samples, the ratio of initial water water, the ratio of water permeability and the water
permeability to water permeability recorded a value permeability reduction recorded average values of
of 0.33, and the water permeability decreased in av- 0.41 and 72.31%, respectively. Next, the CIF water
erage value of 66.87 %. Next, the filtered CIF water was injected into the samples, and a comparation
was injected into the samples, at this condition, the initial water permeability to water permeability
ratio of initial water permeability to water perme- showed decreasing to low average value of 0.35,
ability indicated an average value of 0.17. During whereas water permeability reduction recorded
filtered CIF , the water permeability reduced on aver- average value of 75.95 %. All of the samples
age of 70.37%. When the CIF water was injected into demonstrate increases in water permeability when
the samples, the ratio of initial water permeability the flow injection was eventually reversed which
to water permeability dropped to average value of indicates the presence of fine migrations.

Table 10 Analysis on Results of Scalling Tendency 10
Analysis Test
Analysis on results of scalling tendency analysis test

Brine GIF
Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD K1-K2 K3-K4 K Reserved.
Sampel Kl/Ka K3/Ka
Rpdurtion% Rpdurtion% mD

51 824.25 12088.00 0.58 58.17 0.26 55.57

127 903.8 2514.00 0.31 60.01 0.12 65.46
K 187 918.5 497.00 0.00 64.39 0.00 81.77
188 918.65 206.00 0.00 64.39 0.00 55.87
135 905.65 3874.00 0.65 46.15 0.50 63.88
310 1015.25 3227.00 0.49 49.29 0.17 49.27 236.01
341 1038.5 287.00 0.01 50.35 0.01 50.11 1.14
343 1039.4 831.00 0.02 61.04 0.01 65.86
350 1043.7 441.00 0.01 60.44 0.01 79.57
29 1117.6 5967.00 0.79 35.90 0.51 73.26 875.49
J 33 1157.75 5261.00 0.94 63.20 0.55 78.1 516.25
430 1115.25 5826.00 0.70 30.17 0.67 73.26 1848.01
513 1192.5 2072.00 0.39 54.72 0.16 65.54 112.79
528 1204.7 1376.00 0.14 54.42 0.09 68.47 51.09
529 1205.75 775.00 0.20 48.99 0.08 70.67 12.20
571 1253.55 3643.00 0.39 44.44 0.21 47.58 317.73
M 39 1267.65 5261.00 0.68 61.06 0.29 61.82 642.25

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

Figure 10
Performance of water permeability reduction of scaling tendency
Figure 4.9. Performance of Water
test Permeability
on sample Reduction
no 513, B formation.of Scaling Tendency Test on
sample no 513, B Formation.

The results of the return permeability core test to the ratio of initial water permeability to water
demonstrates that all of the samples are sensitive to permeability of an average value of 0.13. The XRD
CIF water which is indicated by the lowest ratio of analysis on effluent filtrate results showed the
water permeability to water permeability and the presence of significant amounts of kaolinite and other
highest water permeability reduction. Filtering CIF fine particles such as illite. (see Table 5).
water made a slight improvement in water sensitivity The test was conducted on samples no.310, no.
as the water permeability reduction value was smaller 341, no.343 and no.350 of B formation. During the
than the unfiltered CIF water. An exception was formation brine injection, the water permeability
Jaga Formation, filtering CIF water might be able to reduction recorded an average value of 55.28 which
decrease significantly water permeability reduction. corresponded to the ratio of initial water permeability
Formation damage was mainly caused by fine to water permeability average value of 0.13. After
migrations, however, small quantity of swelling clay being injected with CIF water, the water permeability
also existed in the upper part of Kedua formation. reduction soared up to an average value of 79.57%,
whereas the ratio of initial water permeability to air
C. Analysis on Results of Scaling Tendency Analy- permeability went down to an average value of 0.05.
sis Test The performance of water permeability reduction is
The results of Scaling Tendency Analysis displayed in Figure 10. The XRD analysis on effluent
test can be seen in Table 10. The samples no.51, filtrate results indicated the presence of kaolinite
no.127, no.187, no.188, and no.135 of K formation (10.33%) and illite (17.67%).
experienced a reduction in water permeability J formation was represented by samples no.
and the ratio of
Figure initial
4.10. water permeability
Performance to water
of Water Permeability
29, Reduction
no. 33, andofno.430.
Scaling Tendency
During Test on
formation brine
permeability average value of
sample no 29, J Formation.58.61% and 0.31, injection, the water permeability reduction and the
respectively when it was injected with formation ratio of initial water permeability to air permeability
brine. After that, the CIF water was injected into recorded an average value of 43.09% and 0.81,
the samples, and the water permeability reduced at respectively. Next, the samples were flushed with
an average value of 64.51% which corresponded CIF water. In this condition, water permeability

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179
Figure 4.9. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Scaling Tendency Test on
sample no 513, B Formation.

Figure 11
Performance of water permeability reduction of scaling tendency
Figure 4.10. Performancetest
of on
Water Permeability
sample Reduction of Scaling
no 29, J formation. Tendency Test on
sample no 29, J Formation.

Figure 12
Performance of water permeability reduction of brine salinity
Figure 4.11. Performance of Water
sensitivity test on Permeability
sample no 240,Reduction of Brine Salinity
K formation. Sensitivity Test
on sample no 240, K Formation.
reduction increased dramatically to an average an average value of 0.55. Figure 11 shows the
value of 74.87%. In contrast, the ratio of initial performance of water permeability reduction. The
water permeability to air permeability dropped to XRD analysis on effluent results showed no material

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

substance. permeability to water permeability decreased to

a value of 0.29. XRD analysis on effluent filtrate
The scaling tendency analysis test was performed
indicated the presence of kaolinite with a value of
on samples no. 513, no.528, no.529 and no.
571 of D formation. The samples initially were
flushed with formation brine, during the test, the The Scaling Tendency Analysis Test results
water permeability was reduced at an average demonstrate that mostly formations are sensitive
value of 50.64%, whereas the ratio of initial water to CIF water,indicated by increases in water
permeability to air permeability was 0.28 on average. permeability reduction and a decrease in the ratio of
After that, the samples were injected by CIF water, initial water permeability to water permeability. XRD
then the water permeability reduction increased to an analysis on effluent filtrate shows that fine migration
average value of 63.06% which corresponded to ratio may have taken place, indicated by the significant
of initial water permeability to water permeability amounts of kaolinite and other fine particles such as
with an average value of 0.13. XRD analysis results illite. The clay particles in the pore space migrated
on effluent filtrate showed that the samples contained to fill pore-throats causing permeability reduction.
Illite and Kaolinite with an average value of 6.5% Moreover, Illite in fibrous form can be attributed
and 10.5%, respectively. as swelling clay. Swelling clay reduced formation
permeability by peeling off the pore surface and
M formation was represented by sample
plugging pore throat.
no.39. During the formation brine injection, the
water reduction recorded a value of 61.06% which D. Analysis on Results of Sensitivity Brine Salinity
corresponded to the ratio of initial water permeability
Table 11 presents the results of Sensitivity on
to water permeability with an average value of 0.68.
Brine Salinity. The samples no 116, no.136, no.139,
When the samples were flushed with CIF water, the
no.148, no.171, no.185, no.203 and no.240 of K
water permeability reduction increased slightly to a
formation were selected for the test. When the
value of 61.82% whereas the ratio of initial water
samples were flushed with formation brine, the water

Table 11
Analysis on results
Table 11 Analysis of sensitivity
on Results ononbrine
of Sensitivity Brinesalinity

Brine 3% KCI 5% KCI K

Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD K1-K2 K3-K4 K5-K6 Reversed,m
Sampel Kl/Ka K3/Ka K5/Ka
Reduction% Reduction% Reduction% D

116 895.95 4529.00 0.051 41.333 0.041 45.000 0.033 42.084 161.30
136 905.8 2430.00 0.363 30.476 0.153 45.000 0.108 29.557 90.24
139 906.4 3080.00 0.302 30.476 0.218 38.333 0.135 29.557 294.08
148 908.6 1303.00 0.113 73.333 0.038 42.434 0.035 29.557 32.28
171 914.7 9587.00 0.540 62.667 0.146 28.377 0.131 38.909 607.93
185 918.25 2975.00 0.032 62.667 0.018 28.377 0.004 37.593 10.86
203 930.65 837.00 0.900 62.667 0.260 47.764 0.155 43.544 89.46
240 950.75 1010.00 0.734 19.888 0.574 21.100 0.592 36.802 89.46
315 1019.15 1605.00 0.206 45.517 0.090 25.165 0.069 31.774 -
362 1050.05 657.00 0.240 42.083 0.061 54.861 0.021 49.221 21.83
364 1051.25 234.00 0.060 65.026 0.060 65.026 0.009 17.697 1.42
367 1052 869.00 0.001 67.449 0.000 45.000 0.000 17.808 0.53
26 1116.6 2271.00 0.718 33.894 0.526 33.091 0.474 33.091 2631.42
31 1157.5 5622.00 0.862 33.894 0.638 33.091 0.396 29.275 1642.11
34 1157.9 7002.00 0.892 28.265 0.407 39.668 0.413 29.275 1642.11
435 1119.7 2219.00 0.162 28.265 0.067 39.668 0.071 20.356 113.28
520 1199.45 2072.00 0.515 30.000 0.341 38.301 0.392 34.109 66.19
530 1206 966.00 0.213 28.030 0.197 22.705 0.175 27.681 128.02
532 1208.2 483.00 0.021 65.972 0.011 65.906 0.005 39.286 2.74
572 1254.35 5452.00 0.739 30.283 0.225 65.906 0.573 39.746 1817.70
M 38 1265.6 4795 0.498 24.094 0.205 29.247 0.216 29.412 915.52

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

permeability reduced
Figure an average valueofofWater
Performance 47.94%, 0.379. Reduction
Permeability After that the
of samples were injected
Brine Salinity with 3Test
whereas on
the sample
ratio of no
240,water permeability to
K Formation. % KCl brine, recorded water permeability reduction
water permeability recorded an average value of and the ratio of water permeability dropped to an

Figure 13
Performance of water permeability reduction of salinity
sensitivity test on sample no 26, J formation.

Figure 4.12. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Salinity Sensitivity Test on

sample no 26, J Formation.

Figure 14
Performance of water permeability reduction of salinity
Figure 4.13. Performance of Water
sensitivity test Permeability
on sample Reduction
no 38, M formation. of Salinity Sensitivity Test on
sample no 38, M Formation.

Figure 4.13. Performance of1. A Case Study
Water of FormationReduction
Permeability Damage Mitigation on X Field,
of Salinity Sumatra Test on
(Septi Anggraeni)
sample no 38, M Formation.

Figure 15
Performance of water permeability reduction of produced water
Figure 4.14. Performance
sensitivityof Water
test Permeability
on sample no 141, KReduction
formation. of Produced Water Sensitivity Test
on sample no 141, K Formation.

average value of 37.05% and 0.18, respectively. an average value of 47.51% and 0.053, respectively.
Then, 5% KCL brine injection was applied to the When the samples were injected with 5% KCl
samples, during injection, the water permeability brine, the water permeability reduction and also
reduction and the ratio of initial water permeability the ratio of initial water permeability to water
decreased to an average value of 35.95 % and permeability both dropped to an average value of
0.15. Figure 12 shows the performance of water 29.12% and 0.025, respectively. Mostly, samples
permeability reduction. show increases in water permeability when the flow
The presence of fine migration clay such as injection was eventually reversed which indicates
kaolinite and Illite as indicated by XRD analysis the presence of fine migrations. An exception was
in the scaling tendency test was confirmed as sample no.364, where the water permeability at
mostly samples demonstrated increases in water reversed flow showed a decrease which indicates
permeability at reversed flow injection. Samples the presence of swelling clay.
no 136 and no.240, however, have experienced J formation was represented by samples no.26,
decreases in water permeability, the flow injection no.31, no.34 and no. 435. When the samples
was eventually reversed which indicated swelling were injected with formation brine, the water
clay. Moreover, Illite in fibrous form can be attributed permeability reduction and the ratio of initial water
as swelling clay. permeability to water permeability recorded average
The test was also conducted on samples no 315, values of 31.08% and 0.66, respectively. Next, the
no. 362, no. 364, and no. 367 which represent B samples were injected by 3% KCl brine, the water
formation. The samples were initially flushed with permeability reduction and the ratio of initial water
formation brine, at this condition, water permeability permeability to water permeability indicated average
reduction and the ratio initial water permeability to values of 36.38% and 0.41, respectively. Then, the
air permeability recorded average values of 55.02% 5% KCl brine was injected into the samples, the
and 0.13, respectively. Then, 3% KCL brine was water permeability reduction and the ratio of initial
injected into the samples and during the injection water permeability to water permeability decreased
water permeability reduction and the ratio of initial to average values of 28% and 0.34, respectively.
water permeability to water permeability indicated Figure 13 shows this reduction in water permeability.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

Figure 16
Figure 4.15. Performance
Performance of water permeability
of Water reduction
Permeability of produced
Reduction of water
Produced Water Sensitivity Test
sensitivity test on sample no 22, J formation.
on sample no 22, J Formation.
Figure 4.15. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Produced Water Sensitivity Test
on sample no 22, J Formation.

Figure 17
Figure 4.16. Performance
Figure 4.16. Performance
Performance of water
of permeability
of Water
Water reduction
Permeability of produced
Reduction of water
of Produced
Produced Water
Water Sensitivity
Sensitivity Test
no521, Dsensitivity
D test on sample no521, D formation.

The test was also conducted on samples no 315, water permeability to water permeability recorded
no. 362, no. 364, and no. 367 which represent D average values of 38.57% and 0.37, respectively.
formation. During the formation brine injection, the Afterwards, 3% KCl brine was injected into the
water permeability reduction and the ratio of initial samples, the water permeability reduction and

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

the ratio of initial water permeability to water raised slightly to average values of 29.41% and
permeability resulted in average value of 48.20% 0.22, respectively. Figure 14 shows the reduction
and 0.38, respectively. When 5% KCl brine was in water permeability. Furthermore, the presence of
injected into the samples, the water permeability mobile fine is shown by the sample in the form of an
reduction went down to an average value of 35.20%, increase in water permeability when flow direction
whereas the ratio of initial water permeability to was reversed at terminal condition.
water permeability increased to an average value Results of this test show that increasing the
of 0.29. brine salinity might be able to maintain the water
Sample no 38 was selected to represent M permeability, since all of samples demonstrate
formation. When this sample was flushed with decreasing water permeability reduction when brine
formation brine, the water permeability reduction injection is changed from 3% KCl to 5% KCl.
and the ratio of initial water permeability to water
E. Analysis on Results of Sensitivity on Produced
permeability indicated average values of 38.57%
Water Salinity Test
and 0.37, respectively. Next, the 3% KCl brine was
injected into the samples, the water permeability Analysis on Results of Sensitivity on Produced
reduction and the ratio of water permeability to Salinity test are presented in Table 12. A total of
8 samples from K formation were selected for
water permeability recorded average values of
the test. During formation brine injection, water
29.25% and 0.20, respectively. During the 5% KCl,
permeability reduced in average value of 47.52%
the water permeability reduction and the ratio of that corresponded to the ratio of initial water
initial water permeability to water permeability

Table on
Table 12 Analysis on Results of Sensitivity 12 Produced Water Salinity Test
Analysis on Results of Sensitivity on Produced water salinity test

Brine GIF
Formation Depth, ft Ka,mD K1-K2 K3-K4 K Reversed,
Sampel Kl/Ka K3/Ka
Reduction% Reduction% mD

141 907.55 4291.00 0.85 29.77 0.32 72.27 612.69

144 908 2038.00 0.03 34.42 0.00 89.45 -
169 914.4 5457.00 0.44 45.06 0.24 68.52 577.88
K 176 916.75 11854.00 0.51 27.78 0.11 69.91 283.92
202 930.5 4291.00 0.15 69.24 0.06 72.27 69.15
204 931.25 1244.00 0.69 54.12 0.3 51.71 172.56
206 931.5 2876.00 0.89 47.01 0.36 54.19 339.90
266 974.3 357.00 0.01 72.73 0.01 71.79 1.15
B 375 1057.65 360.00 0.003 72.84 0.001 71.29 0.31
20 1107.45 649.00 0.59 35.90 0.73 57.65 180.69
21 1107.6 3567.00 0.36 45.72 0.23 73.26 245.00
22 1107.75 1265.00 0.34 33.60 0.16 53.45 102.51
J 32 1157.65 6685.00 0.44 36.94 0.44 73.67 750.85
35 1158.05 6449.00 0.65 57.01 0.60 71.71 516.25
491 1174.85 4066.00 0.45 51.65 0.29 73.26 126.38
494 1176.75 2371.00 0.47 56.23 0.15 73.26 155.40
521 1200.25 2090.00 0.91 56.56 0.45 70.14 332.90
533 1209.15 301.00 0.04 69.48 0.01 65.02 2.44
576 1258.5 1632.00 0.82 76.03 0.28 83.78 145.25
577 1259.4 9893.00 0.48 44.44 0.13 79.95 561.16
40 1268.65 1934.00 0.44 60.82 0.15 65.52 214.58
585 1270.5 2668.00 0.40 71.86 0.14 71.85 116.34

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 153 - 179

permeability to water permeability valued of 0.45 average value of 68.04%. The performance of water
in average. Then, CIF water was injected into the permeability during the test is shown in Figure 16.
samples, resulting in increasing water permeability The test was performed on samples no.521, no.
reduction and decreasing the ratio of initial water 533, no.576 and no.577 of D formation. Reduction
permeability to water permeability of 68.77% and
in water permeability increased from an average
0.17 on average, respectively which proved that
value of 61.63 to 74.72, however, the ratio of initial
the K formation was sensitive with CIF water. The
performance of water permeability during the test water- to- water permeability decreased from an
can be seen in Figure 15. average value of 0.56 to 0.21, when brine injection
was changed to CIF. The performance of water
B Formation was represented by sample no.375.
permeability during the test is shown in Figure 17.
The result shows that for B formation the ratio of
initial water permeability to water permeability for Samples no.40 and no.585 of M formation have
formation brine and CIF water indicates a very low undergone the test. The ratio of initial water-to-water
value of 0.003, whereas water permeability reduction permeability and water permeability reduction was
corresponds to a value of 72.84. For CIF, the ratio of 0.42 and 66.34%, respectively. When the samples
initial water permeability dropped to 0.003, however, were injected with CIF water, the ratio of initial
water permeability reduction stayed at 71%. water-to-water permeability dropped to an average
J formation was represented by samples no. 20, value of 0.14, whereas the water permeability
no. 21, no. 22, no. 32, no. 35 and no. 491. A com- reduction increased slightly to an average value of
parison with water permeability indicates moderate 68.68 %. Figure 18 displays the performance of water
initial water-to-water permeability ratios of 0.47 permeability reduction during the test.
on average. Reductions in water permeability by Throughout the test series, the occurrence of
approximately between 33.60% and 57.01% were fine migration and swelling clay were observed.
experienced by all samples that corresponded to an The occurrence of fine migration was indicated
average value of 45.29. However, when CIF water by increases in water permeability when the flow
was injected, the ratio of initial water-to-water per- injection was eventually reversed. However, the
meability went down to an average value of 0.37, presence of swelling was proved by a decrease in
whereas water permeability reduction increased to an water permeability at reversed flow injection. This

Figure 18
Performance of water permeability reduction of produced water
Figure 4.17. Performance of Water Permeability Reduction of Produced Water Sensitivity Test
sensitivity test on sample no 40, M formation.

