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a. DC Motor:
1.Working principle:
1.1 the main concept:
DC Motor is a device that working as a
converter to turn the electrical power into
mechanical power. As shown in (figure 1) The main
concept of this device depends on the principle or
the fact of that if any conductor carried by a current
placed between two poles that produce a magnetic
field this conductor will face a mechanical force that
can be calculated by this formula:
Fig (1)

F represent the mechanical force in (N).
B represent the magnetic flux in (Wb/A).
I represent the current produced by the magnetic field in (A).
Fig (2) L represent the wire length in (m).

So mechanical force push and rotate the coil and this

rotation produce a flux that have a flux density (1) (B). Also
length of the wire (L) control the magnitude of this
mechanical force. So as in (fig.2) the electrical power is
work as an input of the motor and the output is the mechanical power. On the other hand,
direction of the mechanical force produced by the DC. Motor can be selected by left hand rule
that called Fleming rule as in (figure 3) below.

So in the left hand rule is valid in order

to know the force direction. The first finger
indicates the direction of the force. The
second one indicate the magnetic field and the
direction of the current can be indicated by the
third one.

Fig (3)
(1) Flux density is the ratio between the flux and the area that this flux acting on it.


1.2 Opposite e.m.f (Counter):

When the coil (armature conductor) rotates between the two poles a negative voltage
called e.m.f induced in the opposite direction of the used or
applied voltage as in (figure 4). Actually, this phenomenon is
following the law of Lenz. Also, this back e.m.f make the dc
motor always updated with the new armature current which
needed to achieve the torque the needed by the load. In other
words, according to this concept that follows faradays law (3)
changing the load means a new torque that produced by changing
the current by the moving coil. Actually the torque can be
calculated from the power by this equation:

= Fig

P represent the mechanical Power in (W).

T represent the torque in (N-m)
W represents the angular velocity in (rad/s)

So, the total voltage of the circuit can be defined as the difference between the original
voltage V and th induced one Eb and the current can be calculated by:


Ra represent the resistance of the armature circuit.

- No load: only a few torque is needed to beat the friction so the current is very small

- With a load: Drop in the armature current followed by another drop in e.m.f that give
the green light to more current to flow and thats mean increasing in the torque.

- Decrease in load: increasing in armature followed by another increase in e.m.f that

means a drop in current that cause another drop in the torque.




As shown in (figure 5) there are many

components in the DC Motor such as: stator, rotor,
field and armature windings, commutator, brushes
and poles.

Fig (5)

Fig (6) that represents DC Motor.


2.1 Stator:

The fixed part or the static one that can be

classified as a frame that contain the windings of the field
and it receives the electric energy to give it to the rotor to
make it rotate as in (figure 7).

Fig (7)

2.2 Rotor:

It is clear that rotor is from the word rotation.

Stator is the rotor house and the Rotor is the moving or the
rotating part in the motor that produce the mechanical rotation
that called torque. As in (figure 8) it is a cylinder that carries
slices of magnets that sticking around its body. So, when the
magnetic field makes the rotor rotate as an output motion to be
achieved and actually this is the duty of the motor to make the
rotor rotate.

Fig (8)

2.3 Windings:

windings is the primary carrier of the

current and and as in (figure 9) it is the place in
which e.m.f created and induced and the current
produce by windings called Ia that means armature
current. Actually, there two kinds of winding
(armature winding):

- Lapp Winding
- Wave winding


Fig (9)

2.4 Commutator:

Commutator is a mechanical part that

work as a rectifier that turns AC current and
voltage into DC. As in (figure 10) it is a converter
and most commutators are copper commutators
that made from copper.

Fig (10)

2.5 Brushes:

There are two types of DC Motor. One of them with

a brushes and the other without brushes (brushless).
Actually As shown in (figure 12) the main objective of
brushes is to working as a checker to check the connection
between the load and the copper commutator. In addition,
the pressure of these brushes can be controlled by springs
and this pressure make a friction that produce heating
energy. As shown in (figure 11)

Fig (11)

3. DC Motor types:

- Separately DC Motor.
- Shunt DC Motor.
- Series DC Motor.
- Compound DC Motor.


