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Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017

Structure of Matter

1. What process changes a gas to a liquid? Condensation

2. Carbon atoms have 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the nucleus. They also have 6 electrons outside the nucleus. What is
carbons atomic number and atomic mass? Atomic # is 6, Atomic mass is 12

3. The table lists the volume and mass of four substances. List the substances in order using density from lowest density to
highest density.

D = M/V ice, water, brick, wax

4. What are the characteristics of a chemical change?

Temperature, change in color, noticeable odor

5. When heat is applied to the gas in a hot air balloon, it rises. Why does this happen?

Thermal expansion

6. A teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a quart of water. What is this an example of?

Physical change

8. Compare the molecules in ice and the molecules in liquid.

Ice) vibrates in place and is close and compact Liquid) moves past each other slowly

9. Calcium cannot be changed by simple chemical methods into two or more different substances. What would calcium be
classified as?

An element

10. How many atoms are in one molecule of NH3?


12. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is made of carbon and oxygen. Carbon and oxygen are examples of what?

Elements, Non-Metals, and Covalent Bond

13. How are elements in the periodic table arranged?

Valence Electrons

14. Which is the basic unit of all matter?

Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017
15. A sugar cube is placed in a cup of hot water. After a period of time, what will happen to the sugar cube?
It will dissolve.

16. Water boiling is an example of what type of change?

Physical Change

17. In which substance are the molecules closest to each other?


19. All of the elements we know are shown in a table. What is this table called?

Periodic Table

20. When a liquid gets very hot, what state of matter does it change in to?
Gas, and if it is hot enough, it becomes plasma.

21. Draw a diagram to represent the particles in liquid, solid, and gas.

22. Connie adds a package of powdered drink mix and some sugar to a pitcher of water, then stirs it well. What is the best
description of the substance in the pitcher? Homogenous mixture OR solution

Periodic Table

2. How do you figure out the mass of an atom given protons, neutrons, and electrons? add the protons/electrons and the

neutrons together

3. How do you figure out how many neutrons are in an atom? Atomic mass atomic #

3. How do you figure out how many electrons are in an atom? it is equal to the number of protons and the atomic #

4. How do you figure out how many protons are in an atom? it is equal to the number of electrons and the atomic #

5. Remember the rules for Bohr Models. Be able to construct one. WILL NOT HAVE TO CONSTRUCT ONE!

6. What is an isotope? An atom with a varying number of neutrons; changes the atomic mass but not the element

7. What is an ion? a charged atom- negative charge = anion, positive charge= cation

8. What are valence electrons? the outer most electrons in an atom; used in boding
Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017
9. What is periodic law? elements characteristics change periodically as you move across the periodic table

10. Understanding the periodic table:

a. What are the columns and rows called? Columns= groups, rows = periods

c. How do most elements on the periodic table appear at room temperature and pressure? solid

11. Unless noted, all atoms have which type of charge? neutral

12. Know how to write the isotope symbol for an element.

13. What is alpha decay? decay in which an alpha (He) molecule is released

14. What is beta decay? decay in which a beta molecule (electron) is released

15. What is fission? Be able to identify it given an equation. When an element splits into 2 or more different elements

16. What is fusion? Be able to identify it given an equation. When two or more elements come together to form one


17. What is half life? Be able to calculate it. the amount of time it takes for half an amount of substance to decay

Bonding and Nomenclature

6. Which groups on the periodic table react the easiest? Why is this so? groups 1 and 2 because they have the fewest
valence electrons

9. Which elements do not normally form chemical bonds and why? Noble gases because they have a full octet

12. Name the properties of covalent compounds. low melting and boiling points, soft, brittle, comes in a variety of colors

13. When you form new compounds due to chemical bonding, what happens to the properties of the original
elements? elements lose their original properties

14. Why do atoms bond with other atoms? to become more stable; gain more electrons

15. What is a cation? An anion? How would you notate these? cation- positive ion; lose electrons, anion- negative ion;
gain electrons

16. Which type of element is most likely to gain electrons when it forms bonds? nonmetal

17. Which type of element is most likely to lose electrons when it forms bonds? metal
Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017
18. What is the same within each group on the periodic table? valence electrons

19. Which parts of an atom are involved in chemical bonds? electrons

20. What do atoms gain, lose, or share when they bond? electrons

Reactions, Solutions, Acids, and Bases

1. Where is the product found in a chemical reaction? A reactant? Product is before the yield (arrow) and reactant is


2. What is the law of conservation of mass? Mass can not be created or destroyed

3. What is a decomposition reaction? Include the formula.

4. What is a synthesis reaction? Include the formula.

5. What is a single replacement reaction? Include the formula.

6. What is a double replacement reaction? Include the formula.


a. Parts of a solution: solute (what dissolves) solvent (does the dissolving)

b. How to identify each part the solvent is typically in a larger amount than the solute

c. Universal solvent water

d. Read/interpret solubility graphs

Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017
e. Unsaturated, saturated & supersaturated: unsaturated= more solute can be added to the solvent; saturated=

the maximum amount of solute has been added to the solvent; supersaturated= more solute has been added to

the solvent than it can hold- solute will start settling to the bottom

f. Dilute & concentrated: dilute= very little solute; concentrated= a lot of solute

g. Factors that affect dissolving rate: aggitation (like stirring), surface area of solute, temperature

h. Solutions are specialized mixtures

i. What makes a solution different from a generic mixture? It is homogenous


a. Physical & chemical properties of acids & bases

b. Ions in acids: H+

c. Ions in bases: OH-

d. Indicators: lithmus (pH) paper

e. pH & pH scale
Mid-Term Study Guide Test Date: Monday December 18th, 2017

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