Cubist Tree - November 30th 2017

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Lesson Plan

Miss Barnowski

November 30th, 2017

Subject/Course Art
Topic Drawing
Lesson Title Cubist Tree
Level Gr.4 Lesson Duration: 50 mins

Learning Outcomes: Materials/Equipment Learning Objectives:

Cut pieces of paper
GLO: Component 7 - Students will utilize
Pencil Crayons
EMPHASIS: Students will their understandings
create emphasis by the Smartboard
presentation of warm and cool
treatment of forms and colours to colour
qualities. My demo
their drawing.
SLO: A. The centre of interest
can be made prominent by Students will use
contrasting its size, shape, their newfound
colour or texture from the knowledge to create a
other parts of the drawing of a cubist
composition. Christmas tree.
Students will have an
B. Format can be adjusted, and
understanding of the
composition tightened by
editing or cropping the
cubism concept and
unnecessary areas from the where it came from
edges of a work, after it is Students will have a
completed. basic understanding
of Picasso and his
C. Details, accents and outlines work
will enhance the dominant
area or thing.

Activities: Assessment: Time:

Introduction: Formative: 5 mins
Review from last class: Do we remember what See how well people
we went over last class? What were some of remember last class,
the categories of colours? Complimentary, take note of what stuck
analogous, colour value, hot and cold colours with them and what
Activity 1: Formative: 10
Go through Smart book presentation -Notice how they react mins
Talk about Picasso, who co-founded Cubism to the form of art
Picasso was a Spanish man, born in 1881, and -Observe what they see
is known for his new age styles of art. When he in the pieces of art, see if
started creating art, his art was much different they pick up on any of
from the art at that time, and really created this the trends
whole new movement of art forms
What does the word cubism mean, or sound
like? Cube, but this art form it actually using
many types of shapes, very geometrical
Its a form of paint and sculpture
Read the quote Every child is an artist. The
problem is how to remain an artist once we
grew up Who can tell me what they think this
quote means?
Take a look at some examples of some photos,
Google some photos of Picassos work
Ask the students what they see in the images,
what are some characteristics they see in
them? Are they are to distinguish?
What shapes do you see?
Activity 2: Formative: 30
We will now get to create our own version of -observe how much they mins
a cubist art piece, we are going to be making a remember about hot
Christmas tree specifically! and cold colours
I will show the example on the board, and go -make sure everybody is
through the important steps needed to draw following along!
them. -I will continuously
We will be going to be using our hot and cold walk around to make
colours today, what are those again? sure everyone is
Hand out pieces of papers, and tell them that following the steps the
we will go step by step together, so to listen to right way
me, make sure to put your names on the back!! -I will do a visual check
1: Get your rulers and create a Christmas of every students work
tree(large triangle) in the middle of the paper. before moving onto the
It should take up the majority of the page. next step
*I will demonstrate this on the board* - I will make sure
2: You will draw multiple lines going from one nobody is drawing
end of the paper to the other end, is all sorts of while Im doing my
directions. I will show this on the board. It is demo, they need to be
important that the lines go all the way from one focusing and following
edge of the paper, to the other along.
3: Take a cold coloured sharpie to trace your
tree, and all the line inside the tree(blue, green,
4: Take a warm coloured sharpie ( red, orange,
or yellow) to trace the lines on the outside of
the tree
5: Then, you can colour the shapes inside the
tree with cool colours, and outside of the tree
with warm colours
Do we want all the colours inside and outside
the tree to be the same? NO, choose a couple of
warm colours to use, and a couple of cold
Conclusion: Formative
I dont think everybody will finish today, but
that would be great if they did!! I will mark the final
I will review with them what the art form of product
Cubism is, and what are hot and cold colours
If anybody finishes, they can get something
from the unfinished bucket and work on that
Everybody make sure their name is on it, and
put their copy on the table

Learning Take-aways/Summary:
They should understand the concept of cubism and where it came from
Students will practice their knowledge of warm and cool colours

- They loved this lesson and all the things to do with Picasso! They loved
looking at his art work and interpreting the cubism art form. We spent more
time than I planned on this part, because the students were absolutely
loving analysing his work, and we had great discussion.
- One student was not following my steps for the drawing process, and I tried
a couple times to help and even drew lines for them, but they erased it. I
could tell he was getting irritated, so I left him to do his own thing! My TA
later noticed that he wasnt following along, so she did the same steps I did
with him, and he listened to her.
- They didnt finish, but we got through the instructional, step following
portion, which was good.

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