Crams Score

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Call A.I.R. for any patient with a score of "8" or less.

Circulation Normal capillary refill 2

and systolic BP >100

Delayed capillary refill

or systolic BP is 85-99 1

No capillary refill or 0
systolic BP <85

Respiration Normal 2

Abnormal 1
(labored, shallow, or rate>35


Abdomen Abdomen and thorax not tender 2

Abdomen and/or thorax tender 1

Abdomen rigid, thorax flail, or 0

deep penetrating injury to either

Motor Normal - obeys commands 2

Respons only to pain, no posturing 1

Only posturing or flaccid to pain 0

Speech Normal - oriented 2

Confused or inappropriate 1

No intelligible words or silence 0

Total 0-10

A score of 8 or less is a critical patient!

Call AIR IDAHO 1-800-247-4324

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