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Answer Key for IBPS SO Prelims 2017

Model Question Paper

Qs Ans Qs Ans Qs Ans Qs Ans Qs Ans
1. 3 2. 4 3. c 4. 1 5. 2
6. 3 7. 4 8. 2 9. 2 10. 5
11. 2 12. 4 13. 3 14. 4 15. 1
16. 3 17. 4 18. 5 19. 2 20. 4
21. 3 22. 1 23. 4 24. 2 25. 4
26. 4 27. 2 28. 3 29. 1 30. 4
31. 2 32. 2 33. 4 34. 3 35. 2
36. 4 37. 4 38. 4 39. 2 40. 5
41. 3 42. 1 43. 4 44. 2 45. 2
46. 4 47. 4 48. 2 49. 1 50. 1
51. 3 52. 1 53. 5 54. 2 55. 3
56. 4 57. 5 58. 1 59. 4 60. 2
61. 3 62. 1 63. 1 64. 3 65. 3
66. 2 67. 1 68. 3 69. 5 70. 4
71. 2 72. 5 73. 4 74. 5 75. 5
76. 3 77. 3 78. 4 79. 2 80. 4
81. 3 82. 1 83. 1 84. 2 85. 4
86. 5 87. 3 88. 5 89. 3 90. 3
91. 5 92. 1 93. 1 94. 5 95. 5
96. 2 97. 1 98. 4 99. 2 100. 3
101. 2 102. 4 103. 5 104. 1 105. 3
106. 3 107. 3 108. 1 109. 5 110. 5
111. 1 112. 4 113. 4 114. 2 115. 5
116. 5 117. 4 118. 5 119. 2 120. 2
121. 4 122. 5 123. 5 124. 1 125. 1
126. 2 127. 5 128. 1 129. 4 130. 5
131. 3 132. 5 133. 2 134. 5 135. 3
136. 4 137. 5 138. 4 139. 4 140. 2
141. 1 142. 2 143. 4 144. 4 145. 2
146. 2 147. 1 148. 1 149. 4 150. 1
1. A and B have errors
(A): The statement was made on Wednesday. So, the tense would be Simple Past, not
Simple Present. The correct verb to be used is said.
(B): a U.N. Security Council statements has an error. The determiner a is used for
a singular noun, not plural.

2. A and C have errors.

(A): The usage of had urged is incorrect. A past perfect tense is only used when a point
of time in the past is defined in the sentence.
(C): Also, the use of boisterous is wrong in the context of the sentence. Boisterous means
Noisy, energetic and cheerful. The correct word to be used is grave.

3. C has an error
The usage of rattled is wrong in the context of the sentence.
Rattle means to talk aimlessly. The appropriate word could have been solved.

4. A, B and C have an error.

A): The usage of intermittent is incorrect in the context of the sentence.
Intermittent means Something Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or
The correct word to be used is ongoing.
(B): Using says is grammatically incorrect. The sentence consists of verb phrases, were
intermittent and had been repulsed, having past tense. So, the correct form of verb to
be used is said.
(C): The usage of repulsed is incorrect in the context of the sentence because generally
a Foreign Minister of another country is invited to a host country, not repulsed. The
correct verb to be used is invited.
5. C has an error
(C): The usage of calling is incorrect because its usage makes the sentence a
fragment (groups of words incapable to express a complete idea).
The word should instead be replaced by called.

6. B and C have errors.

B: The usage of the preposition of is incorrect. The correct preposition to be used is
C: Exerts is an incorrect verb to be used. Notice, the verb exert, like the verb discuss,
is a part of an infinitive and follow to.
The correct verb-form to be used is exert.

7. A, B, C and D have errors.

The usage of articles is incorrect in A, B, C and D and have been highlighted below
In the nod to China, (A) the Myanmar statement said (B) it appreciated a stand taken by
some members of the Security Council (C) who upheld a principle of non-interference in
the internal affairs of sovereign countries (D).
The article a is used before an indefinite noun while the article The is used before
a definite noun.
A and B: The nouns nod and Myanmar statement are not a definite. So, the correct
article to be used is a.
C and D: The noun stand and principle are definite nouns. They are made definite by
the phrase non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries. The correct
article to be used is the.

8. From the options, we understand that there is no suspicious on D to have an error.

So, D is error-free.
A: To appeasing council veto powers Russia and China
Note, here, the phrase to appeasing is an infinitive. To is not functioning as the
preposition. So, appease would follow to instead of appeasing.
B: Britain and France authorized
The usage of the word authorized is incorrect in the context of the sentence. Because if
the Security Council would have adopted the resolution, then they wouldnt have agreed
on adopting a formal statement as written in the part D. Also, because there is no
suspicion on D to have an error, B would have an error.
The correct word should be dropped.
C: a push of the Security Council to adopt a resolution on the Myanmar situation
The usage of the preposition of is incorrect in the context of the sentence. The correct
preposition to be used is for. The former would suggest that the Security Council
pushes her members to adopt a resolution, but the reality is Members of the Security
Council decides for the Security Council to adopt a resolution.

9. The usage of the preposition on is incorrect. The correct preposition to use is of.
Of ethnic cleansing to drive

10. The sentence do not contain any grammatical error.

Note, goaded means to provoke someone, and its usage is correct in the sentence.

11. Rural Texas church is a singular indefinite noun, so, should be preceded by an
indefinite article which is a. Among the options, A is the correct answer.

12. The phrase on a history of violence qualifies the pronoun someone and is
functioning as an adjective, but on is not the correct preposition to be used.
An on is a preposition which suggests us on the location of something which is in
physically contact with and supported by a surface, having (the thing mentioned) as a
topic, as a member of (a committee, jury, or other body), having (the thing mentioned)
as a target, aim, or focus etc.
The particle phrase having a history and the prepositional phrase with a
history correctly (grammatically and idiomatically) informs us on the quality that
someone possesses.

13. on is not the correct preposition to be used with the verb drove.
Though the usage of in doesnt violate the grammatical rules in the sentence, it does
violate the context- a car wouldnt be driven in the Church.
Among the options, both the phrases up to and until are synonyms and appropriately
fits into the context of the sentence.

14. shoot as a noun means a young branch or sucker springing from the main stock
of a tree or other plant. or an occasion when a group of people hunt and shoot game
for sport. None of the meaning fits into the context of the sentence because shoot as a
verb cannot follow another verb kept. The verb kept needs to be followed by an object
(noun or pronoun or a phrase functioning as a noun or pronoun).
Shooting is a gerund that functions as a noun, and on shooting is a prepositional
phrase which also appropriately fits into the context of the sentence. Both of them
correctly improves the sentence.

15. Shooting (a gerund) as a noun means the action or practice of shooting. It cannot
be equivalent to a meaning of mental health problem, but a mental health problem can
be a reason for an act of shooting.
Due to as a phrase means Caused by or ascribable to, for as a preposition describes
the thing mentioned as a reason or cause, and because of as a phrase means on
account of or by reason of.
All of these three correctly fits into the context of the sentence, and grammatically and
idiomatically explains the meaning that the sentence intends to explain.

16. As per the first paragraph of the passage, the definition of education is given and
from the general perception, we can conclude that it is the 'transferral' (transfer) of
knowledge, habits and skills from one generation to another.

17. Usually, knowledge based on a curriculum (syllabus) is 'institutionalised' as it

depends on a particular institution's vision and ideas.

18. A highly educated labour force always helps in increasing the level of the economic
growth, i.e., it 'stimulates' the economic growth.

19. According to the second paragraph of the passage, a highly educated labour force
can easily adapt to new working environments and conditions and from this, we can
deduce that it is obvious, i.e., it is 'evident' that education serves as the driving force for
innovation of new products and services.

20. Educated workers will generally exchange ideas in the workplace, i.e., they
will 'trade' ideas. Hence, the fourth option is the correct answer.

21. It is quite clear that the whole of the third paragraph of the passage is talking about
'poverty' by saying that education creates employment opportunities for educated
people, thereby improving their living standards.

22. In the fourth paragraph of the passage, it is being hinted that education
further reduces poverty through skills acquired in the learning process and out of the
given options, only the word 'alleviates' means the same thing.

23. The phrase 'one will also be investing' after the blank makes it clear that the
word 'investing' is used in the sentence before it too and hence, it will be apt choice to be
filled in the blank.

24. According to the fourth paragraph of the passage, the advanced technology used for
conducting surgery has replaced traditional methods and this has seen an improvement
in peoples general health and an increased life expectancy. Also, most developing
countries have a low life expectancy compared to developed countries. From this, we
can credit or hold responsible the high illiteracy levels in the developing countries and
hence, the word 'attributed' can be filled in the blank as it means the same.

