Biology LP 2

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Biology Lesson Plan 2

Teachers Name: Chris Cicinelli Class Period Length: 50 minutes

Grade Level/Subject: 9th Grade Biology Unit Time Frame: 1 week

Central Focus: Introduce basic terminology to 1. Discuss the concept of symbiosis outside of a
describe aquatic based symbiosis including concepts marine environment that are familiar
involved, their settings and their mechanisms. 2. Use posters created from previous class to use
as a spatial recognition supplement for lesson
3. Discuss Fish, Algae, and Bacteria Symbiosis
4. Go over industrial application of symbiotic

HS-LS2-6. Evaluate claims, evidence, and reasoning that the complex interactions in ecosystems
maintain relatively consistent numbers and types of organisms in stable conditions,
but changing conditions may result in a new ecosystem.
HS-ESS2- Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth
5. materials and surface processes.

HS-LS4-5. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that changes in environmental conditions
may result in:
(1) increases in the number of individuals of some species,
(2) the emergence of new species over time,
(3) the extinction of other species

Academic Language Functions, Vocabulary, and Discourse

Function: Discussion

Algae, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates
Industrial use
Microbial ecology
Biogeochemical cycling
Nitrogen conversion/Nitrogen cycle
Discourse/syntax: Students will use visuals to memorize location of vocabulary terms and
using student created aquatic system posters from the previous lesson to describe location
of subjects involved in the symbiosis. Discuss fish, algae, and bacteria symbiosis with
emphasis on the circular nature of this relationship. Finishing up with industrial application
of this symbiotic relationship.

Materials list for activities:

- Video 1: Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological Filtration:
- Video 2: Nitrogen cycle:
- Photo1:
- Photo 2:
- Photo 3:
- Additional resources: Webquest- Aquatic Systems:
- Posters (previous class)
- Begin preparation for Lab, establishing group aquatic systems and utilizing key terms to describe each
component necessary for the aquatic systems
Safety Precautions: N/A

Learning Strategies/Experiences
Opening: (15 min) As students come to the class, use photo 1 to review zones and spatial
constructs of aquatic systems as well as go over any questions from the previous class. Have
students fill in definitions to notecard form.

Transition to photo 2 and 3, go over the nitrogen cycle. Review basic structure on terrestrial
and aquatic and make sure to demonstrate and stress parallels between the two before
moving on. Show video to solidify concepts. Have students finish note cards (15 min).

Discuss industrial application of bacterial decomposition in oil industry, as well as fish

aquaponics in industrial settings and have worksheet completed (see below). (10 min)

Start introduction to lab unit for next class. Discuss outline and general procedure, set
expectations: materials, objectives, goals. (8 min)

Give out homework: review notecards that were created today as well as read through lab and
put outline in lab notebook. (2 min)

Assessment/Evidence of Student Learning

Informal Assessments:
Use the opening of the class to engage students in questions and vocabulary from the
previous lesson. Try to identify any weak points in previous lesson vocabulary and
review before moving on to the next lesson.

Formal Assessments:

Use application worksheet to discuss other types of symbiotic relationships in nature

and in outside of nature.

At the end of the week there is a weekly quiz that selects at random terms throughout
the week, and is another gauge for student comprehension and progress.

Adjustments for Diverse Learners

Differentiation/Guided Supports:

Students who have Study lunch can use that time to preview the lesson and get a
head start on terms. Visual connections between the photos and videos will be
stressed with the vocabulary.

Accommodation/Adaptation (IEP/504):

For students with an IEP for a visual- spatial learning disability, additional help with
their poster as well as using textured material will be available to assist in learning.
Additionally, pace will be slowed for comprehension and active learning through
questions. During their study lunch, students can pause the video to assist with pace.

Homework and Extension Activities

- Review lab procedure and add to notebook
- Review note cards and posters

M.H. Abreu, R. Pereira, J.-F. Sassi. Marine algae and the global food industry. Marine Algae:
Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Environmental Assessment, and Biotechnology(2014), p. 300
Adey et al., 2011, W.H. Adey, P.C. Kangas, W. MulbryAlgal turf scrubbing: cleaning surface
waters with solar energy while producing a biofuel. Bioscience, 61 (2011), pp. 434-441
Ashen and Goff, 2000, J.B. Ashen, L.J. GoffMolecular and ecological evidence for species
specificity and coevolution in a group of marine algalbacterial symbioses. Appl. Environ.
Microbiol., 66 (2000), pp. 3024-3030
Applications Worksheet

1. Describe what a symbiotic relationship is.

2. Describe the symbiotic relationship between fish, bacteria, and algae.

3. List another symbiotic relationship that occurs in nature.

4. List another symbiotic relationship that occurs between humans outside of nature. ie: financial,

5. Would you consider fish that eat other chunks of fish stuck in sharks teeth a symbiotic
relationship? Why or Why not

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