1. A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatra
(Septi Anggraeni)

suggestion is supported by XRD analysis on effluent KCl to 5 % KCl.

filtrate, which shows that fine migration may have
taken place indicated by the presence of significant
amounts of kaolinite and other fine particles such as The study proved that all of the formations are
illite. Furthermore, Illite can act as swelling clay in sensitive to fresh water. Using saline water is recom-
the fibrous form. mended as a tool to prevent clay swelling.
Sensitivity on Produced Salinity Test results also Filtering CIF water is recommended in order to
show that CIF might cause water permeability to be decrease formation permeability reduction.
reduced further since the sample contains significant There is potential formation damage caused by
amounts of Kaolinite and illite. Because of that, CIF fine migration and swelling clay.
should be arranged carefully as it has potential to
lead to formation damage. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

V CONCLUSION The Author would like to thank our colleagues

in Evaluation Formation and Sediment group
From the study a set of conclusions have been of PPPTMGB LEMIGAS for their help and
drawn, as follows: support: Mr. Andy Setyo, Mr. Nandang Triaji,
All formations are sensitive to fresh water. Mr. Eddy Yuliastono for the sensitivity tests data
and Ms.Yunita Musu, Mr. Ijang Samosir for XRD
All of the samples are sensitive to CIF water Analysis. This work was part of Formation Damage
indicated by a low ratio of water permeability to Project funded by PT CPI.
water permeability and a high reduction in water
permeability. REFERENCE
Filtering CIF water made a slight improvement American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice
in water sensitivity as the water permeability reduc- for Core Analysis Procedure, API RP 40, August,
tion value was smaller than the unfiltered CIF water.
However, for Jaga Formation, filtering CIF water Beutelspacher Van Der Marel; 1968, Atlas of Electrone
Microscopy of Clay Mineral and Their Mixtures;
might be able to decrease significantly the reduction
Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London-
in water permeability. New York.
The presence of Kaolinite and Illite within the Core Laboratories, Inc., 1972, Special Core Analysis
samples has the potential to cause permeability and Industrial water Technology Manual, April.
reduction through fine migration and also swelling
Grimm, R.E; 1968, Clay Mineralogy; Mc Graw-Hill
of clay, respectively.
Book Co; USA.
Increasing the brine salinity might be able to
Hearle,J.W, Sparrow, J.T, and Cross, P.M; 1972,
maintain the water permeability, since all of the
The Use of the Scanning Electrone Microscope;
samples demonstrated decreasing water permeability
Pergamon Press; Oxford-New York-Toronto-Sidney-
reduction when brine injection changed from 3 %

Vol. 38, Number 3, December 2015: 2 of 5
Journal Homepage:


Irawan Y. Tribuana, Ade Yogi, Prabowo, Andy S. Wibowo, Puteri Sudija, and Yudhi Durahman
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA
Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150
E-mail:, E-mail:;
First Registered on November 4th 2015; Received after Correction on December 3rd 2015
Publication Approval on: December 31st 2015

Log gamma ray adalah alat logging yang merekam tingkat radioaktif dari suatu batuan atau formasi
yang diukur dalam satuan API unit (American Petroleum Institute). Alat log ini umumnya berfungsi
untuk menentukan lapisan permeabel dan non-permeabel. Hal ini didasarkan atas fakta bahwa umumnya
lapisan non-permeabel cenderung memiliki tingkat radioaktifitas yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan lapisan
permeabel kecuali pada kasus batupasir felspatik. Selain itu, fungsi lain dari alat logging ini adalah
menentukan jenis mineral menggunakan data perbandingan antara Thorium dan Potassium. Percobaan
ini menggunakan alat Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR) yang ada di Laboratorium routine core Lemigas.
Kualitas data hasil pengukuran log gamma ray sangat dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan dari conveyor belt.
Berdasarkan hasil percobaan, kecepatan pengukuran sebesar 30 m/jam adalah kecepatan yang optimum
untuk mendapatkan kualitas data yang baik dan efisiensi waktu dengan jumlah data 169 titik/meter. Hasil
pengukuran SGR menghasilkan pembacaan kandungan Uranium, Thorium, dan Potassium. Kandungan
Thorium (Th) dan potassium (K) dibandingkan dan dilakukan crossplot pada grafik Quirein, dimana grafik
tersebut dimodifikasi kembali oleh Schlumberger pada tahun 1985. Dengan menggunakan crossplot ini
mampu mengidentifikasi kehadiran mineral Chlorite, Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite, Mixed layer clay,
Feldspar, Mica, Glauconite, dll. Pada studi kasus yang dilakukan pada beberapa sumur (A1, A2, A3, A4,
A5, A6 dan A7) menunjukkan bahwa hasil crossplot ini memiliki kesesuaian terhadap hasil pengukuran
menggunakan XRD.
Kata Kunci: log gamma ray, spectral gamma ray, kecepatan, identifikasi mineral.
Gamma ray log is a logging tool to capture the radioactive level of a rock or formation measured in
API units. This logging tool generally has a capability to differentiate between permeable and impermeable
layers. Usually the impermeable layer tends to have higher radioactivity compared to the permeable one
except for the feldspar bearing formation. In addition, another capability of this logging tool is to determine
the kind of clay mineral, by using ratio data between Thorium and Potassium. This laboratory experiment
used Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR) equipment at LEMIGAS Routine Core Laboratory. The quality of gamma
ray log measurement is significantly affected by the speed of the conveyor belt. During the experiment, the
measurement speed of 30 m/hour is the optimum speed to achieve good quality data and time efficiency
with the data amount of 169 points/meter. The result of SGR measurement gives the reading on the content
of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium. The Thorium and Potassium content are compared and plotted in
Quirein graphic which was modified by Schlumberger in 1985. Using this crossplot, we can identify
the presence of Chlorite, Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite, mixed layer Feldspar, Mica, and Glauconite

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 181 - 191

minerals. A case study conducted on Wells A1, A2, A3 and A4, indicated that the result of this crossplot
were similar to the measurement using XRD.
Keywords: Gamma ray log, spectral gamma ray, speed, mineral identification.

I. INTRODUCTION Gamma ray (GR) log is one of the logging tools

which is always run in the upstream oil and gas
The radioactivity level being captured is the industry. The principle of this tool is to capture all
radioactive emission from Uranium, Thorium and radioactive energy emitted by the rocks or reservoir
Potassium (Krygowski, 2003., Asquith, 1982). layers. The radioactive emission in reservoir layers
There are two types of gamma ray log, i.e: 1) Simple generally derives from three elements, which are
Gamma Ray log or total Gamma Ray and 2) Spectral Thorium (Th), Uranium (U) and Potassium (K)
Gamma Ray. Simple Gamma Ray represents the total (Rider, 2002). Gamma ray measurement can be
radiation from Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium, differentiated into two types i.e: 1) Total Gamma
while Spectral Gamma Ray represents the radiation Ray which is also called Natural Gamma Ray (NGR)
spectrum from Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium expressed in API (American Petroleum Institute)
separately. units and 2) Spectral Gamma Ray (SGR) expressed

Figure1 1
The difference between
The difference Total Total
between Gamma Ray/Natural
Gamma Ray/NaturalGamma
GammaRay Ray and Spectral Gamma
and Spectral
Ray logsRayand
and their responses
responses in severalrock
in several rock(Rider,
(Rider, 2002).

182 In general, GR log is used in both qualitative and quantitative interpretation to calculate the
shale volume, mineral identification, correlation, determination of permeable and
impermeable layer etc (Table 1).
2. Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral Identification
(Irawan Y. Tribuana et al.)

Table 11
The uses The uses of Gamma
of Gamma Ray (A)
Ray (A) and and Spectral Gamma
Spectral GammaRayRay
log (B)
(B) 2002)
(Rider, 2002)



in ppm unit (part per million) and percent (%) (Serra, determination of permeable and impermeable layers
1984). (Table 1).
The Total Gamma Ray values represent the A laboratory scale use of this equipment at
summation of the total radiation of Thorium, LEMIGAS Routine Core Laboratory identified both
Uranium, and Potassium elements. The Spectral permeable and impermeable layers utilizing Total
Gamma Ray reading represents the measurement Gamma Ray.
which is able to show seperately the percentage of Logging tools in most cases are easily affected by
each element (Figure 1). how the data was collected as well as environmental
In general, GR log is used in both qualitative correction. Rider (2002) mentioned that in the process
and quantitative interpretation to calculate the shale of data collection during gamma ray and spectral
volume, mineral identification, correlation, and the gamma ray data capture, the reading of the logging

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 181 - 191

tool is very sensitive to the speed of tool movement. for the receiver in the gamma ray tool to capture this
The measurement principle of the tool is based on radiation. Rider (2002) gives recommended speed
capturing the radiation emitted by the elements in the for gamma ray measurement in the field.
form of radiation packages. Therefore it takes time

Figure 2 2
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus Potassium (K) for mineral identification (Quirren, 1982).
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus Potassium (K) for mineral identification (Quirren
Figure 2, 1982)
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus Potassium (K) for mineral identification (Quirren, 1982)

Figure 3
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus Potassium
Figure 3 (K) for mineral identification
Potassium (K) 3
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus(Schlumberger, for1985)
mineral identification (Schlumberger, 1985).
Crossplot of Thorium (Th) versus Potassium (K) for mineral identification
(Schlumberger, 1985)
2. Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral Identification
(Irawan Y. Tribuana et al.)

It was also mentioned that the sensitivity of The method used to obtain the optimum and
measurement speed affects the amount of data effective measurement speed is by comparing the
recorded in the logging tool. The faster the tool moves, amount of data, thickness and the time recording
the smaller the amount of data being captured. The of the Spectral Gamma Ray measurement. In this
other impact is the discrepancy between the actual experiment, four different speeds are used which
thickness of the layer compared to the thickness of are 15 m/hr, 30 m/hr, 60 m/hr, and 100 m/hr. Later
the layer obtained from the measurement. on, we compare the amount of data being captured
Quirren et al. (1982) generated crossplot of for each speed. The criteria of good, fair and bad
Thorium versus Potassium to conduct mineral were assigned after the data is applied for mineral
identification (Figure 2). This crossplot can identify interpretation.
the presence of heavy thorium-bearing minerals, The sample is 101 cm long and consists of two
Kaolinite, Chlorite, Montmorillonite, Illite, Micas, different lithologies; fine grain sandstone and clay
Glauconite, Feldspar, and Potassium evaporite. (Figure 5). The boundary between the two lithologies
Schlumberger (1985) conducted the development of lies at 71.5 cm and 98.5 cm and can be distinguished
this crossplot by adding one additional mineral type, clearly from the difference in color. Based on the
mixed-layer clay (Figure 3). observation of sandstone in this sample, it can
Mohammadlou and Mork (2012) have done be differentiated into two parts which are SS-A
research on the uses of Spectral Gamma Ray log to (thickness = 71.5 cm) and SS-B (thickness = 2.5
identify clay mineral. In their research, they used cm), while the debris is categorized with code SLT
crossplot of Thorium versus Potassium from the (thickness = 27 cm).
measurement to identify mineral type in the clay-rich The second method used in this experiment
zone. They compared the crossplot against the result is specially designed for mineral identification.
from SEM-EDX analysis. The result indicates that
the mineral identified using the crossplot method
is similar to the one using the SEM-EDX method.
This paper discuss two topics i.e: 1). What is A

the optimum speed which can achieve good quality

measurement while providing efficient operations 1

time? 2). Optimizing the spectral data measurement

for the purpose of mineral identification in a
laboratory scale.
This experiment primarily uses the Spectral
Gamma Ray at LEMIGAS Routine Core Laboratory,
Formation Evaluation Group of Exploitation
Division (Figure 4). This tool consists of three
main devices which are 1). Personal Computer, 2).
Data processing/interpretation tool and 3). Spectral B 4
Gamma Ray sensor recorder. 5

The Spectral Gamma Ray tool consists of:

1. Square box in silver (the data processing/
interpretation tool of the Spectral Gamma Ray
measurements) 2

2. Tube shape (the gamma ray radiation detector/

sensor equipment)
3. Pump to move the conveyor belt Figure 4
Spectral Gamma Ray Tool at LEMIGAS 4 Core Laboratory. A). Personal
4. Conveyor belt made from rubber and used to put Spectral
Computer Gamma Ray Tool at
and data processing/interpretation LEMIGAS
tool. B). Spectral Routine
Gamma Ray sensor
moving sample above it. Core Laboratory. A). Personal Computer
and data processing/interpretation tool. B).
5. Equipment to measure the speed of conveyor belt. Spectral Gamma Ray sensor recorder.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 181 - 191

Figure 5
The core being useFigure
for the experiment
5 to obtain
the optimum andFigure 5
effective speed for A1.
The The
being useuse
being forfor
the experiment
the experimentto
to obtain theoptimum
obtain the optimumand
and effective
effective speed
speed for for

Table 2
Table 2
Speed versus the amount
Tableof2data being captured
Speed versus the amount of data being captured
Speed versus the amount of data being captured
Siltstone thickness (cm) The time required
Amount of for each meter (
Speed Siltstone thickness (cm) Theminute)
time required
No data Measurement Observation
(m/hr) Amount of
(point/meter) for each meter (
Speed result result
No data Measurement Observation minute)
(point/meter) result result
Well A1

1 20 1037 27 27 45 menit
Well A1
2 30 169 27 27 30 menit
1 3 20 60 1037
38 27
18 27
27 15 45 menit
2 30 100 16918 18
27 27
27 6 menit
30 menit
3 60 38 18 27 15 menit
The method 100used is comparing
being 18 the result 18
III. RESULTS 6 menit
Thorium versus Potassium cross-plot against XRD
A. Optimum Speed and Efficient Operation Time
measurement. Xray powder defraction method was
used for XRD analysis in this research (Poppe, 2002). The results of the experiment on optimum speed
are presented in Table 2 and Figure 6. Table 3 and
Figure 6 show that the slower the speed the more data

2. Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral Identification
(Irawan Y. Tribuana et al.)

is captured. In addition, the accuracy of thickness results shows more data being captured, however
measurement is improved (thickness is equal to the it generates a more complex profile picture. At the
measurement). Table 2 also shows that the efficient speed above 30 m/hr, too little data is captured and
speed is at 30 m/hr. A speed of 30 m/hr indicates that the profile picture generated becomes inaccurate,
more data is being captured. It also shows that the especially within the borderline between sandstone
efficient speed is at 30 m/hr. At 20 m/hr speed the and claystone.

Figure 6
Figure 6
Layer speed
Layer Figure
speed 6 thickness.
versus thickness
Layer speed versus thickness

Figure 7
Crossplot of ThoriumFigure
versus7Potassium in Well A2.
Crossplot of Thorium versus Potassium in Well A2
Table 3
Analysis result of Well A2 XRD

Figure 7
Crossplot of Thorium versus Potassium in Well A2
1 886.31 - 3 8 - - - - 85 1 3 - 11 0 89
2 886.65 - 3 12 - - - - 83 - 2 - 15 0 85
3 887.62 - 6 20 - - - - 68 2 4 - 26 0 74
4 888.40 - 6 20 - tr - - 69 2 3 - 26 0 74
5 889.54 - 2 16 - - tr 1 78 - 3 - 18 1 81
Scientific Contributions
6 Oil & Gas,
890.40 - Vol.
2 38.
6 No.- 3, December
- 2 - 2015:
89 181
- - 191
1 - 8 2 90
7 892.00 - 2 10 - - 2 - 83 1 2 - 12 2 86
8 892.39 - 12 14 - - - 6 65 1 2 - 26 6 68
B. Clay Mineral Identification
9 894.40 - 4 22 - - 1 2 As
68 an1 example,
2 - in26Well3 A2,71the crossplot shows
10 894.64 - 2 15 - - 10 -
the possibility of the
70 tr 2 1 17
10 73
of feldspar, Mica/
It has been mentioned
11 962.40 previously
- 5 23 that
- in- this
2 3 57 - 10 - 28 5 67
Galuconite, Illite, Montmorillonite/Smectite, Mixed
mineral identification
964.00 - 5
3 wells
17 - -
3 3 66 1 5 - 22 6 72
13 965.85 - 4 20 - - 5 3 layer,
64 Kaolinite
1 3 - and24 Heavy8 Thorium bearing minerals
used where each14 well
has - different
10 10
- - - 7 70 - 3 -
20 7 73
15 967.43 - 12 18 - - 1 7 57 - 5 - 30 8 62

Crossplot of Thorium versus Potassium in Well A3.
Cross-plot of Thorium versus Potassium in Well A3
Table 4
XRD analysis of Well A3
Table 3
Analysis result of Well A2 XRD
Clay Minerals (%) Carbonate Minerals (%) Other minerals (%) Total (%)


NO Depth (Meter)






1 886.31 - 3 8 - - - - 85 1 3 - 11 0 89
2 886.65 - 3 12 - - - - 83 - 2 - 15 0 85
3 887.62 - 6 20 - - - - 68 2 4 - 26 0 74
4 888.40 - 6 20 - tr - - 69 2 3 - 26 0 74
5 889.54 - 2 16 - - tr 1 78 - 3 - 18 1 81
6 890.40 - 2 6 - - 2 - 89 - 1 - 8 2 90
7 89200 - 2 10 - - 2 - 83 1 2 - 12 2 86
8 892.39 - 12 14 - - - 6 65 1 2 - 26 6 68
9 894.40 - 4 22 - - 1 2 68 1 2 - 26 3 71
10 894.64 - 2 15 - - 10 - 70 tr 2 1 17 10 73
11 962.4 - 5 23 - - 2 3 57 - 10 - 28 5 67
12 964.00 - 5 17 - - 3 3 66 1 5 - 22 6 72
13 965.85 - 4 20 - - 5 3 64 1 3 - 24 8 68
14 966.23 - 10 10 - - - 7 70 - 3 - 20 7 73
15 967.43 - 12 18 - 0 1 7 57 - 5 - 30 8 62

2. Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral Identification
(Irawan Y. Tribuana et al.)