25. It is quite evident from the whole passage that improving literacy levels
in powerless or weaker societies will go a long way in improving human living
standards. Out of the given options, only the word 'marginalised' means the same and
hence, it will be the correct answer.

26. To find the third sentence in the arrangement, we will have to find the first two
The first sentence of the arrangement will be the option E as it introduces us to the main
term and idea of the paragraph, i.e., Cyberslacking in the office.
The second sentence in the arrangement will be the option C as it further gives out the
consequence of cyberslacking in the office.
Hence, the third sentence will be the option A as it contains the
word 'hence', concluding the definition and its immediate consequence in the office.

27. The first sentence of the arrangement will be the option E as it introduces us to the
main term and idea of the paragraph, i.e., Cyberslacking in the office.

28. To find the fourth sentence in the arrangement, we will have to find the first three
The first sentence of the arrangement will be the option E as it introduces us to the main
term and idea of the paragraph, i.e., Cyberslacking in the office.
The second sentence in the arrangement will be the option C as it further gives out the
consequence of cyberslacking in the office.
The third sentence will be the option A as it contains the word 'hence', concluding the
definition and its immediate consequence in the office.
The fourth sentence will then be the option F as it now introduces us to the fact that
some companies use surveillance to monitor what their employees are doing online.

29. To find the last sentence in the arrangement, we will have to find the first five
The first sentence of the arrangement will be the option E as it introduces us to the main
term and idea of the paragraph, i.e., Cyberslacking in the office.
The second sentence in the arrangement will be the option C as it further gives out the
consequence of cyberslacking in the office.
The third sentence will be the option A as it contains the word 'hence', concluding the
definition and its immediate consequence in the office.
The fourth sentence will then be the option F as it now introduces us to the fact that
some companies use surveillance to monitor what their employees are doing online.
The fifth option will be the option B as it is in the flow of the previous sentence only, i.e.,
the result of a high level of surveillance in the office.
Hence, the last sentence of the arrangement will be the option D as it is the only one left
and also, it is giving a completely new and positive point about cyberslacking unlike the
previous sentences.

30. The first sentence of the arrangement will be the option E as it introduces us to the
main term and idea of the paragraph, i.e., Cyberslacking in the office.
Hence, the second sentence in the arrangement will be the option C as it further gives
out the consequence of cyberslacking in the office.

31. According to the second paragraph of the passage, epiphanies are often are triggered
by a new and key piece of information, but importantly, a depth of prior knowledge is
required to allow the leap of understanding. Out of the given options, only the second
option matches this idea.

32. According to the second paragraph of the passage, epiphany is the result of
significant work on the part of the discoverer and is only the satisfying result of a long
process and this means that it comes suddenly after this hard work. Hence, the second
option will be the correct answer.

33. As per the third paragraph of the passage, the discovery or the epiphany seems to
come suddenly from the outside and hence, the fourth option is the most appropriate

34. In the third paragraph of the passage, the Joycean epiphany has been defined as "a
sudden spiritual manifestation, whether from some object, scene, event, or memorable
phase of the mind the manifestation being out of proportion to the significance or
strictly logical relevance of whatever produce it". Hence, from this and from the whole
passage, we can deduce that a normal or a general epiphany comes out of prior
knowledge and the Joycean epiphany is the result of spirituality.

35. In the third paragraph of the passage, the protagonists in James Joyce's short story,
Dubliners, came to sudden recognitions that changed their view of themselves and/or
their social conditions. Hence, the second option will be the correct answer in lieu of
36. According to the fourth paragraph of the passage, Scott Berkun notes that "the most
useful way to think of an epiphany is an occasional bonus of working on tough
problems". Hence, the fourth option will be the correct answer.

37. The word 'realization' means awareness and out of the given options that mean its
opposite, only the word 'discernment' means the same.

38. The word 'predisposition' means a tendency and out of the given options that are
it's synonyms, only the word 'unwillingness' is it's opposite, which means to resist.

39. The word 'manifestation' means to display or to demonstrate and out of the given
options that mean it's opposite, only the word 'exposition' is it's synonym.

40. The word 'expounded' means to present something and out of the given options that
are its synonyms, only the word 'obfuscated' means to be confused hence, it is its

41. The correct answer is Option 3, Introduction to Social networking.

In the given passage the introduction and benefits of Social networking are mentioned,
so, the key idea of the passage should be 'Introduction to Social networking'.

42. 'The correct answer is Option 1, i.e. 'The fraudulent practice of sending emails'.
The other options are not appropriate here as, 'Connect as or operate a network' is
known as 'Networking'.
'The process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification' is
known as 'Coding'.
'Convert (a coded message) into intelligible language' is known as 'Decoding'.
'The state of being free from danger or threat' means 'Security'.
43. The correct answer is Option 4, i.e. 'The more information a person posts, the more
information becomes available for a potential compromise by those
with malicious intentions'.
As it is clearly mentioned in the above passage, 'Security and privacy related to social
networking sites are fundamentally behavioural issues, not technology issues. The more
information a person posts, the more information becomes available for a potential
compromise by those with malicious intentions'.

44. The correct answer is Option 2, i.e. 'Closure'.

'Breach' means 'an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of
conduct' and 'Closure' means 'an act or process of closing something, especially an
institution, thoroughfare, or frontier, or of being closed'.
'Contravention', 'Neglect', 'Fracture' and 'Violation' are synonymous to 'Breach'.

45. The correct answer is Option 2, i.e. 'To listen in on the chatter about their products
and services'.
It is clearly mentioned in the passage that 'Many businesses today patrol sites such as
Twitter and Facebook, for instance, to listen in on the chatter about their products and
services. Their online brand ambassadors can promote new products or, if a businesss
reputation is threatened, use social media to move the discussion in the right direction'.

46. The correct answer is Option 4, i.e. 'Approach'.

'Avenue' means 'a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards
'Egress' and 'Refusal' are the antonyms of 'Avenues'.
'Priority' means 'the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important
than others'.
'Shutdown' means 'a closure of a factory or system'.

47. The correct answer is Option 4, i.e. 'By preparing an internal culture of alliance'.
In the sentence, it is given that 'Businesses are embracing social networking to cultivate
an internal culture of collaboration'.
Additionally, 'to cultivate' means 'to prepare' and 'collaboration' also means 'alliance'.
48. The correct answer is Option 2, i.e. 'By providing sensitive, private and confidential
In the sentence, it is clearly mentioned that 'People who provide private, sensitive or
confidential information about themselves or other people, whether wittingly or
unwittingly, pose a higher risk to themselves and others'.
Providing and posting sensitive, private and confidential information is the correct
option as the other options make the answer idiomatically incorrect.

49. The anonymous to 'Malicious' is Option 1, i.e. 'Benevolent'.

'Malicious' means 'characterised by malice; intending or intended to do harm'.
So, 'Baleful', 'Destructive', 'Pernicious' and 'Malign' are synonymous with 'Malicious'.
'Benevolent' means 'well-meaning and kindly', which is anonymous to 'Malicious'.

50. The correct answer is Option 1, i.e. 'Grip'.

'Leverage' means 'the exertion of force by means of a lever'.
'Grip' means 'take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly'.
'Weakness' is the opposite of 'Leverage'.
'Sympathy' means 'feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune'.
'Procure' means 'obtain (something), especially with care or effort'.
'Sensible' means 'done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence'.

