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Bugs, Bugs, Bugs - Part 1

Marwin asked if he could go out into the playground to look for bugs with a
magnifying glass.

Zirui and Ken decided they would also like to join Marwin and I on our bug hunt.

We found ants marching across the ground.

We found some worker ants who were trying to carry a big dead insect back to their
Questioning Marwin about ants he was able to show the background knowledge that
he already has about insects.

We then moved to the butter y house to look for more bugs. We found a butter y that
had just been born. Marwin was very curious about why the butter y couldn't y.
Reading a book later on we discovered that the wings are too wet when the butter y
rst comes out and they have to dry before it can y.
We researched insects by watching videos.

We were joined by Vuth Vuth, Kevin and Seojun using books the conduct some
Ella also joined us researching in books.
During outside exploration time Shaojie and Ken joined Marwin to search for some
more bugs in the playground.
We found a lot of grasshoppers, big ones, in the playground.

Learning tags:
Con dence Cooperating Cooperation Enthusiasm Language Listening Mathematics Observing

Science Sharing The Planet Social Studies Speaking Thinker

Story date: 19 Aug 2016. Added by: Andrew Stewart.

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