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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

113 (3rd series)

Pediatric Neurology Part III
O. Dulac, M. Lassonde, and H.B. Sarnat, Editors
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 178

Progressive myoclonus epilepsy

Division of Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

INTRODUCTION Myoclonus is distal, erratic, triggered by light and sound

stimulation, and enhanced with emotion. EEG shows slow-
Progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) is a dreaded cate-
ing of background activity, generalized irregular spike-
gory of pediatric epilepsy. The term progressive distin-
waves with photosensitivity and low amplitude spikes in
guishes among countless epileptic children the few who
posterior head regions (Figure 178.1). The myoclonus, sei-
will not get better, but will get worse in a continuous unin-
zures, and hallucinations gradually worsen and become
terrupted fashion and ultimately die. Progressive also
intractable. For many years, patients maintain contact
implies neurodegenerative. Amidst the neurodegenera- and communication, interrupted by extremely frequent
tion of PME, there is dramatic prominence of two partic-
myoclonic absence seizures. They remain conscious of
ular symptoms, myoclonus and epilepsy, suggesting that
their deterioration until late in the course of the disease
in this group of diseases there is either particular degener-
and often exhibit depression. Gradually, dementia sets
ation of neural pathways related to myoclonus and epi-
in and by the tenth year after onset the patient is in
lepsy, or that the underlying genetic disturbances are,
near-continuous myoclonus with absences, frequent
separate from being neurodegenerative, also myoclono-
generalized seizures, and profound dementia. Death is
and epileptogenic.
frequently secondary to aspiration pneumonia during sta-
Most pediatric PME are genetic diseases inherited in tus epilepticus (Lafora, 1911; Minassian, 2001; Andrade
autosomal recessive fashion. Exceptions are some cases
et al., 2005; Striano et al., 2008).
of mitochondrial disease, reviewed in Chapter 168, and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Lafora, an eminent Spanish neu-
the most severely affected members of families with rologist and student of Cajal, Marie, Dejerine, Alzheimer,
the autosomal dominant Huntingtons disease, and denta-
Oppenheim, and Kraeplin, described Lafora disease when
torubropallidoluysian atrophy (Yamada et al., 2006).
he was a neuropathologist at the Government Hospital for
A nongenetic PME occurs in the course of subacute
the Insane in Washington DC (Nanduri et al., 2008). He not
sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), discussed in Chapter
only discovered the pathognomonic inclusion bodies in
123. Autosomal recessive PME can be subgrouped patho- the brain which later took his name, he also fully described
logically into nonlysosomal PME (Lafora disease and the
the disease clinical features, course, and inheritance pat-
newly characterized ataxia-PME disease) and lysosomal
tern. The only major neurological facet he did not address
PME (UnverrichtLundborg disease and certain forms
was the EEG, which had not yet been invented. Figure 178.2
of sialidosis, Gaucher disease, and the vast family of
shows drawings of Lafora bodies made by Lafora in his
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL)). This chapter
first publication (Lafora, 1911). Lafora bodies are dense
reviews the autosomal recessive PME, with the exception accumulations of malformed and insoluble glycogen mol-
of the NCL, which merit their own section, Chapter 173. ecules termed polyglucosans that differ from normal gly-
cogen in lacking the symmetric branching that allows
glycogen to be soluble. They are present in all brain regions
Onset of Lafora disease is between 8 and 18 years of age. and in most neurons, specifically in neuronal cell bodies
The first symptoms are headaches, difficulties in school, and dendrites (Fig. 178.3) (Lafora, 1911; Van Heycop Ten
myoclonic jerks, generalized seizures, and in many cases Ham, 1975; Cavanagh, 1999; Minassian, 2001; Striano
visual hallucinations of both epileptic and psychotic origin. et al., 2008). They are not present in glia. Remarkably,

*Correspondence to: Berge A. Minassian, MD, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G
1X8. E-mail:
1732 J.-M. GIRARD ET AL.

Fig. 178.1. Ten seconds of EEG on a 14-year-old girl with Lafora disease at earliest onset of symptoms. Note the slow occipital
background, irregular and wide generalized spike-waves, and low amplitude and posterior location of spikes. At the time of
EEG, the child was experiencing frequent headaches and a decline in school performance. The first myoclonia and generalized
convulsions appeared soon after this EEG. The EEG was done because her older sister, 23 years of age, had florid Lafora disease.
A homozygous mutation in the EPM2A gene was found in both girls (c.799-800insA; N267fs). This was the first ever Lafora dis-
ease mutation.