Table 4Table 4
XRD analysisofofWell
analysis WellA3

Clay Minerals (%) Other Minerals (%) Total (%)
Minerals (%)









1 1181.69 - 8 10 - - - - 91 1 - - 18 0 82
2 1182.25 - 4 6 - - - - 90 tr - - 10 0 90
3 1182.61 - 2 4 - - - - 94 - - - 6 0 94
4 1182.92 - 5 - - - - 91 1 - - 8 0 92
5 1183.15 - 5 8 - - - - 86 1 - - 13 0 87
6 1183.47 - 5 9 - tr - - 85 1 tr - 14 0 86
7 1183.87 - 3 6 - tr tr tr 89 2 - - 9 0 91
8 1184.06 - 4 5 - tr tr tr 87 4 tr - 9 0 91
9 1184.48 - 5 10 - tr tr - 83 2 - tr 15 0 85
10 1184.70 - 4 7 - tr 1 tr 86 2 tr tr 11 1 88
11 1184.92 - 3 8 - - tr tr 85 4 - tr 11 0 89
12 1185.09 - 5 10 - tr tr 1 80 4 - - 15 1 84
13 1185.40 - 6 12 - 1 1 1 74 5 - - 18 3 79
14 1185.66 - 4 18 - 1 1 - 63 8 - 5 22 2 76

(Figure 7). The presence of those minerals is also Smectite, Illite, K-feldspar, Kaolinite, and Chlorite
seen in the XRD responses such as Illite, Kaolinite minerals are also detected using XRD analysis (Table
and K-Feldspar (Table 3). From the two analyses, 5) except for Mica/Glauconite minerals.
there are similarities in the amount of data in the The comparison of mineral analyses in the
crossplot and the percentage of minerals from the above wells shows quite good results by having a
XRD measurement of those three minerals. similar outcome from Spectral Gamma Ray analysis
The crossplot shows the possibility for the compared to that of XRD. The well detected minerals
presence of Feldspar, Mica/Glauconite, Illite, in these two methods are Illite, Kaolinite, and
Montmorillonite/Smectite, Kaolinite, Chlorite and Feldspar. However, Montmorillonite/Smectite and
Heavy Thorium bearing minerals. This figure shows Chlorite minerals were well detected using these two
the amount of data over Feldspar, Mica/Glauconite methods only in Well A3. The minerals that rarely
and Illite area, which is small. On the other hand, the show up in XRD analysis are Mica/Glauconite and
area over Kaolinite and Montmorillonite/Smectite Montmorillonite/Smectite. There are two possible
minerals has much more data on the plot. interpretations i.e: 1). Montmorillonite/Smectite
XRD analysis results on several samples of core detected by Spectral Gamma Ray is actually from
plugs are similar, showing the presence of Illiite, drilling mud. 2). Montmorillonite/Smectite is not
Kaolinite, and K-Feldspar minerals (Table 4). XRD detected in XRD analysis while Mica is difficult to
analysis also shows higher Kaolinite content for both be detected by XRD since it has similar response as
K-feldspar and Illite. However, Illite has a higher Illite mineral. Glauconite mineral is also difficult
percentage compared to K-feldspar. This is similar to detect by XRD but can be easily detected using
to the amount of plotted Spectral Gamma Ray data. petrography method.
Third, Well A4 (Figure 9), has a crossplot which
shows the presence of Feldspar, Mica/Glauconite,
Illite, Montmorillonite/Smectite, Kaolinite, and Optimum speed is achieved at 30 m/hr. Lower
Heavy thorium bearing minerals. Montmorillonite/ speed captures a lot of data but gives a complex

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 181 - 191

Figure 9
Crossplot of Thorium 9 Potassium in Well A4.

Table5 Table 5
XRD analysis of Well A4

Clay Minerals (%) Other Minerals (%) Zeolite (%) Total (%)
Minerals (%)











1 1032.67 - 2 30 - tr - 1 67 - - - - - 32 1 67
2 1034.09 - 3 20 8 - - - 69 - - - - - 31 0 69
3 1035.75 - 4 28 14 - - - 54 - - - - - 46 0 54
4 1036.55 - 1 15 14 tr - 2 68 - - - - - 30 2 68
5 1038.22 - - 4 - - - - 96 - - - - - 4 0 96
6 1039.07 - - 3 - - - - 97 - - - - - 3 0 97
7 1176.15 10 2 3 5 18 2 - 47 4 6 - tr 3 20 20 60
8 1176.75 20 2 - 5 8 - - 47 6 8 - 4 - 27 8 65
9 1177.84 30 6 - 10 - - - 30 10 10 tr - 4 46 0 54
10 1178.36 30 3 - 8 - 3 - 40 5 7 - - 4 41 3 56
11 1179.77 38 5 - 10 - 1 - 21 7 10 tr - 8 53 1 46
12 1180.84 40 5 - 10 - 2 - 21 6 8 - - 9 55 2 43

2. Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral Identification
(Irawan Y. Tribuana et al.)

profile picture; while at a speed higher than 30 m/ REFERENCE

hr not enough data is being captured causing an Asquith, G.B., and Gibson., C.R. 1982. Basic well log
inaccurate profile picture, especially across the analysis for geologist. AAPG : Tulsa
boundary between sandstone and claystone.
Krywgowski, D.A. 2003. Guide to petrophysical
SGR data can be used in crossplot to identify interpretation. Austin Texas USA
clay minerals. Quirren et al. (1982) generated a
Mohammadlou, M., Mork, M.B. 2012. How Log
crossplot of Thorium versus Potassium to conduct
Interpreter Uses SEM Data for Clay Volume
mineral identification. It was proven that this
Calculation, Scanning Electron Microscopy. Croatia.
crossplot was able to identify the presence of heavy
thorium-bearing minerals, Kaolinite, Chlorite, Poppe, L.J., V.F. Paskevich., J.C Hathaway., and D.S.
Montmorillonite, Illite, Micas, Glauconite, Feldspar Blackwood. 2002. A laboratory manual for X-Ray
and Potassium evaporite. powder defraction. USGS
XRD is one of the validation methods for Quirren, J.A., Garden, J.S., and Watson, J.T. 1982.
SGR qualitative and quantitative analysis in initial Combined natural gamma ray spectral/litho density
identification of clay minerals. Comparison to XRD measurements applied to complex lithologies. SPE
indicates similar results were obtained especially for 11143, pp1-4.
Kaolinite, Feldspar, and Illite minerals. Rider., M. 2002. The geological interpretation of well
There are several clay minerals (Montmorillonite/ logs. Scotland : Rider-French Consulting Ltd.
Smectite, Mica/Glauconite and Chlorite) captured in Schlumberger. 1985. Log interpretation charts.
SGR but not in XRD. This can be caused by either Schlumberger, New York, USA. p. 207
not close enough sampling distance for the XRD Schlumberger-Shell.1999. Distance learning course
analysis, or it requires complements from other video.
methods for the identification such as Scanning Serra., O. 1984. Fundamentals of well-log interpretation
Electron Microscope (SEM), SEM-EDX and -1. The acquisition of logging data. Amsterdam.
petrografi. Xia Zhu, Ling Yun, Guo Jianming, Zhang Sheng, Xu
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Hai, Zhang Tingting, Zhao Shiquan, Bie Jing, and
Li Kai Detection of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
We would like to thank the Routine Core Using GR Spectrometry Logs, 11th Middle East
Laboratory, Evaluation Formation and Sedimentary Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March
Groups of PPPTMGBLEMIGAS for their 2014, Bahrain.
continuous support in completing the materials for
this publication.

Vol. 38, Number 3, December 2015: 3 of 5
Journal Homepage:


Junita Trivianty Musu, Bambang Widarsono, Andi Ruswandi,
Himawan Sutanto, and Humbang Purba
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA
Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046;
Fax: +6221-7230046 Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150, Email:
E-mail:, E-mail:;
First Registered on August 24th 2015; Received after Correction on September 28th 2015
Publication Approval on: December 31st 2015

Kajian geologi dan geofisika terkombinasi secara rinci di cekungan Sumatera Utara menunjukkan
bahwa formasi-formasi yang memiliki prospek sebagai play serpih yang mengandung sweet spot gas
adalah serpih dari Formasi-formasi Bampo, Belumai, dan Baong. Formasi Bampo menunjukkan kualitas
potensi gas serpih yang kurang baik, dengan kandungan material organik umumnya sangat rendah hingga
sedang, tingkat kematangan kurang matang hingga matang, dan tingkat kerapuhan tidak rapuh hingga
cukup rapuh. Batuan dikategorikan sebagai reaktif hingga sangat reaktif terhadap air dengan tingkat
swelling sedang. Porositas bervariasi pada 5.8 - 7.4% dengan permeabilitas pada 0.37 - 3.2 mD. Area-
area sweet spot pada formasi ini di sekitar sumur Basilam-1 dan Securai-1 menempati sekitar 21% dari
keseluruhan formasi. Di sisi lain, Formasi Belumai memiliki kualitas potensi gas serpih sedang hingga
baik, dengan kandungan material organik rendah hingga tinggi, tingkat kematangan belum matang
hingga matang, dan tingkat kerapuhan cukup rapuh hingga sangat rapuh. Lokasi-lokasi sweet spot pada
formasi ini di sekitar sumur kedua sumur menempati sekitar 29% dari volume batuan. Untuk Formasi
Baong, indikator-indikator yang sama menunjukkan kualitas potensi gas serpih yang sedang hingga baik,
kandungan material organik rendah hingga sedang, tingkat kematangan belum matang hingga matang, dan
tingkat kerapuhan cukup rapuh hingga rapuh. Serpih di formasi ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai reaktif
hingga sangat reaktif terhadap air dengan tingkat swelling kecil hingga sedang. Sweet spot pada formasi
di sekitar kedua sumur menempati sekitar 11% dari volume batuan. Pemodelan cekungan memperlihatkan
pembentukan gas berada pada kedalaman 2300m pada Formasi Baong Bawah, Belumai dan Bampo.
Estimasi sumberdaya sweet spot gas serpih di cekungan Sumatera Utara pada Formasi Bampo, Belumai,
dan Baong adalah masing-masing sebesar 6.379 TCF, 16.994 TCF, dan 25.024 TCF dengan jumlah total
48.397 TCF. Volume sumberdaya gas yang dihasilkan dari estimasi adalah bersifat spekulatif dan belum
memasukkan faktor kepastian dan efisiensi apapun.
Kata Kunci: Gas serpih, Cekungan Sumatra Utara, kandungan total karbon organik, indeks kerapuhan,
Formasi Baong, Formasi Bampo, Formasi Belumai, smektit, impedansi akustik, CWT, sweet spots,
sumberdaya gas spekulatif.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

A detailed combined geological and geophysical study in North Sumatra basin has shown that
prospective formations for shale play containing gas sweet spots are found to be in shales from Bampo,
Belumai, and Baong Formations. Bampo Formation exhibits low shale gas potential with very low to
medium in organic material contents, maturity index of immature to mature, and moderate brittleness. Rocks
within the formation tend to be reactive to highly reactive to water, with a moderate degree of swelling
capacity. Porosity varies within 5.8 - 7.4 % with permeability ranging from 0.37 to 3.2 mD. Sweet spots in
the formation found around Basilam-1 and Securai-1wells occupy about 21% of the formation. On the other
hand, Belumai Formation shows moderate to good shale gas potential, with low to high organic material
contents, immature to mature levels of maturity, and moderately brittle to brittle. Sweet spot areas in the
formation found around the two wells are about 29% of the formation. For Baong Formation, analysis
reveals moderate to good shale gas potential, with low to medium contents of organic material, immature
to mature in maturity index, moderately brittle to brittle in brittleness, and tendency of being reactive
to highly reactive to water but with low degree of swelling capacity. Sweet spots in the formation found
around the two wells occupies are roughly 11% of the total formation volume in the area. Basin modeling
leading to gas resources estimation for Baong, Belumai and Bampo Formations has led to estimated
volumes of 6,379 TCF, 16,994 TCF, and 25,024 TCF, respectively, with a total amount of 48,397 TCF.
The resources figures are speculative in nature and do not incorporate any certainty and efficiency factors.
Keywords: Shale gas, North Sumatra Basin, total organic carbon, brittleness index, Baong Formation,
Bampo Formation, Belumai Formation, smectite, acoustic impedance, continuous wavelet transform
(CWT), sweet spots, gas speculative resouces.

I. INTRODUCTION permeability of less than 0.001 mD, porosity that

ranges from 3 to 12%, and mostly of overpressured
In Indonesia, investigation of shale gas potential
condition (Lewis, 2004). The United States has
is an alternative exploration activity in order to
been developing this source of energy since the
anticipate the decline in conventional oil reserves.
1940s, and as a result of significant attention being
An increasing gap between the growing needs of
given to research and development it has gained
oil and the decline in national oil production has
large recoverable reserves of around 500 TCF (U.S.
made Indonesia a net oil importer country. The
Energy Information Administration, 2011) and a
government of Indonesia has envisioned that natural
contribution to the US annual national gas production
gas is a source of substitution to the oil production
at present of around 38%. This contribution is
decline and - despite the relative abundance in
expected to reach 53% by 2040 (International Energy
reserves encouraged its continuing exploration
Agency, 2014).
by the industry. One sector that has recently gained
momentum throughout the world is exploration In general, Indonesias geological setting and
of non-conventional oil and gas accumulations, conditions allow the presence of shale hydrocarbon
including shale gas. Successes in shale gas production and discovery of large scale shale gas reserves.
and technology application in the United States (e.g Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and
Rach, 2007; Kargbo and Wilhelm, 2010; Song et Mineral Resources (GA-MEMR) of the Republic of
al. 2011; Wang and Krupnick, 2013; Aguilera and Indonesia has predicted that the resource potential
Radetzki, 2013) and Canada (e.g Aguilera and of Indonesias shale gas resources reaches up to 574
Radetzki, 2013; Rivard et al. 2014) have inspired TCF (GA-MEMR, 2011). Therefore intensive efforts
many countries to follow these examples. Research are needed exploring and discovering gas reserves
and applications in other countries that have followed in shale gas reservoirs. Indonesia has plenty of
suit, such as in China (e.g Zang, 2012; Wang, 2013), potential shale formations. Preliminary studies have
have also triggered similar interest in countries that shown that successions of thick sedimentary shales
have just started such as Indonesia. in Indonesia have the potential to form shale gas
A shale gas reservoir is a spot containing plays. Examples are Baong and Bampo Formations
natural gas that is formed within shale formations. in North Sumatra, Pematang and Telisa Formations in
Having complied to a set of technical criteria, this Central Sumatra, Talang Akar and Gumai Formations
spot is called sweet spots. Shale gas sweet spots in South Sumatra and North West Java, Ngimbang
normally occur in relatively deep formation of more Formation in East Java, Tanjung Formation in South
than 2000m of depth, and are characterized by low Kalimantan and Klasafet Formation in Papua (U.S.

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Energy Information Administration, 2015). modeling, and shale gas system analysis. It is hoped
The aim of this study is mainly to evaluate the that results of this study can pave the road to deeper
potential of shale gas in North Sumatra Basin based studies leading to the exploration and exploitation
on field study results combined wih subsurface of shale gas in the area.
seismic cross-sections, surface core samples, and A. Regional Geology
well log data. This paper is focused on detailed
North Sumatra Basin is a complex containing
review on the determination of source rock quality
a series of sedimentary basins located at the top of
and thermal maturity from outcrop samples,
Sumatra Island (Figure 1). The basin has Northwest
geophysical evaluation including seismic attribute
- Southeast axial geometrical direction covering an
analysis, artificiaI intelligent (AI) and continuous
area of about
96,370 km2, approximately 20,530 km2
wavelet transform (CWT) gradient analysis,
onshore and 75,840 km2 offshore. North Sumatra
petrophysical of shale properties, and shale gas
Basin is a back arc basin formed by the subduction of
resource estimation. Research study is focused
the Indian - Australia plate under the Eurasian plate
on locations around the Gebang area, Pangkalan
in Late Eocene - Oligocene. The basin is geologically
Brandan, and Langkat - North Sumatra (Figure
bordered in the southwest by the Bukit Barisan
1). Implementation of the studies is carried out by
Mountains, in the southeast by Asahan Arc, and in the
integrating various geoscience disciplines including
northeast by the Malaysian Peninsula. The northern
sedimentology, geochemistry, geophysics, geological
part of the basin is open towards the Andaman Sea.

