Bakery Puk Eng 2015

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VACuum technology

Screw type technology

Vacuum conquers the bakery

Klaus Buhlmann

Baking is one of the oldest activities Crispy crust, loose crumb celerating the process, the time win-
dow for the development of bacteria is
in the field of artisan food prepara-
Vacuum technology is now also bring- shortened. In vacuum cooling, the criti
tion. Flat bread was produced from ing innovation to the industrially- cal temperature range for the growth
oriented baking trade. The cooling of mould spores, from 60C to 30C,
ground grain and water as early as of baked goods is being revolution- is cut to two to three minutes, rather
8,000 years ago. By comparison, ised. In comparison to conventionally than two hours as was previously the
cooled baked goods, the advantage of case. Cooling in an enclosed chamber
vacuum technology is relatively a vacuum-cooled bread is clear from also simultaneously serves as a sluice
new. Technically speaking, a vacu- the very first touch. The crust is crispy, between production and packaging
the crumb loose. Through the exten- and significantly reduces the risk of
um was first generated in the 17th sion of the so-called crusting process, airborne bacterial attack and the re-
century, and is today an inherent the volume consistency of the baked sulting spore formation. This means
goods also increased a fact that results that there is no need for a costly steri-
and essential part of industrial in a crust that is stable for longer and lisation process following packaging in
brittle, yet soft. This is of advantage as order to resist the formation of spores.
practice. Our highly technical world
many baked goods tend to loose their Only pure air and protective gas could
needs vacuum. New technical form in environments with higher air further extend the shelf life.
humidity. A stable volume is not only a
developments and innovations such
win in terms of quality for the custom- Compact dimensions,
as smartphones would not be pos- er; it also offers an advantage over the more effective area
competition in terms of appearance
sible without vacuum technology.
when the baked goods on display not There are other applications of vac-
only smell delicious but also look at- uum cooling in baking. Compared to
tractive and entice shoppers to make conventional air cooling, the com-
a purchase. pact dimensions of a vacuum cooling
system results in a significant space-
Fewer bacteria in the vacuum saving up to one tenth of the floor
space previously used. A simple condi-
Alongside the advantages to the pur- tioning chamber has a chamber size of
chaser that are evident upon first around just 120 x 100 centimetres and
glance, there are a few other impor- is approximately 2 metres tall. Vacuum
tant aspects to be considered: By ac- pumps or switch cabinets are function-

Fig. 1: Vacuum-conditioned bakery products convince through a uniform crumb as well as a

larger and dimensionally stable volume


Screw type technology

Future conveying
Hygienic pumps
optimized for efficiency

Fig. 2: Batch unit for vacuum conditioning: oven racks enable quick loading.

ally integrated into the system, di- baked goods are two-fold: On the
rectly alongside the chamber. The one hand the system manufactu
recovered effective space can then rers are required to take the many
be used for additional productions different bread types in Europe
capacities within the company. into consideration in particu-
Breads of various types and sizes lar those in the German-spea
can be cooled to 30C within just king world. Baked goods are not
five to ten minutes. just baked goods. They all differ.
The bakery thus not only This does not refer merely to the
benefits from an improvement in different names used in various
quality, but also from increased regions and dialects. Brtchen,
productivity. The new cooling Rggelchen, Semmel, Strippe or,
technology drastically reduces the in Swabia, the Seele all have dif-
original cooling phase. Meanwhile, ferent recipes and are made with
the baked goods are optimally the most varied range of ingredi-
conditioned for the following edi ents. If one broadens one's view
ting steps slicing and packaging. from the host of typical German GEA Tuchenhagen offers a complete portfolio
The systems commonly used to- breakfast breads to include all of of normal and self-priming centrifugal pumps
day are designed for a rack trolley the types of bread found in Euro exactly tailored to your needs.
with a sheet size of 60 x 100 cen- pean baking culture, the differen
timetres. Depending on the pro ces between various baked goods Lowest energy and detergent consumption
duct, up to twelve batches or 400 becomes even more evident: crois Gentle product handling
500 kilograms of baked dough can sant, baguette, roggenbrot or Flow rates from 1 m/h to 210 m/h
be conditioned each hour. By com- hefezopf with raisins the unique EHEDG certified
parison, cooling in ambient air can quality of all of the recipes and
last several hours. Vacuum-cooled properties are reflected in the
baked goods are more quickly and equipment control system used.
better prepared for the further The equipment manufacturer GEA Tuchenhagen GmbH
processing chain. must program the corresponding Am Industriepark 2 10, 21514 Bchen, Germany
cooling sequences for the respec- Phone +49 4155 49-0,
Vacuum conditioning improves tive baked goods into the equip-
the quality of baked goods ment control system. This requires
engineering for a better world
specific baking expertise and years
The main technical challenges of experience. Here vacuum tech-
in the vacuum conditioning of nology has almost as much influ-


