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Logic of Phantasy 61

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 14
Seminar 14: Wednesday 8 March 1967

I suppose that the people who chose this term in the English literature, to designate acting-out, knew

what they meant. In any case, it fits perfectly: I act out something, because this was read, translated,

articulated, signified inadequately to me, or incorrectly.




I would add that if you happen to have the adventure that I imaged earlier, namely, that someone wants

to give you a better presence of Racine, it is not a very good starting point, it will probably be as bad as

your way of reading. In any case this will start already from a certain instability. There is already

something inexact, even deadened, in the acting-out introduced in such a sequence.




This is the remark around which I intend to approach what I am simply putting in question today.


To speak about the logic of the phantasy, it is indispensable to have at least some idea of where the

psychoanalytic act is situated. This is what is going to force us to take a little step backwards.



One can in effect remark that it goes without saying - but it goes a lot better by saying it - that the

psychoanalytic act is not a sexual act. It is even not at all possible to make them interfere. It is quite the




But to say the contrary, does not mean contradictory, since we are doing logic! And to make you sense

it I have only to evoke the analytic couch. It is all the same there for some reason!



In the topological order, there is something I have noticed, but it is really a problem: that the myths make

very little of it. And, nevertheless, the bed is something that has to do with the sexual act.



The bed, is not simply what Aristotle speaks to us about in order, I remind you, to designate in this

connection the difference between physis and techne. And to presentify for us a wooden bed as if, from

one minute to the next, it might start budding again! I searched carefully in Aristotle: there is no trace of

the bed (11) considered as ... I do not know, what I would call, in my language - and which is not too far

from that of Aristotle - the locus of the Other!





He, for his part, also had a certain sense of the topos, when what was in question was the order of

nature. It is very curious! Having spoken, in book eta (if I remember correctly) of the Metaphysics (but I

would not swear it), about this bed, so finely and so well, he never considers it as a topos of the sexual


One says "un enfant du premier lit" (a child of the first marriage). It is all the same also to be taken

literally. Words are not said, are not connected up, at random.





In certain conditions, the fact of entering into the arena of the bed can, perhaps, qualify an act as having

a certain relation with the sexual act (Cf. the ruelles of the Precieuses). So then ... the analytic bed

signifies something: an arena which is not without a certain relation to the sexual act, which is a contrary

relation properly speaking, namely, that it cannot in any way become it. It nevertheless remains that it is

a bed and that this introduces the sexual in the form of an empty field or an empty set, as has been said



ruelles of the Precieuses)。因此,精神分析师的床象征着某件东西:跟性的行动不无关系的鬥技场,严



And then, if you refer to my little structural schema, since it is there that we have already placed the

sexual Other, it is there also that the analytic act, in any case, has no business. There remains this (1)

and this (2): the capital O and the small o and their relation ... I mean the other capital O with regard to

which, after all, I would like from time to time to be able to elide the heavy things, but in fact, for those

who are deaf, who have not heard me yet, it is indeed a matter of this field of the Other, not in so far as

it is reduplicated, but that it is reduplicated in such a way, that, precisely, there is within it a question of

an Other qua field of the sexual act. And then, that this Other, here, which seems indeed not to be able

to-do-without, and which is this field of the Other of alienation - this field of the Other which introduces

us to the Other of the O barred, which is also the field of the Other in which the truth is presented for us,

but in this broken, fragmentary, bitty fashion which constitutes it properly speaking as intrusion into










Before daring even to pose the questions about the following: where is the psychoanalyst, we have to

give a reminder of what is in question, what the small o segment designates here.



You have, I think, already sensed that it is quite a clear that there is a relation between this small o

which is here (2) and this capital O which is there (1), that they even have the same function with

respect to two different things. The small o, a closed form, a form given at the beginning of analytic

experience, in which the subject presents himself, a production of his history and we will say even more,

the refuse of this history, a form which is the one that I designate under the name of the little o-object

has the same relation with the O of the sexual Other, as this O of truth - from the field of intrusion of this

something which limps, which sins in the subject, under the name of symptom - the same relation as

this small o with what? With the whole.







Every cut made in this field - and this does not mean that the analyst who goes about it is to be

identified to this field of the Other, as one would obviously, however little, be tempted to do (the crude

analogies between the analyst and the father, for example, since, moreover, it might also be here that

there functions this measure destined to determine all the relations of the whole, and specifically those

of the <!b>small o, with the field of the sexual O. Let us not rush, thank you, into such precipitous

formulae, especially since they are false.)





This does not prevent the closest relation existing between the field of the capital O of veracious

intervention and the fashion in which the subject comes to presentify the small o__, were iconly

(as you have just seen appearing in the example borrowed from Ernst Kris) by way of protest to an

premature cut. There is only one problem: it is, precisely, that this is not what the intervention of Kris

brought about. It had an effect in this field, in so far as in analysis - I said: in analysis - it is a

desexualised field. I mean that in the subjective economy, it is on the de-sexualisation of the field proper

to the sexual act that there depends the economy, the reverberations then, that the different sectors of

the field are going to have on one another.

这並无碍於有最密切的关系存在於,大写字母 O 代表的大它者真诚地介入,与小客体具体代表生命主体,






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