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ABORTION -- J.B. Pritzker supports the womans right to choose.

If elected, he is

prepared to preserve the womans reproductive rights along with backing a measure to expand

taxpayer funding for abortions. The bill would remove language from the 1975 IL Abortion Law

that states, the unborn child is a human being from the time of conception and is, therefore, a

legal person for purposes of the unborn childs right to life. Additionally, it would remove the

section that denies health coverage for the abortion to women on Medicaid and women who

have state employee health insurance. As governor, he will sign the bill.

DEATH PENALTY -- J.B. Pritzker is against the death penalty. Him along with his wife

have supported the Center on Wrongful Convictions. This group has become a national leader

in correcting wrongful convictions. They had a part in the work behind Illinois repeal of the

death penalty.

CIVIL RIGHTS -- J.B. Pritzker has been involved with civil rights for many years. He

worked years on the building of the Illinois Holocaust Museum, which teaches kids to fight

bigotry, hatred, and intolerance. He ran the Illinois Human Rights Commission. He supports the

LGBT community by marching in parades.

HEALTH CARE -- J.B. Pritzker supports the expansion of health coverage for people in

Illinois. He believes it should be available to everyone. The public option plan would be added

under Medicaid and will be called Illinois Cares. Individuals will be able to buy into Medicaid at

a cost. This would make Illinois the first state in the nation that would allow that form of

expansion in health care.

DEFENSE -- J.B. Pritzker has not made a stance on defense. Democrats believe in

maintaining a strong military and providing advanced technology. Well-paid salaries and

satisfying benefits are also supported.

ENVIRONMENT -- J.B. Pritzker has not made a stance on environment. Democrats

support the protection of natural resources. They believe working with farmers to promote
conservation will help keep the air and water clean for future generations. Implementation of

smart pollution and efficiency standards are another area that the Democrats support.

SOCIAL SECURITY -- J.B. Pritzker has not made a stance on social security.

Democrats believe that social security and medicare are a must for the elderly and disabled.

They will continue to fight to preserve the programs for future generations.

EDUCATION -- J.B. Pritzker believes that an increase in funding for public schools is

necessary. Every child deserves a quality education starting from kindergarten until twelfth

grade. The state has the primary responsibility to finance our system of public education.

Illinois ranks close to last in the nation in the percent of state funding. We rank last in funding

for low-income students. We need a system that funds and serves every child in Illinois. He

wants to ensure that everyone who seeks a higher education has the ability to get one. Lets

keep those who live in Illinois in Illinois for college. Too many IL residents are going to other

states for an education. We should invest in higher education and training that is needed for

people to succeed in the jobs of the 21st century. When we invest in higher education we will

attract jobs that rely on a highly educated workforce. This brings economic prosperity to our


UNEMPLOYMENT -- J.B. Pritzker believes that private initiatives can create jobs. He

created a non-profit small business incubator called 1871. The company has created over 6,000

jobs in IL in the past 5 years. Illinois is now ranked in the top ten tech hubs in the world.

He supports vocational training for high school students. The students are given tools to help

them transition into the working field. He supports unions and believes that every worker

deserves a wage they can live on.

TAXES -- J.B. Pritzker supports a progressive income tax that would lift up middle class

families. Its needed to pay for state services and to expand job training programs across the

state. Believes that the minimum wage should be raised to $15.00 an hour throughout the
state. Wants Illinois flat income tax rate be abolished. Believes that millionaires should pay

more; it shouldnt fall on the middle class or people considered working poor.

CRIME -- J.B. Pritzker and his wife supported the Center for Wrongful Convictions This

group has become the national leader in correcting wrongful convictions. He pledges to make

community-based alternatives to incarceration a priority. This will include expanding the

programs that address substance abuse, trauma, & mental health. The process of merging

between prison and their communities must be looked at. Those in prison need to maintain

positive connections with their families and community. In order for re-entry to be successful,

people need a place to go back to that feels like home.

GUN CONTROL -- J.B. Pritzker supports universal background checks, state licensing

for gun dealers, & a ban on assault weapons and bump stocks, which make a semi-automatic

gun mimic the firing of an automatic weapon. Believes that the gun violence in Chicago should

be called what it is, a public health epidemic. Illinois Department of Public Health should have

the power to better address this epidemic. He will also prioritize community programs that

interrupt violence. Wants to create an office of Criminal Justice Reform and Economic

Opportunity to be run by his running mate, Juliana Stratton. Too many people are impacted by

deficiencies in the criminal justice system. Concepts to stop gun violence include, more jobs and

summer jobs for the youth; strengthen gun laws; change the culture of violence in our cities;

strengthen prison to work programs; change the drug laws; communicate with law enforcement.

Juliana Stratton was born and raised on the southside of Chicago. She has three daughters and

has run her own business for twenty years. Juliana believes in fighting for whats right. A lifelong

dream of hers is to make a difference by reforming the criminal justice system. Most of her

career has been focused on that. She knows how important it is to uplift and support women.

Being a professional mediator, shes brought people together to get things accomplished. That
is a quality not everyone has. By listening to what the people wants she will be able to find a

solution to help move this state in the right direction.

Lieutenant governor will be State Representative Juliana Stratton because she is the

running mate of J.B. Pritzker.

Work cited

Wls, and Craig Wall. Pritzker Chooses Rep. Juliana Stratton as 2018 Running Mate. ABC7

Chicago, 10 Aug. 2017,

JB Pritzker for Governor. JB Pritzker for Governor,

Pearson, Rick. Democratic Governor Candidate J.B. Pritzker Unveils Criminal Justice, 2 Nov. 2017,


staff, Chicago Tribune. Morning Spin: Pritzker Details Health Care Plan, Rivals Say It's Not

Enough., 2 Aug. 2017,



JB Pritzker Supports Progressive Tax And Higher Education. One World United, 18 Apr. 2017,

Pritzker Takes Strong Stand on Abortion Rights. IllinoisTimes,


Korecki, Natasha. Pritzker Announces for Governor. Politico PRO, 6 Apr. 2017,


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