51. The pattern of the series is as follows

1 + 13 = 2
2 + 23 = 10
10 + 33 = 37
37 + 4 3= 101
101 + 53 = 226
? = 226
52. The pattern of given series is as follows
1 + (1) = 2
2 + (1 + 2) = 5
5 + (1 + 2 + 3) = 11
11 + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 21
21 + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = 36
? = 36

53. The pattern of the series is

12 = 1
12 + 22 = 5
12 + 22 + 32 = 14
12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 30
12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 = 55
12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + 62 = 91
? = 91

54. The pattern of the series is as follows

(-2) 0 = 1

1 + (-2) 1 = -1
-1 + (-2) 2 = 3
3 + (-2) 3 = -5
-5 + (-2) 4 = 11
11 + (-2) 5 = -21
? = -21
55. Here we can see that
16 12 = 4
22 16 = 6
32 22 = 10
48 32 = 16
? 48 = x (Let)
The differences in series of their differences is
10 6 = 4
16 10 = 6
So, (x 16) must be 8
x = 24
? = x + 48 = 24 + 48 = 72

56. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,
Step-1- Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first, and in the
bracket, the BODMAS rule must be followed,
Step-2- Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,
Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.
Given expression is,
126 + 93 8 9 of 15 {1057 (237 167)} =?
? = 126 + 93 8 9 of 15 {1057 77}
? = 126 + 93 8 9 of 15 {15}
? = 126 + 93 8 135 15
? = 126 + 93 1080 15
? = 876
Hence, the required answer is -876

57. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,
Step-1- Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first, and in the
bracket, the BODMAS rule must be followed,
Step-2- Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,
Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.
Given expression is,
{54 (29 8 4) 3 + 24 11 9 3 ?} 4 = 56
{54 (29 32) 3 + 24 11 3 ?} 4 = 56
{54 + 1 + 24 33 ?} 4 = 56
{46 ?} = 56 4
? = 46 224
? = 178
the required answer is 178

58. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,
Step-1- Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first, and in the
bracket, the BODMAS rule must be followed,
Step-2- Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,
Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.
Given expression is,
1 + x2 + (1 + x2 + x4)1/2 = 1 + x2 + {(1 + x2)2 x2 }1/2
1 + x2 + {(1 + x2 + x)(1 + x2 x)}1/2
{2 + 2x 2 + 2 (1 + x 2 + x)(1 + x 2 x)}
{(1 + x 2 + x) + (1 + x 2 x) + 2(1 + x 2 + x)(1 + x 2 x)}
{(1 + x 2 + x) + (1 + x 2 x) }2
So, 1 + 2 + (1 + 2 + 4 )2 = {(1 + x 2 + x) + (1 + x 2 x) }
1 2 )
the required answer is (1 + + 2 + 1 +

59. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,
Step-1- Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first, and in the
bracket, the BODMAS rule must be followed,
Step-2- Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,
Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.
Given expression is,
(105.27 1200.11) / 100 + (11.80 2360.85) / 100 = (21.99 ?) / 100 + 1420.99
1263.3558 + 278.5803 = (21.99 ?) / 100 + 1420.99
(1541.9361 1420.99) 100 = 21.99 ?
? = 12094.61 / 21.99
? = 550.005
the required answer is 550

60. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,
Step-1- Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first, and in the
bracket, the BODMAS rule must be followed,
Step-2- Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,
Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are
Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and
'Subtraction' should be calculated.
Given expression is,
( 2025.11) (256.04) + (399.95) (?) = 33.98 40.11
(2025) (256) + (400) (?) = 34 40
45 16 + 20 (?) = 34 40
720 + 20 (?) = 1360
20 (?) = 1360 720
20 (?) = 640
? = (32)2 = 1024
the required answer is 1024

61. Total number of people in the teaching profession = 25% of 20000 = 5000
Total number of people in medical profession = 20% of 20000 = 4000
Required percentage = (7500 / 6000) 100 = 125%

62. Total number of people in Medical = 20% of 20000 = 4000

Number of males in medical = 60% of 4000 = 2400
Number of females in medical = 40% of 4000 = 1600
Total number of people in Banking = 25% of 20000 = 5000
Number of males in banking = 70% of 5000 = 3500
Number of females in banking = 30% of 10500 = 1500
Required ratio = (3500 + 2400) : (3100) = 5900 : (3100) = 59 : 31

63. Total number of people in engineering = 15% of 20000 = 3000

Number of females in engineering = 60% of 3000 = 1800
Total number of people in banking = 25% of 20000 = 5000
Number of males in banking = 70% of 5000 = 3500
Required percentage = (1800 / 3500) 100 = 51.43%

64. Total number of persons in banking = 25% of 20000 = 5000

Number of males in banking = 70% of 5000 = 3500
Total number of persons in medical profession = 20% of 20000 = 4000
Number of males in medical = 60% of 4000 = 2400
Total number of persons in law = 15% of 20000 = 3000
Number of females in law = 15% of 3000 = 450
Total number of persons in teaching professions = 25% OF 20000 = 5000
Number of females in teaching = 40% of 5000 = 2000
Total males in banking and medical profession = 5900
Total females in law and teaching profession = 2450
Required ratio = 118 : 49

65. Number of males in engineering = 40% of 3000 = 1200

Number of females in law = 15% of 3000 = 450
Required percentage = {(1200 450) / 450} 100 = 166.67%

66. Total number of students who appeared from city A = 18% of 42000 = 7560
Number of boys who appeared from city A = (82.8 / 360) 15000 = 3450
Total girls = 7560 3450 = 4110

67. Total students who appeared from city E = 9.5% of 42000 = 3990
Number of boys who appeared from city E = (75.6/360) 15000 = 3150
Number of girls = 3990 3150 = 840
Required difference = 3150 840 = 2310

68. Total students who appeared from city C = 17% of 42000 = 7140
Number of boys = (61.2/360) 15000 = 2550
Number of girls = 7140 2550 = 4590
Total number of students who appeared from city D = 18% of 42000 = 7560
Required percentage = (4590 / 7560) 100 = 60.71% = approx. 61%

69. Total number of girls who appeared from city A = 4110

Total number of students who appeared from city B = 12.5% of 42000 = 5250
No of boys from city B = (72/360) 15000 = 3000
No of girls from city B = 5250 3000 = 2250
Required difference = 4110 2250 = 1860

70. Total students from city F = 25% of 42000 = 10500

No of boys from city F = (32.4/360) 100 = 1350
No of girls from city F = 10500 1350 = 9150
Total girls from all six cities = 4110 + 2250 + 4590 + 840 + 9150 + 6060 = 27000
Required percentage = (9150/27000) 100 = 33.9% = approx. 34%

71. Total girls after increased by 10% = {4110 + (10% of 4110)} + {2250 + (10% of
2250)} + {4590 + (10% of 4590)} + {840 + (10% of 840)} + {9150 + (10% of 9150)} +
{6060 + (10% of 6060)}
4521 + 2475 + 5049 + 924 + 10065 + 6666
Average = 29700 / 6 = 4950

72. Let the speed of train X be s1 and train Y be s2

From statement I
Total distance / Relative speed = time taken
(500 + 400) / (s1 + s2) = 30
(s1 + s2) = 900 / 30 = 30
From statement II
Let the length of train X be l1 and train Y be l2
(l1 + 100) / s1 = 30
(l2 / s2) = 40
From both the statements
(500 + 100) / 30 = s1
s1 = 600 / 30 = 20
s2 = 400 / 40 = 10
Train Y is slower

73. From statement I we know the average speed of a man

From statement II we know the total distance covered
Using both doesnt tell anything about stop timing

74. From statement I

Let the height be 3x and base be 4x
By this we can find the value of hypotenuse
(3x)2 + (4x)2 = 9x2 + 16x2 = 25x2
hypotenuse = (25x2) = 5x
From statement II
Perimeter of triangle = 48
Using both statements
3x + 4x + 5x = 48
12x = 48
base = 4x = 4 4 = 16
height = 3x = 3 4 = 12
Area = (1/2) (12) (16) = 96

75. From statement I we get the total investment of J, K and L

From statement II we get the profit percentage
From statement III we know the relation between K and (J and L) together
From all three also we cannot get the share of J only
answer cannot be determined

76. Let the principal be p and rate be r

From the statement I
P + P (1 + r%)2 = 12500
From the statement II
P + {(p r 2) / 100} = 12000
From statement III
Principal = 10000
we have two unknown values in first two equations and one known value in third
from any two equation we can get the rate of interest

77. Probability that A is true and B is true = (3/4) (7/10) = 21/40

78. Total quantity of mixture = 75 litre

Let milk be 4x and water be x
4x + x = 75
5x = 75
x = 15
quantity of milk = 4x = 4 15 = 60 litres
Quantity of water = x = 15 litres
Let the quantity of water added be y
60 / (15 + y) = 3 / 1
y = 5 litres

79. Firstly we make the 8 Arts students to sit in a row

This can be done in 8! Ways
Then there would be 9 places for the Arts students
We need to select the 7 of these 9 places and arrange 7 students in those 7 places
This can be done in 9C7 7!

the answer is 7! 9C7 8! = (8!9!) / 2!

