1119/2 Section C - Reading Comprehension

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1. Read the passage carefully.

2. Underline the words that you do not understand as you read.
3. Read the passage again.
4. Look at the WH- questions. E.g : Who people
What things/event
Where- place
When time
Why reason
How - way
5. Refer to the paragraph to which the questions are set.
6. Look for/ Identify the similar words that appear in the question and in the paragraph.
Underline the sentence. Decide and write the answers.
7. Make sure the spelling is correct.
8. For question 30, write using your own words. If you copy the sentence from the
passage, no marks will be given

QUESTIONS 26-31 are based on the following passage

26 a
1 Newspapers are an important source of information. For the many, reading
the morning or daily newspapers puts the start to their day on a pleasant note.
However, these days, anyone would probably agree that it is depressing to read the
newspaper because there are too many reports on death, devastation and violence.
26 b I really feel sad when reading the news nowadays, says Puan Asiah, who is a 5
subscriber of The Star. Not a day goes by without a report about people being
victims of violent crime. Statistics from the police showed a rapid increase in crime
cases between 1988 and 2008 when the unemployment rate was high. 27 a
2 Snatch thefts are now running at around thirty cases a day or 16000 cases a
year throughout the country, according to one estimate. Grabbing a handbag from a 10
defenseless woman has become so common that the police seldom give priority to
snatch thefts if there were no injury or loss of life. It was considered more of petty 27 b
theft and there were other bigger things for the police to take care of.
3 Snatch thefts may appear to be minor crimes but in actual fact, they are not.
Apart from the cases of deaths and serious injuries that have been highlighted 15
28 a recently, most snatch theft victims are traumatized by the events. Many snatch theft
victims will always walk in fear after such a terrifying experience. The physical scars,
if any, may heal but the psychological scars, take a long time to heal. 28 b
4 Seven main factors have been outlined as reasons for the increase in crime
rate in Malaysia over the last twenty years. The factors are unemployment, migration 20
of youths from rural to urban area, influx of illegal immigrants, failure in rehabilitating
drug addicts, shortage of police personnel and vehicles to combat crime, the publics
pathetic attitude and failure of town planning committees to consider setting up
police stations or the ineffectiveness of local councils to stress safety features in the
5 city. 25
Although snatch thefts can occur almost anywhere, they frequently take
place in places like bus stops, commuter stations, main roads and housing estates.
The thief usually rides on a motorcycle, often with an accomplice. According to some
views, they are usually drug addicts stealing to support their addiction. The fact that
42% of those arrested for snatch thefts in Penang for the first five months of this 30
6 year attest to this. 30
Snatch thefts are also becoming frequent because there are no separations
between pedestrian walkways and main roads. The general lack of care by
pedestrians regarding their belongings and the reluctance of members of the public
to help victims also contribute to the rising incidence of snatch thefts. Greater public 35
awareness of snatch thefts and the ways to minimize it will help the police combat
this scourge. Newspapers and other mass media have a vital supportive role to play
in educating the public on the simple rules of safety precautions and personal safety.
While symptomatic treatment is necessary to immediately cut the rate of such thefts,
the cure will eventually come if a holistic approach, which will go to the root of the
problem, is used.
31 The lines 9 - 36 need to be highlighted, in order to find the content points
before summarising

26 From paragraph 1,
a) At present, how does Puan Asiah feels when she reads the newspaper?
She feels sad.
She is not happy.
Puan Asiah feels very sad. (1 mark)
I really feel sad when reading the newspaper X
(The pronoun I should be changed to She)
b) What was the police trying to say about the rapid increase in crime cases?
The crime cases increased dramatically when there was high unemployment rate. (1 mark)

27 From paragraph 2,
You need to give a
a) Find a word that has the same meaning as important.
ONE word answer
Priority (1 mark)
The police seldom give priority to snatch thefts if there were no injury or loss of life. X
(This is not a word but a sentence)
The police seldom give priority to snatch thefts. X ( This is a clause)
b) What does the word petty in line 12 mean? No lifting from the
Small and unimportant/ not very important (1 mark) text is allowed. You
It was considered more of petty theft. X need to use your
There were other bigger things for the police to take care of. X own words.

28 From paragraph 3,
a) Why is it mentioned that snatch thefts are not minor crimes?
This is because the victims are affected with psychological scars and fear
for a long time. (1 mark) A phrase consists of
two or three words
b) I) Identify the phrase which carries the meaning of a frightening event?
Terrifying experience (1 mark)
II)Identify the word which carries the meaning of frightening?

