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Early Mobility and Walking Program for Patients in Intensive Care Units:

Creating a Standard of Care

Christiane Perme and Rohini Chandrashekar

Prepublished AJCC OnlineFirst February 20, 2009; doi: 10.4037/ajcc2009598

2009 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
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AJCC. First published ahead of print February 20, 2009 as doi: 10.4037/ajcc2009598.
Early Mobility in Critical Care

By Christiane Perme, PT, CCS, and Rohini Chandrashekar, PT, MS, CCS

New technologies in critical care and mechanical ventilation

have led to long-term survival of critically ill patients. An
early mobility and walking program was developed to pro-
vide guidelines for early mobility that would assist clinicians
working in intensive care units, especially clinicians working
with patients who are receiving mechanical ventilation. Pro-
longed stays in the intensive care unit and mechanical venti-
lation are associated with functional decline and increased
morbidity, mortality, cost of care, and length of hospital stay.
Implementation of an early mobility and walking program
could have a beneficial effect on all of these factors. The pro-
gram encompasses progressive mobilization and walking,
with the progression based on a patients functional capabil-
ity and ability to tolerate the prescribed activity. The program
is divided into 4 phases. Each phase includes guidelines on
positioning, therapeutic exercises, transfers, walking reeduca-
tion, and duration and frequency of mobility sessions. Addi-
tionally, the criteria for progressing to the next phase are
provided. Use of this program demands a collaborative effort
among members of the multidisciplinary team in order to
coordinate care for and provide safe mobilization of patients
2009 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses in the intensive care unit.
doi: 10.4037/ajcc2009598


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Copyright (C) 2009 by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. LS-1134 Rev A
ew technologies in critical care and mechanical ventilation have led to long-
term survival of critically ill patients and a dramatic increase in the number
of ventilator-dependent patients. Each year, more than 1 million patients who
require mechanical ventilation are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) in
the United States.1 In addition to their comorbid diseases, patients who require
mechanical ventilation have many barriers to mobility. They are surrounded by catheters, tubes,
and life support and monitoring equipment. Mobilization is perceived as a complex task, and
therefore these patients are often treated with bed rest. After 1 week of bed rest, muscle strength
may decrease as much as 20%, with an additional 20% loss of remaining strength each subse-
quent week. Weakened muscles generate an increased oxygen demand.2 This weakness presents
challenges to weaning from ventilatory support. Bed rest and inactivity are among the contribut-
ing risk factors for ICU-acquired neuromuscular weakness, and a strong correlation between
this type of weakness and prolonged mechanical ventilation has been observed.3 Both respira-
tory and limb muscle strength are altered after 1 week of mechanical ventilation, and respira-
tory muscle weakness is associated with delayed extubation and prolonged ventilatory support.4

Considerable published evidence indicates that Jones11 (in a letter to the editor) described use of a
patients in intensive care units have high morbidity walker that can accommodate the ventilator, oxygen,
and mortality, high costs of care,5,6 and a marked and intravenous catheters and has an attached bench
decline in functional status.6-8 Faced with the respon- where the patient can sit and rest. They also stated
sibility of addressing these issues, health care profes- that providing early ambulation for patients receiving
sionals have been challenged to promote improved mechanical ventilation facilitated weaning from
functional status early in the treatment of critically ventilatory support and minimized
ill patients. Interestingly, even high-intensity exercises the problems associated with pro- Even high-
done in bed do not counteract the adverse effects longed bed rest.11 A similar ventilator
of bed rest. This finding is related to the shift of walker was used successfully to reha- intensity
intravascular fluid away from the extremities to the bilitate a patient who had complica-
thoracic cavity caused by the removal of gravitational tions after heart surgery and required
exercises done
stress. Assuming an upright position, however, helps prolonged mechanical ventilation.12 in bed do not
maintain an optimal fluid distribution and there- In one study,13 an activity proto-
fore improves orthostatic tolerance. On the basis of col was prospectively applied to all counteract the
these findings, it has been recommended that upright patients with respiratory failure who adverse effects
positioning be included in a mobility plan of care.9 were admitted to an 8-bed respira-
The importance of early walking has been dis- tory ICU. The protocol was started 4 of bed rest.
cussed before. In 1972, Foss10 described a technique days after mechanical ventilation was
for augmenting ventilation during ambulation of initiated. The extent of comorbid diseases did not
patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Foss also necessarily affect when ambulation was started or
described the therapeutic benefits of such physical limit the ability of patients to ambulate. In the same
activity: an improved sense of well-being and an study,13 no extubations or complications that added
increase in general strength. In 1975, Burns and to the patients cost of care occurred. The conclusion
was that early activity in patients with respiratory
failure is not only feasible and safe, but also is an
About the Authors
Christiane Perme is a senior physical therapist at
intervention that has the potential to prevent or treat
Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. Rohini Chan- the neuromuscular complications of critical illness.
drashekar is a physical therapist at Triumph Hospital, In another study14 in which a mobility protocol
Clear Lake, in Webster, Texas.
was delivered by an ICU mobility team, both the
Corresponding author: Christiane Perme, PT, CCS, Depart- ICU stay and the hospital stay were shortened for
ment of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Methodist
Hospital (M1-024), 7575 Fannin, Houston, TX 77030 (e- patients with respiratory failure who required
mail: mechanical ventilation. In a 22-month period, 309 AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, OnlineFirst

