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Connor Beatty

ELA 30-1 Period 3

Othello - Seven Statements

2. It is very important to the play for Othello to be black.

It is vital for the plot of the play for Othello to be black. Brabantio is enraged that his
daughter has married a black man. Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such
a thing as thou- to fear, not to delight. (1-2, lines 73-74) This reaction is only had
because of Othellos race. If Othello was white, Brabantio would have likely been more
than happy to have him marry his daughter. Iago also holds resentment for Othello
simply because he is black. He states that he hates the Moor with no further
explanation. He is angered that he has been overlooked for a promotion, but he also
attacks Othellos race for no apparent reason. When Iago is provoking Othellos
jealousy, he brings up the idea that Desdemona will leave Othello for a white man.
Othello has this idea ingrained and becomes jealous because of it, and many other of
Iagos suggestions. However, Iago would not have been able to provoke Othellos
jealousy as much if he were not black.

4. Desdemona is not angelically pure. The potential for unrestrained desire must be in
her character in order for the drama to work. The more loving she is, the easier it is for
Othello to think she has deceived him.

I believe that Desdemona is shown to be angelically pure. The drama is effective

without the potential for unrestrained desire because Othello is fed by his jealousies and
delusions, not the reality of the situation. Othello is jealous because of all of the
information he as fed, not because of Desdemonas potential for infidelity. I do not think
there is any such woman. (4,3 - Line 60). This quote displays Desdemonas attitude
towards cheating. She is shown to be pure through this, having no desire for any
malicious actions. Finally, I believe that Desdemona must be pure for the purpose of a
tragedy. Emilia reveals to Othello that his wife was pure, and that Iago had been
deceiving him. If Desdemona had been the slightest bit tainted, Othello would have
suspected this and not felt guilty for what he had done. Because Desdemona was pure,
Emilias explanation made Othello realize the truth and commit suicide, fulfilling the
requirements of a tragedy.

6. Iagos cleverness is not total. He builds into the intricate structure of his plot a piece
of terrible stupidity: he fails to understand his wife.

Iagos oversight does lead to his plot being foiled because of his lack of understanding
of his wife. Iago has a lack of trust for women. In Venice they do let God see the pranks
Connor Beatty
ELA 30-1 Period 3

They dare not show their husbands. Their best conscience Is not to leave 't undone, but
keep 't unknown. (3, 3 - Lines 228-236). As a result, when Emilia enters his plot by
finding the handkerchief, he tells her as little information as possible, leaving her out of
the loop. When Emilia learns the significance of the handkerchief, the fact that Iago left
her out of the loops pushes her to work against him and reveal all that she knows. Iago
underestimates women in their smarts and individuality. He does not take into account
that his wife is a whole other person that he has to monitor for his plan to work. Finally,
Iago does not understand that Emilia loves Desdemona. Because of his black-hearted
character, Iago has little experience with loving a friend. He does not understand that
his wife cares deeply about Desdemona, and he assumes she will not be bothered by
her death. Because Emilia loves Desdemona, she reveals Iagos plot as soon as she
realizes that his actions caused her unfair death.

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