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New Ways in Teachitly Grammar Edited by Martha C. Pennington Acknowledgments hit eed oct has bos, a many seven, acallectv rian Ing the Ideas abl, work, and operon of many ida. As iar an on Beal of allo the contbators. | wat 0 express tt Spprecasn, es ofa oan Rupetz nthe TESOL Cental Otic sail {or ter el gdnice and for be cere na techs asisance {he edling sed produaoa ofthe book. The ove ona the graphics, Sind he dealedproscton ofthe whole New War ia Tesctng sees Se the vl of thle eatve ad potesinal ons wo as Hk 0 ‘hank ack Richards for is span anaes for the vue "The book so owess pest debt to sever people the Egah Depae ment ofice x Cay Pech of Hong Kong os re de i paricult to Caen Cheng Vin ing. who served a a editorial asistamt on the Project Carcn wus chae of raging ara ng alncoming cone ‘ont, ating the cote Bs and abe of conten, comer ls, Inacing copies ying abrasions of coatstos who dd othave acess {oa word proceso, sed ncorporalgetoral changes sured by me ‘Sry te autre, Thaks se dc as wel oer members ote Es epacinent fice awh sested Commence out her fesponst theron the project Th az: Eva Cheung Lat Fon, Het La Kv Chu, Kis Leng Ys an, ese Tag Chin Fong, aod rand Yung Yee Wa “Tae corgeuc aude stance often indian bas bee ea {0 he omping managment and compleson fds project. Fs bok could aio aot have Ben comple wits the patience ant nance ofthe 36 people mo sete ats 33d who eoopented san et revsing oe cottons overa year perio. tank al of thre colesguer and Heads for thts een, ther ene ad thei “Suppor ia ating tis proj to 4 sion conclanon and baaging eines wnt bee fam intresting and uel erence for teaches ‘sf Eig o sper of ther ngusges sound the lobe Introduction: Toward an Enriched View of the Teaching of Grammar is book inctdes £5 es for the teaching of sranmir sted by Engl teachers rom 10 counties in Ab, Europe, Non Areca ant Scuth merc, The onnsions have ben divest 19 major eons Uae clue specs apes of grammar seen x nin paces nodal ‘refs ab ella geen tops a he scours lee, such a qston bore es otis cing a en we ‘pple toa in itfovne zea gramenar Cros eference 2k ate ‘elenat ote tpi of spare section Ina, witha ie agi ‘on, ay ofthe nets otis took can be scape erase gama other tan thse they were Intended wo practise Most ofthe contusions ae short—onty 8 few pages ctch—and by dieign ince te ay cus of grmaticl teoey OF edscsons Pll. Yet a clear phfsopty emerges or the cabecson. Tow thecontttne we cremey verse rie aes of grammar nese land the speci each techniques advocated, they are newer lt timed ons smiarcontenpory amalgam ol ess, stn, bt rat teaching and leacing The tte he es tqeter ti colection cat De Iibeled'a sated prowss penpectve on language eset. In what ‘ows, | wl step desc how tis deme lays ial xt nthe ‘cw of gram arg ad gaia etching repeseed SY lume an i he eld of esching Engh Yo speakers oforer langues ‘more gery A Situated Process View of Grammar Learning Foc ong sine, many cence ad teaches of ngs language hive pent unter a conception of anguage center on x ed view ‘faci. In ths led view, grammar i seen, paraoxsaty asthe heart of nguge and =the sub teav mane i rected ata omledproducaon of conect sentences, based ona ewer fora fed academic nom for wate langage In spe of Chomsky’ (1957) Imvodactn of the concep of two eres of rman, deep stnere tnd sure structure, ad of ter deveopments in discourse gramme (Gepeatgrcde 1980, Bown & Yule, 1983), te noon oflexnngrarmat Seotene rng ence sendy planned