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Table 1
Physical therapy evaluation
the clinical decision making as well as the treat-
Review of medical and surgical history
ment prescription for such patients. Gait reeduca-
Previous level of function tion for patients who require mechanical
Mental status ventilation in the ICU is the link between bed rest
and the ability to bear weight, walk, and improve
Skin integrity
functional mobility.16 Physical therapists should be
an integral part of the interdisciplinary team in the
Cardiac status ICU involved in the implementation of this pro-
Pulmonary status gram, because physical therapists are in a unique
position with skills and expertise to assess neuro-
Neurological status
muscular function accurately and to provide the
Musculoskeletal status
appropriate rehabilitation techniques.
Functional assessment The purpose of the early mobility and walking
Physical therapy goals program is to provide guidelines that can assist cli-
nicians who work with patients in the ICU, especially
Physical therapy plan of care
patients receiving mechanical ventilation. The pro-
gram facilitates the development of a treatment plan
patients were assigned to either a protocol group or a with the focus on individual functional capability,
nonprotocol group when admitted to the ICU. The progressive mobilization, and early walking activi-
mobility team was composed of nurses, nursing ties. A thorough initial physical therapy evaluation
assistants, and physical therapists.14 is helpful for developing appropriate goals and a
Physical therapy professionals have been consid- plan of care for mobility of patients in the ICU
ered part of the interdisciplinary team that provides (Table 1). On the basis of this information, physical
care for critically ill patients; however, published evi- therapy goals and an individualized plan of care are
dence of the effectiveness of physical therapy in this outlined. At this point, the patient is included in
area is limited.15 Physical therapy in the ICU could the appropriate phase of the early mobility and
include any of the following therapeutic interven- walking program. The patients physician and the
tions: positioning; education; manual hyperinflation; nurse should be available to assist in the decision
percussion; vibration; suction; cough; range of making related to ongoing medical issues.
motion, strengthening, and/or breath-
Physical thera- ing exercises; and mobilization. Description of the Program
Although mobilization involving grav- The program is divided into 4 phases and is
pists have the itational stimulus and ambulation of easy to use (Tables 2 and 3). The information pro-
expertise to patients who require mechanical ven- vided includes the types of patients for whom each
tilation is recommended, such mobi- phase is appropriate, bed mobility, transfers, gait,
accurately lization is not always part of the therapeutic exercises, positioning, education, and
physical therapy treatment. One rea- duration and frequency of mobility sessions. Addi-
assess son for that inconsistency could be tionally, general criteria for progression of therapeu-
neuromuscular the lack of a standard for the physical tic interventions are offered. The early mobility and
therapy profession in ICUs due to sig- walking program provides a practical approach to
function nificant differences in practice across assist clinicians in the management of patients in
in ICU patients. hospitals, ICUs, countries, staffing lev- the ICU, especially patients who require mechanical
els, training, and expertise. Although ventilation. Early mobility can be defined as begin-
respiratory therapy is an established profession in the ning the mobility program when the patient is min-
United States, in most other countries, physical thera- imally able to participate with therapy, has a stable
pists working in the ICU are primarily responsible hemodynamic status, and is receiving acceptable
for airway clearance and respiratory care. Because the levels of oxygen. Emphasis is placed on progressive
specific role of physical therapists in the ICU is not mobility, individual functional capability, and
well defined, it varies considerably, and interventions ambulation of patients who meet specific criteria.
are used at the discretion of each professional. Good communication within the ICU multidis-
Early mobilization of critically ill patients receiv- ciplinary team, which includes a physician, physical
ing mechanical ventilation is an advanced physical therapist, nurse, and respiratory therapist, is crucial
therapy practice. Such mobilization requires educa- to provide appropriate mobilization, depending on
tion and specialized skills in specific areas that affect the patients medical stability. Medical stability is


