Harjie P

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Harjie P.

Cruz ABEL 107 (Registers in English)

III ABEL B Mr. Jessie Paragas

Text Field Tenor Mode

After the National Activity Relationship Channel written
Party gained power description of writer-reader text, must probably
in South Africa in apartheid be from an
1948, its all-white encyclopedia
government Vocabulary plain Power unequal, Key successful
immediately began words, technical writer being more and good
enforcing existing terms, jargon, expert or
policies of racial names, collocation academician and
segregation under reader is a student
a system of Syntax Affective Genre descriptive
legislation that it hyphenation, Involvement low and formal text
called apartheid. repetition, active as the focus of
Under apartheid, and passive voice, communication is
nonwhite South simple and complex the description of
Africans (a majority sentences, an object
of the population) parenthesize
would be forced to sentence.
live in separate Contact
areas from whites impersonal as topic
and use separate is on a technical
public facilities, and term / object and
contact between considerable
the two groups distance is created
would be limited. by the written form

At the level of field, the activity of the text is a description of apartheid. In terms of
vocabulary, the writer uses plain words (e.g. power, policies, and government),
technical jargon (e.g. racial segregation, legislation) and names (e.g. National Party,
South Africa, and Apartheid). There also is usage of collocation such as racial
segregation and public facilities. Said lexical items contribute to the overall purpose
of describing the topic. In terms of syntax, there is usage of hyphenated description
(all-white government) and repetition of the word apartheid to give more clarify to the
description. Parenthesized sentence is (a majority of the population) and simple and
complex sentence structure are utilized and dominant use of the passive voices is noted
(e.g. would be forced, would be limited).
At the level of tenor, the text shows a writer reader relationship. The text seems to be
an expert from an instructional material and so power in the text is unequal with the
writer taking the role of a teacher or instructor and the reader(s) is a student. There are
no hints to show sentiments or emotion leading us to conclude that affective
involvement is low. Contact is impersonal as the text focuses entirely on describing an
object and considerable distance is created by the written mode.
At the level of mode, the text uses the written channel, most probably from an
instructional material. The main purpose of the writer is to describe and the text fulfills
that the purpose so the key is good and successful. In terms of genre, it is obvious that
the text is in the genre of formal description of an object.

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