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Plan Outlining Goals, Sub-goals and Measures

GOAL 2: Contribute to help increase student-reading abilities.

TQS Focus: 2 (e) All students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. 3(i)
Teachers gather and use information about students' learning needs and progress and 3
(e) Teachers engage in a range of planning activities.

Sub-goal 1: Find ways to enhance reading during my instruction/lesson.

Strategy 1.1 Learn the students reading abilities.
Strategy 1. 2 Read up on Lucy Calkins A Guide to the Common Core Reading
Workshop that my TA is using.
Strategy 1.3 Create a range of reading activities in my lessons.
Strategy 1.4 Find strategies to help improve students.
Measures: I want to have the chance to read with as many of my students. During this time I will try
and find strengths and weaknesses they encounter. I will use these in my lessons to create stronger
literacy activities. I will try and incorporate many activities.

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