Process Paper - 450 Words By: Matthew Vidal, Joshua Rhoden, and Alexander

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Process Paper- 450 Words By: Matthew Vidal, Joshua Rhoden, and Alexander

History is one of the most important subjects to learn in the 8th grade curriculum,
and while exploring our history textbooks we viewed a section about World War
Two in which was one of the largest wars ever fought on Earth. We wanted to learn
more about this important event and read deeper into this topic. Throughout the
reading we discovered the Yalta Conference, a meeting held by world powers. Yet
we have still never heard about this meeting between the Allies after World War
Two. Which made us realize that this is one of the most overlooked events in
human history and then we knew we wanted to inform the public about one of the
greatest moments in history. We conducted our research several ways. Because
this topic not being such a well known piece of history, not many people wrote
pieces of information on it. We went to the library to find sources there but were
not found at all. So we forced to rely on the Nova database, primary sources, and
websites. Through analyzing all of these sources we were capable of placing
ourselves in the situations of each of these leaders perspectives in this meeting.
Basically, by looking deeply and discussing what each leader wanted and the state
of each country at the time we were able to find out each leaders point of view and
reasoning in their demands in the Yalta Conference. Our project format was
thought of because we thought it would be the easiest to organize our information.
There was also much flexibility when it came to how we can present our research
to the general public. We created our website in a problem and solution format by
showing the cause of the Yalta Conference which was what to do with Europe after
the fall of the German Reich that was the problem and the solution being the
multiple compromised created. Then we made a cause and effect format as well by
making the cause being the Yalta Conference and the effects it had on the world.
Our project relates to the theme of this years National History Day theme because
it speaks about the enormous issue of World War 2 and the conflict it created
between the major powers in the Allies which led to many different solutions.
Because of the defeat of Hitler, many German occupied areas needed a new destiny
to be determined by the Allied forces. But with each country having different
agendas of these territories many compromises had be made such as the deal to
split Germany. Basically, the Yalta Conference was the compromise to the conflict
in which the aftermath of World War Two had created.

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