Figure 1
Figure 1.1 - Location of studyofarea
Location andarea
study physiography of Sumatraof(Darman
and physiography Sumatraand Sidi, 2000),
shown in(Darman and Sidi, 2000), shown in red-line rectangle.
red-line rectangle.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

Yulianto and Situmorang (2002) mentioned that unconformably deposited on basement as described
there are three structural elements in North Sumatra in stratigraphic column according to Yulihanto and
Basin (Figure 2); including the Northwest - Southeast Situmorang (2002) (Figure 3). Basal sandstones
structures parallel to the axis of the basin such as the and conglomerates of Oligocene-Early Miocene
Aceh Sub-basin, structural elements such as high and Bruksah/Parapat Formation are early rift-valley
depression trending north - south (Yang Besar High sediment infill and were deposited as fluviatil
and Tamiang Sub-basin/Tamiang Graben), and highs alluvial sediments. Finer grain size on the upper part
trending northeast - southwest (south of Yang Besar of the formation contained local coal, lignite and
High). They also explained that there are two major tufa. The Parapat/ Bruksah Formation is laterally
fault systems of North Sumatra Basin, the Sumatra and vertically interfingering with shallow marine
fault system/ SFS in northwest southeast direction sediment (restricted) - lacustrine of Late Oligocene -
and fault systems in north - south direction. The Early Miocene Bampo Formation. Oligocene - Early
north - south trending fault system is a major fault Miocene Bampo Formation consists of claystone and
that controls the development of the Tertiary basin massive calcalreous dark gray shale. Fossil contents
of Sumatra Island. is limited as it is interpreted that this formation was
deposited on euxinic environment, and conformably
B. Stratigraphy
deposited above the Bruksah/ Parapat Formation.
North Sumatra Basin stratigraphy is divided Peutu Formation, which is equivalent to Belumai
into Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary sediments. The Pre- Formation in the eastern part of the basin, was
Tertiary sediment consists of basement of North deposited at the initiation of the transgressive phase
Sumatra Basin, which is composed of low-grade during Early Miocene - Middle Miocene. At the top
metamorphic rocks of Permian and Jura - Cretaceous of basement highs, Peutu Formation is observed as
(Cameron and Aspden, 1982), igneous intrusion of limestone reef, but it is also found as calcareous
Paleozoic and Mesozoic, and dolomite/ limestone claystone and calcareous siltstone (containing
of Early Tertiary (Eocene). Tertiary sediment was high amount of glauconite). Baong Formation was

Figure 2
The main fault system and the North Sumatra Basin tectonic elements
(Yulihanto and Situmorang, 2002).

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Figure 3
Simplified stratigraphy of North Sumatra Basin (Yulihanto and Situmorang, 2002).

Figure 1.3 - Simplified stratigraphy of North Sumatra Basin (Yulihanto and Situmorang, 2002).
deposited in Middle Miocene - Late Miocene in Bampo Formation is mainly exposed in the northern
neritic environment (dark gray, massive, calcareous, part of the basin. Its lithology is characterized by
rich in foraminifera). The formation is overpressured calcareous mudstone and shale, poorly-bedded,
and is considered as source rock. pyritic, and slight carbonaceous material. It was
Locally, shale facies changes into siltstone deposited during transgression in euxinic - pelagic
and sandstone (Lower Baong, Middle Middle and environment, and conformably lies above Parapat
Penulin) which is essentially a turbidite deposition. Formation, with thickness ranging from 36 to
In Late Miocene to Plio - Pleistocene, compression 2,700m. On the other hand, Bampo silt sequence
caused onset on regressive cycle that resulted in the contains residual organic materials and potential as
deposition of Keutapang, Seurula and Julu Rayu source rock, deposited on lacustrine environment,
Formations. Keutapang and Seureula Formations which is similar to Oligocene sediments of Central
are of deltaic and shallow deposits. and South Sumatra Basins. The Baong Formation
consists of Lower Baong Shale, Middle Baong
C. Geology Model of Bampo and Baong Sandstone (MBS), and Upper Baong Shale. Lower
Formations Baong Shale is dominated by calcareous shale, dark
Previous studies performed by several researchers gray, rich of forams, and was deposited in a marine
(Kingston, 1978; Courtney et al. 1989; Yulihanto and environment. Maximum thickness of the Lower
Situmorang, 2002) assumed that Baong and Bampo Baong Shale is 764m. MBS unit is composed of
are potential formations for shale gas reservoirs. light gray sandstone, very fine grained, calcareous

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

and glauconitic. This unit is commonly found in the following indicators used in previous studies (Lewis,
Aru area (Pertamina Block). The upper part of the 2004; Passey et al. 2012). Data from petrographic
member is characterized by sandstone layers and analysis also serves as additional information.
the bottom part refers to sandstone just above the In addition to its traditional role in assisting
Lower Baong Shale. Thickness of this sandstone the generation of structural sub-surface model,
sequence varies within 315 m to 928 m. Baong and geophysical studies are focused on the prospect
Bampo Formations are considered suitable as shale area to determine the distribution of potential shale
gas reservoir. Both of them are of overpressured shale gas layers, through the use of acoustic impedance
and considered as source rocks (Kingston, 1978), (AI), continuous wavelet transform (CWT) gradient
have high level of maturity with Ro values > 1.3, method (seismic frequency texture; a base color of
total organic contents (TOC) that reaches 1.50%, and red - green - blue RGB). Petrophysical study is
are of marine sediment type (Courteney et al. 1989). conducted based on well log data including data
quality control, and determination of parameters
such as volume of shale (Vsh), water resistivity (Rw),
To localise the prospect area of shale gas, an porosity (), water saturation (Sw), and cut-off values.
integrated geological, geophysical, and petrophysical Through the use of geochemistry and well log data
study has been carried out in order to reduce any a AI - TOC transform is generated using which AI
acompanying uncertainties normally encountered data from seismic interpretation is transformed into
in subsurface studies. From the geological side, the TOC spatial data. By converting the AI from seismic
analyses used also include geochemical study for data to TOC data determination of sweet spots with
determining source rock quality and thermal maturity additional support from CWT data and geology


Subsurfacegeological Shalegassystem
RegionalGeology analysis analysis

Subsurfacegeology Geochemistry:TOC,RE,VR,
modeling Sedimentology:
Biostratigraphy/ Sequence
Sweetspots Geophysics:Sweetnes,
Identification Spectral, Decomposition


Figure 4
Flow chart of shale gas study.

Figure 2.1. Flow chart of Shale Gas Study


3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Baong Formation Fossiliferous Claystone

Belumai Formation Fossiliferous Claystone

Bampo Formation Claystone

Figure 3.1. Photomicrographs of Figure

thin section
5 petrography and SEM
Photomicrographs of thin section petrography and SEM.

analysis is made both in vertical and horizontal In the above equations Bg, Ga, Gf, GST, GSL, M,
directions. Gas in Place (GIP) estimation is made P, PL, Sw, rb, s are gas formation volume factor
using (Ambrose et al. 2010) (Figure 4). (reservoir volume/surface volume), adsorbed gas
GIP = GST x Rock Volume Shale Density (1) storage (scf/ton), free gas storage (scf/ton), gas total
with in-place (scf/ton), Langmuir storage capacity (scf/
ton), apparent natural gas molecular weight (lbm/lb-
GST = Gf + Ga (2) mol), formation pressure (psia), Langmuir pressure
and (psia), water saturation (fraction), formation bulk

density (gr/cm3), and sorbed phase (dry shale) density
(3) (g/cm3), respectively. (3)

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

III. RESULTS determination of sweet spots, and resources

estimation. Laboratory tests are applied for Bampo,
A. Shale Gas Potential from Laboratory Tests Baong and Belumai Formations, although several
To determine the potential of shale gas, several previous research activities concluded that only
laboratory tests have been conducted in order to Baong and Bampo have good shale gas potential
determine the quality and suitability of the shale (Murtrijito et al. 2013; Ardhi et al. 2013; Bahesti,
formation to act as sweet spots. The tests include 2013).
mineralogy composition, maturity of source rock, The outcrop samples of Bambo Formation are
brittleness, sensitivity of rocks to water, porosity mainly composed of claystone and silt, dark grey
and permeability (i.e storativity and conductivity), in color, relatively massive, and grains are locally
Table 3.1. XRD analysis for outcrop samples of Baong, Bampo and Belumai Formations
Table 1
XRD analysis for outcrop samples of Baong,
Bampo and Belumai Formations
MINERALS (%) (Wang & Gale,


1 TKH II 3 - - 8 - 8 40 4 - 34 - 2 4 - 16 44 40 0.78

2 TBN 3 15 5 5 8 - 20 - - 42 - 5 - - 33 20 47 0,62

3 TBN 4 8 6 4 8 - 32 - - 40 - 2 - - 26 32 42 0,72

4 BK-29 3 - 7 12 - 44 - - 30 - 1 2 1 19 44 34 0,74

5 BK-32 7 - 7 9 - 40 - - 32 - 1 3 1 16 40 37 0,72

6 BK-25 8 - 5 17 - 30 1 - 30 - 2 3 4 22 31 39 0,61

7 BS-02A Baong 33 - 5 10 - 17 - - 27 - 2 6 - 15 17 35 0,44

8 S.BKL-22 12 - 5 18 - 26 2 3 30 - 1 3 - 23 31 34 0,61

9 S.BKL-20 30 - 6 8 - 20 - - 30 - 2 4 - 14 20 36 0,5

10 S.BKL-18 - 3 5 18 - 40 - - 32 - 2 - - 26 40 34 0,72

11 KG-1A 10 - 10 12 5 20 - - 38 - - 5 - 27 20 43 0,58

12 KG-1B 13 - 6 8 6 22 - - 40 - 1 4 - 20 22 45 0,62

13 KG-1C 15 - 6 10 5 30 - - 30 - 2 2 - 21 30 34 0,6

14 TKH II 4 10 - 10 - 12 18 - - 36 - 8 6 - 32 18 50 0,54

15 TKH II 5 6 - 5 - 10 30 - - 40 - 4 5 - 21 30 49 0,7
16 KBL 3 - - - - - 99 - - 1 - - - - - 99 1 N.C.

17 KBL 7A - 4 8 8 - 26 - - 52 - 2 - - 20 26 54 0,78

18 S.BKL-13 - - 17 26 - 10 5 - 40 2 - - - 43 15 42 0,55

19 S.BKL-12 - 5 15 12 - 2 6 - 58 2 - - - 32 8 60 0,66

20 S.BKL-11 - - 10 16 - 6 - - 66 2 - - - 26 6 68 0,72

21 S.BKL-16 (9) - - 16 32 - 8 - - 40 4 - - - 48 8 44 0,48

22 LK-1 - - 30 4 - - - - 56 1 1 8 - 34 0 66 0,56

23 LK-3 - - 26 - 20 2 5 - 40 2 5 - - 46 7 47 0,47

24 LK-6 - - 35 5 20 - - - 34 1 5 - - 60 0 40 0,34

25 LK-8 Bampo - - 30 - 30 - 3 3 30 - 4 - - 60 6 34 0,36

26 WP-4.1 - - 20 - 26 - - - 48 3 3 - - 46 0 54 0,48

27 WP-4.4 - - 30 - 30 - - - 48 3 3 - - 60 0 54 0,48

28 WP-4.7 - - 24 - 22 - - - 46 2 6 - - 46 0 54 0,46

29 WP-4.9 - - 30 - 28 - - - 33 3 6 - - 58 0 42 0,33

30 WP-4.11 - - 20 - 26 - - - 44 3 7 - - 46 0 54 0,44

31 SKB-7A 26 - 8 12 - - - 5 40 2 3 4 - 20 5 49 0,45

32 TKH-05 10 - 8 8 - 14 1 4 47 - 5 3 - 26 19 55 0,66

33 S.BKL-7 5 - 6 - - - - - 87 2 - - - 11 0 89 0,87

34 S.BKL-5 - - 6 - 8 34 - 3 46 3 - - - 14 37 49 0,83
35 S.BKL-3 - - 10 - 8 - - - 75 4 3 - - 18 0 82 0,75

36 S.BKL-2 - - 10 - 10 - - - 75 3 2 - - 20 0 80 0,75

37 KBL 5 - - 30 - - - - - 20 - 50 - - 30 - 70 N.C.

38 KBL 11A Butar ? - - 30 - - - - - 65 - - - - 35 - 65 0,65

39 KBL 13B - - 20 6 - - - - 72 - - - - 28 - 72 0,72

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Table 3.2. TOC and Rock2 Eval Pyrolysis Data
TOC and Rock Eval Pyrolysis Data

Forma- TOC S1 S2 S3 PY Tmax

No. Age Traverse Sample No. Analised Lithology S2/S3 PI PC HI OI
tion (C)
(% wt) mg/g
1 Sungai S.BKL-22 Clyst, dkgy, calc 1,25 0,39 3,73 0,21 4,12 17,76 0,05 0,34 421 298 17
2 Berkail S.BKL-20 Clyst, dkgy, calc 1,76 0,49 8,44 0,62 8,93 13,61 0,03 0,74 429 480 35
3 (Bahorok) S.BKL-18 Clyst, med.dkgy, calc 0,67 0,17 1,46 0,26 1,63 5,62 0,06 0,14 423 216 39
4 KG-1A Sh, brngy, calc 1,74 0,54 7,73 0,36 8,27 21,47 0,03 0,69 423 444 21
Kota Gajah-
5 KG-1B Sh, brngy, calc 1,59 0,54 6,51 0,28 7,05 23,25 0,04 0,59 425 409 18
Middle - Late Miocene

6 KG-1C Shale 1,3 0,47 5,29 0,14 5,76 37,79 0,04 0,48 425 407 11
7 BK-25 Shale 0,86 0,11 1,92 0,31 2,03 6,19 0,05 - 425 222 36

8 Bahorok BK-29 Shale 1,18 0,18 4,29 0,36 4,47 11,92 0,04 - 433 364 31
9 BK-32 Shale 1,36 0,13 3,71 0,31 3,84 11,97 0,03 - 434 272 23
10 BST-02A Shale 1,4 0,23 4,41 0,95 4,64 4,64 0,05 - 426 315 68
11 BST-03A Shale 0,63 - - - - - - - - - -
12 TBN-3 Shale 0,77 0,09 0,27 0,35 0,36 0,77 0,17 0,03 438 35 45
Tiga Binanga
13 TBN-4 Shale 0,53 - - - - - - - - - -
14 Tangkahan TKH-113 Shale 0,56 - - - - - - - - - -
15 Sumur 1928-1930m Shale, dkgy-dkgy/v.dkgy 1,35 0,54 2,87 0,35 3,41 8,2 0,16 0,28 428 213 26

16 DRU-1A 2328-2330m Shale, dkgy 1,34 0,43 2,41 0,27 2,84 8,93 0,15 0,24 433 179 20
17 Selundur SKB-2 Shale 0,84 0,12 0,68 0,39 0,8 1,74 0,15 - 425 81 46
18 Batang BS-4 Shale 0,8 0,25 2,25 0,02 2,5 112,5 0,06 0,21 427 281 3
Early Miocene

19 Sarangan BS-5 Shale 0,69 0,23 1,85 0,08 2,08 23,13 0,06 0,17 423 268 12

20 KBH-7A Shale 1,4 0,85 1,71 0,24 2,56 7,13 0,25 0,21 440 122 17
Kuta Buluh
21 KBH-13B Shale 1,45 0,1 0 0,6 0,1 0 - 0,01 * 0 41

22 TKH-16 Shale 0,87 0,19 1,28 0,65 1,47 1,97 0,13 - 437 146 74
23 Tangkahan TKH-114 Shale 0,8 0,25 2,25 0,02 2,5 112,5 0,06 0,21 427 281 3
24 TKH-115 Shale 0,69 0,23 1,85 0,08 2,08 23,13 0,06 0,17 423 268 12

25 Sungai S.BKL-13 Sltst,, calc, hd 0,06 - - - - - - - - - -

26 Berkail S.BKL-12 Clyst, purplishmbrn.dkgy, slty 0,07 - - - - - - - - - -
27 S.BKL-11 Sltst, yell.ltgy, hd 0,06 - - - - - - - - - -
28 S.BKL-09 Clyst, wht.ltgy, calc 0,12 - - - - - - - - - -
29 LK-1 Sh, 1,59 0,08 0,77 0,08 0,85 9,63 0,05 0,07 438 48 5
Lokawar -
30 LK-3 Sh,, hd 0,12 - - - - - - - - - -
Late Oligocene

31 LK-6 Sh,, hd 0,2 - - - - - - - - - -

32 LK-8 Sh,, hd 0,21 - - - - - - - - - -

33 WP-4.1 Clyst, gy, hd 0,39 0,01 0 0,24 0,01 0 0 0 * 0 61
34 Sungai WP-4.4 Clyst, gy, hd 0,4 0 0 0,1 0 0 0 0 * 0 25
35 Wampu - WP-4.7 Clyst, gy, hd 0,39 0,03 0 0,09 0,03 0 0 0 * 0 23
36 Kutambaru WP-4.9 Clyst, gy, hd 0,46 0 0 0,11 0 0 0 0 * 0 24
37 WP-4.11 Clyst, gy, hd 0,42 0 0 0,04 0 0 0 0 * 0 10
38 3080-3082m Shale, gy-dkgy 0,48 0,24 0,31 0,16 0,55 1,94 0,44 0,05 437 64 33
39 3100-3102m Shale, gy-dkgy 0,53 0,24 0,31 0,19 0,55 1,63 0,44 0,05 437 58 36
40 3148-3150m Shale, gy-dkgy 0,54 0,33 0,31 0,19 0,64 1,63 0,52 0,05 441 58 35
41 S.BKL-7 Sltst, yell.brngy, calc 0,21 - - - - - - - - - -
Parapat/ Basal
Late Eocene -