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Table 2
Early mobility and walking program for patients in
intensive care units
1 2 3 4

Description Patients in an acute Patients in an acute/ Patients in an acute/ Patients in a subacute

phase with multiple subacute phase with subacute phase, with phase who have been
medical problems, multiple medical prob- multiple medical prob- weaned from mechani-
condition unstable at lems, condition stable lems or resolving med- cal ventilation, able to
times, unable to fully most of the time, able ical problems, able to participate actively in
participate with therapy to participate better participate actively in therapy
Also includes patients with activities therapy Patients working toward
without significant Patients still weak but Patients still weak but functional independ-
medical problems but able to stand, also able to tolerate ence and hospital
with profound weak- have limited tolerance increased levels of discharge
ness, limited activity for activity activity
tolerance, and/or
inability to walk
General criteria for Patient follows Patient follows Patient follows
progressing to next phase commands commands commands
Hemodynamic status is Hemodynamic status is Hemodynamic status is
stablea stablea stablea
Oxygenation acceptable Oxygenation acceptable Oxygenation acceptable
Patient stands with Patient transfers to chair Patient tolerates pro-
walker and tolerates with walker and assis- gressive walking pro-
prewalking activities, tance gram and increased
including Patient safely tolerates levels of activity
full standing posture walking reeducation
weight shifting on legs with walker and
assistance for limited
Ultimate goals Have patient sit at edge Initiate transfer training Initiate independent Promote progressive
of bed unsupported or with walker transfer training with transfers and walking
with minimal assistance Initiate walking reedu- walker independence
Initiate standing activi- cation with walker Provide progressive Promote independence
ties with walker and walking reeducation of patient and patients
assistance family members with
Initiate prewalking exercises and mobility
activities if appropriate program
aAcceptable limits for stable hemodynamic status are heart rate <110/min at rest, mean arterial blood pressure between 60 and 110 mm Hg, and fraction
of inspired oxygen <0.6. Supplemental oxygen is usually titrated to maintain saturations >88% with activity. Exceptions are determined by the physician
on an individual basis.

defined as having sufficient perfusion to maintain After a physical therapy evaluation is completed,
normal organ function. The acceptable parameters the physical therapist should determine the phase of
are a heart rate less than 110/min at rest, a mean arte- the program in which the patient should be included
rial blood pressure between 60 and 110 mm Hg, and and should establish the mobility plan of care (Table
a fraction of inspired oxygen less than 0.6. Supple- 3). During each planned mobility intervention, a
mental oxygen is usually titrated to maintain oxygen nurse must be available to discuss current medical
saturation greater than 88% with activity. Knowledge status and the proposed plan of care, to administer
of the normative values is important, but the ability medications if necessary, and to assist as needed to
to understand and decide what is acceptable for each ensure the patients safety. A respiratory therapist
patient also is important. This decision is individual- should be present to assist with ventilator manage-
ized according to the patients current medical prob- ment. A brief assessment is done before each physical
lems, and parameters are determined after therapy session to determine if the planned mobi-
discussions with the medical team. Because of the lization intervention is still appropriate. The plan of
critical nature of patients illness and constant care for mobility may need to be modified at each
changes in overall medical condition, the patients session. Patients stay in each particular phase of the
vital signs should be carefully assessed before, dur- program until the general criteria for advancement to
ing, and after any mobility intervention. the next phase are met. Because of fluctuations and AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, OnlineFirst

