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Reflection for TRB Standard 7

I have chosen my action research project that I did as part of a unit during the
teacher training process at the University of Vancouver Island. This was an
academic paper that was written over the course of several weeks. Taking a
microanalytical This process also included the collection of research during my
practicum that was both quantitative and qualitative. As the title of the paper states,
this was a paper that sought to examine/establish links between student
communication and grammar. The aim of the paper in terms of its functionality was
not so much the results of the research, but rather to establish the initial stages of
reflecting upon ones teaching practice; this is an ongoing career-long process based
somewhere between the concrete and contingent.The paper was important because
it allowed me to research Canadian students attitude to grammar using paradigms
via a process of constant reflection in a high pressure environment that I had
established over a four career as an English language teacher. The First example of
engaging with career long learning was that the importance of grammar in schools
undertakes shifts. These shifts are subject to the idiosyncrasies of a new research
paper that either validates or suggests fundamental changes in current attitudes.
Either way,part of my career long learning is to be aware of these changes and
adjust accordingly.Secondly, I went into the research using a hypothesis that by the
end of both the writing and researching processes was invalidated. However, as the
paper illustrates this was a positive development because it opened up new and
multifaceted areas of research.Overall, and even though my findings did not yield
many viable conclusions, and those there were viable were ambiguous at best, I
believe that the paper was an important contribution to career long learning. The
paper is an important footnote in the development of my own reflective practice. It
has brought to my attention that I need to be flexible and ultimately open to new
ideas that meaningful professional engagement brings.

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