IT6004 Software Testing

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203





Regulation 2013

Academic Year 2017 18

Prepared by

Mr. S.Sekar, Assistant Professor (Sr.G)/IT


SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203.



Testing as an Engineering Activity Testing as a Process Testing axioms Basic definitions
Software Testing Principles The Testers Role in a Software Development Organization Origins of
Defects Cost of defects Defect Classes The Defect Repository and Test Design Defect Examples
Developer/Tester Support of Developing a Defect Repository Defect Prevention strategies.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. List the people who are associated with testing. BTL-1 Remembering
2. Define fault and failure. BTL-1 Remembering
3. What are the sources of defects? BTL-2 Understanding
4. Mention the objective of software testing. BTL-1 Remembering
5. Differentiate verification and validation. BTL-4 Analyzing
6. How would you classify different levels in TMM? Also BTL-4 Analyzing
mention the key activities in each of the levels.
7. Point out the role of defect Repository. BTL-4 Analyzing
8. How would you classify the types in defect classes? BTL-3 Applying
9. Tell about test, test Oracle and Test Bed. BTL-1 Remembering
10. Discuss the role of process in software quality. BTL-2 Understanding
11. Define defects with example. BTL-1 Remembering
12. Compare the process of testing and debugging. BTL-5 Evaluating
13. Give the information about the test case. BTL-2 Understanding
14. Identify and Classify the Quality Attribute. BTL-3 Applying
Mention the role of test engineer in software development BTL-2 Understanding
16. BTL-6 Creating
How would formulate the cost of defect ?
17. Can you Classify defect prevention strategies? BTL-3 Applying
18. Discuss about the approach tester support of developing a
BTL-2 Understanding
defect repository.
19. Summarize the major components in software development BTL-5 Evaluating
20. Error Vs Defect Vs Failure. Discuss BTL-4 Analyzing

1. Elaborate on the principles of software testing and summarize
the tester role in software development organization.(16) BTL-4 Analyzing
2. (i)Describe about the components of software development
process. (8) BTL-1 Remembering
(ii)List and discuss the technological development that are
causing organizations to revise their approach to testing. (8)
3. Write short notes on the list given below
(i) Cost of defect. (8) BTL-1 Remembering
(ii) Defect prevention strategies. (8)
4. (i)Discuss in detail about the testing axioms. (8)
BTL-2 Understanding
(ii)Explain defect classification in detail. (8)
5. Suppose you are testing defect coin problem artefacts, Identify
the causes of various defects. What steps could have been BTL-5 Evaluating
taken to prevent the various classes of defects? (16)
6. Give the internal structure of TMM and explain about its BTL-4 Analyzing
maturity goals at each level. (16)
7. (i)Explain in detail about defect repository. (8)
(ii)Analyze the Role of process in Software quality. (8) BTL-4 Analyzing

8. (i)Why it is important to meticulously inspect test result?

Illustrate with example? (10) BTL-3 Applying
(ii)Discover the drawbacks incase if you fail to inspect.(6)
9. Give an Overview of the Testing Maturity
Model(TMM) & the test related activities that should BTL-4 Analyzing
bedone for V-model architecture. (16)
10. (i)Describe the various software testing activities. (8)
(ii)Define correctness, reliability, integrity, interoperability. BTL-1 Remembering
Discuss how these are related to testing. (8)
11. (i)Why it is necessary to develop test cases for both valid
and invalid input condition? (8)
BTL-6 Creating
(ii) How important to document a product? How will you test
requirement and design document? (8)
12. (i)Compare and contrast terms errors faults and failures
using suitable examples. (8) BTL-2 Understanding
(ii) Discuss about the different phases in testers mental model.
13. Illustrate the various origins of defects. Explain the major
BTL-3 Applying
classes of defects in the software artefacts. (16)
14. Explain in detail processing and monitoring of the
defects with defect repository? (16) BTL-4 Analyzing


