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Students using this instruments would be asked to create a video of themselves and at least one
other person improvising an aesthetically pleasing and all-around fun musical experience with the Musical
Mirror. The follow up assignment will involve taking a mirror or whiteboard with an attached Makey-Makey
with the same encoded sounds, and turning the mirror or board into an art piece reflecting what self-love
means to the individual student. The piece should contain a main theme which is repeated throughout,
and students should be able to explain the story of the piece and how they translated emotional elements
into music. The sheet music for this composition will be written as musical notation, with common
practice notation for the rhythms, but the notes should be color coded, corresponding to the sticky notes,
rather than positioned on a traditional staff. Once this is completed, the instructor will provide feedback,
based on parameters such as the recurring main theme, and the creativity of the incorporation of the
prompt. Students will submit a video of themselves improvising melodies that show proficiency with the
instrument theyve developed and response to feedback.


1. MAKEY-MAKEY- This tool is used as the trigger to generate sound when two
conductors are pressed together.
2. SCRATCH- This tool is used to dictate which sounds are being created by
associating specific chords and cymbal noises with commands that correlate with
the Makey-Makey.
3. SOUNDTRAP: Music has been looped and edited using Soundtrap, saved, and
uploaded to Scratch to add to the array of sounds the instrument can create.
4. STICKY-NOTES: Students can personalize their device with their own sticky note
art and connect the Makey-Makey to these new notes, which serve as buttons (or


1. Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements for improvisations and

organized personal compositions using the Musical Mirror and the Makey-Makey
controller: Each student will be able to thoughtfully develop a composition and
explain and justify their musical choices pertaining to the theme and structure
2. Drawing on feedback from teachers and peers, students will be able to develop
and implement strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive
aspects of their personal draft compositions.
3. Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and
intent when creating, performing, and responding to music: Student should be
able to coherently explain how theyve used this project to create something
meaningful for themselves and others.


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