42 S.BKL-5 Sltst/vf.Sst, brngy, calc 0,11 - - - - - - - - - -



43 Berkail S.BKL-3 Sltst, ltgy, hd 0,26 - - - - - - - - - -

44 S.BKL-2 Vf Sst, brngy 0,09 - - - - - - - - - -

Remarks :
TOC : Total Organic Carbon PY : Amount of Total Hydrocarbon = (S1 + HI : Hydrogen Index = (S/TOC) x 100
S1 : Amount of Free Hydrocarbon PI : Production = (S1/S1 + S2) OI : Oxygen Index = (S/TOC) x 100
S2 : Amount of Free Hydrocarbon released from kerogen PC : Pyrolysable Carbon NDP : No Determination Possible
S3 : Organic Carbon Dioxide Tmax : Maximum Temperature (C) at the top of S pea* : Erroreneous Tmax Readings
due to lack of S2

replaced by calcite. Petrographic analysis reveals composed of quartz (30-66%), with minor amount
that the samples mostly are silty shale consisting of of feldspar (0-4%), plagioclase (0-7%), and pyrite
mainly monocrystalline quartz (3.5-25.0%), feldspar (0-8%). Carbonate minerals are observed in moderate
in lesser proportion, metamorphic and sedimentry amount including calcite (0-14%), dolomite (0-6%),
rock fragments, carbonaceous material, and mica. and siderite (0-5%). Clay mineral occurs in relatively
Matrix is abundant (51.25-87.5%), porosity is low high amount covering smectite (0-26%), illite (8-
(0.25-3.0%) mostly made by intergranular and fine 35%), kaolinite (0-26%), and chlorite (0-30%) (Table
fissures type of pores (Figure 5). X-ray diffraction 1). Geochemical analysis shows very low to medium
(XRD) results show that samples are mainly contents of organic material (TOC: 0.07 to 0.54%),

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

mature maturity index (Tmax: 437 - 441oC) (Table to brittle (BI: 0.44-0.78), and reactive to highly
2), and low to moderate brittleness (BI: 0:33 - 0.72). reactive to water (CST: 25.8-59.7) with low degree
The rocks tend to be reactive to highly reactive to of swelling tendency (1.6-7.9 %).
water (Capillary Suction Time - CST: 29.5 - 85) with
B. Geophysical Analysis - Top Structure Mapping
moderate degree of swelling (3.3 - 10.6 %). Porosity
varies between 5.8% and 7.4% with permeability Seismic interpretation covers Langkat, Pangkalan
ranging from 0.37 mD to 3.2 mD. Susu and Pangkalan Brandan lines with the control
The lithology of Belumai Formation is commonly of well log data from Basilam A-1, Pantai Pakam
fossilferous claystone, dark grey, massive and Timur-3, Besitang-1, and Securai-1 wells. Seismic
occasionally with parallel lamination and fractures. interpretation is completed by picking 7 horizons as
Petrographic analysis shows the Belumai Formation formation boundaries. This study is narrowed to shale
in general is fossiliferous claystone dominated by of Bampo, Belumai, and Lower Baong Formations.
detrital clay matrix and planktonic foraminifers, Green horizon for top Bampo Formation, orange
minor benthonic forams, monocrystalline quartz, horizon for top Belumai Formation, pink horizon
carbonaceous material, plagioclase, glauconite, for top Lower Baong Formation, and yellow horizon
and indeterminite bioclasts. Visual porosity is low top Middle Baong Formation, red horizon for top
(4.00-4.50%) and consisting mainly of fine fractures, Baong Formation.
minor dissolution, and micropores (Figure 5). XRD Based on geological modeling of North Sumatra
analysis reveals that the rocks main composition is Basin, gas was formed at a depth of 2300m. Bampo,
quartz (36-52%), calcite (18-30%), clay minerals - Belumai and Lower Baong with gas content should
illite (5-10%), chlorite (0-12%), smectite (0-10%), occur below 2300m. Lower Baong Formation,
and kaolinite (0-8%), plagioclase (2-8%) - and Belumai, and Bampo occur between depths 800
pyrite (0-6%) (Table 1). Samples from Belumai - 6,700m, with an average thickness of Bampo
Formation generally shows moderate to good shale Formation ranging from 300 to 550m, indicated
gas potential, with low to high organic material by blue - green contours, while the thick Bampo
(TOC: 0.69 to 1.45 %), immature to mature maturity Formation as showed by dark blue - purple contours
index (Tmax: 423 - 440oC) (Table 2), and relative reached depth of 800m, which is located in north
brittle to very brittle (BI: 0.33-0.72). direction of Well Basilam-A1, distributed from west
Baong Formation lithologically shows light grey, to east (Figure 6).
contains fossils, massive and brittle with burrows. Belumai Formation is thinning to the south and
The bedding thickness varies within 10-20cm. thickening to the north. Southern part is shown by
Petrographic analyses show that the fossiliferous yellow orange with various values between 250
claystone is mainly composed of detrital clay matrix - 350m, while the north part has average thickness
(15.0-68.25%) and planktonic foraminiferas (2.5- between 350-600m, which is shown by light blue
37.75%) and also by subordinate benthonic forams - green contour. Lower Baong Formation shows
(1.5-10.0%), monocrystalline quartz (2.75-10.0%), thinning to the south and thickening to the north.
carbonaceous materials (0-3.0%), and plagioclase The average thickness in the south is indicated by
(0-1.0%). Other components occur in very minor orange - green contours with value of 600 - 1,000m,
amount of less than 1% are glauconite, mica, rock present around Besitang-1, Securai-1, Basilam-1,
fragments, and indeterminate bioclasts. Visual Batu Mandi-1 and Pantai Pakam Timur-3. To the
porosity is low (1.25-6.5%) mainly consisting of north (Aceh) the thickness of formation reaches up
dissolution, intraparticle, and fine fractures (Figure to 1,000 - 2,000m as shown by light blue - purple
5). Results of XRD analysis show the claystone contour (Figure 7).
of the formation is dominated by quartz (27-42%),
C. Distribution of Gas Content Within Bampo,
calcite (17.0-44%), and clay minerals composing
Belumai and Lower Baong Formations
of smectite (0-33%), illite (4-10%), kaolinite (8-
18%), and chlorite (0-8%) with minor amount of Based on gas maturity window in the area - as
plagioclase (0-5%), pyrite (0-6%), and gypsum determined through geochemistry laboratory tests -
(0-4%) (Table 1). The samples have low - medium that is applied on the top structure maps generated
contents of organic material (TOC: 0.53 to 1.76%), earlier gas content distribution is determined for the
immature to mature maturity index (Tmax: 421 three formations. All gas distribution maps for the
- 438oC) (Table 2), brittleness of relatively brittle three formations, therefore, show gas contents that

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Blue : Basement
Cyan : Basal Parapat
Green : Bampo
Orange : Belumai
HORISON : : Baong Bawah
Yellow : Baong Tengah
Blue Baong Atas
: Basement
Cyan : Basal Parapat
Figure 3.2 - Northwest southeast Green
seismic configuration of : Bampo
North Sumatra Basin.
Orange : Belumai
Pink : Baong Bawah
Yellow : Baong Tengah
Figure 6 ? Red : Baong Atas
Figure 3.2 - Northwest southeast seismic configuration of North Sumatra Basin.

Figure 3.3 - Isopach Maps of Bampo Formation, Belumai Formation and Lower Baong Formation
(left - right).

Figure 3.3 - Isopach Maps of Bampo Formation, 7 Formation and Lower Baong Formation
Isopach Maps of Bampo Formation, Belumai Formation
(left - right).
and Lower Baong Formation (left - right).

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

Figure 3.4 - Depth structure of gas containing Lower

Figure 8 Baong Formation, Belumai Formation, and
Formation (left of
structure - right).
gas containing Lower Baong Formation,
Belumai Formation, and Bampo Formation (left - right).

Figure 9
Figure 3.5 Composite
Composite line of north-south
line of north-south directiondirection traversing
traversing Besitang-1
Besitang-1 dan Basilam-1
dan Basilam-1 well. well.

occur below depth of 2,300m. Figure 8 depicts the depths of its shale body are in general above 2300m.
distribution of Bampo Formation containing gas Using the same maturity criteria higher areas of the
where gas in the Bampo Formation reaches maturity Bangko Formation in its western part towards the
below a depth of 2,300m. The red dashed line is Bukit Barisan Mountains - as indicated by green/

the boundary of mature area for Bampo Formation, yellow areas - has also not reached shale gas maturity

which is distributed within North Sumatra - Aceh for the same reason (Figure 8).
axis. Similar to Bampo Formation, geochemistry However, in a way similar to the other two
tests have shown that gas in the Belumai Formation formations, Lower Baong Formation is considered as
also reaches maturity below a depth of 2,300m. This containing gas since most of its shale body is situated
corresponds to an area within the red dashed line that below 2,300m. This is depicted area within the red
serves as boundary of the formations mature area, dashed line (Figure 8). In higher areas surrounding
spread from North Sumatra to Aceh. For its higher Basilam-A1, Pantai Pakam Timur-3, and Batumandi
areas around Basilam-A1 well, Belumai Formation wells, Baong Formation has not reach maturity
has not reach maturity as gas containing shale due to because the depth is higher than 2,300m. This is

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

also true for the higher areas to the west towards the ably in Bampo Formation surrounding Basilam-1
Bukit Barisan and to the north, indicated by countour and Besitang-1wells. Zones of interest are marked
within green/ yellow area. While in Aceh, the Lower in yellow to red areas indicating porous areas with
Baong Formation has reach maturity, as indicated by stronger reddish areas which are expected to contain
contours within blue/ purple area in Aru area (contour gas. Information from well testing provides that
shallower than 3,000m) (Figure 9). Basilam-1well shows indication of gas in black shale
that is most probably from Bampo Formation (at its
D. Identification of Sweet Spots and Resource
top of depths around 2,576.6 m MD).
Figure 11 shows crossplots of sweetness and
The geophysical approach used in this study CWT with wireline logs of Basilam-1 including
is a standard seismic attribute using amplitude gamma ray, density, resistivity and sonic. The
and frequency attributes - method of sweetness interesting zone has high value of sweetness and
analysis (Hart, 2008), plus application of spectral low value of CWT. Gas indication appears in shale
decomposition method of continuous wavelet bed. Cross plots of sweetness and CWT with well
transform (CWT) (Partyka et al. 1999; Sinha et al. log data were not performed for Besitang-1 well
2005). Prior to the application of sweetness and due to data absence. The Besitang-1 well does not
CWT methods, several seismic lines were used penetrate Bampo formation (Besitang-1 well: TVD
for the amplitude balancing process. Through this 1,700 m MD).
process the seismic data is arranged so that seismic Reservoir characterisation (seismic inversion and
amplitudes are expected to have a range of similar spectral decomposition) is performed to determine
seismic amplitude values. distribution of shale gas reservoir property on the
Figure 10 is a composite line of north-south seismic section. Seismic inversion informs the AI
direction passing through the Besitang-1, Basilam-1, of shale lithology while spectral decomposition
and PPT-3 wells, whereas Figure 10 depicts sections detects formation parts with gas saturation. As
of sweetness (a) and CWT (b) of the composite previously determined the potential of shale gas
lines in north-south direction. The applications of zones is indicated by the presence of sweet spots, in
these two methods are employed to indicate zones which values of TOC is the main parameter to define
of interest contained in the black shale most prob- coverage of the area. Acoustic impedance (AI) is used

Figure 10
Figure 3.6 (a) Sweetness section and (b) CWT section of north-south direction traversing
(a) Sweetness section and (b) CWT section of north-south direction
Besitang-1dan Basilam-1
traversing well.
Besitang-1dan Basilam-1 well.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

to determine the type of shale lithology that serves Through the use of TOC AI correlation,
as reservoir rocks. Some researchers suggested and distribution of TOC values range in general is also
have managed to establish an empirical relationship found as in between 0.5% and 1.6%. High TOC
between AI and the TOC using which AI distribution values of 1.4 - 1.67% characterize the Lower Baong
resulted from seismic inversion analysis can be Formation in its low areas and in the surrounding area
transformed into TOC distribution (Lseth et al, of Besitang wells (Figure 14). Lithology distribution
2013; Passey et al. 2012; and Liu, 2013). modeling is shown by the spread of sand and shale
Seismic inversion results (Figure 12) show in lateral direction. The modeling is based on the AI
that in general AI values in the shale formations values of 5,500 6,500 m/s*g/cc, which corresponds
range between 4,000 and 9,200 m/s*g/cc. Crossplot to relatively large gradient frequency disparity. The
between TOC and AI (Figure 13) for Besitang-1 data bigger the disparity the greater the possibility of
appears to be in good correlation with correlation rocks saturated with hydrocarbons. In Figure 15,
factor of 0.928. Note that high TOC value of around large changes of disparities are indicated by grey to
1.5 - 1.7% - TOC levels that are considered as black in the color spectrum.
mature for this study is associated with AI value Through combining the TOC distribution, log-
of approximately 5,500 - 6,500 m/s*g/cc. Using the core petrophysical analysis, and TOC criterion
AI - TOC good correlation, the TOC distribution of 1.6 - 1.7% areas that are considered as sweet
within the formations are generated. Upon using spots around Basilam-1 and Securai-1 wells are
the correlation, the highest probability for sweet determined. For this TOC cut-off, average porosity
spots lies on AI values within 7,000 8,000 m/s*g/ values of 2%, 3%, and 5% are obtained for Bampo
cc, which correspond to TOC values greater than Formation, Belumai Formation, and Lower Baong
1%. Shale formations having these values are also Formation, respectively. Sweet spots in the Bampo,
considered as suitable for fracturing. Belumai, and Baong formations are found around

Figure 11
Figure 3.7 - Cross-plots
Crossplots of sweetness
of sweetness andand
with with GR of
GR logs logs of Basilam-1.

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Figure 12
Acoustic Impedance (AI) cross-section through Basilam-1 well.
Figure 3.8 - Acoustic Impedance (AI) cross-section through Basilam-1 well.

Table 3
Area and Volume within gas window

Formation Area Area Volume Volume

(m2) (acree) (m3) (acree feet)

Lower Baong 1.2994E+13 3.2108E+09 8.9076E+11 7.2215E+12

Belumai 1.6879E+13 4.1708E+09 9.2094E+15 7.4662E+12
Bampo 2.3310E+12 5.7726E+09 9.3289E+15 7.5631E+12

Basilam-1 and Securai-1wells and occupy about and s was obtained from direct core laboratory
21%, 29%, and 11% of the formations, respectively. measurements on outcrop dry shale samples. For
With supporting parameter values used in GSL, M, PL values, laboratory adsorption isotherm
Equations 1, 2, and 3 (Tables 3 and Table 4) shale gas tests were carried out on two outcrop shale samples,
resources (i.e gas in place) for the three formations one represents Lower Baong and Belumai formations
are estimated. Porosity (), bulk density (b), and Sw of depths 2,500 - 3,500m (both formations are
are averaged values determined from petrophysical considered as having adjacent depth intervals) and
analyises on Basilam-1, Batumandi-1, Besitang-1, the other one is for Bampo Formation of depths
dan PPT-3 well log data, whereas Bg is derived from 4,000 - 6,600m. Resource estimations have resulted
laboratory pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) in accumulation of shale gas present in the sweet
analysis on gas samples taken from Besitang-1 well, spots found to be 6.379 trillion cubic feet (TCF) for

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

Table 4
Parameters for shale gas in place calculation

Parameter Unit Lower Baong Belumai Bampo

% 5 0 0
Bg res. vol/surface vol. 0.007 0.006 0.005
s g/cm 3
0.3 0.34 0.4
b g/cm3 2.55 2.6 2.7
Sw % 70 60 50
M lb/lb.mol 12 13 16
GSL scf/ton 60 70 50
P psi 3.000 3.248 4.000
PL psi 1.200 1.300 1.150





1.00 TOC =0.00001AI +3.102

0.80 R=0.928




0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Figure 3.9 - Cross-plot between AI 13
and TOC in Besitang-1 well.
Cross-plot between AI and TOC in Besitang-1 well.

