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Reflection for TRB Standard 7

As part of our final semester to bridge the gap between being a student and
becoming a teacher, all three cohorts undertook a 6 week long programme entitled
Breaking Barriers in Education In terms of the detail of the course this was a
place-based, personalized and collaborative process where through inquiry we
would explore three key aspects. This were Social Justice, School Governance, and
Inclusion for Students with Learning Difficulties. Akey part of the inquiry process
included how they interrelated with our teaching philosophies,vision and teaching
practice. On a weekly basis we would present the results of our inquiry process to
other members of our learning pods. Utilising whichever medium they wished to
present in (Powerpoints presentation, mini-lecture...etc) each pod member would
summarize their findings based on a particular topic. My topics included
How do we integrate economic migrants from China into British Columbian
secondary schools more effectively? (Social Justice) What are the roles of school
boards? (School Governance) And do how we accommodate stutterers into
secondary school classrooms? (Inclusion for Students with Learning Difficulties).
While the respective presentations were of immense value in terms of providing
engaging and differing perspectives, it is my final synthesis presentation that I
believe illustrates my achieving of TRB standard 7. As the definition of the standard
states, Educators engage in career long learning. For our final synthesis
presentation, we were required to present in a chosen medium. However, there was
to be an emphasis on the visual. I chose to present my synthesis in the form of a
word cloud that included the keywords from my three inquiry projects. I believe my
word cloud shows how I have been and will continue engage in career long learning.
I believe the words I have chosen will be consistently significant throughout my
teaching career. I believe that the meaning of these words will be subject to
renegotiation as I gain experience. At the moment the word represent not just a
synthesis of the last semester, but also encompasses the engagement with all my
learnings from the beginning of the course, the present and the future.

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