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Official MRC Lineup Job scopes

1 President - Acts as the head for MRC and will be the Chairman
for its meeting
- Be responsible to ensure the activities conducted are
in conformity with the ones approved by the authority
- To initiate for discussions in planning for activities for
the year (almanac)
- Responsible to ensure a good relationship and
teamwork amongst the bureau
- Responsible to create a good relationship with the
Mahallah Management (principal, fellows,
administrative staff)
2 Vice president - To assist and work closely with the president in
ensuring all the agenda set is achieved.
- To take over the tasks of the president in the case
when the president is not available.
- To ensure that the procedures in conducting the
programmes are closely followed and observed.
3 Secretary - Responsible for secretarial works (letters, memos,
notices, documents etc)
- To prepare minutes of the meetings.
- To provide a full report of programme conducted
within the time required.
- To ensure the safe keeping of all files and
documentations for record and reference
4 Treasurer - To ensure that all programmes are planned and
conducted within the approved/ allocated budget.
- To have a proper record/ file and book keeping on all
financial related matters.
- To update on the financial status of the programmes
(advancement, claim etc).
- To ensure all financial report on student activities are
submitted within the required time (as part of the
programme report).
5 Dawah & Tarbiyah - To plan, organize and encourage students to join the
Islamic and spiritual activities organized (usrah, talks,
jamaah prayers at the mussola, tadarus etc).
- Responsible to report to the Mahallah on any
misconduct, social misbehavior observed among the
residents of Mahallah.
- Responsible to related programmes organized at
6 Education & Training - To distribute the evaluation forms and evaluate all
programmes organized through students feedback.
- To compile and analyze the results of the evaluations
rank the programmes accordingly for future
- To come out with suggestions and recommendations
for improvement including on how to increase on the
number of students participation.
7 Sports & Recreations - To plan, organize and encourage students to join the
sports related activities
- Assist the management to identify Mahallah athletic
potentials for further trainings/ development
- To be responsible in identifying and recommending
participants to represent the Mahallah in sports
related events especially University Sports carnival.
8 Welfare & Residential - To conduct periodical survey, feedbacks and
Affairs recommendations from the Mahallah residents on the
services and facilities provided and forward them to
management for improvement.
- To notify the management on any complaints or
grievances from residents.
- To assist and notify management on any students
that requires special needs (OKU, health problem
9 Community Service - To plan, organize and encourage students to join the
community service related activities
- To liaise with outside community in looking for
potential venues for the community service
programme to be conducted.
- To liaise with Centre for University Social
Responsibility (CENSERVE) and other K/C/D/I for
possible opportunity to jointly organize some of the
10 Entrepreneurship - Must work closely with the principal and advisor of the
Bureau to ensure actions are complied with policies
and procedures especially in financial related matters.
- Prepare and propose business plan to the
management with some feasibility study to be
Mahallah business/ entrepreneurship project.
- Periodically report and update the status of the
project to the management.
- To create opportunity for residents to be involved in
the projects.
11 Media & Publications - Assist and facilitate the management in updating the
Mahallah website.
- Provide information and announcement on all
Mahallah activities.
- To be responsible in preparing posters, handbills and
12 Culture & Arts - To be responsible in ensuring Mahallah has enough
teams and participants to compete in IMCW.
- To be responsible on the cultural activities conducted
are complied with Islamic values and ethics.
- To diversify the cultural activities conducted so as to
portray the multicultural of its residents.
Prepared by: Br.Khairulzain (CENSERVE) & Brodeen (Fellow Mahallah Salahuddin)

1) Creates awareness on volunteerism among mahallah residents

2) Organises training on volunteerism (to collaborate with Education & Training
Bureau and CENSERVE)
3) Provides opportunities for mahallah residents to participate in volunteerism

-The above is based on discussion between Br. Mohd Khairulzain Bin Abdul Rahman, Senior Asst.
Director, Centre for University Social Responsibility (CENSERVE) & Brodeen (Fellow in charge of
Community Service, Mahallah Salahuddin al Ayyubi) on 5 February 2014

Suggested / Example of activities / programmes / actions for each Job Scope

1) Creates awareness on volunteerism among mahallah residents

Distribute flyers / pamphlets / articles / alike (prepared by MRC / CENSERVE / others)
Share related informations / promote through available online resources / social media
Photo Gallery on volunteerism work - physical display at Mahallah (organised by mahallah
/ others)
Photo / Video Collection on volunteerism work through available online resources / social
media (organised by mahallah / others)