somehow cute te dora Sinan hs pent ona ono capo ack “This coleton of rama teaching ideas based on 2 cher an more substantial concepon of grammar one tht esos the ming posal bf mguage troup mipie terocking or intrsependene grammatical Systems ny, 1965 Raed. 1985) Ths poleysemis nero Imes ta ere sna tony ne correct form a he prammar of ‘langsege bot ner» ange of option eal for erent pase “pproprne a dtret ston, From ts pole of ew grammar i nok {rec mvctre bu exe fume wih inertangeble components at ‘se compoeets wins raat! frame, Speakers are abe to pede 2 vide srry of contin to mee ther own communicative needs ‘Sethe requvement of ifleen usiences sad gene, Tn the mew rami i move # mater of alec has comcton ‘rama sn thr wort, bout selecting he appropriate opin fon {range of posites her than simpy recaling sad producing or ‘proticiaganguge one parca form, tt the One presetbed Dy te prnar techer or anoihee aust source. Because fom {hs pecpertve gamma a procet Of oosing forms and consrocting langage in espene to communicate demands, escent ives the Innoticos Tod res iw ie Tei staneer leamer crea respone to context and ccumsce The peop of this book therefore on th mover sway fom te tetoml preseipoe ‘rmar of wen seencer se tod ated gma af phen se wten doa "The rcraton of i pec olase ts Gite diferent fom the esonalpraductsed Conception of amas ay» man ares Something at canbe Sow berween tc coves of oot aed one tiouph lent eflor-—tat te nes And preegcenof femma tex The new of tama pot of men cxpeence fc tration ere apse by procesbued concepon ch ‘mae scenes rami thapng fren ercugng conest {nd proces of communeaon, Tsp the commoner pce otoniy he ise ogra. ital he sng amma propest? sicwed 22 proces father than fxg he soto of emma ‘an erent te proces pepe on smal scquston fs ‘em focus in which the ewmers tr scheveas tp Bea tor and progress overtime ae central somcern & mar aerenee beoween product abd aproccs estan etna he eps in the ater on the pal and prog aur faring Res font 36 1 the process concep. seeing gram owed neives scl and eretvey cosseacing the enna fom tenor a ‘Skarwa fo and wali to te lsc Duy Bt, 1996 197). AS fort of ths crenive pees, in hich We ler aciey ate Exact eps fim what she or he hens ads the Ltd 9 produce 4 gamimar with ited innaaion, ers wal eer. Gren owe vine and eenishopporais 10 cinoma at ecene Iedact on atest odweng mening engage the ro nl ‘eetily dns thle conse aja ho. tes he metal emma rng ore fon wn he tame Sphem othe L2 Cader 1; ee 197,199. In aoa, what wos seared yal Acqslon pro cesses sree by know ge ened cmncoay Keen 98 1983, emia be posse ow ed comma pay Seon 1 sew ante etn mae Lnguage bers or whompeomance scot and auton (vg 1687, leares fed conideabe practice ove 2 conser psd of "A 8 human process grammatical sequstion both fella set aster innate. oer forthe unconscious process of aquston {ooperte, lamers mus aot onlybeexposedtoa eh ering evoament Buti abo be ina fae psyeaopel vate Duay Dun, 1977 Kenn, 1981, 1982). They must alo be modated—whethernstaner- tally ov incepstively Gardner, 1985 Gardnee & Lambert, 1972—and Th adation to #8 pyhotogica!aspect, gramme leaming viewed 3 2 process his soc peat in that emi to ses guage meas een {o intece with other eonmuniators. A eames tcreste thee lane ‘uous they equate ational commuietiv resources, Language et. Es ciborste ta ngub stem tn reponse to communicate Aeon ‘erequiementsef difeeat usenersand purer ef eommunicsion = {hese se revealed the tough feedback on performance Where aces ‘email or artical othe lamer grammati eystem. peodcng ‘Smplitrtons and fined eo types (Corser 158 "The grammar leaning pci 0 stited fa he contexts of Haman ‘eins human soe. Thus eames acquire addional gramatea ‘essureerao¢s more aborted knwiedpe of gaara way 0 expect emacver more prccily ab they ifend, more deep and create tnd ia more ders (pes of scours. By coniualyCevelopiag et Srammsticd system, lamers may achieve the DR ech hey an {employ the 12 forthe fal ge of fatons td nuestra er aces wich they age capable of imigiingpectaps even Beyond those ‘hic they are able to exes in the A Situated Process View of Grammar Teaching Based on he forgo cso, antl gl for grammar peggy sale fore lena ba up. overtime, miata epee {rrundestunding of tetera of tht gramme! epee a anus tents of commnicaion. For sctesi nguage tse, the leaner Will fo aed eo sogie the ay apply vasous ames acee a fespoming 10 the demnds of suience and communications context Tags lxmers ever ned ot ony tobe export othe ries sn fants of conumuneaton bt also to pace apping ranma ‘owlge in eae content and receive fodbuck on he eect sesso atenpis tocomsract dncome that commonicses etch "When grammar ught and praciced 24 meen of communion ‘uteri ap ans br comcting the mechanic and rae ccc) sfsennences becomes mre purpsetlandterefore +more moet, ects fr casroom leaming. AS the purpose and reazason of ran econ ss artical te pplston gemma ne cass soe "or openended and cave iat Way the practic of gamma ome {Dreprnents more ceexal ind of ngage acini. avlng the cenit ‘omstruction of meaning dicoure in reapons tote exec {orice ntact and mwas wiki avs dacouse comm “The scvis ofthis book recognize the knportace of man in sara psdeony a wal ering and teaching Inde. ee mos. {irouph “chore, engagement, and pestence, Se dtermines by Interest ‘elevence, expectancy an outcomes" (Croke & Shai 1991, 302), tat ares the whole learning process, Accordingly. nstucsional Sspproactes for teaching ESOL grammar ght #9 be based om gener Princip of efetve lntvecon thar coir the feature of exes Interests and goat, interacsonal dames and clseroom ciate, a ppropite Kedbac and reward stems. By consiesing moana harriers sch hese instal approaches or grammar make ‘strom inputs acesbl a pose thls understand era, snd sate tec ensuing tha the iputsasiouerpeeuie, memonbi, nd wet = posable oteaion snd sees fing re proven the pest volume bac tae: 1 pce gama sro in rel or reat conte 1 mak erative ae aris vrs of every ejecta, aaa ad Specipupse gps 4 corporate hun voter Nighy modaing content rove calenge id interes tough gamete fmtes * promote choice, ndependence, cea, resem, sn feedback ‘rouse and anal rp wo ‘The sity wo choot nd apply graounaicl concepts appsopeay ae tlso encourage by aves to ane grammatia!contlounacs and evloy ilar refleston and stascsnt. "Te scies of hs Doak oer ngage resces 8 we of Het 0 vote lens lee and susan ht enon te long tem Pro sso cqurng amma! knowledge an lin Fag Ty also bier ample opportunites to price snd ase grammar rales and ‘Beanaly sa to act emer’ knowledge td inrece te feney Sed automtcry of tee performance. In acing 1 the opportniis fe Feming presce so interston, they nance die mc spect of ‘Geen language leaning heey forthe neesing he ean a eens of granear isons The acts of ts bok ofrecer increste resources for incorpo ing 2 grammatical loss ia the Bmgunge clasroom in we Sat ‘re ere iereased opporunties and odiaton wo iernet wth oer ‘Smunicuur, to vat thee swore ofthe forme td futone of “ngs grimima,o