80. Perimeter of rectangle = 2(12 + 8) = 40 cm

Perimeter of square = 3 40 = 120

Side of square = 120 / 4 = 30 cm

Diameter of circle = 30 / 2 = 15cm

Area of the circle = (15/2)2 = 176.78 cm

81. We know that volume of sphere = (4 / 3)(22 / 7)r3

(4 / 3){(2 11)/7}r3

It must be a multiple of 11

except 288 all has 11 as one of the factors

82. Relative speed of train = 30 + 20 = 50 m/s = 180 km/h

Time taken to meet each other = 300 / 180 = 1.67hr = 100 min

Total distance covered by helicopter = 600 km

speed of helicopter = 600 / 100 = 6 km/min = 100 m/s

83. Let the speed of boat be x

Speed of stream = 33.33 m/min = 2 km/h

Then speed in downstream = x + 2

Speed in upstream = x 2

{35 / (x - 2)} + {35 / (x + 2)} = 6

{35(x + 2) + 35(x - 2)} / (x2 4) = 6

70x = 6x2 24

6x2 70x 24 = 0

3x2 35x 12 = 0

3x2 36x + x 12 = 0

3x (x 12) + 1 (x 12) = 0

(3x + 1) (x 12) = 0

x = - 1/3, 12
speed cannot be negative so x = 12

speed in downstream = 12 + 2 = 14 km/h

speed in upstream = 12 2 = 10 km/h

84. Let the total displacement be x

First x/3 distance covered with velocity 10 km/h

Time taken to cover this first x/3 distance = distance / speed = (x/3) / 10

Time taken to cover second x/3 distance = (x/3) / 20

Time taken to cover last x/3 distance = (x/3) / 60

Average velocity = total displacement / total time

x / [{(x/3) / 10} + {(x/3) / 20} + {(x/3) / 60}] = x / [(6x + 3x + x) / 180]

180x / 10x = 18 km/h = 5 m/s

85. Speed of the car for 50 km = 50/45 = (50 60)/45 = 66.67 kmph
Speed of the car for 39 km = 39/25 = (39 60)/25 = 93.6 kmph
Average speed = (66.67 + 93.6)/2 = 80.14 kmph 80 kmph

86. Let the amount invested by P be x

Qs amount after 6 months = 3x

Rs amount after 8 months = x/2

Ratio of investment = 12x : (6 3x) : (4 0.5x) = 6 : 9 : 1

Qs share = (9/16) 48000 = 27000

87. While buying:

He buys 1150 grams instead of 1000 grams (due to cheating)
Let he brought 1150 grams for Rs. 1000
While selling:
He sells 850 grams when he takes money for 1000 grams
According to the question,
He sells at a 17% profit (30% mark up and 10% discount)
Hence his selling price is Rs. 1170 for 850 grams
Let equate the money as follows:

He buys in Rs. 1000 = 1150 grams

He buys in Rs. 1170 = 1345.5 grams

He sells in Rs. 1170 = 850 grams

Profit % = (1345.5 850)/850 100 = 58.29%

88. Simple Interest = (P R T)/100

S. I. = (1200 7.5 3)/100 = 270

Total amount = 1200 + 270 = Rs. 1470

89. Let the number of people in non-teaching staff is x

Total salary of teaching staff = 9500 10 = 95000

Total salary of non-teaching staff = 7000 x = 7000x

Average = [(9500 10) + 7000x]/(10 + x) = 8000

95000 + 7000x = 80000 + 8000x

x = 15

no. of people in non-teaching staff is 15

90. Let age of Ramesh and Suresh is x and y respectively

According to question

Before 9 years

(x 9) / (y 9) = 5 / 6
Solving both the equations, we get,

(8y 81) / (9y 81) = 5 / 6

y = 27

x = 24
Age of Ramesh is 24 year

91. The ditch dug by diggers in one day = 360/5 = 72 m

Average digging by a digger = 72/3 = 24 m

According to the given statement,
Let first digger digs (24 + x) m, second digger digs 24 m and third digger digs (24 x)
meter (where x is a whole number)

(24 + x) \ 8 = (24 x) \ 12

288 + 12x = 192 8x

x = 4.8 = 5 (approx.)

The third digger digs = (24 5) = 19 m

92. 6x2 + 40 = 31x

6x2 31x + 40 = 0
6x2 16x 15x + 40 = 0
2x (3x 8) 5 (3x 8) = 0
(2x 5) (3x 8) = 0
x = 5/2, 8/3
3y2 + 7y + 4 = 0
3y2 + 3y + 4y + 4 = 0
3y (y + 1) + 4 (y + 1) = 0
(3y + 4) (y + 1) = 0
Y = - 4/3, -1
It can be seen that all values of y are negative and all values of x are positive which are
not equal to values of y
93. In equation 1

Let =

6t2 5t + 1 = 0
6t2 3t 2t + 1 = 0
3t (2t 1) 1 (2t 1) = 0
(2t 1) (3t 1) = 0
t = , 1/3
Putting first value of t i.e. 1/2

1 3
2 2 + 1

Squaring we get
1 3
4 2 + 1
2x + 1 = 4x 12
2x = 13
x = 6.5
putting second value of t we get

1 3
3 2 + 1

Squaring we get
1 3
9 2 + 1
2x + 1 = 9x 27
7x = 28
in equation 2
2y2 7y + 6 = 0
2y2 3y 4y + 6 = 0
Y (2y 3) 2 (2y 3) = 0
(y 2) (2y 3) = 0
y = 2, 3/2
when x = 6.5, y = 2 then x > y
when x = 6.5, y = 3/2 then x > y
when x = 4, y = 2 then x > y
when x = 4, y = 3/2 then x > y

94. [(x + 2) (x 6)] [(x 5) (x + 1)] = 144

(x2 4x 12) (x2 4x 5) = 144
{(x2 4x 5) 7} {x2 4x 5} = 144
Let t = x2 4x 5
(t 7) (t) = 144
(t)2 7t 144 = 0
(t)2 16t + 9t 144 = 0
t (t 16) + 9 (t 16) = 0
(t + 9) (t 16) = 0
t = -9, 16
Putting the value of t we get
x2 4x 5 = -9
x2 4x + 4 = 0
x2 2x 2x + 4 = 0
x (x 2) 2 (x 2) = 0
(x 2) (x 2) = 0
x = 2, 2
putting second value of t we get
x2 4x 5 = 16
x2 4x 21 = 0
x2 7x + 3x 21 = 0
x (x 7) + 3 (x 7) = 0
(x + 3) (x 7) = 0
x = -3, 7
in equation 2
2y2 13y + 21 = 0
2y2 6y 7y + 21 = 0
2y (y 3) 7 (y 3) = 0
(2y 7) (y 3) = 0
Y = 7/2, 3
When x = 2, y = 7/2 then x < y
When x = 2, y = 3 then x < y
When x = -3, y = 7/2 then x < y
When x = -3, y = 3 then x < y
When x = 7, y = 7/2 then x > y
When x = 7, y = 3 then x > y
No relation can be determined

95. In equation 1

2 2 2 + 1 2 + 3 = 0

2 2 2 + 1 = 2 3
Squaring we get
2x2 2x + 1 = 4x2 + 9 12x
2x2 10x + 8 = 0
2x2 8x 2x + 8 = 0
2x (x 4) 2 (x 4) = 0
(2x 2) (x 4) = 0
x = 1, 4
in equation 2 we get
10y2 29y + 21 = 0
10y2 15y 14y + 21 = 0
5y (2y 3) 7 (2y 3) = 0
(5y 7) (2y 3) = 0
Y = 7/5, 3/2
When x = 1, y = 7/5 then x < y
When x = 1, y = 3/2 then x < y
When x = 4, y = 3/2 then x > y
When x = 4, y = 7/5 then x > y
Relation cannot be established

96. 3(x + 2) + 3(-x) 10 = 0

3x . 32 + (1/3x) 10 = 0
Let 3x = t
9t + (1/t) 10 = 0
9t2 10t + 1 = 0
9t2 9t t + 1 = 0
9t (t 1) 1 (t 1) = 0
(9t 1) (t 1) = 0
t = 1/9, 1
when t = 1/9
3x = 1/9 = 3(-2)
x = -2
When t = 1
3x = 1 = 30
In equation 2
y2 9y + 20 = 0
y2 5y 4y + 20 = 0
y (y 5) 4 (y 5) = 0
(y 5) (y 4) = 0
y = 5, 4
when x = -2, y = 5 then x < y
when x = -2, y = 4 then x < y
when x = 0, y = 5 then x < y
when x = 0, y = 4 then x < y

97. Let the amount of each instalment be x

So according to the question,

16 1 16 2 16 3
20000 = x[(1 + ) + (1 + ) + (1 + ) ]
100 100 100
20000 = x[(25/29) + (25/29)2 + (25/29)3]

20000 = x(25/29)[1 + (25/29) + (625/841)]

x = (20000 29 841)/(25 2191)

x = 8905.15

Amount of each instalment is Rs. 8905.15

98. Let m be the rupees given to men and w be the rupees given to women

9m + 4w = 3500

4m + 3w = 2275
By solving both the equations, we get,

4[(3500/9) (4/9)w] + 3w = 2275

w = 6475/11

m = 1400/11

Weekly wages of a woman = Rs. 6475/11 = Rs. 588.63

Daily wages of a woman = Rs. 588.63/7 = Rs. 84.09

99. Let A takes x hrs and B take y hrs to completely fill the tank

(1/x) + (1/y) = (1/2.4) .(i)

B was kept open for x/2 hrs
Then A was kept for y/3 hrs

Amount of work done by B = x/2y

Amount of work done by A = y/3x

(x/2y) + (y/3x) = 5/6 .(ii)

From equation (i) and (ii), we get,

x = 4 hours

y = 6 hours

option 2 is the answer

100. 100% =

1 = 1

101. Given statements: X F = I; F > J L; J K < Z

On combining: X F > J L; F > J K < Z
I. X > L True (as X F > J L X > L)
II. J > Z False (as J K < Z clear relation between J and Z cannot be determined)
III. J < Z False (as J K < Z clear relation between J and Z cannot be determined)
Hence, only conclusion I is true.