Many snatch theft victims will always walk in fear after such a terrifying experience. X
(This is a sentence, therefore it is wrong)

29 From paragraph 4, give two reasons for the increase in crime rate in Malaysia.
a) unemployment (1 mark) Give only two reasons from
b) failure in rehabilitating drug addicts (1 mark) the seven reasons in found
In the paragraph
30. From paragraph 6, what two suggestions are given to reduce snatch thefts?
a) Greater public awareness (1 mark)
b) Educating the public (1 mark) Find the answers from the
SPM 2015
6 (a) From paragraph 1, why is it difficult to take care of exotic animals?
Few people understand their unique medical needs..[1 mark]

Many of them die in captivity because few people understand their unique medical
needs. X Overlifting

(b) From paragraph 3, how did Ray manage to separate the twins from their mother?
Ray used a tranquiliser to put Crystal to sleep and cub-napped the twins....[1 mark]
(used - the past tense verb)

27 (a) From paragraph 5, what does the phrase plump little bodies refer to?

The polar bear cubs/ Crystals cubs ..[1

A phrase is made up of mark]
two or
The polar bears X more words
(b) Shed neglected them again. (Paragraph 7, line 23)
How did Crystals behavior show that she had neglected her cubs?
Crystal had cleared all the straw away from one corner and she had pushed her cubs
onto the bare concrete and left the unattended......[1
Lifted from lines
28 (a) From paragraph 8, which word conveys the meaning of refusing to give up?

Only a one word answer is acceptable mark]

Undaunted, I decided to immerse them completely this time, except for their
little snouts. X ( This is a sentence)

(b) From paragraph 11, We looked inside its mouth. It was definitely pinker.
What does this tell us about the cubs condition? Use your own word to describe

They had come alive/ They are going to survive/ They are going to live ...[1 mark]
Sensing that there might be hope after all, I instructed Matt to add X
29 (a) From paragraph 12, how did the action of spinning the cubs round help to save them?
By spinning the cubs around, the force would clear any mucus blocking the

Lifted from lines 43-44 mark]

(b) From paragraph 14, what one piece of evidence convinced the vets that the cubs would
Finally, both took strong deep breaths..[1
Must be taken from the text mark]

30 There was a moments silence. (Paragraph 15)

State one emotion suggested by the above sentence.
Give a reason for your answer.

Emotion : Anticipation/ Expectation /Waiting for something to happen..[1 mark]

Desperate and anticipation X Task requires only one emotion here
Reason : They were hoping for the cubs to drink the milk from the bottle/
They were hoping the cubs would make it through/ They hope the cubs
would survive...[1 mark]
SPM 2016
26 From paragraph 1, what was Arvind looking forward to?
The prospect of being home ....[1 mark]
The prospect of being home filled Arvind with excitement X
27 From paragraph 2, Use own words/Paraphrase
(a) why do you think the passengers were compared to ants?
There were many people moving around quickly, just like ants....[1 mark]

(b) state one reason why Arvind was eager to get home.
He was looking forward to the food at home Only one reason accepted
He was looking forward to be with friends he would meet
He cannot wait for the hours he would spend time watching television..[1 mark]
He was looking forward to the home-cooked food and to meet with his friends X
(The question requires for only one reason, not two reasons)

28 (a) From paragraph 3,

(i) why did Arvind find it difficult to see the suitcase?
He had taken off his glasses and his eyesight was very poor. ...[1 mark]
(ii) which phrase tells the reader that Arvind was very surprised?
took his breath away.....[1
A phrase is made up of two or
more words
(b) From paragraph 4, why did people on the train look at Arvind?
Arvind is sleeping with his glasses on..[1 mark]
Use own words/Paraphrase

29 (a) From paragraph 6, line 27,

That was the start that Arvind had been hoping for.
What does the expression the start refer to? The answer must have the idea of
When the girl agreed to have tea with him..[1
the girl accepting his invitation

When the girl was too shy to say anything to him X The answer must have the idea of
Arvind cannot recognize Sneha
(b) From paragraph 9, why was Arvind embarrassed?
Sneha was his childhood friend but he cannot recognize her
Arvind cannot recognize Sneha, his own childhood friend after all these years...[1 mark]
Arvind was so embarrassed that he could hardly speak X
30 What do you think Arvind and Sneha did after leaving the train station?

Give a reason for your answer. The answer must be logical and must have the idea of
Arvind and Sneha meeting up/ keeping contact

..[1 mark]
Action : They may decide to meet up again at another time..

Reason :They want to become friends again after they have not met for a long time.

Action : They may exchange their numbers so they can contact each other again[1 mark]

Reason :They want to set another date so they can meet each other again[1 mark]

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