Irporne vous srunmtie sructes i thet ‘pefomance snd to etree ad rep these in esionocomamuctve fesands These acai ths ave te poten for changing te gramme csieoom fom a place where the teicher cerca the ese pre Imence into aa eastonneat in wisch the leer gamma! Se ‘aborted the dyaamicr of dhe commana pci, snd performance Iseahancedby sung te lel of grmmtalswarencts In ht Way te ‘ofthe aces nts wolume might increase the estan ay of Therepeties and lof ngispeleamersandlangage ees hela {o make grammar iseecion 4 vasble a enjoyable eterpse for Tn develop tas box, every efor has Deen made to sol the Dest posible eas fromthe widest pose roup of ebuonthe eachn Of Epish fo speakers othe languages AS rsa te mater pan _BreHt rings of types af eines desgned to motte ad provide practice ‘Spputetes for hoje teers from Delning trance ev of Proticency. Consistent with the pretaling princes a paces of Sel chee acts incorpo larcncemere,cooperae eect fd comunicaueonentitons io angngeeshing theese stil gps Inthe book, eter in eseer ate or per of acts, this pesaly ‘preset ppsin our ecetve concoct i resume fled av our Sed conics 10 broncen aid deepens penperines on lange: References enceurcgrande, 8 (1980), Tex, dicourts and proces, Londo: ‘Broa, G Yule G(988) Discourse mata Cambie: Cambdge (Choma 0 (957 Sati sre The Hague: Moun, \oroe, 5? 981) Eroranattr an intertanguage, Cron Oxford wer Pres ‘Cosics G&S RW, 199, Matias Reopening the reser seendn, Language Leena 4.46512 Duly Hy tM 1976) Crete comractic in secon au leaning ad teaching. Lenguage Lermong 4657 ‘Duley Bu ALK C977). Remar on cre ngage sl on i Bare H Day, & 6, Rohe ca), Hewpeans om Pi ‘35a second language fp. 9596) New York Reger ‘Gezdner, (1985) seal pe chong anda language earn ‘role of atts and metioation London: Sats Aone i J Noy Win ttre ma ander, RC, & Lambert, 1972) Attudes and motoation fe -sscond language ernie Rowley, MA: Newbury Hose, Talay. A. 98S). troduction to fecal grammar Lando: Edward roo Krhens © D. 981, Second language acqublton and second lan ung eerie Ox: ramon ‘Risto § D. 92) Principles and practic second language age sion, Oxford ergo ack, G.Gocthcoing) Some aes i he larg zn teaching of 2 srammar, In Functional ng grammar for langue teachers Kew Yor: Cambridge Univers Pres. ‘eaughin 0967) Teor of socond enguage learning Londen ‘uthertor, W(187) Second language grammar Learning and each (ng London Unga lotr 1 1972) lmartanguage International Rese of Applied Lin sic, 10, 209281 Sinker C992), Redscoveringimertanuage. Landon onan. Users’ Guide to Activities Part I: Noun Phrases and Clauses Adjectives and Nouns ‘ste, N_ Nou Pe i Op Paty Ppey en Feces. Phimzy, Ms Color tees, Sinton, L: Pung Out Compt Supesaves| ‘Wine Ls Adjective Ora With Buon, (Gee sho Shen, Rs Gating Students Si Dow, pi Bay F ars Cb p13) Articles Ackerman, H: Detain Son gore, Ale Resp ‘Thurgood, G- Arie Rove. (te also Poe C, Fotos 8” indicve/Dcducine Conclousnens alang Tks, Apprd Bp 197) Subject-Verb Agreement Tang: Saban (Gee ao Sheen, E Going Suds t St Down, p45, Wheeke J Stand Up Substuion ards, 17% Bye. Ps Eng te Word Prose Wy 28) Part Il: Relative Clauses ame J: Combing Infomation Athen Tes Hanson Sma, B Defines Game Holder, Give Ne the Book Ts Mine Mango deny Gane, . 8 lv er Woe tne Comes “Tego, G= Who Be 6 “Gov als Peay. Engg Yur Bock p.