102. Given statements: E > R = T Q, P N > C = Q

On combining: E > R = T Q = C < N P
I. N T False (as T Q = C < N clear relation between N and T cannot be
II. R P False (as R = T Q = C < N P cannot determine clear relation between
R and P)
III. E > C True (as E > R = T Q = C E > C)
Therefore, only conclusion III is true.

103. Given statements: S U < R = G, S P N = V

On combining: V = N P S U < R = G
I. G > V True (as V = N P S U < R = G V < G)
II. N U True (as N P S U N U)
III. R > P True (as P S U < R P < R)
Therefore, all the given conclusions I, II and III are true

104. Given statements: D W, P > Q, W < T = R, Q = V < D

On combining: D W < T = R; P > Q = V < D
I. P > D False (as P > Q = V < D clear relation between P and D cannot be
II. P > V True (as P > Q = V P > V)
III. D R False (as D W < T = R clear relation between D and R cannot be
IV. T > V False (as V < D W < T clear relation between T and V cannot be
Therefore, only II conclusion is true.

105. Given statements: U = E > N, Y Z < C, U > Y = S

On combining: N < E = U > Y Z < C
I. Z S True (as Z Y = S Z S)
II. Y > N False (as N < E = U > Y clear relation between Y and N cannot be
III. E > S True (as E = U > Y = S E > S)
IV. U Z False (as U > Y Z clear relation between U and Z cannot be
determined) Therefore, only conclusions I and III are true.

106. 1) Some Aryawat are Sarva. All Sarva are Prathma. Some Prathma are Baroda. All
Baroda are Kashi. All Kashi are Gomti.
I. Some Kashi are Gomti. (True)
II. Some Sarva are not Gomti. (False)
Hence, statement 1 will not be the result of given conclusion.
2) All Aryawat are Gomti. Some Gomti are Baroda. All Baroda are Kashi. Some Kashi is
Prathma. All Prathma is Sarva.

I. Some Kashi are Gomti. (True)

II. Some Sarva are not Gomti. (False)
Hence, statement 2 will not be the result of given conclusion.
3) All Aryawat are Kashi. Some Kashi are Baroda. All Baroda are Gomti. Some Gomti are
Prathma. All Prathma are Sarva.
I. Some Kashi are Gomti. (True)
II. Some Sarva are not Gomti. (False)
Hence, statement 3 will not be the result of given conclusion.
4) All Aryawat are Sarva. Some Aryawat are Kashi. Some Kashi are Baroda. All Baroda
are Gomti. Some Gomti are Prathma.
I. Some Kashi are Gomti. (True)
II. Some Sarva are not Gomti. (False)
Hence, statement 4 will not be the result of given conclusion
Therefore, answer is statement 3.

107. 1) All Goods are Service. No Service is tax. Some tax are Income. All Income are
Direct. No Direct is Excise.

I. Some Goods is not Income. (True)

II. Some Service is Direct. (False)
Hence, statement 1 will not be result for given conclusion.
2) Some Goods are Excise. No Excise is Income. All Service are Income. Some Income
are tax. All tax are Direct.
I. Some Goods is not Income. (True)
II. Some Service is Direct. (False)
Hence, statement 2 will not be result for given conclusion.
3) All Goods are tax. No tax are Income. All Direct are Income. Some Direct are Excise.
All Excise are Service.
I. Some Goods is not Income. (True)
II. Some Service is Direct. (True)
Hence, statement 3 will be the result for given conclusion.
4) All Goods are Income. Some Income are Service. All Service are tax. No tax is Direct.
All Excise are Direct.

I. Some Goods is not Income. (False)

II. Some Service is Direct. (False)
Hence, statement 4 will not be the result for given conclusion.
Therefore, statement 3 will be result for given conclusion.

108. 1) All 1 are 6. Some 6 are 5. All 5 are 2. Some 2 are 3. All 3 are 4.

I. Some 2 are 6. (True)

II. Some 4 are 2. (True)
Hence, statement 1 is the right answer.2) All 1 are 6. Some 6 are 5. Some 5 are 2. All 2
are 3. Some 3 are 4.

I. Some 2 are 6. (False)

II. Some 4 are 2. (False)
Hence, statement 2 will not be the right answer.
3) Some 1 are 4. All 4 are 2. Some 2 are 3. All 3 are 5. Some 5 are 6.
I. Some 2 are 6. (False)
II. Some 4 are 2. (True)
Hence, statement 3 will not be the right answer.
4) Some 1 are 6. All 6 are 5. Some 5 are 4. All 4 are 2. Some 2 are 3.

I. Some 2 are 6. (False)

II. Some 4 are 2. (True)
Hence, statement 4 will not be the right answer.
Therefore, statement 1 will be the right answer.

109. 1) Some Ball are Bat. All Bat are Tiger. No Tiger is Mat. Some Mat are dog. All dog
are pig.
I. Some Bat are Mat. (False)
II. Some Tiger are Ball. (True)
Hence, statement 1 will not be result of given conclusion.
2) Some Ball are Bat. All Bat are dog. No dog is Mat. Some Mat are Tiger. All Tiger are

I. Some Bat are Mat. (False)

II. Some Tiger are Ball. (False)
Hence, statement 2 will not be result of given conclusion.
3) Some Ball are Bat. All Bat are pig. No pig is Mat. Some Mat are dog. All dog are Tiger.
I. Some Bat are Mat. (False)
II. Some Tiger are Ball. (False)
Hence, statement 3 will not be result of given conclusion.
4) Some Ball are Mat. All Mat are pig. No pig is Bat. Some Bat are dog. All dog are Tiger.

I. Some Bat are Mat. (False)

II. Some Tiger are Ball. (False)
Hence, statement 4 will not be result of given conclusion.
Therefore, none of the statements is true for given conclusions.
110. 1) Some Pot are Servant. No Servant is Prince. All Prince are Sun. No Sun is King.
All Universe are King.

I. Some King are Servant. (False)

II. Some Servants are not King. (True)
Hence, statement 1 will not result in given conclusion.
2) All Pot are Servant. Some Servant are Prince. No Prince is Sun. Some Sun are King.
All King are Universe.

I. Some King are Servant. (False)

II. Some Servants are not King. (False)
Hence, statement 2 will not result in given conclusion.
3) Some Pot are Universe. All Universe are Prince. No Prince is Servant. All Servant are
Sun. No Servant is King.

I. Some King are Servant. (False)

II. Some Servants are not King. (False)
Hence, statement 3 will not result in given conclusion.
4) All Pot are Prince. Some Prince are Sun. No Sun is King. Some King are Universe. All
Universe are Servant.

I. Some King are Servant. (True)

II. Some Servants are not King. (False)
Hence, statement 4 will not be result in given conclusion.
Therefore, none the given statement will be answer.

111. Persons: Anand, Amay, Avni, Awin, Dilraj, Preet, Mansi and Rashika
Cities: Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, and Gandhinagar
Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis and Handball
1. Anand is from Hyderabad and lives on fourth floor.
2. Rashika lives on 6th floor and Avni lives immediately below Rashikas floor.

Floor Person City Sport

6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad

3. The person from Bangalore lives at the 3rd floor and plays handball.
4. The person from Pune lives on 2nd floor.
Floor Person City Sport
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune

5. Awin lives immediately below Mansis floor

6. Awin does not live on 1st or 2nd floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune

7. Anand and Dilraj have exactly two floors in between them.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune
1 Dilraj

8. Preet lives immediately above Amays floor.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj

9. Dilraj and Avni play tennis.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj Tennis

10. The person who plays tennis lives between the floors of the persons playing hockey.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj Tennis

11. The person playing football lives immediately next to each others floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Tennis

12. The persons from Indore and Gandhinagar have exactly three floors in between
13. The person from Indore lives above the person from Gandhinagar.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis
14. Mansi is neither from Mumbai nor from Ranchi.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Delhi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis

15. The person from Delhi and Mumbai lives immediately next to each others floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Delhi Football
7 Awin Mumbai Football
6 Rashika Ranchi Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis
Therefore, Preet is from Bangalore.