Lower Baong Formation; 16.994 TCF for Belumai This is similar to the case of high areas in western
Formation; and 25.024 TCF for Bampo Formation, to northern parts of studied area. In the North,
with total volume of 48.397 TCF. Lower Baong Formation has reached oil window
as marked by contour within blue to purple areas as
IV. DISCUSSION in Aru area with contours below 3000m. Belumai
Lower Baong Formation occurs at depth 1,000 Formation occurs at depths of within 1,200 6,300m
- 6,200m. At high areas of Basilam-A1, Pantai (Figures 6 and 7), and Bampo Formation at depths
Pakam Timur-3 (PPT-3), and Batumandi wells, of within 1,500 - 6,600m. Potential areas of shale
Lower Baong Formation does not reach oil window gas are deeper than 2300m, as marked by contours
because of its depth of shallower than 2,300m. within dark blue to purple area. Bampo Formation

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Figure 14 through AI from (a) Lower Baong Formation

Figure 3.10 - Distribution maps of TOC correlated
Distribution maps of TOC correlated through AI from (a) Lower Baong Formation
(b) Belumai Formation and (c)Formation
(b) Belumai Bampo Formation.
and (c) Bampo Formation.

thins out
to the South direction and in southern part planktonic foraminifers and accompanied by
from Basilam-A1 well whereas Bampo Formation minor benthonic forams, monocrystalline quartz,
develop sufficiently due to sedimentation
does not carbonaceous material, plagioclase, glauconite, and
provided by highs and grabens to filling indetermined fossils. Porosity is low, commonly
areas in the South. fractures supplemented by a number of dissolution

Generally claystones of Baong Formation are and microporosity. TOC values are moderate to good
as light gray in color, contain fossils, (0.69 1.45%) and immature to mature of maturity
massive, brittle, having burrow structures, and level. Belumai Formation shows moderate to good
layered with thickness varies between 10cm and 20m shale gas potential.
2012; 2013). Lithology is commonly Samples from Bampo Formation shows silty
fossiliferous claystone, where composition clay, gray - dark, relatively compact, and locally

is dominated by clay matrix and planktonic replace by calcite. The composition is dominated by
foraminefers with lesser benthos, monocrystalline quartz monocrystalline, along with small amounts of

quartz, carbonaceous material, and plagioclase. feldspar, fragments of metamorphic and sedimentary
Other materials include glauconite, mica, rock rocks, carbonaceous material and mica. There is a
fragments and indeterminate fossils (LEMIGAS, high amount of clay matrix. Porosity is intergranular
2012, 2013). Porosity is poor including secondary and fractures. The content of organic material is

dissolution and intraparticles, accompanied by generally very low - medium (TOC: 0.07 0.54%).
minor microfractures. TOC values moderate to Bampo Formation indicates poor potential as a
good varying from 0.53 - 1.76%, with maturity shale gas resource, even though the formation has

level categorized as immature to mature. Based on apparently reached the gas window of below 2,300
the analysis, it is interpreted that Baong Formation m. However, the low TOC values result from absence
has moderate to good shale gas quality. However, of significant sweet spots for the formation. With
content of smectite needs to be carefully
the high regard to TOC values, it is important to understand
considered since this may provide difficulties for that kerogen occupies a much larger volume percent
any drilling and fracturing operations. (vol%) than is indicated by the TOC weight percent
(wt%). This can be explained by the low grain
Claystones of Bampo Formation are fosilliferous
claystone, gray - dark gray, massive with parallel density of the organic matter (typically 1.1-1.4 g/cc)
lamination, and the occurence of fractures. The compared to that of common rock-forming minerals
composition is dominated by clay matrix with (2.6-2.8 g/cc) (Passey, 2012). Therefore, the Bampo

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 193 - 212

Figure 3.11 - Modeling of lithology distribution

Figureand15 lateral frequency disparity of (a) Baong
Modeling of lithology (b) Belumai
distribution Formation,
and lateral anddisparity
frequency (c) Bampo Formation.
of (a) Baong Formation
(b) Belumai Formation, and (c) Bampo Formation.

3. Ditermination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Intregation of Geology, Geochemistry, Petrophysics
and Geophysics Analysis (Junita Trivianty Musu et al.)

Formation can only be interpreted as having shale Ardhi S. D., G.C. Ramadhan and D. Rakasiwi, 2013.
gas potential that is categorized as poor to moderate. Shale Gas Potential of Lower Baong Sandstone North
Despite poor to moderate, the large formation Sumatra Basin: A Case Study of Unconventional
thickness has nevertheless led to large (25.024 TCF) Energy and sequence stratigraphy application on
Keutapang Reservoir Formation based on well logs
gas resource volume.
data. Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association,
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Formations, from depths of deeper than 2,300m, and of Technology.
with TOC values that range between 1.4 and 1.67%.
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It is supported by brittelness of brittle to moderately dinn, A., Ghazali, S.A., Harahap, H., Hardidjaja,
brittle (BI = 0.33-0.78), which are correlated with Johari, S., Kartawa, W., Keats, W., Ngabito, H.,
values of acoustic impedance (AI) that vary within Rock, N.M.S. & Whandoyo, R. 1982a. The Geology
5,500 - 6,500 m/s*g/cc range. Estimation of shale of the Medan Quadrangle, Sumatra (0619) Scale 1:250
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and Bampo Formations has yielded 6.379 trillion Mineral Resources, Geological Research and Develop-
cubic feet (TCF), 16.994 TCF, and 25.024 TCF, ment Centre, Bandung.
respectively. Courteney, S., Cockcroft, P., Lorentz, R.A. & Miller,
From an operational point of view, the high R., 1989. Indonesia - Oil and Gas Field Atlas. Volume
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This research was supported by Research and De-
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tation Divisions of the Research and Development Kingston, J, 1978. Oil and Gas Generation, Migration
Center for Oil and Gas Technology LEMIGAS, and Accumulation in the North Sumatra Basin. Jakarta,
particularly from the Sedimentology Research Group Indonesian Petroleum Association Seventh Annual
who provided insight and expertise that have greatly Convention, Proceedings.
assisted the study. LEMIGAS (Research and Development Center for
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Vol. 38, Number 3, December 2015: 4 of 5
Journal Homepage:


Julikah, Sriwidjaya, Jonathan S., and Panuju
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA
Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046;
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First Registered on November 16th 2015; Received after Correction on November 16th 2015
Publication Approval on: December 31st 2015

Sub-cekungan Palembang Selatan dan Tengah mempunyai potensi shale hydrocarbon (shale HC)
yang cukup menjanjikan pada Formasi Talang Akar (TAF) dan Formasi Lemat/Lahat (LAF/LAF). Hasil
interpretasi seismik memperlihatkan adanya potensi shale HC yang tersebar di beberapa area sekitar
sumur Rukam-1, Kemang-1, Singa-1 dan Tepus-1. Secara umum, hasil pemodelan termal menunjukkan
awal kematangan minyak pada nilai Ro= 0.6% di kedalaman (h) sekitar 2000 m, pembentukan minyak
pada nilai Ro = (0.7-0.9) % di kedalaman antara (2200 < h <3100) m dan pembentukan gas pada nilai
Ro antara (0.9-1.2) % di kedalaman antara (3100-3500) m. Formasi Talang Akar dan Lahat/Lemat
berturut-turut mempunyai lingkungan pengendapan laut dangkal dengan Tipe Kerogen II/III dan lakustrin
dengan Tipe Kerogen III. Berdasarkan pengolahan lanjut data seismik (metode atribut seismik dan spectral
decomposition) diperkirakan di area-area tersebut memiliki nilai TOC yang memenuhi syarat sebagai
shale HC, yaitu nilai TOC > 2%. Perhitungan (P-50) potensi sumberdaya migas non-konvensional ini
diperkirakan cukup besar (mencapai 4200 MMBOE) pada Formasi Talang Akar dan Lahat/Lemat.
Kata Kunci: shale hydrocarbon, formasi Talang Akar, formasi lemat/Lahat, TOC, migas non-konvensional
South and Central Palembang Sub - basin over Talang Akar (TAF) and the Lemat/Lahat Formations
(LEF/LAF) has shale hydrocarbons (HC shale) which are considerably promising. Seismic interpretation
results shows potential HC shale scattered in several areas around the Rukam-1, Kemang-1, Lion-1
and Tepus-1 wells. Generally, thermal modeling results indicates early maturity of oil on the value of
Ro = 0.6% at about 2000 m depth (h), the formation of oil on the value Ro = (0.7-0.9)% at between
(2200 h <3100) m depth and formation of gas at Ro values between (0.9-1.2)% at a depth between
(3100-3500)m. Talang Akar and Lahat/Lemat Formations have a shallow marine depositional environment
with Type II/III kerogen and lacustrine with Type III kerogen. Based on advanced seismic data processing
(a method of seismic attributes and spectral decomposition) these areas are expected to have a TOC>
2% value that qualifies as shale HC. The assessment (P-50) of potential non-conventional oil and gas
resources at Talang Akar and Lahat/Lemat Formations is estimated to be fairly large (up to 4200 MMBOE).
Keywords: Shale hydrocarbon, Talang Akar Formation, Lemat/Lahat Formation, TOC, Unconventional
oil and gas

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 213 - 223

I. INTRODUCTION limestone from Baturaja Formation (Bishop, 2001).

South Sumatra basin consists of 4 sub-basins, In fact nowadays, many oil and gas fields in this basin
are less productive or even are no longer productive.
specifically South, North, Central Palembang and
In the future it is expected that South Sumatra Basin
Jambi Sub-basins (LEMIGAS, 2001). Several
has huge potential for non-conventional oil and gas,
previous studies such as Sarjono and Sardjito (1989),
which is derived from shale hydrocarbon.
Suseno et al. (1992), Argakoesoesmah et al. (2004),
Ginger - Fielding (2005) and Yuliandri et al (2013) HC Shale is a hydrocarbon which is generated
have noted the existence of shale/shale derived directly from the shale. These kind of shale are
TAF and LEF/LAF as source rock that produces known as source rock reservoir (SRR) because it is
not only found as host rock (source rock) but also as
conventional oil and gas. Some authors stated that
reservoir (Chopra et al. 2013). Shale in the basin that
both these formations are mature in terms of capacity
produces oil and gas are proven to actively produce
to produce oil and gas. Conversely, however, some
hydrocarbons (Jarvie, 2008), including South
also state that both formations (mainly TAF) tend
Sumatra Basin. Oil and gas in shale is taken with
to be immature.
hydraulic fracking methods (Chopra et al. 2013).
For decades, this basin produced oil and gas HC shale development in South Sumatra Basin is
in large quantities derived from the conventional expected to follow the results of development of
sandstone reservoir of Talang Akar Formation or shale HC in the United States.

Figure 1
Workflow sweet spot mapping.

4. Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talangakar and Lahat Formation on South and Central Palembang Sub Basin
(Julikah et al.)

Figure 2
Correlation between wells of study area, showing the presence
identifiedasshaleplay depth are identified as shale play.

This study examined the potential of shale HC in log data and at least geochemical data, especially
the two formations based on secondary and primary the data Vr), not all of these maps have been made.
data utilizing field data and the sub surface data Processing geophysical CWT (Continuous
(seismic and wells). Seismic data and wells use 150 Wavelet Transform) and attributes of sweetness were
tracks and 22 wells approximately. The seismic data conducted to determine the potential of HC shale
is the data post stack migration of 1970-2007, the play. Sweet spot area identification was conducted
dominant period being between 1970 and 1980. Most by taking account of geometry (thickness and depth)
of these vintage seismic data are vector data, with of the structure of the source rock reservoir (SRR)
the result that the further processing of geophysical and the limit of the maturity of oil and gas (oil/gas
data such inversion could not be applied in this study. window). Furthermore, the resource potential of
II. METHODOLOGY shale HC was undertaken by inserting the values of
petro-physical parameters (porosity, Sw and density)
The methodology used to determine the sweet with a certain cut off.
spot (high graded area) can be seen in Figure 1.
Successful identification of the sweet spot area III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
will determine the amount of potential HC shale
in the research area. Theoretically, data processing A. SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY ANALYSIS
using inversion, seismic attributes and geochemical Sequence boundary (SB) correlation was carried
modeling can produce several physical parameters out in several wells starting with the KPG-1 well
and geo chemistry distribution maps like V-shale, (the southeast) to Jelapang-1 (Southwestern) which
porosity, Sw, TOC, index of brittleness and maturity has shown shale play relatively more deeper around
maps. However, due to limitations of the data (data the Kemang and Tepus wells (Figure 2). Moreover,
that is not preserved seismic amplitude, no S wave there are images of sequence stratigraphic correlation

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 213 - 223

Figure 3
Chronostratigraphy Cross sectional 0f North West-South Eastwards.

Figure 4
Figure4SchematicChronostratigraphy wells
Schematic Chronostratigraphy wells alongwiththe
along penetrated
with the penetrated litostratigraphyunit
litostratigraphy unit.

4. Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talangakar and Lahat Formation on South and Central Palembang Sub Basin
(Julikah et al.)

of lithological units penetrated by wells and the sequence-3 is limited by SB-2 and SB-3. SB-1 is the
relationship between the unit sequence stratigraphy top basement and SB-3 equivalents top TAF. Lemat/
with stratigraphic unit sequentially ( Figure 3 and 4). Lahat formation are mostly part of Sequence-1
and 2, while the formation Talang Akar tend to be
B. Seismic and Geophysics Advanced Processing
Interpretation (Cwt And Sweetness)
CWT and sweetness processing was applied to
Based on a basement structure map (BEICIP, some tracks (see Figures 8 and 9). Sequence 1, 2 and
1985 and Pertamina-BPPKA, 1997) of several 3 in some wells show a reddish yellow color, which
depth locations that were known (see Figure 5), is a good indication of shale play as a source rock
there is an indication of the presence of source rock. reservoir (SRR) -hydrocarbon. KPG-1 wells in these
Some seismic interpretation (Figure 6 and 7) shows sequences have a fairly large TOC, which is about
the depth in the sequence 1, 2 and 3. Generally, 2-7%. Unfortunately, in these wells SRR sequence
sequence-1 is limited by SB-1 and USB-1.1; while is not yet mature enough, for VR is around 0.6%.
the sequence-2 is limited by SB-1.1 and SB-2, then

Sub basin

area=the prospect
area as source
rock reservoir

Figure 5
Four Points area (red) estimated potential as a source rock reservoir
PalembangSubbasin of South and Central Palembang Sub-basin.

Estimatedarea=theprospectareaassourcerockreservoir 217
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 213 - 223

Figure 6 seismic cross-sectional indicates 6 filled by Lahat / Lemat and
Seismic cross-sectional indicates subsidence filled by Lahat/Lemat and Talangakar
Talangakar Formations around The Kemang Bingin,
Formations around The Kemang Bingin, Teluk and Teluk and wells.
Kemang Kemang wells

Figure 7
Subsidence around Singa well of highly sedimentation area of Lahat/Lemat Formation.

4. Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talangakar and Lahat Formation on South and Central Palembang Sub Basin
(Julikah et al.)

Kemang-1 well on the track of M85-C14

Figure 8
Sweetness and CWT Application on the M85-C14
track near the Kemang-1 well

Figure 9
Sweetness and CWT Application on the 93PB-280
track near the KPG-1 well.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 213 - 223

Figure 10thecrosssectional thatpassesthroughthe

Thermal maturity deployment model in the cross sectional that passes through
the Mendarai-1, Talang Gendum-1, and Tasim-1 wells.


Jelapang1 Rukam1 GajahBesar1



Figure 11
Thermal maturity deployment model in the cross sectional-2 that passes through
Jelapang-1, Rukam-1, and Gajah Besar-1 wells.

4. Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talangakar and Lahat Formation on South and Central Palembang Sub Basin
(Julikah et al.)

C. Geochemical Modelling Areas that have a maturity level of late mature oil
have potential for shale gas formation.
Geochemical data analysis from several wells
in South and Central Palembang sub-basin are D. Petro-Physical And Sweet Spot Map Analysis
producing Type II/III kerogen for TAF on the
contrary Type III kerogen to LAF/LEF. On the other Petro-physical analysis that was performed is not
hand, VR / Ro data is very limited and relatively supported by core data as validation, and the results
small (except Tepus, large elephant-1 and banyan-7 are still considered to be less worthy (less degree of
wells), but from the data Tmax, TAF and the LAF trust). The combined results of the petro-physical
show a mature stage in all three wells. However, analysis of primary data and secondary data is used
there was no well data found in the surrounding to predict the values of petro-physical like Vshale,
subsidence area. density, porosity, Sw and also the value of the gas
Geochemical modeling was used to determine
the maturity level of SRR performed at two of This research has produced 9 area sweet spot
combined seismic tracks (see Figure 10 and 11). maps of three sequences that exist in some areas
Results of geochemical modeling / thermal modeling (around Jelapang-Rukam, Kemang-1, Singa-1 and
showed that the average early mature oil at Ro = Tepus-1 wells). Areas near the Singa-1 well, are also
0.6% and oil generation (Ro = 0.7-0.9) occurred at known as the Benakat Gully area. Figure 12 and
a depth of 2200 to less than 3100 m and maturity at 13 respectively are two examples of computation
the rate of late mature oil (0.9% <Ro <1.2%) was (P-50) of shale gas resource potential (combined ab-
found in the depth range between 3100 s/d 3500 m. sorbed and free gas) and shale oil (using the formula

Isopach Map
SB-1.1 SB-2;
25 m

P-50 assessment of Original Gas In Place (OGIP) based on sweet spot

are interpretation Sequence 2 amongst SB-1.1 SB-2 Kemang area and
around it based on criteria:
Tends to be Kerogen Type III
Gas Window (Ro 1.0 approximately on around 3100m depth
(red border)
P-50 computation of Original Gas In Place (OGIP), yellow border
Thickness 30m and 4000 m

Figure 12
Sweet spot area interpretation and shale gas assessment of sequence-2
in Kemang well area and surrounding area.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 213 - 223

Downey et al. (2011)). The assessment of free gas supportive in getting information on the depositional
is using the formula derived by Lewis et al. (2010). environment in both these formations. This is
Total computation (P-50) HC resource potential of slightly different from the study results of Sarjono
shale (shale gas and oil) from 9 sweet spot maps are and Sardjito (1989), because Tasim-1 well (TSM-
expected to reach 4200 MMBOE. 1) Gumai, TAF and the LAF/LEF Formations are
considered to be already matured, while according
E. Discussion
to this study, which is based on modeling of
Earlier research did not declare that there was geochemical (thermal modeling) and Ro data, these
any potential source rock in Lemat/Lahat and formations were assessed as less mature source rock.
Talang Akar formations in South Sumatra Basin.
Argakoesoemah et al. (2004) focused his research IV. CONCLUSIONS
in Middle Palembang Sub-basin, while Sarjono and South Sumatra basin in the regional South
Sardjito (1989) and Yuliandri et al. (2013) in South and Central Palembang Sub-basin, has identified
Palembang Sub-basin. The Authors (except Yuliandri non-conventional oil and gas potential of shale
et al. 2013) did not describe in detail regarding the hydrocarbons in the Talang Akar (TAF) and lemat/
sweet spot map and how much hydrocarbon potential Lahat (LEF/LAF) Formations. In general, Lahat/
is in the area of South Palembang and the Middle Lemat Formation was included in sequence-1 (SB-1
Palembang Sub-basins. In general, the reference that - SB-1.1) and sequence-2 (SB-1.1 - SB-2), whereas
has been written concluded source rock maturity in the sequence-3 is equivalent to the Talang Akar
Lahat/Lemat Formation and partly in Talang Akar Formation. There are four target areas for mapping
Formation. hydrocarbon shale (HC shale), which are Jelapang-
Previous results of studies did not show a Rukam, Kemang, Singa and Tepus wells. Seismic
significant difference. However, they are very attributes processing (sweetness and CWT) on


Map SB-2 SB-3;
Interval 25

P-50 computation of Original Gas In Place (OGIP) based on sweet spot area
interpretation Sequence III amongst SB-2 SB-3 Kemang and surrounding area
based on criteria:
- Tends to be Kerogen Type II/III
- Oil Window (Ro 0.7 0.8 approximately) on around 2500m depth
- (red border)
- The estimation of P-50 bordered in yellow line border
- Thickness 30m and 4000 m
- For Oil generation TOC 1

Figure 13
Sweet spot area interpretation and shale oil potential assessment of sequence-3
in Kemang well and surrounding area.

4. Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talangakar and Lahat Formation on South and Central Palembang Sub Basin
(Julikah et al.)

existing seismic wells showed the attractive HC shale Indonesia: The Lahat/Talang Akar-cenozoic Total
play in some target sequences, however attribute PetroleumSystem.
mapping was not conducted because the seismic Chopra S., Sharma R., and Marfurt K., 2013, Shale
data was dominated by seismic vectorization results. Gas Reservoir Characterization Workflows, AAPG
The sweet spot map for HC shale resource Annual Convention and Exhibition.
assessment was conducted by considering the de Coster, G.L., 1974. The Geology of the Central and
elements of geometry/dimensions of the structure South Sumatra Basins. Proceedings Indonesian
of the source rock reservoir (SRR), specifically the Petroleum Association 3rd Annual Convention, pp.
thickness (> 30m) and (<4000m) depth; limitation 77- 110.
of P-50 and the approximate depth of the oil/gas Downey M.W., J. Garvin, R.C. Lagomarsino, and D.F.
window derived from modeling the thermal maturity. Nicklin, 2011, Quick Look Determination of Oil-in-
Results of geochemical modeling/thermal modeling Place in Shale Oil Resources Plays: AAPG Annual
carried out on some tracks showed that the average Convention and Exhibition.
early mature oil at Ro = 0.6% and oil generation (Ro Ginger, D. and Fielding, K., 2005. The Petroleum
= 0.7-0.90) occurred at a depth of 2200 to less than Systems and Future Potential of the South Sumatra
3100 m and maturity level at the rate of late mature Basin. Indonesian Petroleum Association 18th
oil / Early gas window (0.9% <Ro <1.2%) was found Annual Convention, August, 2005, pp 67-89.
in the depth range between 3100 to 3500 m. Areas
Jarvie, D.M., 2008, Unconventional Shale Resource
that have a mature level of late maturity are potential
Plays: Shale-Gas and Shale-Oil Opportunities,
areas for shale gas formation.
Fort Worth Business Press meeting.
Based on the sweet spot map (there are nine
LEMIGAS, 2001. Studi Intregrasi Paleogen Synrift
sweet spot maps) and petro-physical cut off, Sedimen Cekungan Sumatra Selatan ; Pendekatan
computation (P-50) HC shale resource potential in Analisis Palinologi/Palinofasies Dan Petrografi.
some sequence in each targeted area is estimated Studi Intregrasi Paleogen Synrift Sedimen Cekungan
to produce a total OGIP of shale gas = 15.600 TCF Sumatra Selatan ;Pendekatan Analisis Palinologi/
(about 2650 MMBOE) and OOIP total of shale oil Palinofasies Dan Petrografi.
= 1 550 MMBOE. Therefore, the total potential of
Sarjono, S. and Sardjito, 1989. Hydrocarbon Source Rock
non-conventional oil and gas resources from HC
Identification in the South Palembang Sub-basin:
shale in South and Central Palembang Sub-basin is
Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 18th
4200 MMBOE.
Annual Convention, pp 427-467
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sondergeld, C.H., Newsham, K.E., Comisky, J.T.,
Rice, M.C. and Rai, C.S., 2010, Petrophysical
The authors wish to thank the whole of the
Considerations in Evaluating and Producing Shale
shale gas/HC LEMIGAS team which has assisted
Gas Resources, SPE Unconventional Gas Conference.
in completing these studies. The authors also would
like to thank the Data and Information Center/PND Suseno, P.H., Zakaria, Mujahidin N., Nizar, Eddy
team for their support with respect to the data used A. S., 1992. Contribution Of Lahat Formation As
in this study. Hydrocarbon Source Rock In South Palembang Area,
South Sumatera, Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum
REFERENCES Association, pp 325 -337.
Argakoesoemah, R. M. I. and Kamal, A., 2004. Pertamina-BPPKA, 1997. Petroleum geology of
Ancient Talang Akar Deepwater Sediments in South Indonesian basins: principles, methods and
Sumatra Basin: A New Exploration Play. Indonesian applications, volume X, South Sumatra Basin,
Petroleum Association, Proceedings, Deepwater and Pertamina BPPKA, 81 p.
Frontier Exploration In Asia & Australia Symposium,
pp 251-268. Yuliandri I., Melianie A., Dedy Y., Medy K., dan
Musalam L., 2013, Shale Gas Resources of Lahat
BEICIP, 1985. Hydrocarbon potential of western
Formation at Topaz Area, Indonesia, International
Indonesia, pp 93-113.
Conference and Exhibition, Cartagena, Colombia,
Bishop, M. G., 2001. South Sumatra Basin Province,
September 8-11, 2013.

Vol. 38, Number 3, December 2015: 5 of 5
Journal Homepage:


Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan
LEMIGAS R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA
Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, ext. 1325 and +6221-7230046;
Fax: +6221-7230046 Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150,
E-mail: E-mail :; E-mail:
First Registered on November 24th 2015; Received after Correction on November 28th 2015
Publication Approval on: December 31st 2015

Media kultur merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting dalam pertumbuhan mikroalga. Media kultur
mengandung nutrisi makro dan nutrisi mikro yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan mikroalga. Komposisi
nutrisi yang lengkap dan konsentrasi nutrisi yang tepat menentukan produksi biomassa dan kandungan gizi
mikroalga. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi media terhadap pertumbuhan
mikroalga Scenedesmus sp pada skala laboratorium. Pada skala laboratorium dilakukan uji variasi media
pertumbuhan mikroalga. Media uji ini digunakan untuk melihat pertumbuhan mikroalga. Media-media
pertumbuhan yang digunakan yaitu : media BBL sm, SS, MN, M4N, dan Sederhana 2. Mikroalga
yang digunakan adalah mikroalga Chlorophyceae mixed culture yang didominasi oleh Scenedesmus sp.
Percobaan dilakukan secara batch dengan tiga kali pengulangan (triplo). Parameter yang diamati adalah
pH, optical density (OD), kepadatan sel dan temperatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 6
variasi media pertumbuhan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ternyata media M4N adalah media yang
paling baik untuk pertumbuhan mikroalga. Nilai kepadatan sel pada media M4N di akhir operasi mencapai
306,83 x 106 sel/mL dengan warna kultur hijau pekat yang masih bertahan hingga akhir operasi. Nilai
koefisien pertumbuhan Scenedesmus sp. yang ditumbuhkan pada media M4N adalah 0,36. Hal tersebut
kemungkinan diakibatkan komposisi nutrisi pada media M4N lebih lengkap dibandingkan media lainnya.
Kata Kunci: mikroalga, media pertumbuhan, scenedesmus sp.
Media culture is one of the important factors in the growth of microalgae. Culture medium contains
macro and micro nutrition required for the growth of microalgae. Composition of nutrition and nutrition
concentrations determine the production of microalgae biomass and nutrient content. The aim of this study
is to evaluate the effect of medium composition variation to Scenedesmus sp growth in laboratory-scale in
order to get the optimized composition of media for microalgae Scenedesmus sp. This study was conducted
in a laboratory scale. The growth medium that were used in this study were: BBL sm, SS, MN, M4N,
Sederhana 2, and Sederhana 3 medium. The microalgae that were used in this study were mixed culture
Chlorophyceae microalgae which is dominated by Scenedesmus sp. The parameters observed were pH,
optical density (OD), cell density and temperature. The results show that of the 6 variations of the growth
medium used in this study M4N medium is the best medium for the growth of microalgae. At the end of
the operation, cell density of Scenedesmus sp. from M4N medium was 306.83 x 106 cell/mL with a dark
green color for the culture. The coefficient growth of Scenedesmus sp. which is grown in M4N medium

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 225 - 232

was 0,36. This is likely to be due to the composition of nutrients in the medium M4N which were more
complete than other media.
Keywords: Microalgae, Growth Medium, Scenedesmus sp.

I. INTRODUCTION of medium composition variation to microalgae

Scenedesmus sp growth in laboratory-scale and in
The global energy crisis today must be handled
order to identify the most optimized composition of
soon. Continued exploitation of fossil fuel as
media for microalgae growth.
unrenewable energy for the consumption of industry,
transportation and households depletes it existence II. METHODOLOGY
in nature. Many countries, including Indonesia, have
been looking for alternative fuel resources which A. The source and Microalgae Species type.
are categorized as renewable and environmentally Microalgae cultures used are mixed cultures
friendly materials. dominated by Scenedesmus sp. obtained from the
One of the basic materials that has potential microalgae species collection which are available
to be developed is the biomass of microalgae in biotechnology laboratory of Process Technology,
Chlorophyceae aquatic species, which is a group cells PPPTMGB LEMIGAS.
of microalgae that contain quite a lot of algae oil.
B. Media Growth
Microalgae are single-celled plant microorganisms,
which multiplies very quickly with a relatively short The growth media used in this study are media
life cycle. Microalgae are part of photosynthetic BBL sm, SS, MN, M4N, Sederhana 2, and
eukaryotes group with a simple cell structure from Sederhana 3. Sterile distilled water was used as
unicellular to multicellular forms. As long as there control without any addition of other fertilizers.
are water and sun, microalgae can be found in Before use, the medium was sterilized using an
various environments, including land, ice, lakes, autoclave at 121C temperature for 15 minutes. The
rivers, craters and seas. Microalgae have an ability composition of the growth media conducted in this
to capture CO2 which may convert the energy of study are shown in Table 1.
sunlight into chemical energy (Deng et al. 2009). C. Parameter Test and Analysis Laboratory
Microalgae production fields are smaller than the
tall plants and produce more biomass per unit of An observation process was carried out for 17
time. Some species of microalgae are known to days. Parameters measured included pH, OD680,
have oil content which is quite varied. They include temperature, and cell density. Measurement of pH
Botryococcus braunii 25%-75%, Chlorella sp 28%- was carried out using a pH meter, on the other hand
32%, Spirulina platensis 4%-16,6%, Scenedesmus OD was determined using a spectrophotometer
obliquus 11%-55%, Scenedesmus sp. 19,6%-21,1% at wavelength of 680 nm. The temperature was
(Chisti 2007; Mata et al. 2010). Scenedesmus sp. measured using a calibrated thermometer. The cell
contains 8-56% protein, 10% -52% carbohydrates, density was calculated based on a linear regression
2% -40% fat and 3%-6% nucleic acid (Kawaroe et graph of the relationship between OD and cell density
al. 2010). for microalgae Scenedesmus sp. The regression
equation is: y = 136.5 x - 0.799, where y is the cell
Scenedesmus is cosmopolitan microalgae. Most
density, and x is OD.
Scenedesmus sp.can live in aquatic environments
such as freshwater and brackish water. Scenedesmus D. Operating Conditions
sp. colonies consisting of 2,4,8, or 16 cells arranged This experiment was carried out in 500 ml
laterally (Graham et al. 2000). Media culture is one Erlenmeyer and conducted in a batch with 3
important factor in the growth of microalgae. The repetitions. Comparison of microalgae seeding and
culture medium contains macro nutrients and micro growth medium was 1: 10. During the experiment,
nutrients required for the growth of microalgae. the erlenmeyer was aerated with filtered air and
Complete nutrient and proper nutrient concentrations illuminated with artificial white light fluorescent
determine the production of microalgae biomass continuously. Aeration was performed by an air
and nutrient content (Prihantini et al. 2007). The pump, producing aeration which supplied CO2 gas
objective of this study is to evaluate the effect required for the growth of microalgae, stabilize

5. The Influence of Media Composition to the Growth of Scenedesmus sp. Microalgae in Varied Media
(Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan)

Table 1
Tabel-1. The composition of growth media (in 1000 ml)
The composition of growth media (in 1000 ml)
Media BBL sm Media SS Media MN Media M4N Sederhana
Sederhana 2
NaNO3- 50 g Solution A - 9 ml : Na2EDTA-0,016 g CaCl2-0,01 g Urea-0,1 g Urea-0,3 g
FeCl3- 1 g MgSO4.7H2O-0,25 g MgSO4.7H2O- TSP- 0,05 g TSP- 0,1 g
NaNO3- 10 g 2,5 g
Na2-EDTA- 5 g Na2HPO4.12H2O- KNO3-1 g FeSO4.7H2O- ZA- 0,025 g ZA- 0,3 g
1g 0,003 g
Na2HPO4- 10 g NaHCO3- 16,8 g FeSO4.7H2O-0,002 g KNO3-5 g Na2EDTA-
0,0005 g
Urea- 40 g Trace element - 1ml : KH2PO4-1,25 g Trace element-1
ZA- 30 g Solution B-1 ml : Solution A5-1 ml :
Trace metal-0,5 ml : H3BO3-2,86 g ml :
Na2-EDTA- 3 g Na2MoO4-0,021 g FeCl3.6H2O-
ZnCl2- 2,1 g/100 ml CuSO4. 5H2O CuSO4-1,8 g H3BO3- 2,86 g H3BO3-
CuSO4.5H2O- 2 0,0004 g MnSO4.4H2O-1,3 g MnCl2.4H2O- ZnCl2-
g/100 ml CoCl2. 6H2O- ZnSO4.7H2O-0,22 g 1,81 g Na2MoO4.2H2O-
CoCl2.6H2O-2 g/100 0,0008 g Na2MoO4- 0,21 CoCl2.6H2O-
ml MnCl2. 4H2O- 0,27 g MnCl2.4H2O-
(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O g CuSO4.5H2O- CuSO4.5H2O-
-0,9 g/100 ml FeCl3. 6H2O- 0,24 0,08 g
g ZnSO4.7H2O-
ZnCl2- 0,03 g 0,22 g
H3BO3- 3,44 g H2SO4
1 drop

Source : Chang and Yang (2003) and Harrison and Berges(2005)

pH and homogenize the nutrients contained in the

growth medium. The room temperature ranged
between 24-26C, while the culture temperature is
23-25C. The initial OD of microalgae was 0.344.
The configuration of the experiment equipment is
exhibited in Figure 1.
E. Data Analysis
The quantitative data obtained was then
transformed into a graph. Cell growth coefficient (k)
calculated using a formula (Valderrama et al. 2002):

Figure 1configuration
Figure-1. Experiments
 Experiments configuration


where: N0 = initial cell population density, Nt = the Growth of Scenedesmus sp.

cell density at time t; T0 = initial time, Tt = time of 1. Optical Density
observation; 3,22 = a constant value. Microalgae growth mainly depends on the
nutrients that are given. Selection of the appropriate

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 225 - 232





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Periode (day)

MediaM4N MediaMN MediaSS MediaSederhana2

MediaSederhana3 MediaBBLsm Kontrol

Figure-2. Scenedesmus sp. Growth at each variation of the growth media.

Figure 2
Scenedesmus sp. Growth at each variation of the growth media.