3.1 Separately DC Motors: Fig (12)

In this type of motors which the field

current is produced by another separate source (DC
source). Thats means it can not do a self excitation to
it self.

+ ( ) + ( ) =

3.2 Shunt DC Motors:

Shunt motor is the most popular and

common motor. Unlike the separately motor shunt
motors classified as a self exiting DC machines that
produce its field current which start the cycle.


Fig (13)
= +

Notice that : If is the field current Rf is the field resestance Vf is the feild voltage
Ia is the armature current Ra is the armature resestance Va is the armature voltage


Il is the load current Rl is the load resestance Vl is the load voltage

3.3 Series DC Motors:
The most not common kind in DC Motors is
the series motor. As shown in (figure 14 ) all the curents
in the circuit are equal.

= =

Fig (14)

3.4 Compund DC Motor:

4. Starting methods:


4.1 Three point starter:

As shown in (figure 16) the lever must touch all the
points to compelete the method. This lever move slowly in the
right deriction and when it touch the first point the curent
begin to produce. On the other hand it have some

- Series way in holding coil.

- The upnormal speed cause drop in current.
- The sudden stop of the motor when the starter get OFF

Fig (16)

4.2 Four point starter:

As shown in (figure 17) the four point starter
have many differinces from the three point one :
- The Holding ON is given from a shunt circuit (shunt
- Not connected in a series way with the coil.
- Coil Voltage disappeared and not exist in this type.

Fig (17)

4.3 Series motor starter:

As shown in (figure 18) It is a
simple kind of starters. When the lever or the
arm go forward in the right direction the
curent produced. It have another name that
called 2 point starter.

Fig (18)


5. How to control the speed?

In DC Motor there many equations that control the speed but in in any simple DC motor
the voltage can be calculated by:

+ ( ) =
. .

N is the speed of the motor in rpm.
A is a Constant.
is the magnetic flux.

5.1 Flux Method to control the velocity: Fig (19)

Current varies with the magnetic flux. So,

by changing the flux the current can be changed. It
is clear as in (figure 19) current can be changed by
putting changeable or inconstant resistor and
connect it in a series way with the windings of the
- Minimum resistance means increase in
current and as a result common or normal speed.
- Increasing in resistance means decrease in current which means upnormal speed
(increase in the speed).

5.2 Armature Method to control the velocity:

This way is control the speed of the motor by the

resistance of the armature by keep the armature voltage
under control. As shown in (figure 20), Like the flux
method it is also use a vriable or changeable resistance
that also connected in a series way. Voltage suffer a drop
due to the increasing in the resistance so the speed
decreased and vice versa.

Fig (20)


5.3 Voltage Method to control the velocity:

6. Applications:

6.1 Shunt Motors:

- Drills
- Lathes
- Shapers

6.2 Series Motor:

- Mechanical cranes
- Mechanical elevators
- Drier of the hair
- Cranes


b. Three Phase Induction Motor:

Three phase motor is a very widely used motor and very common that can be got in 80%
of all mechanical machines and that is due to its simple
construction and low cost. Unlike DC Motors it is classified as
an AC Motor for AC machines.

Fig (22) of Three phase Motor

1. Construction:
1.1 Stator:
Three phase Motor rotor is consist of many seal rings which
act like a house of the windings to receive it. As shown in (figure 20)
Stator consist of three windings phasses or stages and this is to be
determined by the number of poles. Decreasing in poles number means
increasing in velocity and vice versa.


Fig (23)
p is represents the number of poles
f is represents the frequency in (HZ)
N is synchronous velocity in (rpm)

1.2 Rotor:
There are two main popular types of rotors Cage squirrel rotor and Wound rotor:

1.2.1 Cage Squirrel rotor:

As shown in (figure 24) it has many slots that
parallel to each others and it housing the conductors. Cage rotor
is usually made of copper alloys and it is the most common
rotor that exist in about 80% from all three phase motors due to
its efficient advantages:

- Its slots provide less tend to lock of the rotor (locking tendency (3))
- Also they provide high increase in the ratio between the motor rotor and stator (effective
- They also provide a high growth in rotor resistance.



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