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For the

Dec. 15

Net Neutrality Debate: The House blocked,

Y Y N N 236-187, a bid by Democrats for floor debate
on a bill in committee to block the Federal
Communications Commissions slated repeal
of net neutrality rules on grounds they stifle
investment and innovation. A yes vote
opposed floor debate on HR 4585.
Aircraft Sales to Iran: The House voted, 252
Y Y N N -167, to block sales of U.S. passenger aircraft
to Iran unless the Treasury Department
certifies Iran would not use the planes to
further it weapons programs or participation in
global terrorism. A yes vote was to send the
bill (HR 4324) to the Senate.
Adding Russia to Aircraft Bill: The House
N N Y Y defeated, 188-233, a Democratic bid to
require Treasury certification that banks
financing U.S. aircraft sales to Iran have not
done business with any entity engaged in
cyber-attacks targeting any election held in
the United States, namely Russia.
Iranian Leaders Assets: The House voted,
Y Y N N 289-135, to require the Treasury Department
to publicly disclose the financial assets of
Irans military and political leaders. A yes vote
was to pass HR 1638 over arguments it could
kill the Iran nuclear deal and blow the cover
on U.S. spies in Iran.
Leonard Grasz, Appeals Judge: The
N N Senate confirmed, 50-48, Leonard S. Grasz,
a former Nebraska deputy attorney general,
for a seat on the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals despite the American Bar
Association having rated him not qualified
for the post. A yes was to confirm Grasz.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Voterama in Congress
Both chambers will take up a bill to fund the government in fiscal 2018
and the final version of tax-overhaul legislation in the week of Dec. 18.

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