2) Organises training on volunteerism (to collaborate with Education & Training Bureau and
Training on Volunteerism / Community Service for MRC & BRC in charge of community
Training or briefing conducted before commencing any community service programme
organised by mahallah
Talk / Forum / Sharing of Experience / alike on volunterism for mahallah residents

3) Provides opportunities for mahallah residents to participate in volunteerism activities

Conduct or organise volunterism activities / programme in the following area:
3.1) Outreach to Orang Asli
3.2) Mentoring
3.3) Outreach to Rural Community
3.4) Outreach to People with Special Needs
3.5) Outreach to Refugees
3.6) Outreach to Hospital
3.7) International Humanitarian Missions
3.8) Relief Team
3.9) Outreach to Teenagers
Volunteerism Programme / Area Among the Activities (Done by CENSERVE)

Foster Families
Motivation Programme
Tuitions (English & Maths)
Fardhu Ain Classes
Quranic Classes
Computer Classes
Study Skills Workshop
Health Awareness Campaign
Organise Kenduri
Outreach to Orang Asli
Gotong Royong
Sports Activities
Home Visit
Cultural Night
Entrepreneurship Workshop
Healthy and diet
Free medical checkup
Spiritual Talk
Congregational Prayer

Personal Mentoring Sessions

Group Mentoring Sessions
Religious Activities
Motivational Camps
Academic Workshops
Mentoring - school children & orphans
Session with Parents
Educational Visit
Sports Activities
Games and Modules
Team Building activities

Mass Circumcision
Foster Families
Tuitions for kids and teenagers
Fardhu Ain Classes
Set up Mini Library
Motivational modules and games
Outreach to Rural Community Clean the village
Medical checkup
Handover donations
Construction of well
Spiritual activities
Helping the villagers
Home visit

Outreach to People with Special Needs
Religious classes
(Blind, Old Folk, Disabled, Homeless,
Motivational activities and games
Single Mother)
Eating together (Hari Raya celebration etc)
Personal Mentoring Sessions
Group Mentoring Sessions
Outreach to Refugees Tuitions (English & Maths)
Religious Activities
Motivational activities and games

Visiting the patients

Providing support
Outreach to Hospital Soothing their fear
Doa for the patients
Giving souvenirs Ibadah Tips for

Mass Circumcision
Tuitions for kids and teenagers
Fardhu Ain Classes
Motivational modules and games
Clean the village
International Humanitarian Missions Medical checkup
Handover donations
Construction of well
Slaughtering (Qurban)
Spiritual activities
Mahabbah visit

Example: Flood Hit

Clean schools
Clean mosques
Relief Team
Clean houses
Clean kitchen utensils
Clean furniture

Campaigns at shopping complex. e.g.

Celebrating Valentine Day
Outreach to Teenagers
Face-to-Face Interview
Pamphlets distribution

I suggest the following jobsope for Welfare and Residential Affairs bureau based on my
experience and opinion :

1. To help collect donation for students who are involved with any incident/accident (based on

2. To raise awareness among students who are not financially capable of the financial
assistance provided by the university ie by liaising with appropriate university authority in
creating website links, posters, announcement etc on the financial assitance (based on

3. To continuously discuss with appropriate university authority on how to help students

financially while benefiting the university community ie by having Student Mall with more booths
manned by students with minimal rent, organizing student festival/carnival, create more on-
campus job opportunity etc (opinion)

4. To continuously discuss with university appropriate authority in improving wireless internet

accessibility ie by increasing bandwidth and number of access points towards 100%
accessibility and uptime, with sufficient speed; anti porn filter should also be deployed (opinion)

5. To continuously monitor quality of food at cafe by making room-to-room survey and thus
present the result to appropriate university authority (experience)

6. To brainstorm new ideas in getting high student programme attendance (opinion)

7. To consistently suggest new ideas in creating a conducive environment to stay (as home)
and study in mahallah facilities wise ie improvement of musolla, tv room, room facilities etc

8. To work hand-in-hand with university Counseling Department in solving student related

issues ie softies etc (opinion)

9. To give inputs to university appropriate authority in handling rampant theft cases ie installaton
of cctv at strategic locations (opinion)

10. Any task/jobspecs that can be derived from university KPI (KRAs and targets) and book
authored by the Rector in achieving the status of Global Premier Islamic University (opinion)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
Direct line : 03-61964543 Fax : 03-61964488/4853
Handphone : 0136782941

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