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Noquis, John Christian R.


The Gods We Worship Live Next Door

Bienvenido Santos

1. Describe the Speaker (persona) in the poem in relation to the Gods mentioned.

- I think he is against the people thats obeying/worshipping the rich people, Its not the fault of the rich
people its the fault of the people thats obeying their orders in order for them to survive.

2. How are the Gods described in the poem?

- I think the Gods here is the rich people that is being worshipped by other people because nowadays
when youre rich and can buy what you want, you will have more friends, its like you can have anything.
Because some people nowadays want to worship money and thats the thing I dont like.

3. What two social classes in conflict are discussed in the poem?

- The difference of the rich and poor. If youre rich you will be worshipped by others because of the
money you have and you the power to manipulate the people thats obsessed in money. If youre poor
you should obey the rich to survive, just like Gods.

4. Explain the last two lines Oh, we outlive them all, but there are junior Gods fast growing tall.

- The junior Gods is their children because theyre just going to pass their money to them to make them
the new God

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