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Hot Stuff

When plates are filled with hot, steaming food, protect tabletops with these handy hot pads. Fast and fun,
the hot pads are crocheted in rug yarn for thick, heat-proof protection.
Rug yarn:
1 skein Color A
1 skein Color B
Size G crochet hook

Chain (ch) 38 stitches (sts) with Color A to make the base of hot pad. 1 dc in 8th ch
from hook * ch 2 skip 2 chs double crochet (dc) in next stitch (st).* Repeat across the row, ch 5 and
turn. 1 dc in dc, ch 2, dc in next dc across, ending with ch 2, 1 dc in 3rd ch of turning ch. Repeat last row 9
more times. When you have 11 meshes each way, yarn and tie off.
With color B, begin at center and work around following pattern on diagram, working from right to left, tie
in yarn, ch 3, 2 dc in same space. Work 3 dc in each ch-2 space around, join with a slip stitch in top of ch 3,
cut yarn. Tie in color A and repeat around working from center to outer rows.
Alternate colors A and B as shown in diagram.
Pretty Petals
Potholder 9378
The Complete
Book of Crochet
The Spool
Materials: KNIT-CRO-SHEEN, 1 ball
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7
1 bone ring.
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form ring.
1st rnd: Ch 1, 15 sc in ring. Join with sl st in 1st sc.
2nd rnd: Ch 3 (to count as 1 dc), dc in same place as sl st, 2 dc in each st around (30 sts). Join with sl
st in top st of 1st ch-3.
3rd rnd: Ch 1, sc in same place as sl st, * half dc in front loop of next st, 5 dc in front loop of next st,
half dc in front loop of next st, sc in front loop of next 2 sts. Repeat from * around. Join last sc in
same place as 1st sc.
4th rnd: Ch 3, dc in remaining loop of each st of rnd before last, increasing 15 sts evenly around (45
sts). Join.
Repeat 3rd and 4th rnds alternately until piece measures 6 1/4 inches, ending with the 3rd rnd. Break
Make another piece same as this, sew these 2 pieces together along outer edges of last dc-rnd, having
petals on outside. Sew on bone ring.
HOW TO PAD POT HOLDERS ... If pot holder consists of two pieces, one for each side, cut flannel,
muslin or any soft material slightly smaller than crocheted pieces. Tack to wrong side of one piece.
Complete according to directions. If pot holder consists of only one piece, cut a lining, allowing 1/2
inch all around for seams, turn back seam allowance and sew neatly in place on wrong side.

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