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1804 Is Matt Lauer the
reason NBC spiked
Napoleon crowned
himself Emperor of the Ronan Farrows
French. Weinstein expos?
Amid reports that NBC
1927 knew that Matt Lauer
was a serial adulterer
Ford Motor Co. unveiled and an alleged sexual
its Model A automobile predator, this question
that replaced its Model has emerged: Why did
T. NBC spike Ronan Far-
rows explosive expos
1942 on Weinstein?
NBC had the first shot
An artificially created, at the story but de-
self-sustaining nuclear clined. Farrow took his
chain reaction was story to The New Yorker,
demonstrated for the which published it.
first time at the Univer-
sity of Chicago. NBCs decision to let
this story go raises

1954 questions, such as: Did

NBC know that Farrows
Weinstein piece could
The U.S. Senate passed,
67-22, a resolution con- lead back to a co-anchor
demning Sen. Joseph of its cash-cow morning
R. McCarthy, R-Wis., show?
saying he had acted Martha Ross, Bay Area
News Group
contrary to senatorial
ethics and tended to
bring the Senate into Cardinal Newman High School in Santa Rosa was heavily damaged during the October North Bay wildfires. Cardinal
dishonor and disrepute. Newman plays Marin Catholic on Saturday in a North Coast Section title game.
1970 Winning numbers
Daily 3 Afternoon:
Santa Rosa
they played on the field,
watched film in class-
year is a little more spe-
cial because the tragedy
the Marin Civic Center;
it offered computers and
The newly created En- 4, 6, 4 rooms and were able to really bonded the kids. classroom furniture; and
vironmental Protection Daily 3 Evening: 0, 8, 8 FROM PAGE 1 make copies in the office. Theyre very close. Were many of its families of-
Agency opened its doors With soccer squads now cherishing every moment fered their homes to those
under its first director, Daily 4: 0, 8, 9, 3
Fantasy 5: was practicing, slowly re- taking over that field, the were together because, as in need.
William D. Ruckelshaus. gaining their dominant team scrambled to find we found out, tomorrow is Marin Catholic grad-
1, 4, 9, 25, 27
form. practice space this week, unknown. uate and Los Angeles
Daily Derby Cronin said it took eventually settling on four Though the Cardinals Rams quarterback Jared
1st: 4, Big Ben, about three weeks to have different locations. have captured the hearts Goff has raised more
Thirty-six people died a good practice. It was surreal what was of Northern California than $40,000 for Sonoma
when fire erupted in 2nd: 1, Gold Rush,
3rd: 7, Eureka Players and coaches happening, Marin Cath- residents and beyond, the County on his GoFundMe
an illegally converted who lost their homes olic coach Mazi Moayed Marin Catholic team is page.
warehouse in Oakland, Race Time: 1:45.83 were welcomed by friends said. Besides their school, far from a villain in this We definitely felt for
California, during a Super Lotto Plus and relatives. Once insur- so many homes and busi- tale. Amid the disastrous them, said Marin Cath-
dance party. ance money began to ar- nesses in the community fires, Marin Catholic held olic senior receiver Peter
Wednesdays drawing:
Birthdays 3, 7, 26, 27, 33 rive, most moved into had gone to ashes. It was a No-Go Firemans Ball Brown, whose aunt and
apartments or temporary devastating. to raise money for Cardi- uncle lost their Santa Rosa
Former Attorney General Mega number: 6 houses, Cronin said. Stu- Since losing to Rancho nal Newman. Marin Cath- home in the fires. We
Edwin Meese III is 86. Todays estimated dents, divided by grade, Cotate in its first game fol- olic asked for donations couldnt imagine what
Former Sen. Harry Reid, have been at t end in g lowing the fires, No. 2 Car- based on how much money they were going through.
D-Nev., is 78. Actress jackpot: $36 million
Mega Millions classes around the area, dinal Newman (10-2) has parents and alumni would We wanted to help out any
Cathy Lee Crosby is 73. many in local churches. reeled off five consecutive save by not attending a way we could.
Country singer John Fridays drawing: Therell be a funeral victories, including a dra- gala: offer my prayers Cronin said the support
Wesley Ryles is 67. Ac- 16, 22, 40, 41, 59 happening in the church matic 29-28 win over No. (free), dont Uber to the Cardinal Newman has re-
tor Dennis Christopher Mega number: 8 as a class is going on, or a 3 Rancho Cotate in last event ($25), dont pay the ceived is astounding.
is 62. Rock musician homeless guy will be get- weeks semifinal in which babysitter ($50), dont rent We have to put the fire
Rick Savage is 57. Actor Tuesdays estimated
ting arrested outside of quarterback Beau Bar- a tuxedo ($100), dont bid aside for three hours,
Brendan Coyle is 54. jackpot: $145 million the window, Cronin said. rington connected with on an auction item ($250). Marin Catholic president
Rock musician Nate Powerball Its a trip, but its the best receiver Kyle Carinalli for T he sc ho ol r a i se d Tim Navone said with a
Mendel is 49. Actress Wednesdays drawing: thing the school did get a 42-yard touchdown pass $25,000. laugh. We feel like we
Lucy Liu is 49. Singer the kids back together with 1:32 remaining. Every Marin Catholic have to beat 40 Newman
Nelly Furtado is 39. Pop 24, 26, 28, 59, 63
and let them be with their Barrington and Carin- student wrote a letter of players and the rest of the
singer Britney Spears Powerball: 16 friends. alli both lost their homes encouragement to their emotional world.
is 36. NFL quarterback Todays estimated Cardinal Newman reg- in the fires. peers at Cardinal New- The fire is real life, and
Aaron Rodgers is 34. jackpot: $177 million ularly practiced at El Mo- Every week is a bless- man. Marin Catholic also I think athletics are a fun
lino High in Forestville ing that we get with our donated money to help and good distraction. It
nine miles west where group, Cronin said. This feed evacuees who fled to will be a fun night.