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Table 3
Mobility interventions
1 2 3 4

Education Instruction of patient and Same as phase 1, plus Same as phase 2, plus Discharge planning
patients family members on instructions on instructions on Family training on bed
the importance of position- proper use of walker importance of pro- mobility, transfers, and
ing, exercise program, and safety during trans gressive mobilization walking
early mobility fers safety issues during Safety issues during
importance of grad- transfers and walking transfers and walking
ual increase in time sit- Home exercise and
ting out of bed activity program with
guidelines for progres-
sion and self-monitoring
Positioning Focus on preventing pressure Same as phase 1 Not a concern if patients Not a concern unless
ulcers, especially on heels tolerate several hours orthopedic and/or
and sacrum out of bed, unless neurological deficits
Recommendations for appro- orthopedic and/or still present
priate program for patients neurological deficits
with orthopedic and/or still present
neurological deficits
Bed mobility training Turning side to side Same as phase 1 Gradual withdrawal of Focus on training to
Scooting/bridging assistance promote independence
Supine sitting Initiation of training to Family training on
Sitting on side of bed promote patients selected issues as
associated with independence appropriate
leg exercises
breathing exercises
exercises for trunk
self-care activities
unsupported sitting
Transfer training Transfer out of bed only to Transfers training to using Gradual withdrawal of Promotion of independ-
stretcher chair with total walker and assistance to assistance during ence during transfers
assistance bedside chair transfers to chair and with or without assis-
Initiation of sit to stand with bedside commode bedside commode tive device
walker and assistance as stretcher chair (to with nursing staff Family training if appro-
appropriate facilitate safe trans- and/or family assistance priate
fers back to bed)
Walking program Patients not ambulatory Initiation of walking Walking reeducation Gradual withdrawal
Focus on attempts to stand reeducation with with focus on gradual of assistive device if
with walker and prewalk- walker and assistance increase in distance appropriate
ing activities (see Table 4) and endurance Gait reeducation on
Gradual withdrawal different surfaces as
of assistive device if needed, including stairs,
appropriate (see Table curb, ramp, carpet
4) (some patients may
benefit from wheel-
chair mobility training
if still unable to walk)
Exercises Inclusion of one or a Same as phase 1 Same as phase 1 More intense strength-
combination of ening and endurance
passive range of motion exercises as appropri-
active assisted range of ate, including
motion arm ergometry
active range of motion treadmill
stretching stationary bike
resistance exercise on leg press
leg press, light weights stairs training
(1-5 lb [0.45-2.25 kg]), inspiratory muscle
and/or exercise band training
breathing exercises (deep
breathing, coughing,
incentive spirometer)

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Table 3
Intervention 1 2 3 4

Duration of mobility 15-30 minutes as 15-45 minutes as 30-60 minutes as 30-60 minutes as
sessions tolerated tolerated tolerated tolerated
Frequency of mobility Once daily 1-7 days per week Once daily 5-7 days per Once daily 5-7 days per Once daily 5-7 days per
sessions Twice daily as needed week week week
(patients may still have Twice daily as needed Twice daily as needed Twice daily as needed
ongoing medical
problems that can
affect availability for
therapy or ability to
tolerate activity)

