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Reflection for TRB Standard 4

During my time at The High School at VIU, I was required to attend parents
evenings. This was much different to my experiences at Dover Bay Secondary
School. Parents evenings at Dover Bay are conducted in a large room where parents
move from teacher to teacher.Done in this way meant there was less scope for
privacy and to an extent can produce a situation where issues could not be
discussed. However, due to the fact that the High School Is much smaller the scope
for intimacy is increased. This increased the potential for a key component of this is
that parents are allocated much more time in which to discuss their
child.Furthermore, all of the parents who could come to the parents evening did so.
This Was extremely productive because necessary action could be implemented
much more efficiently and quicker than it would be in a larger school setting. Due to
what is perceived as the faster and timely implementation of changes in regards to
improving their child's education by being aware of the circumstances, a culture of
trust between the educators and parents is built up. Subsequently, I was able to
implement a system which involved weekly contact with the parents of the students
regarding issues that needed to be focused on. This was a reciprocal system in
which I would offer advice regarding the progression of their child's education and
vice versa. As previously stated, this meant that timely and efficient interventions
could result in significant and measurable changes. A striking example of the
efficiency of the regular contact system that highlighted the important roles parents
play in maintaining the integrity of the institution was that when a particular student
was undergoing some difficulties that required some time for reflection. Both the
administration and the educators were aware of the intricacies of and deal with the
situation in a manner that did not exacerbate it. I believe the establishment of a
regular email-based contact system illustrates how much I respected and effectively
utilised the important role of the parents inthe school.

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