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IWQOL-Lite Scoring

Raw scores for each scale are computed for each of the five scales only if a
minimum of 50% of the items for that scale are answered, and for the total score
only if 75% of the answers for all items are completed. (The required number of
minimum responses is: Physical Function=6 of 11; Self-Esteem =4 of 7; Sexual
Life=2 of 4; Public Distress=3 of 5; Work=2 of 4; Total=24 of 31.) In computing
raw scores, we use a pro-rated system for handling missing data. To calculate
the raw score for any scale or total score, the procedures are as follows:

1- Determine if the minimum number of items are answered for that scale. The
required number of minimum responses is: Physical Function=6 of 11; Self-
Esteem =4 of 7; Sexual Life=2 of 4; Public Distress=3 of 5; Work=2 of 4;
Total=24 of 31.

Example 1: If an individual answered 5 of 11 Physical Function questions, the

Physical Function score would be considered missing and coded as 999.

Example 2: If an individual answered 26 items on the entire scale, a valid score

would be calculated for the IWQOL-Lite total.

2- Take the average of the valid items for that scale. Compute the average for
the valid responses to items for that scale where 1=Never True and 5=Always
True. The average must be a number between 1 and 5. For example, if the
respondent answered 3 on every item of the Physical Function scale, the mean
would be 3.

Example 3: An individual answered the 11 Physical Function questions as follows

(9 indicates missing question): 2, 3, 2, 4, 9, 2, 2, 3, 4, 9, 5. The individual
answered 9 of 11 questions, with an average of 3.0 (27/9).

Example 4: An individual answered the 5 Public Distress questions as follows: 3,

1, 3, 4, 3. The individual answered 5 of 5 questions with an average of 2.8 (14/5).

3- Multiply that average by the total number of items for that scale. The total
number of items on IWQOL-Lite scales are as follows: Physical Function=11,
Self-Esteem=7, Sexual Life=4, Public Distress=5, Work=4, Total=31). Round to
the nearest whole integer. For example, if the mean of the Physical Function
scale is 3.0, then you would multiply 3.0 X 11 = 33.

Example 5: From the Physical Function answers in Example 3, multiply the

average (3.0) times the number of total questions in the Physical Function scale
(11) and round to the nearest whole integer: 3 X 11 = 33 (no need to round). This
is the Physical Function Raw Score.
Example 6: From the Public Distress answers in Example 4, multiply the average
(2.8) times the number of total questions in the Public Distress scale (5) and
round to the nearest whole integer: 2.8 X 5 = 14 (no need to round). This is the
Public Distress Raw Score.

Round to the nearest whole integer.

For example, here is the code for calculating total score:

***** Compute TOTAL Score.

count misstot = IWPF1 TO IWWRK4 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (misstot lt 8).

compute IWTOT = rnd((sum(IWPF1 TO IWWRK4 )/(31-misstot))*31).

end if.

if (misstot ge 8) IWTOT = 999.

var lab IWTOT 'Impact Total Score (Brief)'.

mis val IWTOT (999).

Here is the code for calculating the individual scales of the IWQOL-Lite:

***** Compute PHYSICAL FUNCTION Score.

count misspf = IWPF1 TO IWPF11 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (misspf lt 6).

compute IWPF = rnd((sum(IWPF1 TO IWPF11 )/(11-misstpf))*11).

end if.

if (misspf ge 6) IWPF = 999.

var lab IWPF 'Impact Physical Function (Brief)'.

mis val IWPF (999).

***** Compute SELF-ESTEEM Score.

count missse = IWSE1 TO IWSE7 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (missse lt 4).

compute IWSE = rnd((sum(IWSE1 TO IWSE7 )/(7-misstse))*7).

end if.

if (missse ge 4) IWSE = 999.

var lab IWSE 'Impact Self-Esteem (Brief)'.

mis val IWSE (999).

***** Compute SEXUAL LIFE Score.

count misssl = IWSL1 TO IWSL4 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (misssl lt 3).

compute IWSL = rnd((sum(IWSL1 TO IWSL4 )/(4-misstsl))*4).

end if.

if (misssl ge 3) IWSL = 999.

var lab IWPF 'Impact Sexual Life (Brief)'.

mis val IWSL (999).

***** Compute PUBLIC DISTRESS Score.

count misspd = IWPD1 TO IWPD5 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (misspd lt 3).

compute IWPD = rnd((sum(IWPD1 TO IWPD5 )/(5-misstpd))*5).

end if.

if (misspd ge 3) IWPD = 999.

var lab IWPD 'Impact Public Distress (Brief)'.

mis val IWPD (999).

***** Compute WORK Score.

count misswk = IWWK1 TO IWWK4 (9,missing,sysmis).

do if (misswk lt 3).

compute IWWK = rnd((sum(IWPF1 TO IWPF4 )/(11-misstwk))*4).

end if.

if (misswk ge 3) IWWK = 999.

var lab IWWK 'Impact Work (Brief)'.

mis val IWWK (999).

We have been converting the IWQOL-Lite raw scores to the more familiar 0
(worst) to 100 (best) scoring using the following formulae:

1. Subtract the raw score (as calculated above) from the maximum score for
each scale (Physical Function=55, Self-Esteem=35, Sexual Life=20, Public
Distress=25, Work=20, Total=155).

2. Divide that difference by the range for each scale (Physical Function=44, Self-
Esteem=28, Sexual Life=16, Public Distress=20, Work=16, Total=124).

3. Multiply that total by 100.

Example 7: From the Physical Function answers in Example 5, subtract the raw
score (33) from the maximum score for Physical Function (55) and divide that
result by the range for Physical Function (44) and multiply the result by 100: (55 -
33)/44 = .50 X 100 = 50.

Example 8: From the Public Distress answers in Example 6, subtract the raw
score (14) from the maximum score for Public Distress (25) and divide that result
by the range for Public Distress (20) and multiply by 100: (25 - 14)/20 = .55 X 100
= 55.

An easy way to check the scoring is to enter a record with all 1's and a second
record with all 5's. The first record should have all transformed scores equal to
100 and the second record should have all transformed scores equal to 0.
For example: Physical Function: ((55-33)/44)) = 50

compute iwpft = ((55-iwpf)/44)*100.

compute iwset = ((35-iwse)/28)*100.

compute iwsext = ((20-iwsex)/16)*100.

compute iwpdt = ((25-iwpd)/20)*100.

compute iwwrkt = ((20-iwwrk)/16)*100.

compute iwtott = ((155-iwtot)/124)*100.

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