occasional deterioration in complex medical condi- Phase 2

tions, patients may have to temporarily return to a Phase 2 includes patients whose overall medical
previous phase of the program. condition and strength allow standing activities with
a walker and assistance. Patients should be able to
Phase 1 follow simple commands consistently and to partici-
Phase 1 includes patients who are critically ill pate in therapy. The focus of physical therapy is to
with multiple medical problems, in unstable condi- start walking reeducation and functional training. At
tion at times. The patients usually require life-sup- this point, more challenging standing activities can
port equipment or interventions (eg, a ventilator, be started: weight shift, steps in place, and side steps
intra-aortic balloon pump, continuous venovenous along the bed. Use of a walker and gait belt is imper-
dialysis) or are being treated with drugs (eg, vaso- ative to promote safety of both patients and staff.
pressor agents). Patients complex clinical condi- Training the patient to transfer to a chair by using a
tions may limit their mobility. Such conditions walker and assistance is initiated. The use of constant
include, but are not limited to, markedly unstable verbal cues for sequencing promotes
cardiovascular status, sedation, paralysis, comatose patients participation. If patients The goal in
state, burns, and severe orthopedic or neurological require a lot of assistance with trans-
deficits. Patients can usually tolerate bed activities fers, they should transfer to and sit in phase 1 is to
but have marked weakness, limited activity toler- a stretcher chair. Doing so will facili- start mobilization
ance, and inability to ambulate. Some patients are tate transfers back to bed and prevent
alert, but it is also common for patients to have fear or discouragement with respect as soon as a
altered mental status and be able to participate only to future transfers. Patients are
minimally in therapy. expected to gradually spend more
patients condi-
The goal in phase 1 is to start mobilization as time sitting to increase orthostatic tion is stable.
soon as a patients medical condition is stable. Thera- tolerance and out-of-bed activities.
peutic exercises with the patient supine are empha- Walking reeducation is strongly encouraged when
sized. The activity is progressed to turning side to appropriate, with all the safety measures taken (Table
side in bed and sitting on the side of the bed as 4); however, the distance is usually limited by the
appropriate. Sitting balance activities are promoted to patients weakness and decreased endurance.
stimulate trunk control and unsupported sitting.
Standing with a walker and assistance should be Phase 3
attempted once a patient has acceptable leg and Phase 3 includes patients who are able to toler-
trunk strength against gravity. Initially, a patient may ate limited walking with a walker and assistance.
be able to stand only for short periods or may even The focus of physical therapy is to master transfer
be unable to stand; however, it is important to con- abilities and start a progressive walking program to
tinue trials until the patient is able to stand safely. increase endurance. Some patients may be able to
When appropriate, patients are transferred to a walk but still have marked difficulties with transfers
stretcher chair by using a lateral transfer technique. because of leg weakness. In this case, for safety rea-
They are encouraged to gradually increase time spent sons, patients should continue to sit in a stretcher
sitting in the chair as tolerated. The goal of out-of- chair. Clinicians who mobilize patients must be
bed activities is to improve orthostatic tolerance. aware of the patients abilities as far as level of AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, OnlineFirst

