Time Constraints in Infotypes - Soni Consulting

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12/17/2017 Time Constraints in Infotypes Soni Consulting

Soni Consulting
Harshal Soni

Time Constraints in Infotypes


Time Constraints is a characteristic of Infotype records. With the use of Time Constraints we can de ne if the records can exist multiple times
or only single time. We can also de ne if the records can overlap or not.

Following Time Constraint types are available for use:

Time Constraint 1: Record must have no gaps, no overlapping

Time Constraint 1 indicates that the Infotype records should not have any gaps and only one record can exist at any given time.

Example: IT0007 Planned Working Time. An employee can have only one Work schedule attached to them at any given time. We cannot
have Gaps in the records.

Time Constraint 2: Record may include gaps, no overlapping

Time Constraint 2 indicates that there may by Gaps but the records cannot overlap.

Example: IT0050 Time Recording Info. An employee can have multiple It0050 records but these records cannot overlap. At any given
time, the employee can have exactly one or zero valid record.

Time Constraint 3: Record may include gaps, can exist more than once

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Time Constraint 3 indicates that there can be gaps in the records and the employee can also have multiple records.

Example: IT0080 Maternity Protection/Parental Leave. The Maternity records may have gaps and employee can go on Maternity multiple

Time Constraint A: Infotype exists just once from Jan.1 1800 to Dec.12 9999

The text for Time Constraint A is self-explanatory. The records can only exist once in the lifetime. The validity dates for this Infotype are
always set from 1-Jan-1800 to 31-Dec-9999. This option differs from Time Constraint B since record with Time Constraint A cannot be

Example: IT0003 Payroll Status. IT0003 can only exist once for an employee.

Time Constraint B: IT exists for maximum of once from Jan.1 1800 to Dec.12 9999

Time Constraint B is similar to Time Constraint A However, the Infotype records with Time Constraint B can be deleted.

Example: IT0031 Reference Personnel Numbers. An employee can only create one IT0031 records but this record can be deleted.

Time Constraint T: Time constraint is based on subtype or subtype table

The text is very self-explanatory. The time constraint of this Infotype can vary based on subtype that is selected.

Example: Infotype 105 Communication. Subtype 0001 System user name: Employee can be assigned only one System User Name.
However they can be assigned multiple subtype 0030 Private Email Address

Time Constraint Z: Time constraint for time management Infotypes -> T554Y

Time Constraint Z is typically used for Time Management related Infotypes. The reactions should be looked at Table V_T554Y.
Thesubtypeare assigned a Time Constraint Class (TCC) and these TCCs are matched against each other to see the reaction.

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The next logical question to ask is now where do we assign these Time Constraints to Infotypes.

These Time Constraints are captures in table V_T582A in eld V_T582A-ZEITB:

April 2013 Harshal Soni Posted in Time Management, Time Recording

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