SF officer fatally shoots Flynn potential violations of a

rarely enforced law.
a senior transition offi-
cial, whose name is not
cussed U.S. sanctions
against Russia with that

carjacking suspect FROM PAGE 1

Flynn said in a state-
ment: It has been extraor-
dinarily painful to endure
listed in court records, at
the Mar-a-Lago resort on
Dec. 29 to discuss what,
countrys ambassador be-
fore Trump took office,
contrary to public asser-
The Associated Press shooting happened, he said. Mike Pence, about his con- these many months of false if anything, to communi- tions by Trump officials.
California Lottery spokes- tacts with Kislyak. But court accusations of treason and cate to the Russian am- Soon after that, acting at-
SAN FRANCISCO >> A San man Russell Lopez confirmed records and people famil- other outrageous acts. Such bassador about the U.S. torney general Sally Yates
Francisco police officer fa- the stolen van belongs to the iar with the contacts indi- false accusations are con- Sanctions and learned warned the White House
tally shot a carjacking sus- agency and said the employee cated he was acting in con- trary to everything I have that transition mem- that the national security
pect Friday in the citys Bay- is shaken up but that she was sultation with senior Trump ever done and stood for. bers did not want Rus- adviser might be suscep-
view neighborhood, an offi- not seriously injured. transition officials, including But I recognize that the sia to escalate the situa- tible to Russian blackmail
cial said. Television images from President Donald Trumps actions I acknowledged in tion. And when the am- because he had misled se-
Sgt. Michael Andraychak the scene showed a patrol son-in-law Jared Kushner, court today were wrong, bassador later informed nior officials.
said the officer fired at least car with a shattered front in his dealings with the dip- and, through my faith in him Russia would not re-
one shot at the suspect, who passenger-side window and lomat. God, I am working to set taliate, Flynn told senior Logan Act
died at a hospital. blood splattered on a side Flynns plea revealed things right. members of the transition Flynn was forced to re-
The man was suspected door. that he was in touch with My guilty plea and team, court records say. sign, but after that, Trump
of assaulting a California Andraychak said no of- senior Trump transition of- agreement to cooperate said that his ouster might
Lottery employee and steal- ficers were wounded and ficials before and after his with the Special Coun- Lock him up have been a mistake.
ing a van that belongs to the would not say whether the communications with the sels Office reflect a deci- The records say that a Trumps request of then-
agency, Andraychak said. suspect fired a gun, saying it ambassador. sion I made in the best in- very senior member of FBI Director James Comey
Four others in a SUV seen was too early to provide any The pre-inauguration terests of my family and of the Presidential Transition to be lenient with Flynn
traveling with the stolen van other information. communications with Kis- our country. I accept full Team directed Flynn to has also come under scru-
were detained and are sus- Body cameras video lyak involved efforts to responsibility for my ac- contact officials from for- tiny by the special coun-
pected of taking part in the needs to be reviewed, wit- blunt Obama administra- tions. eign governments, includ- sel, and Flynns coopera-
carjacking. The suspects nesses need to be inter- tion policy decisions on ing Russia, about the U.N. tion could prove impor-
drove both vehicles to an area viewed, it is still very early on sanctions on Russia and a Israeli settlements resolution on Israel. That tant to Muellers ongoing
of public housing where the in the investigation, he said. U.N. resolution on Israel Flynn admitted in his official is also not named, probe of whether the presi-
plea that he lied to the but people familiar with dent attempted to obstruct
FBI about several Decem- the matter said it refers to justice.
ATTENTION: ber conversations with Kis-
lyak. In one, on Dec. 22, he
Kushner. According to one
transition team official,
Trump has said previ-
ously that he did not direct
MARIN COUNTY PROPERTY OWNERS contacted the Russian am- Kushner told Flynn that Flynn to discuss sanctions
Monday, December 11, 2017 is the final day the 2017-2018 first installment of property taxes can be paid bassador about the incom- blocking the resolution was with the Russian ambassa-
ing administrations oppo- a top priority of the presi- dor but that he would have