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Table 4
Guidelines for walking reeducation in the intensive care unit
1. Safety precautions assistance required, participation, hemodynamic
a. A nurse must be present to assist with tubes and arterial and venous responses to activity, and ventilatory and oxygen
catheters that can temporarily be disconnected or need to come with requirements. This information is important when
the patient making decisions about the appropriate ventilatory
b. Patients must be connected to portable telemetry equipment to mon-
itor heart rate, rhythm, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation if
support and safety procedures needed for each
walking away from the bedside patient. Team members must communicate well to
c. All equipment needed for therapy session must be readily available determine and address all that is required to provide
and all catheters/tubes must be secured safe mobilization. In this phase, appropriate venti-
d. A gait belt must be used for all transfers and walking reeducation latory and/or oxygen support is essential so that
e. Patient must be followed with a wheelchair to allow resting periods
patients can tolerate increased levels of exertion. A
and safe return to bedside if needed portable ventilator or tracheostomy collar trials will
f. Full oxygen tank must be available allow an increase in the walking distance. Manual
g. Adequate staff assistance must be available to ensure patients safety insufflation with a manual resuscitation bag can
2. Changes in respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, heart rate, heart rhythm, also be used if a portable ventilator is not available.
respiratory pattern, blood pressure, and complaints of fatigue by the
patient should be evaluated throughout walking reeducation activity Phase 4
3. For patients dependent on mechanical ventilation
Phase 4 includes patients who no longer require
A decision must be made to determine if the patient is to partici- ventilatory support and/or have been transferred out of
pate in the walking program with ventilation provided by a the ICU. These patients usually have variable degrees
portable ventilator, tracheostomy collar, or manual resuscitation bag of weakness and functional limitations and can partici-
(a great opportunity to talk to physicians and gather additional pate actively with more intense therapy. Supplemental
information about the patients medical condition)
Endotracheal or tracheotomy tubes must be secured
oxygen is provided via a tracheostomy collar or
An effective communication strategy must be established because through a nasal cannula if the tracheostomy is closed.
patients with artificial airways are unable to talk, except for patients In order to achieve the highest level of independence
with a tracheostomy collar, who can tolerate the use of a Passy-Muir before hospital discharge, functional training is
valve during activities emphasized. Patients are encouraged to go to the phys-
A respiratory therapist must be present to disconnect the mechanical
ventilator and equip the patient with a portable ventilator, trache-
ical therapy department if possible and to work on
ostomy collar, or manual resuscitation bag; the respiratory therapist attaining higher levels of endurance and strength.
is also responsible for making any ventilator changes ordered by the
physician during physical therapy sessions; the respiratory therapist Discussion
must be available throughout the walking training session and Throughout the world, patients who require
should reestablish mechanical ventilation at the appropriate set-
tings after physical therapy
intensive care often are restricted to bed rest
As a general rule, if the ventilator settings exceed the parameters because the pieces of equipment that surround
described below, the patient should not be removed from the venti- them are perceived as barriers to mobility. In addi-
lator to ambulate; exceptions can be made, however, when the tion to weakness, other factors in the critical care
patients condition has been thoroughly assessed and specific orders environment such as sleep deprivation, lack of
have been written by the physician
a. Pressure support 20 cm H2O
social interaction, nutritional state, sedation, and an
b. Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with rate >18 ICU culture that promotes bed rest contribute fur-
c. Fraction of inspired oxygen >0.7 ther to functional decline.
d. Positive end-expiratory pressure >10 cm H2O Currently, not enough strong scientific data are
e. Any evidence of decompensation with interruption of available to promote evidence-based practice
mechanical ventilation
related to the rehabilitative efforts provided by
4. The activity should be terminated if any of the following develop: physical therapists in ICUs. Scheinhorn et al17
a. Oxygen saturation <88% on supplemental oxygen during activity, observed successful weaning outcomes among
unless otherwise specified by the physician
patients receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation
b. Hypotension associated with dizziness, fainting, and/or diaphoresis
c. Heart rate greater than maximum heart rate in a long-term care hospital. The high frequency of
d. Change in heart rhythm rehabilitation services provided was considered
e. Change in breathing pattern with an increase in accessory muscle use, important in improving functional status. In an
paradoxical pattern, nasal flaring, or an appearance of facial distress acute care respiratory unit, a dedicated interdiscipli-
f. Extreme fatigue or severe intolerable dyspnea with respiratory rate
nary approach that included daily physical therapy
greater than baseline by >20/min
g. Significant chest pain helped enable at least 50% of the patients receiving
h. Excessive pallor or flushing of skin prolonged mechanical ventilation to be at home 6
i. Request of patient to stop months after discharge and reasonably independent
with activities of daily living.18