Test case Design Strategies Using Black Bod Approach to Test Case Design Random Testing
Requirements based testing Boundary Value Analysis Equivalence Class Partitioning
State-based testing Cause-effect graphing Compatibility testing user documentation testing
domain testing Using White Box Approach to Test design Test Adequacy Criteria static
testing vs. structural testing code functional testing Coverage and Control Flow Graphs
Covering Code Logic Paths code complexity testing Evaluating Test Adequacy Criteria.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. List the advantages of Equivalence class partitioning. BTL-1 Remembering
2. Show the need of code functional testing in test case design. BTL-3 Applying
3. Create the equivalence classes in testing the program for
BTL-6 Creating
quadratic equation solution.
4. Write the two basic testing strategies used to design test cases. BTL-5 Evaluating
5. Which testing strategy is best to uncover the defect? Discuss. BTL-2 Understanding
6. List some of the advantages of documentation testing and BTL-1 Remembering
domain testing.
7. Compare black box and white box testing. BTL-2 Understanding
8. Tell the steps involved in developing test cases with a cause- BTL-1 Remembering
and-effect graph.
9. Tabulate the black box methods and knowledge sources. BTL-1 Remembering
10. Can you classify the compatibility testing and explain? BTL-2 Analyzing
11. How mutation testing helpful in testing the software? BTL-5 Evaluating
12. Define code complexity testing .How it is related to testing? BTL-3 Applying
13. Point out the difference of static testing from structural testing. BTL-4 Analyzing
14. Give the list of different types of testing. BTL-2 Understanding
15. List white box knowledge source and testing methods. BTL-1 Remembering
16. What is boundary value analysis? BTL-1 Remembering
17. Discuss about Desk checking. BTL-2 Understanding
18. Sketch the control flow graph for an ATM withdrawal system. BTL-6 Creating
19. How would you calculate cyclomatic complexity? BTL-4 Analyzing
20. Point out the difference decision and condition coverage. BTL-4 Analyzing

1. Demonstrate the various black box test cases using Equivalence
class partitioning and boundary values analysis to test a module
for payroll System. (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
2. Write a note on the following:
(i)Positive and Negative Testing(5) (ii) Decision Tables(5) BTL-2 Understanding
(iii) State based testing(6)

3. Write short notes on the list given below:
(i) Compatibility testing.(5)
BTL-1 Remembering
(ii) Documentation testing.(5)
(iii) Domain testing.(6)
4. With suitable example describe how cause-andeffect graphing
BTL-1 Remembering
and state transition testing is done. (16)
5. What approach would you use for testing strategies? Explain in
detail. Show how black box testing is performed in COTS BTL-3 Applying
components? (16)
6. Demonstrate the various black box test cases using Equivalence
class partitioning and boundary values analysis to test a module BTL-3 Applying
for ATM system. (16)
7. What inference can you make from random testing, requirement
BTL-4 Analyzing
based testing and domain testing explain? (16)
8. Explain the various white box techniques with suitable test
cases. (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
9. Summarize the role of Oaths in white box testing and explain
BTL-5 Evaluating
any two white box testing design. (16)
10. Explain the various axioms that allow testers to evaluate
BTL-5 Evaluating
Test Adequacy Criteria. (16)
11. (i )Discuss briefly about path and cyclomatic complexity.(8)
(ii) Describe the test factors that are to be followed to design a BTL-2 Understanding
customized test strategy. (8)
12. (i)Discuss in detail about code coverage testing. (8)
BTL-2 Understanding
(ii)Explain mutation testing with an example. (8)
13. Explain the significance of Control flow graph and Cyclomatic
complexity in white box testing with a pseudo code for sum of BTL-6 Creating
positive numbers. Also mention the independent paths with test
cases. (16)
14. Show and tabulate the comparison between static testing Vs BTL-1 Remembering
structural testing. (16)


The need for Levers of Testing Unit Test Unit Test Planning Designing the Unit Tests
The Test Harness Running the Unit tests and Recording results Integration tests Designing
Integration Tests Integration Test Planning Scenario testing Defect bash elimination System
Testing Acceptance testing Performance testing Regression Testing Internationalization
testing Ad-hoc testing Alpha, Beta Tests Testing OO systems Usability and Accessibility
testing Configuration testing Compatibility testing Testing the documentation Website
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Give the most effective ad hoc testing techniques. BTL-2 Understanding