even this was noted by Lafora, at a time when pathological

distinction of neurons and glia was only starting to be
made. It is currently thought that the gradual occupation
of dendrites by Lafora bodies leads eventually to the onset
and then the irrevocable progression of the epilepsy and
the other neurological symptoms. The dendritic location
is considered important, because in the only other disease
in which Lafora bodies are found, adult polyglucosan
body disease, caused by mutations in the glycogen branch-
ing enzyme gene, the bodies are in axons and the patients
have dementia, upper and lower neuron signs, but no epi-
lepsy (Robitaille et al., 1980; Lossos et al., 1998).
Extraneural tissues, including skeletal muscle, heart,
liver and skin, also contain Lafora bodies in Lafora dis-
ease, but these organs are not clinically affected in the life
span of the patient. In skin, biopsy of which is often used
for diagnosis, Lafora bodies are present in two very par-
ticular locations: in ducts of eccrine sweat glands and in
the myoepithelium surrounding apocrine sweat glands.
Interpretation of skin biopsy is prone to an important pit-
fall (Fig. 178.4) (Andrade et al., 2003), which if avoided
makes this an excellent diagnostic modality next to gene
Lafora disease is caused by autosomal recessively
inherited mutations in either the EPM2A or EPM2B gene,
encoding respectively the laforin carbohydrate-binding
dual-specificity phosphatase and the malin ubiquitin E3
ligase (Minassian et al., 1998; Chan et al., 2003). Mutations
in each gene contribute approximately equally (45%) to
cases of Lafora disease (Lafora Gene Mutation Database:
Ianzano et al., 2005). The remaining 10% is thought to be
Fig. 178.2. The first ever Lafora bodies seen. Drawings of caused by mutations in an as yet undiscovered gene (Chan
Lafora bodies by Lafora (Lafora, 1911). et al., 2004; Singh et al., 2008). Based on the disease genes a

Fig. 178.3. Lafora bodies in the brain. (A) Several large Lafora bodies are labeled LB. Note in the one to the right of the image the
typical juxtanuclear location and the denser core of the structure. Numerous pink puncta are Lafora bodies in neuronal processes,
usually in dendrites. Stain, periodic acid-Schiff with diastase pretreatment. Diastase is amylase which digests normal glycogen, but
in the short time of these preparations is unable to digest the densely packed polyglucosans comprising the Lafora bodies. Bar,
50 mm. The mutation in this patient is homozygous EPM2B c.C205G (P69S). This is the most common Lafora disease mutation
in the EPM2B gene. (B) Electron micrograph of Lafora bodies (LB) in neuronal processes. Note the fibrillar nature of the poly-
glucosans. Several axons are recognized by their synaptic vesicles. Bar, 500 nm. Note the absence of LB in the axons. The mutation
in this patient is EPM2B c.T98C (F33S). This was the first EPM2B mutation identified.

that have excessively long strands and inadequate branch-

ing. This abnormal glycogen, polyglucosan, is insoluble
and precipitates and accumulates to form the Lafora bod-
ies (Lohi et al., 2005; Vilchez et al., 2007). In the second
pathogenic model, laforin acts directly on glycogen,
dephosphorylating its excess phosphate. In the absence
of laforin, the excess phosphate distorts the double helices
of glycogen strands and the molecules symmetric branch
pattern, both of which are necessary for its solubility.
Again, the abnormal glycogen precipitates and accumu-
lates into Lafora bodies (Gentry et al., 2007; Tagliabracci
et al., 2009). Whether both processes are important and
complementary or not awaits further studies.