112. Persons: Anand, Amay, Avni, Awin, Dilraj, Preet, Mansi and Rashika
Cities: Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, and Gandhinagar
Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis and Handball.
1. Anand is from Hyderabad and lives on fourth floor.
2. Rashika lives on 6th floor and Avni lives immediately below Rashikas floor.

Floor Person City Sport

6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3. The person from Bangalore lives at the 3rd floor and plays handball.
4. The person from Pune lives on 2nd floor.
Floor Person City Sport
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune

5. Awin lives immediately below Mansis floor

6. Awin does not live on 1st or 2nd floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune

7. Anand and Dilraj have exactly two floors in between them.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Bangalore Handball
2 Pune
1 Dilraj

8. Preet lives immediately above Amays floor.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj

9. Dilraj and Avni play tennis.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj Tennis

10. The person who plays tennis lives between the floors of the persons playing hockey.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi
7 Awin
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune
1 Dilraj Tennis

11. The person playing football lives immediately next to each others floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Tennis

12. The persons from Indore and Gandhinagar have exactly three floors in between
13. The person from Indore lives above the person from Gandhinagar.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis

14. Mansi is neither from Mumbai nor from Ranchi.

Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Delhi Football
7 Awin Football
6 Rashika Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis

15. The person from Delhi and Mumbai lives immediately next to each others floor.
Floor Person City Sport
8 Mansi Delhi Football
7 Awin Mumbai Football
6 Rashika Ranchi Hockey
5 Avni Indore Tennis
4 Anand Hyderabad Hockey
3 Preet Bangalore Handball
2 Amay Pune Handball
1 Dilraj Gandhinagar Tennis
Therefore, Amay is from Pune and plays handball.

113. Persons: Anand, Amay, Avni, Awin, Dilraj, Preet, Mansi and Rashika
Cities: Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, and Gandhinagar
Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis and Handball.
1. Anand is from Hyderabad and lives on fourth floor.
2. Rashika lives on 6th floor and Avni lives immediately below Rashikas floor.
3. The person from Bangalore lives at the 3rd floor and plays handball.
4. The person from Pune lives on 2nd floor.
5. Awin lives immediately below Mansis floor
6. Awin does not live on 1st or 2nd floor.
7. Anand and Dilraj have exactly two floors in between them.
8. Preet lives immediately above Amays floor.
9. Dilraj and Avni play tennis.
10. The person who plays tennis lives between the floors of the persons playing hockey.
11. The person playing football lives immediately next to each others floor.
12. The persons from Indore and Gandhinagar have exactly three floors in between
13. The person from Indore lives above the person from Gandhinagar.
14. Mansi is neither from Mumbai nor from Ranchi.
15. The person from Delhi and Mumbai lives immediately next to each others floor.
Clearly, only the fourth statement is true i.e. Avni is from Indore.

114. Persons: Anand, Amay, Avni, Awin, Dilraj, Preet, Mansi and Rashika
Cities: Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, and Gandhinagar
Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis and Handball.
1. Anand is from Hyderabad and lives on fourth floor.
2. Rashika lives on 6th floor and Avni lives immediately below Rashikas floor.
3. The person from Bangalore lives at the 3rd floor and plays handball.
4. The person from Pune lives on 2nd floor.
5. Awin lives immediately below Mansis floor
6. Awin does not live on 1st or 2nd floor.
7. Anand and Dilraj have exactly two floors in between them.
8. Preet lives immediately above Amays floor.
9. Dilraj and Avni play tennis.
10. The person who plays tennis lives between the floors of the persons playing hockey.
11. The person playing football lives immediately next to each others floor.
12. The persons from Indore and Gandhinagar have exactly three floors in between
13. The person from Indore lives above the person from Gandhinagar.
14. Mansi is neither from Mumbai nor from Ranchi.
15. The person from Delhi and Mumbai lives immediately next to each others floor.
Therefore, there are only two floors in between Preets floor and the person from

115. Persons: Anand, Amay, Avni, Awin, Dilraj, Preet, Mansi and Rashika
Cities: Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, and Gandhinagar
Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis and Handball
1. Anand is from Hyderabad and lives on fourth floor.
2. Rashika lives on 6th floor and Avni lives immediately below Rashikas floor.
3. The person from Bangalore lives at the 3rd floor and plays handball.
4. The person from Pune lives on 2nd floor.
5. Awin lives immediately below Mansis floor
6. Awin does not live on 1st or 2nd floor.
7. Anand and Dilraj have exactly two floors in between them.
8. Preet lives immediately above Amays floor.
9. Dilraj and Avni play tennis.
10. The person who plays tennis lives between the floors of the persons playing hockey.
11. The person playing football lives immediately next to each others floor.
12. The persons from Indore and Gandhinagar have exactly three floors in between
13. The person from Indore lives above the person from Gandhinagar.
14. Mansi is neither from Mumbai nor from Ranchi.
15. The person from Delhi and Mumbai lives immediately next to each others floor.
Therefore, Mansi plays Football.

116. We have drawn the figure according to the information given in the question,

J, K and E make a right angled triangle,

Using Pythagoras theorem:
42 + 3 2
25 = 5 km
Hence, distance between J and E is 5 km.
117. We have drawn the figure according to the information given in the question,

From the above diagram, we can say that, he will reach at F.


According to the given information, we get the following family tree diagram,
D is the grandmother of G but G can be either girl or boy. Thus, it cannot be determined
with the given information.


According to the given information, we get the following tree diagram,

Manav grandmothers daughter is Manavs mother. Manav mothers brother is Manavs
uncle. Therefore, Manav met his uncle.


We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 5 = 9, so here we consider 9
2 + 7 = 9, so here we consider 9
8 + 9 = 17, so here we consider 7
5 + 8 = 13, so here we consider 3
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1:

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
Step 2:

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
Step 3:
This is the output of the above input.
Now the given Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 3 = 7, so here we consider 7
3 + 9 = 12, so here we consider 2
8 + 6 = 14, so here we consider 4
5 + 7 = 12, so here we consider 2
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step: 1

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
This is the output of the given input.
The sum of the Step 2 is = 8 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 7 + 2 + 6 = 46
The sum of the last step is = 2 + 1 + 3 = 6
Therefore, the difference is= 46 6 = 40.
Hence, the answer is 40.

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 5 = 9, so here we consider 9
2 + 7 = 9, so here we consider 9
8 + 9 = 17, so here we consider 7
5 + 8 = 13, so here we consider 3
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1:

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
Step 2:
For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
Step 3:

This is the output of the above input.

Now the given Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 3 = 7, so here we consider 7
3 + 9 = 12, so here we consider 2
8 + 6 = 14, so here we consider 4
5 + 7 = 12, so here we consider 2
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.

This is the output of the given input.

The previous step of the last step of the given input is:

Four odd numbers are there in this step.

122. Rules which follow for this type of Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 5 = 9, so here we consider 9
2 + 7 = 9, so here we consider 9
8 + 9 = 17, so here we consider 7
5 + 8 = 13, so here we consider 3
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1:
For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
Step 2:

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
Step 3:

This is the output of the above input.

Now the given Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 3 = 7, so here we consider 7
3 + 9 = 12, so here we consider 2
8 + 6 = 14, so here we consider 4
5 + 7 = 12, so here we consider 2
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1
For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.

This is the output of the given input.

The result is = 2 + 3 + 1 =6
If the numbers 2 and 4 are reversed in step 1 then, Step 1 will be -

Step 2 will be -

Step 3 will be
If the numbers 2 and 4 are replaced in step 1 then, the result is = 7 + 2 + 1= 10
Hence, the difference is 10 - 6 = 4

123. Rules which follow for this type of Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 5 = 9, so here we consider 9
2 + 7 = 9, so here we consider 9
8 + 9 = 17, so here we consider 7
5 + 8 = 13, so here we consider 3
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1:

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
Step 2:

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
Step 3:
This is the output of the above input.
Now the given Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 3 = 7, so here we consider 7
3 + 9 = 12, so here we consider 2
8 + 6 = 14, so here we consider 4
5 + 7 = 12, so here we consider 2
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.

For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
This is the output of the given input.
In step 2 of the given input is:

There are four digits (viz. 2, 4, 6 and 8) which is not mentioned in the options; thus,
answer is none of above.