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All of the positive outcomes discussed in the Under most circumstances, monitoring and life
aforementioned studies were in patients who had support equipment, including ventilators, should not
experienced a prolonged period of illness and immo- limit mobility. Patients can be safely mobilized with an
bility. The question now being asked is this: If ICU endotracheal or tracheostomy tube when all the appro-
patients are mobilized and ambulated early in the priate measures are taken. Once patients are evaluated
course of their illness, could such mobilization reduce by a physical therapist, they are placed
the effects of bed rest and improve functional capac- in one of the program phases accord-
ity? Early mobility of ICU patients is not a new con- ing to their mobility level and their Monitoring and
cept, but it is not an intervention routinely used in ability to progress with therapy. Each life support
critical care. Its effectiveness has not been widely docu- phase includes guidelines on position-
mented. Bailey et al,13 however, reported that a ing, therapeutic exercises, transfers, and equipment,
majority of survivors (69%) could ambulate more walking reeducation. The criteria for
than 100 ft (30 m) at the time of discharge from the progressing to the next phase are also
including ventila-
unit with the use of an early activity protocol. provided. Use of appropriate ventila- tors, should not
Morris and Herridge19 have addressed important tory support and supplemental oxygen
issues: effects of immobility on nerve and muscle, so that patients can tolerate increased limit mobility.
safety parameters in future mobility studies, process- levels of exertion is discussed. The ulti-
of-care issues required for early mobilization, profes- mate goal of the early mobility and walking program is
sional roles in the delivery of early ICU mobility, and to promote the maximal level of independence before
future questions for ICU mobility therapy. As an exam- hospital discharge and an increased walking capacity
ple of programs targeting early ICU mobility, Morris for the patients who meet criteria for ambulation.
and Herridge mentioned the successful use of a mobil- Phase 1 includes patients who are restricted
ity program described in a case report.20 The program to bed rest and can only be out of bed in a stretcher
used for the patient in that report is the same early chair because of their inability to bear weight. Pro-
mobility and walking program described in our article. gression to turning and sitting on the side of bed
In the case report,20 a patient with a left ventricu- and standing activities are encouraged if tolerated.
lar assistive device who required prolonged mechani- In phase 2, patients progress to transfer train-
cal ventilation began the mobility program on ing with a walker, prewalking activities, and walking
postoperative day 7. Despite multiple medical prob- reeducation in the room because of their limited
lems and the need for prolonged mechanical ventila- endurance and weakness.
tion, significant functional improvement was made Phase 3 advances patients who are ready to start
during a prolonged 49-day stay in the ICU. The a progressive walking reeducation program outside the
patient received a total of 25 physical therapy sessions room to improve endurance and functional mobility.
during the ICU stay, and 21 of these sessions included Phase 4 describes the care of patients who
weight-bearing and/or gait reeducation activities. A have been transferred out of the ICU and are being
portable ventilator was used during 4 sessions of gait prepared for hospital discharge.
reeducation. When transferred out of the ICU, the This early mobility and walking
patient required minimal assistance for out-of-bed program has been used by one of us Once they
activities and was able to walk 600 ft (180 m) with a (C.P.) at the Methodist Hospital,
rolling walker and supervision. After 6 weeks in acute Houston, Texas, since 1996. No sci- progess with
care, the patient underwent heart transplantation.
Because the specific role of physical therapy in
entific data have been reported, but
the program has been well accepted
the ICU is not well defined, the involvement of by patients, physicians, physical ther- mobility, patients
physical therapists in this setting varies around the apists, nurses, and family members.
world with respect to the method of implementa- We think that early mobility in the
develop a more
tion, time of implementation, and whether physical ICU can lead to the following posi- positive outlook.
therapy is implemented at all. The early mobility tive outcomes:
and walking program described in this article was Minimizing complications of bed rest
developed to assist clinicians by detailing a process Promoting improved function for patients
through which functional decline during an ICU Promoting weaning from ventilatory support
stay could be addressed. The program outlines the as a patients overall strength and endurance improve
mobility interventions for patients in the ICU and Reducing length of hospital stay
may be of special value for patients who require Reducing overall hospital cost
prolonged mechanical ventilation. Improving patients quality of life AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, OnlineFirst

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The psychological benefit of increased mobility is maximizing independent function. Early mobility in
another positive outcome we have observed. Once the ICU could minimize loss of functional abilities and
patients progress with functional mobility, they thereby shorten hospital stays. Use of this program
develop a much more positive outlook toward their demands a collaborative effort among members of the
recovery. Importantly, we never saw a patients medical multidisciplinary team in the ICU to coordinate care
condition deteriorate as a direct result of the interven- and provide safe mobilization of these patients. The
tions used in the early mobility and walking program. scientific evaluation of early mobility in the ICU is
Improved function can have an encouraging limited, and data are not sufficient to support the use
effect on patients quality of life and could assist of any specific intervention. Further investigations and
patients in being weaned from mechanical ventila- research studies with the use of this program as a stan-
tion when unsuccessful weaning is related to muscle dard intervention are necessary. In the future, this pro-
weakness. Use of this program and grouping patients gram or similar approaches could potentially be used
according to phases help facilitate decision making to establish a standard of care for early mobility and
for the clinicians involved in the mobility process. walking of patients in the ICU.
As heartening as the outcomes of the early mobil-
ity and walking program are, some factors can limit FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES
None reported.
the functional improvement in some patients: poor
previous functional status, advanced age, complex REFERENCES
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