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EVENT Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous


Present (+) S + tobe (is,am,are) + (+) S + Have/has +been + cs

Complement subject
(-)S + Have/has not + been +
(-) S + tobe + not + cs cs
Pola sama dengan simple
(?) tobe + s + cs? present (?) Have/has + S + been + cs?

Past ( +) S + tobe ( was/were ) +

(+) S + Had + been + cs
(-) S + had not + been + cs
(-) S + tobe +not +cs
(?) had + S+ been +cs?
(?) tobe + S + cs?

Future (+)S + will + have + been +cs

(+) S + Will/Shall + be + cs
(-) S + will +not +have + been
(-) S + will/shall + not + be +
+ cs
(?) will + S + have + been +
(?) Will/shall + S + be + cs?

Past Future Hanya mengganti will Rumus seperti di atas, hanya

menjadi would ganti will menjadi would

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