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The European Youth Parliament:

A. Noting the deep regret the unwelcoming behaviour of some Member States to the
migrant crisis,
B. Noting the opposing stances of Member States with regards to the intake of
C. Noting with alarm that the conflicts causing migration are not addressed accordingly,
D. Deeply regretting the lack of an even distribution of refugees among Member States,
E. Observing prolonged processes of determining the status of asylum seekers,
refugees, and migrants,
F. Noting with concern the rise of Euroscepticism in Member States,
G. Taking note of the effect of the migrant crisis on corruption in Western Balkan
H. Deeply concerned by the increase of human trafficking, a growth of the black market,
and exploitation of migrants while entering or attempting to enter the Western Balkan
route to the European Union,
I. Notes that migrants are entitled to human rights, including the right to asylum,
property possession, as well as freedom of movement and residence within the
borders of each state,
J. Alarmed by the substandard conditions in the numerous refugee camps in Member
K. Concerned by the difficulties that refugees face when settling into a different country,
L. Fully believing that the prevalence of xenophobia and islamophobia negatively
affects the integration of migrants into society;

1. Calls upon all Member States to implement the Common European Asylum System
(CEAS)2 in order to coordinate laws between Member States and aid in stabilising
regions with overflowing amounts of migrants;
2. Supports the European Commissions initiatives on resettlement and emergency
relocation from the Western Balkans and entry points into the EU of refugees and
migrants as part of the European Agenda on Migration3;
3. Emphasises the need for already harmonised asylum standards to be adopted in
Member States, in which:
a. Appropriate reception conditions are ensured,
b. A set of criteria for granting protection of asylum-seekers is implemented,
4. Requests that the European Commission amends the current Dublin III Regulation
and implements a binding distribution system of asylum seekers among Member
States, in which:
a. The country's area, number of inhabitants, and political reception to accepting
refugees is taken into account,
b. Member States which choose to accept asylum seekers receive benefits;

1 Study on the Migration Route Relating to the Western Balkan Route and the Effects of the Migrant
Crisis on the Region
2 The European Commissions website explaining the Common European Asylum System:
3 The European Commissions Agenda on Migration:
5. Requests the European Commission to establish a centralised EU agency to process
asylum applications and determine responsibilities across the EU;
6. Urges Member States to implement criminal sanctions upon human traffickers and
7. Considers the implementation of joint processing schemes in Member States and the
Western Balkans via hotspots in their external borders;
8. Expresses its appreciation for Peacekeeping forces of the United Nations in the
MENA region;
9. Takes note of the necessity of sufficient safe and legal avenues for refugees and
migrants within resettlement programmes in the Member States and Western
10. Calls upon Member States to provide higher standards of shelter, sanitation, and
nutrition in refugee camps within themselves and all around the EU as aid through
sending appropriate products;
11. Encourages the European Commission to support existing NGO campaigns against
xenophobia and racism;
12. Invites Member States to develop exchange, hosting, and inclusion programmes in
order to facilitate the refugees integration;
13. Suggests the creation of programmes in the Western Balkans and Member States
which promote cultural exchange between citizens and migrants, including but not
limited to interactive language courses.

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