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Subject: Science Grade: 2 Date: November 24th, 2017

Lesson: Investigating Temperature Time: 40-45 Minutes
2-9-2: Measure temperature in degrees Celsius (C)
2-9-4: Identify safe practices for handling hot and cold materials and for avoiding
potential dangers from heat sources.

Instructional Objectives: Knowledge:

Students will...
1. Learn proper techniques for working with and utilizing thermometers

Students will...
1. Use thermometers to record temperatures for a variety of objects.

Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?

Thermometers, temperature worksheets, pencils, ice-water/slurpee, kettle, hot chocolate,
tap water

Obtain required materials and set them up on four table stations during the prep period.
Count items to make sure required amount is present and available for each student.

Lesson Procedure:
1. As students come back in from recess, direct them to carpet instead of their table
2. Yesterday, you guys watched and talked with me while I did a couple of
experiments with heat! Today is very exciting, because you guys will get to do
some experiments for yourselves! With that in mind, its important that we
establish a couple of very important rules! Rule 1, we have to make sure we are
being very good listeners at all times! If I say stop and put your thermometers
down, I need you to stop and put your thermometers down immediately. Rule 2:
We are going to be taking the temperature of some very hot things today! If we
arent very careful, something could spill and make a big mess, or worse, hurt
someone! I know it is very exciting to be able to do experiments, but we always
have to make sure that were being very careful too! And 3, treat all of the
equipment and objects with respect! Make sure you treat them properly so that we
dont break them! Does everyone understand these rules? Show me a thumbs up
if you get it, and thumbs to the side if you kind of get it, and thumbs down if
youre very confused. (Check hands, very important that everyone is clear for
safety reasons so double check and reiterate if more than a few are unsure) 5 Commented [1]: I suggest having Ronnie and Ethan
Minutes give you the rules back
3. Okay so here is how this is going to work! As you can see, I have put
thermometers on each table along with the item that you are going to check.
Thermometers stay on the tables! You do not take the thermometer with you!
Everyone will start at their usual table group! If your table spot is at the green
table, you will start at the green table! If your table spot is at the red table, you
will start at the red table! Does that make sense? Excellent! 1 Minute
4. When I say go, here is what is going to happen! You will go at your table spot,
but you will not touch anything at your table! Is that clear? Okay, go! 1 Minute
5. Now I need two student helpers please? Are there any volunteers? Please go
around to each table group and hand out one of these sheets to everyone! Once
you get your sheet, you will write your name at the top here (demonstrate). You
will take your sheet and your pencil with you to each table as we rotate. 2-3
6. Now Im going to demonstrate exactly what were doing! At each table, were
going to be taking the temperature of something different! For the tables that have
liquids on them, Green, Yellow, and Blue, you will put your thermometer into (or
next to depending on type of thermometer) and record what the temperature you
see on your thermometer on the worksheet! (do a demonstration with a cup of
water at the front of the room) 3 Minutes Commented [2]: Clarify how long they should keep
7. At the red table, we arent going to be testing liquids, were going to check the their thermometer in the cup. (count to 30?) Also, make
sure they understand that as soon as they take the
temperature of our hands instead! How do we do that? The first thing you have to thermometer out of the cup, the temperature will start
do is close your hand around the bottom of the thermometer and hold it tight! Im going up/down, so they have to read it as best they can
not going to try to squish it, Im just going to try to hold on to it tightly! Check the while it's still in the cup.
You may also want to review once more how to read
temperature on your thermometer and record it on the sheet! 2 Minutes the thermometer because these ones will be a new tool
8. If anyone is having problems at their table, they can put their hand up and Ill for them. The knowledge should transfer but it may not.
come and help you! The other thing we can do is ask the people at our table for You could have everyone look at their thermometer
and see if they can tell what temperature the air is
help! If you feel like you understand what it happening really well, you can help (room temperature)
people at your table who may be struggling!
9. Conduct experiment, rotate each table in 5 minute intervals, less or more as
needed depending on how long it takes students to finish their work. Circulate
around throughout each rotation, pay careful attention to the hot table, make sure
students are being very careful with materials and thermometers. Assist students
as needed, check to make sure accurate measurements are being recorded on
sheets. At each rotation, direct the students on which table to move to next, and
remind them to leave the thermometers behind. 20-25 Minutes, if we finish ahead
of time, have students roam immediate area and find more things to measure.
10. Great work everyone! Lets come back to our original table spots now! I will
need a volunteer from each table to collect the thermometers and take them to the
back sink area. And I need a volunteer from each table to pick up the worksheets
and take them to the back table by the iPads. We may put them on SeeSaw later if
we have enough time after our art project! 2 Minutes. Commented [3]: good idea!


1. Formative Assessment: Make sure the students understand directions

2. Formative Assessment: Circulate and ensure that students are following the rules
using equipment properly, and recording accurate measurements

Lesson Reflection:

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