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TF Remember the. lise, skatm Ceanke oc ew Aad inbetween on the Necila Channel. 2 ~ Remenirec rate. we regs. Khe one. renk, Prom the West, ali aay t— Aad aucs, hawt iakched the. Second _ ae . “anssoah fram the Nocth ?. Remembec hove Lens ee ire pan £8 round the. pass. of iat isia -eelare ~ 1 be actleen--ronk. reached ust sia m= The. curcent bea al. Eewr i Ve PAN win - pases The, ee Fog ons_of the cians police ; cace thal Nockh Frort Aproach ina. that _| ie already. charged with. is th e powsecEai belesk wind. 16 Gre 7 bse should. collide, it ti be a ktwe-shi i Storm.) se Le eat itsel? | tk 12... storms ace. Spe li Ink. an De reached the calmee alerd onthe ‘ather side ey if i A sail will beac Free, and fhe motor will -guit. UE may seem like |’ be! clown oaginsh the = oaned socks of an unkind jury, but bh “kee. Do yon remember hoo -inpossibiy. ond heoke, ? rat | Coe’s_ entrance. 1205... Sk wit! » jst A ca am we mode ae 2 4 aaeningne spochsied pat Pact? No. _maller. by Ol) bad 4 Ants. _Jeaal. st Locm, opts, “Were will | be bbe chance 08 wo OL SOEL. wb5e, a_cove. suctomnded tax WN . = os bre | I've_done. that | can lo s ude pth a mess. Bukit is a veay ceal possibility. Chat will, be called asa iditness ab m lta Ldatewe You pe ro needs 4 fo | aaa Bhs ae hal 1 hagpannel ve iS.) istor ee Enease. Khe two storms collide + _ ui, The. night Law a Asssappearced . wl came. over be. ee = ‘a yaa. place carly to the mocning, | didnot text oc uu. - call, it twas. a. sucptise.. L fapped’ on..your window, —- | il _ahich = avENeE You. came ae ka maples e8 2 with me! told yorr Lauca was avec, daina coke —— 2 Mack i the -bacemeak, Lc snesk to any apdhacti ba. py Chern..You sau her_alive,with Mack, and’ kere, Ss coke, om WEB the bar. Yauand.| dort like coke We awent food Koray Ess hve vaporized. le fucked. Letork a bath. We slept alittle. /1 Cong cine vey oes ey eee z 2X0. See f. pwete Still ovec. Lakers when she wos reported ee missing, you asked me if | knew anything. | bold you. that Mace — we had. told ime, hat she had 0.0.’ Prcliably. Peom mint ng hee L323 pecrecipktoos with Mack's coke. It wasn't cleac whether this a “b happenced ok ovaplegate.,.or somewhece else Mark.and her had ‘i — ~ Mack woulda"t.call_the police, because. he world be charged tl ralicking, or worse. {bold you | had aogeed. bo shay quiet’ -abouk ik in excha for the ‘promise. Chat te would st op selling wand sha sine” coke. Muck later ,uhile we, youme, Macy [-— and Marlena Mimere clarlling , yola. asked Mack if te wos L__shili selling coke. Mack be yon that, he wasn't, that Dell _ ded. made bin Py © oot “le and sis life tons beher for tt You asked how Dell could have made” hin, promise. | Wack tole you, couse ofthat kouca bitch” “donbic, ——-know F' even thouah you had head Con ne Ural she had a O.D!A_tith Mack, ‘yus-stizok y our head_and_sax \ou Ad wok, — looked. star prised Cor. just a moment.rhen smiled ~ and sad” he made mepramse, cause he my niggat _ ta alicays. coking sv forme”. We wee. Che¥ _ pool ts Che ‘hack yard..o: aplesate.. Mack aot othe ae were si ‘Hina, on Whe dark whe ee _were _k eink and apo be bens. —_—— ra ka the slakes a tos Lina. Mack teed Maclena were sing on. the suing beach. You andl airs... There “to. come worth us_once, but he wasn’t allowed bo ces, 7 an ~We_were all tuned bork. it wos supposed be pbs ipo shepping, A. Cidema iat, and. maybe . med oek a hokel bo shay’ over nist. LP isas 4 Lusk, vo -somethien, be bo dx. Dell i sett and We ve owsetucd, Alek _ Ie every kine Dell crosses Ene border ks seacched. be bus san og on Delis ibunesy ore ever ask bo us a So . He won’ 2. a rotnk OCLTOSS , becadse he S suce_ A ee joel block bak = | Qi Wwe ad tr ‘small a ACK fo cwith hina. He cow Spray. paint cans et — ib fa = hing. Deivite Alona he iwanld ask Dell “over? Mark would hop out, | cael vn actly and and hop back in. IE was a. . constant ~ thi Verande a habit that Deh ee are mound T Make wld a, son aa DEAS ark. cou oO ile Dell aa vale he needed to, Lea Sha, . ve bank ray sho pins, — Del | cee pork Md aie ‘alhy. He. = oe _ _ hin shoppe ppt, at Costco. and put every ins on Del's Heaths When ak. ‘nay ate. Mack, foes "account {oes B jelae Lal oa b2aS Eeeaheosn cath Nos uk _ a a Mark toad access 4a everything lin Dae nee Be _ li secre with. Uda . se lit ink a raern hen Marked.

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