GEA_AZ_Pumpe_92x250mm_dt_engl_4c_RZ.indd 2
09.02.15 19:20
VACuum technology
Screw type technology

tensive cooling, where they can then Here the principle of vacuum cooling
be stored for up to four days. Thus, is used. At atmospheric pressure, wa-
deliveries are often made to several ter boils at 100C. If the atmosphe
branches of a business, spanning large ric pressure is reduced, the boiling
distances. As a result of vacuum condi- point also falls. If the pressure lies
tioning, the products survive delivery at 42 mbar, water evaporates at just

to the branches undamaged, without 30C. The energy required for the wa-
packaging, even in the most varied of ter to boil is drawn from the baked
weather conditions. In the bakery, the product, which is still almost oven-
baking of the vacuum-conditioned warm. Depending on the product,
Half-baked conditioned Kaiser rolls baked goods is then simply finished standard cooling times are between 2
off, with baking times reduced on ac- and 6 minutes. During this time, the
count of the goods being pre-baked. baked good cools evenly across the
Through the use of the so-called in- entire product. The uniform extrac-
terrupted baking method, and that tion of the water content also pre-
the deep-cooling logistics and storage vents possible condensation in the
previously required within the baking baked good itself, a process often also
factory and the retail branches, energy referred to as gelatinisation. This in

consumption can be significantly re- turn results in an increase in quality

duced. The overall energy and logistics for the bread-lover.
costs are thus reduced. The shortened The hot (warm) steam produced
baking process is also much more con- as a result of the process poses a chal-
with simple packaging can be transported venient for staff, as exhaust air and lenge in the technical design of the
to the bakery branch heat generation are significantly re- vacuum cooling and conditioning
duced. The customer can therefore en- system. What is more, the steam is
joy fresh, warm bread with the perfect not pure but is rather contaminated
shape around the clock , instant in- with baking ingredients such as flour,
dulgence, in keeping with the modern yeast, sugar and salt. This is vitally im-
lifestyle. portant when selecting the vacuum
pump technology. No vacuum pump

Cooling times reduced, condensa- would withstand contamination with

tion prevented steam and a mushy, sticky-sweet
mass in the long-term, and the use of
The second major technical challenge a liquid ring pump should be avoided.
where baking will be completed. lies in the technical design of the vacu In principle these technologies would
um cooling and conditioning system. be ideal, but here the dependency of
ence over the quality of the goods as
the baking recipe itself.
The vacuum conditioning of baked
goods is also ideally suited for the
bakery or point of sale concept com-
monly found today. Baking generally
takes place at a decentralised location
outside of the town or city. The baked
goods are then delivered to points of
sale in the city or in shopping malls.
The customer's expectation of being
able to buy fresh and warm bread rolls
at any time of day can be optimally
fulfilled with the help of vacuum con-

Lower logistics and


storage costs

The key here is so-called pre-baking.

Pre-baked goods are conditioned
using a vacuum and can then be deli Fig. 3: Two-chamber conditioning unit with optimally integrated oil-free vacuum pumps
vered to the points of sale without in- during assembly.


Screw type technology

the final pressure on the water tem-

perature is not conducive to the pro
cess. Ultimately, this raises the ques-
tion as to whether to use a pump with
classic, oil-sealed rotary slide techno
logy or modern, oil-free screw tech-
nology. At this point it is difficult to
name a preference. In principle, both
pumps are suitable, however the de-
sign of the vacuum cooling system is
decisive in making the choice.

The trend points towards dry,

screwtype technology
Photo: Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum

Smooth operation comes down to

the skill of the equipment manufac- Fig. 4: Modern oil-free, screw-type vacuum pumps with integrated frequency converter are
most appropriate for vacuum conditioning of bakery products
turer in implementing the correct
measures when it comes to operation
and servicing, in order to protect the count. Many baking companies shun material and energy consumption is
pump of choice from the mixture of frequent oil changes, which also come huge. The technical and financial pre-
steam and baking ingredients. If you with associated costs. requisites to market penetration are
consider the vacuum cooling systems thus undoubtedly fulfilled.
available on the market, there is, how- Profitable vacuum
ever, a notable trend towards the use
of oil-free screw technology. This is But this is set to change: Upon closer
without doubt on account of the fact consideration of the new baking tech-
that modern screw pumps with fre- nology, it becomes clear that when it
quency converters can be optimal- comes to the use of a vacuum, equip-
ly combined and integrated with the ment manufacturers, producers,
equipment control system in a com- bakeries and consumers all reap equal Author:
pact manner. With regard to noise benefit. They all benefit from an in- Klaus Buhlmann
emissions, these screw pumps also crease in quality and productivity, and Market Segment Industry
offer the comfort of low-noise opera- the potential for improvement with Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH,
tion. Hygiene regulations in food pro- regard to production times, infrastruc- Kln
duction also take this factor into ac- ture personnel, logistics costs and raw

Accurate, versatile
chemical pumps
 ut chemical costs through
higher accuracy metering
 imple drop-in installation
eliminates ancillary equipment
 ange expanded to include the
Qdos 60: flow rates from 0.1 to
1,000 ml/min at 7 bar
Fully sealed for
l i f e , o n e minute
tool-free maintenance
+49 2183 42040 /


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