124. Rules which follow for this type of Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 5 = 9, so here we consider 9
2 + 7 = 9, so here we consider 9
8 + 9 = 17, so here we consider 7
5 + 8 = 13, so here we consider 3
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1:

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
Step 2:
For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.
Step 3:

This is the output of the above input.

Now the given Input:

We see that in Step 1, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 1.
4 + 3 = 7, so here we consider 7
3 + 9 = 12, so here we consider 2
8 + 6 = 14, so here we consider 4
5 + 7 = 12, so here we consider 2
And the second circle of Step 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from
circle 2 and 3 similarly. Thus, third circle is obtained by adding the corresponding
elements from circle 3 and 4 similarly.
Step 1

For obtaining step 2, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of
step 1 are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 2.
And the second circle is obtained by adding the corresponding elements from circle 2
and 3 of step 1.
For step 3, the corresponding elements (digits) from circle 1 and circle 2 of step 2
are added and unit digit of that product represented in the first circle of step 3.

This is the output of the given input.

Sum of the all odd digits of step 1 is = 23
Sum of the all digits of step 3 is = 6
Hence, the result is = 23 6= 17

125. 10 Student: A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T.

Day: Monday to Friday

Time slot: 8:45 AM and 12:45 PM

1) S has an exam on Tuesday at 08:45 AM.

2) B have exam day is immediately before S.

3) S does not have exam on any of the days before Q.

4) Only three people have exam between Q and E.

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM
8:45 AM E
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

5) D does not has exam on any day of days after E.

6) There is one student who has exam at 08:45 AM immediately before T.

7) R does not has exam at 12:45 PM

(Hence T exam on 12:45 PM and R exam at 08:45 PM)

8) The number of people who have exam between Q and D is same as the number of
people who have exam between C and R.

Case 1 Case 2

Day Time Student Student

8:45 AM Q Q
12:45 PM B B

8:45 AM S S
12:45 PM D D

Wednesday 8:45 AM E E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM C

9) Only 2 people have exam between P and T.

10) P does not have any exam on any of the day after R.

(Here case 2 will gets eliminated)

Case 1

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM D

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM P
12:45 PM A

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM T
Above combination will be final combination.

Hence, Q, S, E, P and R are student whose exam slot is 8:45 AM.

126. 10 Student: A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T.

Day: Monday to Friday

Time slot: 8:45 AM and 12:45 PM

1) S has an exam on Tuesday at 08:45 AM.

2) B have exam day is immediately before S.

3) S does not have exam on any of the days before Q.

4) Only three people have exam between Q and E.

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

Friday 8:45 AM
12:45 PM

5) D does not has exam on any day of days after E.

6) There is one student who has exam at 08:45 AM immediately before T.

7) R does not has exam at 12:45 PM

(Hence T exam on 12:45 PM and R exam at 08:45 PM)

8) The number of people who have exam between Q and D is same as the number of
people who have exam between C and R.

Case 1 Case 2

Day Time Student Student

8:45 AM Q Q
12:45 PM B B

8:45 AM S S
12:45 PM D D

8:45 AM E E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM C

9) Only 2 people have exam between P and T.

10) P does not have any exam on any of the day after R.

(Here case 2 will gets eliminated)

Case 1

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM D

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM P
12:45 PM A

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM T

Above combination will be final combination.

Hence, A exam on Thursday at 12:45 PM exam slot.

127. 10 Student: A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T.

Day: Monday to Friday

Time slot: 8:45 AM and 12:45 PM

1) S has an exam on Tuesday at 08:45 AM.

2) B have exam day is immediately before S.

3) S does not have exam on any of the days before Q.

4) Only three people have exam between Q and E.

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

5) D does not has exam on any day of days after E.

6) There is one student who has exam at 08:45 AM immediately before T.

7) R does not has exam at 12:45 PM

(Hence T exam on 12:45 PM and R exam at 08:45 PM)

8) The number of people who have exam between Q and D is same as the number of
people who have exam between C and R.
Case 1 Case 2

Day Time Student Student

8:45 AM Q Q
12:45 PM B B

8:45 AM S S
12:45 PM D D

8:45 AM E E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM C

9) Only 2 people have exam between P and T.

10) P does not have any exam on any of the day after R.

(Here case 2 will gets eliminated)

Case 1

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B
8:45 AM S
12:45 PM D

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM P
12:45 PM A

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM T

Above combination will be final combination.

There are four people between A and S exam, which is not mentioned in the options,

Thus, answer is none of above.

128. 10 Student: A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T.

Day: Monday to Friday

Time slot: 8:45 AM and 12:45 PM

1) S has an exam on Tuesday at 08:45 AM.

2) B have exam day is immediately before S.

3) S does not have exam on any of the days before Q.

4) Only three people have exam between Q and E.

Day Time Student

Monday 8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

5) D does not has exam on any day of days after E.

6) There is one student who has exam at 08:45 AM immediately before T.

7) R does not has exam at 12:45 PM

(Hence T exam on 12:45 PM and R exam at 08:45 PM)

8) The number of people who have exam between Q and D is same as the number of
people who have exam between C and R.

Case 1 Case 2

Day Time Student Student

8:45 AM Q Q
12:45 PM B B
8:45 AM S S
12:45 PM D D

8:45 AM E E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM C

9) Only 2 people have exam between P and T.

10) P does not have any exam on any of the day after R.

(Here case 2 will gets eliminated)

Case 1

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM D

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM C

Thursday 8:45 AM P
12:45 PM A

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM T

Above combination will be final combination.

Hence, R and T exam is on Friday.

129. 10 Student: A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T.

Day: Monday to Friday

Time slot: 8:45 AM and 12:45 PM

1) S has an exam on Tuesday at 08:45 AM.

2) B have exam day is immediately before S.

3) S does not have exam on any of the days before Q.

4) Only three people have exam between Q and E.

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM

Wednesday 8:45 AM E
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

8:45 AM
12:45 PM

5) D does not has exam on any day of days after E.

6) There is one student who has exam at 08:45 AM immediately before T.

7) R does not has exam at 12:45 PM

(Hence T exam on 12:45 PM and R exam at 08:45 PM)

8) The number of people who have exam between Q and D is same as the number of
people who have exam between C and R.

Case 1 Case 2

Day Time Student Student

8:45 AM Q Q
12:45 PM B B

8:45 AM S S
12:45 PM D D

8:45 AM E E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM
8:45 AM R
12:45 PM C

9) Only 2 people have exam between P and T.

10) P does not have any exam on any of the day after R.

(Here case 2 will gets eliminated)

Case 1

Day Time Student

8:45 AM Q
12:45 PM B

8:45 AM S
12:45 PM D

8:45 AM E
12:45 PM C

8:45 AM P
12:45 PM A

8:45 AM R
12:45 PM T

Above combination will be final combination.

1) S exam on Tuesday True

2) D exam on Tuesday True

3) R exam on Friday True

4) P exam on Monday False

Hence, P exam on Monday is false statement.

130. Persons: Dilip, Elsa, Gaurav, Hamir, Ravi, Savi, Tarun and Urvashi.

Drinks: Coca Cola, Maaza, Thumbsup and Tropicana, and each drink is liked by two

Some of the persons are not facing the centre.

1) Gaurav sits third to the left of Urvashi, who likes Tropicana and both are facing the
same direction.

2) Savi sits second to the right of Gaurav.

3) Hamir and Savi are immediate neighbours of Urvashi.

4) The one who is on the immediate left of Savi is not facing the centre.

5) The persons who likes Tropicana is an immediate neighbor of the persons who like

6) Hamir is not facing the centre and likes Thumbsup.

7) Gaurav is an immediate neighbor of Ravi.

8) The immediate neighbours of Ravi are facing the centre.

(Here case 2 will get eliminates as Gaurav has to face inside)

9) Ravi sits fourth to the left of Tarun and both are facing opposite directions but like
the same soft drink.

10) Gaurav and Elsa are not facing the same direction but Gaurav is an immediate
neighbor of Ravi.

11) Tarun sits on the immediate right of Elsa, who likes Coca Cola.

12) The persons who like Coca Cola sit adjacent to each other, but face opposite

13) The persons who like Maaza sit opposite each other.
Above arrangement will be final arrangement.

As we can see in above arrangement, Dilip Elsa like Coca- cola.

Hence, None of these is correct option.

131. Persons: Dilip, Elsa, Gaurav, Hamir, Ravi, Savi, Tarun and Urvashi.

Drinks: Coca Cola, Maaza, Thumbsup and Tropicana, and each drink is liked by two

Some of the persons are not facing the centre.

