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Code No: RT22011 R13 SET - 1

II B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2016

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer any THREE Questions from PART-A
3. Answer any ONE Question from PART-B
1. Explain in detail the following: (14M)
(a) Floor area ratio (b) Building byelaws

2. Explain in detail the various requirements of different rooms and their grouping (14M)

3. Explain in detail with neat sketch about planning of bank building. (14M)

4. With the help of sketches explain the principles concerned with the planning of (14M)
(a) Theatre (b) Hospitals

5. a) Explain the objectives of building byelaws? (7M)

b) Explain the principles of building byelaws? (7M)


6. Draw neat conventional signs for the following items (in 40mm*40mm blocks). (28M)
(a) (i) Glass (ii) Earth (iii) Aluminum (iv) Steel.
(b) Draw the plans of Flemish Bond odd and even courses of one and half brick
walls in thickness at the junction of a corner (300mm thickness).

7. The line sketch of the plan of a residential building is shown in below Figure. (28M)
Draw (i) A neat dimensioned plan (ii) Sectional elevation along A-A.
Specifications: Foundation: CC 1:3:6, 300 mm wide thick and 1200 mm wide,
depth of foundation is 1000 mm below the ground level.
Basement-coarse Rubble Masonry: 400 mm wide and 700 mm high
Superstructure: Brickwork in CM 1:6, 300 mm wide and 300 mm high ROC
roofing: 100 mm thick. Provide door, windows, ventilators, lintels and sunshades
as per standard dimensions.

All dimensions are in m

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Code No: RT22011 R13 SET - 2

II B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2016

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer any THREE Questions from PART-A
3. Answer any ONE Question from PART-B
1. Explain in detail the following
a) Open space requirements (7M)
b) lightning and ventilation requirements (7M)

2. Explain in detail about the characteristics of various types residential buildings. (14M)

3. a) Explain the factors considered during the plan of a school building (7M)
b) Explain what you understand by site plan. Show a typical site plan of a building (7M)
drawn as per building bye- laws

4. a) Describe the objectives of building bye laws. (7M)

b) What are the requirements of living room and bed room? (7M)

5. Explain in detail with neat sketch about planning of dispensaries,. (14M)


6. Draw neat conventional signs and symbols for the following: (28M)
(a) (i) Glass (ii) Wood across again (iii) Beveled closer (iv) King closer.
(b) Draw the front elevation of a fully paneled wooden window of size
1300mm*1500mm. Also show the sectional plan. Assume other data

7. The line sketch of the plan of a residential building is shown in below figure. (28M)
Draw (a) A neat dimensional plan. (b) Sectional elevation along AB, to a suitable
scale, using the following specification. Specifications: Foundations: CC 1:4:8;
800mm wide and 800mm thick. Footings: Rubble stone masonry:
600mm*500mm Basement: Coarse rubble masonry: 400mm wide and 700mm
high. Super structure, Brick work in CM 1: 5; 300 mm wide and 300mm high
R.O.C roofing 100mm thick. Provide doors, windows, ventilaters, lintels and
sunshades as per standard dimension.

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Code No: RT22011 R13 SET - 3

II B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2016

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer any THREE Questions from PART-A
3. Answer any ONE Question from PART-B
1. Explain in detail the following
a) Principles under laying building bye laws (7M)
b) Height of buildings (7M)

2. a) Explain the minimum standards for various parts of a residential building. (7M)
b) What are the requirements for the following rooms in planning of residential (7M)
building? i) Dining room. ii) Bed room.

3. a) Briefly explain about the lighting and ventilation requirements for a building. (7M)
b) Write the minimum standards for various parts of a building. (7M)

4. Explain in detail with neat sketch about planning of hotels and motel. (14M)

5. Explain in detail with neat sketch about the planning office buildings (14M)

6. Draw neat conventional symbols for the following: (28M)
(a) i) Embankment ii) Cutting iii) King closer iv) Queen closer.
(b) Draw to a suitable scale the front elevation of a queen post truss indicating all
details for a clear span of 8000 mm. Assume other data.

7. Figure in below shows the line drawing of a residential building, draw to a scale (28M)
of the following (a) Plan (b) Sectional elevation along AA first Cement concrete
base 300mm thick and 900mm wide is provided under main walls. Footings are
brick wall in CM 1:6, 600mm wide and 300mm deep depth to which main walls
are taken below the ground level is 1000mm. Superstructure: Main walls 300mm
thick and other walls 200mm thick. Head room 3000mm, Assume suitable
footings below verandah. Roofing: 1:2:4; RCC slab 120mm thick Any other data
not furnished may be suitably assumed.

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Code No: RT22011 R13 SET - 4

II B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2016

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer any THREE Questions from PART-A
3. Answer any ONE Question from PART-B
1. Write a short notes on the following:
a) setback, detached building, building line, (7M)
b) Classify the building based on occupancy and type of construction. (7M)

2. Briefly explain the following: (14M)

(a) Roominess (b) Circulation (c) Flexibility (d) Grouping

3. Classify the buildings based on occupancy and type of construction in detail (14M)

4. Explain in detail with neat sketch about planning of buildings for recreation (14M)

5. Explain the following: a)open space requirements b) built up area limitations- (14M)
c)height of buildings d)wall thickness


6. Draw sketches for conventional signs for (28M)

(a) (i) Glass (ii) Concrete (iii) Ground level (iv) Stone masonry (v) Plaster (vi)
Cast iron.
(b) Draw a plan of even and odd courses of two brick thick wall in English bond.

7. (a) Draw a dimensional sketch of a double coupled roof for 6m span (b) The (28M)
central line diagram of a residential building is shown below. Draw the plan of
the building providing doors and windows of the standard sizes. Line diagram is
shown in below.

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