&Foton,$, Poe, > “Communicative Tase/Gremmar Conssoustes taking, Appendic Bp iD Part I: Tenses Present Tense ‘Meat Ns Transformation Chat a Foie Mat Ae They Doing “ 4% Shoct : Guting Suse oH Bowe, - 3 "Gow ao Arn, M.Tnteene Cir p18; Pore, Po Chae “aenig/ tose Generated Tet p35) Past Tense rennet, The Pay en sen AD Dreser JA Tense Suton. %o aig, Who Bl Wha oe {aod 6. Naa, T: Arend the Word man i Mahoney D. Fam Beganingt Bd. 5 Matenay, Ds Reseating the P28 Tarough Navatve Dexa, Py Pavone A Communision Lies, ~ 4 Stok Square Dar. a) “Toko, ML You Ate What You Et. en ‘Bong M, Pika, Ke ats A About oer (Gav auo Deen, Aton Sequences 7; Vera L: What Could Tet p 109, Brave N: Press Conference, p 16%, Main. ‘Group Newspapers. 166 Present Perfect ‘renner, Pe Dow and Out vo @ ‘ito, Bree, Ae Be Honan “In (Colaba, Pe Sper BOaD 2 ie eaten fa Past Perfect Drea Je Acton Sequenes - rant Ni: Pas Perec Gare ‘Yore, E: What Had Happened Boe. Conditions Beene, P: The Bewafl Pinces Bron A Be Anche a Bruton, A Goes Who, What, Whe Foes 8 bien Shing Task fo Condos. Pemingon, Me Had Herne “Geel Takeo M: You kre Whit You Eat p45 Mahoney, “ou make tn le p13) Sequence of Tenses ‘Winey ver Sequencing Wa a Penguin, (et so Benn Te any ej ain epee 2 General Tenses BAY beeey s ‘eon Grammar teh Up en 92 Pann: Tense a Tie Maing. ose “ee also Fey. ts Empe Your Packt.) Part IV: Modal Verbs ‘al, Ws Modal Exchanges » ‘Bangg, 0 Al! You faves Bos Ak Sor Mahoney D: You Make the Rules ary Master, P Discus Dbaery. nn Sa Peet iM bites ant Poa 2 oie Var, What Cold Da 09 (Ge sno Fey, M> Erp You Packs, Sto, aching Requess p17) Part V: Verb Complements Bry, E:bafs bn Folk, Ke Serambled Goniads andl. Folder, v= sugges forthe Bes ‘lnstan, |: Cerin an Ties Tc Tae Toe ster P lcs This Gerunds nines (Gee au Fey Mt Epy Your Pockets,» Part Vi: Passive Voice and Ergative Verbs Jones Ema Hasan Enemy Tock, G. Doe and Canes Nee: Process Passes. “Tuo, Croan he Passive With Rods Wine Liang Bl Wy Pcive Ves Past Vil: Adverbs and Adverbial Clauses Holder, Vs Profesiona Exenes FP Wha bo-You Tink of My Hera/ecive Penning, 8: Colores Green Meas lep Fucus Jang, W. Cael Spal {Ge also Phinney, Calor Sores, p. 6, i N “jransfomacen Can, ps Pod, Fos, 8: inductive Deductve ConeceuroeseRaeng Tats Append A P97) Part VIL: Questions and Answers Bers, 1: Questo Fos Mars, Group Newspapers Penni, Ms Alain the Mile Sia) Minhing Reset ‘Shes J Stan Suton Ca. 13 i 16 18 130 1s 1 16 18 ‘Gre also Fle, Re hat ave Thay Doig p43, Dress J A Tense “Suaton, p30 Palas, Who DS What, p52 Pass, A ‘Communion Lies p 6; Wong, MI, Fuso, K: Whi Al Part I: Noun Phrases and Clauses @ Adjectives and Nouns Noun Phrase Mix Up Jewels Gis wy cote sous pss by mach ppreinee iain ens in sever wae ‘onset ymaaic | PRocedure see 1. Tink fous pease within the dents vocab and we et ace, agjectte, a 2008 on sepa cr. te clas amt si be dd by the, xt aces Give ech aot one card ta hey may noe show the tr se ‘Stems cent stud the rom asking es econo hele ‘rs el they no eter stdenn who he aft of» ps rs rime ‘mse they Ick (eg A tae with # noua wold be loons fr ‘0.1 me “dents wth an ae and aa sete) 4. When thre stentstve she component 0 create a soun phase, repeats Tine ‘hey font reap sing corer nun pee ose, ‘ae each woop tlltbeke ann pete css The pcs my be writen the bom escuene {6 The groups disuse nd eeu api, orming ew noun phases Caveats and | 1 repeat the sey fr seve soins with itera sc of on Options 2. echcenin ar qu review wing epeorn vc ony Contributor | esx aster tra staent inthe TS MS program at George State ners Atlante, Georg, and bas sero a teaching sean ‘he Cob Conny au Bacto ESL program Smyrna, Georg

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