without penalty. The tax is now due and property owners are encouraged to submit payments early. Payments
sition to a U.N. resolution dent-elect. directed him because thats
must be postmarked no later than December 11, 2017 or be delivered to the Tax Collectors office no later than condemning Israeli set- Abbe Lowell, Kushners his job. There is a law
5:00 p.m., Monday, December 11, 2017 to avoid a 10% penalty. tlements as illegal and re- attorney, declined to com- the Logan Act that bars
Property owners, especially those who have recently purchased real estate and have not received a tax bill, quested that Russia vote ment. U.S. citizens from inter-
should contact the Tax Collectors office. Non-receipt of a tax bill does not excuse a property owner from against or delay it, court It is unclear what else fering in diplomatic dis-
paying taxes. records say. The ambassa- Flynn might have told putes with another coun-
dor later called back and Muellers team about his try. But the statute has
The Tax Collectors office hours are 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Office hours will be extended indicated Russia would work for the administra- not been used in a prose-
on Monday, December 11, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. not vote against it, the re- tion and interactions with cution in modern history,
cords say. Russians which could and it would not be uncom-
Find your tax bill and pay online using your Assessor Parcel Number at In another conversation, have significant conse- mon for incoming admin-
Pay by phone using your tax bill number at 1-800-985-7277 on Dec. 29, Flynn called the quences for the investiga- istrations to interface with
There is no convenience fee to pay by an electronic funds transfer ambassador to ask Rus- tion. Flynn is the highest- foreign governments with
The credit card convenience fee is 2.35% of the transaction, with a minimum charge of $1.49 sia not to escalate an on- profile Trump ally and whom they will soon have
The fees for the online and phone payments are not retained by the County, they are paid to the going feud over sanctions the first aide who worked to work.
service provider for the cost of the service imposed by the Obama ad- in the White House to In a statement on Fly-
ministration, court records face charges in special nns guilty plea, White
Property Tax Postponement (PTP) for Senior Citizens, Blind, or Disabled Persons say. The ambassador later counsel Robert Mueller House law yer Ty Cobb
The State Controllers Office (SCO) is accepting new PTP Applications between October 1, 2017 and called back and said Russia IIIs investigation. Trump said: The false state-
February 12, 2018. To be eligible for PTP, you must: had chosen not to retaliate, developed a close rapport ments involved mirror the
Be at least 62, or blind, or have a disability; the records say. with Flynn on the cam- false statements to White
Own and occupy the home as your primary place of residence; Flynn admitted as a part paign trail, where the gen- House officials which re-
Have a total household income of $35,500 or less; and of his plea that when the eral delivered fiery denun- sulted in his resignation
FBI asked him on Jan. 24 ciations of Hillary Clinton, in February of this year.
Have at least 40% equity in the property.
four days after Trump including leading a Lock Nothing about the guilty
Go to the State Controllers Office website at for more was inaugurated about her up! chant at the Re- plea or the charge impli-
information. If you have any questions, call 1-800-952-5661 or email his dealings with the Rus- publican National Conven- cates anyone other than
sians, he did not truthfully tion. Mr. Flynn. The conclusion
For information regarding tax bills and payments, please visit our website at, or call describe the interactions. Outside the courthouse of this phase of the Spe-
the Tax Collector at (415) 473-6133. But perhaps more interest- Friday, a small group of cial Counsels work dem-
ingly, he said others in the protesters shouted Lock onstrates again that the
Marin County Tax Collector transition knew he was in him up! at Flynn as he left Special Counsel is moving
Civic Center-Room 202 contact with Kislyak. the building. with all deliberate speed
P.O. Box 4220 Flynn admitted that The Washington Post and clears the way for a
San Rafael, CA 94913-4220 before speaking with the reported in February that prompt and reasonable ambassador, he called Flynn had privately dis- conclusion.

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