Cell density



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Waktu (hari)
Periode (day)
Media M4N Media MN Media SS Media Sederhana 2
Media Sederhana 3 Media BBL sm Kontrol

Figure-3. Scenedesmus sp. growth 3 variation of the growth media
at each
Scenedesmus sp. growth at each variation of the growth media

5. The Influence of Media Composition to the Growth of Scenedesmus sp. Microalgae in Varied Media
(Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan)

nutrients for the growth of microalgae which consists media Sederhana 2 (4 days) and BBLsm (1 day).
of macro nutrients and micro nutrients will certainly It is in line with research conducted by Mandal and
be required. Complete composition and appropriate Mallick (2009) who used Scenedesmus obliquus
concentration will be crucial in the production of grown on N 11 medium and found that the species is
microalgae and the nutrient content of microalgae able to grow in exponential phase of up to 18 days.
(Chrismadha and Nofdianto in Prihantini et al. 2007). The color of microalgae culture coming from the
Microalgae growth always shows a sigmoid curve. primary pigment colors contained in the cytoplasm
The sigmoid curve is a growth average representing of chlorophyll. Figure 4 shows that the observation
all organisms, where young organisms experience day 0 (time of inoculation), mixed culture dominated
adaptation phase and then rapid accelerating by Scenedesmus sp grown in media M4N, MN, SS,
growth to cope with their environment, followed by Sederhana 2, 3 Sederhana , BBLsm and distilled
continuous steady growth. Towards maturity, the water looks clear. The condition is caused by the
growth rates of organisms slow down until no growth number of inoculum cell which is not proportional
occurs. At the beginning, microalgae need adaptation to the total volume of media. Besides that, the ratio
in all media types, but after 10 days microalgae with between the volume of media with chlorophyll
media M4N grow faster than the others. Fig.2. shows content cannot provide color on the culture.
that each of nutrient media variation have similar
On day 1 observations, the color of the culture
trends, with the microalgae still on the exponential
grown on media M4N, MN, SS, Sederhana 2 and
phase at the end of experiments, except for BBL
Sederhana 3 started to appear a pale green color,
sm media which shows steady growth from the
while the media BBLsm only has a slight change of
beginning until the end of the experiments. Based
green color and is not much different than on day 0.
on the experiments microalgae growth in 6 different
On the 3rd day of observation, the color of the culture
nutrient medium, the highest growth is microalgae
in the media MN, SS and Sederhana 2 looks like
that used M4N media, followed by SS media
green apple. Shades of green in the culture, besides
second, then MN, Sederhana 3 and Sederhana 2
showing an increase in the population of cells, also
medium. The M4N media brought the best growth
indicates the levels of chlorophyll contained in
for Scenedesmus.sp because it contains nutrient that
cells. But according to Prihantini et al. (2007), high
fit for Scenedesmus.sp growth. Scenedesmus.sp can
levels of chlorophyll are not always followed by
absorb M4N culture media better than other nutrient
high cell density as well. On day 15, the media MN
media. Good nutrient absorption of Scenedesmus.sp
(2 erlenmeyers), SS, Sederhana 2 and Sederhana
is shown by optical density (see Fig 2, the optical
3 culture begins to change color to yellow (at
density of microalgae measured). M4N media in the
Sederhana 3 the yellow color is not too flashy)
end of observation gave OD value: 2.64, SS media:
caused by Mg elements deficiency that are useful for
1.31, MN media: 1.19, Sederhana 3 media: 0.66,
the formation of chlorophyll. Among the MN, SS,
Sederhana 2 media: 0.60 and BBL sm media: 0.14
Sederhana 2 and Sederhana 3 media, visually
2. Cells Density the color of culture media Sederhana 3 still endure
Culture medium is an important factor for until the end of the operation, with a light green color.
microalgae growth. A better media produces a better The color conditions of microalgae culture media at
growth of microalgae. Good growth of microalgae day-0 and day-17 as the last experiment day can be
can be identified from total cells density. Figure 3 see in Figure 4.
shows that, in general, algae have grown since the The growing cell will cause increased demand
first days of observation. During the first 4 days of for nutrients, while the amount of nutrient inventory
operation, the value of the cell density of M4N media in culture media was constant. This condition would
is lower compared to media MN, SS, Sederhana 2 lead to a decrease in population which indicates the
and Sederhana 3. From day 5 to day 7 the M4N culture medium is in a limited state, both in terms
media cell density value is still smaller than the media of the volume and nutritional content. After the
SS. From day 9 until the end of the operation, M4N nutrients N, P and Fe decreased, cells multiplication
media become the highest cell density values with declined and media color visually turned to yellow
dark green color media. In general, the exponential at the end of the experiment. SS Media is a media
phase of the growth of microalgae in M4N media, culture that had the most rapid growth of algae in the
MN, SS and Sederhana 3, were longer than the first week. This rapid grow can happen because the

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 225 - 232

Day-0 Day-17

Figure-4. Microalgae color at theFigure

4 and end of the experiment
Microalgae color at the beginning and end of the experiment

composition of the nutrient content contained in SS

media was better than other media with goodTable-2.
acidity. Value of growth coefficient
Table 2 (k) at each variation of media
Value of growth coefficient (k)
These conditions also happen in media Sederhana at each variation of media
2 and Sederhana 3 which gave nearly the same
growth pattern. Cells Density
Media K
(x 106) sel/mL
Culture media with M4N media were the best
media for Scenedesmus sp, with the cells density M4N 306,83 0,36
up to 306.83 x 10 sel/mL with dark green culture
MN 138,80 0,32
color and remaining until the end of the experiment. SS 152,67 0,34
Dark green color microalgae that endure in M4N 70,41
Sederhana 2 0,26
media could be caused by Mg element content in
Sederhana 3 77,32 0,27
M4N which is the highest among other media, thus,
chlorophyll synthesis of microalgae in media M4N BBL sm 16,35 0,15
is also high. Kontrol 39,06 0,19
3. Coefficient of growth (k)
During 17 days of experiment, microalgae growth compared to other media and even smaller
growth indicates the highest cells density is in than the control. This indicates that BBL sm media
M4N media. On these media, Scenedesmus sp. is not suitable for Scenedesmus sp to grow. The high
was growing faster than other growth media. At growth coefficient of Scenedesmus sp. can be caused
the end of the experiment, the growth coefficient by the composition of the medium used. That means
microalgae grown on media M4N was 0.36 followed the composition of nutrients in the media M4N were
by SS media, which is 0.34 (Table 4). Although the more complete than other media. According to Hu
difference in the coefficient of microalgae growth and Gao (2006), the availability of nutrients will
in media M4N and SS are slight, the density of cells generate cells growth and high cells density values
in media M4N was relatively much higher than SS that influence the speed of growth.
B. pH conditions Culture
The coefficient of growth in media Sederhana
2 was higher only 0.01 of differences compared to According to Dori (2011), the pH value is a factor
media Sederhana 3, and the relative value of the that controls and determines the biological ability of
cell density is also not much different. But the media microalgae in utilizing nutrients. The average pH for
Sederhana 3 is better in growing Scenedesmus sp. most species of microalgae cultivation is between
compared to media sederhana 2. On the other hand, 7-9, with an average optimum pH range between
media BBL sm has the smallest coefficient value of 7.8-8.5 (Fachrullah, 2011). Figure 5 illustrates that

5. The Influence of Media Composition to the Growth of Scenedesmus sp. Microalgae in Varied Media
(Moch. Fierdaus and Onie Kristiawan)

the pH value until the 8th day of experiments on each acidic, that neutralized the system. Instead if the state
media tended to fluctuate. The highest pH values is too acidic, carbonate ions will through a hydrolysis
found in the culture was using SS media, which is and become bicarbonate ions and release hydrogen
10.53 on the 3rd day of experiments. High pH values ions alkaline oxides, so that the situation returns to
will reduce the photosynthetic activity of microalgae. neutral. Neutral pH conditions occurred on day 9,
Photosynthesis is the process of taking the CO2 and the pH value reached 6.93. Although neutral
dissolved in water, and the result is a decrease of pH values can be achieved, the microalgae growth
CO2 dissolved in water. And CO2 reduction will in BBL sm media is smaller than the other media.
increase the pH. Based on the density of the cells in
Figure-3, culture microalgae that used media SS was IV. CONCLUSION
still in good condition although it had the highest pH The results show that among six variations of
value among the others. It is likely the culture buffer the growth media used in this study, M4N media is
ability of the culture media can be overcome at pH excellent for the growth of microalgae Scenedesmus
fluctuations that had reached 10.53. sp. The value of the cell density of microalgae grown
In the culture media using BBL sm media, the pH on M4N media reached up to 306.83 x 106 cells/mL
value until the 6th day tended to be more acidic than with a dark green color culture that remained until
other growth media. Even on day1 of experiments, the end of the experiment. The growth coefficient of
the pH value is less than 5. The value of pH below Scendesmus sp. in M4N media is 0.36. This is likely
5 means only free CO2 has the role in the system, because the composition of nutrients in M4N media
between pH 7-9 bicarbonate are the most signifi- were more appropriate for microalgae Scenedesmus
cant elements and above pH 9.5, carbonate will be sp than other media. Although M4N media is a good
important. Based on Boyd (1990) in Kawaroe et al. medium for the growth of microalgae Scendesmus
(2010), carbonate equilibrium will act as a buffer pH. sp.,further study is still needed to obtain the most
In the alkaline condition, bicarbonate ion will form economic use of the media for mass production.
carbonate ions and release hydrogen ions which are

Perubahan nilai Ph
Ph value changes



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Waktu (hari)
Periode (day)
Media M4N Media MN Media SS Media Sederhana 2
Media Sederhana 3 Media BBLsm Control

Figure-5. pH fluctuation in the culture of each variation of the growth media

Figure 5
pH fluctuation in the culture of each variation of the growth media.

Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 3, December 2015: 225 - 232

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Air injeksi 153 Identifikasi mineral 181

Acoustic impedance 194, 198, 205, 211 Indeks kerapuhan 193
Impedansi akustik 193

Brittleness index 193 K

Baong Formation 194, 196, 197, 202, 204, 205, Kerusakan formasi 153
206, 208, 209, 211, 212
Kompatibilitas air-batuan 153
Bampo Formation 194, 196, 198, 202, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 209, 211 Kecepatan 181
Belumai Formation Kandungan total karbon organik 193


Cekungan Sumatra Utara 193 Lempung yang berpartikel migrasi 153

CWT 193, 195, 198, 205 Lempung yang mengembang 153
Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) 194, 195, Log gamma ray 181
198, 205
Lemat/Lahat formation 213, 217
Disposed produced water 154
Mineral identification 182, 183, 185, 186, 188,
Migas non-konvensional 213
Formation damage 153, 154, 155, 164, 170, Mikroalga 225, 232
178, 179
Media pertumbuhan 225
Fine migration clay 154
Microalgae 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232
Formasi Baong 193
Formasi Bampo 193 N
Formasi Belumai 193
North Sumatra Basin 193, 194, 195, 196, 202,
Formasi Talangakar 213 211, 212
Formasi lemat/Lahat 213
Pembuangan air produksi 153
Gamma ray log 181, 182, 185
Pengolahan air 153
Gas serpih 193
Gas speculative resouces 194
Growth Medium 225, 226, 227


Swelling clay 154, 166, 169, 170, 173, 174, Total organic carbon 194, 212
175, 178, 179
TOC 213, 215, 217, 222
Spectral gamma ray 181, 182, 183, 185
Talang Akar formation 213, 214, 221, 222
Speed 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 191
Smektit 193
Sweet spots 193, 194, 198, 200, 206, 207, 209
Sumberdaya gas spekulatif 193 Unconventional oil and gas 213
Shale gas 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 20o, 202,
205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212 W
Smectite 194, 201, 202, 209, 211 Water injection 154
Sweet spots 193, 194, 198, 200, 205, 206, 207, Water treatment 154, 155,
water-rock compatibility 154
Shale hydrocarbon 213, 214, 222
Scenedesmus sp. 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 232


Anggarani, Riesta, The Influence of Biodiesel Blends (UP to B-20) for Parts of Diesel Engine
Fuel System By Immersion Test, 38 (1) 39 - 45
Anggraeni, Septi, A Case Study of Formation Damage Mitigation on X Field, Sumatera, 38 (3)
153 - 179

Bismo, Setijo, see, Syafrizal, 38 (2) 61 - 70

Durahman. Yudhi, see, Tribuana, Irawan Y., 38 (3) 181 - 191

Fierdaus, Moch., "The Influence of Fungi Contamination on the Aviation Fuel and Biocide Inhibitor",
38 (2) 159
Fratama, Fami Adetyas Maulana, see, Syafrizal, 38 (2) 61 - 70
Fierdaus, Moch., "The Influence of Media Composition to the Growth of Scenedesmus Sp. Microalgae
in Varied Media", 38 (3) 225 - 232

Fierdaus, Iskandar, see, Setyaningsih, Christina Ani, 38 (1) 1 - 12

Hanifuddin, M., "The Influence of Molybdenum Disulphide-Friction Modifier (FM) Additive Increment
on the Friction and Wear Prevention Behaviour of HVI 60 Base Oil", 38 (2) 71 - 82

Julikah, "Hydrocarbon Shale Potential in Talang Akar and Lahat Formations on South and Central
Palembang Sub Basin", 38 (3) 213 - 223
Jonathan, see, Julikah, 38 (3) 213 - 223

Kristiawan, Onie, see, Fierdaus, Moch., 38 (3) 225 - 232

Lelono, Eko Budi, see, Setyaningsih, Christina Ani, 38 (1) 1 - 12


Musu, Junita Trivianty, "Determination of Shale Gas Potential of North Sumatra Basin: An Integration
of Geology, Geochemistry, Ptrophysics and Geophysics Analysis", 38 (3) 193 - 212

Prabowo, Ade, see, Tribuana, Irawan Y., 38 (3) 181 - 191

Purba, Humbang, see, Musu, Junita Trivianty, 38 (3) 193 - 212
Panuju, see, Julikah, 38 (3) 213 - 223

Rosmayati, Lisna, "Effect of Activation Temperature and ZnCl2 Concentration for Mercury Adsorption
in Natural Gas By Activated Coconut Carbons", 38 (1) 47 - 52
Ruswandi, Andi, see, Musu, Junita Trivianty, 38 (3) 193 - 212

Setyaningsih, Christina Ani, "Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra", 38 (1)
1 - 12
Suliantara, Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo Bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis, 38 (1) 13 - 24
Susantoro, Trimuji, see, Suliantara, 38 (1) 13 - 24
Syafrizal, Biodegradation Enhancement of Oily Wastewater By Ozonation Method, 38 (2) 61 - 70
Sofyan, Nofrijon, see, Hanifuddin, M., 38 (2) 71 - 82
Sudija, Puteri, see, Tribuana, Irawan Y., 38 (3) 181 - 191
Sutanto, Himawan, see, Musu, Junita Trivianty, 38 (3) 193 - 212

Tribuana, Irawan Y., Optimation of Measurement Speed for Spectral Gamma Ray Clay Mineral
Identification, 38 (3) 181 - 191

Usman, "Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water Into Freswater Injection System",
38 (1) 25 - 37
Usman, "Peptide Surfactant for EOR Application". 38 (2) 83 - 94

Wibowo, Cahyo S. see, Anggarani, Riesta, 38 (1) 39 - 45

Wibowo, Andy S., see, Tribuana, Irawan Y., 38 (3) 181 - 191
Widarsono, Bambang, see, Musu, Junita Trivianty, 38 (3) 193 - 212

Yuliarita, Emi, see, Anggarani, Riesta, 38 (1) 39 - 45Yogi, Ade, see, Tribuana, Irawan Y., 38 (3)
181 - 191


Chief Editor : Prof. Dr. Maizar Rahman (Chemical Engineering, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)

Language Editor : 1. David Lloyd Hickman, M.M. Ec. (Economic Management - Australia)
2. Ferry Imanuddin Sadikin, S.T., M.E. (Electrical Engineering, LIPI)
3. Wiwin Winarsih, S.H., M.Hum. (Economic and Technology Law/Bussiness Law -

Editorial Boards : 1. Dr. Mudjito (Petroleum Geologist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)

2. Prof. M. Udiharto (Biologist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
3. Prof. Dr. E. Suhardono (Industrial Chemist, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
4. Dr. Adiwar (Separation Process Engineer, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS)
5. Dr. Oberlin Sidjabat (Chemical Engineering and Catalyst, LEMIGAS)

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2. Ir. Sugeng Riyono, M.Phil. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS)
3. Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Lelono (Palynologist, LEMIGAS)
4. Ir. Bambang Wicaksono T.M., M.Sc. (Petroleum Geologist, LEMIGAS)
5. Drs. Chairil Anwar, M.Si. (Industrial Chemist, LEMIGAS)
6. Abdul Haris, S.Si., M.Si. (Chemistry and Environmental Chemist, LEMIGAS)
7. Ratu Ulfiati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Chemical Engineering, LEMIGAS)

Peer Reviewer : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Septoratno Siregar (Petroleum Engineering, ITB - Indonesia)
2. Prof. Dr. R.P. Koesoemadinata (Geologist Engineering, ITB - Indonesia)
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Kholil, M.Kom. (Management of Environment, USAHID/
IPB - Indonesia)
4. Ir. Bagas Pujilaksono, M.Sc., Lic.Eng., PhD. (Physical-Chemical Engineers,
UGM - Indonesia)
5. Prof. Dr. Renanto, M.Sc., PhD. (Chemical Engineering, ITS - Indonesia)
6. John G. Kaldi, M.Sc., PhD. (Geologist/Petrophysicist - Australia)
7. Dr. Robert John Morley (Palinologist and Stratigrapher - Inggris)
8. Dr Ulrike Schacht (Geo Marine Chemist - Germany)



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3|P a g e 241

1. Book

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sentence: (Holt 2010) Prentice-Hall, Sydney.
At the beginning of the
sentence: Holt (2010)
wrote that...
Two Authors (Laudon & Laudon Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P., 2003, Essentials of
2003) Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital
Firm, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Three Authors In-text: initially Coveney, M., Ganster, S. & King, D., 2003, The Strategy
(Coveney, Ganster & Gap: Leveraging Technology to Execute Winning
King 2003) Strategies, Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey.
In-text: thereafter
(Coveney et al. 2003)
More than (Bond et al. 2011) Bond, W.R., Smith, J.T., Brown, K.L. & George, M., 2011,
Three Authors Management of Small Firms, McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
Corporate In-text: initially Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2002,
Author (Department of Foreign Connecting with Asia's Tech Future: ICT Export
Affairs and Trade 2002) Opportunities, Economic Analytical Unit, Commonwealth
Government, Canberra.
In-text: thereafter
(DFAT 2002)

2. Journal, Proceeding, Thesis and Dissertation: Citing a journal, proceeding, thesis and
dissertation in text should be written in the same way as citing a book

Type of Source Citing in Text Writing References

Journal Article: In the middle or at the Conley, T.G. & Galeson, D.W., 1998, 'Nativity and
Printed Journal end of the sentence: Wealth in mid-nineteenth Century Cities', Journal of
(Conley & Galeson Economic History, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 468-493.
At the beginning of the
sentence: Conley &
Galeson (1998) stated
Journal Article: (Liveris 2011) Liveris, A., 2011, 'Ethics as a Strategy', Leadership
Electronic Excellence, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.17-18. Available from:
Database Proquest [23 June 2011].
Conference (Eidenberger, Eidenberger, H., Breiteneder, C. & Hitz, M., 2002, 'A
Proceeding: Breiteneder & Hitz 2002) Framework for Visual Information Retrieval', in S-K.
Print Chang, Z. Chen & S-Y.Lee (eds.), Recent Advances in
Visual Information Systems: 5th International
Conference, VISUAL 2002 Proceedings, Hsin Chu,
Taiwan, March 11-13, 2002, pp. 105-116.
Conference (Fan, Gordon & Pathak Fan, W, Gordon, MD & Pathak, R 2000, 'Personalization
Proceeding: 2000) of Search Engine Services for Effective Retrieval and
Electronic Knowledge Management', Proceedings of the Twenty-
first International Conference on Information Systems,
pp. 20-34. Available from: ACM Portal: ACM Digital
Library. [24 June 2004].

4|P a g e

Conference (Brown & Caste 2009) Brown, S & Caste, V 2009, 'Integrated Obstacle
Proceeding: Detection Framework'. Paper presented at the IEEE
Unpublished Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE, Detroit MI.
Thesis or (Hos 2005) Hos, J.P., 2005, Mechanochemically Synthesized
Dissertation: Nanomaterials for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide
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