Fig. 178.4. Lafora bodies in apocrine glands. The Lafora bod- Onset of Unverricht disease is between 6 and 13 years of
ies are in the myoepithelium of the gland, that is at the base of age. This disease differs from other PME in that it is pro-
the gland (arrow). Periodic acid-Schiff structures at the lumi- gressive only in adolescence, with dramatic and increas-
nal side (arrowhead) should not be confused with Lafora bod- ing myoclonus in the first 6 years. Jerks consist of action
ies. They are normal secretory material. Bar, 50 mm.
myoclonus triggered by any attempt to voluntary move-
ment, posture, stress, and external stimulation; the ado-
large amount of work has been done, which presently lescent is sometimes suspected of conversion, and is
brings forth two chief pathogenic hypotheses. In the first, soon confined to the wheelchair. Seizures occur more
the laforinmalin complex is suggested to regulate glyco- often on awakening and usually respond to medications
gen synthase. In the absence of either protein, glycogen during this time, but myoclonus does not. EEG shows
synthase is overactive, exceeding glycogen branching generalized spike-waves triggered by photic stimulation,
enzyme activity and thus resulting in glycogen molecules but the basic background rhythm remains normal.
1734 J.-M. GIRARD ET AL.
Treatment at that stage by a combination of valproate, Unverricht disease patient necessarily has the dodecamer
zonisamide, levetiracetam and especially high dose repeat expansion in at least one of the two alleles
piracetam may be effective. By adulthood, the disease (Virtaneva et al., 1997; Joensuu et al., 2008).
stabilizes and myoclonus and ataxia may improve. The CSTB product is cystatin B, so named because it
Seizures remain controlled and there is minimal or no interacts with and inactivates certain lysosomal prote-
cognitive decline. Adulthood is characterized by ongo- ases, cathepsins B, L, S, and H (Turk and Bode, 1991).
ing, sometimes severe, but no longer progressive myo- It is thought that cystatin B protects cells from these
clonus, almost normal cognitive functions, controlled cathepsins if they find their way out of the lysosome.
epilepsy, and the possibility of a normal life span Recently, a new function of the protein has been delin-
(Unverricht, 1891; Magaudda et al., 2006; Kalviainen eated, namely protection of the cell against oxidative
et al., 2008; Santoshkumar et al., 2008). stress (Lehtinen et al., 2009). Whether the two functions,
Unverricht described the neurological features and protection against lysosomal hydrolases and protection
the autosomal recessive inheritance pattern of this dis- against oxidants, are separate or part of a yet unknown
ease in detail in a large Baltic family from present-day interconnection between cathepsins and oxidative cell
Estonia (Unverricht, 1891). He did not describe patho- damage awaits further study.
logical findings, and there are none beyond nonspecific
apoptotic cell loss and brain atrophy. The disease is rel-
atively common in Finland (1:20 000) (Kalviainen et al.,
2008) and was known as Baltic myoclonus until it was Between 2005 and 2006, three groups described an
shown that Mediterranean and other populations with autosomal recessive neurological disease in three sepa-
the same phenotype have the same genotype. Lundborg rate large Arab families from nearby villages straddling
described a Swedish family with an altogether different the northern IsraelJordan border. In one family, the
disease with, in addition to myoclonus, progressive patients were adolescents and adults exhibiting primar-
tremor, rigidity, and ultimately paralysis resembling ily a PME, so closely resembling Unverrichts disease
in his words, paralysis agitans (Parkinsons disease) that it was called EPM1B (Berkovic et al., 2005). In
(Puschmann, 2008). Lundborg was racist (Puschmann, the other two families, the affected individuals were
2008) above and beyond the racism so prevalent in children manifesting an ataxia (Straussberg et al.,
the Europe he lived in. Whether this disqualifies him 2005; El-Shanti et al., 2006). A collaborative re-
from an eponym can be discussed, but clearly, even evaluation of the families showed that two shared the
though he wrote extensively on PME, given that he same last name, that the children who had presented
did not describe a family with UnverrichtLundborg with ataxia were exhibiting myoclonus as they grew
disease, and that his own term for PME was Unver- older, and that the adolescents and adults with myoclo-
richts myoclonus (Lundborg, 1903), it seems that a nus had in fact had ataxia earlier in life. All patients had
simplification of the name of this disease to Unverricht the same missense mutation (R104Q) in the PRICKLE1
disease is warranted. gene (Bassuk et al., 2008). The phenotype appears to be
Unverricht disease was the first of the PME to be as follows: ataxia soon after walking in the first half of
described. In the time of Unverricht and Lundborg, in the second year of life, tremor starting at 3 or 4 years of
the absence of effective antiepileptic and antimyoclonic age, seizures after 8 years, and myoclonus soon after.
medications, it was clearly a progressive disease. Later, Most patients also have upward gaze palsy, and some
when patients were treated with phenytoin, they devel- have exhibited a sensory neuropathy. The core features
oped a dramatic progressive ataxia, because, as we of ataxia and myoclonus are progressive and the adults
now know, their cerebellar Purkinje cells are dramati- are wheelchair-dependent with florid myoclonus. Sei-
cally vulnerable to this medication. In our time, as zures are well controlled and there is no dementia.
described above, this prototypical PME has thankfully MRI shows no atrophy even of the cerebellum. Periph-
all but lost its progressive status. eral tissues exhibit no inclusions material, and brain has
The Unverricht disease gene is CSTB (alias EPM1) not yet been studied (Berkovic et al., 2005; Straussberg
(Pennacchio et al., 1996). The disease is due to massive et al., 2005; El-Shanti et al., 2006; Bassuk et al., 2008).
downregulation (to less than 10% of normal) but not The gene product appears to influence the REST
complete loss of CSTB. The cause of the downregulation and Wnt pathways, separate signaling cascades that
is a particularity of the human genome in the promoter regulate gene expression, including neuronal genes
of CSTB, the presence of a dodecamer repeat that occa- (Bassuk et al., 2008). The questions of which genes
sionally expands, and when it does so drastically reduces are controlled by PRICKLE1 and how their dysregula-
transcription of the gene. Few patients have other muta- tion causes a progressive neurological disease without
tions within the gene, but only on one allele. An brain atrophy wait to be tackled.
This work was supported by funds from the Canadian
Institutes for Health Research and the Canada Research
Mutations of the gene encoding neuraminidase, a lyso- Chairs Program. We thank Drs. Cameron Ackerley and
somal enzyme that removes sialic acid from various mac- Pasquale Striano for the biopsy and autopsy samples and
romolecules, cause severe infantile disease with bony Ms. Nela Pencea for help with preparing the images.
deformities, dysmorphism, myoclonus, cherry-red spot Dr. Berge Minassian holds the University of Toronto
in the fundus, and early lethality. Some mutations cause Michael Bahen Chair in Epilepsy Research.
a variant phenotype (type I sialidosis) which presents
as typical PME with a wide range of age of onset. This
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