2. What is security testing? BTL-2 Understanding
3. Show the approaches you use to do website testing. BTL-3 Applying
4. Can you judge on the reason for system testing? BTL-5 Evaluating
5. Name the various skills needed by a test specialist. BTL-1 Remembering
6. Analyze on when to do the regression testing and smoke
testing? BTL-4 Analyzing
7. Compare functional Testing from non-functional Testing. BTL-4 Analyzing
8. Define unit Test. Give example. BTL-1 Remembering
9. Show the test cases applied for acceptance testing. BTL-3 Applying
10. List out the types of system Testing BTL-6 Creating
11. Compare and contrast Alpha and Beta Testing. BTL-2 Understanding
12. How could you classify the methodology for performance
testing? BTL-4 Analyzing
13. Can you prepare the role of test data generators in testing
BTL-6 Creating
object oriented system.
14. Classify the activities of defect bash. BTL-3 Applying
15. Why is it important to design test harness for testing? BTL-4 Analyzing
16. Can you list the levels of major phases of Testing. BTL-1 Remembering
17. Summarize the importance to design a test harness for BTL-5 Evaluating
18. List the components suitable for unit test. BTL-2 Understanding
19. Based on what plan the scenario testing is done? BTL-6 Creating
20. Discuss about integration testing. BTL-2 Understanding
1. Explain the different integration testing strategies for
procedures and functions with suitable diagrams . (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
2. How would you identify the hardware and software for
configuration testing and Explain what testing techniques BTL-5 Evaluating
applied for website testing? (16)
3. (i) Describe The Class as a Testable Unit in detail. (8)
(ii)Explain the planning, design and execution of unit BTL-5 Evaluating
tests. (8)
4. Explain the various units in a program considered for
unit testing. (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
5. Differentiate alpha testing from beta testing and discuss in
detail about the phases in which alpha and beta testing is done BTL-4 Analyzing
,In what way it is related to milestone and deliverable.(16)
6. Summarize the issues that arise in class testing and explain
BTL-2 Understanding
about compatibility and documentation testing. (16)
7. Determine and prepare the test cases for acceptance usability
BTL-6 Creating
and accessibility testing. (16)
8. Describe in detail about the internationalization testing and its
BTL-2 Understanding
designing and planning. (16)

9. Discuss the need for various levels of testing. (16) BTL-1 Remembering
10. How would you classify integration testing and system BTL-3 Applying
testing? (16)
11. Describe in detail about scenario testing and performance
BTL-1 Remembering
testing. (16)
12. Why is it so important to design a test harness for reusability
and show the approach you used for running the unit test and BTL-3 Applying
recording the results? (16)
13. Tabulate the key difference in integrating procedural oriented
BTL-1 Remembering
system as compared to object oriented systems. (16)
14. Explain the types of System Tests in detail. (16) BTL-2 Understanding


People and organizational issues in testing Organization structures for testing teams testing services
Test Planning Test Plan Components Test Plan Attachments Locating Test Items test
management test process Reporting Test Results The role of three groups in Test Planning and
Policy Development Introducing the test specialist Skills needed by a test specialist Building a
Testing Group.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What are the issues in testing object orient systems? BTL-1 Remembering
2. Analyze the various steps in forming the test group. BTL-4 Analyzing
3. Analyze on few typical resources that are considered when
test planning. BTL-4 Analyzing
4. Give the need of test plan components BTL-2 Understanding
5. Point out the five stages in a test plan process. BTL-4 Analyzing
6. Classify various approaches to test cost estimation. BTL-3 Applying
7. Examine purpose of Test Transmitted report and the test
BTL-1 Remembering
8. Can you make a distinction between structures of single-
BTL-2 Understanding
product companies and multi-product?
9. Show the types of testing amenable to automation. BTL-3 Applying
10. Name the test plan components. BTL-1 Remembering
11. Identify business impact of globalization. BTL-1 Remembering
12. Show test case specification. BTL-3 Applying
13. Can you judge the three essential elements of test
BTL-5 Evaluating
infrastructure management?
14. Can you discuss the role of manager in support of Test
BTL-2 Understanding
15. Analyze the role of manager in support of test group. BTL-4 Analyzing