1) Gaurav sits third to the left of Urvashi, who likes Tropicana and both are facing the
same direction.

2) Savi sits second to the right of Gaurav.

3) Hamir and Savi are immediate neighbours of Urvashi.

4) The one who is on the immediate left of Savi is not facing the centre.

5) The persons who likes Tropicana is an immediate neighbor of the persons who like

6) Hamir is not facing the centre and likes Thumbsup.

7) Gaurav is an immediate neighbor of Ravi.

8) The immediate neighbours of Ravi are facing the centre.

(Here case 2 will get eliminates as Gaurav has to face inside)

9) Ravi sits fourth to the left of Tarun and both are facing opposite directions but like
the same soft drink.

10) Gaurav and Elsa are not facing the same direction but Gaurav is an immediate
neighbor of Ravi.
11) Tarun sits on the immediate right of Elsa, who likes Coca Cola.

12) The persons who like Coca Cola sit adjacent to each other, but face opposite

13) The persons who like Maaza sit opposite each other.

Above arrangement will be final arrangement.

As we can see in above arrangement, there are 3 person who are not facing center.

132. Persons: Dilip, Elsa, Gaurav, Hamir, Ravi, Savi, Tarun and Urvashi.

Drinks: Coca Cola, Maaza, Thumbsup and Tropicana, and each drink is liked by two

Some of the persons are not facing the centre.

1) Gaurav sits third to the left of Urvashi, who likes Tropicana and both are facing the
same direction.

2) Savi sits second to the right of Gaurav.

3) Hamir and Savi are immediate neighbours of Urvashi.

4) The one who is on the immediate left of Savi is not facing the centre.

5) The persons who likes Tropicana is an immediate neighbor of the persons who like

6) Hamir is not facing the centre and likes Thumbsup.

7) Gaurav is an immediate neighbor of Ravi.

8) The immediate neighbours of Ravi are facing the centre.

(Here case 2 will get eliminates as Gaurav has to face inside)

9) Ravi sits fourth to the left of Tarun and both are facing opposite directions but like
the same soft drink.
10) Gaurav and Elsa are not facing the same direction but Gaurav is an immediate
neighbor of Ravi.

11) Tarun sits on the immediate right of Elsa, who likes Coca Cola.

12) The persons who like Coca Cola sit adjacent to each other, but face opposite

13) The persons who like Maaza sit opposite each other.

Above arrangement will be final arrangement.

As we can see in above arrangement, Dilip sit opposite to Urvashi, who like Tropicana.

133. Persons: Dilip, Elsa, Gaurav, Hamir, Ravi, Savi, Tarun and Urvashi.

Drinks: Coca Cola, Maaza, Thumbsup and Tropicana, and each drink is liked by two
Some of the persons are not facing the centre.

1) Gaurav sits third to the left of Urvashi, who likes Tropicana and both are facing the
same direction.

2) Savi sits second to the right of Gaurav.

3) Hamir and Savi are immediate neighbours of Urvashi.

4) The one who is on the immediate left of Savi is not facing the centre.

5) The persons who likes Tropicana is an immediate neighbor of the persons who like

6) Hamir is not facing the centre and likes Thumbsup.

7) Gaurav is an immediate neighbor of Ravi.

8) The immediate neighbours of Ravi are facing the centre.

(Here case 2 will get eliminates as Gaurav has to face inside)

9) Ravi sits fourth to the left of Tarun and both are facing opposite directions but like
the same soft drink.

10) Gaurav and Elsa are not facing the same direction but Gaurav is an immediate
neighbor of Ravi.

11) Tarun sits on the immediate right of Elsa, who likes Coca Cola.

12) The persons who like Coca Cola sit adjacent to each other, but face opposite

13) The persons who like Maaza sit opposite each other.

Above arrangement will be final arrangement.

As we can see in above arrangement, Elsa who like coca cola sit third to right of
134. Persons: Dilip, Elsa, Gaurav, Hamir, Ravi, Savi, Tarun and Urvashi.

Drinks: Coca Cola, Maaza, Thumbsup and Tropicana, and each drink is liked by two

Some of the persons are not facing the centre.

1) Gaurav sits third to the left of Urvashi, who likes Tropicana and both are facing the
same direction.

2) Savi sits second to the right of Gaurav.

3) Hamir and Savi are immediate neighbours of Urvashi.

4) The one who is on the immediate left of Savi is not facing the centre.

5) The persons who likes Tropicana is an immediate neighbor of the persons who like

6) Hamir is not facing the centre and likes Thumbsup.

7) Gaurav is an immediate neighbor of Ravi.

8) The immediate neighbours of Ravi are facing the centre.

(Here case 2 will get eliminates as Gaurav has to face inside)

9) Ravi sits fourth to the left of Tarun and both are facing opposite directions but like
the same soft drink.

10) Gaurav and Elsa are not facing the same direction but Gaurav is an immediate
neighbor of Ravi.

11) Tarun sits on the immediate right of Elsa, who likes Coca Cola.

12) The persons who like Coca Cola sit adjacent to each other, but face opposite

13) The persons who like Maaza sit opposite each other.
Above arrangement will be final arrangement.

As we can see in above arrangement, Urvashi and Elsa is odd among them as all other
are facing same direction but Urvashi Elsa facing opposite direction.

135. The above word and their code can be summaries in below diagram;

Hence, code for various is la

136. The above word and their code can be summaries in below diagram;
Hence, code ra stand for either belong or us

137. The above word and their code can be summaries in below diagram;

Code for Money = ve

Code for things = ba

time is new word hence code for time will other then code given in question.

Here fe is new code hence code for time can be fe

Hence, money things time may represent by ve fe ba

138. The above word and their code can be summaries in below diagram;

Hence code for give is either ka or ro.

139. The above word and their code can be summaries in below diagram;
Therefore code for him is se.


142. From second it is clear that,

(21 students) Gopal (11 students) Arun (26 students)

143. From Statement I: The order is Ravi above Ram above Vinay.

From statement II: Vinay lives on 1st floor which implies Ram Lives on 2nd and Ravi lives
on 3rd floor.

So, Both I and III are required.

144. Statement I:

Statement II:

So, Statement I and II are sufficient.

145. Though the passage talks extensively about higher spending on education and how
that news affected the stocks of some of the companies and would affect the pledge to
balance the primary budget, it doesn't address equally important information about
Abe's plan to increase sales tax and create a social security system for all generations.

Basically, the passage talks about the economic plan of Abe and its effects.

So, option 2 is correct.

146. The data for the number of women workers and men workers in Japan isn't given.
So, no assumption can be made if the number of women workers in Japan are lesser
than men. So, 1 can't be drawn from the statement.

But 2 follows because it is given that heavy investment in education and childcare is
aimed partly at encouraging more women to join the workforce, meaning increasing
investment in education and childcare addresses the concern of women keeping them
away from the workforce, thus encourages more women to join the work.

147. The phrase 'to make education and childcare a priority over balancing the
budget' suggest education, and childcare need spending and the current spending on
them is lower than expected. So, 1 follows.

The phrase 'rapidly-ageing population threatens to undermine his efforts to reflate the
economy' doesn't give an indication on the budget-spending on rapidly-ageing
population, but it indicates that the current economy is needed to be reflated, and
suggests that the rapidly-ageing population is one of the reasons for the current state of
the economy. So, 2 doesn't follow.

Option 1 is correct.

148. Japan's prime minister vowed to make education and childcare a priority over
balancing the budget. Surely, the spending on education and childcare will increase. So,
1 follows

Will the Japanese economy reflate is something time will tell and we can't conclude this
currently. So, 2 doesn't follow.

So, option 1 is correct.

149. The first statement uses the 'stage' as a metaphor for the world and so it does not
imply that the world is a vague stage. Also, if all the men and women are merely players,
it does not mean that they are the players who perform on this stage. Hence, neither
conclusion I nor II follows.

150. Facilitating the exchange of old notes with the Nepals central bank would address
the concerns of the Nepals central bank and restore the trust of the Nepali people in
Indian rupees. So, 'I' is a course of action to be followed.

If todays date is 09.11.2017, then it would have been 1 year since the 2016-
demonetisation drive. Most of the currency in old notes would have already been
exchanged. And there is very high likely hood that the currency in old notes which is not
exchanged is a black money. Cancelling demonetisation would allow the legal use of this
money which would harm the public. Also, the concerns of the Nepal Rashtra Bank
could be addressed through bilateral negotiation between the central banks of the two
countries. This would also give a chance to RBI to verify if the money being exchanged
by the Nepal Rashtra Bank is a black money or not.

So, cancelling demonetisation drive would not be very effective. So, 'II' shouldnt be

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