16. List the various skills needed by a test specialist. BTL-1 Remembering
17. How would you estimate the measurements for BTL-5 Evaluating
monitoring error, faults and failures?
18. Write the reason to create work break down structure. BTL-6 Creating
19. How would you prepare testing and development
BTL-6 Creating
20. Define Test Summary Report BTL-2 Understanding
1. (i)Compare and contrast the role of debugging goals and
policies in testing. (8) BTL-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain the components of test plan in detail. (8)
2. What factors would an organization take into account to
decide the fitness of a product for release? (8)
Can the Defect Repository be accessible by customers? If BTL-4 Analyzing
so, What security aspects would you have to take into
account? (8)
3. Demonstrate the test management based on standards
BTL-3 Applying
infrastructure, people and product. (16)
4. Differentiate between the effect of globalization and
geographically distributed team in product testing? (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
5. Develop the challenges and issues faced in testing service
organization also write how we can eliminate challenges. BTL-6 Creating
6. What are the role of groups in policy development and test
reporting. (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
7. (i)Write the list of any four IEEE recommended test related
documents in detail. (8)
(ii)What is Test Status Report? And How to report test
status? (8) BTL-4 Analyzing
8. Identify the role user/client play in the development of test
plan for a project? Should they be present at any of the test BTL-4 Analyzing
plan reviews? justify your answer. (16)
9. (i)What are the skills needed by a test specialist. (8)
(ii)Explain the organizational structure for testing for single BTL-1 Remembering
product companies. (8)
10. (i)Explain in detail about Testing goals and Policy(8)
(ii)Explain the role of the 3 critical groups. (8) BTL-3 Applying

11. (i) Describe with example test people management. (8)

(ii)How will you build a testing group discuss with an BTL-2 Understanding
example. (8)
12. (i)Demonstrate on various stages of test plan. (8) BTL-3 Applying
(ii)Illustrate the role of testing. (8)
13. What is the importance of a Good Test Plan & know
BTL-1 Remembering
its components? (16)
14. Why is testing planning so important for developing a
repeatable and managed? (16) BTL-2 Understanding


Software test automation skill needed for automation scope of automation design and architecture
for automation requirements for a test tool challenges in automation Test metrics and
measurements project, progress and productivity metrics.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Express the framework for test automation BTL-2 Understanding
2. Discover the objectives of testing. BTL-3 Applying
3. Classify the types of test defect metrics. BTL-3 Applying
4. Mention the challenges in automation. BTL-1 Remembering
5. Mention the criterias for selecting test tools. BTL-1 Remembering
6. Tell about test case execution productivity? BTL-1 Remembering
7. Give any two metrics BTL-2 Understanding
8. Define test automation BTL-1 Remembering
9. Can you show on the reason why metrics in testing? BTL-3 Applying
10. Distinguish between milestone and deliverable. BTL-3 Applying
11. List out the types of testing amenable to automation. BTL-1 Remembering
12. Summarize the reasons for selecting the test tool for
BTL-5 Evaluating
13. Classify the skills needed for automation. BTL-4 Analyzing
14. Can you make the comparison between metrics and
BTL-5 Evaluating
15. What to automate? list the scope of automation BTL-1 Remembering
16. Compare product development and automation. BTL-4 Analyzing
17. Give the formula for defects per 100 hours of testing. BTL-6 Creating
18. Express the information in defect database contain BTL-2 Understanding
19. What is the main plan of Test framework? BTL-3 Applying
20. Give any two generic requirements for test tool and BTL-2 Understanding
1. Explain the design and architecture for automation and outline BTL-4 Analyzing
the challenges. (16)
2. Briefly explain the test tool selection procedure. (16) BTL-1 Remembering
3. Discuss the significance of various measurements in the
BTL-5 Evaluating
testing process. (16)
4. (i)List the requirements for test tool. Explain with suitable
examples. (8) BTL-4 Analyzing
(ii)Why testing in metrics? Analyze about Productivity
metrics. (8)

5. List and discuss metrics that can be used for detection
BTL-2 Understanding
prevention and how. (16)
6. What are the key benefits in using metrics in product
development and testing. (8) BTL-3 Applying
What are the steps involved in a metrics program. Briefly
explain each step. (8)
7. Narrate and formulate about the metrics or parameters to be BTL-2 Creating
considered for evaluating the software quality. (16)
8. Explain the different types of Test defect metrics under
Progress metrics based on what they measure and what
area they focus on. (16) BTL-4 Analyzing
9. Explain the various generations of automation and the
BTL-2 Understanding
required skills for each. (16)
10. What are metrics and measurements? illustrate the types of BTL-3 Applying
product metrics. (16)
11. What is the purpose of progress metrics? Describe in detail. BTL-1 Remembering
12. (i)List out the generic requirements for Test tool/framework.
(8) BTL-1 Remembering
(ii) Mention the Outline of challenges in automation. (8)
13. How would you classify the measurements in productivity BTL-2 Understanding
metrics. Summarize it. (16)
14. How metrics are classified ?Demonstrate project metrics. (16) BTL-3 Applying


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